School of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering

Updated on 2024/03/14
Graduate School of Engineering Division of Science and Engineering for Materials, Chemistry and Biology
Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering
Professor 2022.04 - Now
Doctor (Engineering) ( Others ) ( Osaka Prefecture University )
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Chemical reaction and process system engineering
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Catalyst and resource chemical process
Nanotechnology/Materials / Structural materials and functional materials
Catalyst and Chemical Process
Micro Chemical Process
Extraction, Rare Metal, Composite
Smart Carbon Materials
Adsorbent, Ion Exchange, Capacitor, Electrode
西日本支部支部長 日本海水学会
2021.06 - 2023.06
西日本支部副支部長 日本海水学会
2019.06 - 2021.06
府立生野高等学校スーパーサイエンスハイスクール運営指導委員会委員 大阪府教育委員会
2017.04 - 2023.03
Okayama University, Associate Professor
Okayama University
In-Line Measurement of Extraction Process by Slug Flow and Determination of Mass Transfer Parameters
Okamoto T.
Separations 10 ( 8 ) 2023.08
Research Related to Seawater in Western Japan
MUTO Akinori
Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 77 ( 1 ) 1 - 1 2023( ISSN:03694550 ) ( eISSN:21859213 )
Syzygium cumini seed biochar for fabrication of supercapacitor: Role of inorganic content/ash Reviewed International coauthorship
Shivam Rawat, Luo Jinlin, Anuradha A. Ambalkar, Srinivas Hotha, Akinori Muto , Thallada Bhaskar
Journal of Energy Storage 60 106598 2022.10
Generation of Controlled Liquid–Liquid Slug Flow by Interlocking Two Diaphragm Pumps Reviewed
Akinori Muto* , Hidetaka Abe Keita Kanki, Takashi Fukuda and Shin-ichiro Kawasaki
MDPI Separations 9 97 2022.04
Demulsification of Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Application of an Electric Field: Relationship between Droplet Size Distribution and Demulsification Efficiency Reviewed
Yuki MIzoguchi, Akinori Muto
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 雑誌 2019.11
Extraction And Separation of Cobalt And Lithium Ions Using a Slug Flow Microreactor Reviewed
Y. Hirayama, M. Hinoue, H. Tokumoto, A. Matsuoka, K. Noishiki, Akinori Muto
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 雑誌 51 ( 3 ) 2018.03
Consideration of heat treatment for preparation for a capacitor electrode from cellulose
hengkang Wei, Hayato Tokumoto, Akinori Muto
Joint Symposium of Asia Five University 2017.11
Slug flow extraction and separation of nickel and cobalt with D2EHPA Reviewed
