School of Engineering Department of Physics and Electronics

Updated on 2025/02/13
Graduate School of Engineering Division of Physics and Electronics
Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Engineering Department of Physics and Electronics
Professor 2022.04 - Now
博士(工学) ( Others ) ( Osaka Prefecture University )
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nano/micro-systems / マイクロ・ナノデバイス
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanostructural physics / ナノ構造科学
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials / ナノ材料・ナノバイオサイエンス
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanobioscience
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nano/micro-systems
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanometer-scale chemistry
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanostructural physics
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Electric and electronic materials
2-dimensional atomic layer material
2次元原子層材料、トランジスタ Individual
2010 - Now
2次元原子層材料、ナノ電気機械デバイス、高感度計測 Individual
2010 - Now
ナノカーボン、微少質量計測、微小力計測、原子間力顕微鏡、ナノ計測 Joint Research in Japan
ナノカーボン、ナノ加工、ナノ熱源、ナノピンセット、NEMS Individual
ナノカーボン、走査型プローブ顕微鏡、電子顕微鏡 Individual
2008.01 - Now Domestic
2005.04 - Now Domestic
2004.05 - Now Domestic
1994.04 - Now Domestic
1988.04 - Now Domestic
2024年度 企画・運営委員会委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学コンソーシアム大阪
2024.06 - 2025.03
「全国大学入学者選抜研究連絡協議会」企画委員会委員 独立行政法人大学入試センター
2024.04 - 2026.03
推進委員会委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学コンソーシアム大阪
2024.04 - 2025.03
2024年度 高大連携部会 推進委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学コンソーシアム大阪
2024.04 - 2025.03
2023年度 企画・運営委員会委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学コンソーシアム大阪
2023.06 - 2024.03
大学コンソーシアム大阪 高大連携部会 推進委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学コンソーシアム大阪
2023.04 - 2024.03
高大連携部会 推進委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学コンソーシアム
2023.04 - 2024.03
全国大学入学者選抜研究連絡協議会企画委員会委員 大学入試センター
2022.06 - Now
大学コンソーシアム大阪 高大連携部会 推進委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学コンソーシアム大阪
2022.04 - 2023.03
科学研究費助成事業「学術変革領域研究」に係る「審査意見書」の作成委員 文部科学省研究振興局
2021.04 - 2022.03
2021年度企画・運営委員会 委員 特定非営利活動法人 大学今コンソーシアム大阪
2021.04 - 2022.03
工学教育賞選考委員会 委員 日本工学教育協会
2020.04 - 2021.03
2020年度 高大連携部 推薦委員 大学コンソーシアム大阪
2020.04 - 2021.03
博士学位審査委員 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科
2020.04 - 2021.03
論文賞委員会 委員 応用物理学会
2019.04 - 2020.04
工学教育賞選考委員会委員 公益財団法人 日本工学養育協会
2019.04 - 2020.03
広報委員会委員 公益社団法人日本工学教育協会
2019.04 - 2020.03
幹事 フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン学会
2018.04 - Now
科学研究費委員会専門委員 独立行政法人 日本学術振興会
2016.04 - 2017.03
技術開発委員会「カーボンナノ材料研究会委員 一般財団法人 大阪科学技術センター
2016.04 - 2017.03
技術開発委員会「カーボンナノ材料研究会」委員 一般財団法人 大阪科学技術センター
2015.04 - 2016.03
科学研究費委員会専門委員 独立行政法人日本学術振興会
2014.04 - 2015.03
2014.04 - 2015.03
2014.04 - 2015.03
欧文誌編集運営委員会 応用物学会
2014.04 - 2015.03
科学研究費委員会専門委員 独立行政法人日本学術振興会
2014.04 - 2015.03
科学研究費委員会専門委員 独立行政法人日本学術振興会
2013.04 - 2014.03
欧文誌編集運営委員会 応用物学会
2013.04 - 2014.03
科学研究費補助金における評価に関する委員会評価者 文部科学省研究振興局
2013.04 - 2014.03
MNC2022 Outstandig Paper Award
Kazuki Yasoshima, Ryo Oishi, Takayuki Arie, and Seiji Akita
2023.11 Micropocess and Nanotechnology Conference 2023 Unusual resonance property of graphene/h-BN stacked mechanical resonators
JSAP Fellow
2020.09 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2012.04 The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2019.03 応用物理学会
2003.10 学振167委員会
Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2017 Award, “Most Impressive Poster”
2018.11 Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2017
7th International Conference on Recent Progress in Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials Research "Honorable Mention for Best Poster"
2015.10 7th International Conference on Recent Progress in Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials Research
第31回センサシンポジウム 優秀ポスター賞
2014.10 電気学会
2014年 応用物理学会春季学術講演会 Poster Award
2014.03 応用物理学会
Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2010 Award, “Most Impressive Poster”
2011.11 MNC2010
2009.04 応用物理学会
Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2000 Award, “Most Impressive Poster”
2001.10 Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2000
電気関係四学会関西支部連合大会 奨励賞
1989.04 電気関係四学会関西支部
Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Engineering Division of Physics and Electronics
2022.04 - Now
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Engineering Department of Physics and Electronics
2022.04 - Now
Luminescence-driven optomechanical system with micromechanical membranes Reviewed
H. Arahari, S. Konishi, S. Akita, H. Ishihara
SPIE 12606 2023.09
Unusual resonance property of graphene/h-BN stacked mechanical resonators Reviewed
Kazuki Yasoshima, Ryo Oishi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
62 ( SG ) SG1025 - SG1025 2023.03
A Multitasking Flexible Sensor via Reservoir Computing
Seiji Wakabayashi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kohei Nakajima, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials 34 ( 26 ) e2201663 - 2201663 2022.04( ISSN:0935-9648 ) ( eISSN:1521-4095 )
A wearable, flexible sensor for real-time, home monitoring of sleep apnea
Satoko Honda, Hyuga Hara, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
iScience 25 ( 4 ) 104163 - 104163 2022.04( ISSN:2589-0042 )
Wireless, minimized, stretchable, and breathable electrocardiogram sensor system Reviewed
Yan Xuan, Hyuga Hara, Satoko Honda, Yanpeng Li, Yusuke Fujita, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Applied Physics Reviews 9 ( 1 ) 011425 - 011425 2022.03
Controlling the thermal conductivity of multilayer graphene by strain.
