Graduate School of Science Department of Chemistry
School of Science Department of Chemistry
Updated on 2025/02/11
Organization for Research Promotion Research Center for Artificial Photoshynthesis
Professor 2022.04 - Now
Graduate School of Science Department of Chemistry
Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Science Department of Chemistry
Professor 2022.04 - Now
博士(工学) ( Tokyo Institute of Technology )
Nanotechnology/Materials / Green sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Biofunction and bioprocess engineering
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Catalyst and resource chemical process
1. 二酸化炭素を原料として光エネルギーで生分解性プラスチック原料を作る
生体触媒・可視光吸収色素・均一触媒からなる複合系を用いて、太陽光の大部分を占める可視光エネルギーを駆動力として二酸化炭素とアセトンやアセトアルデヒドから生分解性プラスチック(ポリヒドロキシ酪酸やポリ乳酸)原料となる3-ヒドロキシ酪酸や乳酸を合成することを目指しています。関連成果:New Journal of Chemistry, 2021,45, 11461-11465, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021,5, 6004-6013, Chemical Communications 2022, 58, 11131-11134, Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2023, 7, 360–368, Catalysis Surveys from Asia 2023, 27, 67-74, Bulletin of the Chemical society of Japan 2023, 96, 328–330, Green Chemistry 2023, 25, 2699–2710
2. 二酸化炭素を原料として光エネルギーでC=C結合を有するエンジニアプラスチック原料を作る
多種類の生体触媒・可視光吸収色素・均一触媒からなる複合系を用いて、可視光エネルギーを駆動力として二酸化炭素とバイオ由来材料とから生分解性プラスチックやエンジニアプラスチック原料となるフマル酸を合成することを目指しています。これまで人工光合成系でC=C結合をもつ有機分子を合成した例はなく、新たな人工光合成系を確立を目指しています。関連成果:Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 2022, 7, 1931-1935, RSC Sustainability 2023, 1, 90–9, Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2023, 7, 355–359, New Journal of Chemistry, 2023 DOI:10.1039/D3NJ02900J, RSC Sustainability, 2023 DOI:10.1039/D3SU00194F
3. アンモニアと二酸化炭素を原料として光エネルギーでナイロン原料となるアミノ酸を作る
4. エネルギーキャリアギ酸を効率的に水素に分解する触媒を作る
ギ酸は水素エネルギーキャリア分子として注目されています。当研究室では、コロイド状白金を基盤とした均一系触媒を開発し、ギ酸を効率的に水素への分解を目指しています。また、可視光吸収分子と生体触媒で構成される複合触媒系を組み込むことによって、光エネルギーでギ酸を自在に水素に分解するシステムも開発しております。関連成果:Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2022,6, 3717-3721, New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45, 9324-9333, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44, 14334-14338, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2020, 4, 3458-3466
人工光合成、二酸化炭素固定 Individual
2013.04 - Now
2013.04 - Now
2013.04 - Now
2013.04 - Now
American Chemical Society
国際研究協力に関する受託事業実行委員会 委員 公益社団法人石油学会
2023.05 - 2024.03
実行委員 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会
2023.05 - 2024.04
NEDO技術委員 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構
2023.04 - 2025.03
近畿支部副支部長 日本化学会
2023.04 - 2024.04
CIP委員会 委員 日本化学会
2023.04 - 2024.03
国際研究協力に関する受託事業実行委員会 委員 公益社団法人石油学会
2022.05 - 2023.03
評議員 水素エネルギー協会
2022.05 - 2024.04
実行委員 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会
2022.04 - 2023.04
CIP委員会 委員 日本化学会
2022.04 - 2023.03
実行委員 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会
2021.04 - 2022.04
委員 日本化学会 会場・総務小委員
2021.04 - 2022.03
理事(国際交流担当) 一般社団法人 触媒学会
2020.05 - 2022.04
理事 光化学協会
2020.04 - 2022.03
委員 石油学会 産油・産ガス国研究者受入事業海外協力分科会委員会
2020.04 - 2022.03
委員 日本化学会CIP委員
2020.04 - 2022.03
実行委員 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会
2020.04 - 2021.04
International Scientific Committee International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization
2019.06 - Now
触媒学会国際交流委員 一般社団法人 触媒学会
2019.05 - 2020.04
実行委員 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会
2019.04 - 2020.04
第123回 触媒討論会実行委員長 一般社団法人 触媒学会
表面・触媒部会幹事 近畿化学協会
2019.02 - Now
- WHTC2019アドバイザリー委員
2017.12 - 2019.07
- 触媒学会国際交流委員
2017.05 - 2024.04
委員 触媒学会討論会委員
2017.05 - 2020.03
委員 石油学会 産油・産ガス国研究者受入事業海外協力分科会委員会
2017.04 - 2020.03
- 日本化学会ATP委員
2017.04 - 2020.03
- 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会 実行委員長
2017.04 - 2018.03
Committee member The Asia Pacific Association of Catalysis Society (APACS) committee
- 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会 実行委員
- 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会 実行委員
- 第117回触媒討論会 実行委員
- 2015年光化学討論会 実行委員
- 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会 実行委員
実行委員 水素エネルギー協会 協会大会
Outstanding Research Award
Kyosuke Yamada, Yutaka Amao
2023.11 OKCAT2023(Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis) Development of visible-light driven alanine production from ammonia based on building C-N bonds with photo/biocatalyst
Outstanding Research Award
Kazuma Suehiro, Yutaka Amao
2023.11 OKCAT2023(Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis) Enzymatic synthesis of lactate from acetaldehyde and CO2 by using pyruvate decarboxylase and lactate dehydrogenase
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry
第13回公益信託エスペック地球環境研究・技術基金 エスペック環境研究奨励賞
Measurement Science and Technology Best Paper Award 2004
第9回 財団法人 熱・電気エネルギー財団研究表彰
Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis Best Oral Presentation
Outstanding achievement and contribution to GREEN2017 Invited Presentation 受賞
Outstanding achievement and contribution to ISAMR2015 Invited Presentation 受賞
大分大学工学部応用化学科准教授 -
2007.04 - 2013.03
大分大学工学部応用化学科助教授 -
2002.04 - 2007.03
大分大学工学部応用化学科講師 -
2001.02 - 2002.03
科学技術庁航空宇宙技術研究所(現宇宙航空研究開発機構JAXA)研究員 -
1998.02 - 2001.01
財団法人神奈川科学技術アカデミー専任研究員 -
1997.04 - 1998.01
Tokyo Institute of Technology Doctor's Course Graduated/Completed
- 1997.03
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
Dalton Transactions 53 ( 2 ) 418 - 422 2023.11( ISSN:14779226 )
Inhibitory effect of acetyl-CoA on a visible light–driven NADH regeneration system composed a of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and a rhodium complex Reviewed
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
Chemistry Letters 53 ( 3 ) upae014 2024.03
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
RSC Sustainability 1 ( 7 ) 1874 - 1882 2023.10( eISSN:2753-8125 )
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 96 ( 11 ) 1206 - 1208 2023.09( ISSN:0009-2673 ) ( eISSN:1348-0634 )
Kazuma Suehiro, Yutaka Amao
48 ( 2 ) 506 - 510 2023.11( ISSN:11440546 )
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
Green Chemistry 25 ( 7 ) 2699 - 2710 2023.03( ISSN:1463-9262 ) ( eISSN:1463-9270 )
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
Chemical Communications 58 ( 79 ) 11131 - 11134 2022.09( ISSN:1359-7345 ) ( eISSN:1364-548X )
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
New Journal of Chemistry 47 ( 38 ) 17679 - 17684 2023.09( ISSN:11440546 ) ( eISSN:1369-9261 )
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 96 ( 4 ) 328 - 330 2023.04( ISSN:00092673 )
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
Catalysis Surveys from Asia 27 ( 1 ) 67 - 74 2023.03( ISSN:1571-1013 ) ( eISSN:1574-9266 )
Takayuki Katagiri, Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
Catalysis Today 410 289 - 294 2023.02( ISSN:0920-5861 )
Phosphate-induced enhancement of fumarate production from a CO2 and pyruvate with the system of malate dehydrogenase and fumarase Reviewed
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
RSC Sustainability 1 90 - 96 2023.01
Photoelectrochemical lactate production from pyruvate via in situ NADH regeneration over a hybrid system of CdS photoanode and lactate dehydrogenase Invited Reviewed
Masanobu Higashi, Takumi Toyodome, Koya Kano, Yutaka Amao
Electrochimica Acta 460 142590 - 142590 2023( ISSN:0013-4686 )
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
Sustainable Energy and Fuels 7 ( 2 ) 355 - 359 2022.12( eISSN:2398-4902 )
Yu Kita, Ritsuko Fujii, Yutaka Amao
Sustainable Energy and Fuels 7 ( 2 ) 360 - 368 2022.11( eISSN:2398-4902 )
Akimitsu Miyaji, Yutaka Amao
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 95 ( 12 ) 1703 - 1714 2022.11( ISSN:0009-2673 ) ( eISSN:1348-0634 )
Biocatalytic fumarate synthesis from pyruvate and CO<inf>2</inf> as a feedstock Reviewed
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
Reaction Chemistry and Engineering 7 ( 9 ) 1931 - 1935 2022.07( eISSN:2058-9883 )
Yasuo Matsubara, Yumiko Muroga, Masako Kuwata, Yutaka Amao
Sustainable Energy and Fuels 6 ( 16 ) 3717 - 3721 2022.07( eISSN:2398-4902 )
Ryohei Sato, Yutaka Amao
New Journal of Chemistry 46 ( 33 ) 15820 - 15830 2022.05( ISSN:1144-0546 ) ( eISSN:1369-9261 )
Takayuki Katagiri, Masako Kuwat, Hideaki Yoned, Hideaki Sumi, Yutaka Amao
Energy Advances ( 5 ) 247 - 251 2022.05( eISSN:2753-1457 )
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
Sustainable Energy and Fuels 6 ( 10 ) 2581 - 2592 2022.04( eISSN:2398-4902 )
Kaori Murashima, Hideaki Yoneda, Hideaki Sumi, Yutaka Amao
New Journal of Chemistry 2022.04( ISSN:1144-0546 ) ( eISSN:1369-9261 )
Ryohei Sato, Yutaka Amao
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 95 ( 4 ) 556 - 558 2022.02( ISSN:0009-2673 ) ( eISSN:1348-0634 )
Hiroyuki Takeda, Makoto Shimo, Gai Yasuhara, Ken Kobori, Motoko S. Asano, Yutaka Amao
