School of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry

Updated on 2024/03/22
Graduate School of Engineering Division of Science and Engineering for Materials, Chemistry and Biology
Associate Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry
Associate Professor 2022.04 - Now
博士(工学) ( Others )
Nanotechnology/Materials / Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Catalyst and resource chemical process
2005.03 - Now
2014.04 - Now
2014.04 - Now
2010.04 - Now
2008.04 - Now
2009.10 - Now Domestic
2008.05 - Now
2008.04 - Now Domestic
2004.07 - Now Domestic
2004.06 - Now Domestic
2003.04 - Now Domestic
代議員 日本化学会近畿支部
2022.10 - Now
論文誌編集委員 石油学会
2022.04 - Now
オブザーバー H2Osakaビジョン推進会議
2022.04 - Now
Secretary Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis (OKCAT2022)
2022.04 - 2023.03
オブザーバー 堺市水素エネルギー社会推進協議会
2021.04 - 2022.03
Treasurer The 12th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC-2022)
2020.09 - 2022.08
討論会委員 触媒学会
2020.04 - 2023.05
Treasurer 18th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis (18JKSC)
2020.04 - 2021.11
Treasurer 1st Japan-China Symposium on Catalysis (1stJCSC)
2020.04 - 2021.10
西日本支部 企画委員長 触媒学会
2017.05 - 2019.05
企画・教育委員会 委員 触媒学会
2017.05 - 2019.05
代議員 触媒学会
2016.05 - 2023.05
広報委員会 委員 触媒学会
2016.05 - 2018.05
若手会委員 触媒学会
2010.05 - 2015.05
2019.08 大阪府立大学
2018.08 大阪府立大学
2018.05 公益社団法人石油学会
2018.03 一般社団法人触媒学会
亀川 孝
2013.05 スマートプロセス学会
2012.09 社団法人日本金属学会
Young Scientist Award (15th International Congress on Catalysis )
2012.07 International Association of Catalysis Society
第2回 GSC Student Travel Grant Awards
2007.03 Green & Sustainable Chemistry Network, Japan (JCII)
2003.03 大阪府立大学
Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School, Division of Engineering The second semester of doctoral program Graduated/Completed
2005.04 - 2008.03
Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School, Division of Engineering The first semester of doctoral program Graduated/Completed
2003.04 - 2005.03
Osaka Prefecture University Faculty of Engineering Bachelor's Course Graduated/Completed
1999.04 - 2003.03
Design and application of photocatalysts using porous materials Reviewed
Priyanka Verma, Yoshifumi Kondo, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Robert Raja, and Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering 雑誌 63 ( 2 ) 165 - 233 2021.08
Synthesis of Flower-Like Structured Calcium Silicide and Its Application in the Preparation of Palladium- Loaded Catalyst Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Shoki Kawakami, Misumi Okamoto, and Ryoichi Katsumi
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 雑誌 The Chemical Society of Japan 94 ( 8 ) 2089 - 2091 2021.08
Heterogeneous Fenton Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Water Enhanced by Combining Iron-type Layered Double Hydroxide and Sulfate Reviewed
Kojiro Fuku, Honami Kanai, Masanobu Todoroki, Nanako Mishima, Taisei Akagi, Takashi Kamegawa, and Naoki Ikenaga
Chem Asian J. 雑誌 16 ( 14 ) 1887 - 1892 2021.07
Enhanced Catalysis of Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles by a Combination of Macro-/Mesoporous Nanostructured Silica Support Reviewed
Yukari Yamazaki, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Kohsuke Mori, Takashi Kamegawa, and Hiromi Yamashita
J. Phys. Chem. C 雑誌 125 ( 6 ) 9150 - 9157 2021.05
Metamagnetic Behavior in a Quadruple Perovskite Oxide Reviewed
Yuichi Okazaki, Yuta Kato, Yuta Kizawa, Seiji Oda, Kai Uemura, Takuya Nishio, Fuminari Fujii, Shintaro Fujinari, Masaya Kinoshita, Takao Odake, Hayato Togano, Takashi Kamegawa, Shogo Kawaguchi, Hajime Yamamoto, Hidekazu Ikeno, Shunsuke Yagi, Kouhei Wada, Kyo-Hoon Ahn, Atsushi Hariki, and Ikuya Yamada
Inorganic Chemistry 雑誌 60 ( 10 ) 7023 - 7030 2021.05
Design of Advanced Functional Materials Using Nanoporous Single-Site Photocatalysts Reviewed
K. Mori, X. Qian, Y. Kuwahara, Y. Horiuchi, T. Kamegawa, Y. Zhao, C. Louis, H. Yamashita
Chem. Rec. 雑誌 20 660 - 671 2020.07
TiO2 superstructures with oriented nanospaces: a strategy for efficient and selective photocatalysis Reviewed
Yuta Murakami, Takashi Kamegawa, Yasuhiro Kobori, and Takashi Tachikawa
Nanoscale 雑誌 12 2020.02
Photoelectrochemical properties of copper oxide (CuO) influenced by work functions of conductive electrodes Reviewed
Ryouhei Tomita, Zhengyu Pu, Takashi Kamegawa, Masakazu Anpo, Shinya Higashimoto
Research on Chemical Intermediates 雑誌 45 ( 12 ) 5947 - 5958 2019.12
環境に調和する機能集積型光触媒材料の創成 Reviewed
亀川 孝, 桒原泰隆, 山下弘巳
化学工学 (化学工学誌) 雑誌 83 ( 11 ) 677 - 679 2019.11
Binary ionic liquid electrolytes for copper indium sulfide quantum dot sensitized-TiO2 solar cell to achieve long-term durability Reviewed
NaotoKaminade, Masahiro Muraoka, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Kamegawa, Mari Yamamoto, Masanari Takahashi, Shinya Higashimoto
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 雑誌 ( 851 ) 2019.10
