2025/03/19 更新


イガラシ コウイチ
五十嵐 幸一
大学院工学研究科 物質化学生命系専攻 准教授
工学部 化学バイオ工学科


  • 大学院工学研究科 物質化学生命系専攻 

    准教授  2022年04月 - 継続中

  • 工学部 化学バイオ工学科 

    准教授  2022年04月 - 継続中


  • 博士(工学) ( 大阪市立大学 )

  • 修士(工学) ( 大阪市立大学 )


  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / バイオ機能応用、バイオプロセス工学  / 生物化学工学

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 移動現象、単位操作  / 晶析


  • 晶析操作

  • バイオマスの有効利用


  • 木質系バイオマスの処理、有効利用に関する研究

    木質系バイオマス、水熱分解、リグニン  機関内共同研究


  • 晶析装置の開発と結晶特性の制御

    晶析、晶析装置、結晶特性  個人研究


  • 医薬品の晶析、多形制御

    晶析、医薬化合物、多形  個人研究



  • 化学工学会


  • アメリカ化学会


  • 日本生物工学会


  • 分離技術会



  • 幹事   化学工学会関西支部  

    2020年04月 - 継続中 

  • 論文誌の編集・審査委員会   化学工学会編集委員会  

    2014年01月 - 継続中 


    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan(英文誌)


  • Best Poster Award

    2018年06月   Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium  

  • ベストポスター賞, BIWIC 2004, Gyeongju, Korea


  • 分離技術会技術賞




  • 優秀論文賞, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan




  • 優秀論文賞, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan




  • ベストポスター賞, アジア工業晶析国際会議


  • ベストポスター賞, アジア工業晶析国際会議


  • 優秀ポスター賞, 第8回分離技術国際会議


  • 優秀ポスター賞, 第8回分離技術国際会議




  • Continuous Sonocrystallization Process for Controlling the Polymorphs and Particle Size of Perampanel

    Machida K.

    Organic Process Research and Development   28 ( 11 )   4003 - 4010   2024年11月( ISSN:10836160


  • The Solid-Phase Transition of Carbapenem CS-023 Polymorphs and the Change in Helicity Observed in the Transition 査読

    Shinji Matsuura,Koichi Igarashi,Masayuki Azuma and Hiroshi Ooshima

    crystals   14 ( 1 )   71   2024年01月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst14010071

  • Efficient optical resolution of DL-glutamate by combining enzymatic racemization 査読

    Koichi Igarashi, Tomono Fujimura

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   56 ( 1 )   2023年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1080/00219592.2023.2197012

  • Polymorphic crystallization design to prevent the degradation of the β-lactam structure of a carbapenem

    Matsuura S.

    Crystals   11 ( 8 )   2021年08月


  • Mineralization induced by phosphorylated dry baker’s yeast 査読

    Yoshihiro Ojima , Maya Kihara , Mami Yoshida, Koichi Igarashi, Tomoko Yoshida, Masayuki Azuma

    PLOS ONE   2020年09月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

  • Simultaneous Control of Crystal Habit and Particle Size of Ecabet Sodium Hydrate with Rapid Cooling Crystallization and Temperature Cycling 査読

    Kishida Muneki, Igarashi Koichi, Azuma Masayuki, Ooshima Hiroshi

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   52 ( 5 )   455 - 464   2019年05月( ISSN:0021-9592


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    <p>A practical strategy for the simultaneous control of particle size and shape of active pharmaceutical ingredients has been investigated using ecabet sodium (Na-ECA) hydrate, which tends to generate large plate-like crystals, as a model compound. In conventional batch-cooling crystallization, particle size and relative thickness decreased with increasing cooling rates. However, the particle size was still too large following fast cooling at a rate of 40°C/h. In rapid cooling crystallization with water, achieved by mixing hot Na-ECA solution with cold water, the particle size and relative thickness became 1/3.8 and 1/3, respectively, compared to that under batch-cooling crystallization at a rate of 40°C/h. It was also revealed that both the particle size and relative thickness increased with temperature cycling; however, the morphology of the obtained particles was still plate-like. In rapid cooling crystallization in aqueous NaCl, the particle size was reduced further to 1/4.7, and the relative thickness of the particle increased sixfold over that obtained in water. Moreover, the shape of the particle evolved effectively by temperature cycling. Consequently, granular and smaller particles could be obtained successfully. The mechanism of shape evolution was also discussed with respect to contact angles. Based on the qualitative analysis results obtained using Young's equation, we propose that shape evolution is induced by surface free energy, which drives the progression towards equilibrium shape during repeated partial dissolution and crystal growth.</p>

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.18we278

    CiNii Article

  • Recovering metals from aqueous solutions by biosorption onto phosphorylated dry baker's yeast 査読

    Ojima Yoshihiro, Kosako Shogo, Kihara Maya, Miyoshi Norikazu, Igarashi Koichi, Azuma Masayuki

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   9   2019年01月( ISSN:2045-2322


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-36306-2

  • Pharmaceutical Microcrystal Formation by Supersaturation Control with an Electrolyte 査読

    Muneki Kishida, Koichi Igarashi, Masayuki Azuma, Hiroshi Ooshima

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   51 ( 7 )   1 - 6   2018年07月



    Methods to control the particle sizes of active pharmaceutical ingredients were investigated using sodium ecabet (Na-ECA) hydrate, which tends to generate large plate-like crystals, as a model compound. In batch-cooling crystallization in H2O, the particle size decreased as the cooling rate was increased. Although the particle size reached 97 µm at a cooling rate of 40°C/h, this may be too large for formulation without further physical processing. A series of semi-batch crystallization experiments was conducted by adding aqueous Na-ECA solution to aqueous NaCl. In these experiments, the particle sizes decreased to less than 7 µm as the NaCl concentration was increased to >1.2% w/w. The particles yielded by semi-batch crystallization showed improved particle size distributions compared to those obtained by the batch-cooling crystallization method. The solubility of Na-ECA hydrate decreased to less than 10% of that in pure water as the NaCl concentration was increased to 3.0% w/w. This solubility change enabled the production of a highly supersaturated environment, allowing facile generation of microcrystals with a narrow particle size distribution.

  • Behavior of t-Butoxycarbonyl-L-asparagine (Boc-Asn) during the Initial Stage of Crystallization 査読

    Igarashi Koichi, Aoki Masako, Masuda Yoshiko, Azuma Masayuki, Ooshima Hiroshi

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   51 ( 1 )   111 - 115   2018年01月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    <p>The crystallization mechanism of amino acid derivative <i>t</i>-butoxycarbonyl-L-asparagine (Boc-Asn) was investigated. NMR spectroscopy was used to observe the behavior of Boc-Asn molecules in under- and supersaturated solution. Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) NMR measurements were performed to provide information concerning the intra- or intermolecular access of a particular hydrogen atom to other hydrogen atoms in solution. We compared the interactions identified by NOE measurements for under- and supersaturated solutions of Boc-Asn with those in the crystal, as determined by X-ray analysis. According to the X-ray analysis, intramolecular NOE should not be observed, but intermolecular NOE might be observed between the methyl protons of the <i>t</i>-butoxycarbonyl group and the protons belonging to other functional groups. The time course of the NOE intensity was followed for three solutions with different saturation ratios <i>S</i> (=concentration of solute/solubility). For undersaturated and nearly saturated conditions (<i>S</i>=0.8 and 1.12 at 0°C), the NOE intensity did not change for at least for 250 h. However, for the supersaturated solution (<i>S</i>=1.62 at 10°C), the NOE intensity increased suddenly and rapidly after about 120 h, and no crystals were observed during the NOE measurements. As the observed NOEs agreed with those expected from the arrangement of molecules in the crystal, it was suggested that Boc-Asn molecules aggregated after about 120 h with the same structure as that in the crystal. In addition to the behavior of the Boc-Asn solution before nucleation, we also investigated the effect of aggregation on the crystallization process. Solutions that were preincubated at 10°C for various periods were further cooled and crystallized at −30°C. It was found that when the solution was preincubated under the supersaturated condition for a long time before crystallization, nucleation was enhanced, and consequently, the crystal size distribution became homogeneous.</p>

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.17we027

    CiNii Article

  • Localized Solvent Effects on the Crystal Habit of tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-asparagine (BocASN) 査読

    Hirano Masaru, Igarashi Koichi, Ooshima Hiroshi

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   50 ( 3 )   207 - 212   2017年03月( ISSN:0021-9592


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    <p>Solvent selection is one of the most important factors for the control of crystal habits. However, this relationship is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to determine the solvent selectivity to obtain a desired crystal habit using <i>tert</i>-butoxycarbonyl-L-asparagine (BocASN) as a model compound. The [110], [100], and [001] faces were dominant for the BocASN crystals obtained from acetone and ethanol. However, the [011], [100], and [001] faces were dominant for those obtained from methanol. The interactions between the solvent molecules and the functional groups exposed on the crystal surface were examined. The solvent-surface interactions on each surface of the BocASN crystal were dependent on the type of solvent. The different solvent-surface interactions along the <i>a</i>-, <i>b</i>-, and <i>c</i>-axes affected the growth rate and aspect ratio of the crystal. The analysis of the solvent-surface interactions is useful to predict the crystal habit.</p>