Kaito Nakagawa, Kazuo Satoh, Shuichi Murakami, Kuniharu Takei, Seiji Akita, Takayuki Arie
Scientific reports 11 ( 1 ) 19533 - 19533 2021.10
Yuyao Lu, Yusuke Fujita, Satoko Honda, Shin Hsin Yang, Yan Xuan, Kaichen Xu, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 ( 17 ) e2100103 2021.09( ISSN:2192-2640 ) ( eISSN:2192-2659 )
Active-Matrix-Based Flexible Optical Image Sensor
Yan Xuan, Yuyao Lu, Satoko Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials Technologies 6 ( 9 ) 2021.09( eISSN:2365-709X )
Multimodal Wearable Sensor Sheet for Health-Related Chemical and Physical Monitoring
Shota Hozumi, Satoko Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Sensors 6 ( 5 ) 1918 - 1924 2021.05( eISSN:2379-3694 )
A Wearable Body Condition Sensor System with Wireless Feedback Alarm Functions
Kaichen Xu, Yusuke Fujita, Yuyao Lu, Satoko Honda, Mao Shiomi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials 33 ( 18 ) e2008701 2021.05( ISSN:0935-9648 ) ( eISSN:1521-4095 )
Light-induced persistent resonance frequency shift of MoS<inf>2</inf> mechanical resonator
Taichi Inoue, Tetsuki Saito, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Yasumitsu Miyata, Seiji Akita
Applied Physics Express 14 ( 3 ) 2021.03( ISSN:18820778 ) ( eISSN:1882-0786 )
Light induced persistent resonance frequency shift of MoS2 mechanical resonator Reviewed
Taichi Inoue, Tetsuki Saito, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Yasumitsu Miyata, Seiji Akita
Applied Physics Express 雑誌 Vol.14 2021
A wearable body condition sensor system with wireless feedback alarm functions Reviewed
K. Xu Y. Fujita, Y. Lu, S. Honda, M. Shiomi, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
Advanced Materials 雑誌 Vol. 33 2021
Active-matrix-based flexible optical image sensor Reviewed
Y .Xua, Y. Lu, S. Honda, T. Arie, S.i Akita, K. Takei
Advanced Materials Technologies 雑誌 Vol. 6 2021
Multimodal wearable sensor sheet for health-related chemical and physical monitoring Reviewed
S. Hozumi, S. Honda, T.i Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
ACS Sensors 雑誌 Vol. 6 1918 - 1924 2021
Wireless and flexible skin moisture and temperature sensor sheets toward the study of thermoregulator center Reviewed
Y. Lu, Y. Fujita, S. Honda, S. H. Yang, Y. Xuan, K. Xu, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
Advanced Healthcare Materials 雑誌 Vol. 10 2021
Controlling the thermal conductivity of multilayer graphene by strain Reviewed
K. Nakagawa, K. Satoh, S. Murakami, K. Takei, S. Akita, T. Arie
Scientific Reports 雑誌 Vol. 11 2021
Flapping-wing dynamics as a natural detector of wind direction Reviewed
K. Tanaka, S.-H. Yang, Y. Tokudome, Y. Minami, Y. Lu, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei, K. Nakajima
Advanced Intelligent Systems 雑誌 Vol.3 2021
Highly stable Pd/HNb3O8-based flexible humidity sensor for perdurable wireless wearable applications Reviewed
Y. Lu, K. Xu, M.-Q. Yang, S.-Y. Tang, T.-Y. Yang, Y. Fujita, S. Honda, T. Arie, S. Akita, Y.-L. Chueh, K. Takei
Nanoscale Horizons 雑誌 Vol.6 260 - 270 2021
Highly stable Pd/HNb3O8-based flexible humidity sensor for perdurable wireless wearable applications Reviewed
Yuyao Lu, Kaichen Xu, Min-Quan Yang, Shin-Yi Tang, Tzu-Yi Yang, Yusuke Fujita, Satoko Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Yu-Lun Chueh, Kuniharu Takei
Nanoscale Horizons 6 ( 3 ) 260 - 270 2021( ISSN:2055-6756 ) ( eISSN:2055-6764 )
Flapping‐Wing Dynamics as a Natural Detector of Wind Direction Reviewed
Kazutoshi Tanaka, Shih-Hsin Yang, Yuji Tokudome, Yuna Minami, Yuyao Lu, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei, Kohei Nakajima
Advanced Intelligent Systems 2000174 - 2000174 2020.11( ISSN:2640-4567 ) ( eISSN:2640-4567 )
Detachable Flexible ISFET-Based pH Sensor Array with a Flexible Connector
Satoko Honda, Mao Shiomi, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yusuke Fujita, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Electronic Materials 6 ( 10 ) 2020.10( eISSN:2199-160X )
Multimodal Plant Healthcare Flexible Sensor System Reviewed
Yuyao Lu, Kaichen Xu, Lishu Zhang, Minako Deguchi, Hiroaki Shishido, Takayuki Arie, Ruihua Pan, Akitoshi Hayashi, Lei Shen, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Nano 14 ( 9 ) 10966 - 10975 2020.07( ISSN:1936-0851 ) ( eISSN:1936-086X )
Very Thin, Macroscale, Flexible, Tactile Pressure Sensor Sheet Reviewed
Seiji Wakabayashi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Omega 5 ( 28 ) 17721 - 17725 2020.07( ISSN:2470-1343 ) ( eISSN:2470-1343 )
Transformable pneumatic balloon-type soft robot using attachable shells Reviewed
Toshiki Nakajima, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Seiji Wakabayashi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials Technologies 2020.07
Wrist flexible heart pulse sensor integrated with a soft pump and a pneumatic balloon membrane Reviewed
Takafumi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
RSC Advances 10 17353 - 17358 2020.05
Wrist flexible heart pulse sensor integrated with a soft pump and a pneumatic balloon membrane.
Yamaguchi T, Yamamoto D, Arie T, Akita S, Takei K
RSC advances 10 ( 29 ) 17353 - 17358 2020.04
Out-of-plane electric whiskers based on nanocarbon strain sensors for multi-directional detection Invited Reviewed
S. Wakabayashi, T. Yamaguchi, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
Carbon 158 698 - 703 2020.01
Transformable pneumatic balloon-type soft robot using attachable shells Reviewed
Toshiki Nakajima, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Seiji Wakabayashi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials Technologies 雑誌 Vol. 5 2020
Very thin, macroscale flexible tactile pressure sensor sheet Reviewed
Seiji Wakabayashi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Omega 雑誌 Vol. 5 17721 - 17725 2020
Detachable flexible ISFET-based pH sensor array with a flexible connector Reviewed
Satoko Honda, Mao Shiomi, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Yusuke Fujita, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Electronic Materials 雑誌 Vol.6 ( No.10 ) 2020
Multimodal plant healthcare flexible sensor system Reviewed
Yuyao Lu, Kaichen Xu, Lishu Zhang, Minako Deguchi, Hiroaki Shishido, Takayuki Arie, Ruihua Pan, Akitoshi Hayashi, Lei Shen, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Nano 雑誌 Vol. 14 10966 - 10975 2020
Out-of-plane electric whiskers based on nanocarbon strain sensors for multi-directional detection Reviewed
Seiji Wakabayashi, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Carbon 雑誌 Vol. 158 698 - 703 2020
Wrist flexible heart pulse sensor integrated with a soft pump and a pneumatic balloon membrane Reviewed
Takafumi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
RSC Advances 雑誌 Vol. 10 17353 - 17358 2020
Highly Precise Multifunctional Thermal Management-Based Flexible Sensing Sheets.