Photocatalytic properties of TiO2-loaded porous silica with hierarchical macroporous and mesoporous architectures in the degradation of gaseous organic molecules Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Yasushi Ishiguro, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Today, 2019, 332, 222-226 雑誌 2019
Development of Nanostructured Titania-based Photocatalysts and their Applications Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 2019, 97-105 雑誌 2019
Single-site and nano-confined photocatalysts designed in porous materials for environmental uses and solar fuels Reviewed
Hiromi Yamashita, Kohsuke Mori, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takashi Kamegawa, Meicheng Wen, Priyanka Verma, and Michel Che
Chemical Society Reviews, 2018, 47, 8072-8096 雑誌 2018
ナノ構造を制御したチタニア系光触媒の開発と応用 Reviewed
亀川 孝
ペトロテック, 2018, 41(11), 865-870 雑誌 2018
Malachite Green Derivatives for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Optoelectronic Characterizations and Persistence on TiO2 Reviewed
Jean-Baptiste Harlé, Shuhei Arata, Shinya Mine, Takashi Kamegawa, Van Tay Nguyen, Takeshi Maeda, Hiroyuki Nakazumi, and Hideki Fujiwara
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2018, 91, 52. 雑誌 2018
Visible-light-enhanced catalytic activity of Ru nanoparticles over carbon modified g-C3N4 Reviewed
Miriam Navlani-García, Priyanka Verma, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2018, 358, 327. 雑誌 2018
Multifunctional surface designed by nanocomposite coating of polytetrafluoroethylene and TiO2 photocatalyst: self-cleaning and superhydrophobicity Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Koichi Irikawa, and Hiromi Yamashita
Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 13628. 雑誌 2017
Deep Blue Asymmetrical Streptocyanine Dyes: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterizations, and Ion-Specific Cooperative Adsorption at the Surface of TiO2 Anatase Nanoparticles Reviewed
Jean-Baptiste Harlé, Shinya Mine, Takashi Kamegawa, Van Tay Nguyen, Takeshi Maeda, Hiroyuki Nakazumi, and Hideki Fujiwara
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121, 15049. 雑誌 2017
Design of TiO2-loaded Porous Siliceous Materials and Application in the Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Yasutaka Kuwahara, and Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 2016, 59, 165. 雑誌 2016
Cu-Ti アモルファス合金からの多孔質Cu の調製と アンモニアボラン分解反応への応用 Reviewed
野崎 安衣, Somchuen Kittima, 谷原 康友, 桑原 泰隆, 大道 徹太郎, 亀川 孝, 森 浩亮, 山下 弘巳
日本金属学会誌, 2016, 80(6), 365. 雑誌 2016
Design of Visible Light Sensitive Heterogeneous Photocatalyst by Utilization of Sulfocalixarene as a Linker of Zinc Porphyrin and Pt-TiO2 Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Hiroki Imai, and Hiromi Yamashita
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2016, 89, 743. 雑誌 2016
Spherical TiO2/Mesoporous SiO2 Core/Shell Type Photocatalyst for Water Purification Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Yasushi Ishiguro, Yasuhiro Magatani, and Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016, 16, 9273. 2016
Unique Surface Properties of Nanocomposite Thin Film Photocatalysts of TiO2 and Polytetrafluoroethylene Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Koichi Irikawa, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry Letters, 2015, 44, 509-511 雑誌 2015
Synthesis of highly visible light active TiO2-2-naphthol surface complex and its application in photocatalytic chromium(VI) reduction Reviewed
Peramaiah Karthik, Ramalingam Vinoth, Sundaram Ganesh Babu, Meicheng Wen, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita, Bernaurdshaw Neppolian
RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 39752–39759 雑誌 2015
Complete Hydrogen Release from Aqueous Ammonia-borane over Platinum-Loaded Titanium Dioxide Photocatalyst Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Takayuki Nakaue
Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 16802. 雑誌 2015
Active skeletal Ni catalysts prepared from Ni-Zr amorphous alloys by oxygen treatment Reviewed
Ai Nozaki, Yasutomo Tanihara, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 504, 559. 雑誌 2015
Efficient Hydrogen Generation from Ammonia borane on Skeletal Cu Catalysts Prepared from Cu-Ti Amorphous Alloys Reviewed
Ai Nozaki, Somchuen Kittima, Yasutomo Tanihara, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Materials Transactions, 2015, 56, 485-489 雑誌 2015
Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2-loaded Porous Silica with Hierarchical Macroporous and Mesoporous Architectures in Water Purification Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Yasushi Ishiguro, Hiroki Seto, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 2323-2330 雑誌 2015
Hydroxylation of Phenol on Iron-containing Mesoporous Silica with Hierarchical Macroporous Architecture Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Takahiro Ando, Yasushi Ishiguro, Hiromi Yamashita
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2015, 88, 572-574 雑誌 2015
Hydrophobic modification of SO3H-functionalized mesoporous silicaand investigations on the enhanced catalytic performance