CHEMISTRY LETTERS 51 ( 1 ) 69 - 72 2022.01( ISSN:0366-7022 ) ( eISSN:1348-0715 )
Carbonic anhydrase/formate dehydrogenase bienzymatic system for CO2 capture, utilization and storage Reviewed
Sato Ryohei, Amao Yutaka
REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING 7 ( 1 ) 181 - 191 2021.12( ISSN:2058-9883 )
pH-Controlled selective synthesis of lactate from pyruvate with a photoredox system of water-soluble zinc porphyrin, an electron mediator and platinum nanoparticles dispersed by polyvinylpyrrolidone Reviewed
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS 5 ( 23 ) 6004 - 6013 2021.11( ISSN:2398-4902 )
Visible light driven selective NADH regeneration using a system of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and homogeneous polymer-dispersed rhodium nanoparticles Reviewed
Katagiri Takayuki, Amao Yutaka
NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 45 ( 35 ) 15748 - 15752 2021.09( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Photoelectrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate over a hybrid system of CuInS2 photocathode and formate dehydrogenase under visible-light irradiation Reviewed
Toyodome Takumi, Amao Yutaka, Higashi Masanobu
NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 45 ( 32 ) 14803 - 14807 2021.08( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 45 ( 26 ) 11461 - 11465 2021.07( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Cationic poly-l-amino acid-enhanced selective hydrogen production based on formate decomposition with platinum nanoparticles dispersed by polyvinylpyrrolidone Reviewed
Minami Yusuke, Amao Yutaka
ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 45 ( 21 ) 9324 - 9333 2021.06( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Enhanced catalytic stability of acid phosphatase immobilized in the mesospaces of a SiO2-nanoparticles assembly for catalytic hydrolysis of organophosphates Reviewed
Tabe Hiroyasu, Oshima Hiroyuki, Ikeyama Shusaku, Amao Yutaka, Yamada Yusuke
Elsevier BV MOLECULAR CATALYSIS 510 111669 - 111669 2021.06( ISSN:2468-8231 )
Miyaji Akimitsu, Amao Yutaka
Wiley CHEMNANOMAT 7 ( 6 ) 626 - 634 2021.06( ISSN:2199-692X )
Miyaji Akimitsu, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 45 ( 13 ) 5780 - 5790 2021.04( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Minami Yusuke, Amao Yutaka
公益社団法人 石油学会 JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 64 ( 4 ) 203 - 210 2021( ISSN:1346-8804 )
Kita Yu, Amao Yutaka
公益社団法人 日本化学会 Chemistry Letters 50 ( 12 ) 1979 - 1982 2021( ISSN:0366-7022 )
Miyaji Akimitsu, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 22 ( 46 ) 26987 - 26994 2020.12( ISSN:1463-9076 )
Secundo Francesco, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) RSC ADVANCES 10 ( 69 ) 42354 - 42362 2020.11
Miyaji Akimitsu, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 44 ( 43 ) 18803 - 18812 2020.11( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Katagiri Takayuki, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 44 ( 40 ) 17208 - 17214 2020.10( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Katagiri Takayuki, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) GREEN CHEMISTRY 22 ( 20 ) 6682 - 6713 2020.10( ISSN:1463-9262 )
Minami Y., Muroga Y., Amao Y.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 44 ( 34 ) 14334 - 14338 2020.09( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Miyaji Akimitsu, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 22 ( 33 ) 18595 - 18605 2020.09( ISSN:1463-9076 )
Sato Ryohei, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 44 ( 28 ) 11922 - 11926 2020.07( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Minami Yusuke, Amao Yutaka
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS 4 ( 7 ) 3458 - 3466 2020.07( ISSN:2398-4902 )
Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formate with the Sacrificial Reagent Free System of Semiconductor Photocatalysts and Formate Dehydrogenase Reviewed
Ishibashi Tomoya, Higashi Masanobu, Ikeda Shigeru, Amao Yutaka
CHEMCATCHEM 2019.11( ISSN:1867-3880 )
Electrochemical Evaluation for Multiple Functions of Pt-loaded TiO2 Nanoparticles Deposited on a Photocathode Reviewed
Kageshima Yosuke, Fujita Takumi, Takagi Fumiaki, Minegishi Tsutomu, Teshima Katsuya, Domen Kazunari, Amao Yutaka, Nishikiori Hiromasa
CHEMELECTROCHEM 6 ( 18 ) 4859 - 4866 2019.09( ISSN:2196-0216 )
Visible-light driven hydrogen production using chlorophyll derivatives conjugated with a viologen moiety in the presence of platinum nanoparticles. Reviewed
Ikeyama S, Hizume S, Takahashi T, Ogasawara S, Amao Y, Tamiaki H
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology 2019.09( ISSN:1474-905X )
Yusuke Minami, Yumiko Muroga, Tomoko Yoshida, Yutaka Amao
Chemistry Letters 48 ( 8 ) 775 - 778 2019.08( ISSN:0366-7022 )
Anti-Stokes fluorescence from chlorophyll a Reviewed
Hidetoshi Emura, Tomoyasu Noji, Masaharu Kondo, Yutaka Amao, Mitsuru Sugisaki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1220 2019.05( ISSN:17426588 )
Transient grating spectroscopy of β-carotene pumped with spectrally chirped pulses Reviewed
Shintaro Ooi, Sigehito Mitoma, Mamoru Nango, Yutaka Amao, Mitsuru Sugisaki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1220 2019.05( ISSN:17426588 )
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7 9080 - 9085 2019.05
Activation of the catalytic function of formaldehyde dehydrogenase for formate reduction by single-electron reduced methylviologen Reviewed
Ishibashi T., Ikeyama S., Amao Y.
NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 42 ( 23 ) 18508 - 18512 2018.12( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Ishibashi Tomoya, Ikeyama Shusaku, Ito Manami, Ikeda Shigeru, Amao Yutaka
公益社団法人 日本化学会 CHEMISTRY LETTERS 47 ( 12 ) 1505 - 1508 2018.12( ISSN:0366-7022 )
Visible light-induced reduction system of diphenylviologen derivative with water-soluble porphyrin for biocatalytic carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 Reviewed
Katagiri Takayuki, Fujita Kohei, Ikeyama Shusaku, Amao Yutaka
PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 90 ( 11 ) 1723 - 1733 2018.11( ISSN:0033-4545 )
Abnormal co-enzymatic behavior of a one-electron reduced bipyridinium salt with a carbamoyl group on the catalytic activity of CO2 reduction by formate dehydrogenase Reviewed
Ikeyama S., Amao Y.
NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 42 ( 19 ) 15556 - 15560 2018.10( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Photoredox systems with biocatalysts for CO<inf>2</inf>utilization Reviewed
Y. Amao, Y. Amao
Sustainable Energy and Fuels 2 ( 9 ) 1928 - 1950 2018.09( ISSN:2398-4902 )
Ikeyama Shusaku, Abe Ryutaro, Shiotani Sachina, Amao Yutaka
公益社団法人 日本化学会 BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 91 ( 9 ) 1369 - 1376 2018.09( ISSN:0009-2673 )
Formate dehydrogenase for CO<inf>2</inf>utilization and its application Reviewed
Yutaka Amao
Journal of CO2 Utilization 26 623 - 641 2018.07( ISSN:2212-9820 )
Y. Amao, Y. Amao, Y. Amao, M. Fujimura, M. Fujimura, M. Miyazaki, M. Miyazaki, A. Tadokoro, A. Tadokoro, M. Nakamura, M. Nakamura, N. Shuto, N. Shuto
New Journal of Chemistry 42 ( 11 ) 9269 - 9280 2018.06( ISSN:1144-0546 )
Yutaka Amao, Ryota Kataoka
Catalysis Today 307 243 - 247 2018.06( ISSN:0920-5861 )
Shusaku Ikeyama, Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao, Yutaka Amao, Yutaka Amao
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 358 362 - 367 2018.05( ISSN:1010-6030 )
Visible light-induced reduction properties of diphenylviologen with water-soluble porphyrin Reviewed
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao, Yutaka Amao, Yutaka Amao
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 358 368 - 373 2018.05( ISSN:1010-6030 )
Daisuke Kosumi, Tomoya Nishiguchi, Yutaka Amao, R. J. Cogdell, Hideki Hashimoto
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 358 374 - 378 2018.05( ISSN:1010-6030 )
The effect of the functional ionic group of the viologen derivative on visible-light driven CO2 reduction to formic acid with the system consisting of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and formate dehydrogenase Reviewed
Ikeyama S., Amao Y.
PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 17 ( 1 ) 60 - 68 2018.01( ISSN:1474-905X )
Ikeyama Shusaku, Amao Yutaka
The Japan Petroleum Institute, Proceeding of Annual/Fall Meetings of the Japan Petroleum Institute 2018 ( 0 ) 2018
A novel electron carrier molecule based on a viologen derivative for visible light-driven CO2 reduction to formic acid with the system of zinc porphyrin and formate dehydrogenase Reviewed
Ikeyama S., Amao Y.
