2025/03/04 更新


ハバ ナオユキ
波場 直之
大学院理学研究科 物理学専攻 教授
理学部 物理学科
素粒子の標準模型(Standard Model)は、O(100) GeV 以下のほぼ 全ての高エネルギー物理現象を無矛盾に記述する非常に成功した模型です。しかしながら、 (a): 『質量の起源は何か?』、 (b): 『電弱相転移がどのようにして起きたのか?』 は依然として謎のままであり、Higgs 場の起源と密接に関係していると思われます。 また、 (c): 『何故、クォーク・レプトンには、量子数が同じで質量だけが異なる3回のコピーの繰り返し (世代) が存在するのか?』は、世代の謎と呼ばれ、今のところ何の手がかりもなく、 クォーク・レプトンの世代構造の起源の解明が切望されています。 他にも、 (d): 『何故、ニュートリノの質量は、他のクォーク・レプトンに比べて遥かに小さいのか?』 (e): 『何故、陽子と電子の電荷の絶対値が21桁以上の精度で等しいのか?』 (f): 『パリティの破れの起源は何か?』 (g): 『何故、我々の時空は4次元なのか?』 等、様々な未解決の謎があります。これら(a)-(g)の謎は、Standard Modelの背後に、 より根本的な物理 (Beyond the Standard Model(BSM)) が存在することを示唆するとともに、BSM を探る重要なカギでもあります。私は、これまで、主に、「超対称性理論 (SUSY)」、「余剰次元理論」、「大統一理論 (GUT)」、「新しく開発した模型」を用いて、BSM の探求をおこなってきました。しかし、もしかすると、BSM は、全く未知の理論かもしれないし、上記の複数の謎は想像を超えた形で関係しあっているのかもしれません。そうした可能性も常に念頭に置き、新しい理論の定式化や新しい実験の提案等も含めて、多角的で革新的なアプローチで、上記 (a)-(g) の解明に挑戦しています。


  • 大学院理学研究科 物理学専攻 

    教授  2022年04月 - 継続中

  • 理学部 物理学科 

    教授  2022年04月 - 継続中


  • 博士(理学) ( 名古屋大学 )

  • 理学(修士) ( 名古屋大学 )


  • 自然科学一般 / 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理に関する理論


  • SUSY

  • Majorana CP

  • Higgs

  • gauge-Higgs unification

  • flavor structure of quarks and leptons

  • extra dimensional theory

  • 標準模型を超える新しい物理の探求


  • 素粒子の標準模型(Standard Model)は、O(100) GeV 以下のほぼ 全ての高エネルギー物理現象を無矛盾に記述する非常に成功した模型です。しかしながら、
    (a): 『質量の起源は何か?』、
    (b): 『電弱相転移がどのようにして起きたのか?』
    は依然として謎のままであり、Higgs 場の起源と密接に関係していると思われます。
    (c): 『何故、クォーク・レプトンには、量子数が同じで質量だけが異なる3回のコピーの繰り返し (世代) が存在するのか?』は、世代の謎と呼ばれ、今のところ何の手がかりもなく、 クォーク・レプトンの世代構造の起源の解明が切望されています。 他にも、
    (d): 『何故、ニュートリノの質量は、他のクォーク・レプトンに比べて遥かに小さいのか?』
    (e): 『何故、陽子と電子の電荷の絶対値が21桁以上の精度で等しいのか?』
    (f): 『パリティの破れの起源は何か?』
    (g): 『何故、我々の時空は4次元なのか?』
    等、様々な未解決の謎があります。これら(a)-(g)の謎は、Standard Modelの背後に、 より根本的な物理 (Beyond the Standard Model(BSM)) が存在することを示唆するとともに、BSM を探る重要なカギでもあります。私は、これまで、主に、「超対称性理論 (SUSY)」、「余剰次元理論」、「大統一理論 (GUT)」、「新しく開発した模型」を用いて、BSM の探求をおこなってきました。しかし、もしかすると、BSM は、全く未知の理論かもしれないし、上記の複数の謎は想像を超えた形で関係しあっているのかもしれません。そうした可能性も常に念頭に置き、新しい理論の定式化や新しい実験の提案等も含めて、多角的で革新的なアプローチで、上記 (a)-(g) の解明に挑戦しています。


  • 日本物理教育学会

  • 日本物理学会


  • 素粒子論領域 代表   日本物理学会  

    2016年04月 - 2017年03月 

  • 素粒子論領域副代表   日本物理学会  

    2015年04月 - 2016年03月 


  • 島根大学   大学院自然科学研究科   教授

    2013年06月 - 2022年03月

  • 北海道大学   大学院理学研究院   教授

    2012年04月 - 2013年05月

  • 大阪大学   大学院理学研究科   准教授

    2006年10月 - 2012年04月

  • 徳島大学   総合科学部   助教授

    2004年04月 - 2006年09月

  • 三重大学   工学部物理工学科   助手

    1997年04月 - 2004年03月


  • Nonthermal Baryogenesis from Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Flat Direction 査読

    Haba, Naoyuki and Shimizu, Yasuhiro and Tanabe, Yoshihiro and Yamada, Toshifumi

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2024   2024年10月



    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptae156

  • Indirect Detection for Higgs Portal Majorana Fermionic Dark Matter 査読

    Haba, Naoyuki and Ikemoto, Junpei and Yasuhiro, Shimizu and Yamada, Toshifumi

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2024 ( 10 )   2024年10月



    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptae148

  • Proton Decay and Gauge Coupling Unification in an Extended SU(5) GUT with 45D Higgs 査読

    Haba, Naoyuki and Nagano, Keisuke and Shimizu, Yasuhiro and Yamada, Toshifumi

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2024 ( 10 )   2024年10月



    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptae149

  • Confronting Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Flat Direction Inflation with Planck/BICEP Data 査読

    Haba, Naoyuki and Shimizu, Yasuhiro and Tanabe, Yoshihiro

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2024 ( 9 )   2024年09月



    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptae134

  • Non-thermal baryogenesis from MSSM flat direction

    Haba, Naoyuki and Shimizu, Yasuhiro and Tanabe, Yoshihiro and Yamada, Toshifumi

    e-Print: 2408.00228 [hep-ph]   2024   2024年07月



    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptae156

  • Gauge Coupling Unification and Proton Decay via 45 Higgs Boson in SU(5) GUT 査読

    Haba, Naoyuki and Nagano, Keisuke and Shimizu, Yasuhiro and Yamada, Toshifumi

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2024 ( 5 )   2024年05月



    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptae066

  • Vacuum stability and conditions for Q-ball formation in the Type II Seesaw model 査読

    Haba, Naoyuki and Shimizu, Yasuhiro and Yamada, Toshifumi

    International Journal of Modern Physics A   39 ( 11-12 )   2024年04月( ISSN:0217751X



    DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X24500507

  • Gauge coupling unification and proton decay via 45 Higgs boson in SU(5) GUT 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Keisuke Nagano, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Toshifumi Yamada

    PTEP   PTEP   2024年02月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ptep/ptae066

  • Neutrino mass in nonsupersymmetric SO(10) GUT 査読

    N. Haba, Y. Shimizu, and T. Yamada

    Phys.Rev.D   108 ( 9 )   095005_1 - 095005_12   2023年11月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.095005

    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000899

  • Higgs Portal Majorana Fermionic Dark Matter with the Freeze-in Mechanism 査読

    N. Haba, J. Ikemoto, Y. Shimizu, T. Yamada

    Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys.   2023 ( 8 )   083B04-1 - 083B04-8   2023年07月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000897

  • Higgs portal majorana fermionic dark matter with the freeze-in mechanism

    Junpei Ikemoto, Naoyuki Haba, Shimizu Yasuhiro, Toshifumi Yamada

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2023 ( 8 )   2023年07月( eISSN:2050-3911




    We consider a minimal model of fermionic dark matter (DM), in which the Majorana fermion DM χ couples with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs field H through a higher-dimensional term $-{\cal L}\supset H^\dagger H \bar{\chi }\chi /\Lambda$, where Λ is the cutoff scale. We assume that Λ is sufficiently large that DM particles are not in thermal equilibrium with the SM particles throughout the history of the universe. Hence, DM particles are produced only by the freeze-in mechanism. Through a numerical analysis of the freeze-in mechanism, we show contour plots of the DM relic abundance for various values of the DM mass, reheating temperature, and the cutoff scale. We obtain an upper bound of the DM mass and cutoff scale from contour plots on the (mχ, Λ)-plane. We also consider direct DM detection for the parameter regions where the DM relic abundance is consistent with the experimental values. We find that the spin-independent cross section for the elastic scattering with a nucleon is below the current experimental upper bound.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptad081

    その他URL: https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article-pdf/2023/8/083B04/51109421/ptad081.pdf

  • Vacuum stability and Q-ball formation in the Type II Seesaw model

    N. Haba, Y. Shimizu, T. Yamada

    e-Print: 2305.06592 [hep-ph]   2023年05月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

  • Conditions for suppressing dimension-five proton decay in renormalizable SUSY SO(10) GUT

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamada

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2023 ( 2 )   2023年02月( eISSN:1029-8479




    The SUSY SO(10) GUT is in severe tension with the experimental bounds on proton partial lifetimes because proton decay mediated by colored Higgsinos (dimension-five proton decay) is too rapid. In this paper, we pursue the possibility that a texture of the Yukawa coupling matrices in a renormalizable SUSY SO(10) GUT model suppresses dimension-five proton decay. We focus on a general renormalizable SUSY SO(10) GUT model which contains 10 + 126 + $$ \overline{\textbf{126 } } $$ + 120 representation fields and where the Yukawa coupling matrices of the 16 matter fields with the 10, $$ \overline{\textbf{126 } } $$, 120 fields, Y<sub>10</sub>, Y<sub>126</sub>, Y<sub>120</sub>, provide the quark and lepton Yukawa couplings and Majorana mass of the singlet neutrinos. We find that if components in certain flavor bases, $$ {\left({Y}_{10}\right)}_{u_R{d}_R} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{126}\right)}_{u_R{d}_R} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{10}\right)}_{u_R{s}_R} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{126}\right)}_{u_R{s}_R} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{10}\right)}_{u_L{d}_L} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{126}\right)}_{u_L{d}_L} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{10}\right)}_{u_L{s}_L} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{126}\right)}_{u_L{s}_L} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{10}\right)}_{u_L{u}_L} $$, $$ {\left({Y}_{126}\right)}_{u_L{u}_L} $$, are all on the order of the up quark Yukawa coupling, dimension-five proton decay can be suppressed while the Yukawa coupling matrices still reproduce the realistic quark and lepton masses and flavor mixings. We numerically obtain specific Yukawa coupling matrices satisfying the above conditions, calculate proton partial lifetimes from them and evaluate how dimension-five proton decay is suppressed when these conditions are met.

