School of Engineering Department of Materials Science

Updated on 2024/03/26
Graduate School of Engineering Division of Science and Engineering for Materials, Chemistry and Biology
Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Engineering Department of Materials Science
Professor 2022.04 - Now
Ph.D ( Others ) ( Kobe univeristy )
Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry
Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic materials and properties
Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic/coordination chemistry
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology/Materials / Organic functional materials
Solution processing
Materials Chemistry
Responsive Materials
Porous Materials
Preparation of nano/meso materials
International Joint Research
2009 - 2019
Smart materials
International Joint Research
2009 - 2019
Application of nano/meso materials
International Joint Research
2009 - 2019
The Society of Silicon Chemistry JAPAN
2005 - Now Domestic
The Society of Rheology, Japan
2005 - Now Domestic
Japanese Polymer Society
2005 - Now Domestic
Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy
2003 - Now Domestic
The Japanese Sol-Gel Society
2001 - Now Domestic
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
1996 - Now Domestic
The Chemical Society of Japan
1996 - Now Domestic
The American Ceramics Society
1996 - Now Overseas
International Sol-Gel Society
1996 - Now Overseas
The Ceramic Society of Japan
1995 - Now Domestic
International Sol-Gel Society
American Chemical Society
American Cermaics Society
2022.07 International Sol-Gel Society
Academic award,
2021.01 日本化学会
2013 日本セラミックス協会
日本化学会 BCSJ賞
2005 日本化学会
Japan and Australasian Ceramics Society, Joint Ceramics Award
日本セラミックス協会 進歩賞
2000 日本セラミックス協会
国際ガラス会議 ベストポスター賞(第一位)
1997 日本応用物理学会
Osaka Metropolitan University
2022.04 - Now
Osaka Prefecture University
2009.04 - 2022.03
Synthesis of a Platinum Linker Complex as a Scaffold for the Hybridization of Naturally Occurring DNA and Gold Nanoparticles Invited Reviewed
YASUI Ibuki, SHIMIZU Hayaki, FUKATSU Arisa, TOMODA Misa, KONDO Mio, MASAOKA Shigeyuki, OKADA Kenji, TAKAHASHI Masahide
Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy advpub ( 0 ) 2024.04
Fabrication of Light-Driven Soft Actuators of Polymer/Ag Nanoparticles Embedded Metal-Organic Framework/Polymer Composite Thin Films Invited Reviewed
Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy advpub ( 0 ) 2024.04
Daisuke Ikegawa, Arisa Fukatsu, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
ACS Omega 9 ( 1 ) 1084 - 1091 2024.01
Daisuke Ikegawa, Arisa Fukatsu, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
ACS Omega 9 ( 1 ) 1084 - 1091 2024.01
Accelerated Water Desorption of Oligomeric Poly(ethylene glycol) by Addition of Poly(propylene glycol) for Energy-Efficient Water Recovery Systems
Daisuke Ikegawa, Arisa Fukatsu, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
ACS Omega 9 ( 1 ) 1084 - 1091 2024.01
Synthesis of a Platinum Linker Complex as a Scaffold for the Hybridization of Naturally Occurring DNA and Gold Nanoparticles Invited Reviewed
YASUI Ibuki, SHIMIZU Hayaki, FUKATSU Arisa, TOMODA Misa, KONDO Mio, MASAOKA Shigeyuki, OKADA Kenji, TAKAHASHI Masahide
Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy advpub ( 0 ) 2024
Fabrication of Light-Driven Soft Actuators of Polymer/Ag Nanoparticles Embedded Metal-Organic Framework/Polymer Composite Thin Films Invited Reviewed
Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy advpub ( 0 ) 2024
Kenji Okada, Risa Mashita, Arisa Fukatsu, Masahide Takahashi
Nanoscale Advances 5 ( 6 ) 1795 - 1801 2023.03( eISSN:2516-0230 )
Fabrication Method of Metal–organic Frameworks Film
Okada Kenji, Takahashi Masahide
MEMBRANE 48 ( 3 ) 104 - 110 2023( ISSN:03851036 ) ( eISSN:18846440 )
Alcohol-induced deboronation of organoborosilicate thin films
Arisa Fukatsu, Ayana Karim, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2022.07( ISSN:0928-0707 ) ( eISSN:1573-4846 )
Shigeru Sakamoto, Kenji Okada, Shinji Tanaka, Yasuhito Kotera, Arisa Fukatsu, Masahide Takahashi
Chemistry Letters 51 ( 6 ) 605 - 609 2022.06( ISSN:0366-7022 ) ( eISSN:1348-0715 )
Bettina Baumgartner, Risa Mashita, Arisa Fukatsu, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
Angewandte Chemie 134 ( 28 ) 2022.05( ISSN:00448249 ) ( eISSN:15213757 )
Guest Alignment and Defect Formation during Pore Filling in Metal–Organic Framework Films Reviewed
Bettina Baumgartner, Risa Mashita, Arisa Fukatsu, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 61 ( 28 ) e202201725 2022.04( ISSN:1433-7851 ) ( eISSN:1521-3773 )
Colloidal dispersion of chiral layered hydroxide salt (LHS) nanocrystals exhibiting chiroptical response Reviewed
Yasuaki Tokudome, Akihiro Koyama, Hidenobu Murata, Kenji Okada, Atsushi Nakahira, Shigenori Nishimura, Masahide Takahashi
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology - 2022( ISSN:0928-0707 ) ( eISSN:1573-4846 )
Oriented Films of Metal-Organic Frameworks on Metal Hydroxides via Heteroepitaxial Growth Reviewed
Masahide Takahashi
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 94 ( 11 ) 2602 - 2612 2021.11( ISSN:0009-2673 ) ( eISSN:1348-0634 )
Semi-Automatic Deposition of Oriented Cu(OH)2 Nanobelts for the Heteroepitaxial Growth of Metal-Organic Framework Films Reviewed
Mercedes Linares‐Moreau, Lea A Brandner, Tomas Kamencek, Sumea Klokic, Francesco Carraro, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi, Egbert Zojer, Christian J Doonan, Paolo Falcaro
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 雑誌 Wiley 8 ( 21 ) 2021.11
Mercedes Linares‐Moreau, Lea A. Brandner, Tomas Kamencek, Sumea Klokic, Francesco Carraro, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi, Egbert Zojer, Christian J. Doonan, Paolo Falcaro
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 ( 21 ) 2101039 - 2101039 2021.10( ISSN:2196-7350 ) ( eISSN:2196-7350 )
Oriented films of metal-organic frameworks on metal hydroxides via heteroepitaxial growth Reviewed
Takahashi M
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn 雑誌 Japanese Chemical Society 94 2021.09
Infrared crystallography for framework and linker orientation in metal–organic framework films Reviewed
Bettina Baumgartner, Ken Ikigaki, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
Chemical Science 12 ( 27 ) 9298 - 9308 2021.07( ISSN:2041-6520 ) ( eISSN:2041-6539 )
Infrared Crystallography for Framework and Linker Orientation in Metal-Organic Framework Films Reviewed
Baumgartner B., Ikigaki K., Okada K., Takahashi M
Chem. Sci. 雑誌 Royal Society of Chemistry 12 2021.06
Oriented growth of semiconducting TCNQ@Cu3(BTC)2 MOF on Cu(OH)2: crystallographic orientation and pattern formation toward semiconducting thin-film devices Reviewed
Ikigaki K., Okada K., Takahashi M.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 雑誌 Royal Society of Chemistry 9 2021.06
Epitaxial Growth of Multilayered Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films for Electronic and Photonic Applications Reviewed
Ken Ikigaki, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 ( 4 ) 3467 - 3475 2021.04( eISSN:2574-0970 )
Synthesis of high-specific-surface-area Li-Al mixed metal oxide: Through nanoseed-assisted growth of layered double hydroxide Reviewed
Masanori Takemoto, Yasuaki Tokudome, Hidenobu Murata, Kenji Okada, Masahide Takahashi, Atsushi Nakahira
Applied Clay Science 203 106006 - 106006 2021.03( ISSN:0169-1317 )
Reactivity of silanol group on siloxane oligomers for designing molecular structure and surface wettability Reviewed
Daisuke Kino, Kenji Okada, Yasuaki Tokudome, Masahide Takahashi, Luca Malfatti, Plinio Innocenzi
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 97 ( 3 ) 734 - 742 2021.03( ISSN:0928-0707 ) ( eISSN:1573-4846 )
Synthesis of high-specific-surface-area Li-Al mixed metal oxide: Through nanoseed-assisted growth of layered double hydroxide Reviewed
M. Takemoto, Y. Tokudome, H. Murata, K. Okada, M. Takahashi, A. Nakahira
Applied Clay Science 203 2021
Epitaxial Growth of Multilayered Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films for Electronic and Photonic Applications Reviewed
K. Ikigaki, K. Okada, M. Takahashi
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021