Takashi Kamegawa, Atsushi Mizuno, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Today, 2015, 243, 153-157 雑誌 2015
Design of Composite Photocatalyst of TiO2 and Y-Zeolite for Degradation of 2-Propanol in the Gas Phase under UV and Visible Light Irradiation Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Yasushi Ishiguro, Ryota Kido, Hiromi Yamashita
Molecules, 2014, 19, 16477-16488 雑誌 2014
Construction of an organoruthenium complex (-[biphRuCp]PF6-) within a biphenylene-bridged inorganic-organic hybrid mesoporous material, and its catalytic activity in the selective hydrosilylation of 1-hexyne Reviewed
Masakazu Saito, Tetsuji Watanabe, Takashi Kamegawa, Yu Horiuchi, Masaya Matsuoka
Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2014, 40, 105-113 雑誌 2014
Enhanced activity and selectivity in the one-pot hydroxylation of phenol by Pd/SiO2@Fe-containing mesoporous silica core-shell catalyst Reviewed
Shohei Ikurumi, Shusuke Okada, Kazuki Nakatsuka, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 575-581 雑誌 2014
Surfactant-free nonaqueous synthesis of plasmonic molybdenum oxide nanosheets with enhanced catalytic activity for hydrogen generation from ammonia borane under visible light Reviewed
Hefeng Cheng, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53, 2910-2914 雑誌 2014
Design and Functionalization of Photocatalytic Systems within Mesoporous Silica Reviewed
Xufang Qian, Kojirou Fuku, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
ChemSusChem, 2014, 7, 1528-1536 雑誌 2014
Reactivity of Ni−Carbon Nanofibers/Mesocellular Silica Composite Catalyst for Phenylacetylene Hydrogenation Reviewed
Waleeporn Donphai, Takashi Kamegawa, Metta Chareonpanich, Hiromi Yamashita
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 10105−10111 雑誌 2014
Hydrophobic modification of Pd/SiO2@Single-site mesoporous silicas by triethoxyfluorosilane: Enhanced catalytic activity and selectivity for one-pot oxidation Reviewed
Kazuki Nakatsuka, Kohsuke Mori, Shusuke Okada, Shohei Ikurumi, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014, 20, 8348–8354 雑誌 2014
Amine-functionalized MIL-101(Cr) with imbedded platinum nanoparticles as a durable photocatalyst Reviewed
Meicheng Wen, Kohsuke Mori, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 11645-11647 雑誌 2014
Photocatalytic performance of TiO2-zeolite templated carbon composite in organic contamination degradation Reviewed
Waleeporn Donphai, Takashi Kamegawa, Metta Chareonpanich,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 25004-25007 雑誌 2014
Design of TiO2-zeolite composites with enhanced photocatalytic performances under irradiation of UV and visible light Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Ryota Kido, Daiki Yamahana, Hiromi Yamashita
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 165, 142-147 雑誌 2013
ナノ空間を利用したシングルサイト光触媒の設計と応用 Reviewed
亀川 孝, 森 浩亮, 山下弘巳
Electrochemistry (電気化学および工業物理化学), 2013, 81, 98-102 雑誌 2013
ナノ構造を制御した触媒・光触媒材料の開発 Reviewed
亀川 孝
まてりあ, 2013, 5, 229-232 雑誌 2013
エネルギーキャリアーから低温で水素を取り出すナノ構造制御金属触媒 Reviewed
森 浩亮, 野崎安衣, 亀川 孝, 山下弘巳
スマートプロセス学会誌, 2013, 2(6), 229-303 雑誌 2013
Efficient Degradation of CO and Acetaldehyde using Nano-sized Pt Catalysts Supported on CeO2 and CeO2/ZSM-5 Composite Reviewed
Kojirou Fuku, Masahiko Goto, Toru Sakano, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Today, 2013, 201, 57-61 雑誌 2013
FT-IR Study of the Reaction Mechanisms for Photocatalytic Reduction of NO with CO Promoted by Various Single-site Photocatalysts
Takashi Toyao, Jun Morishima, Masakazu Saito, Yu Horiuchi, Takashi Kamegawa, Gianmario Martra, Salvatore Coluccia, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 299, 232-239 雑誌 2013
Effect of Pore Sizes on Catalytic Activities of Arenetricarbonyl Metal Complexes Constructed within Zr-based MOFs Reviewed
Masakazu Saito, Takashi Toyao, Kozo Ueda, Takashi Kamegawa, Yu Horiuchi, Masaya Matsuoka
Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 9444-9447 雑誌 2013
The Synthesis of Size- and Color-Controlled Silver Nanoparticles by Using Microwave Heating and their Enhanced Catalytic Activity by Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Reviewed
Kojirou Fuku, Ryunosuke Hayashi, Shuhei Takakura, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 7446-7450 雑誌 2013
Activity, Recyclability, and Stability of Lipases Immobilized on Oil-Filled Spherical Silica Nanoparticles with Different Silica Shell Structures Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takato Yamanishi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
ChemCatChem, 2013, 5, 2527-2536 雑誌 2013
Active Skeletal Ni Catalysts Prepared from an Amorphous Ni-Zr Alloy in the Pre-Crystallization State Reviewed
Ai Nozaki, Takashi Kamegawa, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Hiromi Yamashita
ChemPhysChem, 2013, 14, 2534-2538 雑誌 2013
Preparation of Skeletal Cu Catalysts by Thermal and Chemical Treatments of Cu-Ti Amorphous Alloys and their Enhanced Catalytic Activities Reviewed
Ai Nozaki, Takashi Kamegawa, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Hiromi Yamashita