Xu K, Lu Y, Yamaguchi T, Arie T, Akita S, Takei K
ACS nano 13 ( 12 ) 14348 - 14356 2019.12( ISSN:1936-0851 )
Highly precise multifunctional thermal management-based flexible sensing sheets Reviewed
K. Xu, Y. Lu, T. Yamaguchi, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
ACS Nano 13 14348 - 14356 2019.12
Yoshikawa Daiki, Takei Kuniharu, Arie Takayuki, Akita Seiji
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 12 ( 10 ) 2019.10( ISSN:1882-0778 ) ( eISSN:1882-0786 )
Norizzawati M. Ghazali, Hiroshi Tomizawa, Noriyuki Hagiwara, Katsuya Suzuki, Abdul M. Hashim, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Seiji Akita, Koji Ishibashi
AIP Advances 9 ( 10 ) 105015 - 105015 2019.10( eISSN:2158-3226 )
Visualizing progressive atomic change in metal surface structure made by ultrafast electronic interaction in ambient environment Reviewed
Ryotaro Aso, Yohei Ogawa, Takehiro Tamaoka, Hideto Yoshida, Seiji Takeda
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58 16028 - 16032 2019.09
Electronic Skin-Integrated Soft Robotic Hand
Yamaguchi T.
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems and Eurosensors XXXIII, TRANSDUCERS 2019 and EUROSENSORS XXXIII 543 - 546 2019.06( ISBN:9781728120072 )
Highly Sensitive Charge-Couple Device-based Flexible pH Sensor for Wearable Health Care Application
Shiomi M.
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems and Eurosensors XXXIII, TRANSDUCERS 2019 and EUROSENSORS XXXIII 370 - 373 2019.06( ISBN:9781728120072 )
Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Heterojunction Transistors with Individual Gate Control.
Shiomi M, Mochizuki Y, Imakita Y, Arie T, Akita S, Takei K
ACS nano 13 ( 4 ) 4771 - 4777 2019.04( ISSN:1936-0851 )
Human-like electronic skin-integrated soft robotic hand Reviewed
T. Yamaguchi, T. Kashiwagi, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
Advanced Intelligent Systems 1 1900018 2019.04
Graphene and carbon nanotube heterojunction transistors with individual gate control Reviewed
M. Shiomi, Y. Mochizuki, Y. Imakita, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
ACS Nano 13 4771 - 4777 2019.04
All-Solution-Based Heterogeneous Material Formation for p-n Junction Diodes.
Yamamoto D, Shiomi M, Arie T, Akita S, Takei K
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 ( 1 ) 1021 - 1025 2019.01( ISSN:1944-8244 )
All solution-based heterogeneous material formation for p-n junction diode Reviewed
Yamamoto, D, Shiomi, M, Arie, T, Akita, S, Takei, K
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 1021 - 1025 2019.01
Highly precise multifunctional thermal management-based flexible sensing sheets Reviewed
Kaichen Xu, Yuyao Lu, Takafumi Yamaguchi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Nano 雑誌 Vol. 13 14348 - 14356 2019
Very thin, macroscale flexible tactile pressure sensor sheet Reviewed
Seiji Wakabayashi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Omega 雑誌 Vol. 5 17721 - 17725 2019
All solution-based heterogeneous material formation for p-n junction diode Reviewed
Daisuke Yamamoto, Mao Shiomi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 雑誌 Vol. 11 1021 - 1025 2019
Textile-based flexible tactile force sensor sheet Reviewed
Satoko Honda, Qiang Zhu, Shojiro Satoh, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Functional Materials 雑誌 Vol. 29 2019
Graphene and carbon nanotube heterojunction transistors with individual gate control Reviewed
Mao Shiomi, Yuta Mochizuki, Yuki Imakita, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Nano 雑誌 Vol. 13 4771 - 4777 2019
Human-like electronic skin-integrated soft robotic hand Reviewed
Takafumi Yamaguchi, Tsutomu Kashiwagi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Intelligent Systems 雑誌 Vol. 1 2019
Highly stable kirigami-structured stretchable strain sensors for perdurable wearable electronics Reviewed
Kaichen Xu, Yuyao Lu, Satoko Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 雑誌 Vol. 7 9609 - 9617 2019
Dielectric actuation of optically transparent electromechanical resonator consisting of cantilevered hexagonal boron nitride sheet Reviewed
Daiki Yoshikawa, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Applied Physics Express 雑誌 Vol. 12 2019
Fabrication of tunnel barriers and single electron transistors in suspended multi-wall carbon nanotubes Reviewed
Norizzawati M. Ghazali, Hiroshi Tomizawa, Noriyuki Hagiwara, Katsuya Suzuki, Abdul M. Hashim, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Seiji Akita, Koji Ishibashi
AIP Advances 雑誌 Vol. 9 2019
Highly stable kirigami-structured stretchable strain sensors for perdurable wearable electronics Reviewed
K. Xu, Y. Lu, S. Honda, T. Arie, S. Akita, K. Takei
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 9609 - 9617 2019
Textile-based flexible tactile force sensor sheet Reviewed
Honda, S, Zhu, Q, Satoh, S, Arie, T, Akita, S, Takei, K
Advanced Functional Materials 29 1807957 2019
A wearable pH sensor with high sensitivity based on a flexible charge-coupled device Reviewed
Shogo Nakata, Mao Shiomi, Yusuke Fujita, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Nature Electronics 雑誌 Vol. 1 596 - 603 2018
Effect of buffer layer on photoresponse of MoS2 phototransistor Reviewed
Yuga Miyamoto, Daiki Yoshikawa, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 57 2018
Photoresponse of graphene field-effect-transistor with n-type Si depletion layer gate Reviewed
Shiho Kobayashi, Yuki Anno, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Scientific Reports 雑誌 Vol. 8 2018
Planar-type printed flexible mechanical switch Reviewed
Yuya Hasuike, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Electronic Materials 雑誌 Vol. 4 2018
Tuning of the temperature dependence of the resonance frequency shift in atomically thin mechanical resonators with van der Waals heterojunctions Reviewed
Taichi Inoue, Yuta Mochizuki, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
2D Materials 雑誌 Vol. 5 2018
Resonance control of graphene drum resonator in nonlinear regime by standing wave of light Reviewed
Taichi Inoue, Yuki Anno, Yuki Imakita, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
ACS Omega 雑誌 Vol. 2 5792 - 5797 2017
Enhancement of graphene thermoelectric performance through defect engineering Reviewed
Yuki Anno, Yuki Imakita, Kuniharu Takei, Seiji Akita, Takayuki Arie
2D Materials 雑誌 Vol. 4 2017
Wearable, flexible, and multifunctional healthcare device with an ISFET chemical sensor for simultaneous sweat pH and skin temperature Reviewed
Shogo Nakata, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Sensors 雑誌 Vol.2 443 - 448 2017
Control of tunnel barriers in multi-wall carbon nanotubes using focused ion beam irradiation Reviewed
Hiroshi Tomizawa, Katsuya Suzuki, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Seiji Akita, Koji Ishibashi
Nanotechnology 雑誌 Vol. 28 2017
A planar, multi-sensing wearable health monitoring device integrated with acceleration, temperature, and electrocardiogram sensors Reviewed
Daisuke Yamamoto, Shogo Nakata, Kenichiro Kanao, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials Technologies 雑誌 Vol. 2 2017
Direct measurement of optical trapping force gradient on polystyrene microspheres using a carbon nanotube mechanical resonator Reviewed