Mikiya Hinoue, Hayato Tokumoto, Akira Matsuoka, Koji Noshiki, Akinori Muto
The 21st International Solvent Extraction Conference 雑誌 2017.11
Effects of organic solvent and ionic strength on continuous demulsification using an alternating electric field Reviewed
Akinori Muto, Yuichi Hiraguchi, Koichiro Kinugawa, Tomoyuki Matsumoto, Yuki Mizoguchi, Hayato Tokumoto
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 雑誌 506 2016.12
Continuous Flow Demulsification of a Water-in-Toluene Emulsion by an Alternating Electric Field Reviewed
Akinori Muto, Tomoyuki Matsumoto, Hayato Tokumoto
Separation and Purification Technology 雑誌 156 ( 2 ) 2015.11
Preparation and Capacitive Performance of Mesoporous Carbon with Short Time CO2 Activation
A. Muto, K. Itano, S. Wada, S. Ohtani, H. Tokumoto, S. Suga
Electrochemistry 82 (12), 1067-1071 雑誌 82 ( 12 ) 2014.12
Development of cesium ion extraction process using a slug flow microreactor Reviewed
Tamagawa, Osamu; Muto, Akinori
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 雑誌 167 ( 2-3 ) 700 - 704 2011.03
1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium塩のキャパシタ電解液への応用と炭素電極中への紐孔内での挙動 Reviewed
溶融塩および高温化学 雑誌 52 ( 3 ) 2009.10
磁性および光触媒機能を有する炭素多孔体による有機物の除去 Reviewed
武藤明徳, 大山展央
粉体および粉末冶金, 雑誌 56 ( 7 ) 2009.07
Realizing Spiral Laminar Flow Interfaces with Improved Micro Rotary Reactor Reviewed
H.Furusawa, K.Suzumori, T.Kanda, A.Muto, Y.Sakata
J. Robotics and Mechatronics 雑誌 21 ( 2 ) 2009.04
Realizing Spiral Laminar Flow Interfaces with Improved Micro Rotary Reactor Reviewed
H.Furusawa, K.Suzumori, T.Kanda, A.Muto, Y.Sakata
J. Robotics and Mechatronics 雑誌 21 ( 2 ) 2009.04
Novel Highly Active FSM-16 Supported Molybdenum Catalyst for Hydrotreatment Reviewed
S. Garg, T. Bhaskar, K. Soni, G. M. Kumaran, A. Muto, Y. Sakata, G. M. Dhar
Chemical Communications 雑誌 ( 42 ) 2008.11
Hydrothermal Upgrading of Wood Biomass: Influence of the Addition of K2CO3 and Cellulose/Lignin Ratio Reviewed
T. Bhaskar, A. Sera, A. Muto, Y. Sakata
Fuel 雑誌 87 ( 10-11 ) 2008.08
しょう油かすメタン発酵残さから製造した炭化物の工場排液脱色への適用 Reviewed
相賀国保, 外山富孝, 武藤明徳, 阪田祐作
粉体および粉末冶金, 雑誌 55 ( 1 ) 2008.01
リン酸チタン-炭素系複合材料による水中のメチレンブルーの除去分解 Reviewed
武藤明徳, 上原修, T.Bhaskar, 阪田祐作, 平井隆之
粉体および粉末冶金, 雑誌 55 ( 1 ) 51 - 54 2008.01
Improvement of Specific Capacitance with Addition of Surfactants to an Aqueous Electrolyte Reviewed
A.Muto, Y.Sasada, T.Bhaskar, Y.Sakata
Electrochemistry 雑誌 75 ( 8 ) 2007.08
螺旋状層流界面形成マイクロロータリーリアクタの開発 Reviewed
古澤宏明, 鈴森康一, 神田岳文, 阪田祐作, 武藤明徳
電気学会論文誌E 雑誌 127 ( 2 ) 2007.02
キレート樹脂からのルテニウム-多孔性炭素複合材の開発とキャパシタ電極への応用 Reviewed