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.16we140

    CiNii Article

  • Cooling Crystallization Using a mL-Scale Continuous Crystallizer Equipped with a High Speed Agitator for Production of Uniform Small Crystals 査読

    Igarashi Koichi, Ooshima Hiroshi

    公益社団法人 化学工学会 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   49 ( 8 )   805 - 808   2016年08月( ISSN:0021-9592



    <p>A mL-scale continuous crystallizer has been newly developed to produce small crystals with a narrow size distribution. The crystallizer is composed of a stainless-steel mixing vessel with an inner working volume of 7.9 mL and a high-speed agitator that can agitate the crystallization solution at up to 24,000 rpm. In a previous work, the crystallizer was used for the drowning-out crystallization of glycine and L-alanine. The crystals obtained with the novel crystallizer were small and uniform in size, comparing with those obtained with conventional beaker-scale semi-batch and continuous MSMPR type crystallizers. In this study, the cooling crystallization of L-alanine was attempted using the mL-scale crystallizer. The undersaturated hot solution of L-alanine and the water-immiscible coolant liquid were introduced into the crystallizer and were intensely agitated. The solution was dispersed as small droplets into the coolant liquid and rapidly cooled. The crystals obtained by the mL-scale cooling crystallizer are small and uniform in size as well as the drowning-out crystallization.</p>

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.16we079

    CiNii Article

  • Crystallization Behavior of Ibuprofen under Microwave Irradiation 査読

    Igarashi Koichi, Kihara Sumito, Ooshima Hiroshi

    The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   46 ( 12 )   797 - 801   2013年12月( ISSN:0021-9592



    The batch cooling crystallization of the organic compound, ibuprofen, was carried out under 2.45 GHz microwave irradiation. <i>n</i>-Hexane containing a small amount of acetone (5 mol%) and Fluorinert™, which did not absorb microwave, were selected as the solvent and coolant circulating through the jacket of crystallizer, respectively. The ibuprofen-hexane solution was cooled from 40 to −1°C under microwave irradiation and no irradiation. When the solution was not irradiated to the solution, ibuprofen crystals appeared at 35°C. On the other hand, when irradiation with 300 W microwave was carried out, nucleation did not occur even when the solution temperature reached to −1°C. At that time, the supersaturation ratio was 9.5. Thus, crystal nucleation of ibuprofen was inhibited by the microwave irradiation. The effect of microwave irradiation continued for at least 100 min after the irradiation was stopped at −1°C. By adding a small amount of crystals to the highly supersaturated solution, small crystals with a narrow size distribution were produced.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.13we189

    CiNii Article

  • Structure of supersaturated solution and crystal nucleation induced by diffusion 査読

    Ooshima Hiroshi, Igarashi Koichi, Iwasa Hideo, Yamamoto Ren

    JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH   373   2 - 6   2013年06月( ISSN:0022-0248



    The effect of a seed crystal on nucleation of l-alanine from a quiescent supersaturated solution was investigated. When a seed crystal was not used, nucleation did not occur at least for 5 h. When a seed crystal was introduced into the supersaturated solution with careful attention to avoid convection of the solution, fine crystals appeared at the place far from the seed crystal. At that time, there was no convection at the place that fine crystals appeared. Namely, there was no possibility that those fine crystals came from the surface of seed crystal. We supposed that nucleation was induced by directional diffusion of solute molecules caused by growth of the seed crystal. In order to prove this hypothesis, we designed an experiment using an apparatus composed of two compartments divided by a dialysis membrane that l-alanine molecules could freely permeate. Two supersaturated solutions having a supersaturation ratio of 1.2 and a smaller ratio were placed in the two compartments in the absence of seed crystals. This apparatus allowed the directional diffusion of solute molecules between two solutions. Nucleation occurred within 30 min. The frequency of nucleation among 7-times repeated experiments was in proportion to the difference of supersaturation ratio between the two solutions. This result poses a new mechanism of the secondary nucleation that the directional diffusion caused by growth of existing crystals induces nucleation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.12.008

  • Repeated Cooling Crystallization for Production of Microcrystals with a Narrow Size Distribution 査読

    Xing Zhongyuan, Igarashi Koichi, Morioka Ayumi, Ooshima Hiroshi

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   45 ( 10 )   811 - 815   2012年10月( ISSN:0021-9592



    The batch cooling crystallization of an organic compound, p-acetanisidide, was carried out using methanol as a solvent and no seed crystal. The crystallization needed an induction period of 10–200 min before nucleation, and the size distribution of the product crystals was broad with sizes ranging from 10 to 270 µm determined as the diameter of a circle with equal projection area. In order to control the nucleation process and obtain microcrystals with a narrow size distribution, the dissolution of crystals obtained by cooling crystallization, followed by recrystallization was adopted. Thus, the crystals once obtained by cooling crystallization were completely dissolved by heating the slurry to a temperature 17°C that was higher than the saturation temperature by 1.5°C. After the solution was maintained at that temperature for a given time, it was cooled again. In the case of repeated crystallization, the induction period observed in the first crystallization disappeared, and small crystals with a mean diameter of 40 µm and a narrow size distribution were obtained. However, the effect of the complete dissolution of crystals on the production of microcrystals with a narrow size distribution disappeared when the solution was incubated at 17°C over 90 min. These results were explained on the basis of the history of the solution structure.

  • Control of Crystal Size Distribution Using a mL-Scale Continuous Crystallizer Equipped with a High Speed Agitator 査読

    Igarashi Koichi, Yamanaka Yasuhiro, Azuma Masayuki, Ooshima Hiroshi

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   45 ( 1 )   28 - 33   2012年01月( ISSN:0021-9592



    A mL-scale continuous crystallizer has been newly developed to produce small crystals with a narrow size distribution. The crystallizer is used for the poor solvent crystallization of glycine and <small>L</small>-alanine. The crystallizer is composed of a stainless-steel mixing vessel with an inner volume of 0.9 mL and a high-speed agitator that can agitate the crystallization solution up to 24,000 rpm. Glycine or <small>L</small>-alanine aqueous solution and poor solvent (methanol) are supplied into the vessel at a constant flow rate and intensely mixed by the agitator. The average residence time was set at 0.33, 3.3 and 33 s by changing the flow rate of an amino acid solution and poor solvent. The crystals obtained by the crystallizer are small and uniform in size, comparing with those obtained by a conventional beaker-scale semi-batch and continuous MSMPR type crystallizers. For example, glycine crystals having the 1/38 of the size of crystals obtained by a semi batch crystallizer were obtained. The short residence time that can be attained by the present mL-scale crystallizer is advantageous for the production of small crystals with a narrow size distribution. The size distribution can be further controlled by changing the mixing ratio of poor solvent.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.11we158

    CiNii Article

  • Repeated Cooling Crystallization for Production of Microcrystals with a Narrow Size Distribution

    Xing Zhongyuan, Igarashi Koichi, Morioka Ayumi, Ooshima Hiroshi

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   45 ( 10 )   811 - 815   2012年( ISSN:00219592 ( eISSN:18811299



    The batch cooling crystallization of an organic compound, <i>p</i>-acetanisidide, was carried out using methanol as a solvent and no seed crystal. The crystallization needed an induction period of 10–200 min before nucleation, and the size distribution of the product crystals was broad with sizes ranging from 10 to 270 µm determined as the diameter of a circle with equal projection area. In order to control the nucleation process and obtain microcrystals with a narrow size distribution, the dissolution of crystals obtained by cooling crystallization, followed by recrystallization was adopted. Thus, the crystals once obtained by cooling crystallization were completely dissolved by heating the slurry to a temperature 17°C that was higher than the saturation temperature by 1.5°C. After the solution was maintained at that temperature for a given time, it was cooled again. In the case of repeated crystallization, the induction period observed in the first crystallization disappeared, and small crystals with a mean diameter of 40 µm and a narrow size distribution were obtained. However, the effect of the complete dissolution of crystals on the production of microcrystals with a narrow size distribution disappeared when the solution was incubated at 17°C over 90 min. These results were explained on the basis of the history of the solution structure.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.12we131

    CiNii Article

  • Relationship between Crystal Polymorphism and Solution Structure of an Imidazopyridine Derivative Developed as a Drug Substance for Osteoporosis 査読

    Hirano Masaru, Igarashi Koichi, Machiya Kouji, TAMURA Rui, TUE Hiroto, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan Journal of chemical engineering of Japan   42 ( 1 )   204 - 211   2009年03月( ISSN:00219592



    An imidazopyridine derivative developed for osteoporosis treatment (a bone proton pump inhibitor, abbreviated BPPI) was crystallized in two kinds of alcohol. Two crystal polymorphs appeared: an unstable B01 form and a stable B02 form. The B01 form was obtained only from an ethanol solution and was never obtained from a methanol solution. The B02 form was obtained from a methanol solution. In order to understand these different behaviors in the appearance of polymorphs from alcohol, the intra- and inter-molecular interactions of BPPI molecules in solution were analyzed by NMR. As a result, the conformation of BPPI molecules and the structure of molecular aggregates in solution were found to resemble those of the polymorphic crystals that appeared in each alcohol. This result suggests that the control of the conformation of solute molecules is important at first to control the appearing polymorph.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.08we299

    CiNii Article

  • Synthesis and Degradation of Acyl Peptide Using Enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 査読

    Islam Nazneen Naher, Igarashi Koichi, Tachibana Taro, OOSHIMA Hiroshi, AZUMA Masayuki

    公益社団法人日本生物工学会 Journal of bioscience and bioengineering   105 ( 3 )   282 - 287   2008年03月( ISSN:13891723



    The detailed properties of the enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which catalyzes the N-acyl linkage between myristic acid and the N-terminal glycine residue of the octapeptide GNAAAARR-NH_2(PKA) in aqueous solution without ATP and CoA, were studied. The substrate specificity for the acyl peptide in the synthetic reaction was examined, and it was found that at least eight amino acid residues are required for the reaction and that the N-terminal glycine residue is not absolutely essential for the reaction because the activity was detected using the octapeptide that has an N-terminal alanine. The activity was also strongly affected by the amino acid sequence because the activity was very weak in the reaction using GARASVLS-NH_2(HIV-1p17^<gag>). The substrate specificity for fatty acids was also examined. In the reactions using lauric acid and decanoic acid, only slight activities were detected; however, those activities were very small compared with the activity in the reaction using myristic acid. In addition, the degradation of myristoyl PKA by the enzyme was detected, although there are only a few reports on demyristoylation. The optimum pH and temperature of the degradation reaction were consistent with those of the synthetic reaction. The degradation reaction was inhibited by divalent cations.