Masaaki Yasuda, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Scientific Reports 雑誌 Vol. 7 2017
Efficient skin temperature sensor and stable gel-less sticky ECG sensor for a wearable flexible healthcare patch Reviewed
Yuki Yamamoto, Daisuke Yamamoto, Makoto Takada, Hiroyoshi Naito, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Healthcare Materials 雑誌 Vol. 6 2017
Effect of defect-induced carrier scattering on the thermoelectric power of graphene Reviewed
Yuki Anno, Masato Takeuchi, Masaya Matsuoka, Kuniharu Takei, Seiji Akita, Takayuki Arie
Applied Physics Letters 雑誌 Vol. 110 2017
Human-interactive multi-functional electronic wallpaper integrated with sensors and memory Reviewed
Kenichiro Kanao, Shogo Nakata, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Materials Horizons 雑誌 Vol. 4 1079 - 1084 2017
Oscillation control of carbon nanotube mechanical resonator by electrostatic interaction induced retardation Reviewed
Masaaki Yasuda, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Scientific Reports 雑誌 6 2016.03
Bendable CMOS digital and analog circuits monolithically integrated with a temperature sensor Reviewed
Wataru Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials Technologies 雑誌 Vol. 1 2016
Heat transfer of suspended carbon nanotube yarn to gases Reviewed
Yukiko Wada, Koji Kita, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Applied Physics Express 雑誌 Vol. 9 2016
An all-solution-processed tactile memory flexible device integrated with a NiO ReRAM Reviewed
Kenichiro Kanao, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 雑誌 Vol. 4 9261 - 9265 2016
An extremely highly selective flexible compliant tactile touch sensor sheet Reviewed
Shogo Nakata, Kenichiro Kanao, Shingo Harada, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Physica Status Solidi A 雑誌 Vol. 213 2345 - 2351 2016
Printed multifunctional flexible device with an integrated motion sensor for health care monitoring Reviewed
Yuki Yamamoto, Shingo Harada, Daisuke Yamamoto, Wataru Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Science Advances 雑誌 Vol. 2 2016
Highly photosensitive graphene field-effect transistor with optical memory function Reviewed
Shohei Ishida, Yuki Anno, Masato Takeuchi, Masaya Matsuoka, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Scientific Reports 雑誌 5 2015.11
Mechanically flexible and high-performance CMOS logic circuits Reviewed
Wataru Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Scientific Reports 雑誌 5 2015.10
Fabrication and characterization of tunnel barriers in a multi-walled carbon nanotube formed by argon atom beam irradiation Reviewed
H. Tomizawa, T. Yamaguchi, S. Akita, K. Ishibashi
Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 118 2015.10
Suspended single-walled carbon nanotube field effect transistor toward gas sensing application Reviewed
Yukiko Wada, Yoshihiro Fujita, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 54 2015.06
Carbon nanotube mechanical resonator in potential-well induced by van-der-Waals interaction Reviewed
Atsuko Nagataki, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Applied Physics Express 雑誌 8 2015
Enhancing the thermoelectric device performance of graphene using isotopes and isotopic heterojunctions Reviewed
Yuki Anno, Kuniharu Takei, Seiji Akita, Takayuki Arie
Advanced Electronic Materials 雑誌 1 2015
Toward flexible and wearable human-interactive health-monitoring devices Reviewed
Kuniharu Takei, Wataru Honda, Shingo Harada, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Advanced Healthcare Material 雑誌 4 487 - 500 2015
Highly selective flexible tactile strain and temperature sensors against substrate bending for an artificial skin Reviewed
Kenichiro Kanao, Shingo Harada, Yuki Yamamoto, Wataru Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
RSC advances 雑誌 5 30170 - 30174 2015
Reduction of carbon byproducts for high-purity carbon nanocoil growth by suppressing catalyst collision Reviewed
Takehiro Gohara, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Carbon 雑誌 89 225 - 231 2015
Highly stable liquid-solid metal contact toward multi-layered detachable flexible devices Reviewed
Shingo Harada, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Electronic Materials 雑誌 1 2015
Air ambient-operated pNIPAM-based flexible actuators stimulated by human body temperature and sunlight Reviewed
Yuki Yamamoto, Kenichiro Kanao, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 雑誌 7 11002 - 11006 2015
High performance, mechacally flexible, and vertically integrated three-dimensional carbon nanotube and InGaZnO complementary circuits with a temperature sensor Reviewed
Wataru Honda, Shingo Harada, Shohei Ishida, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Materials 雑誌 27 2015
Fully Printed Flexible Fingerprint-like Three-Axis Tactile and Slip Force and Temperature Sensors for Artificial Skin Reviewed
Shingo Harada, Kenichiro Kanao, Yuki Yamamoto, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Nano 雑誌 8 12851 - 12857 2014
Wearable human-interactive health-monitoring wireless devices fabricated by macroscale printing techniques Reviewed
Wataru Honda, Shigo Harada, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Advanced Functional Materials 雑誌 24 3299 - 3304 2014
Fully printed, highly sensitive multi-functional artificial electronic whisker arrays integrated with strain and temperature sensors Reviewed
Shigo Harada, Wataru Honda,Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
ACS Nano 雑誌 8 3921 - 3927 2014
In-situ optical microscopy observations of the growth of individual carbon nanocoils Reviewed
Takehiro Gohara, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 雑誌 32 2014
Cantilevered carbon nanotube hygrometer Reviewed
Toshinori Kuroyanagi, Yuki Terada, Kuniharu Takei, Seiji Akita, Takayuki Arie
Applied Physics Letters 雑誌 104 2014
Artificially controlled synthesis of graphene intramolecular heterojunctions for phonon engineering Reviewed
Yuki Anno, Kuniharu Takei, Seiji Akita, Takayuki Arie
Physica Status Solidi (Rapid Research Letters) 雑誌 8 692 - 697 2014
Printable and foldable electrodes based on a carbon nanotube-polymer composition Reviewed
Wataru Honda, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
Physica Status Solidi A 雑誌 11 2631 - 2634 2014
Superhydrophobic and self-cleaning macrosize surfaces of silicone rubber and its mechanical flexibility Reviewed
Shingo Harada, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Kuniharu Takei
BioNanoScience 雑誌 4 301 - 305 2014
Release and nonvolatile operation of carbon nanotube nanorelay by resonant vibration Reviewed
Tatsuya Kagota, Atsuko Nagataki, Kuniharu Takei, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Applied Physics Letters 雑誌 103 2013.12
Molecular dynamics simulations for release of sticking carbon nanotube cantilever beam toward nanorelay application Reviewed
A. Nagataki, T. Kagota, T. Arie, S. Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 2013
Transient thermal response of an individual multiwall carbon nanotube Reviewed
Yukiko Wada, Yusuke Ohshima, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Physica Status Solidi C 10 ( 11 ) 2013
Photothermal Actuation of Cantilevered Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes with Bimaterial Configuration toward Calorimeter Reviewed