武藤明徳, 田路勇樹, T.Bhaskar, 阪田 祐作
粉体および粉末冶金, 雑誌 53 ( 12 ) 2006.12
触媒粒子攪拌機構によるマイクロリアクタ内化学反応促進 Reviewed
鈴森康一, 永田卓志, 神田岳文, 阪田祐作, 武藤明徳
電気学会論文誌E 雑誌 125 ( 12 ) 2005.12
Activated Carbon Monoliths from Phenol Resin Cotton Fiber for Methane Storage Reviewed
A.. Muto, T.Bhaskar, S.Tsuneishi, Y. Sakata, H. Ogasa
Energy & Fuels 雑誌 19 ( 1 ) 2005.01
Preparation, Characterization of Nanocrystalline CeO2-ZrO2 Catalysts by Dry Method: Effect of Oxidizing Conditions Reviewed
A. Muto, T. Bhaskar, Y. Kaneshiro, Y. Sakata, Y. Kusano, K. Murakami
Applied Catalysis A, General 雑誌 275 ( 1-2 ) 2004.11
フェノール樹脂粉末及び籾殻粉末からの加圧炭化法による分子ふるい性炭素板膜(PCMP)の調製 Reviewed
武藤明徳, 埴岡亜紀, T.Bhaskar, 井上清隆, 阪田祐作
粉体および粉末冶金, 雑誌 51 ( 10 ) 2004.10
母体構造の異なる合成樹脂を炭素前駆体としたキャパシタ用電極の開発 Reviewed
有馬淳一, 武藤明徳, T.Bhaskar, 阪田祐作
粉体および粉末冶金, 雑誌 51 ( 3 ) 2004.08
Crystalline Control of Bincho Charcoal by Using Catalytic Graphitization and Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Characteristics of Derived Carbon Reviewed
Y.Uchida, M. .Nakanishi, T. .Fuji, I, J. Takada, A. .Muto, Y. .Sakata, Y. .Kusano, K. .Kikuchi
Trans. Materials Res. Soc. Japan 雑誌 29 ( 4 ) 2004.05
Preparation of Novel TiP2O7 Carbon Composite Using Ion Exchange Resin (C467) and Evaluation for Photocatalytic Decomposition of 2-Propanol Reviewed
A.Muto, K. U.Ida, T. .Baskar, M> .A.. Uddin, S.Takashima, T .Hirai, Y. .Sakata
Applied Catalysis A: General 雑誌 260 ( 2 ) 2004.04
セトラーを備えた合流型微小チャンネルマイクロリアクタにおける銅イオンの抽出特性 Reviewed
武藤明徳, 丸田麻里子, T.Bhaskar, 阪田祐作
化学工学論文集 雑誌 30 ( 2 ) 2004.04
加圧炭化法により調製した多孔質炭素とそのメタン吸蔵能 Reviewed
武藤明徳, 恒石伸一郎, 二嶋悟, M. .A. .Uddin, 小笠博司, 阪田祐作
J. Japan Institute Energy 雑誌 83 ( 3 ) 2004.03
収率を考慮したキャパシタ電極用炭素電極の最適調製条件の探索 Reviewed
武藤明徳, 有馬淳一, T. Bhaskar, ]阪田祐作
炭素(TANSO) 雑誌 210 2003.10
Utilization of Waste Biomass and Replacement of Stoichiometric Reagent for the Synthesis of Nanocrystalline CeO2, ZrO2 and CeO2-ZrO2 Reviewed
A. Muto, T .Bhaska, Y. Kaneshiro, M. A.. Uddin, Y. Sakata, Y. .Kusano, K. .Murakami
Green Chemistry 雑誌 5 ( 4 ) 2003.08
Esterification of Alkene with Cerium(IV) Sulfate in Carboxylic Acid Reviewed
C.A. Horiuchi, T .Fukishima, N. .Furuta, W> .Chai, S .J .Ji, Y. Saito, C . Hashimoto, T. Takahashi, T .Sugiyama, A. Muto, Y. .Sakata, S .Nozaki
J. Chem. Research-S 雑誌 ( 5 ) 2003.05
樹種の異なるおがくずを原料とするキャパシタ電極用銅高分散-炭素多孔材の調製と静電容量の関係 Reviewed
N. Yamada, A .Muto, M. .A. .Uddin, Y. Sakata
Electrochemistry 雑誌 69 ( 6 ) 2001.06
Elastic Behavior of Metal Compounds/Microporous Carbon Composite Reviewed
T. Iwamoto, A. Muto, M. A. Uddin, Y. Sakata, J. Takada, Y.Kusano