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS 1 ( 8 ) 1730 - 1733 2017.10( ISSN:2398-4902 )
Development of a dye molecule-biocatalyst hybrid system with visible-light induced carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 as a feedstock Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Ikeyama Shusaku, Katagiri Takayuki, Fujita Kohei
FARADAY DISCUSSIONS 198 73 - 81 2017.06( ISSN:1359-6640 )
Viologens for Coenzymes of Biocatalysts with the Function of CO2 Reduction and Utilization Reviewed
Amao Yutaka
公益社団法人 日本化学会 CHEMISTRY LETTERS 46 ( 6 ) 780 - 788 2017.06( ISSN:0366-7022 )
An Artificial Co-enzyme Based on the Viologen Skeleton for Highly Efficient CO2 Reduction to Formic Acid with Formate Dehydrogenase Reviewed
Ikeyama Shusaku, Amao Yutaka
CHEMCATCHEM 9 ( 5 ) 833 - 838 2017.03( ISSN:1867-3880 )
CO2 Photoreduction by Formate Dehydrogenase and a Ru-Complex in a Nanoporous Glass Reactor Reviewed
Noji Tomoyasu, Jin Tetsuro, Nango Mamoru, Kamiya Nobuo, Amao Yutaka
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 9 ( 4 ) 3260 - 3265 2017.02( ISSN:1944-8244 )
Solar hydrogen production from cellulose biomass with enzymatic and artificial photosynthesis system Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Sakai Yuka, Takahara Satomi
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 42 ( 11 ) 7753 - 7759 2016.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Photoelectrochemical starch-O-2 biofuel cell consisting of chlorophyll derivative-sensitized TiO2 anode and enzyme-based cathode Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Sakai Yuka, Teshima Yukino
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 42 ( 11 ) 7761 - 7770 2016.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Ikeyama Shusaku, Amao Yutaka
公益社団法人 日本化学会 CHEMISTRY LETTERS 45 ( 11 ) 1259 - 1261 2016.11( ISSN:0366-7022 )
Light-induced hydrogen production by photosystem I-Pt nanoparticle conjugates immobilized in porous glass plate nanopores Reviewed
Noji Tomoyasu, Suzuki Takanao, Kondo Masaharu, Jin Teturo, Kawakami Keisuke, Mizuno Toshihisa, Oh-oka Hirozo, Ikeuchi Masahiko, Nango Mamoru, Amao Yutaka, Kamiya Nobuo, Dewa Takehisa
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 42 ( 11 ) 7731 - 7742 2016.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Light-energy conversion systems for hydrogen production and photocurrent generation using zinc chlorin derivatives Reviewed
Shuichi Ishigure, Kondo Masaharu, Dewa Takehisa, Amao Yutaka, Nango Mamoru
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 42 ( 11 ) 7743 - 7752 2016.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Biohydrogen and bio/mimetic solar energy conversion Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Miyake Jun
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 42 ( 11 ) 7675 - 7677 2016.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Ethanol synthesis based on the photoredox system consisting of photosensitizer and dehydrogenases Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Shuto Naho, Iwakuni Hideharu
APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 180 403 - 407 2016.01( ISSN:0926-3373 )
Ikeyama Shusaku, Abe Ryutaro, Shiotani Sachina, Amao Yutaka
公益社団法人 日本化学会 Chemistry Letters 0 ( 0 ) 2016( ISSN:0366-7022 )
Effect of chemical structure of bipyridinium salts as electron carrier on the visible-light induced conversion of CO2 to formic acid with the system consisting of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and formate dehydrogenase Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Abe Ryutaro, Shiotani Sachina
Photoinduced hydrogen production with photosensitization of Zn chlorophyll analog dimer as a photosynthetic special pair model Reviewed
Kondo Masaharu, Ishigure Shuichi, Maki Yuko, Dewa Takehisa, Nango Mamoru, Amao Yutaka
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 40 ( 15 ) 5313 - 5318 2015.04( ISSN:0360-3199 )
Formate dehydrogenase catalyzed CO2 reduction in a chlorin-e(6) sensitized photochemical biofuel cell Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Shuto Naho
JOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES 19 ( 1-3 ) 459 - 464 2015( ISSN:1088-4246 )
Amao Yutaka, Ikeyama Shusaku
The Chemical Society of Japan Chemistry Letters 0 ( 0 ) 2015( ISSN:0366-7022 )
Visible-light induced hydrogen and formic acid production from biomass and carbon dioxide with enzymatic and artificial photosynthesis system Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Takahara Satomi, Sakai Yuka
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 39 ( 35 ) 20771 - 20776 2014.12( ISSN:0360-3199 )
Self-assembly of the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII) on alkanethiol-modified gold electrodes Reviewed
Kondo Masaharu, Amano Mizuki, Kaoru Fujii, Okuda Ayumi, Isigure Shuichi, Dewa Takeshisa, Amao Yutaka, Hashimoto Hideki, Nango Mamoru
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 40 ( 9 ) 3277 - 3285 2014.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Immobilization of photosystem I or II complexes on electrodes for preparation of photoenergy-conversion devices Reviewed
Kondo Masaharu, Amano Mizuki, Joke Takashi, Ishigure Shuichi, Noji Tomoyasu, Dewa Takehisa, Amao Yutaka, Nango Mamoru
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 40 ( 9 ) 3287 - 3293 2014.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Formate dehydrogenase-viologen-immobilized electrode for CO2 conversion, for development of an artificial photosynthesis system Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Shuto Naho
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 40 ( 9 ) 3267 - 3276 2014.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Artificial photosynthesis by using chloroplasts from spinach adsorbed on a nanocrystalline TiO2 electrode for photovoltaic conversion Reviewed
Amao Yutaka, Tadokoro Akemi, Nakamura Miki, Shuto Naho, Kuroki Ayumi
RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 40 ( 9 ) 3257 - 3265 2014.11( ISSN:0922-6168 )
Self-Assembly of the Light-Harvesting Complex of Photosystem II (LHCII) on Alkanethiol-Modified Gold Electrodes
M. Kondo, M. Amano, F. Kaoru, A. Okuda , S. Isigure, T. Dewa, Y. Amao, H. Hashimoto, M. Nango
Research on Chemical Intermediates 2014.04
Formate dehydrogenase-viologen immobilized electrode for CO2 conversion toward the development of artificial photosynthesis system
Yutaka Amao, Naho Shuto
Research on Chemical Intermediates 2014.04
Chloroplast from Spinach adsorbed nanocrystalline TiO2 electrode for photovoltaic conversion device toward artificial photosynthesis system
Yutaka Amao, Akemi Tadokoro, Miki Nakamura, Naho Shuto, Ayumi Kuroki
Research on Chemical Intermediates 2014.04
Immobilization of Photosystem I or II Complexes on Electrodes for Photoenergy-Conversion Devices
Masaharu Kondo, Mizuki Amano, Takashi Joke, Shuichi Ishigure, Tomoyasu Noji, Takehisa Dewa, Yutaka Amao and Mamoru Nango
Research on Chemical Intermediates 2014
A fast-response pressure sensor based on a dye-adsorbed silica nanoparticle film Reviewed
Masaharu Kameda, Hitoshi Seki, Taro Makoshi, Yutaka Amao, Kazuyuki Nakakita
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 171-172 343 - 349 2012.08( ISSN:09254005 )
Artificial leaf device for solar fuel production Reviewed
Yutaka Amao, Yutaka Amao, Naho Shuto, Kana Furuno, Asami Obata, Yoshiko Fuchino, Keiko Uemura, Tsutomu Kajino, Takeshi Sekito, Satoshi Iwai, Yasushi Miyamoto, Masatoshi Matsuda
Faraday Discussions 155 289 - 296 2012.02( ISSN:13596640 )
Morio Nagata, Morio Nagata, Mizuki Amano, Takashi Joke, Kaoru Fujii, Ayumi Okuda, Masaharu Kondo, Shuichi Ishigure, Takehisa Dewa, Kouji Iida, Francesco Secundo, Yutaka Amao, Hideki Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto, Mamoru Nango, Mamoru Nango
ACS Macro Letters 1 ( 2 ) 296 - 299 2012.02( ISSN:2161-1653 )
Solar fuel production based on the artificial photosynthesis system Reviewed
Yutaka Amao
ChemCatChem 3 458 - 474 2011.03( ISSN:18673880 )
Methanol synthesis from carbon dioxide based on the artificial photosynthesis and dehydrogenases Reviewed
Yutaka Amao
ACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts 2010.12( ISSN:00657727 )
Yutaka Amao, Takamasa Hirakawa
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 6624 - 6628 2010.07( ISSN:03603199 )
Yutaka Amao, Koichi Takai, Ami Ohashi
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 97 36 - 40 2010.06( ISSN:09263373 )
Yutaka Amao, Yuko Maki, Yoshiko Fuchino
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 16811 - 16815 2009.09( ISSN:19327447 )
Yutaka Amao, Tomoe Watanabe
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 86 109 - 113 2009.02( ISSN:09263373 )
Optical oxygen sensor devices using metalloporphyrins Reviewed
Yutaka Amao, Ichiro Okura
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 13 1111 - 1122 2009.01( ISSN:10884246 )
Shuichi Ishigure, Ayumi Okuda, Kaoru Fujii, Yuko Maki, Mamoru Nango, Yutaka Amao
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 82 93 - 95 2009.01( ISSN:00092673 )
Rie Miyatani, Yutaka Amao
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 52 322 - 331 2009.01( ISSN:13468804 )
Yutaka Amao, Ayumi Kuroki
Electrochemistry 77 862 - 864 2009.01( ISSN:13443542 )
Yutaka Amao, Ami Ohashi
Catalysis Communications 10 217 - 220 2008.11( ISSN:15667367 )
Photoinduced biohydrogen production from biomass Reviewed
Yutaka Amao
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 9 1156 - 1172 2008.07
Yutaka Amao, Yumi Takeuchi
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 2845 - 2849 2008.06( ISSN:03603199 )
Yutaka Amao, Keiko Aoki
Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2 51 - 56 2008.03( ISSN:15566560 )
Yuko Maki, Yutaka Amao
Sensor Letters 6 242 - 245 2008.02( ISSN:1546198X )
Photoenergy conversion system based on the photosynthesis dyes conjugated nanoparticle Reviewed
Yutaka Amao
Current Nanoscience 4 45 - 52 2008.02( ISSN:15734137 )
Yutaka Amao, Takamasa Hirakawa, Noriko Himeshima
Catalysis Communications 9 131 - 134 2008.01( ISSN:15667367 )
Visible light-operated glucose-O<inf>2</inf>biofuel cell Reviewed
Yutaka Amao, Yumi Takeuchi
International Journal of Global Energy Issues 28 295 - 303 2007.12( ISSN:09547118 )
Chlorophyll assembled electrode for photovoltaic conversion device Reviewed
Yutaka Amao, Koichi Kato
Electrochimica Acta 53 42 - 45 2007.11( ISSN:00134686 )
Naoko Araki, Naoko Araki, Yutaka Amao, Takuzo Funabiki, Takuzo Funabiki, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Chikara Ohtsuki, Kazunori Mitsuo, Keisuke Asai, Makoto Obata, Shigenobu Yano
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 6 794 - 803 2007.07( ISSN:1474905X )