    CiNii Article

  • Synthesis and degradation of acyl peptide using enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 査読

    Nazneen Naher Islam, Koichi Igarashi, Taro Tachibana, Hiroshi Ooshima, Masayuki Azuma

    JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING   105 ( 3 )   282 - 287   2008年03月( ISSN:1389-1723



    The detailed properties of the enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which catalyzes the N-acyl linkage between myristic acid and the N-terminal glycine residue of the octapeptide GNAAAARR-NH2 (PKA) in aqueous solution without ATP and CoA, were studied. The substrate specificity for the acyl peptide in the synthetic reaction was examined, and it was found that at least eight amino acid residues are required for the reaction and that the N-terminal glycine residue is not absolutely essential for the reaction because the activity was detected using the octapeptide that has an N-terminal alanine. The activity was also strongly affected by the amino acid sequence because the activity was very weak in the reaction using GARASVLS-NH2 (HIV-1p17(gag)). The substrate specificity for fatty acids was also examined. In the reactions using lauric acid and decanoic acid, only slight activities were detected; however, those activities were very small compared with the activity in the reaction using myristic acid. In addition, the degradation of myristoyl PKA by the enzyme was detected, although there are only a few reports on demyristoylation. The optimum pH and temperature of the degradation reaction were consistent with those of the synthetic reaction. The degradation reaction was inhibited by divalent cations.

    DOI: 10.1263/jbb.105.282

  • Growth mechanism of the calcium carbonate tubes on a cation-exchange membrane 査読

    Igarashi Koichi, Takiguchi Masakazu, Ooshima Hiroshi

    JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN   116 ( 1349 )   111 - 114   2008年01月( ISSN:1882-0743



  • Growth mechanism of the calcium carbonate tubes on a cation-exchange membrane

    IGARASHI Koichi, TAKIGUCHI Masakazu, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan   116 ( 1349 )   111 - 114   2008年( ISSN:18820743 ( eISSN:13486535



    Tubular agglomerates of calcium carbonate crystals (the CC-tubes) were formed from 1 M calcium chloride and 1 M sodium carbonate, and the formation mechanism was investigated. A cylindrical jacketed glass vessel was used as a crystallizer. The newly designed crystallizer was composed of two compartments that were divided by a cation-exchange membrane. The crystallizer was vertically placed and the two solutions were separately placed in each compartment. The CC-tubes were formed in vertical against the surface of the cation-exchange membrane in the upper sodium carbonate solution side. The growth of the CC-tubes was observed through a plane window of the top of the crystallizer by a digital microscope in order to study the growth mechanism of the tubes. In the early stage of crystallization, small cubic crystals appeared on the membrane. Although most parts of the membrane surface were covered with crystals, some small spots on the membrane surface were not covered with crystals. The CC-tubes grew from the uncovered parts. We concluded that the uncovered spots are important for the generation of the CC-tubes. A possible mechanism of the growth of the CC-tubes was proposed.<br>

    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj2.116.111

    CiNii Article

  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant displaying beta-glucans on cell surface 査読

    Sakai Yumiko, Azuma Masayuki, Takada Yuki, Umeyama Takashi, Kaneko Aki, Fujita Tsuyoshi, Igarashi Koichi, Ooshima Hiroshi

    JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING   103 ( 2 )   161 - 166   2007年02月( ISSN:1389-1723



    DOI: 10.1263/jbb.103.161

  • Flowerlike agglomerates of calcium carbonate crystals formed on an eggshell membrane 査読

    Takiguchi Masakazu, Igarashi Koichi, Azuma Masayuki, Ooshima Hiroshi

    CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN   6 ( 12 )   2754 - 2757   2006年12月( ISSN:1528-7483



    DOI: 10.1021/cg0604576

  • Purification and Characterization of Enzyme Responsible for N-Myristoylation of Octapeptide in Aqueous Solution without ATP and Coenzyme A from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 査読

    Jyomoto Takahiro, Azuma Masayuki, Islam Nazneen Naher, FUJINAMI Ryo, TAKAO Toshifumi, OGAWA Takayuki, TABUCHI Masaki, IGARASHI Koichi, KATO Jyoji, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    公益社団法人日本生物工学会 Journal of bioscience and bioengineering   102 ( 3 )   193 - 197   2006年09月( ISSN:13891723



    The enzyme that catalyzes N-acyl linkage between myristic acid and the NH_2-terminal glycine residue of the octapeptide Gly-Asn-Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala-Arg-Arg-NH_2 in aqueous solution without ATP and coenzyme A was found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The enzyme was purified from cellfree crude extract using DEAE-Cellulose, Sephadex G-200, CM-Sephadex C-50, and hydroxyapatite column chromatographies, and then purified approximately 1900-fold with about 1.5% recovery of enzyme activity from the crude extract. Finally, the purified enzyme showed a main band on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. The band corresponded to a molecular mass of approximately 60 kDa. The K_ms of the purified enzyme for the substrate myristic acid and the octapeptide were 0.36 and 2.6mM, respectively. When myristoyl-CoA instead of myristic acid was used as the substrate for the enzyme reaction, myristoyl octapeptide could be synthesized as observed in the case of myristic acid. The K_m of myristoyl-CoA was 0.17mM.

    CiNii Article

  • Purification and characterization of enzyme responsible for N-myristoylation of octapeptide in aqueous solution without ATP and coenzyme A from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 査読

    Takahiro Jyomoto, Masayuki Azuma, Nazneen Naher Islam, Ryo Fujinami, Toshifumi Takao, Takayuki Ogawa, Masaki Tabuchi, Koichi Igarashi, Jyoji Kato, Hiroshi Ooshima

    JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING   102 ( 3 )   193 - 197   2006年09月( ISSN:1389-1723



    The enzyme that catalyzes N-acyl linkage between myristic acid and the NH2-terminal glycine residue of the octapeptide Gly-Asn-Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala-Arg-Arg-NH2, in aqueous solution without ATP and coenzyme A was found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The enzyme was purified from cell-free crude extract using DEAE-Cellulose, Sephadex G-200, CM-Sephadex C-50, and hydroxyapatite column chromatographies, and then purified approximately 1900-fold with about 1.5% recovery of enzyme activity from the crude extract. Finally, the purified enzyme showed a main band on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. The band corresponded to a molecular mass of approximately 60 kDa. The K(m)s of the purified enzyme for the substrate myristic acid and the octapeptide were 0.36 and 2.6 mM, respectively. When myristoyl-CoA instead of myristic acid was used as the substrate for the enzyme reaction, myristoyl octapeptide could be synthesized as observed in the case of myristic acid. The K-m of myristoyl-CoA was 0.17 mM.