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2013, 86, 1002-1004 雑誌 2013
Calcium phosphate coatings incorporated in mesoporous TiO2/SBA-15 by a facile inner-pore sol-gel process toward enhanced adsorption-photocatalysis performances Reviewed
Xufang Qian, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hexing Li, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 19544-19551 雑誌 2013
Preparation of aluminum-containing mesoporous silica with hierarchical macroporous architecture and its enhanced catalytic activities Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Shota Tanaka, Hiroki Seto, Dayang Zhou, Hiromi Yamashita
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15, 13323-13328 雑誌 2013
A Visible-Light-Harvesting Assembly with a Sulfocalixarene Linker between Dyes and a Pt-TiO2 Photocatalyst Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Sachiyo Matsuura, Hiroki Seto, Hiromi Yamashita
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 916-919 雑誌 2013
Preparation of Single-site Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica with a Nanotube Architecture and its Enhanced Catalytic Activities Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Daiki Yamahana, Hiroki Seto, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 891-897 著書 2013
Characterization of phenylene-bridged hybrid mesoporous materials incorporating arenetricarbonyl complexes (-C6H4Me(CO)3-; Me = Cr, Mo) and their catalytic activities Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Masakazu Saito, Takahiro Sakai, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Catalysis Today, 2012, 181, 14-19 雑誌 2012
シングルサイト光触媒の設計と応用 Reviewed
亀川 孝, 山下弘巳
ケミカルエンジニヤリング, 2012, 57(9), 44-48 雑誌 2012
TiO2 Photocatalyst for Degradation of Organic Compounds in Water and Air Supported on Highly Hydrophobic FAU Zeolite: Structural, Sorptive, and Photocatalytic Studies Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Junya Aoyama, Keisuke Miyakubo, Taro Eguchi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 285, 223-234 雑誌 2012
Lipase-embedded Silica Nanoparticles with Oil-filled Core-Shell Structure: Stable and Recyclable Platforms for Biocatalysts Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takato Yamanishi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Michel Che, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 2882-2884 雑誌 2012
Highly Dispersed Pt Nanoparticles on TiO2 Prepared Using the Microwave (Mw)-Assisted Deposition Method: An Efficient Photocatalyst for the Formations of H2O and N2O from Aqueous NH3O Reviewed
Kojiro Fuku, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2012, 7, 1366-1371 雑誌 2012
An Electroless Deposition Technique for the Synthesis of Highly Active and Nano-sized Pd Particles on Silica Nanosphere Reviewed
Shusuke Okada, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Today, 2012, 185, 109-112 雑誌 2012
Structural Design of Pd/SiO2@Ti-Containing Mesoporous Silica Core-Shell Catalyst for Efficient One-Pot Oxidation Using in Situ Produced H2O2 Reviewed
Shusuke Okada, Shohei Ikurumi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 14360-14367 雑誌 2012
Preparation of Size-controlled Copper-nanoparticle-supported Catalyst Using Rapid and Uniform Heating under Microwave Irradiation Reviewed
Kojirou Fuku, Shuhei Takakura, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry Letters, 2012, 41, 614-616 雑誌 2012
Dramatic Enhancement of CO2 Uptake by Poly(ethyleneimine) Using Zirconosilicate Supports Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Dun-Yen Kang, John R. Copeland, Nicholas A. Brunelli, Stephanie A. Didas, Praveen Bollini, Carsten Sievers, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita, Christopher W. Jones
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 10757-10760 雑誌 2012
Waste-Slag Hydrocalumite and Derivatives as Heterogeneous Base Catalysts Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Keita Tsuji, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
ChemSusChem, 2012, 5, 1523-1532 雑誌 2012
Enhanced Hydrogenation Activity of Nano-sized Pd–Ni Bimetal Particles on Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica Prepared by a Photo-assisted Deposition Method Reviewed
Kojirou Fuku, Toru Sakano, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 16243-16247 雑誌 2012
Transesterifications Using a Hydrocalumite Synthesized from Waste Slag: an Economical and Ecological Route for Biofuel Production Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Keita Tsuji, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2012, 2, 1842-1851 雑誌 2012
Hydrogenation of Phenol Using Silica-Supported Pd and PdAu Catalysts in the Presence of H2 and O2 Reviewed
Shusuke Okada, Kensei Fujiwara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2012, 85, 1057-1059 雑誌 2012
Enhanced CO2 Adsorption over Polymeric Amines Supported on Heteroatom-Incorporated SBA-15 Silica: Impact of Heteroatom Type and Loading on Sorbent Structure and Adsorption Performance