Yutaka Amao, Mitsue Ishikawa
Catalysis Communications 8 523 - 526 2007.03( ISSN:15667367 )
Yutaka Amao, Yuriko Yamada
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 1561 - 1565 2007.02( ISSN:09565663 )
Yutaka Amao, Tomoe Watanabe
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 44 27 - 31 2007.01( ISSN:13811177 )
Photoinduced hydrogen production with chlorophyll-platinum nano-conjugated micellar system Reviewed
Nagisa Sugiyama, Masahiro Toyoda, Yutaka Amao
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 284-285 384 - 387 2006.08( ISSN:09277757 )
Photovoltaic conversion system using carotenoid-chlorophyll assembled TiO<inf>2</inf>film electrode Reviewed
Tadatsugu Tsurumoto, Masahiro Toyoda, Yutaka Amao
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 284-285 623 - 626 2006.08( ISSN:09277757 )
Yuki Fujiwara, Yutaka Amao
Sensor Letters 4 139 - 143 2006.06( ISSN:1546198X )
Masahiro Toyoda, Aya Yoshinaga, Yutaka Amao, Hideyuki Takagi, Yasushi Soneda, Michio Inagaki
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 1178 - 1181 2006.05( ISSN:00223697 )
Ikue Tsujisho, Masahiro Toyoda, Yutaka Amao
Catalysis Communications 7 173 - 176 2006.03( ISSN:15667367 )
Masahiro Toyoda, Takashi Yano, Tsumura Tomoki, Yutaka Amao, Michio Inagaki
Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 9 49 - 52 2006.01( ISSN:12038407 )
Yutaka Amao, Naoki Nakamura
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 39 - 42 2006.01( ISSN:03603199 )
Redox and photochemical behaviour of a porphyrin monolayer on an indium-tin oxide electrode Reviewed
Naoko Araki, Makoto Obata, Akio Ichimura, Yutaka Amao, Kazunori Mitsuo, Keisuke Asai, Shigenobu Yano
Electrochimica Acta 51 ( 4 ) 677 - 683 2005.11( ISSN:0013-4686 )
Noriko Himeshima, Yutaka Amao
Green Chemistry 7 742 - 746 2005.10( ISSN:14639262 )
Yutaka Amao, Naoki Nakamura
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 107 861 - 865 2005.06( ISSN:09254005 )
Yutaka Amao, Tasuku Komori, Yumi Tabuchi, Yuhiko Yamashita, Kunio Kimura
Sensor Letters 3 168 - 173 2005.06( ISSN:1546198X )
Yutaka Amao, Tasuku Komori
Talanta 66 976 - 981 2005.05( ISSN:00399140 )
Biohydrogen production from sucrose using the light-harvesting function of zinc chlorophyll-a Reviewed
Yumi Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 78 622 - 625 2005.04( ISSN:00092673 )
Yutaka Amao, Tasuku Komori, Hiroyuki Nishide
Reactive and Functional Polymers 63 35 - 41 2005.04( ISSN:13815148 )
太陽光エネルギーを駆動力とした二酸化炭素のプラスチック原料への変換 Reviewed
竹内 未佳、天尾 豊( Role: Joint author)
一般社団法人日本太陽エネルギー学会 2023.05
可視光利用による二酸化炭素およびアセトンを原料とした生分解性プラスチック原料合成 Reviewed
紀太 悠,天尾 豊( Role: Joint author)
機能材料 2023.03
人工光合成開発の現状と将来展望 Reviewed
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
コンバーテック 2022.04
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
電気評論 2021.04
南 祐輔, 天尾 豊( Role: Joint author)
水素エネルギーシステム 2020.12
南 祐輔, 天尾 豊( Role: Joint author)
機能材料 2020.06
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
CSJカレントレビュー38 光エネルギー変換における分子触媒の新展開 2020.06
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
脱石油に向けたCO2資源化技術ー化学・生物プロセスを中心にー 2020.04
片桐毅之,天尾豊( Role: Joint author)
光化学 2020.04
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
化学工学 2019.11
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
酵素工学ニュース 2019.10
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
ペトロテック 2018.12
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
オプトロニクス 2018.10
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
触媒 2018.07
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
JXTG テクニカルレビュー 2018.07
天尾 豊( Role: Sole author)
触媒 2018.04
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
機能材料 2017
Viologens for Co-enzyme of Biocatalysts with the Function of CO2 Reduction and Utilization (Highlight Review)
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
Chemistry Letters 2017
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
表面科学 2017
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
太陽エネルギー 2017
Photoredox systems for building C–C bonds from carbon dioxide
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
SPR Photochemistry 2017
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
CO2削減、省エネに関する新技術、採用事例、規制対応 2017
日原由香子,朝山宗彦,蘆田弘樹,天尾 豊,新井宗仁,粟井光一郎,得平茂樹,小山内 崇,鞆 達也,成川 礼,蓮沼誠久,増川 一( Role: Joint author)
化学と生物 2015
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
クリーンエネルギー 2015
天尾豊( Role: Sole author)
月刊マテリアルステージ 2015
Vincent Artero, Leif Hammarström, Fengtao Fan, Dong Ryeol Whang, Jose Martinez, Anthony Harriman, Takumi Noguchi, Joshua Karlsson, Peter Summers, Shigeru Itoh, Richard Cogdell, Alexander Kibler, Johannes Ehrmaier, Hitoshi Tamiaki, Etsuko Fujita, Seigo Shima, Shunya Yoshino, Haruo Inoue, Michael Wasielewski, Thomas Corry, Devens Gust, Flavia Cassiola, Hitoshi Ishida, Katsuhiko Takagi, Sang Ook Kang, Can Li, Licheng Sun, Hyunwoong Park, Hideki Hashimoto, Yutaka Amao, Eun Jin Son, Nobuo Kamiya, Jian Ren Shen, Kizashi Yamaguchi
Faraday Discussions 198 147 - 168 2017.01( ISSN:13596640 )
Biomimetic hydrogen production from formic acid with platinum nano-particle Reviewed
Y. Amao, Y. Amao, Y. Amao, A. Kai
WHEC 2016 - 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016, Proceedings 708 - 709 2016.01
Photoenergy conversion materials based on restructuring and assembly of chloroplasts Reviewed
Yutaka Amao
Kobunshi 60 745 - 746 2011.10( ISSN:04541138 )
Development of biomass-oxygen photoinduced biofuel cell Reviewed
Yutaka Amao, Yuko Maki
17th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2008, WHEC 2008 1 546 - 550 2008.12
Unsteady measurement of a transonic delta wing flow by a novel PSP Reviewed
Masaharu Kameda, Masaharu Kameda, Hitoshi Seki, Taro Makoshi, Yutaka Amao, Yutaka Amao, Kazuyuki Nakakita, Kazuyuki Nakakita
Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2008.09( ISSN:10485953 )
Biohydrogen production using the visible light-harvesting function of chlorophyll-a Reviewed
Yutaka Amao, Noriko Himeshima
16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2006, WHEC 2006 2 1176 - 1179 2006.12
Preparation of chloroplast assembled electrode and application for photovoltaic device Reviewed
Yutaka Amao, Ayumi Kuroki, Masahiro Toyoda
Polymer Preprints, Japan 55 2141 2006.10
Construction of photovoltaic system using the light-harvesting function of chlorophyll Reviewed
Yuki Doi, Masahiro Toyoda, Yutaka Amao
Polymer Preprints, Japan 54 2346 2005.12
Development of photovoltaic conversion system using chlorophyll-carotenoid assembled electrode Reviewed
Tadatsugu Tsurumoto, Masahiro Toyoda, Yutaka Amao
Polymer Preprints, Japan 54 4988 2005.12
Photoreduction behavior of cytochrome c by zinc porphyrin in lipid media Reviewed
Rika Hitotsumatsu, Yutaka Amao
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 79 89 - 92 2005.05( ISSN:10111344 )
Yutaka Amao, Yuriko Yamada
Langmuir 21 3008 - 3012 2005.03( ISSN:07437463 )
Yumi Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
BioMetals 18 15 - 21 2005.02( ISSN:09660844 )
Photo induced Hydrogen Production from D-Maltose in the Presence of Chlorophyll a and Pt Colloid Reviewed
Noriko Himeshima, Yutaka Amao
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 48 29 - 36 2005.01( ISSN:13468804 )
Keiko Aoki, Yumi Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 78 132 - 134 2005.01( ISSN:00092673 )
Mitsue Ishikawa, Yutaka Amao
Kobunshi Ronbunshu 62 190 - 192 2005.01( ISSN:03862186 )
アセトアルデヒドおよび二酸化炭素を原料とした生体触媒利用による乳酸合成系の構築 Domestic conference
日本化学会 第103春季年会 2024.03 日本化学会
生体触媒を用いた可視光照射によるアンモニアおよびピルビン酸からアミノ酸の合成 Domestic conference
日本化学会 第103春季年会 2024.03 日本化学会
酵素及び白金微粒子を触媒としたギ酸分解に基づく光制御型水素製造 Domestic conference
日本化学会 第103春季年会 2024.03 日本化学会
異種触媒複合系を用いた可視光エネルギーによる 二酸化炭素を原料とする有価物質生産 Invited Domestic conference
令和5年度 第3回機能性フレキシブルとインクジェット技術分科会 2024.03 FIoTコンソーシアム 機能性フレキシブルとインクジェット技術分科会
Cationic zinc porphyrin-based photocatalytic system with biocatalyst for fumarate synthesis from CO2 International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
9th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC9) 2024.02 Society of Asian Coordination Chemistry
二酸化炭素からプラスチック原料を生産するための光/生体ハイブリッド触媒系の構 Invited Domestic conference
第7回 東日本キャタリシスセミナー 2024.01 触媒学会東日本支部
コロイド状白金ナノ粒子触媒への陽イオン性高分子添加によるギ酸分解に基づく水素生成触媒活性の向上 Domestic conference
加納滉也、天尾 豊
第43回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2023.12 水素エネルギー協会
複合触媒系を用いた可視光制御型ギ酸分解による水素製造 Domestic conference
吉川真太郎、天尾 豊
第43回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2023.12 水素エネルギー協会
Visible-light driven fumarate synthesis using CO2 gas as a direct feedstock in a bio/photocatalytic hybrid system International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
8th Asia-Oceania Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2023.11 Committee of Asia-Oceania Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry
Visible-light controlled hydrogen production by formate decomposition with hybrid catalytic system International conference
Shintaro Yoshikawa, Yutaka Amao
OKCAT2023(Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis) 2023.11 Division of Catalytic and Surface Chemistry, Kinka Chemical Society
人工光合成技術は持続可能な未来社会に貢献できるか? Invited Domestic conference
大阪公立大学公開講座「SDGs~持続可能な未来社会を考える」 2023.11 大阪公立大学産学連携機構
Enzymatic synthesis of lactate from acetaldehyde and CO2 by using pyruvate decarboxylase and lactate dehydrogenase International conference
Kazuma Suehiro, Yutaka Amao
OKCAT2023(Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis) 2023.11 Division of Catalytic and Surface Chemistry, Kinka Chemical Society
Development of visible-light driven alanine production from ammonia based on building C-N bonds with photo/biocatalyst International conference
Kyosuke Yamada, Yutaka Amao
OKCAT2023(Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis) 2023.11 Division of Catalytic and Surface Chemistry, Kinka Chemical Society
Visible-light driven plastic precursor synthesis from gaseous carbon dioxide with the dye pigment and dual biocatalysts Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
OKCAT2023(Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis) 2023.11 Division of Catalytic and Surface Chemistry, Kinka Chemical Society
CO2ガスを原料とした炭酸固定による光化学的フマル酸合成系の構築 Domestic conference
竹内未佳、天尾 豊
大阪大会(第53回石油・石油化学討論会) 2023.10 石油学会
ギ酸の選択的分解に基づく水素生成におけるコロイド状白金微粒子触媒への陽イオン性高分子添加効果 Domestic conference
加納滉也、天尾 豊
大阪大会(第53回石油・石油化学討論会) 2023.10 石油学会
生体/光触媒複合系によるCO2ガスを直接原料に用いた可視光駆動型プラスチック原材料合成 Domestic conference
第13回 CSJ化学フェスタ2023 2023.10 日本化学会
生体触媒/可視光吸収色素を用いた光反応系によるCO2およびピルビン酸からのプラスチック原材料合成系の構築 Domestic conference
第133回触媒討論会 2023.09 触媒学会
コロイド状ロジウムナノ粒子を触媒とした可視光駆動型酸化還元系による位置選択的NAD+還元機構 Domestic conference
第133回触媒討論会 2023.09 触媒学会