    DOI: 10.1007/jhep02(2023)148

    その他URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/JHEP02(2023)148/fulltext.html

  • Conditions for Suppressing Dimension-five Proton Decay in Renormalizable SUSY S O ( 10 ) SO(10) GUT 査読

    N. Haba, T. Yamada

    JHEP   02 ( (2023) )   148-1 - 148-28   2023年02月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000082

  • Neutrino mass square ratio and neutrinoless double beta decay in random neutrino mass matrices 査読

    2023 ( 2 )   023B07-1 - 023B07-10   2023年01月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ptep/ptad010

    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000084

  • Neutrino mass square ratio and neutrinoless double-beta decay in random neutrino mass matrices

    Naoyuki Haba, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Toshifumi Yamada

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2023 ( 2 )   2023年01月( eISSN:2050-3911




    We study neutrino mass anarchy in the Dirac neutrino, seesaw, and double-seesaw models. Assuming the anarchy hypothesis, the mass matrices are random and distributed in accordance with the Gaussian measure. We focus on the distributions of the mass square ratio of the light neutrinos and examine which of these models shows a peak in the probability distribution around the experimental value. We show that the peak position depends on the number of random matrix products. We find that the light neutrino mass hierarchy becomes larger as the number of random matrix products is increased and the seesaw model with the random Dirac and Majorana mass matrices is the most likely to realize the current experimental data. We also investigate the distributions of the effective Majorana mass for neutrinoless double-beta decay. We find that the effective Majorana mass is smaller than the experimental upper bound and tends to be smaller as the number of random matrix products increases because the light neutrino masses become more hierarchical. We argue that the tendency for lighter neutrino masses to become more hierarchical as the number of products in the random matrix increases can be understood from the probability distribution of singular values in random matrix theory.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptad010

    その他URL: https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article-pdf/2023/2/023B07/49214432/ptad010.pdf

  • Are Low-energy Data already Hinting at Five Dimensions? 査読 国際共著

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuchika Okada, Toshifumi Yamada

    105 ( 1 )   015018-1 - 015018-11   2022年04月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Low-energy data, combined with renormalization group (RG) equations, can
    predict new physics at far higher energy scales. In this paper, we consider the
    possibility that the measured Higgs boson mass and top quark mass hint at a
    five-dimensional gauge-Higgs unification (5D GHU) model at a scale above TeV.
    We note that the vanishing of the Higgs quartic coupling and the proximity of
    the top quark Yukawa coupling and weak gauge coupling at high scales, inferred
    from the experimental data, are in harmony with 5D GHU, because in 5D GHU
    models the Higgs quartic coupling is forbidden by the 5D gauge symmetry and the
    Yukawa couplings and the weak gauge coupling originate from a common 5D gauge
    coupling. Based on the above insight, we propose a 5D GHU model where the
    Standard Model fermions are embedded in 5D fermions in a way to tightly relate
    the top Yukawa coupling with the weak gauge coupling. Also, the model predicts
    the presence of vector-like fermions (other than the Kaluza-Klein modes), which
    can affect the RG evolutions of the 4D theory and reconcile the scale of
    vanishing Higgs quartic coupling and that of equality of the top Yukawa and
    weak gauge couplings, thereby achieving a successful matching of the 4D theory
    with 5D GHU. We predict the vector-like fermion mass and the compactification
    scale of 5D GHU from the conditions for the successful matching.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.015018

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.03661v1

  • Moderately suppressed dimension-five proton decay in a flipped SU(5) model 査読

    Naoyuki Haba and Toshifumi Yamada

    JHEP   2022 ( 01 )   061-1 - 061-19   2022年04月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2022)061

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.01198v3

    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000898

  • Renormalizable SO(10) GUT with Suppressed Dimension-5 Proton Decays 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura, Toshifumi Yamada

    2021 ( 2 )   023B01-1 - 023B01-28   2021年12月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    We study a renormalizable SUSY $SO(10)$ GUT model where the Yukawa couplings
    of single ${\bf 10}$, single ${\bf \overline{126 } }$ and single ${\bf 120}$
    fields, $Y_{10},Y_{126},Y_{120}$, account for the quark and lepton Yukawa
    couplings and the neutrino mass. We pursue the possibility that
    $Y_{10},Y_{126},Y_{120}$ reproduce the correct quark and lepton masses, CKM and
    PMNS matrices and neutrino mass differences, and at the same time suppress
    dimension-5 proton decays (proton decays via colored Higgsino exchange) through
    their texture, so that the soft SUSY breaking scale can be reduced as much as
    possible without conflicting the current experimental bound on proton decays.
    We perform a numerical search for such a texture, and investigate implications
    of that texture on unknown neutrino parameters, the Dirac CP phase of PMNS
    matrix, the lightest neutrino mass and the $(1,1)$-component of the neutrino
    mass matrix in the charged lepton basis. Here we concentrate on the case when
    the active neutrino mass is generated mostly by the Type-2 seesaw mechanism, in
    which case the correlation between the suppression of dimension-5 proton decays
    and the neutrino parameters is expected to be most direct.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptaa186

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.05362v2

    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000081

  • Enhanced Γ(p→K0μ+)/Γ(p→K+ νμ) as a signature of minimal renormalizable SUSY SO (10) GUT 査読

    N. Haba, Y. Mimura and T. Yamada

    PTEP   2020 ( 9 )   093B01-1 - 093B01-20   2020年09月



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000086

  • Muon and electron g−2 and the origin of the fermion mass hierarchy 査読

    N. Haba, and Y. Shimizu, T. Yamada

    2020 ( 9 )   093B05-1 - 093B05-8   2020年09月



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000087

  • Charged lepton flavor violating processes in neutrinophilic Higgs + seesaw model 査読

    N. Haba, T. Omija and T. Yamada

    PTEP   2020 ( 7 )   073B08-1 - 073B08-22   2020年07月



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000085

  • θ23 octant measurement in 3+1 neutrino oscillations in T2HKK

    N. Haba, Y. Mimura and T. Yamada

    Phys. Rev. D   101 ( 7 )   075034-1 - 075034-15   2020年07月



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000089

  • Gravitational waves from phase transition in minimal SUSY U(1)B−L model 査読

    N. Haba and T. Yamada

    Phys. Rev. D   101 ( 7 )   075027-1 - 075027-14   2020年07月



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000088

  • Charged Lepton Flavor Violating processes in Neutrinophilic Higgs+Seesaw model 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Tsuneharu Omija, Toshifumi Yamada

    PTEP   2020 ( 7 )   073B08-1 - 073B08-22   2020年04月


    We investigate charged lepton flavor violating (CFLV) processes in the
    `neutrinophilic Higgs+seesaw model', in which right-handed neutrinos couple
    only with an extra Higgs field which develops a tiny VEV and the right-handed
    neutrinos also have Majorana mass. The model realizes a seesaw mechanism around
    TeV scale without extremely small Dirac Yukawa couplings. A phenomenological
    feature of the model is CFLV processes induced by loop diagrams of the charged
    scalar particles and heavy neutrinos. Therefore, first we constrain the model's
    parameter space from the search for $\mu\to e\gamma$. Next, we predict the
    branching ratios of other CFLV processes including the $\mu\to3e$, $\mu+{\rm
    Al}\to e+{\rm Al}$, $\mu+{\rm Ti}\to e+{\rm Ti}$, $Z\to e\mu$, $Z\to e\tau$,
    $Z\to \mu\tau$, $h\to e\tau$, $h\to\mu\tau$ processes, and discuss their
    detectability in future experiments.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptaa089

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.01896v2

  • Proton Lifetime Upper Bound in Non-SUSY SU(5) GUT 査読

    N. Haba, Y. Mimura and T. Yamada

    Phys. Rev. D   99   075018-1 - 075018-10   2019年



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000091

  • Detectable dimension-6 proton decay in SUSY SO(10) GUT at Hyper-Kamiokande 査読

    N. Haba, Y. Mimura and T. Yamada

    JHEP   1907   155-1 - 155-14   2019年



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000090

  • Prediction on Neutrino Dirac and Majorana Phases and Absolute Mass Scale from the CKM Matrix 査読

    N. Haba and T. Yamada

    Phys. Rev. D   97 ( 5 )   055018-1 - 055018-13   2018年05月



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000094

  • Semialigned two Higgs doublet model 査読

    N. Haba, H. Umeeda and T. Yamada

    Phys. Rev. D   97 ( 3 )   035004-1 - 035004-15   2018年03月



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000095

  • Sneutrinos as Mixed Inflaton and Curvaton 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Tomo Takahashi, Toshifumi Yamada

    JCAP   1806 ( 6 )   011-1 - 011-21   2018年


    We investigate a scenario where the supersymmetric partners of two
    right-handed neutrinos (sneutrinos) work as mixed inflaton and curvaton,
    motivated by the fact that the curvaton contribution to scalar perturbations
    can reduce the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ so that chaotic inflation models with
    a quadratic potential are made consistent with the experimental bound on $r$.
    After confirming that the scenario evades the current bounds on $r$ and the
    scalar perturbation spectral index $n_s$, we make a prediction on the local
    non-Gaussianity in bispectrum, $f_{\rm NL}$, and one in trispectrum, $\tau_{\rm
    NL}$. Remarkably, since the sneutrino decay widths are determined by the
    neutrino Dirac Yukawa coupling, which can be estimated from the measured active
    neutrino mass differences in the seesaw model, our scenario has a strong
    predictive power about local non-Gaussianities, as they heavily depend on the
    inflaton and curvaton decay rates. Using this fact, we can constrain the
    sneutrino mass from the experimental bounds on $n_s$, $r$ and $f_{\rm NL}$.

    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2018/06/011

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.03684v2

  • Direct CP Violation in Cabibbo-Favored Charmed Meson Decays and ε′/ε in SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L Model 査読

    N. Haba, H. Umeeda and T. Yamada

    JHEP   1810   006-1 - 006-18   2018年



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000092

  • ε’/ε Anomaly and Neutron EDM in SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L model with Charge Symmetry 査読

    N. Haba, H. Umeeda and T. Yamada

    JHEP   1805   052-1 - 052-29   2018年



    リポジトリURL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/0002000093

  • Semi-aligned two Higgs doublet model 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Umeeda, Toshifumi Yamada

    Physical Review D   97 ( 3 )   2017年11月( ISSN:2470-0029



    In the left-right symmetric model based on $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times
    U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge symmetry, there appear heavy neutral scalar particles
    mediating quark flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs) at tree level. We
    consider a situation where such FCNCs give the only sign of the left-right
    model while $W_R$ gauge boson is decoupled, and name it "semi-aligned two Higgs
    doublet model" because the model resembles a two Higgs doublet model with
    mildly-aligned Yukawa couplings to quarks. We predict a correlation among
    processes induced by quark FCNCs in the model, and argue that future precise
    calculation of meson-antimeson mixings and CP violation therein may hint at the
    semi-aligned two Higgs doublet model and the left-right model behind it.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.035004

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.06499v2

  • Proton Decay Prediction in 5D Gauge-Higgs Unification 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuchika Okada, Toshifumi Yamada