Reactivity of silanol group on siloxane oligomers for designing molecular structure and surface wettability Reviewed
D. Kino, K. Okada, Y. Tokudome, M. Takahashi, L. Malfatti, P. Innocenzi
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 97 ( 3 ) 734 - 742 2021
Kenji Okada, Keyaki Mori, Arisa Fukatsu, Masahide Takahashi
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 ( 35 ) 19613 - 19618 2021( ISSN:2050-7488 ) ( eISSN:2050-7496 )
Synthesis of a Crystalline and Transparent Aerogel Composed of Ni-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Nanoparticles through Crystallization from Amorphous Hydrogel Reviewed
Masanori Takemoto, Yasuaki Tokudome, Daisuke Noguchi, Ryota Ueoka, Kazuyoshi Kanamori, Kenji Okada, Hidenobu Murata, Atsushi Nakahira, Masahide Takahashi
Langmuir 36 ( 32 ) 9436 - 9442 2020.08( ISSN:0743-7463 ) ( eISSN:1520-5827 )
Thermo-responsive wettability: Via surface roughness change on polymer-coated titanate nanorod brushes toward fast and multi-directional droplet transport Reviewed
Kenji Okada, Yoko Miura, Tomoya Chiya, Yasuaki Tokudome, Masahide Takahashi
RSC Advances 10 ( 47 ) 28032 - 28036 2020.07( eISSN:2046-2069 )
Controlling the alignment of 1D nanochannel arrays in oriented metal-organic framework films for host-guest materials design Reviewed
Kenji Okada, Miharu Nakanishi, Ken Ikigaki, Yasuaki Tokudome, Paolo Falcaro, Christian J. Doonan, Masahide Takahashi
Chemical Science 11 ( 30 ) 8005 - 8012 2020.07( ISSN:2041-6520 ) ( eISSN:2041-6539 )
Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets on Plasmonic Arrays of Al Nanocylinders for Optical Sensing Reviewed
Shunsuke Murai, Yasuaki Tokudome, Reo Katsura, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Kazuki Noguchi, Masahide Takahashi, Katsuhisa Tanaka
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 ( 6 ) 5838 - 5845 2020.06( eISSN:2574-0970 )
Imparting CO2 reduction selectivity to ZnGa2O4 photocatalysts by crystallization from hetero nano assembly of amorphous-like metal hydroxides Reviewed
Masanori Takemoto, Yasuaki Tokudome, Soichi Kikkawa, Kentaro Teramura, Tsunehiro Tanaka, Kenji Okada, Hidenobu Murata, Atsushi Nakahira, Masahide Takahashi
RSC ADVANCES 10 ( 14 ) 8066 - 8073 2020.02( eISSN:2046-2069 )
Thermo-responsive wettability: Via surface roughness change on polymer-coated titanate nanorod brushes toward fast and multi-directional droplet transport Reviewed
K. Okada, Y. Miura, T. Chiya, Y. Tokudome, M. Takahashi
RSC Advances 10 ( 47 ) 28032 - 28036 2020
Controlling the alignment of 1D nanochannel arrays in oriented metal-organic framework films for host-guest materials design Reviewed
K. Okada, M. Nakanishi, K. Ikigaki, Y. Tokudome, P. Falcaro, C.J. Doonan, M. Takahashi
Chemical Science 11 ( 30 ) 8005 - 8012 2020
Fabrication of Metal-organic Framework (MOF) thin films from copper hydroxide nano-assemblies Reviewed
K. Ikigaki, K. Okada, M.. Takahashi
Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy 67 ( 3 ) 132 - 139 2020
Imparting CO<inf>2</inf> reduction selectivity to ZnGa<inf>2</inf>O<inf>4</inf> photocatalysts by crystallization from hetero nano assembly of amorphous-like metal hydroxides Reviewed
M. Takemoto, Y. Tokudome, S. Kikkawa, K. Teramura, T. Tanaka, K. Okada, H. Murata, A. Nakahira, M. Takahashi
RSC Advances 10 ( 14 ) 8066 - 8073 2020
Preparation of silicophosphate alternating hybrid copolymers via nonaqueous acid-base reactions of phosphoric acid and organo-bridged Bis(chlorosilane) Reviewed
K. Okada, M. Takano, Y. Tokudome, Y. Tokuda, M. Takahashi
Molecules 25 ( 1 ) 2020
Synthesis of a Crystalline and Transparent Aerogel Composed of Ni-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Nanoparticles through Crystallization from Amorphous Hydrogel Reviewed
M. Takemoto, Y. Tokudome, D. Noguchi, R. Ueoka, K. Kanamori, K. Okada, H. Murata, A. Nakahira, M. Takahashi
Langmuir 36 ( 32 ) 9436 - 9442 2020
Preparation of silicophosphate alternating hybrid copolymers via nonaqueous acid-base reactions of phosphoric acid and organo-bridged Bis(chlorosilane) Reviewed
Kenji Okada, Masanari Takano, Yasuaki Tokudome, Yomei Tokuda, Masahide Takahashi
Molecules 25 ( 1 ) 2019.12( eISSN:1420-3049 )
Innentitelbild: MOF‐on‐MOF: Oriented Growth of Multiple Layered Thin Films of Metal–Organic Frameworks (Angew. Chem. 21/2019) Reviewed
Ken Ikigaki, Kenji Okada, Yasuaki Tokudome, Takashi Toyao, Paolo Falcaro, Christian J. Doonan, Masahide Takahashi
Angewandte Chemie 131 ( 21 ) 6856 - 6856 2019.05
Ken Ikigaki, Kenji Okada, Yasuaki Tokudome, Takashi Toyao, Paolo Falcaro, Christian J. Doonan, Masahide Takahashi
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 ( 21 ) 6784 - 6784 2019.05
MOF‐on‐MOF: Oriented Growth of Multiple Layered Thin Films of Metal–Organic Frameworks Reviewed
Ken Ikigaki, Kenji Okada, Yasuaki Tokudome, Takashi Toyao, Paolo Falcaro, Christian J. Doonan, Masahide Takahashi
Angewandte Chemie 131 ( 21 ) 6960 - 6964 2019.05
MOF-on-MOF: Oriented Growth of Multiple Layered Thin Films of Metal-Organic Frameworks Reviewed
Ken Ikigaki, Kenji Okada, Yasuaki Tokudome, Takashi Toyao, Paolo Falcaro, Christian J. Doonan, Masahide Takahashi
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 ( 21 ) 6886 - 6890 2019.05( ISSN:1433-7851 ) ( eISSN:1521-3773 )
Kenji Okada, Genki Asakura, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Yasuaki Tokudome, Masahide Takahashi
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 ( 4 ) 2377 - 2382 2019.04( eISSN:2574-0970 )
Naoki Tarutani, Yasuaki Tokudome, Mat{\'{\i, as Jo, a } }gy, Galo J, A. A. Soler-Illia, Qiyun Tang, Marcus M, ler, Masahide Takahashi
Chemistry of Materials 31 ( 2 ) 322 - 330 2019.01( ISSN:0897-4756 ) ( eISSN:1520-5002 )
Highly Ordered Mesoporous Hydroxide Thin Films through Self-Assembly of Size-Tailored Nano-Building Blocks: A Theoretical-Experimental Approach Reviewed
Tarutani N., Tokudome Y., Jobbágy M., Soler-Illia G., Tang Q., Mueller M., Takahashi M.
Chem. Mater 雑誌 ACS Publications 31 ( 2 ) 2019
Microparticles with hetero-nanointerfaces: controlled assembly of cobalt hydroxide and nickel hydroxide nanoclusters towards improved electrochemical functions Reviewed
Tarutani N., Tokudome Y., Jobbágy M., Soler-Illia G.J.A.A., Takahashi M.
J. Mater. Chem. A 雑誌 Royal Society of Chemiatry 2019
Monolithic SrTiO3/Titanate nanotube/TiO2 nanocomposite toward enhanced photocatalytic activity Reviewed
Okada K., Takahashi M.
J. Cer. Soc. Jpn 雑誌 Springer 127 ( 10 ) 2019
Oriented Growth of Multiple Layered Thin Films of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF-on-MOF) Reviewed
Ikigaki K., Okada K., Tokudome Y., Toyao T., Falcaro P., Doonan C.J., Takahashi M.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 雑誌 Wiley-VCH 58 2019
Anisotropic and Reversible Deformation of Mesopores and Mesostructures in Silica-Based Films under Mechanical Stimuli toward Adaptive Optical Components Reviewed
Okada K., Asakura G., Yamamoto T., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
ACS Applied Nano Mater. 雑誌 ACS Publications 2 ( 4 ) 2019
N. Tarutani, Y. Tokudome, M. Jobbágy, G. J, A. A. Soler-Illia, M. Takahashi
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 ( 44 ) 25290 - 25296 2019
Responsive and adaptive micro wrinkles on organic-inorganic hybrid materials Reviewed
Takahashi M.,
The Chemical Record 雑誌 Wiley-VCH 18 ( 7-8 ) 2018
High-Throughput Screening of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Macroscale Heteroepitaxial Alignment Reviewed
Tarzia A., Takahashi M., Falcaro P., Thornton A., Doonan C., Huang D.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 雑誌 ACS Publications 10 ( 47 ) 2018
Metal-organic framework thin films from copper hydroxide nano-assemblies Reviewed
Ikigaki K., Okada K., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 雑誌 Springer 89 ( 1 ) 2018
Mesoporous microspheres of nickel-based layered hydroxides by aerosol-assisted self-assembly using crystalline nano-building blocks Reviewed
Tarutani N., Tokudome Y., Jobbágy M., Soler-Illia G. J. A. A. , Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 雑誌 Springer 89 ( 1 ) 2018
Centimetre scale micropore alignment in oriented polycrystalline Metal-Organic Framework films via heteroepitaxial growth Reviewed
Falcaro P., Okada K., Hara T., Ikigaki K., Tokudome Y., Thornton A.W., Hill A.J., Williams T., Doonan C., Takahashi M.