    DOI: 10.1263/jbb.102.193

  • Crystallization of β-Sitosterol Using a Water-Immiscible Solvent Hexane 査読

    Kawachi Hideo, Tanaka Rika, Hirano Masaru, IGARASHI Koichi, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan Journal of chemical engineering of Japan   39 ( 8 )   869 - 875   2006年08月( ISSN:00219592



    Cooling crystallization of <I>β</I>-sitosterol that is a kind of phytosterol was carried out, where a water-immiscible solvent hexane containing a ppm level of water was used as a solvent. The initial ratio of water and <I>β</I>-sitosterol concentration adopted in this work was 330/10, 1315/10 and 645/20 ppm/(g/L), which corresponded to 0.51, 2.0, and 0.50 in water/<I>β</I>-sitosterol mole ratio, respectively. When the initial ratio of water and <I>β</I>-sitosterol concentration was 1315/10 ppm/(g/L), thin plate-like crystals were precipitated and were identified as the monohydrate crystals of <I>β</I>-sitosterol. On the other hand, when the initial ratio of water and <I>β</I>-sitosterol concentration was 645/20 ppm/(g/L), needle-like crystals of hemihydrate were precipitated. This result meant that the ppm level of water plays an important role for the pseudo-polymorphism. Since the crystal structure of <I>β</I>-sitosterol hemihydrate had never been reported, we determined it by a single crystal XRD analysis.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.39.869

    CiNii Article

  • Tubular structure agglomerates of calcium carbonate crystals formed on a cation-exchange membrane 査読

    Takiguchi M, Igarashi K, Azuma M, Ooshima H

    CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN   6 ( 7 )   1611 - 1614   2006年07月( ISSN:1528-7483



    DOI: 10.1021/cg060045x

  • Studies on the hydration of Aerosol OT and the formation of reversed micelles in decane by a calorimetry and ab initio calculations 査読

    Sameshima K, Tanaka R, Igarashi K, Oshinia H

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS   38 ( 6 )   662 - 671   2006年06月( ISSN:0021-9614



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2005.07.021

  • Relationship between Cell Morphology and Intracellular Potassium Concentration in Candida albicans 査読

    WATANABE Hiroshi, AZUMA Masayuki, IGARASHI Koichi, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    Journal of antibiotics = An International Journal Devoted to Research on Bioactive Microbial Products   59 ( 5 )   281 - 287   2006年05月( ISSN:00218820



    CiNii Article

  • 1F11-3 Characterization of the Enzyme Responsible for N-Myristoylation of Octapeptide in Aqueous Solution without ATP and CoA : 査読

    NAZNEEN Islam Naher, AZUMA Masayuki, IGARASHI Koichi, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    日本生物工学会 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集   18   2006年



    CiNii Article

  • Crystallization of β-Sitosterol Using a Water-Immiscible Solvent Hexane

    Hideo Kawachi, Rika Tanaka, Masaru Hirano, Koichi Igarashi and Hiroshi Ooshima

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   39   869 - 875   2006年



  • Tublar Structure Aggromerates of Calcium Carbonate Crystals Formed on a Cation-Exchange Membrane

    M. Takiguchi, K. Igarashi, M. Azuma, and H. Ooshima

    Crystal Growth& Design   6 ( 7 )   1611 - 1614   2006年



  • Studies on the hydration of Aerosol OT and the formation of reversed micelles in decane by a calorimetry and ab initio calculation

    K. Sameshima, R. Tanaka, K. Igarashi, H. Ooshima

    J. Chem. Thermodynamics   38   662 - 671   2006年



  • Valinomycin Affects the Morphology of Candida albicans 査読

    WATANABE Hiroshi, AZUMA Masayuki, IGARASHI Koichi, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    Journal of antibiotics   58 ( 12 )   753 - 758   2005年12月( ISSN:00218820



    Microbial metabolites were screened for inhibitors of hyphal growth in Candida albicans. Inhibitory activity was found among metabolites of a culture of an actinomycete, which had been isolated from soil. The active substance inhibited hyphal growth and induced growth as a chain of yeast cells under hyphal growth induction conditions. The active substance was purified and analyzed with 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and mass spectra. The substance was identified as valinomycin, and commercial valinomycin inhibited hyphal growth as effectively as the purified metabolite. The effective concentration was from 0.49 to 62.5 microg/ml. Valinomycin also inhibited hyphal growth in other dimorphic fungi, Candida tropicalis and Aureobasidium pullulans. These results suggest that valinomycin may be a useful tool for understanding the morphological transition of dimorphic fungi.

    CiNii Article

  • Manipulation of morphological transition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant J19 査読

    Maneesri J, Azuma M, Igarashi K, Sugihara A, Ooshima H

    BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   27 ( 1 )   72 - 76   2005年12月( ISSN:1369-703X



    Saccharomyces cerevisiae has the potential for morphological differentiation. In order to positively utilize the morphological transition of S. cerevisiae for the separation of cells from culture broth, the cell settling of mutant J19 having pseudohyphal form was examined. Mutant cells settled faster in stationary test tubes than those of the parental strain having yeast-like form. Furthermore, in an attempt to establish a basis for manipulation of the morphological transition between the yeast-like and pseudohyphal forms, a plasmid harboring the SCL1 gene under the control of the GAL1 promoter was constructed. The SCL1 gene complements the morphological phenotype of mutant J19. The plasmid was transformed into mutant J19, and the morphological transition of the transformant by changes in carbon source was examined. It was found that partial manipulation of the morphological transition was possible.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2005.07.001

  • Valinomycin affects the morphology of Candida albicans 査読

    Hiroshi Watanabe, Masayuki Azuma, Koichi Igarashi, Hiroshi Ooshima

    Journal of Antibiotics   58 ( 12 )   753 - 758   2005年12月( ISSN:0021-8820



    Microbial metabolites were screened for inhibitors of hyphal growth in Candida albicans. Inhibitory activity was found among metabolites of a culture of an actinomycete, which had been isolated from soil. The active substance inhibited hyphal growth and induced growth as a chain of yeast cells under hyphal growth induction conditions. The active substance was purified and analyzed with 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and mass spectra. The substance was identified as valinomycin, and commercial valinomycin inhibited hyphal growth as effectively as the purified metabolite. The effective concentration was from 0.49 to 62.5 μg/ml. Valinomycin also inhibited hyphal growth in other dimorphic fungi, Candida tropicalis and Aureobasidium pullulans. These results suggest that valinomycin may be a useful tool for understanding the morphological transition of dimorphic fungi. © Japan Antibiotics Research Association.

    DOI: 10.1038/ja.2005.102


  • Deletion of MCD4 Involved in Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) Anchor Synthesis Leads to an Increase in β-1, 6-Glucan Level and a Decrease in GPI-Anchored Protein and Mannan Levels in the Cell Wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 査読


    公益社団法人日本生物工学会 Journal of bioscience and bioengineering   99 ( 4 )   354 - 360   2005年04月( ISSN:13891723



    Most proteins involved in the synthesis of the GPI core structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are essential for growth. To explore the relationship between the GPI anchor structure and β-1,6-glucan synthesis, we screened deletion mutants in genes involved in GPI synthesis for osmotic remedial growth. Heterozygous diploid strains were dissected on medium with osmotic support and slow growth of the mcd4 deletion mutant was observed. The mcd4 mutant showed abnormal morphology and cell aggregation, and was hypersensitive to SDS, hygromycin B and K1 killer toxin. Incorporation of GPI cell wall proteins was examined using a GPI-Flo1 fusion protein. The result suggested that the mcd4 deletion causes a decrease in GPI cell wall proteins levels. The mutation also caused a decrease in mannan levels and an increase in alkali-insoluble β-1,6-glucan and chitin levels in the cell wall.

    CiNii Article

  • Analysis of Chitin at the Hyphal Tip of Candida albicans Using Calcofluor White 査読

    Watanabe Hiroshi, Azuma Masayuki, Igarashi Koichi, OOSHIMA Hiroshi

    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry   69 ( 9 )   1798 - 1801   2005年04月( ISSN:0916-8451


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    Staining with calcofluor white (CFW), which is known to bind chitin-rich areas of the cell wall, revealed a difference in the fluorescence intensity at the hyphal tip between <I>Candida albicans</I> hyphal cells that were grown in modified Lee (M-Lee) and SPG media. The fluorescence intensity at the tip increased with the addition of salts and sugar to SPG. The chitin levels per dry cell weight in cells grown in modified Lee and SPG with 1.0 <small>M</small> NaCl were also higher than in SPG. These results suggest that chitin synthesis at the tip of <I>C. albicans</I> might be activated by the addition of salts and sugar to a medium.

    DOI: 10.1271/bbb.69.1798

    CiNii Article

  • The Effects of Impurities on Crystallization of Polymorphs of a Drug Substance AE1-923 査読

    Masaki Okamoto, Masaya Hamano, Koichi Igarashi and Hiroshi Ooshima

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   37 ( 10 )   1224 - 1231   2004年10月



    The effects of seven kinds of impurities on the solvent-mediated transformation of crystal polymorphs of a drug substance AE1-923 were investigated. AE1-923 was developed for an indication of pollakiuria and pain. It has three polymorphs, namely the unstable A-form, the metastable B-form and the stable C-form. The impurities tested were the starting compounds, the reaction reagents and the intermediates in the synthesis of AE1-923. One of the impurities, an intermediate AE1-923ME (methylester of AE1-923), inhibited the solvent-mediated polymorph transformation of the B-form to the C-form, although the transformation of the A-form to the B-form was not inhibited. The other impurities had no effect on the two steps of polymorph transformation. The inhibitory effect of AE1-923ME that was evaluated by the overall transformation rate constant kc exponentially increased with an increase in the concentration of AE1-923ME. AE1-923ME of 0.5 wt% completely suppressed the nucleation of the stable C-form crystals. However, crystal growth of the C-form was not inhibited.

  • Effects of a solute analogue p-acetoacetanisidide on the crystallization of p-acetanisidide 査読

    Saito A , Igarashi K, Azuma M, Ooshima H

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   36   953 - 958   2003年08月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    Crystallization of p-acetanisidide (PAC) was carried out in the presence of p-acetoacetanisidide (APAC) as a solute analogue impurity. Addition of APAC into the supersaturated solution of PAC did not affect the structure of crystals of PAC, but affected the nucleation and crystal growth and also the morphology (crystal shape) of PAC crystals. APAC made the induction period before the beginning of precipitation of PAC crystals longer. The growth rate of PAC crystals was decreased. In particular, the growth of 11001 surface was inhibited, resulting in the change of the crystal shape from plate-like to rod-like. Hydrogen bonding between PAC and APAC in solution was observed by analyzing the chemical shift of N-H hydrogen. As a result, the effects of APAC on the crystallization of PAC could be explained in terms of the hydrogen bonding between PAC and APAC molecules.