    Phys. Rev. D 94, 071701 (2016) [rapid communications]   2016年08月


    The Higgs boson mass and top quark mass imply that the Higgs quartic coupling
    vanishes around the scale of $10^9 - 10^{13}$ GeV, depending on the precise
    value of the top quark mass. The vanishing quartic coupling can be naturally
    addressed if the Higgs field originates from a 5-dimensional gauge field and
    the 5th dimension is compactified at the scale of the vanishing Higgs quartic
    coupling, which is a scenario based on gauge-Higgs unification. We present a
    general prediction of the scenario on the proton decay process $p \to \pi^0
    e^+$. In many gauge-Higgs unification models, the 1st generation fermions are
    localized towards an orbifold fixed point in order to realize the realistic
    Yukawa couplings. Hence, four-fermion operators responsible for the proton
    decay can appear with a suppression of the 5-dimensional Planck scale (not the
    4-dimensional Planck scale). Since the 5-dimensional Planck scale is connected
    to the compactification scale, we have a correlation between the proton partial
    decay width and the top quark mass. We show that the future Hyper-Kamiokande
    experiment may discover the proton decay if the top quark pole mass is larger
    than about 172.5 GeV.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.071701

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.04065v2

  • 19pAL-4 ニュートリノのCP非対称性に関する研究

    波場 直之, 石田 裕之, 島田 恭輔, 山口 雄也

    日本物理学会講演概要集   71   19 - 19   2016年( ISSN:2189-079X

  • 20pAL-12 The origin of electroweak symmetry breaking via bosonic see-saw mechanism

    波場 直之, 石田 裕之, 北澤 敬章, 山口 雄也

    日本物理学会講演概要集   71   42 - 42   2016年( ISSN:2189-079X

  • 22pAL-5 Naturalness and vacuum stability in type-II seesaw model

    波場 直之, 石田 裕之, 岡田 宜親, 山口 雄也

    日本物理学会講演概要集   71   73 - 73   2016年( ISSN:2189-079X

  • Electroweak symmetry breaking through bosonic seesaw mechanism in a classically conformal extension of the Standard Model

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Nobuchika Okada, Yuya Yamaguchi



    We suggest the so-called bosonic seesaw mechanism in the context of a
    classically conformal $U(1)_{B-L}$ extension of the Standard Model with two
    Higgs doublet fields. The $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry is radiatively broken via the
    Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, which also generates the mass terms for the two
    Higgs doublets through quartic Higgs couplings. Their masses are all positive
    but, nevertheless, the electroweak symmetry breaking is realized by the bosonic
    seesaw mechanism. We analyze the renormalization group evolutions for all model
    couplings, and find that a large hierarchy among the quartic Higgs couplings,
    which is crucial for the bosonic seesaw mechanism to work, is dramatically
    reduced toward high energies. Therefore, the bosonic seesaw is naturally
    realized with only a mild hierarchy, if some fundamental theory, which provides
    the origin of the classically conformal invariance, completes our model at some
    high energy, for example, the Planck scale. The requirements for the
    perturbativity of the running couplings and the electroweak vacuum stability in
    the renormalization group analysis as well as for the naturalness of the
    electroweak scale, we have identified the regions of model parameters. For
    example, the scale of the $U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge symmetry breaking is constrained
    to be $\lesssim 100$ TeV, which corresponds to the extra heavy Higgs boson
    masses to be $\lesssim 2$ TeV. Such heavy Higgs bosons can be tested at the
    Large Hadron Collider in the near future.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1509.01923v1

  • What triggers $θ_{13}$ discrepancy between Daya Bay and T2K?

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Kyousuke Shimada, Yuya Yamaguchi



    There seems to be a non-negligible discrepancy between Daya Bay and T2K
    experimental results of a neutrino mixing angle, $\theta_{13}$ . We show the
    discrepancy can be simply passed away even in the standard three neutrinos
    framework by taking the same value of $\Delta m^2_{32}$ with a normal neutrino
    mass hierarchy and Dirac CP phase $\delta = -\pi/ 2$, which is favorable in T2K
    experiment. For numerical analyses of neutrino oscillation probabilities, there
    are five independent parameters, $\Delta m_{21}^2$, $\Delta m_{32}^2$,
    $\theta_{12}$, $\theta_{23}$, and $\delta$. We reevaluate $\theta_{13}$ by
    scatter plots within $1 \sigma$ range of five-dimensional parameters space
    suggested by PDG, T2K, and Daya Bay. We project onto $\delta$-$\sin^2 2
    \theta_{13}$ plane and find an overlap area of $\theta_{13}$ suggested by T2K
    and Daya Bay. In the normal hierarchy case, the largest overlap area is given
    by parameters set suggested by T2K, and the overlap area becomes small in order
    of parameters sets suggested by PDG and Daya Bay. In the inverted hierarchy
    case, there is a tiny overlap area only in parameters set suggested by T2K. We
    also show several sample points of four parameters set, $\Delta m_{21}^2$,
    $\Delta m_{32}^2$, $\theta_{12}$, and $\theta_{23}$, where the dissonance of
    $\theta_{13}$ is really disappeared with $\delta = -\pi/2$.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1508.05238v2

  • Gauge coupling unification at the Planck scale part.1

    波場 直之, 石田 裕之, 高橋 亮, 山口 雄也

    日本物理学会講演概要集   70   2 - 2   2015年( ISSN:2189-079X

  • 25pSD-8 Search for new physics via photon polarization of radiative B meson decay

    波場 直之, 石田 裕之, 中家 剛, 清水 康弘, 高橋 亮

    日本物理学会講演概要集   70   11 - 11   2015年( ISSN:2189-079X

  • 28pSD-4 Vacuum stability in classical conformal U(1) extended model

    波場 直之, 山口 雄也

    日本物理学会講演概要集   70   58 - 58   2015年( ISSN:2189-079X

  • 28aSD-1 Results on sin^22θ_<13> with Non-Standard neutrino Interactions in the Daya Bay and T2K

    波場 直之, 石田 裕之, 島田 恭輔, 山口 雄也

    日本物理学会講演概要集   70   46 - 46   2015年( ISSN:2189-079X

  • Vanishing Higgs potential at the Planck scale in a singlet extension of the standard model 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   90 ( 3 )   2014年06月( ISSN:1550-2368



    We discuss the realization of a vanishing effective Higgs potential at the
    Planck scale, which is required by the multiple-point criticality principle
    (MPCP), in the standard model with singlet scalar dark matter and a
    right-handed neutrino. We find the scalar dark matter and the right-handed
    neutrino play crucial roles for realization of the MPCP, where a neutrino
    Yukawa becomes effective above the Majorana mass of the right-handed neutrino.
    Once the top mass is fixed, the MPCP at the (reduced) Planck scale and the
    suitable dark matter relic abundance determine the dark matter mass, $m_S$, and
    the Majorana mass of the right-handed neutrino, $M_R$, as
    $8.5~(8.0)\times10^2~{\rm GeV}\leq m_S\leq1.4~(1.2)\times10^3~{\rm GeV}$ and
    $6.3~(5.5)\times10^{13}~{\rm GeV}\leq M_R\leq1.6~(1.2)\times10^{14}~{\rm GeV}$
    within current experimental values of the Higgs and top masses. This scenario
    is consistent with current dark matter direct search experiments, and will be
    checked by future experiments such as LUX with further exposure and/or the

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.036006

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.0158v4

  • Higgs inflation with singlet scalar dark matter and right-handed neutrino in light of BICEP2 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   89 ( 11 )   2014年04月( ISSN:1550-2368



    We discuss the Higgs inflation scenario with singlet scalar dark matter and a
    right-handed neutrino. The singlet scalar and the right-handed neutrino play
    crucial roles for realizing a suitable plateau of Higgs potential with the
    center value of the top mass of Tevatron and LHC measurements. This Higgs
    inflation scenario predicts about a 1 TeV scalar dark matter and an
    $\mathcal{O}(10^{14})$ GeV right-handed neutrino by use of 125.6 GeV Higgs
    mass, 173.34 GeV top mass, and a nonminimal gravity coupling $\xi\simeq10.1$.
    This inflation model is consistent with the recent result of the
    tensor-to-scalar ratio $r=0.20_{-0.05}^{+0.07}$ by the BICEP2 Collaboration.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.115009

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.4737v2

  • Neutrino mass from neutrinophilic Higgs and leptogenesis

    Naoyuki Haba, Osamu Seto, Yuya Yamaguchi



    In a class of two Higgs doublet model, where one Higgs doublet generates
    masses of quarks and charged leptons whereas the other Higgs doublet with a
    tiny vacuum expectation value (VEV) generates neutrino Dirac masses, smallness
    of neutrino masses might be understand as the consequence of the small second
    Higgs VEV. In this framework, thermal leptogenesis scenarios work well at low
    energy scale and have several advantages as follows. Under the assumption of
    hierarchical right-handed neutrino masses, the lightest right-handed neutrino
    can be as light as ${\cal O}(10^2)$ TeV.The required degeneracy for successful
    resonant leptogenesis also can be significantly reduced as small as ${\cal
    O}(10^4)$. Availability of low scale thermal leptogenesis provides a novel
    solution to gravitino problem in supergravity models.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1401.6646v1

  • Higgs Pair Production at the LHC and ILC from general potential 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yukihiro Mimura, Enkhbat Tsedenbaljir

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   89 ( 1 )   2013年11月( ISSN:1550-7998



    Higgs cubic coupling plays a crucial role to probe an origin of electroweak
    symmetry breaking. It is expected that the cubic coupling is measured by Higgs
    pair production at the LHC and ILC, and the deviations from the standard model
    can be extracted from the Higgs pair production process, and those can give us
    a hint of new physics beyond the standard model. We consider a general
    potential that achieves the suitable electroweak symmetry breaking. As one of
    the interesting models, we suggest a non-perturbative Higgs model in which a
    run-away type of potential is used. In the model, the cross sections of pair
    production at the LHC is enlarged compared to the standard model. We also study
    the Higgs pair production induced by a non-canonical kinetic term of Higgs
    fields which will be important to search the pair-production at the ILC.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.015018

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1311.0067v1

  • Phenomenology of SUSY SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yasuhiro Shimizu

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   86 ( 1 )   2012年04月( ISSN:1550-7998



    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale ($m_\nu\sim$ 0.1
    eV), a GUT scale ($M_{GUT}\sim 10^{16}$ GeV), and a TeV-scale ($M_{NP}\sim$ 1
    TeV), there is a fascinating relation of $M_{NP}\simeq \sqrt{m_\nu\cdot
    M_{GUT } }$.The TeV-scale, $M_{NP}$, is a new physics scale beyond the standard
    model which is regarded as "supersymmetry" (SUSY) in this letter. We
    investigate phenomenology of SUSY SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs, which
    realizes the above relation dynamically as well as the suitable magnitude of
    Dirac mass, $m_\nu$, through a tiny vacuum expectation value of neutrinophilic
    Higgs. As a remarkable feature of this model, accurate gauge coupling
    unification can be achieved as keeping with a proton stability. We also
    evaluate flavor changing processes in quark/lepton sectors.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.015019

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.4254v1

  • Phenomenology of neutrinophilic Higgs GUT 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yasuhiro Shimizu

    GUT2012   1467   247 - 250   2012年( ISSN:0094-243X



    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale (m nu similar to 0.1 eV), a GUT scale (M-GUT similar to 10(16) GeV), and a TeV-scale (M-NP similar to 1 TeV), there is a fascinating relation of M-NP similar or equal to root m nu . M-GUT. The TeV-scale, M-NP, is a new physics scale beyond the standard model which is regarded as "supersymmetry" (SUSY) in this letter. We investigate phenomenology of SUSY SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs, which realizes the above relation dynamically as well as the suitable magnitude of Dirac mass, m., through a tiny vacuum expectation value of neutrinophilic Higgs. As a remarkable feature of this model, accurate gauge coupling unification can be achieved as keeping with a proton stability. We also evaluate flavor changing processes in quark/ lepton sectors.