Visible-light driven biodegradable polymer precursor synthesis from gaseous CO2 using photo/biocatalytic system Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
International Symposium for the 80th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023.09 Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan
Visible light driven enzymatic CO2 fixation using the NADH regeneration system of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and homogeneous colloidal rhodium nanoparticles International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
3rd Japan-Switzerland-Germany Workshop on Biocatalysis and Bioprocess Development 2023.09 Amano Enzyme Inc
Unsaturated dicarboxylic acid production from CO2 and pyruvate with hybrid photo/bio catalytic system International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
15th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCAT2023) 2023.08 European Federation of Catalysis Societies
人工光合成技術の社会実装への可能性 Invited Domestic conference
産学連携セミナー「カーボンニュートラルはビジネスチャンス!」 2023.08 大阪商工会議所
Visible-light driven plastic precursor production from gaseous CO2 with hybrid catalytic system Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
2023 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Reaction Control (TJSReC) 2023.07 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
金属錯体と生体触媒とで構成される複合光触媒系による二酸化炭素の有機分子への固定 Invited Domestic conference
錯体化学若手の会近畿支部 第64 回勉強会 2023.07 錯体化学若手の会近畿支部
Visible-light driven plastic precursor production from carbon dioxide with the photo/biocatalytic system Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
20th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU 2023) 2023.06 International Committee of Carbon Dioxide Utilization
Hybrid catalytic fumarate synthesis from CO2 and pyruvate under visible light irradiation International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Yutaka Amao
20th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU 2023) 2023.06 International Committee of Carbon Dioxide Utilization
可視光を駆動力とするCO2 およびピルビン酸を原料とした不飽和ジカルボン酸合成系の構築 Domestic conference
竹内 未佳,天尾 豊
2023年度触媒学会西日本支部 第 14 回触媒科学研究発表会 2023.06 触媒学会西日本支部
光増感剤およびコロイド状ロジウムを用いた可視光利用による位置選択的NAD+還元機構 Domestic conference
2023年度触媒学会西日本支部 第 14 回触媒科学研究発表会 2023.06 触媒学会西日本支部
人工光合成研究センターの概要と研究内容、産学連携 Invited Domestic conference
LFPI 環境・エネルギー委員会主催見学・講演会 "人工光合成を学ぶ~液体清澄化技術との接点を探る~” 2023.06 日本液体清澄化技術工業会
Visible-light driven synthesis of a plastic raw material fumarate from CO2 gas and pyruvate International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2023.05 Elsevier Conference
Catalytic Mechanism of Visible-Light-Driven NADH Regeneration Using Colloidal Nanoparticles International conference
Kazuma Suehiro, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
19th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis 2023.05 Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers
Visible-light-driven NADH Regeneration with Photoelectrodes Using Water as an Electron Source International conference
Koya Kano, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
19th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis 2023.05 Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers
光エネルギーと生体触媒によるCO2から有用物質生産のための人工光合成 ~プラスチック原料生産への展開~ Invited Domestic conference
オプトロニクスWEBセミナー 人工光合成ーカーボンニュートラル実現ためにー 2023.04 株式会社オプトロニクス社
可視光応答型光電極による水を電子源とした光電気化学的NADH再生系 Domestic conference
日本化学会 第102春季年会 2023.03 日本化学会
コロイド状Rhナノ粒子触媒を用いた可視光駆動型NAD還元機構の解明 Domestic conference
日本化学会 第102春季年会 2023.03 日本化学会
低濃度CO2ガスを原料とした生体/光触媒利用による生分解性高分子モノマーのワンポット合成 Domestic conference
第131回触媒討論会 2023.03 触媒学会
可視光照射で進行するCO2およびピルビン酸を原料とした不飽和ジカルボン酸合成系の構築 Domestic conference
第131回触媒討論会 2023.03 触媒学会
光エネルギーと生体触媒によるCO2から有用物質生産~プラスチック原料生産への展開~ Invited Domestic conference
フォトポリマー談話会 第252回講演会 2023.01 フォトポリマー談話会
Synthesis of raw material for unsaturated polyester resin from CO₂ with biocatalysts using visible light as an energy source International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
7th The Pacific Polymer Conference 2022.12
Visible-light Driven Poly-3hydroxybutyrate Monomer Production from CO2 and Acetone with Photo/bio-hybrid Catalysts International conference
Yu Kita, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
7th The Pacific Polymer Conference 2022.12
太陽光エネルギーを駆動力とした二酸化炭素のプラスチック原料への変換 Invited Domestic conference
日本太陽エネルギー学会 関西支部 2022年度シンポジウム 「光エネルギー利用技術の最新動向」 2022.12 日本太陽エネルギー学会 関西支部
Visible-Light Driven Synthesis of 3-Hydroxybutyrate from CO2 and Acetone with the System of Photocatalytic Dye and Multi-Biocatalysts Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
10th Asian Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference 2022.12
陽イオン性高分子とポリビニルピロリドンを保護剤としたコロイド状白金微粒子によるギ酸分解に基づく水素生成効率向上に関する研究 Domestic conference
第42回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2022.11 水素エネルギー協会
光触媒色素・生体触媒複合系による二酸化炭素の有機分子への固定化 Invited Domestic conference
九州大学理学部公開講演会 最新化学談話シリーズ 令和4年度 第4回談話会 2022.11 九州大学理学部
生体/可視光吸収色素を用いたCO2およびアセトンから生分解性高分子原料のワンポット合成 Domestic conference
紀太 悠、東 正信、天尾 豊
第52回石油・石油化学討論会 (長野大会) 2022.10 石油学会
二酸化炭素を原料とする可視光駆動型不飽和ジカルボン酸の合成系構築 Domestic conference
竹内未佳、東 正信、天尾 豊
第52回石油・石油化学討論会 (長野大会) 2022.10 石油学会
Visible-light driven poly-3-hydroxybutylate monomer production from CO2 and acetone with the hybrid system of biocatalysts and photocatalytic dye International conference
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
4th International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN 2022) 2022.10
Selective Hydrogen Production from Formate Using Platinum Nanoparticle Homogeneously Dispersed by Polyvinylpyrrolidone and Polydiallylcation Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
4th International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN 2022) 2022.10
生体/光触媒を利用した二酸化炭素のアセトン固定化による生分解性高分子モノマー合成 Domestic conference
第12回 CSJ化学フェスタ2022 2022.10 日本化学会
生体/光触媒色素を用いた可視光駆動型ワンポット系による二酸化炭素およびアセトンから生分解性高分子モノマーの合成 Domestic conference
第130回触媒討論会 2022.09 触媒学会
生体触媒を用いた二酸化炭素を原料とするプラスチックの原材料合成 Domestic conference
第130回触媒討論会 2022.09 触媒学会
Photoelectrochemical enantioselective L-lactate synthesis with photocatalyst and biocatalyst hybrid system Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
73rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2022.09 International Society of Electrochemistry
Improvement of hydrogen production based on formate decomposition catalyzed with polyvinylpyrrolidone dispersed platinum nanoparticles using an isobaric system Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
12th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2022) 2022.07
Visible-light driven synthesis for ingredient of biodegradable polymer with the system of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and platinum nano-particles Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT9) 2022.07 触媒学会
Synthesis of unsaturated dicarboxylic acid from CO2 and pyruvate with malate dehydrogenase and fumarate hydratase International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT9) 2022.07 触媒学会
Hybrid process to produce 3-hydroxybutyrate from CO2 and acetone by using carboxylase and dehydrogenase under visible-light irradiation International conference
Yu Kita, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT9) 2022.07 触媒学会
Visible-light driven 3-hydroxybutyrate production from CO2 and acetone with the hybrid system of photocatalytic dye and biocatalysts Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
2022 Taipei International Conference on Catalysis (TICC-2022) 2022.07 The Catalysis Society of Taiwan
Unsaturated dicarboxylic acid synthesis from CO₂ and pyruvate with multi-enzymes International conference
Mika Takeuchi, Masanobu Higashi, Yutaka Amao
The 19th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC19) 2022.06
Combination process to produce 3-hydroxybutyrate from CO₂ and acetone by using multi-enzymes under visible-light irradiation International conference
The 19th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC19) 2022.06
生体触媒利用による二酸化炭素を原料としたプラスチック原材料合成系の新規開発 Domestic conference
竹内 未佳、天尾 豊
第11回JACI/GSCシンポジウム 2022.06 新化学技術推進協会
二酸化炭素およびアセトンを原料とした生体/光触媒による生分解性高分子モノマー合成 Domestic conference
第11回JACI/GSCシンポジウム 2022.06 新化学技術推進協会
二酸化炭素を原料とする生体触媒を用いたプラスチック原材料の合成系構築 Domestic conference
竹内 未佳、東 正信、天尾 豊
2022 年度触媒学会西日本支部 第 13 回触媒科学研究発表会 2022.06 触媒学会西日本支部
異種触媒複合系を用いた光エネルギーによる二酸化炭素の有価物質への変換 Invited Domestic conference
天尾 豊
2022 年度触媒学会西日本支部 第 13 回触媒科学研究発表会 2022.06 触媒学会西日本支部
生体・光触媒利用による二酸化炭素およびアセトンを原料としたワンポット生分解性高分子モノマー合成 Domestic conference
紀太悠、東 正信、天尾 豊
2022 年度触媒学会西日本支部 第 13 回触媒科学研究発表会 2022.06 触媒学会西日本支部
色素と生体触媒との複合系を用いた可視光エネルギーによる二酸化炭素の有価物質への変換 Invited Domestic conference
近化機能性色素部会 第106回例会「人工光合成の最近の進展」 2022.05 近畿化学協会
Selective hydrogen production from formate with homogenous colloidal platinum nanoparticles Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
17th Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Catalysis (17-TJJSC) 2021.12
Photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction to formate with the sacrificial reagent free system of TiO2 photoanode and formate dehydrogenase International conference
Masanobu Higashi, Tomoya Ishibashi; Yutaka Amao
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Visible-light-driven reduction of pyruvate to lactate with the system of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and platinum nanoparticles International conference
Yu Kita, Yutaka Amao
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Visible-light-driven regioselective NAD+ reduction to NADH with the system of water-soluble zinc porphyrin and homogeneously dispersed rhodium nanoparticles International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Development of photoelectrochemical system with CuInS2 photocathode and formate dehydrogenase for visible-light driven CO2 reduction to formate International conference
Takumi Toyodome, Yutaka Amao, Masanobu Higashi
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Biocatalytic carboxylation using CO2 as the C1 feedstock by malic enzyme and diphenylviologen derivative as an artificial coenzyme with visible light irradiation International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Study of mechanism for carbon dioxide reduction to formate of formate dehydrogenase International conference
Ryohei Sato, Yutaka Amao
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Visible-light driven C-H bond activation and building C-C bonds with CO2 using the hybrid system of photocatalytic dye and biocatalyst Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction to formate with the sacrificial reagent free system of semiconductor photocatalyst and biocatalyst Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021) 2021.12