Seiya Hiroshima, Atsushi Yoshinaka, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 2013
Photothermal excitation of cantilevered carbon nanotube resonators Reviewed
Atsushi Yoshinaka, Yuichi Yuasa, Seiya Hiroshima, Takayuki Arie, and Seiji Akita
Appl. Phys. Express IPAP 5 2012.07
Evaluation of graphene thin films by surface plasmon resonance Reviewed
K. Murasaki, Y. Anno, S. Akita and T. Arie
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 IPAP 51 ( 6 ) 2012.06
A Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor with a Cantilevered Carbon Nanotube Gate Reviewed
Naoyuki Matsunaga, Takayuki Arie, and Seiji Akita
Appl. Phys. Express IPAP 5 2012.06
Electric field enhancement by laser light focused on electrode edges forcontrolled-positioning of carbon nanotubes Reviewed
T. Takahashi, T. Yabumoto, R. Inori, T. Okada, S. Akita and T. Arie
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 IPAP 51 ( 6 ) 2012.06
One-pass separation of single wall carbon nanotubes by gel chromatography with gradient of surfactant concentration
Ryuji Inori, Takako Okada, Takayuki Arie, and Seiji Akita
Nanotechnology IOP 23 2012.04
A multi-walled carbon nanotube cantilever for interaction force sensing in liquid Reviewed
T. Arie, S. Sawano, and S. Akita
AIP Advance 雑誌 2 ( 1 ) 2012.03
Influence of the structure of the nanotube on the mechanical properties of binder-free multi-walled carbon nanotube solids Reviewed
Y. Sato, H. Nishizaka, S. Sawano, A. Yoshinaka, K.Hirano, S. Hashiguchi, T. Arie, S. Akita, G. Yamamoto, T. Hashida, H. Kimura, K. Motomiya, K. Tohji
Carbon 雑誌 50 34 - 39 2012.01
Visualization of Vibrating Cantilevered Multilayer Graphene Mechanical Oscillator Reviewed
Y. Yuasa, A. Yoshinaka, T. Arie, and S. Akita
Applied Physics Express 雑誌 4 ( 11 ) 115103 - 1 2011.11
Improvement of transfer characteristic for carbon nanotube field effect transistor with poly crystalline PbZrxTi1-xO2 gate by ionic liquid Reviewed
S. Kataoka, T. Arie, and S. Akita
Applied Physics Letter 雑誌 99 ( 22 ) 2011.11
Diameter-dependent dissipation of vibration energy of cantilevered multiwall carbon nanotubes Reviewed
S. Sawaya, T. Arie, and S.Akita
Nanotechnology 雑誌 22 ( 16 ) 2011.03
Sustained Mechanical Self-Oscillation of Carbon Nanotube Cantilever by Phase Locked Loop with Opto-Mechanical Heterodyne Reviewed
A. Yoshinaka, T. Arie, and S. Akita
Applied Physics Letter 雑誌 98 2011.03
Nano-Incandescent Consisting of Individual Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
S. Akita, Y. Ohshima, T. Arie
Applied Physics Express 雑誌 4 025101 - 1 2011.01
Carbon Nanotube Resonator in Liquid Reviewed
S. Sawano, T. Arie, S. Akita
NANO LETTER 雑誌 10 ( 9 ) 3395 - 3398 2010.08
Temperature Dependence of Cantilevered Carbon Nanotube Oscillation Reviewed
S. Fukami, T. Arie, S. Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 49 06GK02 - 1 2010.06
Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Resonators for Mass Sensing Reviewed
S. Akita and T. Arie
Sensors and Materials 雑誌 21 339 - 349 2009.10
Effect of Oxygen Included in Substrates for Growth of Brushlike Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
T. Nagasaka, T. Sakai, K. Hirahara, S. Akita, and Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 48 091602 - 1 2009.09
Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Molecular Linear Motor Inside Nanotube Reviewed
Y. Ueno, H. Somada, K. Hirahara, Y. Nakayama, S. Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 48 06FG03 - 1 2009.06
Effect of Gaseous Dissipation of Oscillating Cantilevered Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
S. Fukami, T. Arie, S. Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 48 06FG04 - 1 2009.06
Response of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors to Vibrating Gate Determined by Scanning Gate Microscopy Reviewed
K. Hata, Y. Nakayama, S. Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 48 04C202 - 1 2009.04
A Molecular Linear Motor Consisting of Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
H. Somada, K. Hirahara, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
NANO LETTER 雑誌 9 ( 1 ) 62 - 65 2009.01
Characteristics of 4H-SiC Pt-gate Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor for Use at high temperatures Reviewed
Y. Ueda, Y. Nomura, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, H. Naito
THIN SOLID FILMS 雑誌 51 ( 4 ) 1468 - 1470 2008.12
Study of High Temperature Photocurrent Properties of 6H-SiC UV Sensor Reviewed
Y. Ueda, S. Akita, Y. Nomura, Y. Nakayama, H. Naito
THIN SOLID FILMS 雑誌 51 ( 4 ) 1471 - 1473 2008.12
Improved Field Emission Characteristics of Individual Carbon Nanotube Coated with Boron Nitride Nanofilm Reviewed
Y. Morihisa, C. Kimura, M. Yukawa, H. Aoki, T. Kobayashi, S. Hayashi, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, and T. Sugino
J. Vaccum Scince and Technolgy B 雑誌 26 ( 2 ) 872 - 875 2008.04
Alignment of Carbon Nanocoils in Polymer Matrix Using Dielectrophoresis Reviewed
Y. Fujiyama, R. Tomokane, K. Tanaka, S. Akita, Y. Higashi, L. Pan, T. Nosaka, and Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 47 ( 4 ) 1991 - 1993 2008.04
Synthesis of Multiwalled Carbon Nanocoils Using Codeposited Thin Film of Fe-Sn as Catalyst Reviewed
R. Kanada, L. Pan, A. Akita, N. Okazaki, K. Hirahara, and Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 47 ( 4 ) 1949 - 1951 2008.04
Effect of Residual Acetylene Gas on Growth of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
M. Yamaguchi, L. Pan, S. Akita, and Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 47 ( 4 ) 1937 - 1940 2008.04
Visualization of Horizontally-Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Growth with 13C/12C Isotopes Reviewed
H. Ago, N. Ishigami, N. Yoshihara, K. Imamoto, S. Akita, K. Ikeda, M. Tsuji, T. Ikuta, K. Takahashi
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 雑誌 112 ( 6 ) 1735 - 1738 2008.02
Covalent attachment of protein to the tip of a multiwalled carbon nanotube without sidewall decoration Reviewed
H. Maruyama, S. Yoshimura, S. Akita, A. Nagataki, Y. Nakayama
Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 102 094701 - 1 2007.11
Energy Barrier for Disappearance of Buckling to Form a Plastic Bend in Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
H. Somada, Y.Yoshikawa, A. Nagataki, K. Hirahara, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 46 ( 44 ) 1055 - 1057 2007.11
Plastic bending and shape-memory effect of double-wall carbon nanotubes Reviewed
H. Mori, S. Ogata, J. Li, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Physical Review B 雑誌 76 165405 - 1 2007.10
Energy loss of Carbon Nanotube Cantilevers for Mechanical Vibration Reviewed
S. Akita, S. Sawaya, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 46 ( 9B ) 6295 - 6298 2007.09
Effect of MgO coating on field emission of a standalone carbon nanotube Reviewed
L. Pan, Y. Konishi, H. Tanaka, S. Chakrabarti, S. Hokushin, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
J. Vaccum Scince and Technolgy B 雑誌 25 1581 - 1583 2007.07
Molecular dynamics study of electron-irradiation effects in single-walled carbon nanotubes Reviewed
M. Yasuda, Y. Kimoto, K. Tada, H. Mori, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, Y. Hirai
Physical Review B 雑誌 75 205406 - 1 2007.05