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4742109

  • Spontaneous Parity Violation and SUSY Strong Gauge Theory 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroshi Ohki

    GUT2012   1467   282 - 285   2012年( ISSN:0094-243X



    We suggest simple models of spontaneous parity violation in supersymmetric strong gauge theory. We focus on left-right symmetric model and investigate vacuum with spontaneous parity violation. Non-perturbative effects are calculable in supersymmetric gauge theory, and we suggest new models. Our models show confinement, so that we try to understand them by using a dual description of the theory. The left-right symmetry breaking and electroweak symmetry breaking are simultaneously occurred with the suitable energy scale hierarchy. This structure has several advantages compared to the MSSM. The scale of the Higgs mass (left-right breaking scale) and that of VEVs are different, so the SUSY little hierarchy problems are absent. The second model also induces spontaneous supersymmetry breaking [1].

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4742118

  • TeV-scale seesaw with non-negligible left-right neutrino mixings

    Naoyuki Haba, Tomohiro Horita, Kunio Kaneta, Yukihiro Mimura



    We suggest natural TeV-scale seesaw with non-negligible left-right neutrino
    mixings as preserving tiny neutrino masses. Our analysis is exhibited, without
    loss of generality, by taking a basis of the neutrino matrices, in which the
    condition to obtain the left-right mixings is clear. We also suggest a flavor
    symmetry as an underlying theory, which naturally realizes our setup to
    preserve tiny neutrino masses. Our setup can predict a magnitude of sin
    theta_13 in a region of 0.10 to 0.20, depending on the deviation from maximal
    atmospheric neutrino mixing and CP phase. We also investigate experimental
    constraints and phenomenology in our setup.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1110.2252v1

  • Parity Violation in QCD Process 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Shigeki Matsumoto, Takehiro Nabeshima, Soshi Tsuno

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   85 ( 1 )   2011年09月( ISSN:1550-7998



    Parity violation in QCD process is studied using helicity dependent top quark
    pair productions at Large Hadron Collider experiment. Though no violation can
    be found in the standard model (SM), new physics beyond the SM predicts the
    violation in general. In order to evaluate the violation, we utilize an
    effective operator analysis in a case that new particles predicted by the new
    physics are too heavy to be directly detected. By using this method, we try to
    discriminate supersymmetric SM from universal extra-dimension model via an
    asymmetry measurement of the top quark pair production. We also discuss the
    asymmetry from the SM electroweak top pair production process and that from the
    little Higgs model.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.014007

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.5082v2

  • Vacuum stability in neutrinophilic Higgs doublet model 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Tomohiro Horita

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   705 ( 1-2 )   98 - 105   2011年07月( ISSN:0370-2693



    A neutrinophilic Higgs model has tiny vacuum expectation value (VEV), which
    can naturally explain tiny masses of neutrinos. There is a large energy scale
    hierarchy between a VEV of the neutrinophilic Higgs doublet and that of usual
    standard model-like Higgs doublet. In this paper we at first analyze vacuum
    structures of Higgs potential in both supersymmetry (SUSY) and non-SUSY
    neutrinophilic Higgs models, and next investigate a stability of this VEV
    hierarchy against radiative corrections. We will show that the VEV hierarchy is
    stable against radiative corrections in both Dirac neutrino and Majorana
    neutrino scenarios in both SUSY and non-SUSY neutrinophilic Higgs doublet

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.09.103

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1107.3203v2

  • Predictions via large theta13 from cascades 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   702 ( 5 )   388 - 393   2011年06月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445



    We investigate a relation among neutrino observables, three mixing angles and
    two mass squared differences, from a cascade texture of neutrino mass matrix.
    We show an allowed region of the correlation by use of current data of neutrino
    oscillation experiments. The relation predicts sharp correlations among
    neutrino mixing angles as $0.315\lesssim\sin^2\theta_{12}\lesssim0.332$ and
    $0.480\lesssim\sin^2\theta_{23}\lesssim0.500$ with a large $\theta_{13}$
    ($0.03<\sin^22\theta_{13}<0.28$). These magnitudes are modified
    $0.310\lesssim\sin^2\theta_{12}\lesssim0.330$ and
    $0.540\lesssim\sin^2\theta_{23}\lesssim0.560$ when the charged lepton mass
    matrix also has the cascade form.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.07.029

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1106.5926v3

  • Thermal leptogenesis in a supersymmetric neutrinophilic Higgs model 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Osamu Seto

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   84 ( 10 )   2011年06月( ISSN:1550-7998



    We investigate thermal leptogenesis in a supersymmetric neutrinophilic Higgs
    model by taking phenomenological constraints into account, where, in addition
    to the minimal supersymmetric standard model, we introduce an extra Higgs field
    with a tiny vacuum expectation value (VEV) which generates neutrino masses.
    Thanks to this tiny VEV of the neutrinophilic Higgs, our model allows to reduce
    the mass of the lightest right-handed (s)neutrino to be ${\cal O}(10^5)$ GeV as
    keeping sufficiently large CP asymmetry in its decay. Therefore, the reheating
    temperature after inflation is not necessarily high, hence this scenario is
    free from gravitino problem.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.103524

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1106.5354v1

  • $ν$-Two Higgs Doublet Model and its Collider Phenomenology 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Koji Tsumura

    JHEP 06 (2011) 068   2011年05月



    Smallness of neutrino masses can be explained by introducing a tiny vacuum
    expectation value of an extra-Higgs doublet which couples to right-handed
    neutrinos ($N_R$). This situation is naturally realized in $\nu$-Two Higgs
    Doublet Model ($\nu$THDM), where a TeV-scale seesaw mechanism can work well. We
    investigate observable phenomenology of $\nu$THDM at LHC and ILC experiments.
    Charged Higgs boson ($H^\pm$) in $\nu$THDM is almost originated from the
    extra-Higgs doublet and its coupling strength to neutrinos are not small. Then
    this model induces rich phenomenology at the LHC, for example, when
    $m_{H^\pm}^{} < M_N$, observable charged tracks can be induced from long lived
    charged Higgs. On the other hand, when $m_{H^\pm}^{} > M_N$, right-handed
    neutrinos can be long-lived, and secondary vertices may be tagged at the LHC.
    The $\nu$THDM also predicts observable lepton number violating process at the

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2011)068

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1105.1409v1

  • Spontaneous Parity Violation in SUSY Strong Gauge Theory 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroshi Ohki

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 8 )   2011年04月( ISSN:1029-8479



    We suggest simple models of spontaneous parity violation in supersymmetric
    strong gauge theory. We focus on left-right symmetric model and investigate
    vacuum with spontaneous parity violation. Non-perturbative effects are
    calculable in supersymmetric gauge theory, and we suggest two new models. The
    first model shows confinement, and the second model has a dual description of
    the theory. The left-right symmetry breaking and electroweak symmetry breaking
    are simultaneously occurred with the suitable energy scale hierarchy. The
    second model also induces spontaneous supersymmetry breaking.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2011)021

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1104.5405v2

  • Phenomenological Aspects of Dirichlet Higgs Model from Extra-Dimension 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 7 )   2010年05月( ISSN:1029-8479



    We study a simple five-dimensional extension of the Standard Model,
    compactified on a flat line segment in which there propagate Higgs and gauge
    bosons of the Standard Model. We impose a Dirichlet boundary condition on the
    Higgs field to realize its vacuum expectation value. Since a flat
    Nambu-Goldstone zero-mode of the bulk Higgs is eliminated by the Dirichlet
    boundary condition, a superposition of the Higgs Kaluza-Klein modes play the
    role of the Nambu-Goldstone boson except at the boundaries. We discuss
    phenomenology of our model at the LHC, namely the top Yukawa deviation and the
    production and decay of the physical Higgs field, as well as the constraints
    from the electroweak precision measurements.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2010)079

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2010)071

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1005.2306v3

  • Erratum: Phenomenological aspects of invisibly broad Higgs model from extra-dimension (Journal of High Energy Physics (2010) (079)) 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-Ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2010 ( 11 )   2010年( ISSN:1126-6708



    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2010)071

  • Top Yukawa Deviation in Extra Dimension 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B   821 ( 1-2 )   74 - 128   2009年04月( ISSN:0550-3213 ( eISSN:1873-1562



    We suggest a simple one-Higgs-doublet model living in the bulk of
    five-dimensional spacetime compactified on $S^1/Z_2$, in which the top Yukawa
    coupling can be smaller than the naive standard-model expectation, i.e. the top
    quark mass divided by the Higgs vacuum expectation value. If we find only
    single Higgs particle at the LHC and also observe the top Yukawa deviation, our
    scenario becomes a realistic candidate beyond the standard model. The Yukawa
    deviation comes from the fact that the wave function profile of the free
    physical Higgs field can become different from that of the vacuum expectation
    value, due to the presence of the brane-localized Higgs potentials. In the
    Brane-Localized Fermion scenario, we find sizable top Yukawa deviation, which
    could be checked at the LHC experiment, with a dominant Higgs production
    channel being the $WW$ fusion. We also study the Bulk Fermion scenario with
    brane-localized Higgs potential, which resembles the Universal Extra Dimension
    model with a stable dark matter candidate. We show that both scenarios are
    consistent with the current electroweak precision measurements.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2009.06.024

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2009.09.014

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0904.3813v2

  • Observable Seesaw and its Collider Signatures 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Shigeki Matsumoto, Koichi Yoshioka

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   677 ( 5 )   291 - 295   2009年01月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445



    We discuss the scenario with TeV-scale right-handed neutrinos, which are
    accessible at future colliders, while holding down tiny seesaw-induced masses
    and sizable couplings to the standard-model particles. The signal with
    tri-lepton final states and large missing transverse energy is appropriate for
    studying collider signatures of the scenario with extra spatial dimensions. We
    show that the LHC experiment generally has a potential to discover the signs of
    extra dimensions and the origin of small neutrino masses.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.05.042

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0901.4596v1

  • Tribimaximal mixing from cascades 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi, Morimitsu Tanimoto, Koichi Yoshioka

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   78 ( 11 )   2008年12月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029



    We study fermion mass matrices of the cascade form which are compatible with the tribimaximal lepton mixing and generation mass hierarchy. The flat-cascade lepton matrices imply a parameter-independent relation among the mixing angles and mass eigenvalues. The relation has several indications that the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle is close to maximal and the other two angles have a correlation independently of neutrino mass eigenvalues. We also discuss phenomenological aspects of the cascade matrices; flavor-violating rare decays of charged leptons, thermal leptogenesis, and leptonic CP violation. Possible dynamical origins of the cascades are illustrated based on flavor symmetry and in higher-dimensional theory.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.113002

  • iGUT (GUT on interval) 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yutaka Sakamura, Toshifumi Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 6 )   2008年06月( ISSN:1029-8479



    We investigate a construction of five-dimensional (5D) grand unified theories (GUTs) on an interval, which we call iGUTs. We analyze supersymmetric SO(10) iGUT as an example, where the gauge multiplet is spread over the 5D bulk. The SO(10) is directly reduced to the standard model gauge symmetry through the interval boundary conditions. Notice that this rank reduction is impossible in case of GUTs on orbifolds. Four scenarios are possible according to locations (bulk or brane) of Higgs and matter fields. We investigate the gauge-coupling unification, the proton decay, the SO( 10) GUT features such as t-b-tau unification and so on in each scenario. We also comment on the flavor phenomenology.

