School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology

Updated on 2025/01/29
Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Professor 2022.04 - Now
博士(農学) ( Others )
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Plant protection science / Plant pathology
Life Science / Biodiversity and systematics
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Conservation of biological resources
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Social-ecological systems
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Plant protection science
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Sound material-cycle social systems
Life Science / Biodiversity and systematics
Plant protection
Environmental Assessment
1988.04 - Now
2005.01 - Now Overseas
2021.01 - Now Domestic
2005.01 - Now Domestic
1995.04 - 2005.03 Domestic
1990.04 - Now
1988.04 - Now
1988.04 - Now Domestic
1988.04 - Now
評議委員 日本植物病理学会
2020.01 - Now
編集委員 日本植物病理学会
2016.01 - 2021.12
評議員 日本土壌微生物学会
2020.01 - Now
幹事 関西病虫害研究会
2016.04 - Now
バイオコントロール研究会幹事 日本植物病理学会
1995.04 - Now
2021.11 Osaka Tech Planter
2015.03 日本作物学会
The Naohide Hiratsuka Award
2012.05 The Mycological Society of Japan
1999.06 大阪府立大学
1998.05 日本植物病理学会
2020.09 - 2021.01
2007.11 - 2008.02
- 大阪府立大学 准教授
- Osaka Prefecture University, Associate Professor
2005.04 - 2005.10
2004.02 - 2004.03
2003.06 - 2003.07
2002.07 - 2002.08
2001.06 - 2001.07
2000.12 - 2001.02
2000.03 - 2000.06
1999.07 - 1999.10
Relationship between Vapor Pressure Deficit Condition and Water-stress Status in Strawberry
Yamanaka Ryosuke, Yano Takayoshi, Hikawa-Endo Minori, Yoshikoshi Hisashi, Kawashima Hiroki, Tojo Motoaki, Wada Teruo
The Horticulture Journal 94 ( 1 ) 73 - 80 2025( ISSN:21890102 ) ( eISSN:21890110 )
Yamanaka R.
Acta Horticulturae 3 ( 1404 ) 241 - 246 2024.09( ISSN:05677572 )
Wada T.
Acta Horticulturae 3 ( 1404 ) 1221 - 1228 2024.09( ISSN:05677572 )
Aika Higuchi, Motoaki Tojo, Tomofumi Mochizuki
Microbiological Research 285 127742 2024.05( ISSN:0944-5013 )
First report of cucumber damping-off caused by Globisporangium ultimum var. ultimum in Japan
Keo S.
New Disease Reports 49 ( 2 ) 2024.04
Suppressive effects of low-pH solutions on root rot in hydroponically grown Welsh onion
Sachiko Shimizu, Motoaki Tojo
Journal of General Plant Pathology 90 ( 3 ) 151 - 162 2024.01( ISSN:1345-2630 ) ( eISSN:1610-739X )
First report of Aphanomyces cochlioides causing damping off of quinoa
Kawasumi R.
Journal of General Plant Pathology 2024( ISSN:13452630 )
Yamanaka Ryosuke, Yano Takayoshi, Hikawa-Endo Minori, Yoshikoshi Hisashi, Kawashima Hiroki, Tojo Motoaki, Wada Teruo
The Horticulture Journal 93 ( 4 ) 377 - 388 2024( ISSN:21890102 ) ( eISSN:21890110 )
Hydrangea diseases in Japan Reviewed
Nagashima Susumu, Tojo Motoaki
JARQ 57 ( 3 ) 183 - 194 2023.06
An ecological network approach for detecting and validating influential organisms for rice growth
Ushio M.