Trans. Materials Res. Soc. Japan 雑誌 25 ( 4 ) 2000.12
Vapor Phase Catalytic Hydrodechlorination of Chlorobenzene over Ni-Carbon Composite Catalysts Reviewed
N. Lingaiah, M. A. Uddin, A. Muto, T. Iwamoto, Y. Sakata, Y. Kusano
J. Molecular Catalysis A 雑誌 161 ( 1-2 ) 2000.11
Preparation of Ultra Fine Compounds Highly Dispersed in the Porous Carbon Matrix from Ion Exchanged Resin Reviewed
H. Suga, A. Muto, M. A. Uddin, Y. Sakata, J. Takada, Y. Kusano
Trans. Materials Res. Soc. Japan 雑誌 25 ( 1 ) 2000.04
Preparation of a Carbon Electrode for an Electric Double Layer Capacitor(EDLC) from Carbonization of a Metal Ion Exchanged Resin Reviewed
Y. Sakata, A. Muto, M. A. Uddin, N. Yamada, C. Marumo, S. Ibaraki, K. Kojima
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 雑誌 3 ( 1 ) 2000.01
Selective Dechorination of Chloro Alkanes over Iron-Oxide Catalysts Reviewed
N. Lingaiah, M. A. Uddin, Y. Shiraga, H. Tanikawa, A. Muto, Y. Sakata, T. Imai
Chemistry Letters 雑誌 28 ( 12 ) 1999.12
Preparation of Porous Membrane Plates for Pervaporation Applications Reviewed
Y. Sakata, A. Muto, M. A. Uddin, H. Suga
Separation and Purification Technology 雑誌 17 ( 2 ) 1999.10
Hydrodechlorination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons over Metal-Carbon Composite Catalysts Prepared by Modified Carbothermal Reduction Method Reviewed
N. Lingaiah, M. A. Uddin, A. Muto, Y. Sakata
Chemical Communication 雑誌 17 1999.09
Carbon-Supported Well-Dispersed Cu-ZnO Catalysts Prepared from Sawdust Impregnated with [Cu(N03)2, Zn(N03)2] Solution: Catalytic Activity in CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol Reviewed
Y. Sakata, M. A. Uddin, A. Muto, M. Imaoka
Microporous Materials 雑誌 9 ( 3-4 ) 1999.04
竹とおがくずからの均一メソ細孔性炭素・金属鉄複合体の製造 Reviewed
阪田祐作, 谷原学, 武藤明徳, M. A. Uddin
Bamboo J. 雑誌 16 1999.03
Adsorption Equilibria of Soluble Silica into an OH-Type Strong Anion Exchange Resin from a Dilute Solution Reviewed
T. Kataoka, A. Muto, T. Nishiki
Chem. Eng. Res. Des.. 雑誌 72 ( 6 ) 1999.01
イオン交換樹脂からの超微粒子金属化合物高分散炭素多孔質複合材料の調製 -硬度及び磁気特性- Reviewed
阪田祐作, 武藤明徳, M. A. Uddin, 谷原学, 張野和正, 高田潤, 草野圭弘
粉体および粉末冶金 雑誌 45 ( 9 ) 1998.09
Mass Transfer Characterization in Forward and Back Extractions of Lysozyme by AOT-Isootctane Reverse Micelles across a Flat Liquid-Liquid Interface Reviewed
T. Kataoka, T. Nishiki, I. Sato, A. Muto
Biochemical Engineering J. 雑誌 1 ( 2 ) 1998.03
A Practicable Process for Phenol Removal with Liquid Surfactant Membrane Permeation Column Reviewed
T. Kataoka, T. Nishiki, K. Osaki, A. Muto
Separation Science and Technology 雑誌 32 ( 8 ) 1997.07