  • Tri-bimaximal Mixing from Cascades 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi, Morimitsu Tanimoto, Koichi Yoshioka

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   78 ( 11 )   2008年04月( ISSN:1550-7998



    We study fermion mass matrices of the cascade form which are compatible with
    the tri-bimaximal lepton mixing and generation mass hierarchy. The flat-cascade
    lepton matrices imply a parameter-independent relation among the mixing angles
    and mass eigenvalues. The relation has several indications that the atmospheric
    neutrino mixing angle is close to maximal and the other two angles have a
    correlation independently of neutrino mass eigenvalues. We also discuss
    phenomenological aspects of the cascade matrices; flavor-violating rare decays
    of charged leptons, thermal leptogenesis, and leptonic CP violation. Possible
    dynamical origins of the cascades are illustrated based on flavor symmetry and
    in higher-dimensional theory.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.113002

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0804.4055v4

  • Dynamical Rearrangement of Theta Parameter in Presence of Mixed Chern-Simons Term 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yoshiharu Kawamura, Kin-ya Oda

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   78 ( 8 )   2008年03月( ISSN:1550-7998



    We study the five-dimensional SU(3)_c x U(1)_C gauge theory on the orbifold
    S^1/Z_2 with a mixed Chern-Simons term. We particularly pay attention to the
    realization of the dynamical rearrangement of the theta parameter for SU(3)_c.
    It is shown that the physics remains invariant under a large gauge
    transformation which even changes the action, completely removing the theta
    parameter, because of the Hosotani mechanism for the U(1)_C gauge interactions.
    In other words, we show that the theta parameter can be regarded as a boundary
    condition for the orbifolding in light of the dynamical rearrangement.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.085021

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0803.4380v2

  • F-term Induced Flavor Mass Spectrum

    Naoyuki Haba, Yoshio Koide



    New mechanism of generating flavor mass spectrum is proposed by using an
    O'Raifeartaigh-type supersymmetry breaking model. A desired bilinear form of
    fermion mass spectrum is naturally realized through F-components of
    gauge-singlet (nonet of SU(3) flavor symmetry) superfields, and the suitable
    charged-lepton mass relation is reproduced. The charged-slepton mass spectrum
    is non-degenerate in general, and can be even hierarchical (proportional to the
    charged-lepton masses in the specific case). Flavor changing neutral processes
    are suppressed since the charged-lepton and slepton (except for right-handed
    sneutrino) mass matrices are diagonalized simultaneously in the flavor space.
    The right-handed sneutrinos are light with the similar ratio to the lepton
    sector ($\tilde{m}_{\nu_R}$/$\tilde{m}_e \sim m_\nu$/$m_e$).

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/06/023

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0801.3301v1

  • iGUT: Grand Unified Theory on Interval

    Naoyuki Haba, Yutaka Sakamura, Toshifumi Yamashita



    We investigate a construction of five-dimensional (5D) grand unified theories
    (GUTs) on an interval, which we call iGUTs. We analyze supersymmetric SO(10)
    iGUT as an example, where the gauge multiplet is spread over the 5D bulk. The
    SO(10) is directly reduced to the standard model gauge symmetry through the
    interval boundary conditions. Notice that this rank reduction is impossible in
    case of GUTs on orbifolds. Four scenarios are possible according to locations
    (bulk or brane) of Higgs and matter fields. We investigate the gauge-coupling
    unification, the proton decay, the SO(10) GUT features such as t-b-tau
    unification and so on in each scenario. We also comment on the flavor

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/06/044

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0801.2635v2

  • A Simple Model of Direct Gauge Mediation of Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuhito Maru

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   76 ( 11 )   2007年09月( ISSN:1550-7998



    We construct a model of direct gauge mediation of metastable SUSY breaking by
    simply deforming the Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih model in terms of a dual
    meson superpotential mass term. No extra matter field is introduced. The
    deformation explicitly breaks a U(1)_R symmetry and a pseudo moduli have a
    nonzero VEV at one-loop. Our metastable SUSY breaking vacuum turns out to be
    sufficiently long-lived. By gauging a subgroup of flavor symmetry, our model
    can directly couple to the standard model, which leads to nonvanishing gaugino
    mass generation. It is also shown that our model can evade the Landau pole
    problem. We show the parameters in the SUSY breaking sector are
    phenomenologically constrained.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.115019

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2945v2

  • New Origin of a Bilinear Mass Matrix Form

    Naoyuki Haba, Yoshio Koide



    The charged lepton mass formula can be explained when the masses are
    propotinal to the squared vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of scalar fields. We
    introduce U(3) flavor symmetry and its nonet scalar field $\Phi$, whose VEV
    structure plays an essential role for generating the fermion mass spectrum. We
    can naturally obtain bilinear form of the Yukawa coupling
    $Y_{ij} \propto \sum_k <\Phi_{ik}> <\Phi_{kj}>$ without the
    non-renormalizable interactions, when the flavor symmetry is broken only
    through the Yukawa coupling and tadpole terms. We also speculate the possible
    VEV structure of $<\Phi>$.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2007.10.082

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0708.3913v2

  • Vanishing dimension five proton decay operators in the SU(5) SUSY GUT 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshihiko Ota

    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B   39 ( 8 )   1901 - 1911   2006年08月( ISSN:0587-4254



    We propose a natural framework of
    SU(5) supersymmetric grand unified theory with the minimal particle contents,
    which does not contain dimension five proton decay operators. The suitable
    fermion mass hierarchy can be reproduced by higher dimensional operators of an
    adjoint Higgs field which breaks
    SU(5) gauge symmetry.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0608244v1

  • A Supersymmetric Contribution to the Neutrino Mass Matrix and Breaking of mu-tau Symmetry 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Werner Rodejohann

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   74 ( 1 )   2006年03月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029



    Supersymmetry broken by anomaly mediation suffers from tachyonic slepton
    masses. A possible solution to this problem results in "decoupling", i.e., the
    first two generations of sfermions are much heavier than the third one. We note
    that in this scenario a sizable loop-induced contribution to the neutrino mass
    matrix results. As an application of this scenario we take advantage of the
    fact that the decoupling evidently not obeys 2-3 generation exchange symmetry.
    In the neutrino sector, this 2-3 symmetry (or mu-tau symmetry) is a useful
    Ansatz to generate zero theta_{13} and maximal theta_{23}. The induced
    deviations from these values are given for some examples, thereby linking SUSY
    breaking to the small parameters (including possibly the solar mass splitting)
    of the neutrino sector.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.74.017701

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0603206v1

  • Family Symmetry and Single Right-Handed Neutrino Dominance in Five Dimensions 査読

    Marc-Thomas Eisele, Naoyuki Haba

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   74 ( 7 )   2006年03月( ISSN:1550-7998



    We consider several neutrino mass models in an extra-dimensional setting on a
    quantitative level. All the models are set in a five-dimensional scenario, with
    the standard model (SM) particles living on a brane, while three additional SM
    gauge singlets live in the bulk of an extra dimension, which is compactified on
    a S^1/Z_2 orbifold. The spontaneous breaking of an additional, continuous U(1)
    family symmetry is used to generate suitable neutrino mass matrices via single
    right-handed neutrino dominance through the corresponding five-dimensional
    extension of the see-saw mechanism. In this manner possible problems of this
    combination for some models in four dimensions could be overcome. The
    considered models differ with respect to the charges under the family symmetry
    and the nature of the five-dimensional Majorana mass term.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.74.073007

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0603158v3

  • Twisted Flavors and Tri/bi-Maximal Neutrino Mixing 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Atsushi Watanabe, Koichi Yoshioka

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   97 ( 4 )   041601   2006年03月( ISSN:0031-9007



    A new framework for handling flavor symmetry breaking in the neutrino sector
    is discussed where the source of symmetry breaking is traced to the global
    property of right-handed neutrinos in extra-dimensional space. Light neutrino
    phenomenology has rich and robust predictions such as the tri/bi-maximal form
    of generation mixing, controlled mass spectrum, and no need of flavor mixing
    couplings in the theory.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.041601


    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0603116v1

  • Split-SUSY versus SUSY GUTS

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuchika Okada



    The gauge coupling unification is one of main motivations in the split-SUSY
    scenario, and the existence of the grand unified theories (GUTs) is assumed. We
    examine how to realize split-SUSY mass spectrum in the context of GUTs and find
    that the construction of split-SUSY GUTs is by no means straightforward. With
    R-symmetry breaking sources in the GUT sector,
    GUT particles play a role of the messengers in the gauge mediation scenario
    and their contributions to gaugino masses can be sizable. We find the upper
    bound on soft scalar masses of
    O(10^{10}) GeV from consistency for constructing the split-SUSY GUT. Also, we
    discuss the attempt to construct R-symmetric GUT models.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.116.757

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0602013v1

  • New contribution to dimension five operators on proton decay in anomaly mediation scenario 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuchika Okada

    EPL   82 ( 6 )   2005年12月( ISSN:0295-5075 ( eISSN:1286-4854



    In supergravity, effective superpotential relevant to dimension five
    operators on proton decay processes also leads to supersymmetry breaking terms
    among sfermions, dimension four operators. These dimension four operators
    induce the dimension five operators through 1-loop diagrams dressed by
    gauginos. We find that, in a class of models with the anomaly mediation, the
    1-loop contributions can be comparable to those at the tree level. Therefore,
    such operators have a great impact on proton decay rate. Depending on a
    universal phase of gaugino masses and soft mass spectrum, the proton decay rate
    can be enhanced or suppressed.