  • Characterization of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mutant with Pseudohyphae and Cloning of a Gene Complementing the Mutation 査読

    Jaruwan Maneesri, Masayuki Azuma, Satoshi Torii, Koichi Igarashi, Hiroshi Ooshima

    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.   67 ( 3 )   517 - 524   2003年03月



    Screening for morphological mutants of a haploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was done on the basis of their cell-shape on a solid medium containing isoamyl alcohol, which causes cell elongation, to obtain information on the morphogenesis. Mutant J19, which had pseudohyphae in liquid medium even in the absence of isoamyl alcohol, had many elongated cells. Few reports exist of haploid cells growing as pseudohyphae in liquid culture. Cell-wall analysis showed that J19 had ordinary amounts of alkali-insoluble glucan and chitin, but that isoamyl alcohol in the medium caused structural changes in the cell wall. Addition of a DNA fragment that included the wild-type SCL1 gene to J19 complemented its morphological phenotype. Sequencing of J19 SCL1 showed that the glycine at position 226 in the Scl1 protein had been replaced by asparatic acid, suggesting that this mutation in the protein, a subunit of proteasomes, may be involved in the morphological change.

  • Control of Polymorphs on the Crystallization of Glycine Using WWDJ Batch Crystallizer 査読

    K. Igarashi, Y. Sasaki, M. Azuma, H. Noda, H. Ooshima

    Eng. Life. Sci.   3   159 - 163   2003年03月



    The control of crystal polymorphs was investigated using a WWDJ batch crystallizer and glycine as a model compound. The WWDJ batch crystallizer is a newly developed crystallizer, which is equipped with a slurry sprinkler named Wall Wetter fixed on the shaft of an impeller and a double‐deck jacket. When a conventional crystallizer was used, the unstable α‐form crystals were always obtained. However, when the WWDJ batch crystallizer was used, the stable γ‐form crystals were obtained. The appearance of different polymorphs depends on the cooling rate during the crystallization. The γ‐form crystals were obtained by slow cooling, while the α‐form was obtained by rapid cooling. It means that the solvent‐mediated transformation of glycine crystal polymorphs can be controlled by changing the cooling rate in the WWDJ crystallizer. These results were obtained due to the fact that the WWDJ batch crystallizer accelerates the dissolution of metastable crystals and the growth of stable crystals.

  • Aggregation of p-Acetanisidide Molecules in the Under and Super-saturated Solution and Its Effect on Crystallization 査読

    A. Saito, K. Igarashi, M. Azuma, H. Ooshima

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   35 ( 11 )   1133 - 1139   2002年11月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    The aggregation behavior of solute molecules in under- and supersaturated solutions was investigated using an organic compound p-acetanisidide (PAC) as a model compound and NMR method. The aggregation behavior was discussed by comparing the structure of aggregates with that of a single crystal determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis. And also, the relationship between the aggregation and the nucleation was discussed. PAC molecules were found in aggregates before nucleation, not only in the super-saturated solution but also in the under-saturated solution. The growth of aggregates in the under-saturated solution was slower than that in the super-saturated solution. The local structures observed in the aggregates were intermolecular hydrogen bonding between N-H hydrogen and C=O oxygen, and the intra- and intermolecular access of methoxy group hydrogen to (orto-) hydrogen on a benzene ring within a distance of 4 Å. These interactions were also observed between adjacent PAC molecules in crystal. The whole structure of aggregates, however, was not the same as that of the crystal. The formation of aggregates before nucleation in the under-saturation condition suppressed the nucleation, and the formation of aggregates in the super-saturation condition accelerated the nucleation.

  • Dissolution kinetics of crystals in suspension and its application to L-aspartic acid crystals 査読

    Gu Shan, Koichi Igarashi, Hiroshi Ooshima

    Chemical Engineering Journal   88   53 - 58   2002年09月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    The kinetics of the dissolution of l-aspartic acid crystals under the gentle and vigorous agitation was investigated. A dissolution rate equation was derived by assuming two steps: the disintegration of molecules from the surface of crystals and the mass transfer of disintegrated molecules into the bulk solution. An intrinsic expression of the relationship between the solute concentration of the bulk solution and the dissolution time was also derived. The dissolution process of monodisperse and polydisperse crystals of l-aspartic acid was well estimated, and the change of crystal size distribution of polydisperse crystals during dissolution was simulated with good accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1016/S1385-8947(01)00259-5

  • Production of large crystals with a narrow crystal size distribution by a novel WWDJ batch crystallizer 査読

    Gu Shan, Koichi Igarashi, Hideo Noda, Hiroshi Ooshima

    Chemical Engineering Journal   85   161 - 167   2002年01月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    A novel batch crystallizer has been developed and used for the crystallization of l-aspartic acid, resulting in large product crystals with a narrow crystal size distribution.

    The batch crystallizer was equipped with a slurry sprinkler fixed on the shaft of an impeller, and a double-deck jacket. The slurry sprinkler, known as Wall Wetter, is specially designed for agitating the slurry and sprinkling it on the wall of the crystallizer headspace which is covered by the upper jacket. It was expected that by setting the upper jacket temperature at an appropriate high temperature, fine crystals could be dissolved during the fall of slurry along the wall, and consequently the crystal size distribution would shift to the large side. l-aspartic acid was chosen as an example to demonstrate this process. l-aspartic acid was crystallized at an initial supersaturation ratio (C/Cs) of 1.7 with no seeds. The classification exponent n and characteristic size De of product crystals, which were evaluated by the Rosin Rammler Sperling Bennet (RRSB) distribution function, were 3.9 and 302 μm, respectively, compared with 2.2 and 237 μm, respectively, in a control crystallization experiment not using the Wall Wetter.

    DOI: 10.1016/S1385-8947(01)00153-X

  • Production of Large Crystals of Glycine with a Narrow Size Distribution Using WWDJ-Batch Crystallizer 査読

    H. Ooshima, K. Igarashi, Y. Sasaki, M. Azuma, H. Noda

    Chemical Engineering Transactions   1   981 - 986   2002年


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

  • Control of solvent-mediated transformation of crystal polymorphs using a newly devoloped batch crystallizer (WWDJ-crystallizer) 査読

    Gu Shan, Koichi Igarashi, Hideo Noda, Hiroshi Ooshima

    Chemical Engineering Journal   85   169 - 176   2002年


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    Using a newly developed batch crystallizer (WWDJ-crystallizer) equipped with a slurry sprinkler named Wall Wetter and a double-deck jacket, a suppression of the solvent-mediated transformation of the metastable polymorphic crystals was attempted. Crystallization of l-glutamic acid was carried out to show an example of the suppression. The target polymorphic crystals, namely the metastable α-form crystals were exclusively obtained from the aqueous solution without transformation to the stable β-form polymorph even at a temperature where the transformation could not be avoided if a conventional batch crystallizer was used. The characteristic size of crystals obtained by WWDJ-crystallizer was large and their size distribution was narrow, comparing with those obtained by a conventional crystallizer.

  • Light intensity distribution in the externally illuminated cylindrical photo-bioreactor and its application to hydrogen production by Rhodbacter capsulatus 査読

    Tomohisa Katsuda, Takeshi Arimoto, Koichi Igarashi, Masayuki Azuma, Jyoji Kato, Susumu Takakuwa, Hiroshi Ooshima

    Biochemical Engineering Journal   5 ( 2 )   157 - 164   2000年06月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    The light distribution in the externally illuminated cylindrical photo-bioreactor for production of hydrogen by a photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus ST-410 was estimated. The estimation was performed on the basis of the Matsuura and Smith’s diffuse model [1]. In the diffuse model, the incident light rays are assumed to proceed in every direction and the local intensity is calculated as the sum of the intensities of light. Since Lambert–Beer’s law, extensively used in photometry, was not useful for explaining the decrease in the intensity of light by the biomass, an empirical expression was used. The measurement of the intensities from every direction was conducted in an externally illuminated cylindrical photo-bioreactor having an inner diameter of 60 mm and a working volume of 550 ml. The obtained results confirmed our estimation. The light distribution was applied to estimate the hydrogen production by R. capsulatus ST-410 using the same photo-bioreactor. The overall hydrogen-production rate was successfully estimated.

  • Removal of Cadmium Ion by the Pohlia flexuosa 査読

    M. Azuma, A. Oobayashi, M. Kondoh, C. Kawasaki, K. Igarashi, J. Kato, H. Ooshima

    Bioseparation Engineering   16   175 - 180   2000年06月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    We examined cadmium removal from aqueous solution using the moss Pohlia flexuosa. The amounts of cadmium ions removed increased with increasing initial concentration of the ion over the range from 10 to 100 μg/ml. The concentration factor, which is an indicator of the ability to remove heavy metals, was 770 ml/g of dry moss at 10 μg/ml of CdCl2. We examined the effects of temperature, respiratory inhibitors, and pH on the cadmium removal from 30 and 100 μg/ml CdCl2 solution. The results suggested that cadmium removal at these concentrations may be mainly dependent on physical adsorption on the cell surface. The carboxyl groups of the moss were modified by the HCl/methanol esterification method. The modified moss showed almost no cadmium ions removal. Carboxyl groups on the cell surface may markedly contribute to the adsorption. We discussed the process of cadmium removal from solution using the moss in comparison with the process of mercury removal, which was reported previously.