逆ミセル抽出法におけるリゾチームの逆抽出に対する各種アルコールの添加効果 Reviewed
西機忠昭, 武藤明徳, 片岡健
化学工学論文集 雑誌 23 ( 2 ) 1997.04
Modified Carbothermal Reduction for the Synthesis of Ultra Fine Particle Tungsten Compounds Dispersed in a Microporous Carbon Matrix Reviewed
Y. Sakata, A. Muto, M. A. Uddin, K. Harino
J. Materials Chemistry 雑誌 6 ( 7 ) 1996.07
Back Extraction of Proteins from Reversed Micellar to Aqueous Phase: Partitioning Behavior and Enrichment Reviewed
T. Nishiki, T. Kataoka, A. Muto, D. Kato
Chem. Eng. J. 雑誌 59 ( 3 ) 1995.11
逆ミセル抽出法におけるリゾチームの逆抽出に及ぼす温度およびイソプロパノ-ル添加の効果 Reviewed
西機忠昭, 武藤明徳, 片岡健
化学工学論文集 雑誌 21 ( 5 ) 1995.10
Permeation of Lanthanum through Supported Liquid Membranes Reviewed
T. Nishiki, T. Kataoka, A. Muto, D. Kato
Separation Science and Technology 雑誌 30 ( 4 ) 1995.04
Mass Transfer of Dilute Soluble Silica in a Fixed Bed of an OH- Type Strong Anion Exchange Resin Reviewed
T. Kataoka, A. Muto, M. Kayajima, T. Nishiki
Chem. Eng. Res. Des.. 雑誌 73 ( 1 ) 1995.01
Mass Transfer Mechanism of Deionization by Mixed Bed Reviewed
T. Kataoka, A. Muto, T. Nishiki
J. Chem. Eng. Japan 雑誌 27 ( 6 ) 1994.12
Experimental Investigation of the Mass Transfer Model for a Deionization Process by Mixed Strong Cation and Anion Exchange Resins Reviewed
T. Kataoka, A. Muto, T. Nishiki
J. Chem. Eng. Japan 雑誌 27 ( 6 ) 1994.12
N-ベンジル-4-ビニルピリジニウム樹脂によるアルキルベンゼンスルホン酸イオンの吸着及び溶離平衡 Reviewed
片岡健, 武藤明徳, 西機忠昭, 川端成彬
日本イオン交換学会誌 雑誌 5 ( 2 ) 1994.09
ジチオール基を有するキレート樹脂への高温水中の希薄な溶存砒素の吸着平衡 Reviewed
片岡健, 武藤明徳, 西機忠昭, 江川博明
日本イオン交換学会誌 雑誌 5 ( 2 ) 1994.09
Theoretical Analysis of Mass Transfer of Deionization by Cation and Anion Mixed-Ion Exchange Resins -A Batch Wise Contact - Reviewed
T. Kataoka, A. Muto, T. Nishiki
J. Chem. Eng. Japan 雑誌 27 ( 3 ) 1994.06
Equilibrium Characteristics of Ion Exchange between an OH-Type Strong Anion Exchange Resin and Dilute Cl- Solution Reviewed
T. Kataoka, A. Muto, T. Nishiki
J. Chem. Eng. Japan 雑誌 27 ( 3 ) 1994.06
Deionization Equilibria between Mixed Cation and Anion Exchange Resins and a Dilute NaCl Solution Reviewed
T. Kataoka, A. Muto, T. Nishiki
J. Chem. Eng. Japan 雑誌 26 ( 6 ) 1993.12
Cathodic Cleavage of Some Aryl Phenacyl Sulfides Reviewed
A. Kunugi, A. Muto, T. Hirai
Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 雑誌 58 ( 4 ) 1985.04
直接および間接電解還元法によるβ-ヒドロキシスルホキシドの脱硫 Reviewed
椚章, 武藤明徳, 平井竹次
日本化学会誌 雑誌 ( 11 ) 1984.11
α-(p-トリススルフィニル)アセトフェノンの電解還元的脱硫反応 Reviewed
椚章, 国枝紀夫, 平井竹次
電気化学および工業物理化学 雑誌 51 ( 1 ) 1983.01
Porous Hollow Biomass-Based Carbon Nanostructures for High-Performance Supercapacitors
Rawat S.