eLife 12 2023
YAMANAKA Ryosuke, WADA Teruo, FURUKAWA Hajime, TOJO Motoaki, HIRAI Norio, KITAYA Yoshiaki
Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers 39 ( 3 ) 167 2022.09( ISSN:13444905 ) ( eISSN:2185789X )
S. Shimizu, M. Tojo
Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 86 - 91 2022.08( eISSN:2456-561X )
First report of Pythium myriotylum damping-off of shiso Reviewed
Ruka Kawasumi, Yuta Oda, Motoaki Tojo
Journal of General Plant Pathology 88 ( 4 ) 275 - 277 2022.07
Taxonomic revision of the Typhula ishikariensis complex Reviewed
Tamotsu Hoshino, Oleg B. Tkachenko, Motoaki Tojo, Anne Marte Tronsmo, Taiga Kasuya, Naoyuki Matsumoto
Mycoscience 63 ( 3 ) 118 - 130 2022.05
Novel fusari-and toti-like viruses, with probable different origins, in the plant pathogenic oomycete globisporangium ultimum
Miki Fukunishi, Shinsaku Sasai, Motoaki Tojo, Tomofumi Mochizuki
Viruses 13 ( 10 ) 2021.10( eISSN:1999-4915 )
Motoaki Tojo, Natsumi Fujii, Hironori Yagi, Yuki Yamashita, Katsuyuki Tokura, Kenichi Kida, Akiho Hakoda, María-Luz Herrero, Tamotsu Hoshino, Masaki Uchida
Microorganisms 9 ( 9 ) 1912 - 1912 2021.09( eISSN:2076-2607 )
Viruses, with Probable Different Origins, in the Plant Pathogenic Oomycete Globisporangium ultimum. Reviewed
Fukunishi, M.; Sasai, S.; Tojo, M.; Mochizuki, T.
Viruses 雑誌 13 ( 10 ) 2021.09
Identification and Isolation Pattern of Globisporangium spp. from a Sanionia Moss Colony in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen Is., Norway from 2006 to 2018 Reviewed OA
1) Tojo, M.; Fujii, N.; Yagi, H.,Yamashita, Y.; Tokura, K.; Kida, K., Hakoda, A.; Herrero, M.-L.; Hoshino,T.; Uchida, M.
Microorganisms 雑誌 9 ( 9 ) 2021.09
First Report of Pythium Cluster B2a Species Causing Root Rot in Welsh Onion Reviewed
Shimizu, S. and Tojo, M.
Plant Disease 雑誌 2021.07
Stem and root rot in hydrangea caused by Pythium myriotylum and Globisporangium spp. and susceptibility of hydrangea cultivars
Susumu Nagashima, Xiaodong You, Shihomi Uzuhashi, Motoaki Tojo
Journal of General Plant Pathology 87 ( 3 ) 148 - 153 2021.05( ISSN:1345-2630 ) ( eISSN:1610-739X )
Note on a snow mold and a fungus-like microbe from Kuujjuarapik-Whapmagoostui, Quebec, subarctic Canada
Hoshino T, Nakagawa T, Yajima Y, Uchida M, Tojo M
Polar Science 雑誌 27 2021.03
Stem and root rot in hydrangea caused by Pythium myriotylum and Globisporangium spp. and susceptibility of hydrangea cultivars Reviewed
Nagashima, S., You, X., Uzuhashi, S., Tojo M.
Journal of General Plant Pathology 雑誌 2021.03
Response of Arctic biodiversity and ecosystem to environmental changes: Findings from the ArCS project
Toru Hirawake, Masaki Uchida, Hiroto Abe, Irene D. Alabia, Tamotsu Hoshino, Shota Masumoto, Akira Mori, Jun Nishioka, Bungo Nishizawa, Atsushi Ooki, Akinori Takahashi, Yukiko Tanabe, Motoaki Tojo, Masaharu Tsuji, Hiromichi Ueno, Hisatomo Waga, Yuuki Watanabe, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Youhei Yamashita
Polar Science 雑誌 27 2021.03
Note on a snow mold and a fungus-like microbe from Kuujjuarapik-Whapmagoostui, Quebec, subarctic Canada
Tamotsu Hoshino, Takuya Nakagawa, Yuka Yajima, Masaki Uchida, Motoaki Tojo
Polar Science 27 2021.03( ISSN:1873-9652 )
Response of Arctic biodiversity and ecosystem to environmental changes: Findings from the ArCS project
Toru Hirawake, Masaki Uchida, Hiroto Abe, Irene D. Alabia, Tamotsu Hoshino, Shota Masumoto, Akira S. Mori, Jun Nishioka, Bungo Nishizawa, Atsushi Ooki, Akinori Takahashi, Yukiko Tanabe, Motoaki Tojo, Masaharu Tsuji, Hiromichi Ueno, Hisatomo Waga, Yuuki Y. Watanabe, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Youhei Yamashita