Barrier Modification at Contacts between Carbon Nanotube and Pt Electrode Using Well-Controlled Joule Heating Reviewed
Y. Yoshikawa, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 46 ( 15 ) 359 - 361 2007.04
Determination of Carbon Nanocoil Orientation by Dielectrophoresis Reviewed
R. Tomokane, Y. Fujiyama, K. Tanaka, S. Akita, Y. Higashi, L. Pan, T. Nosaka, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 46 ( 4A ) 1815 - 1817 2007.04
Correlation between mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes Reviewed
S. Sawaya, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Nanotechnology 雑誌 18 ( 3 ) 035702 - 1 2007.01
In-situ mass-measurement of electron-beam-induced nanometer-sized W-related deposits using a carbon nanotube cantilever Reviewed
S. Sawaya, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Applied Physics Letters 雑誌 89 ( 19 ) 193115 - 1 2006.11
Single-wall Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors with Non-volatile Memory Operation Reviewed
T. Sakurai, T. Yoshimura, S. Akita, N. Fujimura, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 45 ( 38 ) 1036 - 1038 2006.10
Energetics of plastic bending of carbon nanotubes Reviewed
H. Mori, S. Ogata, J. Li, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Physical Review B 雑誌 74 165418 - 1 2006.10
Fabrication and characterization of high-resolution AFM tips with high-quality double-wall carbon nanotubes Reviewed
S. Kuwahara, S. Akita, M. Shirakihara, T. Sugai, Y. Nakayama, H. Shinohara
Chemical Physics Letters 雑誌 429 581 - 585 2006.08
Buckling of multiwall carbon nanotubes under axial compression Reviewed
S. Akita, M. Nishio, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 45 ( 6B ) 5586 - 5589 2006.06
Chirality Dependence of Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Axial Tensile Strain Reviewed
H. Mori, Y. Hirai, S. Ogata, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 44 ( 42 ) 1307 - 1309 2005.10
Density of electron beam induced amorphous carbon deposit Reviewed
M. Nishio, S. Sawaya, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Jounal of Vacuum Science and Technolgy B 雑誌 23 ( 5 ) 1975 - 1979 2005.09
Buckling test under axial compression for multiwall carbon nanotubes Reviewed
M. Nishio, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physic 雑誌 44 ( 34 ) 1097 - 1099 2005.08
Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Grown at Low Temperatures for Use in Displays Reviewed
G. Takeda, L. Pan, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 44 ( 7B ) 5642 - 5645 2005.07
Electrical properties of connected multiwall carbon nanotubes Reviewed
Y. Hamada, H. Negishi, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 44 ( 4B ) 1629 - 1632 2005.04
Current-Induced Plastic Deformation of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
Y. Nakayama, A. Nagataki, O. Suekane, X. Cai, S. Akita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 44 ( 23 ) 720 - 722 2005.04
Comparison of Field Emissions from Side Wall and Tip of an Individual Carbon Nanotube Reviewed
Y. Konishi, S. Hokushin, H. Tanaka, L. Pan, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physic 雑誌 44 ( 4B ) 1648 - 1651 2005.04
Molecular Dynamics Study on Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube (DWNT) for Nano Mechanical Minipulation Reviewed
Y. Kimoto, H. Mori, T. Mikami, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, K. Higashi, Y. Hirai
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 44 ( 4B ) 1641 - 1647 2005.04
Mechanical Properties of Sharpened Carbon Nanotube Tips Reviewed
S. Akita, M.Ohashi, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 44 ( 4B ) 1637 - 1640 2005.04
Mechanical and Electrical properties of Multiwall Nanotube under Interlayer Sliding Reviewed
S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
e-J. Surf. Sci. and Nanotech. 雑誌 3 86 - 93 2005.03
Carbon nanotube oscillators toward zeptogram detection Reviewed
M. Nishio, S. Sawaya, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Applied Physics Letter 雑誌 86 ( 13 ) 133111 - 1 2005.03
1D-TlInSe2: Band Structure, Dielectric Function and Nanorods Reviewed
N. Mamedov, K. Wakita, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 44 ( 1B ) 709 - 714 2005.01
Current induced light emission from a multiwall carbon nanotube Reviewed
X. Y. Cai, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Thin Solid Films 雑誌 Vol. 464-65 364 - 367 2004.10
Quantitative force measurements in liquid using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Reviewed
T. Uchihashi, M. J. Higgins, S. Yasuda, S. P. Jarvis, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, and J. E. Sader
Applied Physics Letters 雑誌 Vol. 85, ( No. 16 ) 3575 - 3577 2004.10
Effect on the growth of carbon nanotubes and optical emission spectroscopy in short-period arc-discharge Reviewed
M. Nishio, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Thin Solid Films 雑誌 Vol. 464-65 304 - 307 2004.10
Scanning probe microscope tip with carbon nanotube truss Reviewed
S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 43 ( No.7b ) 4499 - 4501 2004.07
Nanoscale variable resistance using interlayer sliding of multiwall nanotube Reviewed
S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 43 ( No.6b ) 3796 - 3798 2004.06
Instability of field emission from a standalone multiwalled carbon nanotube with an insulator barrier Reviewed
H. Tanaka, S. Akita, L. J. Pan and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 43 ( No.4a ) 1651 - 1654 2004.04
Comparison of capped carbon nanotube with open-ended one for field emission Reviewed
H. Tanaka, S. Akita, L. Pan and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 43 ( No.3b ) 427 - 429 2004.03
Barrier effect on field emission from stand-alone carbon nanotube Reviewed
H. Tanaka, S. Akita, L. Pan and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 43 ( No. 2 ) 864 - 867 2004.02
Daisylike field-emission images from standalone open-ended carbon nanotube Reviewed
H. Tanaka, S. Akita, L. J. Pan and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 43 ( No. 2a ) 197 - 199 2004.02
Nanoengineering of carbon nanotubes for nanotools Reviewed
Y. Nakayama and S. Akita
New J. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 5 2003.10
Interlayer sliding force of individual multiwall carbon nanotubes Reviewed
S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 42 ( No. 7b ) 4830 - 4833 2003.07
Orthopedic treatment of multiwalled carbon nanotube probes Reviewed
H. Negishi, M. Ohashi, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 42 ( No. 7b ) 4866 - 4868 2003.07
Molecular dynamics studies on mechanical properties of carbon nano tubes with pinhole defects Reviewed
Y. Hirai, S. Nishimaki, H. Mori, Y. Kimoto, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama and Y. Tanaka
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 42 ( No. 6b ) 4120 - 4123 2003.06
Extraction of inner shell from multiwall carbon nanotubes for scanning probe microscope tip Reviewed
S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 42 ( No. 6b ) 3933 - 3936 2003.06
Nanolithography of organic polysilane films using carbon nanotube tips - Application to the etching process Reviewed
A. Okazaki, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Physica B 雑誌 Vol. 323 ( No. 1-4 ) 151 - 152 2002.10