Green Energy and Technology 2023 ( ISSN:18653529 )
( Role: Joint author)
セルロース由来活性炭の収率向上とEDLC特性への含窒素有機系難燃剤の影響 Domestic conference
Yiliya Aishan、齊藤丈靖、武藤 明徳
化学工学会福井大会2023 2023.12 化学工学会関西支部
Development of Electrode Material for Electric Double Layer Capacitors Made from Camellia Oil-squeezed Lees International conference
Akinori Muto and Mayuka Tsutsumi
ICAC2023 (7th International Conference on Advanced Capacitors) 2023.09
Preparation Conditions' Impact on Melamine Pyrolysis and EDLC Electrodes International conference
Yiliya Aishan, Takeyasu Saito, and Akinori Muto
ICAC2023 (7th International Conference on Advanced Capacitors) 2023.09
スラグ流抽出におけるスラグ長さが物質移動速度におよぼす影響 Domestic conference
小川 徹、渡邉 奨己、福田 貴史、川﨑 慎一朗、石坂 孝之、武藤 明徳
化学工学会第88年会 2023.03 化学工学会
エマルジョンが発生しない迅速液液抽出装置の開発 Domestic conference
イノベーション・ジャパン2022~大学見本市 2022.10 JST
エマルジョンが発生しない液液抽出方法 Invited Domestic conference
第206回TMC(テクノメイトコープ)技術研修会 2022.09 NPO法人テクノメイトコープ
スラグ流における導電率を用いた総括物質移動容量係数の測定 Domestic conference
岡本 貴道, 武藤 明徳
化学工学会第53回秋季大会 2022.09 化学工学会
Application of Melamine Pyrolysis Intermediate Products to EDLC Electrode Materials Domestic conference
Yiliya Aishan, Akinori Muto
Preparation and Capacitor Properties of Cellulose-Derived Mesoporous Activated Carbon Using Nitrogen-Containing Organic Sulfate Domestic conference
Chen Qi, Akinori Muto
Separation and recovery of vanadium ions by slug flow Domestic conference
Masaki Hirayama, Akinori Mutoh
Separate Technologies Conference Annual Meeting 2021 2021.11
Preparation of mesoporous materials from cellulose -Effect of addition of melamine sulfate Domestic conference
Chen Qi, A. Muto
SCEJ 52th Autumn Meeting (2021) 2021.09
Measurement of concentration and slug length by conductivity in slug flow extraction Domestic conference
T. Okamoto, A. Muto
SCEJ 86th Annual Meeting (2021) 2021.03
Effects of linear flow velocity and slug length on extraction rate in slug flow extraction Domestic conference
T. Ogawa, A. Muto
SCEJ 86th Annual Meeting (2021) 2021.03
Generation of liquid-liquid slug flow by two interconnected pumps Domestic conference
H. Abe, A. Muto
SCEJ 86th Annual Meeting (2021) 2021.03
メラミン熱分解中間生成物の調製条件がEDLC 特性に及ぼす影響 Domestic conference
Yiliya Aishan,齊藤丈靖,武藤明徳
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.03 電気化学会
セルロースを原料とするキャパシタ電極の調製条件がイオンの移動におよぼす影響 Domestic conference
化学工学会第83年会 2018.03
スラグ流を利用した溶媒抽出によるCo, Ni, Li相互分離プロセス Domestic conference
化学工学会第83年会 2018.03
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
Physical Chemistry II B
Selected Topics in Separation Science and Engineering
Advanced Separation Science and Engineering
Diffusional Separation Engineering II
Number of graduate students presentations:2
Number of graduate students presentations:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):2
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):2
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):2
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:2 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):5 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):0
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):2 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):2
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):2
懐風館高等セミナー 身近で役立つ炭素材料 ー活性炭の不思議ー
2021.04 - 2022.03
Category:Modern system science (knowledge information system, environmental system, educational welfare, psychology), Science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, biochemistry), Engineering (machinery, electronics / physics, electrical / electronics, electrical information, chemical biotechnology, architecture, cities (civil engineering / environment), material chemistry, aerospace, marine systems, applied chemistry, chemistry, materials)
Category:Modern system science (knowledge information system, environmental system, educational welfare, psychology), Science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, biochemistry), Engineering (machinery, electronics / physics, electrical / electronics, electrical information, chemical biotechnology, architecture, cities (civil engineering / environment), material chemistry, aerospace, marine systems, applied chemistry, chemistry, materials)
International Students :2