Polar Science 27 2021.03( ISSN:1873-9652 )
Increased snow and cold season temperatures alter High Arctic parasitic fungi-host plant interactions
7) Moriana Armendariz, Mikel; Abbandonato, Holly; Yamaguchi, Takahiro; Mörsdorf, Martin A; Aares, Karoline; Semenchuk, Philipp; Tojo, Motoaki; Cooper, Elisabeth
Arctic Science 雑誌 2021.02
モウソウチク由来ミミズ堆肥中の土壌微生物と植物病害発病抑制効果 Reviewed
尤 暁東, 東條元昭
土と微生物 雑誌 74 50 - 53 2021.01
温暖化が進行する北極域での土壌糸状菌の種類と動態. Reviewed
土と微生物 雑誌 74 60 - 65 2021.01
Chemical and Microbiological Evaluation of Vermicompost Made from School Food Waste in Japan
Shumpei Hashimoto, Mai Furuya, Xiaodong You, Genki Wanibuchi, Hayato Tokumoto, Motoaki Tojo, Kumpei Shiragaki
Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 55 ( 3 ) 225 - 232 2021( ISSN:0021-3551 )
Chemical genetic approach using beta-rubromycin reveals that a RIO kinase-like protein is involved in morphological development in Phytophthora infestans Reviewed
Shuji Tani, Naotaka Nishio, Kenji Kai, Daisuke Hagiwara, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Motoaki Tojo, Jun-ichi Sumitani, Howard S. Judelson and Takashi Kawaguchi
Scientifc Reports 雑誌 2020.12
Chemical genetic approach using β-rubromycin reveals that a RIO kinase-like protein is involved in morphological development in Phytophthora infestans
Shuji Tani, Naotaka Nishio, Kenji Kai, Daisuke Hagiwara, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Motoaki Tojo, Jun ichi Sumitani, Howard S. Judelson, Takashi Kawaguchi
Scientific Reports 10 ( 1 ) 2020.12( eISSN:2045-2322 )
Chemical and microbiological evaluation of vermicompost made from school food waste in Japan
Hashimoto Shumpei, Furuya Mai, You Xiaodong, Wanibuchi Genki, Tokumoto Hayato, Tojo Motoaki and Shiragaki Kumpei
Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 雑誌 2020.09
37 ( 3 ) 215 - 224 2020.09( ISSN:1344-4905 )
Morphological and molecular identification of Pythium aphanidermatum isolates from a root-rotted hydroponic spinach culture in Hiroshima Prefecture.
Shimizu S, Uzuhashi S, Nishimura S, Mise R, Shinozaki T, Tojo M
Annual Report of The Kansai Plant Protection Society 2020.05
Temperature dependency of Pythium and Globisporangium spp. in causing soybean damping-off in Japan.
You XD, Tojo M
Annual Report of The Kansai Plant Protection Society 2020
Note on a snow mold and a fungus-like microbe from Kuujjuarapik-Whapmagoostui, Quebec, subarctic Canada.
Hoshino T, Nakagawa T, Yajima Y, Uchida M, Tojo M
Polar Science 2020
Sachiko Shimizu, Shihomi Uzuhashi, Sachika Nishimura, Ryota Mise, Tomoko Shinozaki, Motoaki Tojo
Annual Report of The Kansai Plant Protection Society 62 ( 0 ) 137 - 139 2020( ISSN:0387-1002 )
Antifungal compounds isolated from bamboo vermicompost inhibit Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IB Reviewed
Xiaodong You, Daigo Wakana, Kazuki Ishikawa, Tomoo Hosoe, Motoaki Tojo
Advances in Microbiology 雑誌 2019.12
A novel toti-like virus from a plant pathogenic oomycete Globisporangium splendens
Kazuki SHIBA, Chiraru HATTA, Motoaki TOJO, Satoshi T OHKI, Tomofumi MOCHIZUKI
Virology 2019.11
A novel toti-like virus from a plant pathogenic oomycete Globisporangium splendens
Kazuki Shiba, Chiharu Hatta, Shinsaku Sasai, Motoaki Tojo, Satoshi T. Ohki, Tomofumi Mochizuki
Virology 537 165 - 171 2019.11( ISSN:0042-6822 ) ( eISSN:1096-0341 )
Suppressive effects of Pythium oligandrum on soybean damping off caused by P. aphanidermatum and P. myriotylum Reviewed
Xiaodong You, Joffory Barraud, Motoaki Tojo
Proceedings of the Kansai Plant Protection Society 61 9 - 13 2019.09
First Report of Pythium irregulare Causing Damping-Off on Soybean in Japan Reviewed
You X. D., Zhao H., Tojo M.