Nature Materials 雑誌 Nature Publishing Group 16 2017
Synthesis of Co-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Nanoclusters as Reduction Nanocatalyst in Aqueous Media Reviewed
Kino D., Y. Tokudome, Nunes C.D., Vez P.D., Takahashi M.
J. Asian Ceram. Soc. 雑誌 Springer 5 ( 4 ) 2017
Design of Carbon Dots Photoluminescence through Organo-Functional Silane Grafting for Solid-State Emitting Devices Reviewed
Suzuki K., Malfatti L., Takahashi M., Carboni D., Messina F., Tokudome Y., Takemoto M., Innocenzi P.
Sci. Rep. 雑誌 Nature Publishing Group 7 2017
Electrochemical sensor and catalyst on Cu3(BTC)2 coating electrode from Cu(OH)2 films Reviewed
Okada K., Sawai S., Ikigaki K., Tokudome Y, Falcaro P., Takahashi M.
Cryst. Eng. Comm. 雑誌 Elsevier 19 2017
Integrating magnetic nanoparticles into HKUST-1 (Cu3(BTC)2) via conversion from a Cu-based ceramic: a novel approach for development of magnetically recyclable catalysts Reviewed
Toyao T., Styles M.J., Yago T., Sadiq M.M., Riccò R., Horiuchi Y., Takahashi,M., Matsuoka M., Falcaro P.
Cryst. Eng. Comm. 雑誌 Elsevier 19 2017
Functional interfaces of titanate nanotubes with controlled orientation/aggregation Reviewed
Takahashi M
J. Cer. Soc. Jpn, 雑誌 日本セラミックス協会 125 ( 5 ) 2016.05
Carbon dots in ZnO macroporous films with controlled photoluminescence through defects engineering Reviewed
Suzuki K., Takahashi M., Malfatti L., Innocenzi P.
RSC Advances 雑誌 RSC Publications 6 2016.04
Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocluster: Aqueous, Concentrated, Stable, and Catalytically-Active Colloids Towards Green Chemistry Reviewed
Tokudome Y., Morimoto T., Tarutani N., Vaz P., Nunes C., Prevot V., Stenning G., Takahashi M.
ACS Nano 雑誌 ACS Publications 10 ( 5 ) 2016.04
Large Scale Preparation of Morphology-Controlled Microporous Silica Particles via Gradual Injection of Reactants with Different Surfactant Reviewed
Shimogaki T., Tokoro H., Tabuchi M., Koike N., Yamashina Y., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol 雑誌 Springer 2016.01
Large Scale Preparation of Morphology-Controlled Microporous Silica Particles via Gradual Injection of Reactants with Different Surfactant Reviewed
Shimogaki T., Tokoro H., Tabuchi M., Koike N., Yamashina Y., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 雑誌 Springer 79 ( 3 ) 2016
High-Density Protein Loading on Hierarchically Porous LDH-Aluminum Hydroxide Composites with a Rational Mesostructure Reviewed
Tokudome Y., Fukui M., Tarutani N., Nishimura S., Prevot V., Forano C., Poologasundarampillai G., Lee P., Takahashi M.
LAngmuir 雑誌 ACS Publications 32 2016
Single-nanometer sized low-valence metal hydroxide crystals: synthesis via epoxide-mediated alkalinization and assembly towards functional mesoporous materials Reviewed
Tarutani N., Tokudome Y., Jobbagy M., Viva F., Soler-Illia G., Takahashi M.
Chem. Mater. 雑誌 ACS Publications 28 2016
Graphene Oxide Incorporation in Lamellar Organosiloxane Film for Improved Water Vapor Barrier Property Reviewed
Hara T., Nishimura S., Ozawa S., Abe R., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 雑誌 Springer 79 2016
Superhydrophobic adhesive surface on titanate nanotube brushes through surface modification by capric acid Reviewed
Okada K., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 雑誌 Springer 79 2016
Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocluster: Aqueous, Concentrated, Stable, and Catalytically-Active Colloids Towards Green Chemistry Reviewed
Tokudome Y., Morimoto T., Tarutani N., Vaz P., Nunes C., Prevot V., Stenning G., Takahashi M.
AACS Nano 雑誌 ACS Publications 10 2016
Functional interfaces of titanate nanotubes with controlled orientation/aggregation Reviewed
Takahashi M.
J. Cer. Soc. Jpn 雑誌 Springer 125 ( 5 ) 2016
Thermo-responsive wrinkles on hydrogels for soft linear actuators Reviewed
Tokudome Y., Kuniwaki H., Suzuki K., Carboni D., Poologasundarampillai G., Takahashi M.
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 雑誌 Wiley-VCH 3 ( 12 ) 2016
Morphology Control of BiFeO3 Aggregates via Hydrothermal Synthesis Reviewed
Suzuki K., Tokudome Y., Tsuda H., Takahashi M.
J. Appl. Cryst. 雑誌 Elsevior 49 2016
Single-process fabrication of antireflective acrylic hard coating via surface segregation of porous silica nanoparticles Reviewed
Shimogaki T., Tokoro H., Tabuchi M., Inoue N., Tsukamoto T., Ishii T., Koike N., Yamashina Y., Takahashi M.
RSC Advances 雑誌 RSC Publications 5 2015.11
Morphology Control of Microporous Silica Particles Obtained by Gradual Injection of Reactants Reviewed
Shimogaki T., Tokoro H., Tabuchi M., Koike N., Yamashina Y., Takahashi M.,
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol 雑誌 Springer 76 ( 1 ) 2015.10
Positioning of the HKUST-1 metal–organic framework (Cu3(BTC)2) through conversion from insoluble Cu-based precursors Reviewed
Toyao T., Liang K., Okada K., Ricco R., Styles M.J., Tokudome Y., Horiuchi Y., Hill A.J., Takahashi M.
Inorg. Chem. Frontiers, 雑誌 Wiley 2 2015.09
Sol to gel silica transition in fast evaporating systems observed by in situ time resolved infrared spectroscopy Reviewed
Innocenzi P., Malfatti L., Carboni D., Takahashi M.,
ChemPhysChem, 雑誌 Wiley 16 ( 9 ) 2015.09
Fabrication of hierarchically porous monolithic layered double hydroxide composites with tunable microcages for effective oxyanion adsorption Reviewed
Tarutani N., Tokudome Y., Nakanishi K., Takahashi M.
RSC Advances 雑誌 RSC Publications 5 2015.05
Large-Scale Synthesis of Monodisperse Porous Silica Nanoparticles by Gradual Injection of Reactants Reviewed
Shimogaki T., Tokoro H., Tabuchi M., Koike N., Yamashina Y., Takahashi M.,
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol 雑誌 Springer 74 ( 1 ) 2015.04
Macroporous Titanate Nanotube/TiO2 Monolith for Fast and Large-Capacity Cation Exchange Reviewed
Okada K., Asakura G., Nakahira A., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
Chem. Mater 雑誌 27 ( 5 ) 2015.02
Macroporous Titanate Nanotube/TiO2 Monolith for Fast and Large-Capacity Cation Exchange Reviewed
Okada K., Asakura G., Nakahira A., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
Chem. Mater 雑誌 27 ( 5 ) 2015.02
Energy transfer induced by carbon quantum dots in porous zinc oxide nanocomposite films Reviewed
Suzuki K., Malfatti L., Carboni D., Loche D., Casula M., Moretto A., Maggini M., Takahashi M., Innocenzi P.
J. Phys. Chem. C 雑誌 119 ( 5 ) 2015.01
Morphology Control of BiFeO3 Aggregates via Hydrothermal Synthesis Reviewed
Suzuki K., Tokudome Y., Tsuda H., Takahashi M.,
J. Appl. Cryst., 雑誌 Elsevier 49 2015.01
TiO2添加チタン酸アルミニウム焼結体の熱的および機械的性質 Reviewed
福田匡洋, 横尾俊信, 髙橋雅英
材料 雑誌 2014.10
Mesostructured carbon film with morphology-induced hydrophilic surface through a dewetting-free coating process Reviewed
Y.Tokudome, K.Nakane, M.Takahashi
Carbon 雑誌 77 2014.10
Transparent and robust siloxane-based hybrid lamella film as a water vapor barrier coating Reviewed
Tokudome Y., Hara T., Abe R., Takahashi M.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 雑誌 6 ( 21 ) 2014.10
Formation Mechanism of Photo-Induced Nested Wrinkles on Siloxane-Photomonomer Hybrid Film Reviewed
K.Suzuki, Y.Tokudome, M.Takahashi
AIP Conference Proceedings 雑誌 2014.09
化学的・物理的修飾によるチタン酸アルミニウム系低熱膨張性高温材料の新展開 Reviewed
粉体粉末および冶金 雑誌 61 ( 9 ) 2014.09
Stability of amorphous Ta-O nanotubes prepared by anodization: thermal and structural analyses Reviewed
Nakamura R., Asano K., Ishimaru M., Sato K., Takahashi M., Numakura H.
J. Mater. Res. 雑誌 MRS 29 ( 6 ) 2014.05
Responsive microstructures on organic-inorganic hybrid films Reviewed
Takahashi M., Suzuki K., Tokudome Y., Malfatti L., Innocenzi P.,
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 雑誌 70 ( 2 ) 2014.05
Micropattern formation by molecular migration via UV-induced dehydration of block copolymer Reviewed
Okada K., Tokudome Y., Konstas K., Makiura R., Malfatti L., Innocenzi P., Ogawa H., Kanaya T., Falcaro P., Takahashi M.