Improvement of MFM tips using Fe-alloy-capped carbon nanotubes Reviewed
N. Yoshida, T. Arie, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Physica B 雑誌 Vol. 323 ( No. 1-4 ) 149 - 150 2002.10
Substituent Dependence and Orientation Effect on Carrier Trapping in Polysilane Films Reviewed
T. Nagami, L.Pan, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
J. Soc. Photogr. Sci. Technol. Japan 雑誌 Vol. 65 373 - 376 2002.08
Length adjustment of carbon nanotube probe by electron bombardment Reviewed
S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 41 ( No. 7b ) 4887 - 4889 2002.07
Quantitative analysis of the magnetic properties of metal-capped carbon nanotube probe Reviewed
N. Yoshida, M. Yasutake, T. Arie, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 41 ( No. 7b ) 5013 - 5016 2002.07
Scanning probe microscope lithography of silicon using a combination of a carbon nanotube tip and a polysilane film as a mask Reviewed
A. Okazaki, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 41 ( No. 7b ) 4973 - 4975 2002.07
Manipulation of nanomaterial by carbon nanotube nanotweezers in scanning probe microscope Reviewed
S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 41 ( No. 6b ) 4242 - 4245 2002.06
Diameter control of arc produced multiwall carbon nanotubes by ambient gas cooling Reviewed
S. Akita, S. Kamo and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 41 ( No. 4b ) 487 - 489 2002.04
Field emission from entangled carbon nanotubes coated on/in a hollow metallic tube Reviewed
Y. Tokura, Y. Tsunawaki, N. Ohigashi, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, K. Imasaki, K. Mima, and S. Nakai
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 雑誌 Vol. 475 ( No.1-3 ) 458 - 461 2001.12
Nanotweezers consisting of carbon nanotubes operating in an atomic force microscope Reviewed
S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, S. Mizooka, Y. Takano, T. Okawa, Y. Miyatake, S. Yamanaka, M. Tsuji, T. Nosaka
Applied Physics Letters 雑誌 Vol. 79 ( No. 11 ) 1691 - 1693 2001.09
Stable atomic imaging of Si(111)-7 x 7 surface by scanning tunneling microscope with carbon nanotube tip Reviewed
T. Shimizu, H. Tokumoto, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Surface Science 雑誌 Vol. 486 ( No. 3 ) 455 - 460 2001.07
Structural stability of carbon nanotube tips on nanoindentation of polycarbonate Reviewed
S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 40 ( No. 6B ) 4289 - 4291 2001.06
Kelvin probe force microscopy imaging with carbon nanotube tips Reviewed
S. Takahashi(学生), S. Akita, K. Kishida(学生), Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 40 ( No. 6B ) 4314 - 4316 2001.06
Quantitative analysis of the magnetic properties of a carbon nanotube probe in magnetic force microscopy Reviewed
T. Arie(学生), N. Yoshida(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 34 ( No. 9 ) 43 - 45 2001.05
カーボンナノチューブの電界電子放出特性とディスプレイ応用 Reviewed
秋田成司, 松本昌司(学生), 村上明繁, 中山喜萬
材料 雑誌 第50巻 ( 第4号 ) 364 - 367 2001.04
Reduction of Long-range Interactions using Carbon Nanotube Probes in Biological Reviewed
Y. Maeda(学生), H. Nishijima(学生), S. Akita, T. Matsumoto, Y. Nakayama, T. Kawai
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 40 ( No. 3A ) 1425 - 1428 2001.03
Field-Emission with Carbon Nanotubes for a Flat Panel Display Reviewed
Y. Nakayama, S. Akita
Synthetic Metals 雑誌 Vol. 117 207 - 210 2001.02
Nanoindentation of Polycarbonate Using Carbon Nanotube Tip Reviewed
S. Akita, H. Nishijima(学生), T. Kishida(学生), Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 39 ( No. 12B ) 7086 - 7089 2000.12
Direct Nanolithography of Organic Polysilane Films Using Carbon Nanotube Tips Reviewed
A. Okazaki(学生), T. Kishida(学生), S. Akita, H. Nishijima(学生), Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 39 ( No. 12B ) 7067 - 7069 2000.12
Influence of stiffness of carbon-nanotube probes in atomic force microscopy Reviewed
S. Akita, H. Nishijima(学生), Y. Nakayama
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 33 ( No. 21 ) 2673 - 2677 2000.11
Carbon-Nanotube Tip for Highly-Reproducible Imaging of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Helical Turns by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Reviewed
T. Uchihashi, N. Choi, M. Tanigawa, M. Ashino, Y. Sugawara, H. Nishijima(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, H. Tokumoto, K. Yokoyama, S. Morita, M. Ishikawa
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.39 ( No. 8B ) 887 - 889 2000.08
Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Arc Flame Plasma for Generation of Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
S. Akita, H. Ashihara(学生), Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.39 ( No. 8 ) 4939 - 4944 2000.08
The Cell Biological Application of Carbon Nanotube Probes for Atomic Force Microscopy: Comparative Studies of Malaria-Infected Erythrocytes Reviewed
E. Nagao, H. Nishijima(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, J. A. Dvorak
Journal of Electron Microscopy 雑誌 Vol. 49 ( No. 3 ) 453 - 458 2000.06
Atomic Force Microscopy with Carbon Nanotube Probe Resolves the Subunit Organization of Protein Complexes Reviewed
K.I. Hohmura(学生), Y. Itokazu, S . H. Yoshimura(学生), G. Mizuguchi, Y. Masamura, K. Takeyasu, Y. Shiomi, T. Tsurimoto, H. Nishijima(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Journal of Electron Microscopy 雑誌 Vol. 49 ( No. 3 ) 415 - 421 2000.06
Nanolithography of Organic Polysilane Films Using Carbon Nanotube Tips Reviewed
A.Okazaki(学生), S。Akita, H.Nishijima(学生), Y.Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.39 ( No. 6B ) 3744 - 3746 2000.06
Influence of Force Acting on Side Face of Carbon Nanotube in Atomic Force Microscopy Reviewed
S.Akita, H.Nishijima(学生), T.Kishida(学生), Y.Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.39 ( No. 6B ) 3724 - 3727 2000.06
Atomic Force Microscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Carbon Nanotube Tip Reviewed
N. Choi, T. Uchihashi, H. Nishijima(学生), T. Ishida, W. Mizutani, S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, M. Ishikawa, H. Tokumoto
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.39 ( No. 6B ) 3707 - 3710 2000.06
Microprocess for Fabricating Carbon-Nanotube Probes of Scanning Probe Microscope Reviewed
Y. Nakayama, H. Nishijima(学生), S. Akita, K. Hohmura(学生), S. Yoshimura(学生), K. Takeyasu
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 雑誌 Vol. 18 ( No. 2 ) 661 - 664 2000.03
Carbon-Nanotube Probe Equipped Magnetic Force Microscope Reviewed
T. Arie(学生), H. Nishijima(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 雑誌 Vol. 18 ( No. 1 ) 104 - 106 2000.01
Novel process for fabricating nanodevices consisting of carbon nanotubes Reviewed
H. Nishijima, S. Akita and Y. Nakayama
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 雑誌 Vol. 38 ( No.12b ) 7247 - 7252 1999.12
Carbon-Nanotube Tips for Scanning Probe Microscopy: Preparation by a Controlled Process and Observation of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Reviewed
H. Nishijima(学生), S. Kamo(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama, K. Hohmura(学生), S. Yoshimura(学生), K. Takeyasu
Applied Physics Letters 雑誌 Vol. 74 ( No. 26 ) 4061 - 4063 1999.06
Photocarrier Generation in Polysilane Films Doped with and without Fullerene Reviewed