Plant Disease 雑誌 2019.08
First Report of Pythium irregulare Causing Damping-Off on Soybean in Japan
X. D. You, H. Zhao, M. Tojo
Plant Disease 103 ( 10 ) 2019.08( ISSN:0191-2917 ) ( eISSN:1943-7692 )
Presence of two species-level groups in Globisporangium splendens isolates in Japan
Shihomi Uzuhashi, Haruka Ikeda, Ai Kamekawa, Lorien E. Radmer, Sakura Kobayashi-Yamazaki, Katsutoshi Kuroda, Taichi Funakubo, Kazunori Ichikawa, Motoaki Tojo
European Journal of Plant Pathology 154 ( 3 ) 751 - 766 2019.07( ISSN:0929-1873 ) ( eISSN:1573-8469 )
植物防疫講座 病害編-19 ピシウム菌による病害の発生生態と防除
植物防疫 雑誌 73 448 - 452 2019.07
Phylogeny and morphology of new species of Globisporangium Reviewed
Uzuhashi1 S., Nakagawa S, Abdelzaher H.M.A., Tojo M.
Fungal Systematics and Evolution 雑誌 3 2019.06
Phylogeny and morphology of new species of Globisporangium
S. Uzuhashi, S. Nakagawa, H. M.A. Abdelzaher, M. Tojo
Fungal Systematics and Evolution 3 13 - 18 2019.06( ISSN:2589-3823 ) ( eISSN:2589-3831 )
Presence of two species-level groups in Globisporangium splendens isolates in Japan. Europian Journal of Plant Pathology Reviewed
Uzuhashi S., Ikeda H., Kamekawa A, Radmer L. E., Kuroda K., Funakubo T., Ichikawa K., Tojo M.
Europian Journal of Plant Pathology 雑誌 154 2019.03
Antimicrobial agent isolated from Coptidis rhizome extract incubated with Rhodococcus sp. strain BD7100
Kazuki Ishikawa, Kazunori Takahashi, Syun Hosoi, Hisashi Takeda, Hinaka Yoshida, Daigo Wakana, Masayoshi Tsubuki, Fumihiko Sato, Motoaki Tojo, Tomoo Hosoe
Journal of Antibiotics 72 ( 2 ) 71 - 78 2019.02( ISSN:0021-8820 ) ( eISSN:1881-1469 )
Ishikawa Kazuki, Takahashi Kazunori, Hosoi Syun, Takeda Hisashi, Yoshida Hinaka, Wakana Daigo, Tsubuki Masayoshi, Sato Fumihiko, Tojo Motoaki, Hosoe Tomoo
The Journal of Antibiotics 72 ( 2 ) 71 - 78 2019.02( ISSN:0021-8820 )
Suppressive effects of vermicomposted-bamboo powder on cucumber damping-off. Reviewed
Xiaodong You, Naohiro Kimura, Teppei Okura, Shinpei Murakami, Ryoichi Okano, Yukihiro Shimogami, Atsushi Matsumura, Hayato Tokumoto, Yoshiyuki Ogata and Motoaki Tojo
Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 雑誌 53 13 - 18 2019.01
Suppressive effects of vermicomposted-bamboo powder on cucumber damping-off Reviewed
Xiaodong You, Naohiro Kimura, Teppei Okura, Shinpei Murakami, Ryoichi Okano, Yukihiro Shimogami, Atsushi Matsumura, Hayato Tokumoto, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Motoaki Tojo
JARQ 53 ( 1 ) 13 - 19 2019.01( ISSN:0021-3551 )
Saprolegnia maragheica. In: Fungal Systematics and Evolution Reviewed
Chenari Bouket、Yoshikazu Tanaka、Shihomi Uzuhashi、Motoaki Tojo、Lassaad Belbahri
Sydowia 雑誌 70 252 - 255 2018.12
A novel non-segmented double-stranded RNA virus from an Arctic isolate of Pythium polare. Reviewed
Shinsaku SASAI; Keisuke TAMURA; Motoaki TOJO, María-Luz HERRERO; Tamotsu HOSHINO; Satoshi T OHKI; Tomofumi MOCHIZUKI
Virology 雑誌 552 234 - 243 2018.09
Effects of vermicompost water extract prepared from bamboo and kudzu against Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis. Reviewed
Xiaodong You, Motoaki Tojo, Shelby Ching, Koon-Hui Wang
Journal of Nematology 雑誌 50 569 - 578 2018.09
Antimicrobial agent isolated from Coptidis rhizome extract incubated with Rhodococcus sp. strain BD7100. Reviewed