Advanced Functional Materials 雑誌 Wiley 24 ( 19 ) 2014.05
Copper conversion into Cu(OH)2 nanotubes for positioning Cu3(BTC)2 MOF crystals: controlling the growth on flat, 3D architecture and patterns Reviewed
Okada K., Ricco R., Tokudome Y., Styles M.J., Hill A.J., Takahashi M., Falcaro P.
Advanced Functional Materials 雑誌 Wiley 24 ( 14 ) 2014.04
Responsive microstructures on organic-inorganic hybrid films Reviewed
Takahashi M., Suzuki K., Tokudome Y., Malfatti L., Innocenzi P.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 雑誌 ISGS 70 ( 2 ) 2014.04
Layered double hydroxide composite monoliths with three-dimensional hierarchical channels: structural control and adsorption behavior, Reviewed
Tarutani N., Tokudome Y., Nakanishi K., Takahashi M.
RSC Advances 雑誌 Royal Society of Chemistry 4 ( 31 ) 2014.03
Positioning an individual Metal Organic Framework particle using a magnetic field Reviewed
Masahiro Fukuda, Toshinobu Yoko, Masahide Takahashi
J. Mater. Chem. C Royal Society of Chemistry 1 ( 1 ) 2013.10
Decomposition free Al2TiO5-MgTi2O5 ceramics with low-thermal expansion coefficient Reviewed
Masahiro Fukuda, Toshinobu Yoko, Masahide Takahashi
New J. Glasses Ceram. 雑誌 Scientific Research Publishing 3 ( 4 ) 2013.10
Switchable and Reversible Water Adhesion on Superhydrophobic Titanate Nanostructures Fabricated on Soft Substrates: Photopatternable Wettability and Thermomodulatable Adhesivity Reviewed
Okada K., Ricco R., Tokudome Y., Styles M.J., Hill A.J., Takahashi M., Falcaro P.
J. Mater. Chem A (Communications) Royal Society of Chemistry 2 ( 1 ) 2013.10
Applications of magnetic metal–organic framework composites Reviewed
Falcaro P., Lapierre F., Marmiroli B, Styles M., Zhu Y., Takahashi M., Hill A., Doherty C.
J. Mater. Chem. A Royal Society of Chemistry 1 ( 42 ) 2013.09
Molecularly imprinted La-doped mesoporous titania films with hydrolytic properties toward organophosphate pesticides Reviewed
Ricco R., Malfatti L., Takahashi M., Hill A. and Falcaro P.
New J. Chem Wiley 37 ( 10 ) 2013.05
Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH)-based Monolith with Interconnected Hierarchical Channels: Enhanced Sorption Affinity for Anionic Species Reviewed
Carboni D., Malfatti L., Pinna A., Lasio B., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M., Innocenzi P.,
J. Mater. Chem. A Royal Society of Chemistry 1 ( 26 ) 2013.04
Controlled Site Modification of Inorganic Networks in Hybrid Photocurable Resins for High Thermal Crack Resistance Reviewed
Tokudome Y., Tarutani N., Nakanishi K., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. ISGS 65 ( 3 ) 2013.03
Enhanced photoluminescence emission from anthracene-doped polyphenylsiloxane glass Reviewed
Yasuaki Tokudome, Tetsuo Sato, Motohiko Hidaka, Masahide Takahashi
Opt. Lett. Optical Society of America 38 ( 24 ) 2013.02
Highly oriented growth of titanate nanotubes (TNTs) in micro and confinement spaces on sol–gel derived amorphous TiO2 thin films under moderate hydrothermal condition Reviewed
Okada K., Takamatsu Y., Nakahira A., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. ISGS 65 ( 1 ) 2013.01
Coffee stain-driven self-assembly of mesoporous rings Reviewed
Malfatti L., Tokudome Y., Okada K., Yagi S., Takahashi M., Innocenzi P.
Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. Elsevior 163 2012.10
Hierarchical Nested Wrinkles on Silica-Polymer Hybrid Films: Stimuli-Responsive Micro Periodic Surface Architectures Reviewed
Tokudome Y., Suzuki K., Kitanaga T., Takahashi M.
Sci. Rep. Nature Publishing Group 2 ( 683 ) 2012.10
Strain driven self-rolling of hybrid organic-inorganic microrolls: interfaces with self-assembled particles Reviewed
Takahashi M., Figus C., Malfatti L., Tokuda Y., Yamamoto K., Yoko T., Kitanaga T., Tokudome Y., Innocenzi P.
NPG Asia Materials Nature Publishing Group 4 ( e22 ) 2012.07
Microfabrication of Mesoporous Silica Encapsulated Enzymes using Deep X-Ray Lithography Reviewed
Doherty C., Gao Y., Marmiroli B., Amenitsch H., Lisi F., Malfatti L., Okada K., Takahashi M., Hill A.J., Innocenzi P., Falcaro P.
J. Mater. Chem. C Royal Society of Chemistry 22 ( 32 ) 2012.07
Titanate nanofunnel brushes: toward functional interfacial applications Reviewed
Okada K., Tokudome Y., Falcaro P., Takamatsu Y., Nakahira A., Takahashi M.
Chem. Commun. Royal Society of Chemistry 48 ( 49 ) 2012.04
Magnetic Framework Composites for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Sequestration Reviewed
C.M. Doherty, E. Knystautas, D. Buso, L. Villanova, K. Konstas, A.J. Hill, M. Takahashi, P. Falcaro
J. Mater. Chem. Royal Society of Chemistry 22 ( 23 ) 2012.04
Highly oriented growth of titanate nanotubes (TNTs) in micro and confinement spaces on sol–gel derived amorphous TiO2 thin films under moderate hydrothermal condition Reviewed
Okada K., Takamatsu Y., Nakahira A., Tokudome Y., Takahashi M.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. ISGS 65 ( 1 ) 2012.02
Inhomogeneous distribution of Na+ in alkali silicate glasses Reviewed
Tokuda Y., Oka T., Takahashi M., Yoko T.
J. Cer. Soc. Jpn, Ceramics society of Japan 119 ( 12 ) 2011.12
Effect of diphenyldiethoxysilane on the self-organized formation of nanocrystalline layered organosilicates in organic–inorganic hybrid films Reviewed
Tokuda Y., Nishioka S., Ueda Y., Koyanaka H., Masai H., Takahashi M., Yoko T.
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. ISGS 60 ( 3 ) 2011.12
Fabrication of inverse opal films of titania-polymer hybrid with a high refractive index modulation Reviewed
Ueno S., Takahashi M.
粉体および粉末冶金 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会 58 ( 5 ) 2011.09
Structural Evolution during Evaporation of a 3-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane Film Studied in Situ by Time Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy Reviewed
Innocenzi P., Figus C., Takahashi M., Piccinini M., Malfatti L.
J. Phys. Chem. A ACS Publications 115 ( 38 ) 2011.09
Dynamic control of MOF-5 crystal positioning using a magnetic field Reviewed
Falcaro P., Normandin F., Takahashi M., Scopece P., Amenitsch H., Costacurta S., Doherty C.M., Liard J., Lay M.D.H., Lisi F., Hill A.J., Buso D.
Adv. Mater. Wiley 23 ( 34 ) 2011.09
Photo-induced formation and humidity response of micro wrinkled structures on titania-polymer hybrid films Reviewed
Kitanaga T., Inoue M., Takahashi M.
粉体および粉末冶金 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会 58 ( 5 ) 2011.09
Crystallization in hybrid organic–inorganic materials through self-organization from 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane Reviewed
Innocenzi P., Figus C., Kidchob T., Takahashi M.
J. Cer. Soc. Jpn Ceramic Society of Japan 119 ( 6 ) 2011.06
Synthesis of Porous TiO2 Thin Films via Sol-gel Method and Their Phototocatalyst Performances Reviewed
Jianxi Yao, Zhihua Tian, Mina Guli, Masahide Takahashi, Toshinobu Yoko,
Mater. Sci. Forum ACS Publications 687 2011.06
Sol-Gel Preparation, Characterization, and Photocatalytic Activity of Macroporous TiO2 Thin Films Reviewed
Yao JX, Bai YM, Chen NF, Takahashi M, Yoko T
Journal of the American Ceramic Society The American Ceramic Society 94 ( 4 ) 2011.04
Structure manufacturing of proton-conducting organic-inorganic hybrid silicophosphite membranes by solventless synthesis Reviewed
Tokuda Y., Oku S., Yamada T., Takahashi M., Yoko T., Kitagawa H., Ueda Y.
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 26 ( 6 ) 2011.03
Bioencapsulation of apomyoglobin in nanoporous organosilica sol-gel glasses: influence of the siloxane network on the conformation and stability of a model protein Reviewed
Menaa B., Miyagawa Y., Takahashi M., Herrero M., Rives, V. Eggers D.K.
Biopolymers Wiley 91 ( 11 ) 2010.11
Fabrication and characterization of macroporous TiO2 films by photo polymerization-induced phase separation method Reviewed
Yao JX, Tian HX, Takahashi M, Yoko T.