  • The initial stage of crystallization of lysozyme : a differential scanning calorimetric(DSC) study 査読

    K. Igarashi, M. Azuma, J. Kato, H. Ooshima

    Journal of Crystal Growth   204 ( 1-2 )   191 - 200   1999年07月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    The initial stage of crystallization of hen-egg-white lysozyme was investigated. Lysozyme molecules formed a structure just after the supersaturated solution was prepared. The structure could be understood as changes in solution three-dimensional structure induced by attractive interactions or aggregates with an average size of 6.5 nm. The structure formation, however, did not immediately link to crystal growth. An induction period was needed before the start of crystal growth. DSC analysis of the supersaturated solution revealed that the structure thus formed at the beginning of crystallization is transformed just before the end of the induction period. DSC analysis also revealed that the driving force of the transformation is the formation of hydrophobic bonds between lysozyme molecules. Our understanding of the behavior of lysozyme molecules before crystal growth was furthered by measurement of the ζ-potential of the aggregates. Based on the present results, a possible model of the early stage of crystal growth of lysozyme was proposed.

  • Mechanism of Crystal Growth of Protein: Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Thermolysin Crystal Suspension 査読

    H. Ooshima, S. Urabe, K. Igarashi, M. Azuma, J. Kato

    ACS Symposium series   667   18 - 27   1997年06月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   共著区分:共著  

    Mechanism of crystal growth of thermolysin was investigated through a thermal measurement by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of a crystal suspension which is under the progress of crystallization. The DSC curve obtained for the crystal suspension indicates that there are at least three groups of thermolysin differing in the thermal stability. The presence of the three groups is consistent with the two step mechanism of crystal growth of thermolysin previously proposed: the crystallization of thermolysin proceeds through two steps; the first step is the formation of primary particles with 20 nm in diameter; and the second step is the crystal growth by highly ordered aggregation of the primary particles. In the DSC curve, Peak 1 (the denaturation temperature: 74.5-75.0 °C), Peak 2 (85.5-87.0 °C) and Peak 3 (95.5 °C) are assigned to the denaturation of monomers, primary particles (oligomers), and crystals, respectively.



  • Advances in Organic Crystal Chemistry

    Koichi Igarashi, Hiroshi Ooshima( 担当: 共著)

    Springer  2020年 


    総ページ数:538   担当ページ:14  


  • 微結晶を製造するための晶析操作

    大嶋 寛

    化学工学   79 ( 12 )   892 - 895   2015年12月



  • WWDJ回分式晶析装置を用いる結晶粒子形分布および多形制御 招待


    分離技術   32 ( 6 )   362 - 366   2002年


    掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   共著区分:単著  

  • 技術シリーズ 晶析(最近の研究動向)


    化学工学会誌   65 ( 1 )   28 - 37   2001年( ISSN:03759253




  • ジヒドロスフィンゴミエリンの多形析出に及ぼす微量水分の影響 国内会議

    井上吏乃, 井上雄希, 松本正樹, 五十嵐幸一

    分離技術会年会2024  2024年12月  分離技術会




  • 微生物を用いた自己修復コンクリートにおけるモンモリロナイトの効果

    黒木 康平, 田中 千尋, 窪田 宗弘, 五十嵐 幸一

    化学工学会第55回秋季大会  2024年09月  化学工学会




  • バッフル可変型連続振動晶析装置によるグリシンの貧溶媒晶析 国内会議

    今井 歩, 五十嵐 幸一

    化学工学会第55回秋季大会  2024年09月  化学工学会




  • Influence of Water Content on Polymorphic Crystallization of Dihydrosphingomyelin 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi

    the 15th International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Materials (CGOM15)  2024年07月 




  • Crystallization of calcium carbonate induced by bacterium: Application for self-healing concrete. 招待 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi

    Japan-Thailand Joint Seminor on Crystallization Technology  2023年12月 




  • Modeling and simulation of combined preferential crystallization and enzymatic processes 国際会議

    Hitomi MATSUDA, Koichi IGARASHI

    The 12th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST23, Okinawa)  2023年11月 




  • The emulsion crystallization of glycine using various kinds of surfactants 国際会議

    Issei OMURA, Hiroshi OOSHIMA, Hideo NODA, Koichi IGARASHI

    The 12th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST23, Okinawa)  2023年11月 




  • Optimizing Crystallization in Continuous Oscillating Baffle Crystallizer: A Study on Baffle Shape 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi, Ko Hiragaito

    The 6th Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium  2023年09月  Asian Crystallization Technology Society




  • ジヒドロスフィンゴミエリンの多形析出に及ぼす水分の影響

    西保 藍香, 松本 正樹・ 井上 雄希, 五十嵐 幸一

    化学工学会 第54回秋季大会  2023年09月 




  • Development of Baffle Exchangeable Continuous Oscillatory Baffled crystallizer 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi, Ko Hiragaito

    ISIC 22 / BACG 52 The 22nd International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC)  2023年09月 



    開催地:University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland  

  • バッフル交換型連続振動流晶析装置におけるバッフル形状の検討 国内会議

    五十嵐 幸一, 平垣内 航

    化学工学会第88年会  2023年03月 




  • [依頼講演] 酵素ラセマーゼによるラセミ化反応と優先晶析法を組み合わせたDL-アミノ酸の高効率・高収率な光学分割 招待 国内会議


    化学工学会 第53回秋季大会  2022年09月  化学工学会




  • カルバペネムCS-023の水和・溶媒和物の結晶構造およびキャラクタリゼーションとその乾燥挙動 国内会議

    松浦 伸治, 五十嵐 幸一, 東 雅之, 大嶋 寛

    化学工学会第53回秋季大会  2022年09月  化学工学会




  • One-step optical resolution of amino acid by preferential crystallization combined with enzymatic racemization 招待 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi, Tomono Fujimura

    2020 Fall KiChE meeting   2020年10月 



  • L-アラニンの不均一核化におよぼすポリプロピレンの多形の影響 国内会議

    寺坂 晴希,五十嵐 幸一

    化学工学会 姫路大会2019  2019年12月 



  • 界面自由エネルギーに着目した結晶形状変化メカニズムの解析 国内会議

    岸田 宗己、五十嵐 幸一、大嶋寛

    化学工学会中国四国支部・関西支部合同徳島大会  2018年12月 



  • アルギン酸で固定化した微生物を用いた炭酸カルシウムの結晶化の制御 国内会議

    西川怜里、五十嵐幸一、長崎 健

    化学工学会中国四国支部・関西支部合同徳島大会  2018年12月 



  • アルギン酸で固定化した微生物を用いた炭酸カルシウムの結晶化の制御 国内会議

    西川怜里, 五十嵐幸一, 長崎 健

    化学工学会中国四国支部・関西支部合同徳島大会  2018年12月 



  • Promotion of crystal nucleation of L-alanine by plastic piece moving in the solution 招待 国際会議

    K. Igarashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Ooshima

    13th Korea-Japan Symposium on Materials and Interfaces  2018年11月 



  • Promotion of crystal nucleation of L-alanine by plastic piece moving in the solution 招待 国際会議

    K. Igarashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Ooshima

    13th Korea-Japan Symposium on Materials and Interfaces  2018年11月 



  • Determination of solubility of Extremely Poor water solubility co-crystal melamine cyanurate 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi, Ryoto yanagita, Joop ter Horst

    13th International Workshop of the Crystal Growth of Organic Material  2018年08月 



  • 小型連続式晶析装置による有機化合物の微粒子作成 招待 国内会議


    近畿化学協会合成部会フロー・マイクロ合成研究会 第32回公開講演会  2018年07月 



  • Control of Crystal Size Distribution Using a mL-Scale Continuous Crystallizer Equipped with a High Speed Agitator 招待 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi, and Hiroshi Ooshima

    International Powder and Nanotechnology Forum 2018 in ACHEMA  2018年06月 



  • Effect of plastic piece moving in the solution on crystal nucleation of L-alanine 国際会議

    K. Igarashi, T. Kobayashi, and H. Ooshima

    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium 2018  2018年06月 



  • Effect of plastic piece moving in the solution on crystal nucleation of L-alanine 国際会議

    K. Igarashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Ooshima

    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium 2018  2018年06月 



  • Control of Crystal Size Distribution Using a mL-Scale Continuous Crystallizer Equipped with a High Speed Agitator 招待 国際会議