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/82/61001

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0601003v3

  • Invisible Technicolor

    Naoyuki Haba, Noriaki Kitazawa, Nobuchika Okada



    We propose a scenario of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking which is
    applicable to the model with no tree-level potential for the elementary Higgs
    doublet field. An example of such a model is the gauge-Higgs unification model.
    The strong coupling "technicolor" dynamics can provide the scale of the
    electroweak symmetry breaking in the potential of the Higgs doublet field. The
    negative mass squared and quartic coupling can be generated through the Yukawa
    couplings among heavy and light "technifermions" and the Higgs doublet field.
    Since the massless "technifermion" is singlet under the electroweak gauge
    symmetry, no large corrections to the electroweak observables arise. As a
    prediction of this scenario, there must be a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson which
    couple with the Higgs field in a specific way, though it is singlet under the
    standard model gauge symmetry.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0504279v3

  • Structure of split supersymmetry and simple models 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuchika Okada

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   114 ( 5 )   1057 - 1068   2005年02月( ISSN:0033-068X



    We derive in detail a condition on the Higgs mass parameters that is
    necessary for the recently proposed ``split supersymmetry''
    (split SUSY) scenario to provide a realistic magnitude of $\tan \beta$. The
    nature of this condition can be understood by showing how the Higgs sector of
    the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model reduces to that of the Standard Model
    in the heavy limit of the soft supersymmetry breaking
    Higgs mass parameters. Based on this condition, we present some simple
    supersymmetry breaking models that each provides a realistic split-SUSY mass
    spectrum, in accordance with the scale of the gravitino mass ($m_{3/2}$) in
    relation to those of the soft scalar mass ($\tilde{m}$) and the gaugino mass
    ($M_{1/2}$) employed in each, namely $m_{3/2} \geq \tilde{m}$, $\tilde{m} \geq
    m_{3/2} \geq M_{1/2}$ and $M_{1/2} \geq m_{3/2}$, respectively, with the
    relation $\tilde{m} \gg M_{1/2}$ of the split-SUSY mass spectrum.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.114.1057

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0502213v4

  • 4D equivalence theorem and gauge symmetry on an orbifold 査読

    Y Abe, N Haba, K Hayakawa, Y Matsumoto, M Matsunaga, K Miyachi

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   113 ( 1 )   199 - 213   2005年01月( ISSN:0033-068X



    We investigate high-energy behavior of scattering amplitudes in extra dimensional gauge theory where the gauge symmetry is broken by the boundary conditions. We study, in particular, the 5D SU(5) grand unified theory whose 5th-dimensional coordinate is compactified on S-1/Z(2). We pay attention to the gauge symmetry compatible with the boundary conditions on an orbifold and present the BRST formalism of the 4D theory that is obtained through integration of the 5D theory along the extra dimension. We derive the 4D equivalence theorem on the basis of the Slavnov-Taylor identities. We also calculate the amplitudes of the process including four massive gauge bosons in the external lines and compare them with those for the connected reactions in which the gauge fields are replaced by the corresponding would-be Nambu-Goldstone (NG) fields. We explicitly confirm that the equivalence theorem holds.

  • General formula of effective potential in 5D SU(N) gauge theory on orbifold

    Haba Naoyuki, Yamashita Toshifumi

    素粒子論研究   110 ( 4 )   D73 - D74   2005年


    細谷機構において、Wilson line phaseの1-loop有効ポテンシャルを簡単に計算する方法を求めました。これにより、構造定数を使った面倒な計算をすることなく有効ポテンシャルを求められるようになり、今までは困難であったような場合についても解析できるようになりました。その例として、S^1/Z_2上の五次元SU(N)ゲージ理論について、有効ポテンシャルへの寄与の一般形を幾つかの表現について計算しました。また現象論への応用として、具体的なモデルで有効ポテンシャルを計算し相構造の解析をしました。

    DOI: 10.24532/soken.110.4_D73

    CiNii Article

  • Correct Effective Potential of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory on M^4\times S^1 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kazunori Takenaga, Toshifumi Yamashita

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   71 ( 2 )   2004年11月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029



    We study an ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory defined on
    $M^4\times S^1$. The vacuum expectation values for adjoint scalar field in
    vector multiplet, though important, has been overlooked in evaluating one-loop
    effective potential of the theory. We correctly take the vacuum expectation
    values into account in addition to the Wilson line phases to give an expression
    for the effective potential, and gauge symmetry breaking is discussed. In
    evaluating the potential, we employ the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism and introduce
    bare mass for gaugino in order to break supersymmetry. We also obtain masses
    for the scalars, the adjoint scalar, and the component gauge field for the
    $S^1$ direction in case of the SU(2) gauge group. We observe that large
    supersymmetry breaking gives larger mass for the scalar. This analysis is
    easily applied to the $M^4\times S^1/Z_2$ case.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.71.025006

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0411113v2

  • Neutron electric dipole moment and flavor changing interactions in supersymmetric theories 査読

    Gi-Chol Cho, Naoyuki Haba, Minako Honda

    MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A   20 ( 38 )   2969 - 2976   2004年09月( ISSN:0217-7323



    Supersymmetric contributions to the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) are
    studied taking account of the flavor changing interactions. We found that the
    gluino contribution is sensitive to the flavor changing interaction.
    Enhancement of neutron EDM via flavor mixing effects is possible when the
    squark mass difference between the different generations is sizable. As an
    example, the results of the SUSY SU(5) GUT with right-handed neutrinos are
    briefly discussed.

    DOI: 10.1142/S0217732305018943

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0409243v2

  • Dynamical symmetry breaking in gauge-Higgs unification on an orbifold

    Haba N, Hosotani Y, Kawamura Y, Yamashita T

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   70 ( 1 )   15010 - 15010   2004年07月( ISSN:1550-7998


    We study the dynamical symmetry breaking in the gauge-Higgs unification of the five-dimensional theory compactified on an orbifold, S(1)/Z(2). This theory identifies Wilson line degrees of freedom as "Higgs doublets." We consider SU(3)(c)xSU(3)(W) and SU(6) models with the compactification scale of order of a few TeV. The gauge symmetries are reduced to SU(3)(c)xSU(2)(L)xU(1)(Y) and SU(3)(c)xSU(2)(L)xU(1)(Y)xU(1), respectively, through the orbifolding boundary conditions. We estimate the one loop effective potential of "Higgs doublets," and find that the electroweak breaking is realized through the radiative corrections when there are suitable numbers of bulk fields possessing the suitable representations. The masses of "Higgs doublets" are O(100) GeV in this scenario.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.70.015010

    CiNii Article

  • Supersymmetry breaking as the origin of flavor 査読

    Javier Ferrandis, Naoyuki Haba

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   70 ( 5 )   2004年04月( ISSN:0556-2821



    We present an effective flavor model for the radiative generation of fermion
    masses and mixings based on a SU(5)xU(2) symmetry. We assume that the original
    source of flavor breaking resides in the supersymmetry breaking sector. Flavor
    violation is transmitted radiatively to the fermion Yukawa couplings at low
    energy through finite supersymmetric threshold corrections. This model can fit
    the fermion mass ratios and CKM matrix elements, explain the non-observation of
    proton decay, and overcome present constraints on flavor changing processes
    through an approximate radiative alignment between the Yukawa and the soft
    trilinear sector. The model predicts new relations between dimensionless
    fermion mass ratios in the three fermion sectors, and the quark mixing angles.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.70.055003

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0404077v4

  • Dynamical symmetry breaking in Gauge-Higgs unification of 5D ${\mathcal N}=1$ SUSY theory 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 4 )   2004年02月( ISSN:1029-8479



    We study the dynamical symmetry breaking in the gauge-Higgs unification of
    the 5D ${\mathcal N}=1$ SUSY theory, compactified on an orbifold, $S^1/Z_2$.
    This theory identifies Wilson line degrees of freedoms as ``Higgs doublets''.
    We consider $SU(3)_c \times SU(3)_W$ and SU(6) models, in which the gauge
    symmetries are reduced to $SU(3)_c \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ and $SU(3)_c
    \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y \times U(1)$, respectively, through the
    orbifolding boundary conditions. Quarks and leptons are bulk fields, so that
    Yukawa interactions can be derived from the 5D gauge interactions. We estimate
    the one loop effective potential of ``Higgs doublets'', and analyze the vacuum
    structures in these two models. We find that the effects of bulk quarks and
    leptons destabilize the suitable electro-weak vacuum. We show that the
    introduction of suitable numbers of extra bulk fields possessing the suitable
    representations can realize the appropriate electro-weak symmetry breaking.

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2004/04/016

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0402157v2

  • Vacuum structure and dynamical symmetry breaking in gauge-Higgs unification models

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamashita



    This paper has been withdrawn by the authors, because the authors have second
    thought that the new ideas in this paper are better to be contained in another

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0401184v3

  • A general formula of the effective potential in 5D SU(N) gauge theory on orbifold 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 2 )   2004年01月( ISSN:1029-8479



    We show a general formula of the one loop effective potential of the 5D SU(N)
    gauge theory compactified on an orbifold, $S^1/Z_2$. The formula shows the case
    when there are fundamental, (anti-)symmetric tensor and adjoint
    representational bulk fields. Our calculation method is also applicable when
    there are bulk fields belonging to higher dimensional representations. The
    supersymmetric version of the effective potential with Scherk-Schwarz breaking
    can be obtained straightforwardly. We also show some examples of effective
    potentials in SU(3), SU(5) and SU(6) models with various boundary conditions,
    which are reproduced by our general formula.

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2004/02/059

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0401185v4

  • Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric Gauge-Higgs Unification Models 査読

    Kiwoon Choi, Naoyuki Haba, Kwang-Sik Jeong, Ken-ichi Okumura, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Masahiro Yamaguchi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 2 )   2003年12月( ISSN:1029-8479



    We examine the Higgs mass parameters and electroweak symmetry breaking in
    supersymmetric orbifold field theories in which the 4-dimensional Higgs fields
    originate from higher-dimensional gauge supermultiplets. It is noted that such
    gauge-Higgs unification leads to a specific boundary condition on the Higgs
    mass parameters at the compactification scale, which is independent of the
    details of supersymmetry breaking mechanism. With this boundary condition,
    phenomenologically viable parameter space of the model is severely constrained
    by the condition of electroweak symmetry breaking for supersymmetry breaking
    scenarios which can be realized naturally in orbifold field theories. For
    instance, if it is assumed that the 4-dimensional effective theory is the
    minimal supersymmetric standard model with supersymmetry breaking parameters
    induced mainly by the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism, a correct electroweak symmetry
    breaking can not be achieved for reasonable range of parameters of the model,
    even when one includes additional contributions to the Higgs mass parameters
    from the auxiliary component of 4-dimensional conformal compensator. However if
    there exists a supersymmetry breaking mediated by brane superfield, sizable
    portion of the parameter space can give a correct electroweak symmetry

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2004/02/037

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0312178v1

  • Classification and dynamics of equivalence classes in SU(N) gauge theory on the orbifold $S^1/Z_2$ 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yutaka Hosotani, Yoshiharu Kawamura

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   111 ( 2 )   265 - 289   2003年09月( ISSN:0033-068X



    The dynamical determination of the boundary conditions in SU(N) gauge theory
    on the orbifold $S^1/Z_2$ is investigated. We classify the equivalence classes
    of the boundary conditions, and then the vacuum energy density of the theory in
    each equivalence class is evaluated at one loop order. Unambiguous comparison
    of the vacuum energy densities in the two theories in different equivalence
    classes becomes possible in supersymmetric theories. It is found that in the
    supersymmetric SU(5) models with the Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking, the
    theory with the boundary conditions yielding the standard model symmetry is in
    the equivalence class with the lowest energy density, though the low energy
    theory is not identically the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We also
    study how particular boundary conditions are chosen in the cosmological
    evolution of the universe.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.111.265

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0309088v2

  • Fat Branes, Orbifolds and Doublet-Triplet Splitting 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuhito Maru

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   33 ( 3 )   457 - 461   2003年06月( ISSN:1434-6044



    A simple higher dimensional mechanism of the doublet-triplet splitting is
    presented in a five dimensional supersymmetric SU(5) GUT on $S^1/Z_2$. The
    splitting of multiplets is realized by a mass term of Higgs hypermultiplet
    which explicitly breaks SU(5) gauge symmetry. Depending on the sign of mass,
    zero mode Higgs doublets and triplets are localized on the either side of the
    fixed points. The mass splitting is realized due to the difference of
    magnitudes of the overlap with a brane localized or a bulk singlet field. No
    unnatural fine-tuning of parameters is needed. The proton stability is ensured
    by locality {\em without symmetries}. As well as a conventional mass splitting
    solution, it is shown that the weak scale Higgs triplet is consistent with the
    proton stability. This result might provide an alternative signature of GUT in
    future collider experiments.