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Dun-Yen Kang, John R. Copeland, Praveen Bollini, Carsten Sievers, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita, Christopher W. Jones
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012, 18, 16649-16664 雑誌 2012
Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Photocatalytic Self-Cleaning Properties by Nanocomposite Coating of TiO2 and Polytetrafluoroethylene Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Yuki Shimizu, Hiromi Yamashita
Advanced Materials, 2012, 24, 3697-3700 雑誌 2012
Preparation of Hydroxynaphthalene-Modified TiO2 via Formation of Surface Complexes and their Applications in the Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitrobenzene under Visible-Light Irradiation Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Hiroki Seto, Sachiyo Matsuura, Hiromi Yamashita
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 6635-6639 雑誌 2012
Synthesis of structured macroporous TiO2 thin films and investigation on their photocatalytic activities Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Norihiko Suzuki, Hiromi Yamashita
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2011, 18, 172002 雑誌 2011
Design of Superhydrophilic Surfaces on Metallic Substrates by the Fabrication of Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Film Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Haruhisa Ura, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010, 387, 95-99 雑誌 2011
Low-temperature Synthesis of Highly Hydrophilic Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Films on Polymer Substrates by Photocatalytic Removal of Structure-directing Agents Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Haruhisa Ura, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 236-241 雑誌 2011
Design of Superhydrophobic Surface on the Ti-Containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Film by the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube over Co-Mo Nanocatalyst Deposited under Microwave Irradiation Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Yuki Shimizu, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13, 6309-6314 雑誌 2011
Synthesis of Pd-supported Nanosized Mesoporous Silica as a Spherical Nanocatalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reaction Reviewed
Shusuke Okada, Takuma Urata, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry Letters, 2011, 40, 609-611 雑誌 2011
Synthesis of SiO2-TiO2 Fibers with Photocatalytic Activity by TiCl4 Vapor Curing on Melt-spun Silicone Resin Fiber Reviewed
Masaki Narisawa, Yayoi Satoh, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2011, 119, 544-547 雑誌 2011
An Efficient Method for the Creation of a Superhydrophobic Surface: Ethylene Polymerization over Self-assembled Colloidal Silica Nanoparticles Incorporating Single-site Cr-oxide Catalysts Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Kensei Fujiwara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 8543-8546 雑誌 2011
Active Site Design in a Core-shell Nanostructured Catalyst for One-pot Oxidation Reaction Reviewed
Shusuke Okada, Kohsuke Mori, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011, 17, 9047-9051 雑誌 2011
Controlled Synthesis and Surface Hydrophilic Properties of Ti-Containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Using Various Structure-Directing Agents Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Haruhisa Ura, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 15410-15415 雑誌 2011
Enhanced Catalytic Activity on Titanosilicate Molecular Sieves by the Assist of Cation-π Interaction Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Kazuto Nishizawa, Takahito Nakajima, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 12462-12465 雑誌 2011
ナノ構造制御した二酸化チタン光触媒による水浄化 Reviewed
亀川 孝, 福 康二郎, 山下弘巳
未来材料, 2011, 11(12), 24-29 雑誌 2011
Highly-Efficient Thermal Decomposition of Volatile Organic Compound by Pt/CeO2/ZSM-5 Reviewed
Kojirou Fuku, Masahiko Goto, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2011, 84, 979-981 雑誌 2011
Enhancement in Adsorption Property and Catalytic Activity of Enzymes Immobilized on Phosphorus and Calcium Modified MCM-41 Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takato Yamanishi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011, 115, 10335-10345 雑誌 2011
Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of Single-site Ti-Containing Hierarchical Macroporous Silica with Mesoporous Frameworks Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Norihiko Suzuki, Hiromi Yamashita
Langmuir, 2011, 27, 2873-2879 雑誌 2011
Design of single-site Ti embedded highly hydrophilic silica thin films with macro-mesoporous structures Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Yuki Masuda, Norihiko Suzuki, Yu Horiuchi, Hiromi Yamashita
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2011, 12, 4561-4565 雑誌 2011