Y. Nakayama, A. Saito(学生), T. Fujii(学生), S. Akita
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 雑誌 Vol. 43 ( No. 3 ) 261 - 265 1999.05
Carbon Nanotube Tips for a Scanning Probe Microscope: Their Fabrication and Properties Reviewed
S. Akita, H. Nishijima(学生), Y. Nakayama, F. Tokumasu(学生), K. Takeyasu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 32 ( No. 9 ) 1044 - 1048 1999.05
Growth of Tungsten Carbide Nano-Needle and Its Application as a Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tip Reviewed
T. Arie(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol. 31 49 - 51 1998.07
Graphogrowth of Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition Reviewed
T. Arie(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Journal of Surface Analysis 雑誌 Vol. 4 ( No. 3 ) 277 - 279 1998.05
Orientation and Purification of Carbon Nanotubes Using AC Electric Field Reviewed
K. Yamamoto(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.31 ( No.8 ) 34 - 36 1998.04
Density of particles on center axis of arc frame for generation of carbon nanotubes Reviewed
Y. Shimada, S. Akita, S. Suzuki and Y. Nakayama
Electron. Commun. Jpn. Pt. II-Electron. 雑誌 Vol. 81 ( No.1 ) 42 - 46 1998.01
カーボンナノチューブ成長時におけるアーク放電プラズマの粒子密度の電極軸方向分布 Reviewed
島田善仁(学生), 秋田成司, 鈴木悟(学生), 中山喜萬
電子情報通信学会論文誌 C-II 雑誌 Vol.J80-C-II ( No.7 ) 236 - 240 1997.07
Orientation of Carbon Nanotubes Using Electrophoresis Reviewed
K. Yamamoto(学生), S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.35 ( No.7B ) 917 - 918 1996.07
Mechanism of Photocurrent Multiplication in Amorphous Silicon Carbide Schottky Cells Reviewed
S. Akita, H.Ueda(学生), Y. Nakayama
Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.77 ( No.3 ) 1120 - 1125 1995.02
Electrically Induced Orientation of Poly(silane)s Reviewed
Y. Nakayama, M. Miyamoto(学生), S. Akita, T. Dohmaru, R. West
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.34 ( No.1A ) 57 - 60 1995.01
Thermally Activated Electric Conduction in Carbon Nanotubes Reviewed
Y. Nakayama, S. Akita, Y. Shimada(学生)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 雑誌 Vol.34 ( No.1A ) 10 - 12 1995.01
Influence of Poole-Frenkel Effect on Depletion Discharge Transient Spectroscopy Reviewed
S. Akita, Y. Nakayama
電子写真学会誌 雑誌 Vol.33 ( No.3 ) 202 - 208 1994.09
New Printing Process Free from Corona Discharge for Plain Paper Reviewed
S. Akita, Y. Ozawa, K. Ishibitsu,T. Kawamura
電子写真学会誌 雑誌 Vol.33 ( No.2 ) 142 - 148 1994.06
Photocurrents in a Layered Photoreceptor Consisting of a SiC:H and 2,4,7-Trinitro-9-Fluorenone Reviewed
T. Yajima(学生), Y. Nakayama, S. Akita, T. Kawamura
電子写真学会誌 雑誌 Vol.31 ( No.3 ) 407 - 412 1992.09
Quantum Hybrid Electronics and Materials Reviewed
Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita( Role: Joint author , Phonon Engineering of Graphene by Structural Modifications)
Springer Nature Singapore 2022.05 ( ISBN:978-981-19-1201-6 )
秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
朝倉書店 2021.06 ( ISBN:978-4-254-13139-0 )
井上太一, 秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)エヌ・ティー・エス 2020.03
秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)エヌ・ティー・エス 2019
Nanomechanical Application of CNT
Seiji Akita
Springer 2015.04 ( ISBN:978-4-431-55371-7 )
化学便覧 応用化学編 第7版
秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
日本化学会 編,丸善出版(株) 2014.01 ( ISBN:978-4-621-08759-6 )
秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)技術情報協会 2013.04
秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)コロナ社 2011.09
秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)コロナ社 2011.09
中山喜萬,秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)エヌ・ティー・エス 2007.07
秋田成司, 中山喜萬( Role: Joint author)
(株)エヌ・ティー・エス 2007.07
中山喜萬,秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)エヌ・ティー・エス 2004.02
秋田成司( Role: Joint author)
(株)技術情報協会 2003.02
単一分子計測をめざすナノシステム International journal
パリティ 29 ( 9 ) 25 - 27 2014.09
発光体を⽤いた光・機械共振器の誘電効果振動駆動による振動測定 Domestic conference
第71回・応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2024.03 応用物理学会
Local current modulation in graphene channel under nanodiamonds Domestic conference
K. Nishibara, S. Akita, T.Arie
The 66th Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium 2024.03
弱く結合した2つのナノ電気機械共振器の振動制御 Domestic conference
川原隼, 篠原大芽, 山本恵一朗, 余越伸彦, 有江隆之, 秋田成司
第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2023.09 応用物理学会
発光体を用いた光・機械共振器の作製とその共振特性 Domestic conference
小西創太, 荒張秀樹, 石原一, 有江隆之, 秋田成司
第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2023.09 応用物理学会
発光体を用いた光機械共振器の機械特性に発光が及ぼす効果の理論解析 Domestic conference
荒張秀樹, 小西創太, 秋田成司, 石原一
第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2023.09 応用物理学会
Measurement of temperature distribution in graphene device by nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond Domestic conference
K. Nishibara, S. Akita, T. Arie
Modulation of thermoelectric performance through graphene/h-BN stack Domestic conference
Luminescence-driven optomechanical system with micromechanical membranes International conference
H. Arahari, S. Konishi, S. Akita, H. Ishihara
The 10th Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference 2023.04 OSA
Sensor application of 2D materials
Development of novel optical manipulation systems based on the design of environment and luminescence
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) 2024
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)/(Exploratory) 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)/(Exploratory) 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)/(Exploratory) 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) 2022
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
Semiconductor Electronics
Advanced Nanoelectronics
Fundamentals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering II
Fundamentals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering II
Fundamentals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering I
Fundamentals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering I
Selected Topics in Nanoelectronics
Recent Advances in Engineering
Special Topics in Engineering
2023年度 大学コンソーシアム大阪 第1回高大接続フォーラム 2023
2023年度 大学コンソーシアム大阪 第2回高大接続フォーラム 2023
2023年度 第1回工学FDセミナー 2023
2023年度 高大接続セミナー 2023
2022年度 大学コンソーシアム大阪 高大接続フォーラム 2022
Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:1 Number of graduate students presentations:8
Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:0 Number of graduate students presentations:1
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:2 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):2 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):2
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):6 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):12
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):1 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
高大連携講座 工学研究の最先端
2019.04 - 2020.03
Category:Engineering (machinery, electronics / physics, electrical / electronics, electrical information, chemical biotechnology, architecture, cities (civil engineering / environment), material chemistry, aerospace, marine systems, applied chemistry, chemistry, materials)
Job title within the department
Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Global Education Admission center
センター長 2022.04
Manager within the university
Osaka Metropolitan University
副学長 2022.04