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s2003-01578-4

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0306229v2

  • Unitarity in gauge symmetry breaking on an orbifold 査読

    Y Abe, N Haba, Y Higashide, K Kobayashi, M Matsunaga

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   109 ( 5 )   831 - 842   2003年05月( ISSN:0033-068X



    We study the unitarity bounds of scattering amplitudes in extra-dimensional gauge theory, in which the gauge symmetry is broken by the boundary conditions. The evaluation of the amplitude of the diagram including four massive gauge bosons in the external lines shows that the asymptotic power behavior of the amplitude is canceled. The calculation is carried out with the 5-dimensional standard model and the SU(5) grand unified theory, whose 5th dimensional coordinate is compactified on S-1/Z(2). The gauge theories broken through the orbifolding preserve unitarity at high energies, similarly to the broken gauge theories in which the gauge bosons acquire masses through the Higgs mechanism. We show that the contributions of the Kaluza-Klein states play a crucial role in conserving the unitarity.

  • A simple model of generating fermion mass hierarchy in N=1 supersymmetric 6D SO(10) GUT 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yasuhiro Shimizu

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   560 ( 1-2 )   133 - 139   2002年12月( ISSN:0370-2693



    We suggest simple models which produce the suitable fermion mass hierarchies
    and flavor mixing angles based on the 6 dimensional N=1 supersymmetric SO(10)
    grand unified theory compactified on a $T^2/(Z_2 \times Z_2')$ orbifold. We
    introduce 6D and 5D matter fields, which contains the 1st and 2nd generation
    matter fields as the zero modes, respectively. The 3rd generation matter fields
    are located on a 4D brane. The Yukawa couplings for bulk fields are suppressed
    by volume factors from extra dimensions. The suitable fermion mass hierarchies
    and flavor mixings are generated by the volume suppression factors.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(03)00377-0

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0212384v1

  • Gauge-Higgs unification in the 5 dimensional E_6 and E_7 GUTs on orbifold 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yasuhiro Shimizu

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   67 ( 9 )   2002年12月( ISSN:1550-7998



    We consider 5 dimensional E_6 and E_7 supersymmetric grand unified theories
    (GUTs) on an orbifold S^1/Z_2, in which the Higgs fields arise from the 5th
    components of the 5D gauge fields. We introduce matter fields in 5 dimensions,
    then the Yukawa interactions are induced from the gauge interactions among the
    5th component of gauge fields and the bulk hyper-multiplets. The adjoint and
    fundamental representations of bulk matter fields can induce all Yukawa
    interactions of the standard model in E_6 GUT. Furthermore, realistic fermion
    mass hierarchies and flavor mixings with the CP violating phase can be
    reproduced by introducing the 4D brane localized fields and their interactions.
    E_7 GUT can produce all Yukawa interactions by introducing only adjoint matter
    hyper-multiplet in the bulk. The charge quantization and anomaly free structure
    on the 4D wall are satisfactory in our models.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.67.095001

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.69.059902

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0212166v2

  • Dynamical Rearrangement of Gauge Symmetry on the Orbifold S^1/Z_2 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Masatomi Harada, Yutaka Hosotani, Yoshiharu Kawamura

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B   657 ( 1-3 )   169 - 213   2002年12月( ISSN:0550-3213 ( eISSN:1873-1562



    Gauge theory defined on the orbifold $M^4 \times (S^1/Z_2)$ is investigated
    from the viewpoint of the Hosotani mechanism. Rearrangement of gauge symmetry
    takes place due to the dynamics of Wilson line phases. The physical symmetry of
    the theory, in general, differs from the symmetry of the boundary conditions.
    Several sets of boundary conditions having distinct symmetry can be related by
    gauge transformations, belonging to the same equivalence class. The Hosotani
    mechanism guarantees the same physics in all theories in one equivalent class.
    Examples are presented in the SU(5) theory. Zero modes of the extra-dimensional
    components, $A_y$, of gauge fields acquire masses by radiative corrections. In
    the nonsupersymmetric SU(5) model the presence of bulk fermions leads to the
    spontaneous breaking of color SU(3). In the supersymmetric model with
    Scherk-Schwarz SUSY breaking zero modes of $A_y$'s acquire masses of order of
    the SUSY breaking.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0550-3213(03)00142-1

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0212035v3

  • Fermion Mass Hierarchy and Supersymmetry Breaking in 6D SO(10) GUT on Orbifold

    Naoyuki Haba, Yasuhiro Shimizu



    We suggest simple models which produce the suitable fermion mass hierarchies
    and flavor mixing angles based on the 6 dimensional N=1 supersymmetric SO(10)
    grand unified theory compactified on a $T^2/(Z_2 \times Z_2')$ orbifold. We
    introduce extra vector-like heavy fields in the extra dimensions, and the
    suitable fermion mass hierarchies and flavor mixings are generated by
    integrating out these heavy fields. We consider gaugino mediation and gauge
    mediation supersymmetry breaking mechanisms and their flavor structures. The
    experimental constraints of small flavor changing neutral currents suggest
    where to locate the supersymmetry breaking brane in the gaugino mediation
    mechanism. On the other hand, the SUSY breaking masses are highly degenerated
    in the gauge mediation scenario, where the flavor changing neutral currents are
    naturally suppressed as in the ordinal four dimensional gauge mediation models.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0210146v3

  • Decoupling and lepton flavor violation in extra dimension 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuhito Maru, Noboru Nakamura

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   557 ( 3-4 )   240 - 246   2002年09月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445



    We discuss the fermion mass hierarchy and the flavor mixings in the fat brane
    scenario of five dimensional SUSY theory. The decoupling solution of the
    sfermion mass spectrum can be realized by introducing the vector-like mirror
    fields in an extra dimension. In this scenario, both the left- and right-handed
    sleptons can have sizable flavor mixings. We point out that this sizable flavor
    mixings can induce the suitable magnitude of the muon anomalous magnetic moment
    ($g_\mu -2$) within the experimental bounds of lepton flavor violating

    DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(03)00206-5

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0209009v4

  • Neutrinoless double $β$ decay, neutrino mass hierarchy, and neutrino dark matter 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Noboru Nakamura, Tomoharu Suzuki

    MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A   17 ( 14 )   865 - 874   2002年05月( ISSN:0217-7323 ( eISSN:1793-6632



    Recently the evidence of the neutrinoless double $\beta$ ($0\nu \beta\beta$)
    decay has been announced. This means that neutrinos are Majorana particles and
    their mass hierarchy is forced to inverted mass hierarchy (Type B) or
    degenerate mass (Type C) patterns in the diagonal basis of charged lepton mass
    matrix. We estimate the magnitude of $0\nu \beta\beta$ decay in the degenerate
    neutrinos including the cosmological constraint of neutrino dark matter, since
    the inverted mass hierarchy pattern always satisfies the cosmological
    constraint. The absolute value of neutrino mass is constrained by $0\nu
    \beta\beta$ experiment or cosmology depending on the relative signs (Majorana
    CP phases) of neutrino masses.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0205141v4

  • Fermion mass hierarchy in 6-dimensional SO(10) SUSY GUT 査読

    N Haba, T Kondo, Y Shimizu

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   535 ( 1-4 )   271 - 279   2002年05月( ISSN:0370-2693



    We suggest simple models which produce the suitable fermion mass hierarchies and flavor mixing angles based on the supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theory in 6 dimensions compactified on a T-2/Z(2) orbifold. The gauge and Higgs fields propagate in 6 dimensions while ordinal chiral matter fields are localized in 4 dimensions. We introduce extra vector-like heavy fields in the extra dimensions. We show three models according to the configurations of vector-like fields in extra dimensions. The suitable fermion mass hierarchies and flavor mixings are generated by integrating out these vector-like heavy fields. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.

  • (S)fermion Masses in Fat Brane Scenario 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuhito Maru

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   66 ( 5 )   2002年04月( ISSN:0556-2821



    We discuss the fermion mass hierarchy and the flavor mixings in the fat brane
    scenario of a five dimensional SUSY theory. Assuming that the matter fields
    lives in the bulk, their zero mode wave functions are Gaussians, and Higgs
    fields are localized on the brane, we find simple various types of the matter
    configurations generating the mass matrices consistent with experimental data.
    Sfermion mass spectrum is also discussed using the matter configurations found
    above. Which type of squark mass spectra (the degeneracy, the decoupling and
    the alignment) is realized depends on the relative locations of SUSY breaking
    brane and the brane where Higgs fields are localized.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.66.055005

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0204069v1

  • Fermion mass hierarchy in six-dimensional SO(10) grand unified theory on a T-2/Z(2) orbifold 査読

    N Haba, T Kondo, Y Shimizu

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   531 ( 3-4 )   245 - 254   2002年04月( ISSN:0370-2693



    We suggest a simple supersymmetric SO(01) and unified theory in 6 dimensions which produces the suitable fermion mass Hierarchies. The 5th- and 6th-dimensional coordinates are compactified on a T-2/Z(2) orbifold. The gauge and I-Eggs fields propagate in 6 dimensions while ordinal chiral matter fields are localized in 4 dimensions. The orbifolding and boundary conditions realize the gauge symmetry reduction, SU(3)(C) x SU(2)(L) x U(l)(Y) x U(1)(X), and the triplet-doublet mass splitting. We introduce extra three sets of vector-like heavy fields: two sets propagate in 6 dimensions and chiral fields which couple to them are defined as the 1st generation, and one set propagates in 5 dimensions and chiral fields which couple to them are defined as the 2nd generation. The suitable fermion mass hierarchies are generated by integrating out these vector-like heavy fields. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Decoupling Solution to SUSY Flavor Problem via Extra Dimensions 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuhito Maru

    MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A   17 ( 35 )   2341 - 2347   2002年02月( ISSN:0217-7323



    We discuss the decoupling solution to SUSY flavor problem in the fat brane
    scenario. We present a simple model to yield the decoupling sfermion spectrum
    in a five dimensional theory. Sfermion masses are generated by the overlap
    between the wave functions of the matter fields and the chiral superfields on
    the SUSY breaking brane. Two explicit examples of the spectrum are given.