7) Kazuki Ishikawa, Kazunori Takahashi, Syun Hosoi, Hisashi Takeda, Hinaka Yoshida, Daigo Wakana, Masayoshi Tsubuki, Fumihiko Sato, Motoaki Tojo, Tomoo Hosoe
The Journal of Antibiotics 雑誌 72 2018.09
Genome sequence of a novel partitivirus identiied from the oomycete Pythium nunn
10) Kazuki Shiba, Chiharu Hatta, Shinsaku Sasai, Motoaki Tojo, Satoshi T. Ohki, Tomofumi Mochizuki
Archives of Virology 雑誌 163 2561 - 2563 2018.09
永峰 賢、吉田 磨仁、松下 貴子、田中 淳和、松浦 昌平、東條 元昭
New food industry 雑誌 60 7 - 14 2018.08
Occurrence pattern of the parasitic fungus Rhytisma polare (Ascomycota) on the polar willow (Salix polaris) under limited water conditions in a high-Arctic semi-desert
12) Shota Masumoto, Motoaki Tojo, Satoshi Imura, Maria Luz Herrero, Masaki Uchida
Polar Biology 41 2018.06
The effect of tar spot pathogen on host plant carbon balance and its possible consequences on a tundra ecosystem. Reviewed
Masumoto S, Uchida M, Tojo M, Herrero, ML, Mori A, Imura S
Oecologia 雑誌 186 2018.03
Weeds as the potential inoculum source of Colletotrichum fructicola responsible for strawberry anthracnose in Nara, Japan.
Hirayama Y, Asano S, Okayama K, Ohki ST, Tojo M
Journal of General Plant Pathology 雑誌 84 12 - 19 2018.01
First report of soybean damping off caused by Pythium aphanidermatum and P. coloratum in Japan. Reviewed
You X, Tojo M
New Disease Reports 雑誌 36 2017.10
Typhula cf. subvariabilis, new snow mold in Antarctica. Reviewed
Yajima Yuka, Tojo Motoaki, Chen Bo, Hoshino Tamotsu
Mycology: An International Journal of Fungal Biology 雑誌 8 147 - 152 2017.08
Selective Media for Practical Isolations of Pythium spp. From Natural and Agricultural Environments
Tojo M.
Agri Res & Tech Open Access J 雑誌 7 ( 5 ) 2017.06
Resistance levels of cucumber to Podosphaera xanthii in a growth chamber are related to haustorial formation and hyphal branching frequency. Reviewed
Itagaki K, Sato Y, Tojo M
Journal of General Plant Pathology 雑誌 83 2017.05
Globisporangium oryzicola sp. nov., causing poor seedling establishment of directly seeded rice. Reviewed
Uzuhashi S. Hata K. Matsuura S. Tojo M
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 雑誌 110 2017.03
Morphological and molecular identification of newly recovered Pythium species, P. abappressorium and P. spinosum from Iran, and evaluation of their pathogenicity on cucumber seedlings. Reviewed
Bouket AC, Arzanlou M, Babai-Ahari A, Tojo M
Austrian Journal of Mycology 雑誌 25 39 - 50 2016.12
Control of Colletotrichum fructicola on strawberry with a foliar spray of neutral electrolyzed water through an overhead irrigation system. Reviewed
Hirayama Y, Asano S, Watanabe K, Sakamoto Y, Ozaki M, Okayama K, Ohki ST, Tojo M
Journal of General Plant Pathology 雑誌 82 186 - 189 2016.07
Early development of powdery mildew on cucumber leaves acclimatized to illumination with different red-to-far-red ratios.
Itagaki K, Shibuya, T, Tojo M, Endo R, Kitaya Y
HortScience 雑誌 51 2016.05
Isolation of growth inhibitors of the snow rot pathogen Pythium iwayamai from an arctic strain of Trichoderma polysporum.
6) Kamo M, Tojo M, Yamazaki Y, Itabashi T, Takeda H, Wakana D, Hosoe T.
Journal of Antibiotics 雑誌 2016.03
Morphological and molecular characterization of Phytopythium litorale and Pp. oedochilum from Iran.