Preparation of hydrophobically modified single-site Ti-containing mesoporous silica (TiSBA-15) and their enhanced catalytic performances Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Norihiko Suzuki, Keita Tsuji, Joji Sonoda, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Today, 2011, 175, 393-397 雑誌 2011
Preparation of inorganic-organic hybrid mesoporous material incorporating organoruthenium complexes (-[C6H4RuCp]PF6-) and its application as a heterogeneous catalyst
Takashi Kamegawa, Masakazu Saito, Tetsuji Watanabe, Kazuhiro Uchihara, Motoki Kondo, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 12228-12231 雑誌 2011
Document Design of macroporous TiO2 thin film photocatalysts with enhanced photofunctional properties Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Norihiko Suzuki, Hiromi Yamashita
Energy and Environmental Science, 2011, 4, 1411-1416 雑誌 2011
Preparation of Cr-Ti binary oxide anchored mesoporous silica by CVD method and their photocatalytic activities Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Takehiro Shudo, Hiromi Yamashita
Topics in Catalysis, 2010, 53, 555-559 雑誌 2010
Incorporation of Arene-M(CO)3 (M = Cr, Mo, W) Complexes within Phenylene- and Biphenylene- Bridged Hybrid Mesoporous Materials Reviewed
Masaya Matsuoka, Takashi Kamegawa, Tae-Ho Kim, Takahiro Sakai, Masakazu Anpo
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2010, 10, 314-318 雑誌 2010
Coating of Transparent Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Films on Quarts and Aluminum Alloy Substrates for Fabrication of Highly Hydrophillic Surfaces Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Haruhisa Ura, Hye-jin Yoo, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Norikazu Nishiyama, Hiromi Yamashita
ISIJ International, 2010, 50, 255-258 雑誌 2010
Synthesis of Nano-sized Platinum Metal Paricles on Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica Using Microwave-assisted Deposition Method Reviewed
Sayoko Shironita, Tomoya Takasaki, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Topics in Catalysis, 2010, 52, 218-223 雑誌 2010
Design of New Functional Titanium Oxide-Based Photocatalysts for Degradation of Organics Diluted in Water and Air Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Current Organic Chemistry, 2010, 14, 616-629 雑誌 2010
Photocatalytic Activity of Visible Light-responsive TiO2 Thin Films Deposited on Various Anodized Ti-metal Substrates by a RF Magnetron Sputtering Method Reviewed
Tae-Ho Kim, Masaya Matsuoka, Masaaki Kitano, Takashi Kamegawa, Yoshihisa Itoh, Masato Takeuchi, Masakazu Anpo
Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2010, 36, 319-326 雑誌 2010
Hydrophobic Modification of Ti-containing Zeolite (TS-1) and Their Applications in Liquid-phase Selective Catalytic Reactions Reviewed
Joji Sonoda, Takashi Kamegawa, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2010, 83, 592-594 雑誌 2010
A Novel Conversion Process for Waste Slag: Synthesis of Hydrotalcite-like Compound and Zeolite from Blast Furnace Slag and Evaluation of Adsorption Capacities Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 5052-5062 雑誌 2010
Synthesis of SiOC Base Fibers from Silicone Resin with Low Carbon Content and Control of Surface Functionality by Metal Chloride Treatment in Vapor Reviewed
Masaki Narisawa, Yayoi Satoh, Ryuichi Sumimoto, Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita
Materials Science Forum, 2010, 658, 400-403 雑誌 2010
Preparation of Highly Active Platinum Nanoparticles on ZSM-5 Zeolite Including Cerium and Titanium Dioxides as Photo-Assisted Deposition Sites Reviewed
Sayoko Shironita, Masahiko Goto, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Today, 2010, 153, 189-192 雑誌 2010
高活性・長寿命な超薄膜MFIゼオライト触媒 Reviewed
亀川 孝
化学, 2010, 65(6), 62-63 雑誌 2010
Graphene coating of TiO2 nanoparticles loaded on mesoporous silica for enhancement of activity photocatalytic Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Daiki Yamahana, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 15049-15053 雑誌 2010
Hydrothermal synthesis of visible light sensitive vanadium doped TiO2 photocatalysts and their applications for the degradation of isobutanol diluted in water Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Kazuaki Sugimura, Keiichi Maki, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009, 165, 012038 雑誌 2009
Hydrophobic Modification of a Mesoporous Silica Surface Using a Fluorine-containing Silylation Agent and Its Application as an Advantageous Host Material for the TiO2 Photocatalyst Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Keiichi Maki, Yasuyuki Matsumura, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 1552-1559 雑誌 2009
Simple Design of Hydrophobic Zeolite Material by Modification Using TEFS and Its Application as a Support of TiO2 Photocatalyst Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Keiichi Maki, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Topics in Catalysis, 2009, 52, 193-196 雑誌 2009
Preparation of W-containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Films and Their Surface Hydrophilic Properties Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Norikazu Nishiyama, Hiromi Yamashita