Materials Letters Elsevier 64 ( 19 ) 2010.10
Photo-fabrication of titania hybrid films with tunable hierarchical structures and stimuli responsive properties Reviewed
Takahashi M., Inoue M., Ihara R., Yoko T., Nemoto T., Isoda S., Malfatti L., Costacurta S., Innocenzi P.
Advanced Materials Wiley-Blackwell 22 ( 30 ) 2010.08
光硬化性ホウケイ酸塩系薄膜材料の作製と微細構造形成 Reviewed
井原 梨恵, 高橋 雅英
粉体および粉末冶金 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会 57 2010.07
Photo-curable organically modified silicate-phosphate alternating copolymer for photonics applications Reviewed
Takahashi M., Suzuki M., Miyagawa Y., Ihara R., Tokuda Y, Yoko T., Nemoto T., Isoda S.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Springer 54 ( 3 ) 2010.06
Characterization and solventless growth of salicylic acid macro-crystals involving a nitrogen gas flow Reviewed
Menaa B., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Crystal Research and Technology Wiley-VCH 45 ( 4 ) 2010.04
ゾル-ゲルハイブリッド薄膜における光誘起非平衡状態を利用した自己組織的微細構造形成とその応用 Reviewed
コンバーテック 加工技術協会 38 ( 3 ) 2010.03
Formation of hybrid nano-crystals in organic-inorganic hybrid films from a basic aqueous system Reviewed
Figus C., Takahashi M., Kidchob T., Yoko T., Piccinini M., Casula M., Innocenzi P.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Springer 52 ( 3 ) 2009.12
Sol-Gel Reactions of 3-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane in a Highly Basic Aqueous Solution Reviewed
Innocenzi P., Figus C., Kidchob T., Valentinic, M. Alonso B., Takahashi M.
Dalton Transactions Royal Society of Chemiatry 42 2009.11
Controlled preparation of macroporous TiO2 films by photo polymerization-induced phase separation method and their photocatalytic performance Reviewed
Yao J., Takahashi M., Yoko T.
Thin Solid Films Elsevier 517 ( 24 ) 2009.10
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of Macroporous TiO2 Films by a Photopolymerization-Induced Phase-Separation Method Reviewed
Yao J., Wang F., Takahashi M., Yoko T.
Journal Of Physical Chemistry C ACS Publications 113 ( 35 ) 2009.08
Rewritable holographic structures formed in organic-inorganic hybrid materials by photothermal processing Reviewed
Kakiuchida H., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Yoko T.
Advanced Functional Materials Wiley-VCH 19 ( 16 ) 2009.08
Silicophosphate/silicophosphite hybrid materials prepared by solventless ethanol condensation Reviewed
Tokuda Y., Tanaka Y., Takahashi M., Ihara R., Yoko T.
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan The Ceramic Society of Japan 117 ( 1367 ) 2009.07
Self-Organized Layered Nanocrystalline Organosilicates in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Films Reviewed
Takahashi M., Figus C., Kidchob T., Enzo S., Casula M., Valentini M., Innocenzi P.
Advanced Materials Wiley-VCH 21 ( 17 ) 2009.05
Control of spontaneous emission coupling factor β in fiber-coupled microsphere resonators Reviewed
Takashima H. Fujiwara H., Takeuchi S., Sasaki K. Takahashi M.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 92 ( 7 ) 071115 - 1 2009.02
In-situ study of sol–gel processing by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy Reviewed
Innocenzi P., Kidchob T., Malfatti L., Costacurta S., Takahashi M., Piccinini M., Marcelli M.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Springer 48 2008.11
Organically modified siloxane glass films prepared via a non aqueous gel coating process and doped with optically active dyes rhodamine 6G and coumarin 152 Reviewed
Menaa B, Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Yoko T.
Solid State Sciences Elsevier 10 ( 9 ) 2008.09
ゾル-ゲル法による光触媒膜 Reviewed
高橋雅英, 横尾俊信
日本結晶成長学会誌 日本結晶成長学会 27 2008.08
Fabrication of mesoporous functionalized arrays by integrating deep X-ray lithography with dip-pen writing Reviewed
Falcaro P, Costacurta S., Malfatti L., Takahashi M., Kidchob T., Casula M.F., Piccinini M., Marcelli A., Marmiroli B., Amenitsch H., Schiavuta P., Innocenzi P.
Advanced Materials Research Trans Tech Publications Inc. 20 ( 10 ) 2008.05
Bottom-up and top-down approach for periodic microstructures on thin oxide films by controlled photo-activated chemical processes Reviewed
Takahashi M., Uemura K., Maeda T., Yao J., Tokuda Y., Yoko T., Costacurta S., Malfatti L., Innocenzi P.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Springer 48 2008.04
Self-assembled mesoporous silica-germania films Reviewed
Costacurta S., Malfatti L., Kidchob T., Takahashi M., Mattei G., Bello V., Maurizio C., Innocenzi P.
Chemistry of Materials ACS Publications 20 ( 10 ) 2008.04
Dispersion and photoluminescence of free-metal phtalocyanine doped in sol-gel polyphenylsiloxane glass films Reviewed
Menaa B, Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Elsevier 194 ( 41673 ) 2008.02
Patterning techniques for mesostructured films Reviewed
Innocenzi P., Kidchob T., Falcaro P., Takahashi M.
Chemistry of Materials ACS Publications 20 2008
Photo-induced formation of wrinkled microstructures with long-range order in thin oxide films Reviewed
Takahashi M., Maeda T., Uemura K., Yao J., Tokuda T., Yoko T., Kaji H., Marcelli A., Innocenzi P.
Advanced Materials Wiley-VCH 19 ( 24 ) 2007.11
Thermosoftening Phenyl Siloxane glasses prepared via concentration of sol: Sol Concentration Method (SCM) Reviewed
Kuniyoshi M., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Yoko, T.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 353 ( 44-46 ) 2007.11
Crystallization in hybrid organic-inorganic materials induced by self-organization in basic conditions Reviewed
Menaa B., Takahashi M., Innocenzi P., Yoko T.
Chemistry of Materials ACS Publications 19 ( 8 ) 2007.04
Preparation and Properties of Polyphenylsiloxane-based Hybrid Glass Thick-Films Obtained from a Non-Aqueous Coating Sol via a Single-Step Dip-Coating Reviewed
Menaa B, Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Optical Materials Elsevier 29 ( 7 ) 2007.03
Fiber-microsphere laser with a sub-micrometer sol-gel silica glass layer co-doped with erbium, aluminum and phosphorus Reviewed
Takashima H., Fujiwara H., Takeuchi S., Sasaki K., Takahashi M.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 90 ( 10 ) 10113 - 1 2007.03
Substituent effect on the formation of organically-modified silicophosphate alternating copolymer through nonaqueous acid-base reaction Reviewed
Mizuno M., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Yoko T.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Springer 44 2007.01
Effect of organic group on structure and viscoelastic properties of organic-inorganic polysiloxane hybrid system Reviewed
Kakiuchida H., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Masai H., Yoko T.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B ACS Publications 111 ( 5 ) 2007.01
有機修飾ケイリン酸無機ポリマー Reviewed
ニューガラス85 ニューガラスフォーラム 22 ( 2 ) 2007
Preparation of phenyl-modified siloxane glasses with softening temperature controlled by Rapid Heat Treatment (RHT) Reviewed
Kuniyoshi M., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Yoko T.
Chemistry Letters The Chemical Society of Japan 35 ( 12 ) 2006.12
High Optical Quality Spin-Coated Polyphenylsiloxane Glass Thick-Films on PET and Silica substrates Reviewed
Menaa B., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Materials Research Bulletin Elsevier 41 ( 10 ) 2006.10
Wavelength dependence of thermo-optic coefficient of organically-modified SiO2-ZrO2 hybrid films Reviewed
Eun-Seok Kang, Masahide Takahashi, Yomei Tokuda, Toshinobu Yoko
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 89 ( 13 ) 131916 - 1 2006.09
High dispersion and fluorescence of Anthracene doped in polyphenylsiloxane films Reviewed
Menaa B., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Springer 39 ( 2 ) 2006.08
Structure and water durability of organically-modified tin(II) silicophosphate glasses prepared by nonaqueous acid-base reactions Reviewed
Mizuno M., Takahashi M., Yoko T.
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 21 ( 7 ) 2006.07
OH-free phenyl modified siloxane low-melting glasses with ultra low saturated water-absorption Reviewed
Kuniyoshi M., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan The Ceramic Society of Japan 114 ( 1331 ) 2006.07
Template-Free Magnesium Oxide Hollow Sphere Inclusion in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Film via Sol-Gel Reaction Reviewed
Kang E. S., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y, Yoko T.
Langmuir ACS Publications 22 ( 12 ) 2006.06
Metal Phosphate Low-Melting Glasses Prepared by Non-Aqueous Acid-Base Reaction Reviewed
Menaa B, Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Wiley-Blackwell 2006.06
Hydrolysis and polycondensation of acid-catalyzed Phenyltriethoxysilane (PhTES) Reviewed
Kuniyoshi M., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Springer 39 ( 2 ) 2006.06
Synthesis and characteristics of curable siloxane-based organic-inorganic hybrid materials modified with vinyl and isopropenoxy Reviewed
Kang E. S., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Yoko T.