Bouket AC, Arzanlou M, Babai-Ahari A, Tojo M
Nova Hedwigia 雑誌 102 257 - 270 2016.03
Pythium barbulae sp. nov. isolated from the moss, Barbula unguiculata; morphology, molecular phylogeny and pathogenicity. Reviewed
Ueta S, Tojo M
Mycoscience 雑誌 57 11 - 19 2016.01
First report of Pythium aphanidermatum causing root rot on common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum). Reviewed
You X.D., Park J.E., Takase M., Wada T., Tojo M
New Disease Reports 雑誌 32 36 - 36 2015.12
A practical method for forecasting strawberry anthracnose caused by Glomerella cingulata using an ethanol-spray treatment in Nara Prefecture, Japan. Reviewed
Hirayama Y, Asano S, Kubota M, Tojo M, Ohki ST
Annual Report of The Kansai Plant Protection Society 雑誌 57 25 - 29 2015.05
Pythium kandovanense sp. nov., a fungus - like eukaryotic microorganism (Stramenopila, Pythiales) isolated from snow covered ryegrass leaves. Reviewed
Bouket AC, Arzanlou M, Tojo M, Babai-Ahari A
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 雑誌 65 2500 - 2506 2015.05
ベニバナインゲン「常陸大黒」に発生する土壌病害の総合防除に関する研究 Reviewed
渡邊健, 青木一美, 本橋みゆき, 柴田夏美, 池田千亜紀, 東條元昭, 町田暢久, 櫻本直美, 横山和成
茨城県病虫害研究会会報 雑誌 茨城県病虫害研究会 ( 54 ) 1 - 44 2015.03
Morphological and molecular characterization of Rhytisma filamentosum sp. nov. from Nagano Prefecture, Japan Reviewed
Masumoto S, Tojo M, Uchida M, Imura S
Mycological Progress 雑誌 14 ( 44 ) 1 - 6 2015.03
A web-based identification programme for Pythium species Reviewed
Bouket AC, Arzanlou M, Tojo M, Babai-Ahari A
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 雑誌 48 475 - 484 2015.03
Surviving freezing in plant tissues by oomycetous snow molds Reviewed
Murakami, R., Yajima, Y., Kida, K., Tokura, K., Tojo, M., Hoshino, T.
Cryobiology 70 208 - 210 2015.02
Rhytisma polaris: Morphological and molecular characterization of a new species from Spitsbergen Island, Norway.
Masumoto S, Tojo M, Uchida M, Imura S
Mycological Progress 雑誌 13 181 - 188 2014.04
Atmospheric moisture influences on conidia development in Podosphaera xanthii through host-plant morphological responses. Reviewed
Itagaki K, Shibuya, T, Tojo M, Endo R, Kitaya Y
European Journal of Plant Pathology 雑誌 138 2014.03
農学基礎シリーズ 植物病理学の基礎
夏秋 啓子 他( Role: Joint author)
農山漁村文化協会 2021.02
植物病理学 第2版
眞山 滋志、土佐 幸雄 他( Role: Joint author)
文永堂出版 2020.03
Oomycetes in Polar Regions
Tojo M( Role: Sole author)
CRC Press 2019.04
Snow Molds and their Antagonistic Microbes in Polar Regions
Tamotsu Hoshino, Hisahiro Morita, Yuka Yajima, Masaharu Tsuji, Motoaki Tojo and Oleg B. Tkacehnko( Role: Joint author)
CRC Press 2019.04
東條元昭( Role: Sole author)
全国農村教育協会 2015.12
日本植物防疫協会 2015.03
築尾嘉章・景山幸二・東條元昭・植松清次( Role: Joint author)
日本植物防疫協会 2015.03
東條元昭( Role: Sole author)
日本土壌微生物学会 2014.10
疫病菌とピシウム菌 類似点と相違点
築尾嘉章・東條元昭( Role: Joint author)
日本植物防疫協会 2013.10
日本植物防疫協会 2013.10
Ecological strategies of snow molds to tolerate freezing stress
Hoshino, T., Xiao, N., Yajima, Y., Kida, K., Tokura, K., Murakami, R., Tojo, M. and Matsumoto, N.( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2013.04 ( ISBN:978-1-4614-8253-6 )
Phytopathogenic fungi and fungal-like microbes in Svalbard.
Tojo, M., Masumoto, S., and Hoshino, T. ( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2013.04 ( ISBN:978-1-4614-8253-6 )
Shimizu S.