Visible-light driven redox system for CO2 conversion into valuable organic materials Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
30th Annual Saudi-Japan Symposium, 2021 2021.12
白金微粒子を触媒としたピルビン酸光還元系の構築および乳酸生成機構 Domestic conference
紀太 悠、東 正信、天尾 豊
第51回石油・石油化学討論会 (函館大会) 2021.11
NFormate dehydrogenase selectively reduces CO2 molecule to formate among carbonate species Domestic conference
Ryohei Sato, Yutaka Amao
The 18th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis (18JKSC) 2021.11
NADH regeneration system with dye and homogeneously dispersed rhodium nanoparticles under visible light Domestic conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
6th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2021.11
生体触媒を利用した二酸化炭素を原料とする有機合成反応 Invited Domestic conference
第1回二酸化炭素変換触媒研究会講演会 2021.11
ポリビニルピロリドンを保護剤としたコロイド状白金微粒子が触媒するギ酸の選択的分解に基づく水素生成 Domestic conference
天尾 豊、南 祐輔、 桑田 真子、室賀 由美子
第41回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2021.11
二酸化炭素を原料とした生体触媒の利用による不飽和ジカルボン酸の合成 Domestic conference
竹内 末佳、東 正信、天尾 豊
第51回石油・石油化学討論会 (函館大会) 2021.11
ギ酸脱水素酵素が触媒するCO2還元反応における基質選択性と同位体効果 Domestic conference
佐藤 涼平、東 正信、天尾 豊
第51回石油・石油化学討論会 (函館大会) 2021.11
CuInS2光カソードと生体触媒を組み合わせた可視光応答型CO2還元系の構築 Domestic conference
豊留 拓弥、天尾 豊、東 正信
第51回石油・石油化学討論会 (函館大会) 2021.11
ロジウム微粒子および水溶性亜鉛ポルフィリンを用いたNADH再生のための光酸化還元系 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之、東 正信、天尾 豊
第51回石油・石油化学討論会 (函館大会) 2021.11
生体触媒と光触媒との連携で二酸化炭素を有用物質に再生する Invited Domestic conference
第11回CSJ化学フェスタ2021 「人工光合成の最前線~霞を食ってエネルギーを産み出す~」 2021.10
Visible-light driven C-H bond activation and carboxylation with CO2 using a hybrid system of biocatalyst / photocatalytic dye Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
1st Japan-China Symposium on Catalysis (1stJCSC) 2021.10
水溶性亜鉛ポルフィリンおよびロジウム微粒子による可視光駆動型NADH再生系 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 天尾 豊
第128回触媒討論会 2021.09
Regioselective NAD+ reduction to NADH with dye and homogeneously dispersed rhodium nanoparticles under visible light Domestic conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (5th EuGSC) 2021.09
多孔性シリカナノ粒子集合体への加水分解酵素の固定化による安定性向上 Domestic conference
田部 博康、大島 滉主、天尾 豊、山田 裕介
第128回触媒討論会 2021.09
CuInS2光カソードと生体触媒を組み合わせた可視光駆動型CO2還元系の開発 Domestic conference
豊留 拓弥、天尾 豊、東 正信
第128回触媒討論会 2021.09
ギ酸脱水素酵素を用いたCO2還元反応における炭酸種の効果 Domestic conference
佐藤 涼平、天尾 豊
第128回触媒討論会 2021.09
白金ナノ微粒子を触媒とした可視光駆動型酸化還元系によるピルビン酸還元反応 Domestic conference
第128回触媒討論会 2021.09
人工光合成とは? 今どこまで進んでいるのか? Invited Domestic conference
地球環境と産業化研究会(SGEIS) 第8回 「脱炭素と省エネビジネス」 勉強会 2021.08
生体触媒を基軸とした二酸化炭素利用技術 Invited Domestic conference
産総研フレキシブルエネルギーデバイスコンソ第2回研究会 2021.08
人工光合成開発の現状と将来展望 Invited Domestic conference
関西コンバーティングものづくり研究会第2回定例研究会 2021.08
ロジウムナノ微粒子を触媒として用いたNAD+光還元反応 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 天尾 豊
第 12 回触媒科学研究発表会 2021.06
白金ナノ微粒子を用いた可視光駆動型ピルビン酸還元系の構築 Domestic conference
第 12 回触媒科学研究発表会 2021.06
ギ酸脱水素酵素を用いた二酸化炭素還元反応における炭酸種の効果 Domestic conference
佐藤 涼平、天尾 豊
第 12 回触媒科学研究発表会 2021.06
可視光応答型CuInS2光カソードと生体触媒を組み合わせたCO2還元系の構築 Domestic conference
豊留 拓弥、天尾 豊、東 正信
第 12 回触媒科学研究発表会 2021.06
生体触媒を利用した二酸化炭素の物質変換 Invited Domestic conference
東レ株式会社先端融合研究所講演会 2021.05
カチオン性高分子の添加による白金ナノ微粒子触媒のギ酸からの水素生成活性の向上 Domestic conference
南 祐輔,天尾 豊
日本化学会 第101春季年会 2021.03
ギ酸脱水素酵素が触媒するCO2還元過程に関する研究 Domestic conference
佐藤涼平, 天尾豊
日本化学会 第101春季年会 2021.03
CuInS2光カソードと生体触媒を組み合わせた可視光駆動型CO2還元系の開発 Domestic conference
豊留 拓弥, 天尾 豊, 東 正信
日本化学会 第101春季年会 2021.03
水溶性亜鉛ポルフィリンおよび白金微粒子による可視光駆動型α-ケト酸の選択的還元 Domestic conference
紀太 悠,天尾 豊
日本化学会 第101春季年会 2021.03
リンゴ酸酵素が触媒する二酸化炭素付加反応における金属 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 天尾 豊
日本化学会 第101春季年会 2021.03
カチオン性生体高分子添加による白金ナノ微粒子触媒の触媒能向上に関する研究 Domestic conference
南 祐輔,天尾 豊
第40回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2020.12
焼結体形成によるCuベースとしたカルコパイライト化合物光電極の作製 Domestic conference
豊留 拓弥, 藤田 わかば, 池田 茂, 吉野 賢二, 天尾 豊
第50回石油・石油化学討論会 (熊本大会) 2020.11
リンゴ酸酵素が触媒する二酸化炭素固定反応に対する補因子の効果 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 天尾 豊
第50回石油・石油化学討論会 (熊本大会) 2020.11
ギ酸脱水素酵素が触媒するCO2還元反応に関する研究 Domestic conference
佐藤涼平, 天尾豊
第50回石油・石油化学討論会 (熊本大会) 2020.11
高分子分散型均一系白金ナノ微粒子が触媒するギ酸分解に基づく水素生成 Domestic conference
南 祐輔,天尾 豊
第50回石油・石油化学討論会 (熊本大会) 2020.11
Visible-light driven C-H bond activation and building C-C bonds from CO2with the hybrid system of photo/biocatalysts International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri
5th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2020.11
親水性高分子で分散させた白金ナノ微粒子によるギ酸分解に基づく水素生成反応 Domestic conference
南 祐輔, 天尾 豊
第126回触媒討論会 2020.09
ギ酸脱水素酵素が触媒する二酸化炭素還元反応における炭酸種の効果 Domestic conference
佐藤涼平, 天尾豊
第126回触媒討論会 2020.09
リンゴ酸酵素が触媒する二酸化炭素のカルボキシ化に対する補因子の影響 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 天尾 豊
第126回触媒討論会 2020.09
二酸化炭素利用のための生体触媒利用技術 Invited Domestic conference
早稲田大学講演会 2020.07
Promotion of the biocatalytic carboxylation with CO2 by malic enzyme and viologen derivative in the presence of metal ion International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Yutaka Amao
The 24th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) 2020.06
リンゴ酸酵素を触媒として用いた可視光をエネルギー源とする二酸化炭素資源化 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 天尾 豊
第9回JACI/GSCシンポジウム 2020.06
ポリビニルピロリドンで分散した白金微粒子が触媒するギ酸分解機構の分光法による検討 Domestic conference
南 祐輔,池山 秀作,天尾 豊
第38回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2019.12
Visible Light Driven Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Methanol with Photo/Biocatalysts Hybrid System Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
18th Asian Chemical Congress (18th ACC) 2019.12
"Visible-Light Driven Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Methanol with Bio/Photocatalyst Hybrid System – Studies on the Interaction between Electron Mediator and Biocatalyst Based on Enzyme Kinetic Analysis – Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
3rd International Solar Fuels Conference (ISF-3) and International Conference on Artificial Photosynthesis-2019 (ICARP2019) 2019.11
ポリビニルピロリドンを保護コロイドとして分散させた白金ナノ微粒子が触媒するギ酸分解に基づく選択的水素生成機構 Domestic conference
南 祐輔,池山 秀作,天尾 豊
第49回石油・石油化学討論会(山形大会) 2019.10
リンゴ酸酵素が触媒する二酸化炭素固定反応における多電子蓄積ジフェニルビオローゲン誘導体の機能に関する研究 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 池山 秀作, 天尾 豊
第49回石油・石油化学討論会(山形大会) 2019.10
TiO2とギ酸脱水素酵素を用いた水を電子源とするCO2光還元系の開発 Domestic conference
石橋 知也, 池山 秀作, 東 正信、天尾 豊
第49回石油・石油化学討論会(山形大会) 2019.10
Selective Hydrogen Production from Formate with Polyvinylpyrrolidone-coordinated Platinum Nanoparticles International conference
Yutaka Amao, Yusuke Minami
7th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC7) 2019.10
Biocatalytic carbon dioxide conversion to organic molecule Invited Domestic conference
Yutaka Amao
錯体化学会第69回討論会 2019.09
Optical sensing technology for CO2 visualization Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
7th Japanese-German Joint Seminar, Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research 2019.09
生体触媒による二酸化炭素の利用と分子貯蔵 Domestic conference
北海道大学大学院環境科学専攻講演会 2019.09
生体触媒と人工補酵素ジフェニルビオローゲン誘導体を用いた二酸化炭素の固定化 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 池山 秀作, 天尾 豊
第124回触媒討論会 2019.09
半導体光触媒とギ酸脱水素酵素を用いた水を電子源とする光駆動型二酸化炭素還元反応に関する研究 Domestic conference
石橋 知也, 池山 秀作, 東 正信、天尾 豊
第124回触媒討論会 2019.09
ポリビニルピロリドンで分散した白金ナノ微粒子によるギ酸分解に基づく選択的水素生成機構の解明 Domestic conference
南 祐輔,池山 秀作,天尾 豊
第124回触媒討論会 2019.09
Building carbon-carbon bond from CO2 with malic enzyme and viologen derivative International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
4th EuCheMS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2019.09
生体触媒を利用した二酸化炭素の物質変換 Invited Domestic conference
2019年度先端錯体工学研究会 (SPACC) 年会 2019.08
Visible-light driven C-H bond activation and carboxylation with CO2 in the system of bio/photo-hybrid catalysts International conference
Yutaka Amao
8th Asia-Pacific Congress in Catalysis (APCAT8) 2019.08
Hybrid system of biocatalyst and semiconductor based photocatalyst for light-driven CO₂ reduction to formate International conference
Yutaka Amao, Tomoya Ishibashi, Shigeru Ikeda
14th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2019) 2019.08
Carboxylation of organic molecule by CO2 with biocatalyst and double-electron reduced diphenylviologen derivative International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
8th Asia-Pacific Congress in Catalysis (APCAT8) 2019.08
Selective hydrogen production catalyzed by platinum nano particles dispersed by polyvinylpyrrolidone based on formate decomposition International conference
Yusuke Minam, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
8th Asia-Pacific Congress in Catalysis (APCAT8) 2019.08
Selective CO2 reduction to formic acid with semiconductor photocatalyst and biocatalyst International conference
Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis (APCAT-8) 2019.08
生体触媒による二酸化炭素の還元と分子への固定 Invited Domestic conference
第 57 回触媒研究懇談会 2019.07
CO2 fixation with malic enzyme and diphenylviologen derivative as a co-enzyme Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 池山 秀作, 天尾 豊
第10回触媒科学研究発表会 2019.06
Development of CO2 reduction system using TiO2 and formate dehydrogenase Domestic conference
石橋 知也, 池山 秀作, 東 正信、天尾 豊
第 57 回触媒研究懇談会 2019.06
Hydrogen production based on formic acid decomposition with platinum nano particles dispersed by polyvinylpyrrolidone International conference
Yusuke Minam, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 8th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC 2019) 2019.06
生体触媒と二電子還元型ジフェニルビオローゲン誘導体を用いた二酸化炭素の有機分子への固定化 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之, 池山 秀作, 天尾 豊
第8回JACI/GSCシンポジウム 2019.06
Light-driven CO2 reduction to formate with the system of biocatalyst and semiconductor based photocatalyst International conference
Yutaka Amao, Tomoya Ishibashi, Shigeru Ikeda
17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization - ICCDU 2019 2019.06
Biocatalytic carboxylation using CO2 as the C1 source by malic enzyme and diphenylviologen derivative as an artificial co-enzyme International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and 9th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2019.06
Hydrogen production from formic acid catalyzed by platinum nano particles dispersed by polyvinylpyrrolidone International conference
Yusuke Minam, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and 9th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2019.06
Visible-light driven CO2 reduction and utilization with biocatalyst and organic dye hybrid system Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
National Taiwan University Special Lecture 2019.05
Visible-light driven C-H bond activation and carboxylation of CO2 with bio-/photocatalytic hybrid system International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri
4th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2019.05