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 21 ( 5 ) 2006.05
Photo-thermal fabrication of microstructures in transparent low-melting media doped with rare earth ions as a light absorber Reviewed
Takahashi M., Saito M., Mizuno M., Kakiuchida H., Tokuda Y., Yoko T.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 88 ( 19 ) 2006.05
Organic-inorganic hybrid material of phenyl-modified polysilicophosphate prepared through nonaqueous acid-base reaction Reviewed
Mizuno M., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Yoko T.
Chemistry of Materials ACS Publications 18 ( 8 ) 2006.04
Viscoelastic and structural properties of phenyl-modified polysiloxane system with a three-dimensional structure Reviewed
Kakiuchida H., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., Masai H., Kuniyoshi M., and Yoko T.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B ACS Publications 110 ( 14 ) 2006.03
Network modification and water durability improvement of inorganic-organic hybrid tin-silico-phosphate low-melting glasses by incorporation of polycarboxylic acids Reviewed
Menaa B, Masai H., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry Elsevier 176 2006.02
Domain Size Change of Spinodal Phase Separation Structure in the Sol-Gel Derived TiO2 Thin Film Reviewed
Mori R., Takahashi M., and Yoko T.
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 21 ( 1 ) 2006.01
Cr3+-TiO2 thin film electrodes: Effects of the homogeneous- and the sectional-doping Reviewed
Enkhtuvshin D., Takahashi M., and Yoko T.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society Electrochemical Society, Inc. 153 ( 6 ) 2006.01
光重合誘起相分離を利用したマイクロ構造形成 Reviewed
ニューガラス80 ニューガラスフォーラム 21 ( 1 ) 2006
Conducting and magnetic properties of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (EMI) salts containing paramagnetic irons: Liquids [EMI][MIIICl4] (M=Fe and Fe0.5Ga0.5) and [EMI]2[FeIICl4] Reviewed
Yoshida Y., Muroi K., Otsuka A., Saito G., Natsume S., Nishibori E., Takata M, Sakata M., Takahashi M., and Yoko T.
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Chemical Society of Japan/Nippon Kagakukai 78 ( 11 ) 2005.11
無水酸塩基反応により作製した有機―無機ハイブリッド低温溶融ガラスへの光機能性賦与 Reviewed
水野 めぐみ, 垣内田 洋, 高橋 雅英, 徳田 陽明, 横尾 俊信
粉体および粉末冶金 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会 52 2005.10
Organic-inorganic hybrid low-melting glasses doped with optical active centers via non-aqueous acid-base reaction Reviewed
Mizuno M., Kakiuchida H., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
粉体および粉末冶金 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会 52 2005.10
Leaching of lead and connectivity of plumbate networks in lead silicate glasses Reviewed
Mizuno M., Takahashi M., Takaishi T., Yoko T.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Wiley-Blackwell 88 ( 10 ) 2005.10
Highly conducting ionic liquids based on 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation Reviewed
Y. Yoshida, J. Fujii, K. Muroi, A. Otsuka, G. Saito, M. Takahashi , T. Yoko
Synthetic Metals Elsevier 153 2005.09
Controlling carrier density and its effect on I-V characteristics of the anatase –TiO2 thin films prepared by a sputter deposition method Reviewed
Enkhtuvshin D., Takahashi M., Tokuda T. and Yoko T.
Thin Solid Films Elsevier 483 ( 41641 ) 2005.07
Structural study on PbO-SiO2 glasses by X-ray and neutron diffraction and 29Si MAS NMR measurements Reviewed
Takaishi T., Takahashi M., Jin J., Uchino T., Yoko T.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Wiley-Blackwell 88 ( 6 ) 2005.06
Structure and formation of six-fold coordinated silicon in phosphosilicate glasses Reviewed
Miyabe D., Takahashi M., Tokuda T., Yoko T., Uchino T.
Physical Review B American Physical Society 71 ( 17 ) 172202 - 1 2005.05
Gel-melting method for preparation of organically-modified siloxane low-melting glasses Reviewed
Masai H., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 20 ( 5 ) 2005.05
Enhancement of polymerization reaction by diethyl ether-aqueous NaOH immiscible two phase liquid treatment of phenyl-modified polysiloxane glass Reviewed
Masai H., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y., and Yoko T.
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan The Ceramic Society of Japan 113 ( 1315 ) 2005.03
Photoelectrochemical and Photocatalytic Properties of Multilayered TiO2 Thin Films with a Spinodal Phase Separation Structure Prepared by a Sol-Gel Process Reviewed
Mori R., Takahashi M., and Yoko T.
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 20 ( 1 ) 2005.01
2D spinodal phase separated TiO2 films prepared by sol-gel process and photocatalytic activity Reviewed
Mori R., Takahashi M., and Yoko T.
Materials Research Bulletin Elsevier 39 ( 13 ) 2004.11
Preparation of Eu-doped CaGa2S4-CaS composite bicolor phosphor for white light emitting diode Reviewed
Zhang J., Takahashi M., Tokuda Y. and Yoko T.
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan The Ceramic Society of Japan 112 ( 1309 ) 2004.09
1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids containing cyano groups: synthesis, characterization, and crystal structure Reviewed
Yoshida Y, Muroi K., Otsuka A., Saito G., Takahashi M., and Yoko T.
Inorganic chemistry ACS Publications 43 ( 4 ) 2004.02
Origin of intrinsic second-harmonic generation in crystallized GeO2-SiO2 glass films Reviewed
Fujiwara T., Sawada T., Honma T., Benino Y., Komatsu T., Takahashi M., Yoko T., and Nishii J.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(regular paper) The Japan Society of Applied Physics 42 ( 12 ) 2003.12
Effective charge separation in TiO2/VO2/TiO2 multi-layered film electrodes prepared by a sputtering method Reviewed
Takahashi M., Tsukigi K., Enkhtuvshin D., and Yoko T.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B ACS Publications 107 ( 48 ) 2003.11
Photochemical process of divalent germanium responsible for photorefractive index change in GeO2-SiO2 glasses Reviewed
Takahashi M., Sakoh A., Tokuda Y., Yoko T., Nishii J., Nishiyama H., and Miyamoto I.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 345&346 2003.10
Organic-inorganic hybrid phosphite low-melting glasses for photonics application Reviewed
Takahashi M, Niida H, Tokuda Y, Yoko T
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 326&327 2003.10
Photochemical process of divalent germanium responsible for photorefractive index change in GeO2-SiO2 glasses Reviewed
Sakoh A., Takahashi M., Yoko T., Nishii J., Nishiyama H., and Miyamoto I.
Optics Express The Optical Society of America 11 ( 21 ) 2003.10
Waveguide formation in niobium tellurite glasses by pico- and femtosecond laser pulses Reviewed
Tokuda Y., Saito M., Takahashi M., Yamada K., Watanabe W., Itoh K. and Yoko T.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 326 2003.10
Photosensitive and athermal glasses for optical channel waveguides Reviewed
Nishii J., Kintaka K., Nishiyama H., and Takahashi M.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 326&327 2003.10
Photosensitive GeO2-SiO2 films for ultraviolet laser writing of channel waveguides and Bragg gratings with Cr-loaded waveguide structure Reviewed
Takahashi M., Sakoh A., Ichii K., Tokuda T., Yoko T. and Nishii J.
Applied Optics The Optical Society of America 42 ( 22 ) 2003.08
Direct observation of second-harmonic generation from crystalline particles in Ge-doped SiO2 glass films Reviewed
Fujiwara T., Sawada T., Benino Y., Komatsu T., Takahashi M., Yoko T., and Nishii J.
Optics Express The Optical Society of America 11 ( 14 ) 2003.07
Anelastic compression of nano-meter-sized silica particles under high pressure: a high-energy x-ray diffraction measurement Reviewed
Uchino T., Sakoh A., Azuma M., Kohara S., Takahashi M., Takano M., and Yoko T.
Physical Review B American Physical Society 67 ( 9 ) 092202 - 1 2003.03
Preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid precursors O=P(OSiMe3)x(OH)3-x for low-melting glasses Reviewed
Niida H, Takahashi M, Uchino T, Yoko, T
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan The Ceramic Society of Japan 111 ( 3 ) 2003.03
Preparation and structure of organic-inorganic hybrid low-melting phosphite glasses from phosphonic acid H3PO3 Reviewed
Niida H, Takahashi M, Uchino T, Yoko, T
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 18 ( 5 ) 2003.03
Spontaneous reduction of europium ions below 250°C in organic-inorganic hybrid low-melting phosphite glasses Reviewed
Niida H, Takahashi M, Uchino T, Yoko T
Journal of Materials Research Materials Research Society 18 ( 1 ) 2003.01
Preparation, structure and properties of doped aluminum titanate ceramics with improved thermal and mechanical performance Reviewed
Takahash M., Fukuda M., Fukuda M., Fukuda H. and Yoko T.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Wiley-Blackwell 85 ( 12 ) 2002.12
Structure of organic-inorganic hybrid low-melting glasses from 29Si NMR and ab initio molecular orbital calculations Reviewed
Niida H, Tokuda Y., Takahashi M, Uchino T, Yoko T
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 311 ( 2 ) 2002.11
Photochemical reaction of divalent-germanium center in germanosilicate glasses under intense near-ultraviolet laser excitation: Origin of 5.7eV band and site selective excitation of divalent-germanium center Reviewed
Takahashi M., Ichii K., Tokuda Y., Uchino T., Nishii J., Fujiwara T. and Yoko T.