Journal of General Plant Pathology 90 ( 3 ) 2024.05( ISSN:13452630 )
First Report of Pythium Cluster B2a Species Causing Root Rot in Welsh Onion in Japan
S. Shimizu, M. Tojo
Plant Disease 106 ( 1 ) 2022.01( ISSN:0191-2917 ) ( eISSN:1943-7692 )
First report of Pythium myriotylum damping-off of shiso
Ruka Kawasumi, Yuta Oda, Motoaki Tojo
Journal of General Plant Pathology 88 ( 4 ) 275 - 277 2022( ISSN:1345-2630 ) ( eISSN:1610-739X )
Pythium myriotylumによるシソ苗立枯病(新称) Domestic conference
日本植物病理学会大会 2021.03
Population changes of Globisporangium spp. in a Sanionia moss colony in Ny-Ålesund and their infection to Sanionia moss in an in vitro test International conference
Fujii, Natumi, Tojo, Motoaki
The 11th Symposium on Polar Science 2020.12
アジサイ茎根腐病菌の再同定と本病原菌に対するアジサイ品種の感受性差異 Domestic conference
永島 進・尤 暁東・埋橋志穂美・東條元昭
日本植物病理学会関西部会 2020.09
Ecological study on Pythium porphyrae
Diversity of plant pathogenic fungi in Antarctica
Utilization of sludge from water purification plant
東條元昭・尤 暁東・下神幸博
東條元昭・尤 暁東・下神幸博
東條 元昭、小林 咲麗、柿嶌 眞、埋橋 志穂美
New strategies for snow mold control: development of crop growth and disease affected by various snow conditions
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2026
Species identification, ecological elucidation, and resource value assessment of filamentous fungi parasitic on terrestrial plants and algae in polar regions
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2026
New strategies for snow mold control: development of crop growth and disease affected by various snow conditions
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2025
Species identification, ecological elucidation, and resource value assessment of filamentous fungi parasitic on terrestrial plants and algae in polar regions
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2025
New strategies for snow mold control: development of crop growth and disease affected by various snow conditions
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2024
Species identification, ecological elucidation, and resource value assessment of filamentous fungi parasitic on terrestrial plants and algae in polar regions
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2024
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2024
基盤研究(C) 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2023
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2021
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2020
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2019
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
Invitation to Plant Biosciences
Selected Topics in Biological Sciences D
Research program in Plant Bioscience
Special Practice in Plant Bioscience
Introduction of Community Regeneration
Topics in Plant Pathology
Topics of Plant Biotechnology
Plant Pathology
Basic Microbiology
Laboratory : Basic Plant Breeding and Pathology
2021 Practical Training
Introduction to Life, Environment, and Advanced Sciences
Seminar on regional activity
Field Exercise for Plant Bioscience Research B
2021 Practical Training
Plant Protection
Reviews for Applied Life Sciences
SiMS活動 2021
地域実践演習での取り組み 2021
まちライブラリー@大阪府立大学 アカデミックカフェ 植物医師の立場で考える食糧生産と環境維持
2021.04 - 2022.03
イノベーションストリームKANSAI 2021 植物病害抑制効果を示すタケ由来ミミズ堆肥の作出と土壌改良剤としての利用
2021.04 - 2022.03
イノベーション・ジャパン2021~大学見本市 タケ由来ミミズ堆肥中の土壌微生物と植物病害抑制効果
2021.04 - 2022.03
大阪公立大学開学記念事業 PFCセミナーⅢ 植物工場における病害虫防除
2021.04 - 2022.03
植物工場先端技術セミナー イチゴ栽培における病害対策
2020.04 - 2021.03
施設園芸人材育成支援研修 病害虫診断と防除の話
2016.04 - 2017.03
日本ーノルウェー共同教育プログラム What is the effect of climate change on plants in Arctic and Alpine areas?
2016.04 - 2017.03
出前講義 南極・北極に棲むカビの話し
2010.04 - 2011.03
植物サイエンスカフェ 病害虫・雑草防除のコツ
2010.04 - 2011.03
Job title within the department
School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
学科長 2024.04
Job title within the department
Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
専攻長 2024.04
2017.04 - Now
大阪府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科 教授
2007.04 - Now
2006.04 - 2007.04
2006.04 - 2007.03
大阪府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科 助教授
1997.04 - Now
1993.04 - Now