    Koichi Igarashi, Hiroshi Ooshima

    International Powder and Nanotechnology Forum 2018 in ACHEMA  2018年06月 



  • Crystallization of a tripeptide from the oil phase 国際会議

    K. Igarashi, H. Ooshima

    11th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST17)  2017年11月 



  • Crystallization of a tripeptide from the oil phase 国際会議

    K. Igarashi, H. Ooshima

    11th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST17)  2017年11月 



  • 医薬品原薬の粒度と粒子形状の同時制御 国内会議

    岸田 宗己,五十嵐 幸一,大嶋 寛

    化学工学会第49秋季大会  2017年09月 



  • 医薬品原薬の粒度と粒子形状の同時制御 国内会議

    岸田 宗己, 五十嵐 幸一, 大嶋 寛

    化学工学会第49秋季大会  2017年09月 



  • グリシンの回分晶析において冷却速度や冷却水循環条件が粒径分布に及ぼす影響 国内会議


    第48回化学工学会秋季大会  2016年09月 

  • 供与体としてα-HMBSAを用いたサルモネラ菌由来アリルスルホトランスフェラーゼによるスルホ基転移 国内会議


    第48回化学工学会秋季大会  2016年09月 

  • バイオディーゼルオイルの結晶析出に及ぼす植物抽出液添加の影響 国内会議


    第48回化学工学会秋季大会  2016年09月 

  • グリシンの回分晶析において冷却速度や冷却水循環条件が粒径分布に及ぼす影響 国内会議

    第48回化学工学会秋季大会  2016年09月 

  • バイオディーゼルオイルの結晶析出に及ぼす植物抽出液添加の影響 国内会議

    第48回化学工学会秋季大会  2016年09月 

  • グルタチオンナトリウムのオイル化晶析 国内会議


    化学工学会第81年会  2016年03月 

  • グルタチオンナトリウムのオイル化晶析 国内会議

    化学工学会第81年会  2016年03月 

  • UCT溶剤を用いたバガスの水熱分解における最適条件の検討 国内会議


    化学工学会第47回秋季大会  2015年09月 

  • オイル化を介したグルタチオンナトリウム結晶の晶析 国内会議


    化学工学会第47回秋季大会  2015年09月 

  • UCT溶剤を用いたバガスの水熱分解における最適条件の検討 国内会議

    化学工学会第47回秋季大会  2015年09月 

  • オイル化を介したグルタチオンナトリウム結晶の晶析 国内会議

    化学工学会第47回秋季大会  2015年09月 

  • 有機化合物QNT溶媒和物結晶の析出に及ぼす溶媒組成の影響 国内会議


    分離技術会年会2015  2015年05月 

  • エルゴステロール1水和物の析出に及ぼす溶媒組成の影響 国内会議


    化学工学会第80年会  2015年03月 

  • エルゴステロール1水和物の析出に及ぼす溶媒組成の影響 国内会議

    化学工学会第80年会  2015年03月 

  • 回分晶析における完全あるいは部分的溶解による結晶サイズの制御 国際会議


    結晶成長合同会議  2014年11月 

  • 回分晶析における完全あるいは部分的溶解による結晶サイズの制御 国際会議

    結晶成長合同会議  2014年11月 

  • エルゴステロール1水和物の析出に及ぼす微量水分の影響 国際会議


    分離技術国際会議  2014年10月 

  • 回分晶析における結晶サイズ制御のための加熱微結晶溶解のタイミング 国際会議


    分離技術国際会議  2014年10月 

  • エルゴステロール1水和物の析出に及ぼす微量水分の影響 国際会議

    分離技術国際会議  2014年10月 

  • 回分晶析における結晶サイズ制御のための加熱微結晶溶解のタイミング 国際会議

    分離技術国際会議  2014年10月 

  • シクロデキストリンによるエピガロカテキンガレートの包接結晶化 国内会議


    化学工学会第46回秋季大会  2014年09月 

  • UCT溶剤前処理によるバガスリグニンの分解メカニズム 国内会議


    化学工学会第46回秋季大会  2014年09月 

  • 回分晶析の粒径分布の制御を目的とした微結晶昇温溶解のタイミング 国内会議


    化学工学会第46回秋季大会  2014年09月 

  • UCT溶剤前処理によるバガスリグニンの分解メカニズム 国内会議

    化学工学会第46回秋季大会  2014年09月 

  • 回分晶析の粒径分布の制御を目的とした微結晶昇温溶解のタイミング 国内会議

    化学工学会第46回秋季大会  2014年09月 

  • シクロデキストリンによるエピガロカテキンガレートの包接結晶化 国内会議

    化学工学会第46回秋季大会  2014年09月 

  • エルゴステロールの結晶化における微量水分の影響 国際会議


    アジア晶析国際会議2014  2014年06月 

  • 均一な大結晶取得のための新規微結晶溶解装置の開発 国際会議


    アジア晶析国際会議2014  2014年06月 

  • エルゴステロールの結晶化における微量水分の影響 国際会議

    アジア晶析国際会議2014  2014年06月 

  • 均一な大結晶取得のための新規微結晶溶解装置の開発 国際会議

    アジア晶析国際会議2014  2014年06月 

  • 均一な微結晶を得るための晶析操作:核発生のタイミング制御の重要性 国内会議


    化学工学会 第79年会  2014年03月 

  • 均一な微結晶を得るための晶析操作:核発生のタイミング制御の重要性 国内会議

    化学工学会 第79年会  2014年03月 

  • mL連続晶析における製品結晶の粒径に及ぼす撹拌の影響 国内会議


    化学工学会 第45回秋季大会  2013年09月 

  • [優秀論文賞] 粒径分布が狭い微結晶を製造するための繰り返し回分冷却晶析 国内会議


    化学工学会 第45回秋季大会  2013年09月 

  • エルゴステロールの晶析における微量水分の影響 国内会議


    化学工学会 第45回秋季大会  2013年09月 

  • エルゴステロールの晶析における微量水分の影響 国内会議

    化学工学会 第45回秋季大会  2013年09月 

  • mL連続晶析における製品結晶の粒径に及ぼす撹拌の影響 国内会議

    化学工学会 第45回秋季大会  2013年09月 

  • [優秀論文賞] 粒径分布が狭い微結晶を製造するための繰り返し回分冷却晶析 国内会議

    化学工学会 第45回秋季大会  2013年09月 

  • リグノセルロースの有効利用のためのUCT溶剤処理によるバガスの分解 国内会議


    化学工学会 第78年会  2013年03月 

  • 高圧窒素ガス存在下における有機化合物のオイル化と結晶化 国内会議


    化学工学会 第78年会  2013年03月 

  • 有機化合物QNT溶媒和物結晶の析出と転移 国内会議


    化学工学会 第78年会  2013年03月 

  • 分子拡散が誘導する結晶核発生 国内会議


    化学工学会秋季大会  2012年09月 

  • mLスケール連続晶析装置による結晶多形制御 国内会議


    化学工学会秋季大会  2012年09月 

  • mLスケール連続晶析装置による結晶多形制御 国内会議

    化学工学会秋季大会  2012年09月 

  • 分子拡散が誘導する結晶核発生 国内会議

    化学工学会秋季大会  2012年09月 

  • mL連続式晶析装置によるL-グルタミン酸の多形制御 国内会議


    分離技術会年会  2012年06月 

  • mL連続式晶析装置によるL-グルタミン酸の多形制御 国内会議

    分離技術会年会  2012年06月 

  • Crystal Nucleation Induced by Diffusion of Solute Molecules 国際会議


    アジア結晶技術シンポジウム  2012年05月 

  • Crystal Nucleation Induced by Diffusion of Solute Molecules 国際会議

    アジア結晶技術シンポジウム  2012年05月 

  • 大結晶取得のための新規微結晶溶解機構の有効性の検討 国内会議


    化学工学会年会  2012年03月 

  • カルボニックアンヒドラーゼによる炭酸カルシウム結晶化促進とその定量化 国内会議


    化学工学会年会  2012年03月 

  • Salmonella enterica由来Arylsulfotransferaseの特性と応用検討 国内会議


    化学工学会年会  2012年03月 

  • Salmonella enterica由来Arylsulfotransferaseの特性と応用検討 国内会議

    化学工学会年会  2012年03月 

  • 大結晶取得のための新規微結晶溶解機構の有効性の検討 国内会議

    化学工学会年会  2012年03月 

  • カルボニックアンヒドラーゼによる炭酸カルシウム結晶化促進とその定量化 国内会議

    化学工学会年会  2012年03月 

  • Development of a Novel Fines Dissolution Mechanism for Production of Large Crystals in Batch Crystallization 国際会議


    国際分離技術会議  2011年11月 

  • Effect of Complete Dissolution of Once Appeared Crystals on Induction Period and Crystal Size in Cooling Crystallization of p-Acetanisidide 国際会議


    国際分離技術会議  2011年11月 

  • Development of a Novel Fines Dissolution Mechanism for Production of Large Crystals in Batch Crystallization 国際会議

    国際分離技術会議  2011年11月 

  • Effect of Complete Dissolution of Once Appeared Crystals on Induction Period and Crystal Size in Cooling Crystallization of p-Acetanisidide 国際会議