Journal of Applied Physics American Institute of Physics 92 ( 7 ) 2002.10
Application of femtosecond laser pulses for microfabrication of transparent media Reviewed
Juodkazis S, Matsuo S, Misawa H, Mizeikis V, Marcinkevicius A, Sun HB, Tokuda Y, Takahashi M, Yoko T, Nishii J
Applied Surface Science Elsevier 197 2002.09
Preparation and structure of organic-inorganic hybrid precursors for new type low-melting glasses Reviewed
Niida H, Takahashi M, Uchino T, Yoko T
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 306 ( 3 ) 2002.09
Microscopic model of photoinduced and pressure-induced UV spectral changes in germanosilicate glass Reviewed
Uchino T, Takahashi M, Ichii K, Yoko T
Physical Review B American Physical Society 65 ( 17 ) 2002.05
Photoelectrochemical properties of sol-gel-derived Ti1-xVxO2 solid solution film photoelectrodes Reviewed
Zhao GL, Han GR, Takahashi M, Yoko T
Thin Solid Films Elsevier 410 ( 41641 ) 2002.05
Correlation between macro- and micro-structural changes in Ge:SiO2 and SiO2 glasses under intense uv irradiations Reviewed
Takahashi M., Uchino T. and Yoko T.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Wiley-Blackwell 85 ( 5 ) 2002.05
無水酸-塩基反応を用いた有機無機ハイブリッドガラスの作製 Reviewed
ニューガラス65 ニューガラスフォーラム 17 ( 2 ) 2002
Model of a switching oxide trap in amorphous silicon dioxide Reviewed
Uchino T., Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Physical Review B American Physical Society 64 ( 8 ) 081310(R)1 - 4 2001.08
Photoelectrochemical properties of the sol-gel derived Ti1-xVxO2 thin film electrodes Reviewed
Enkhtuvshin D, Takahashi M, Zhao GL, and Yoko T
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan The Ceramic Society of Japan 109 ( 8 ) 2001.08
Enhanced photocurrent in thin film TiO2 electrodes prepared by sol-gel method Reviewed
Takahashi M., Tsukigi K., Uchino T. and Yoko T.
Thin Solid Films Elsevier 388 ( 41641 ) 2001.07
Mechanism of electron trapping in Ge-doped SiO2 glass Reviewed
Uchino T., Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 79 ( 3 ) 2001.07
E’ centers in amorphous SiO2 revisited: a new look at an old problem Reviewed
Uchino T.,Takahashi M. and Yoko, T.
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society 86 ( 24 ) 2001.06
Structure and generation mechanism of the peroxy-radical defect in amorphous silica Reviewed
Uchino T.,Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society 86 ( 20 ) 2001.05
Mechanism of interconversion among Radiation induced defects in amorphous silicon dioxide Reviewed
Uchino T.,Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society 86 ( 9 ) 2001.02
Preparation of organic–inorganic hybrid low melting amorphous materials through nonaqueous acid base reaction Reviewed
Niida H, Takahashi M, Uchino T, Yoko T
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses Society of Glass Technology 43C 2001
Structure and Paramagnetic Properties of Defect Centers in Ge-Doped SiO2 Glass: Localized and Delocalized Ge E’ Centers Reviewed
Uchino T.,Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Physical Review B American Physical Society 62 ( 23 ) 2000.12
Model of oxygen-deficiency-related defects in SiO2 glass Reviewed
Uchino T., Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Physical Review B American Physical Society 62 ( 5 ) 2000.08
Structure and formation mechanism of Ge E’ center from divalent defects in Ge-doped SiO2 glass Reviewed
Uchino T., Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society 84 ( 7 ) 2000.02
Preparation and upconversion properties of Er3+-doped lead fluorosilicate glass-ceramics Reviewed
Takahashi M., Izuki M., Shojiya M., Qiu J., Kawamoto Y. and Kadono K
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan The Ceramic Society of Japan 107 ( 12 ) 1999.12
Radiative and non-radiative relaxation of rare-earth ions in Ga2S3×GeS2×La2S3 glasses Reviewed
Kadono K., Shojiya M., Takahashi M., Higuchi H. and Kawamoto Y.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 259 1999.11
Photochemical reactions of Ge-related defects in 10GeO2×90SiO2 glass prepared by sol-gel process Reviewed
Takahashi M., Shigemura H., Kawamoto Y., Nishii J. and Yoko T.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 259 1999.11
F1s XPS of Fluoride Glasses and Related Fluoride Crystals Reviewed
Kawamoto Y., Ogura K., Shojiya M., Takahashi M. and Kadono K.
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry Elsevier 96 ( 2 ) 1999.07
Local structure of Er3+-containing Ga2S3-GeS2-La2S3 glass Reviewed
Higuchi H., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y., Takahashi M. and Kadono K.
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses Society of Glass Technology 40 ( 3 ) 1999.06
Physicochemical properties and structure of Ga2S3-GeS2-La2S3-La2S3 Glasses (Ln=yttrium or lanthanoids) Reviewed
Higuchi H., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y., Takahashi M. and Kadono K.
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses Society of Glass Technology 40 ( 2 ) 1999.04
Ultraviolet-Photosensitive Effect of Sol-Gel-Derived GeO2-SiO2 Glasses Reviewed
Shigemura H., Kawamoto Y., Nishii J. and Takahashi M.
Journal of Applied Physics American Institute of Physics 85 ( 7 ) 1999.04
Comparison of electro-optic effect between stoichiometric and congruent LiNbO3 Reviewed
Fujiwara T.,Takahashi M., Ohama M., Ikushima A.J., Furukawa Y. and Kitamura K.
Electronics Letters The Institution of Engineering and Technology 35 ( 6 ) 1999.03
Preparation and photoelectrochemical properties of Ti1-xVxO2 solid solution thin film photoelectrodes with gradient bandgap Reviewed
Zhao G., Kozuka H., Lin H., Takahashi M. and Yoko T.
Thin Solid Films Elsevier 340 ( 41641 ) 1999.02
均質系ガラス材料における非線形光学特性 Reviewed
高橋雅英, 横尾俊信
ニューガラス54 ニューガラスフォーラム 14 ( 3 ) 1999
Selectively strong green up-conversion luminescence in Nd3+-Ho3+ co-doped ZrF4-based fluoride glasses under 800 nm excitation Reviewed
Qiu J., Shojiya M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y. and Takahashi M.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Institute of Physics 10 ( 48 ) 1998.12
F- Coordination Environments around Eu3+ and Er3+ inMFn-BaF2-LnF3 Glasses (M = Zn, Al, Ga, Sc, Zr or Hf; n = 2, 3 or 4; Ln = Eu or Er) Reviewed
Kawamoto Y., Ogura K., Shojiya M., Takahashi M. and Kadono K.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Institute of Physics 10 ( 43 ) 1998.11
Upconversion characteristics of Er3+ in transparent oxyfluoride glass-ceramics Reviewed
Takahashi M., Izuki M., Kanno R. and Kawamoto Y.
Journal of Applied Physics American Institute of Physics 83 ( 7 ) 1998.04
Compositional dependence of local vibration around rare earth ion in SiO2-PbF2 glass-ceramics Reviewed
Takahashi M., Kano M. and Kawamoto Y.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Institute of Physics 10 ( 14 ) 1998.04
Optical property and local environment of Ni2+ in fluoride glasses Reviewed
Shigemura H., Shojiya M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y., Kadono K. and Takahashi M.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B ACS Publications 102 ( 11 ) 1998.03
Thermal equilibrium of Ge-related defects in GeO2-SiO2 glass Reviewed
Takahashi M., Fujiwara T., Kawachi T. and Ikushima A. J.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 72 ( 11 ) 1998.03
Second-harmonic generation in UV-poled glass Reviewed
Fujiwara T., Takahashi M. and Ikushima A. J.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics The Japan Society of Applied Physics 37 ( 1 ) 1998.03
Defect formation in GeO2-SiO2 glass by UV-excited poling Reviewed
Takahashi M., Fujiwara T. and Ikushima A. J.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics The Japan Society of Applied Physics 37 ( 1 ) 1998.03
Optical absorption and multiphonon relaxation of Nd3+ ions in ZnCl2-based glass Reviewed
Shojiya M., Takahashi M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y. and Kadono K.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 72 ( 8 ) 1998.02
Optical transitions and frequency upconversion emission of Er3+ ions in Ga2S3-GeS2-La2S3 glasses Reviewed
Higuchi H., Takahashi M., Kawamoto Y., Kadono K., Ohtsuki T., Peyghanbarian N. and Kitamura N.
Journal of Applied Physics American Institute of Physics 83 ( 1 ) 1998.01
Optical transitions of Er3+ ions in ZnCl2-based glass Reviewed
Shojiya M., Takahashi M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y. and Kadono K.
Journal of Applied Physics American Institute of Physics 82 ( 12 ) 1997.12
Defect formation in GeO2-SiO2 glass by poling with ArF laser excitation Reviewed
Takahashi M., Kawachi T., Fujiwara T. and Ikushima A. J.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 71 ( 8 ) 1997.08
Second-harmonics generation in Germanosilicate glass poled with UV excitation Reviewed
Fujiwara T.,Takahashi M. and Ikushima A. J.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 71 ( 8 ) 1997.08
Fluorine coordination environments around cations in MFn-BaF2-EuF3 glasses (M=Zn, Al, Ga, In, Sc or Hf) Reviewed
Kawamoto Y., Kanno R., Kobayashi T. and Takahashi M.