e-Journal of Surface and Nanotechnology, 2009, 7, 141-144 雑誌 2009
Application of Microwave-assisted Deposition for the Synthesis of Noble Metal Particles on Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica Reviewed
Sayoko Shironita, Tomoya Takasaki, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Catalysis Letters, 2009, 129, 404-407 雑誌 2009
Fabrication of Hydrophobic Zeolites Using Triethoxyfluorosilane and Their Application for Photocatalytic Degradation of Acetaldehyde Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Yasuyuki Matsumura, Hiromi Yamashita
Topics in Catalysis, 2009, 52, 643-648 雑誌 2009
Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite-Zeolite Composite Material from Disposed Steel Slag and Investigation of Its Structural and Physicochemical Characteristics Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry Letters, 2009, 38, 626-627 雑誌 2009
Size-controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles on the Ti-containing Mesoporous Silica Thin Film and Photoluminescence Enhancement of Rhodamine 6G Dyes by the Surface Plasmon Resonance Reviewed
Yu Horiuchi, Makoto Shimada, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 6745-6749 雑誌 2009
Application of microwave to the synthesis of nanosized metal and alloy catalysts on titanium dioxide supports Reviewed
Sayoko Shironita, Tomoya Takasaki, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009, 165, 012039 雑誌 2009
A Novel Synthetic Route to Hydroxyapatite–zeolite Composite Material from Steel Slag: Investigation of Synthesis Mechanism and Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Tetsutaro Ohmichi, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Material Chemistry, 2009, 19, 7263-7272 雑誌 2009
生物を模倣した界面材料の開発 Reviewed
亀川 孝
触媒, 2009, 51, 368 雑誌 2009
Preferential oxidation of CO impurities in the presence of H2 on NiO-loaded and unloaded TiO2 photocatalysts at 293 K Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Tae-Ho Kim, Jun Morishima, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Catalysis Letters, 2009, 129, 7-11 雑誌 2009
Preparation of thin macroporous TiO2 films using PMMA microspheres and their photoinduced hydrophilicities Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Norihiko Suzuki, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemistry Letters, 2009, 38, 610-611 雑誌 2009
Degradation of isobutanol diluted in water over visible light sensitive vanadium doped TiO2 photocatalyst Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Joji Sonoda, Kazuaki Sugimura, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 486, 685-688 雑誌 2009
Photocatalytic selective oxidation of CO with O2 in the presence of H2 over highly dispersed chromium oxide on silica under visible or solar light irradiation Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2008, 34, 427-434 雑誌 2008
Photocatalytic Decomposition of Lactic Acid in Water on Photoelectrochemical Circuit System Consisting of Rod-Type TiO2 Electrode and Silicon Solar Cell Reviewed
Masaya Matsuoka, Takashi Kamegawa, Eddy Diana Rakhmawaty, Masaaki Kitano, Kiyoshi Wada, Masakazu Anpo
Topics in Catalysis, 2008, 47, 162-165 雑誌 2008
Fabrication of Hydrophobic Zeolites Using Triethoxyfluorosilane and Their Application as Supports for TiO2 Photocatalysts Reviewed
Yasutaka Kuwahara, Takashi Kamegawa, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita
Chemical Communications, 2008, 4783-4785 雑誌 2008
Eliminating traces of carbon monoxide photocatalytically from hydrogen with a single-site, non-noble metal catalyst Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Jun Morishima, Masaya Matsuoka, John Meurig Thomas , Masakazu Anpo
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111, 1076-1078 雑誌 2007
Characterization of Mo/SiO2 and Mo/Al2O3 and their Photocatalytic Reactivity for Selective Oxidation of CO with O2 in the Presence of H2 Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Rumi Takeuchi, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Advances in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing Journal (ATM), 2007, 9, 29-34 雑誌 2007
In-situ Characterization of the Highly Dispersed Mo6+-Oxide Species Supported onto Various Oxides and Their Photocatalytic Reactivities Reviewed
Masaya Matsuoka, Takashi Kamegawa, Rumi Takeuchi, Masakazu Anpo
Catalysis Today, 2007, 122, 39-45 雑誌 2007
Photocatalytic Preferential Oxidation of CO with O2 in the Presence of H2 (photo-PROX) on Mo-MCM-41 at 293 K
Masaya Matsuoka, Takashi Kamegawa, Masakazu Anpo
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2007, 165, 725-728 雑誌 2007
Photocatalytic Oxidation of CO with Various Oxidants by Mo Oxide Species Highly Dispersed on SiO2 at 293 K Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Rumi Takeuchi, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Catalysis Today, 2006, 111, 248-253 雑誌 2006
シリカに担持したMo酸化物シングルサイト光触媒を用いたH2中の不純物COの選択酸化除去反応 Reviewed
松岡雅也, 亀川 孝, 武内留美, 安保正一
マテリアルインテグレーション, 2006, 19, 57-62 雑誌 2006