Biocatalytic carboxylation using CO2 as the C1 source by malic enzyme and diphenylviologen derivative as an artificial co-enzyme International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
Southeast Asia Catalysis Conference 2019 (SACC 2019) 2019.05
Selective Hydrogen Production from Formate with Polyvinylpyrrolidone-dispersed Platinum Nanoparticle Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
EMN Meeting on Polymer 2019.03
Hydrogen Production from Formate with Homogeneously Polyvinylpyrrolidone-dispersed Platinum Nanoparticle International conference
Yutaka Amao, Yumiko Muroga, Yusuke Minami
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2019 2019.02
Visible-Light Driven C-H bond Activation and Carboxylation with CO2 Using Biocatalyst/Photocatalytic Dye Hybrid System Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
10th Asian Photochemistry Conference 2018.12
Visble-Light Driven Carboxylation with CO2 with The System of Biocatalyst And Photocatalytic Dye International conference
Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
7th Asia-Oceania Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2018.11
ポリビニルピロリドンで分散した白金微粒子によるギ酸分解に基づく水素生成反応に関する研究 Domestic conference
南 祐輔、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
第38回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2018.11
二電子還元型ジフェニルビオローゲンを用いたリンゴ酸酵素が触媒する二酸化炭素固定化反応における速度論的解析 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
第48回石油・石油化学討論会 (創立60周年記念東京大会) 2018.10
還元型メチルビオローゲンを用いたホルムアルデヒド脱水素酵素によるギ酸‐ホルムアルデヒド変換反応における酵素速度論的解析 Domestic conference
石橋 知也、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
第48回石油・石油化学討論会 (創立60周年記念東京大会) 2018.10
Formic acid production form CO2 with formate dehydrogenase from Candida boidinii and one-electron reduced viologen derivative Domestic conference
池山 秀作、天尾 豊
第48回石油・石油化学討論会 (創立60周年記念東京大会) 2018.10
Selective Hydrogen Production from Formate with Homogeneously Polymer-dispersed Platinum Nanoparticle Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
3rd International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials – ICEAN-2018 2018.10
生体触媒を利用した二酸化炭素の物質変換 Invited Domestic conference
化学工学会第50回秋季大会 2018.09
人工補酵素-ギ酸脱水素酵素系による炭酸ガスからのギ酸合成 Invited Domestic conference
第70回日本生物工学会大会 2018.09
カルバモイル基を有するビオローゲンの一電子還元体のギ酸脱水素酵素のCO2 還元触媒活性に及ぼす効果 Domestic conference
池山 秀作、天尾 豊
第122回触媒討論会 2018.09
還元型メチルビオローゲンを用いたギ酸還元におけるホルムアルデヒド脱水素酵素の触媒活性の評価 Domestic conference
石橋 知也、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
第122回触媒討論会 2018.09
二酸化炭素資源化のためのリンゴ酸酵素と新規人工補酵素との相互作用に関する速度論的考察 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
第122回触媒討論会 2018.09
Visible light-driven building C-C bonds from CO2 as a feedstock with photosensitizer-biocatalyst hybrid system International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama
The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8) 2018.08
Enzyme Kinetic Analysis in Formate Reduction to Formaldehyde Using Aldehyde Dehydrogenase by One-Election Reduced Methylviologen International conference
Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 8th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry (ICGC-8) 2018.08
Interaction between diphenylviologen derivative and malic enzyme for carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 as a feedstock International conference
Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 8th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry (ICGC-8) 2018.08
Visible-Light Driven Carboxylation with CO2 in the Hybrid System of Biocatalyst and Photocatalytic Dye International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama
The 8th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry (ICGC-8) 2018.08
Selective formate reduction to formaldehyde with formaldehyde dehydrogenase and single‐electron reduced methylviologen International conference
Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8) 2018.08
Kinetic studies of the interaction between diphenylviologen derivative as a novel co-enzyme and malic enzyme for building carbon-carbon bond from CO2 International conference
Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8) 2018.08
Visible light-driven building carbon-carbon bond from CO2 as a feedstock with hybrid redox system of organic dye and biocatalyst Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
2018 International Symposium on Advancement and Prospect of Catalysis Science & Technology 2018.07
Catalytic function of aldehyde dehydrogenase for formic acid reduction by one‐electron reduced methylviologen as an artificial co-enzyme International conference
Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
2018 International Symposium on Advancement and Prospect of Catalysis Science & Technology 2018.07
Double-electron reduced diphenylviologen derivative as a novel co-enzyme for biocatalyst with the function of carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 International conference
Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
2018 International Symposium on Advancement and Prospect of Catalysis Science & Technology 2018.07
Selective formic acid reduction to formaldehyde with aldehyde dehydrogenase and reduced form of methylviologen as an artificial co-enzyme International conference
Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 18th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC18) 2018.07
Kinetic studies of the interaction between malic enzyme and diphenylviologen derivative for CO2 utilization International conference
Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 18th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC18) 2018.07
Catalytic formate reduction using formaldehyde dehydrogenase by reduced form of methylviologen Domestic conference
石橋 知也、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
触媒学会西日本支部第 9 回触媒科学研究発表会 2018.06
Evaluation of catalytic activity of malic enzyme for CO2 fixation by two-electron reduced form of diphenylviologen Domestic conference
片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
触媒学会西日本支部第 9 回触媒科学研究発表会 2018.06
Studies on the interaction between artificial co-enzyme based on diphenylviologen derivative and malic enzyme for CO2 utilization International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
The 22nd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) 2018.06
Visible-light driven building C-C bonds from CO2 with photosensitizer-biocatalyst system International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama
3rd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2018.05
二酸化炭素資源化機能を持つリンゴ酸酵素と人工補酵素との相互作用に関する研究 Domestic conference
日本化学会 第98春季年会 2018.03
Selective hydrogen production from formate at room temperature using nanoparticle with homogeneously dispersed platinum nanoparticle International conference
Yutaka Amao, Atsuro Kai
European Hydrogen Energy Conference 2018 (EHEC2018) 2018.03
Visible-light driven building C-C bonds from CO2 as a feedstock with photosensitizer-biocatalyst hybrid system International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, and Shusaku Ikeyama
ECO-BIO 2018 2018.03
Visible-light Driven Carbon Dioxide Utilization with Biocatalyst and Dye Molecule Hybrid System Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
2017 Global Research Efforts on Energy and Nanomaterials (GREEN 2017) 2017.12
Biocatalyst and Dye Hybrid System with for Visible-light Driven Carbon Dioxide Reduction and Fixation Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
2nd International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy‒based Society 2017.11
二酸化炭素資源化のための光増感分子及び生体触媒を用いた可視光駆動型炭素ー炭素結合生成系 Domestic conference
片桐毅之, 藤田 晃平, 池山 秀作, 天尾 豊
第47回石油・石油化学討論会 2017.11
Visible-light driven CO2 reduction with the zinc porphyrin and biocatalyst International conference
Yutaka Amao
24th International SPACC Symposium 2017.11
太陽光エネルギーを利用した水素製造・二酸化炭素利用技術 Invited Domestic conference
グリーン・イノベーション研究成果企業化促進フォーラム 2017.10
人工光合成技術による二酸化炭素消費・水素活用型の新しい住宅への展開 Invited Domestic conference
水素・次世代エネルギー研究会セミナー2017 2017.10
二酸化炭素還元・資源化のための可視光駆動型レドックス系 Invited Domestic conference
第27回(平成29年度)日本赤外線学会研究発表会 2017.10
太陽光エネルギーを利用した二酸化炭素の利用・燃料化・資源化 Invited Domestic conference
CO2有効利用技術と人工光合成の研究開発動向 2017.10
Visible Light-Induced Reduction Properties of Diphenylviologen with Water-Soluble Zn Porphyrin for Carbon-Carbon Formation from CO2 with Malic Enzyme International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Kohei Fujita, Yutaka Amao
7th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry 2017.10
Visible-light induced building C-C bonds from CO2 as a feedstock with photosensitizer-biocatalyst system International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, and Shusaku Ikeyama
7th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry 2017.10
可視光を利用した二酸化炭素を原料とする炭素-炭素結合生成を可能とする色素-生体触媒系 Domestic conference
第120回触媒討論会 2017.09
生体触媒による二酸化炭素の還元から資源化まで Invited Domestic conference
第2回東日本キャタリシスセミナー 2017.09
二酸化炭素を資源化する生体触媒を基盤とした人工光合成技術 Invited Domestic conference
第69回日本生物工学会大会(シンポジウム「地球の未来資源に貢献する生物工学」) 2017.09
Visible-Light Induced Carbon Dioxide Reduction and Fixation with Photoredox System Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
EMN Meeting on Energy Storage 2017.08
Visible Light-induced Carbon-carbon Bond Formation from CO2 as a Feedstock with Dye Molecule-biocatalyst Hybrid Redox System International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, and Shusaku Ikeyama
13th European Congress on Catalysis (EUROPACAT 2017) 2017.08
Development of a novel electron carrier based on phenylviologen for the visible light-induced carbon-carbon bond production from carbon dioxide with malic enzyme International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Kohei Fujita, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
15th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XV 2017.07
Visible-light induced carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 as a feedstock with dye molecule-biocatalyst system International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, and Shusaku Ikeyama
8th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference (GSC8) 2017.07
Visible light induced CO2 reduction with the system of biocatalyst and photosensitizer Invited International conference
Yutaka Amao
15th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XV) 2017.07
Photoredox system with dye molecule-biocatalyst for solar to chemicals based on building carbon-carbon bonds from CO2 as a feedstock International conference
Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, and Shusaku Ikeyama
2nd International Solar Fuel Conference 2017.07