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses Society of Glass Technology 38 ( 3 ) 1997.06
Decay behavior of second-order nonlinearity in GeO2-SiO2 glass poled with UV-irradiation Reviewed
Fujiwara T., Takahashi M. and Ikushima A. J.
Electronics Letters The Institution of Engineering and Technology 33 ( 11 ) 1997.05
Nonradiative decay processes and mechanisms of frequency upconversion of Er3+ in ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3 glass system Reviewed
Takahashi M., Shojiya M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y., Kadono K., Ohtsuki T. and Peyghambarian N.
Journal of Applied Physics American Institute of Physics 81 ( 7 ) 1997.04
Frequency upconversion of Er3+ in Ga2S3-GeS2-La2S3 glasses Reviewed
Kadono K., Takahashi M., Higuchi H., Shojiya M., Ohtsuki T., Kawamoto Y. and Peyghanbarian N.
Proceedings of SPIE SPIE 2996 1997
Evanescent-field amplification in Nd3+-doped fluoride planar waveguide Reviewed
Ohtsuki T., Honkanen S., Peyghambarian N., Takahashi M., Kawamoto Y., Tervonen A. and Kadono K.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 69 ( 14 ) 1996.09
Mössbauer and fluorescence spectroscopic study on the local environment around trivalent Europium ion in the Chlorofluoroziruconate glass system Reviewed
Takahashi M., Kanno R. and Kawamoto Y.
100 ( 26 ) 1996.06
ガラスのポーリング技術と光非線形性 Reviewed
藤原巧, 高橋雅英, 生嶋明
第18回光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集 社団法人 応用物理学会 1996
ハロゲン化物ガラス中の希土類イオンの光遷移特性 Reviewed
高橋雅英, 小路谷将範, 河本洋二
ニューガラス ニューガラスフォーラム 11 1996
Local structure around Zr4+ in ZrF4-BaF2-BaCl2-EuF3 glasses Reviewed
Takahashi M., Kanno R. and Kawamoto Y.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Institute of Physics 7 ( 40 ) 1995.10
Upconversion luminescence of Er3+ in CdX2 system glasses (X=Cl, Br, I) Reviewed
Shojiya M., Takahashi M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y. and Kadono K.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 67 ( 17 ) 1995.08
Molecular dynamics simulation of Eu3+-doped chlorofluoro-zirconate glasses Reviewed
Takahashi M., Yamamoto R., Kanno R. and Kawamoto Y.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Institute of Physics 7 ( 24 ) 1995.06
Spectroscopic studies of radiative transitions and upconversion characteristics of Er3+ ions in simple pseudoternaryfluoride glasses MFn-BaF2-YF3 (M: Zr, Hf, Al, Ga, Sc, In or Zn) Reviewed
Tanabe S., Takahara K., Takahashi M. and Kawamoto Y.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics Optical Society of America 12 ( 5 ) 1995.05
Upconversion luminescence of Ga2S3-based sulfide glasses containing Er3+ ions Reviewed
Kadono K., Higuchi H., Takahashi M., Kawamoto Y. and Tanaka H.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 184 1995.05
Upconversion luminescence of Er3+ in chloride glasses based on ZnCl2 or CdCl2 Reviewed
Shojiya M., Takahashi M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y. and Kadono K.
Applied Physics Letters American Institute of Physics 65 ( 15 ) 1994.10
Compositional dependence of Er3+ upconversion luminescence in MF-LiF-ZrF4 glasses (M: alkali metals) Reviewed
Takahashi M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y., Tanabe S. and Hirao K.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Elsevier 168 ( 41641 ) 1994.02
Compositional dependence of Er3+ upconversion luminescence of trivalent Erbium ions in fluorozirconate glasses, II. alkaline earth fluoride dependence Reviewed
Takahashi M., Kanno R., Kawamoto Y., Tanabe S. and Hirao K.
Materials Research Bulletin Elsevier 28 ( 6 ) 1993.06
Compositional dependence of Er3+ upconversion luminescence of trivalent Erbium ions in fluorozirconate glasses, III. anion substitution effect Reviewed
Kawamoto Y., Kanno R., Yokota R., Takahashi M., Tanabe S. and Hirao K.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry Elsevier 103 ( 2 ) 1993.04
高橋雅英、横尾俊信( Role: Joint author)
CMC出版 2005
横尾俊信,高橋雅英,徳田陽明,正井博和,新居田治樹( Role: Joint author)
CMC出版 2005
DNAと各種金属イオンとの特異的な相互作用で架橋されたハイドロゲル Invited International journal
深津 亜里紗, 髙橋 雅英
シーエムシー出版・バイオインダストリー 41 ( 2 ) 64 - 69 2024.02( ISSN:0910-6545 )
DNAと各種金属イオンとの特異的な相互作用で架橋されたハイドロゲル Invited International journal
深津 亜里紗, 髙橋 雅英
シーエムシー出版・バイオインダストリー 41 ( 2 ) 64 - 69 2024.02( ISSN:0910-6545 )
Oriented Films of Metal-Organic Frameworks on Metal Hydroxides via Heteroepitaxial Growth
Masahide Takahashi
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 94 ( 11 ) 2602 - 2612 2021( ISSN:0009-2673 ) ( eISSN:1348-0634 )
シロキサンを主成分とする複合酸化物高分子の合成と応用 Invited Domestic conference
NEDO有機ケイ素特別講座 2023.12
シロキサンを主成分とする複合酸化物高分子の合成と応用 Invited Domestic conference
NEDO有機ケイ素特別講座 2023.12
Responsive Supra-ceramics: mastering the mechanical instability at organic-inorganic interfaces Invited International conference
Masahide Takahashi
Supra-ceramics via Solution Processing 2023.12
Responsive Supra-ceramics: mastering the mechanical instability at organic-inorganic interfaces Invited International conference
Masahide Takahashi
Supra-ceramics via Solution Processing 2023.12
交互共重合型酸化物高分子の合成と応用 Invited Domestic conference
第42回 無機高分子研究討論会 2023.11
交互共重合型酸化物高分子の合成と応用 Invited Domestic conference
第42回 無機高分子研究討論会 2023.11
Fabrication and Application of Oriented Films of Metal-Organic Frameworks via Heteroepitaxial Approach Invited International conference
Masahide Takahashi
The 3rd International Symposium on Hollow Materials (ISHM2023) 2023.10
Fabrication and Application of Oriented Films of Metal-Organic Frameworks via Heteroepitaxial Approach Invited International conference
Masahide Takahashi
The 3rd International Symposium on Hollow Materials (ISHM2023) 2023.10
溶液プロセッシングによる機能材料の創出 Invited Domestic conference
錯体化学若手の会夏の学校2023 2023.08 錯体化学会
溶液プロセッシングによる機能材料の創出 Invited Domestic conference
錯体化学若手の会夏の学校2023 2023.08 錯体化学会
ゾルーゲル法による応答性有機-無機ハイブリッド材料の設計 Invited Domestic conference
日本ゾル-ゲル学会 第21回討論会 2023.07 日本ゾルーゲル学会
ゾルーゲル法による応答性有機-無機ハイブリッド材料の設計 Invited Domestic conference
日本ゾル-ゲル学会 第21回討論会 2023.07 日本ゾルーゲル学会
Success story: Joint PhD course for Chemistry between Osaka Prefecture University and University of Sassari Invited International conference
Masahide Takahashi
Roadshow of Italian Universities 2023.03
Success story: Joint PhD course for Chemistry between Osaka Prefecture University and University of Sassari Invited International conference
Masahide Takahashi
Roadshow of Italian Universities 2023.03
Can we design network structures of inorganic polymeric materials like organic synthesis? Invited Domestic conference
Masahide Takahashi
ISGS eSeminar 2023.02
Can we design network structures of inorganic polymeric materials like organic synthesis? Invited Domestic conference
Masahide Takahashi
ISGS eSeminar 2023.02
Controls of Structural dimensionality and Crystal morphology of Supra-ceramics
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) 2024
Supra-ceramics: Molecule-driven Frontier of Inorganic Materials
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) 2024
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
Recent Advances in Engineering
Environmental Ethics for Engineers
Environmental Ethics for Engineers
Engineering Ethics for Engineers
Environmental Ethics for Engineers
Environmental Ethics for Engineers
Engineering Ethics for Engineers
Selected Topics in Materials Physics
Career Design for Engineer
Advanced Nanomaterials Science
Materials Chemistry I
Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:3
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:7 Number of graduation thesis reviews:40
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):12 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):6 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):3
高校生のためのマテリアル科学 光を操るセラミックス
2012.04 - 2013.03
模擬授業 大阪府立泉陽高等学校「大学見学」
2012.04 - 2013.03
その他 工学域公開講座「高校生のためのマテリアルサイエンス入門」
2012.04 - 2013.03
高校生のためのマテリアル科学 光を操るセラミックス
2011.04 - 2012.03
高校生のためのマテリアル科学 光を操るセラミックス
2010.04 - 2011.03
高校生のためのマテリアル科学 光を操るセラミックス
2009.04 - 2010.03
Wiley journals
Role(s): Peer review
Wiley 2022.04 - Now
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - Now
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - Now
Manager within the university
Osaka Metropolitan University
学長補佐 2024.04
Job title within the department
School of Engineering
副学部長 2024.04
Manager within the university
Osaka Metropolitan University
学長特別補佐 2022.04 - 2024.03