    国際分離技術会議  2011年11月 

  • [招待講演] 有機化合物結晶の粒径に及ぼすマイクロ波照射の効果 国内会議


    化学工学会秋季大会  2011年09月 

  • Salmonella enterica由来Arylsulfotransferaseの酵素特性 国内会議


    化学工学会秋季大会  2011年09月 

  • 回分晶析における大結晶取得のための新規微結晶溶解機構の導入 国内会議


    化学工学会秋季大会  2011年09月 

  • 静置条件下におけるL-アラニン結晶の核発生挙動 国内会議


    化学工学会秋季大会  2011年09月 

  • [招待講演] 有機化合物結晶の粒径に及ぼすマイクロ波照射の効果 国内会議

    化学工学会秋季大会  2011年09月 

  • 回分晶析における大結晶取得のための新規微結晶溶解機構の導入 国内会議

    化学工学会秋季大会  2011年09月 

  • Salmonella enterica由来Arylsulfotransferaseの酵素特性 国内会議

    化学工学会秋季大会  2011年09月 



  • 晶析装置

    大嶋 寛, 五十嵐 幸一, 森北 達弥, 西村 午良, 野田 秀夫




  • 結晶化制御方法

    五十嵐 幸一, 大嶋 寛



    【課題】 比較的簡単な装置構成で、粒径分布が狭い、結晶化制御方法を提供する。
    【解決手段】 本発明の結晶化制御方法では、晶析させるべき化合物の溶液または懸濁液に、マイクロ波を照射して結晶核を形成する。

  • 晶析装置および方法

    五十嵐 幸一, 大嶋 寛



    【課題】 短い処理時間で、粒径分布が狭く、結晶の形状が小さく、しかも目詰まりを起こしにくい晶析装置および晶析方法を提供する。
    【解決手段】 本発明の晶析装置は、晶析槽と、前記晶析槽内に内接して設けられた超高速攪拌装置と、前記晶析槽に第1の原料液体を供給する第1の原料液体供給口と、前記晶析槽に第2の原料液体を供給する第2の原料液体供給口と、前記晶析槽内から成長結晶を含む結晶スラリーを排出する排出口とを備える。


  • 晶析一般



    交流の種別:共同研究, 受託研究, 調査  






  • 過飽和溶液中の不均一界面の一方向移動よる結晶核発生の誘導

    基盤研究(C)  2018年04月

  • 溶液構造に着目した有機結晶の核発生制御とナノ結晶製造への展開

    基盤研究(C)  2009年

  • 結晶核発生における不連続非平衡メカニズムの解明とナノ結晶製造への展開

    基盤研究(C)  2007年

  • 有機化合物の結晶核発生メカニズムの解明と医薬のナノ結晶を製造するための晶析操作

    基盤研究(C)  2005年


  • 学部教育では、化学バイオ工学演習、化学バイオ工学実験、化学工学、物理化学1b、実線生物化学工学、卒業研究I, II、化学バイオ工学特論I,IIを担当している。


  • 化学バイオ工学実験B

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学演習

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 実践生物化学工学

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学工学

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物理化学1B

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物質化学生命系特別研究第1

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物質化学生命系特別演習第1

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 卒業研究Ⅰ

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論Ⅰ

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • バイオ英語演習

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学実験B

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • レーザー化学・分離工学特論

    2024年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物質化学生命系特別研究第2

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物質化学生命系特別演習第2

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 卒業研究Ⅱ

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • バイオ工学実験Ⅱ

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論Ⅱ

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学演習

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物理化学1B

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物質化学生命系特別研究第1

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物質化学生命系特別演習第1

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 特別演習

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 卒業研究Ⅰ

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 実践生物化学工学

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論Ⅰ

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 化学工学Ⅰ

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物質化学生命系特別演習第2

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 卒業研究Ⅱ

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • バイオ工学実験Ⅱ

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • バイオ英語演習

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論Ⅱ

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • レーザー化学・分離工学特論

    2023年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物質化学生命系特別研究第2

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物質化学生命系特別演習第1

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 卒業研究Ⅰ

    2022年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理化学Ⅱ

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 実践生物化学工学

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論Ⅰ

    2022年度   集中講義   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2022年度   集中講義   大学

  • 化学工学Ⅰ

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 初年次ゼミナール

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物質化学生命系特別演習第2 (化学バイオ工学分野)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • レーザー化学・分離工学特論 (化学バイオ工学分野)

    2022年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 特別演習(化学生物系2回生)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 前期特別研究(化学生物系)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 後期特別研究(化学生物系)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • ゼミナール(化学生物系)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 卒業研究

    2022年度   集中講義   大学

  • バイオ工学実験

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • バイオ英語演習

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論

    2022年度   集中講義   大学

  • 技術と生命

    2020年度     大学

  • バイオ英語演習

    2020年度     大学

  • 物理化学II

    2020年度     大学

  • バイオ工学実験II

    2020年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2020年度     大学

  • 実線生物化学工学

    2020年度     大学

  • 化学工学I

    2020年度     大学

  • レーザー化学・分離工学特論

    2020年度     大学院

  • 化学工学I

    2018年度     大学

  • 実線生物化学工学

    2018年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2018年度     大学

  • バイオ工学実験I,II

    2018年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論

    2018年度     大学

  • 物理化学II

    2018年度     大学

  • レーザー化学・分離工学特論

    2018年度     大学院

  • 物理化学II

    2017年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論

    2017年度     大学

  • バイオ工学実験I,II

    2017年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2017年度     大学

  • 化学工学I

    2017年度     大学

  • 生物化学工学・分離工学特論

    2017年度     大学院

  • 化学工学I

    2016年度     大学

  • バイオ工学実験I,II

    2016年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論

    2016年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2016年度     大学

  • 化学工学I

    2015年度     大学

  • 技術と生命

    2015年度     大学

  • 物理化学II

    2014年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学概論

    2014年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学演習I

    2014年度     大学

  • 化学バイオ工学特論

    2014年度     大学

  • バイオ工学実験I,II

    2014年度     大学

  • バイオ工学実験

    2012年度     大学

  • バイオ工学概論

    2012年度     大学

  • バイオ工学演習II

    2012年度     大学

  • 物理化学II

    2012年度     大学



  • バイオ工学演習II


  • 化学バイオ工学演習I



  • 学科のFD活動に参加した  2024年度



  • 学科FD活動、および大学で提供されたFDセミナーに参加した  2023年度

  • 学科FD会議に参加  2022年度



  • FD活動への貢献  2014年度




  • 2024年度

    学部・学域生発表数:3件  所属大学院生発表数:0件

  • 2023年度

    学部・学域生発表数:3件  所属大学院生発表数:3件

  • 2022年度

    学部・学域生発表数:2件  所属大学院生発表数:4件


  • 2024年度

    卒業論文指導数:3名  卒業論文審査数:6件

    博士前期課程学生指導数:0名  博士後期課程学生指導数:1名

    修士論文審査数(主査):0件  修士論文審査数(副査):0件

    博士論文審査数(主査):0件  博士論文審査数(副査):0件

  • 2023年度

    卒業論文指導数:3名  卒業論文審査数:6件

    博士前期課程学生指導数:3名  博士後期課程学生指導数:1名

    修士論文審査数(主査):3件  修士論文審査数(副査):2件

    博士論文審査数(主査):0件  博士論文審査数(副査):0件

  • 2022年度

    卒業論文指導数:2名  卒業論文審査数:2件

    修士論文審査数(主査):4件  修士論文審査数(副査):3件

  • 2020年度

    卒業論文指導数:3名  卒業論文審査数:3件

    博士前期課程学生指導数:3名  博士後期課程学生指導数:0名

    修士論文審査数(主査):3件  修士論文審査数(副査):1件

    博士論文審査数(主査):0件  博士論文審査数(副査):0件

  • 2018年度

    卒業論文指導数:4名  卒業論文審査数:4件

    博士前期課程学生指導数:2名  博士後期課程学生指導数:1名

    修士論文審査数(主査):1件  修士論文審査数(副査):0件

    博士論文審査数(主査):0件  博士論文審査数(副査):0件

  • 2017年度

    卒業論文指導数:3名  卒業論文審査数:3件

    博士前期課程学生指導数:3名  博士後期課程学生指導数:0名

    修士論文審査数(主査):2件  修士論文審査数(副査):0件

    博士論文審査数(主査):0件  博士論文審査数(副査):0件

  • 2014年度

    卒業論文指導数:5名  卒業論文審査数:2件

    博士前期課程学生指導数:4名  博士後期課程学生指導数:0名

    修士論文審査数(主査):0件  修士論文審査数(副査):1件

    博士論文審査数(主査):0件  博士論文審査数(副査):0件



  • 論文査読




  • 2024年度

    研究者受入数 :2名

    留学生受入数 :2名

  • 2023年度

    研究者受入数 :1名

  • 2022年度

    留学生受入数 :1名

  • 2020年度

    留学生受入数 :1名


  • タイの国立大学であるスラナリー工科大学からの交換留学生として2名を受け入れた

    活動国 :タイ   2025年02月 - 継続中

  • 韓国のKorea大学からJeon Won Kang教授と7名の大学院生が来学し、お互いの研究内容を紹介するセミナーを開催した。

    活動国 :韓国   2024年01月

  • タイの国立大学であるスラナリー工科大学からの学生受け入れを目的として、大学間学術交流協定及び、学生受け入れに関する協定の締結を依頼し、実現した。

    活動国 :タイ   2023年04月 - 2024年03月

  • Strathclyde大学にて3ヶ月間、晶析に関する研究を行った。

    活動区分 :研究

    活動国 :UK   2017年03月 - 2017年06月