Visible-light induced carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 as a feedstock with the photoredox system consisting of dye and biocatalyst International conference
Yutaka Amao, Kohei Fujita, Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama
21st Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) 2017.06
可視光を用いた二酸化炭素資源化のための色素―リンゴ酸酵素複合系に関する研究 Domestic conference
片桐 毅之,池山 秀作,藤田 晃平,天尾 豊
第36回光がかかわる触媒化学シンポジウム 2017.06
Dye/malic enzyme composite system for visible-light induced malic acid production from CO2 and pyruvic acid Domestic conference
片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、藤田 晃平、天尾 豊
触媒学会西日本支部第 8 回触媒科学研究発表会 2017.06
Improvement of CO2 reduction catalytic activity of biocatalyst by artificial coenzyme International conference
Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
16th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis 2017.05
Development of a novel electron mediator based on phenylviologen for biocatalyst with CO2 utilization International conference
Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Kohei Fujita, Yutaka Amao
16th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis 2017.05
Photoredox system with biocatalyst for carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 as a feedstock International conference
Yutaka Amao, Kohei Fujita, Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama
2nd Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2017 2017.05
生体触媒を利用した炭素資源としての二酸化炭素の利用 Invited Domestic conference
文部科学省特別経費 高知大学研究プロジェクト「海洋性藻類を中心とした地域バイオマスリファイナリーの実現に向けた新技術の創出」 第6回講演会 2017.03
森 和彦、兼井 雅史 、西野 弘、富島 寛、廣川 敦士、緋田 博、山田 雅之、天尾 豊、松原 康郎
森 和彦、西河 洋一、兼井 雅史、西野 弘、富島 寛、廣川 敦士、緋田 博、山田 雅之、南 繁行、小嶋 邦男、天尾 豊
森 和彦、西河 洋一、兼井 雅史、西野 弘、富島 寛、廣川 敦士、緋田 博、山田 雅之、天尾 豊
岩国秀治, 天尾豊
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2025
Next-generation catalytic reactions driven by activation of hydrogen
Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research 2024
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2024
Visible-light driven biodegradable polymer monomer synthesis from carbon dioxide as a raw material with by a hybrid catalyst system
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2024
Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research 2023.04
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research / Fostering Joint International Research (B) 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2022
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research / Fostering Joint International Research (B) 2022
Development of photo/biocatalysts hybrid system for photoreduction of carbon dioxide to methanol
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 2020.04
国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) 2019.10
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2019.04
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 2018.04
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)/(Exploratory) 2014.04
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 2012.06
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2011.04
公益財団法人 発酵研究所 一般研究助成 2023.04
環境再生保全機構 環境研究総合推進費 2011.06
2023 Number of researchers:6
2022 Number of researchers:6
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
化学特別演習1B (杉本)
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
化学特別研究1B (杉本)
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
化学特別演習3B (杉本)
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
化学特別研究3B (杉本)
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
海外特別研究3 (杉本)
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
プロポーザルディフェンス (杉本)
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
海外特別研究1 (杉本)
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Weekly class Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2022 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2021 Graduate school
2021 Graduate school
2021 Graduate school
2021 Graduate school
2021 Graduate school
2021 Graduate school
2021 Graduate school
2021 Undergraduate
2020 Graduate school
2020 Graduate school
2020 Graduate school
2020 Graduate school
2020 Graduate school
2020 Graduate school
2020 Graduate school
2020 Undergraduate
2019 Graduate school
2019 Graduate school
2019 Graduate school
2019 Graduate school
2019 Graduate school
2019 Graduate school
2019 Graduate school
2019 Undergraduate
2018 Graduate school
2018 Undergraduate
2017 Graduate school
2017 Undergraduate
2016 Undergraduate
2016 Undergraduate
2015 Graduate school
2015 Undergraduate
2015 Undergraduate
Institution:Tohoku University
Institution:Hokkaido University
Institution:The University of Tokushima
Institution:Oita University
Institution:Oita University
Institution:Oita University
Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:1 Number of graduate students presentations:5
Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:2 Number of graduate students presentations:10
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:2 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):5 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):2 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):3
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):1 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:2 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):2 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):2 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):1
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:1 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):6 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):2
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):3 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):2
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):1 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:1 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):5 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):2 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):1
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:1 Number of graduation thesis reviews:1
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):2 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):0
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):1 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:1 Number of graduation thesis reviews:1
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):0 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):0
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):1
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:2 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):0 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):2
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):1 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:1 Number of graduation thesis reviews:1
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):0 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:0 Number of graduation thesis reviews:0
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):0 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Original item:後期博士課程1名(市大)化学専攻博士前期課程5名の担任
Original item:物質分子系専攻前期博士課程2名・後期博士課程1名(市大)化学専攻博士前期課程2名の担任
Original item:物質分子系専攻前期博士課程6名・後期博士課程2名の担任
Original item:物質分子系専攻前期博士課程5名・後期博士課程1名の担任
Artificial Photosynthesis: A Game Changer for Clean Energy
Role(s): Guest, Performer
Type: TV or radio program
NHK WORLD-JAPAN Science View 2023.09
Role(s): Lecturer, Planner
Type: Lecture
日本液体清澄化技術工業会 LFPI 環境・エネルギー委員会主催見学・講演会 "人工光合成を学ぶ~液体清澄化技術との接点を探る~" 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス 2023.06
Role(s): Guest, Performer
Type: TV or radio program
JCOM JCOMチャンネル LIVEニュース大阪 大阪公立大学人工光合成研究センター 2023.09
Role(s): Lecturer
Type: Seminar, workshop
大阪商工会議所 産学連携セミナー「カーボンニュートラルはビジネスチャンス!」 大阪商工会議所 2023.08
Role(s): Lecturer
Type: Lecture
大阪公立大学 大阪公立大学公開講座「SDGs~持続可能な未来社会を考える」 オンライン 2023.11
Role(s): Lecturer, Planner, Logistic support
Type: Seminar, workshop
大阪公立大学人工光合成研究センター・触媒科学計測共同研究拠点 人工光合成研究センター10周年記念講演会 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス・オンライン 2023.06
Role(s): Lecturer, Performer
Type: Seminar, workshop
熊本県立天草高等学校 熊本県立天草高等学校 SSH研究部関西研修 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス 2023.08
Role(s): Lecturer, Performer
Type: Seminar, workshop
奈良県立奈良北高等学校 大阪公立大学で、持続可能な次世代エネルギーを学ぼう! 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス 2023.12
Role(s): Host, Lecturer, Planner, Logistic support
Type: Lecture
大阪公立大学人工光合成研究センター 2023年度人工光合成研究センター活動報告会 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス 2024.03
スゴイ科学SP! CO₂から新エネ?
Role(s): Media coverage
Type: TV or radio program
テレビ大阪「やさしいニュース拡大SP」 2019.12
Role(s): Media coverage
Type: Newspaper, magazine
日経産業新聞 2019.10
CO2を生かす⑦ 電気と温水を作る住宅
Role(s): Media coverage
Type: Newspaper, magazine
日本経済新聞 2019.10
光合成における水から酸素ができるメカニズムの一端が解明されたことについてコメント Newspaper, magazine
読売新聞 読売新聞 2024.02
酵素を用いて二酸化炭素からプラスチック原料となるフマル酸を製造することに成功 Newspaper, magazine
化学工業日報 2023.10
人工光合成技術を活用した研究について解説 TV or radio program
NHK NHK WORLD - JAPAN「Science View」 2023.09
人工光合成研究センターから生放送ライブを配信 TV or radio program
JCOM J:COM「LIVEニュース」 2023.09
日経産業新聞 日経産業新聞 2023.09
人工光合成研究センター開設10周年を記念する講演会について Newspaper, magazine
日刊工業新聞 日刊工業新聞 2023.06
人工光合成の研究についてインタビュー Newspaper, magazine
日経産業新聞 日経産業新聞 2023.05
公大,人工光合成で低濃度CO2から生分解プラ合成 Internet
天然光合成の機序を模倣し、酵素を用いて二酸化炭素からプラスチック原料となるフマル酸を合成することに成功 Newspaper, magazine
日刊工業新聞 2023.01
公大,太陽光で生分解性プラスチック原材料を合成 Internet
人工光合成を利用した生分解性プラスチックの原料合成に成功 Newspaper, magazine
朝日新聞 2022.12
公大,太陽光で生分解性プラスチックを収率80%合成 Internet
酵素を用いて二酸化炭素からプラスチック原料となるフマル酸を製造することに成功 Newspaper, magazine
日刊工業新聞 2022.07
公大ら,生体触媒で二酸化炭素からプラ原料を合成 Internet
飯田グループホールディングスと連携し、実証実験する「人工光合成ハウス」について Newspaper, magazine
朝日新聞 2022.07
飯田グループホールディングスと連携し、実証実験する「人工光合成ハウス」について Newspaper, magazine
日本経済新聞 2022.07
Associate Editor of New Journal of Chemistry
Role(s): Peer review
Royal Society of Chemistry 2023.10 - Now
Original item:受賞 REBORNコンテンツ発掘PROJECT『OSAKA REBORN賞』
Field category :Research
Country name :イギリス 2023.08 - Now
Field category :Research
Country name :Taiwan 2020.10 - Now
日本学術振興会の科学研究費助成事業(科研費)・国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))によるNational Taiwan Universityとの国際共同研究の実施
Field category :Research
Country name :Taiwan 2019.10 - 2024.03
International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU)の国際委員として国際会議の運営に従事.
Field category :Research
2019.06 - Now
Field category :Research
2019.04 - 2019.07
The Asia Pacific Association of Catalysis Society (APACS) committeeとして国際会議の運営に従事.
Field category :Research
2017.01 - Now
Job title within the department
Organization for Research Promotion Research Center for Artificial Photoshynthesis
所長 2022.04
Manager within the university
2015.04 - 2022.03
Job Career
Osaka City University