Preparation and Characterization of Unique Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Mesoporous Materials Incorporating Arenetricarbonyl Complexes [-C6H4M(CO)3-] (M = Cr, Mo) Reviewed
Takashi Kamegawa, Takahiro Sakai, Masaya Matsuoka, Masakazu Anpo
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 16784-16785 雑誌 2005
触媒総合辞典 「12-5 酸化チタン光触媒の応用2 界面光機能材料], pp. 488-489
亀川 孝( Role: Contributor)
朝倉書店 2023.01
固体表面キャラクタリゼーション 機能性材料・ナノマテリアルのためのスペクトロスコピー 「第12章 組成分析」, pp. 162-175
亀川孝( Role: Contributor)
講談社 2022
RSC Smart Materials No. 21, Self-Cleaning Coatings: Structure, Fabrication and Application (Edited by J. He), 「Chapter 4: Superhydrophilic and Superhydrophobic Thin Film Type of Photocatalysts with Self-cleaning Properties」 p. 86-p. 104
Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita( Role: Joint author)
The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
Nanostructured Photocatalysts: Advanced Functional Materials (Edited by H. Yamashita, H. Li) 「ch. 13. Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2-loaded Porous Silica with Hierarchical Macroporous and Mesoporous Architectures」, pp. 229-240
Springer 2016.02
超撥水・超撥油・滑液性表面の技術 「第2章8節 超撥水性表面を形成する材料と表面処理技術 二酸化チタンとポリテトラフルオロエチレンを用いた自浄作用を有する超撥水性薄膜の形成」, p. 97-p. 104
亀川 孝, 山下 弘巳( Role: Joint author)
サイエンス&テクノロジー(株) 2016
Nanostructured Photocatalysts: Advanced Functional Materials (Edited by H. Yamashita and H. Li), 「Chapter 13: Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2-loaded Porous Silica with Hierarchical Macroporous and Mesoporous Architectures」 p. 229-p. 240
Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2016
New and Future Developments in Catalysis: Solar Photocatalysis (Edited by Steven L Suib), 「Chapter 4 Solar Energy Conversion Using Single-site Photocatalyst」 p. 103-p. 119
Takashi Kamegawa, Hiromi Yamashita( Role: Joint author)
Elsevier B.V. 2013
抗菌・抗ウイルス材料の開発・評価と加工技術, 「第16節 ナノ多孔体を用いたシングルサイト光触媒の設計と反応特性」, p. 90-p. 95
亀川 孝, 山下 弘巳( Role: Joint author)
技術情報協会 2013
触媒調製ハンドブック, 「5.2.7 マクロ細孔構造を有する二酸化チタン薄膜の合成」, p. 468-p. 469
亀川 孝, 山下弘巳( Role: Joint author)
株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2011
触媒調製ハンドブック, 5.3.6 シングルサイト光触媒(Ti-ゼオライト・メソ多孔体), p. 484-p. 485
亀川 孝, 森 浩亮, 山下弘巳( Role: Joint author)
株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2011
化学マスター講座 触媒化学, 「5・9 光触媒化学」, p. 185-p. 190
亀川 孝, 山下 弘巳( Role: Joint author)
丸善株式会社 2011
山下弘巳, 杉村博之, 町田正人, 森口 勇, 田邉秀二, 成澤雅紀, 斎藤丈靖, 古南 博, 森 浩亮, 亀川 孝( Role: Joint author)
朝倉書店 2010
Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis (Edited by G. Ertl, H. Knözinger, F. Schüth, J. Weitkamp), 「 Photoluminescence Spectroscopy and Its Application for the Characterization of Active Sites and Reaction Dynamics in Catalysis」, p. 1065-p. 1073
Masaya Matsuoka, Takashi Kamegawa, Masakazu Anpo( Role: Joint author)
Wiley-VCH 2008
SPring-8の高輝度放射光を利用した先端触媒開発, 「燃料電池用H2中の不純物COを高選択的に酸化除去するMo/SiO2光触媒のXAFS解析」, p. 402- p. 409
亀川 孝, 松岡雅也, 安保正一( Role: Joint author)
株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2008
亀川 孝, 山下弘巳, 森 浩亮, 清水佑樹, 山端大樹, 高光泰之
山下弘巳, 森 浩亮, 亀川 孝, 堀内 悠, 浦 治久
山下弘巳, 福 康二郎, 森 浩亮, 亀川 孝
山下弘巳, 岡田周祐, 森 浩亮, 亀川 孝
山下弘巳, 桑原泰隆, 森 浩亮, 亀川 孝, 松倉実
山下弘巳, 桑原泰隆, 森 浩亮, 亀川 孝, 大道徹太郎
山下弘巳, 桑原泰隆, 亀川 孝, 森 浩亮
松岡雅也, 飯屋谷和志, 福本章平, 亀川 孝, 竹内雅人, 安保正一
武内留美, 亀川 孝, 松岡雅也, 安保正一
亀川 孝, 道志 智, 松岡雅也, 安保正一
Design of novel solid catalysts for efficient carbon dioxide conversion to value-added compounds at low temperatures and analysis of reaction mechanisms
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2026
Design of novel solid catalysts for efficient carbon dioxide conversion to value-added compounds at low temperatures and analysis of reaction mechanisms
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2025
Design of novel solid catalysts for efficient carbon dioxide conversion to value-added compounds at low temperatures and analysis of reaction mechanisms
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2024
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) 2024
挑戦的研究(開拓) 2024
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2022 Practical Training Graduate school
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2022 Practical Training Undergraduate
2022 Practical Training Undergraduate
2022 Practical Training Graduate school
物質化学生命系特別研究 (応用化学分野)
2022 Practical Training Graduate school
物質化学生命系特別演習第2 (応用化学分野)
2022 Practical Training Graduate school
2022 Weekly class Graduate school
2022 Weekly class Graduate school
2022 Practical Training Undergraduate
2022 Practical Training Undergraduate
2022 Practical Training Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2022 Practical Training Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
Laboratory Exercises for Applied Chemistry II
2021 Practical Training
Laboratory Exercises for Applied Chemistry V
2021 Practical Training
Laboratory Exercises for Applied Chemistry III
2021 Practical Training
First Year Seminar
Laboratory Exercises for Applied Chemistry IV
2021 Practical Training
2021 Practical Training
2021 Practical Training Undergraduate
その他 NanoSquareカフェ(第18回)
2017.04 - 2018.03