    DOI: 10.1142/S0217732302009039

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0202196v1

  • The neutrinoless double $β$ decay and the neutrino mass hierarchy

    Naoyuki Haba, Tomoharu Suzuki



    Recently the evidence of the neutrinoless double $\beta$
    ($0\nu \beta\beta$) decay has been announced. This means that neutrinos are
    Majorana particles and their mass hierarchy is forced to certain patterns in
    the diagonal basis of charged lepton mass matrix. We estimate the magnitude of
    $0\nu \beta\beta$ decay in the classification of the neutrino mass hierarchy
    patterns as Type A, $m_{1,2} \ll m_{3}$, Type B,
    $m_1 \sim m_2 \gg m_3$, and Type C, $m_1 \sim m_2 \sim m_3$, where $m_{i}$ is
    the $i$-th generation neutrino absolute mass. The data of $0\nu \beta\beta$
    decay experiment suggests the neutrino mass hierarchy pattern should be Type B
    or C. Type B predicts a small magnitude of $0\nu \beta\beta$ decay which is
    just edge of the allowed region of experimental value in $95% \mathrm{c.l.}$,
    where Majorana CP phases should be in a certain parameter region. Type C can
    induce the suitably large amount of $0\nu \beta\beta$ decay which is consistent
    with the experimental data, where overall scale of degenerate neutrino mass
    plays a crucial role, and its large value can induce the large $0\nu
    \beta\beta$ decay in any parameter regions of Majorana CP phases.

    DOI: 10.1142/S0217732302007156

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0202143v1

  • Light Higgs Triplets in Extra Dimensions

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuhito Maru



    We discuss the possibility that the Higgs triplet can be light (1TeV in the
    most interesting case) without contradictions with the proton stability %and
    the gauge coupling unification in the context of higher dimensional theory. The
    proton stability is ensured by the suppression of Yukawa coupling of the Higgs
    triplet to the matter through its small overlap of wave functions in extra
    dimensions. The light Higgs triplets might be detected in future collider
    experiments as an alternative signature of GUT instead of the proton decay. The
    gauge coupling unification can be preserved by introducing extra bulk matter

    DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(02)01534-4

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0201216v2

  • Fermion mass hierarchy in the grand unified theory on an S-1/(Z(2) x Z(2)') orbifold 査読

    N Haba, Y Shimizu, T Suzuki, K Ukai

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   107 ( 1 )   151 - 162   2002年01月( ISSN:0033-068X



    We propose a simple grand unified theory in which the fifth dimensional coordinate is compactified oil an S-1/(Z(2) x Z(2)') orbifold. This model is based on the supersymmetric flipped SU(5) x U(1) grand unified theory, which can realize not only the triplet-doublet splitting but also the natural fermion mass hierarchies. The triplet-doublet splitting is realized by S-1/(Z(2) x Z(2)') orbifolding, which also reduces the gauge group as SU(5) x U(1) --&gt; SU(3)(c) x SU(2)(L) x U(1)(z) x U(1)(x). Realistic fermion mass hierarchies are generated by integrating out three extra sets of vector-like heavy fields which can propagate in five dimensions. The radiative corrections too can reduce the gauge group to SU(3)(c) x SU(2)(L) x U(1)(Y) with a simple extension of the model.

  • The stau exchange contribution to muon g-2 in the decoupling solution 査読

    Gi-Chol Cho, Naoyuki Haba, Junji Hisano

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   529 ( 1-2 )   117 - 123   2001年12月( ISSN:0370-2693



    We study the possibility that the lepton-flavor changing process can induce
    the suitable magnitude of the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g_\mu -2) in the
    decoupling solution to the flavor problem in the minimal supersymmetric
    standard model. Our analyses introduce the flavor mixings of left- and
    right-handed stau and smuon phenomenologically. It is found that if both the
    left- and right-handed sleptons have sizable flavor mixings, the correction to
    g_\mu -2 from the lighter slepton can reach to 10^{-9} while the correction to
    the branching ratio of \tau \to \mu \gamma satisfies the current experimental
    bound. On the other hand, when only the left-handed or right-handed sleptons
    have the large flavor mixing, the suitable magnitude of the correction to
    g_\mu-2 is not realized owing to the experimental bound of \tau \to \mu \gamma.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(02)01252-2

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0112163v2

  • Model with gauge coupling unification on an S-1/(Z(2) x Z(2)') orbifold 査読

    N Haba, T Kondo, Y Shimizu, T Suzuki, K Ukai

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   106 ( 6 )   1247 - 1254   2001年12月( ISSN:0033-068X



    We propose a simple grand unified theory in which the fifth dimensional coordinate is compactified on an S-1/(Z(2) x Z(2)(')) orbifold. We propose two models within this theory, one containing an additional 10 + (10) over bar and one containing an additional 15 + (15) over bar, together with two 24 Higgs multiplets in the non-supersymmetric SU(5) grand unified theory. Although this theory is a non-supersymmetric theory, gauge coupling unification is realized through the mass splittings of Higgs multiplets by S-1/(Z(2) X Z(2)(')) orbifolding. The constraints from b --&gt; sgamma and mu --&gt; egamma and from electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments are also discussed.

  • Possible flavor mixing structures of lepton mass matrices 査読

    N Haba, J Sato, M Tanimoto, K Yoshioka

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   64 ( 11 )   2001年12月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029



    To search for possible textures of lepton mass matrices, we systematically examine flavor mixing structures which can lead to large lepton mixing angles. We find out 37 mixing patterns are consistent with experimental data, taking into account phase factors in the mixing matrices. Only-six of the patterns can explain the observed data without any tuning of parameters, while the others need particular choices for the phase values. It is found that these six mixing patterns are those predicted by the models which have been proposed to account for fermion mass hierarchies. On the other hand, the others may give new flavor mixing structures of lepton mass matrices and therefore new possibilities of model construction.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.64.113016

  • Cosmological constraint on the Zee model 査読

    N Haba, K Hamaguchi, T Suzuki

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   519 ( 3-4 )   243 - 248   2001年11月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445



    It is well known that the Zee model induces small neutrino masses by radiative corrections, where the bi-maximal flavor mixing is possible. We analyze the cosmological condition in order for the baryon asymmetry generated in the early universe not to be washed out in the Zee model. Since the lepton number is violated explicitly in the Zee model, the baryon asymmetry might be washed out through the sphaleron processes together with the lepton-number violating interactions. In this Letter, we will show that the baryon asymmetry is not washed out, although it has been said that the Zee model cannot preserve the baryon asymmetry generated in the early universe. This can be seen by considering an approximately conserved number, L' equivalent to L-e - L-mu - L-tau. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

  • Anarchy and hierarchy: An approach to study models of fermion masses and mixings 査読

    N Haba, H Murayama

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   63 ( 5 )   2001年03月( ISSN:0556-2821



    We advocate a new approach to study models of fermion masses and mixings, namely, the anarchy proposed by Hall, Murayama, and Weiner. In this approach, we scan the O(1) coefficients randomly. We argue that this is the correct approach when the fundamental theory is sufficiently complicated. Assuming that there is no physical distinction among three generations of neutrinos, the probability distributions in Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata mixing angles can be predicted independent of the choice of the measure. This is because the mixing angles are distributed according to the Haar measure of the Lie groups whose elements diagonalize the mass matrices. The near-maximal mixings, as observed in the atmospheric neutrino data and as required in the large mixing angle solution to the solar neutrino problem, are highly probable. A small hierarchy between Deltam(2) for the atmospheric and the solar neutrinos is obtained very easily; the complex seesaw case gives a hierarchy of a factor of 20 as the most probable one, even though this conclusion is more measure dependent. U-e3 has to be just below the current limit from the CHOOZ experiment. The CP-violating parameter sin delta is preferred to be maximal. We present a simple SU(5)-like extension of anarchy to the charged lepton and quark sectors that works well phenomenologically.

  • The effects of Majorana phases in three-generation neutrinos

    Haba N., Matsui Y., 岡村 直利

    素粒子論研究   102 ( 4 )   D86 - D88   2001年( ISSN:0371-1838

  • The effects of Majorana phases in three-generation neutrinos 査読

    N Haba, Y Matsui, N Okamura

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   17 ( 3 )   513 - 520   2000年11月( ISSN:1434-6044 ( eISSN:1434-6052



    Neutrino-oscillation solutions for the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and the solar neutrino deficit carl determine the texture of the neutrino mass matrix according to three types of neutrino mass hierarchy: Type A: m(1) &lt;&lt; m(2) &lt;&lt; m(3), Type B: m(1) similar to m(2) &gt;&gt; m(3), and Type C: m(1) similar to m(2) similar to m(3), where m(i) is the absolute mass of the ith generation neutrino. The relative sign assignments of the neutrino masses in each type of mass hierarchy play crucial roles in the stability against quantum corrections. Actually, two physical Majorana phases in the lepton flavor mixing matrix connect the relative sign assignments of the neutrino masses. Therefore, in this paper me analyze the stability of the mixing angles against quantum corrections according to three types of neutrino mass hierarchy (Type A, B, C) and two Majorana phases. The two phases play crucial roles in the stability of the mixing angles against quantum corrections.

    DOI: 10.1007/s100520000458

  • Anarchy and Hierarchy 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hitoshi Murayama



    We advocate a new approach to study models of fermion masses and mixings,
    namely anarchy proposed in hep-ph/9911341. In this approach, we scan the O(1)
    coefficients randomly. We argue that this is the correct approach when the
    fundamental theory is sufficiently complicated. Assuming there is no physical
    distinction among three generations of neutrinos, the probability distributions
    in MNS mixing angles can be predicted independent of the choice of the measure.
    This is because the mixing angles are distributed according to the Haar measure
    of the Lie groups whose elements diagonalize the mass matrices. The
    near-maximal mixings, as observed in the atmospheric neutrino data and as
    required in the LMA solution to the solar neutrino problem, are highly
    probable. A small hierarchy between the Delta m^2 for the atmospheric and the
    solar neutrinos is obtained very easily; the complex seesaw case gives a
    hierarchy of a factor of 20 as the most probable one, even though this
    conclusion is more measure-dependent. U_{e3} has to be just below the current
    limit from the CHOOZ experiment. The CP-violating parameter sin delta is
    preferred to be maximal. We present a simple SU(5)-like extension of anarchy to
    the charged-lepton and quark sectors which works well phenomenologically.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.63.053010

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0009174v1

  • Are lepton flavor mixings in the democratic mass matrix stable against quantum corrections? 査読

    N Haba, Y Matsui, N Okamura, T Suzuki

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   489 ( 1-2 )   184 - 193   2000年09月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445



    We investigate whether the lepton flavor mixing angles in the so-called democratic type of mass matrix are stable against quantum corrections or not in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with dimension five operator which induces neutrino mass matrix. By taking simple breaking patterns of S-3L x S-3R or O(3)(L) x O(3)(R) flavor symmetries and the scale where democratic textures are induced as O(10(13)) GeV, we find that the stability of the lepton flavor mixing angles in the democratic type of mass matrix against quantum corrections depends on the solar neutrino solutions, The maximal flavor mixing of the Vacuum oscillation solution is spoiled by quantum corrections in the experimental allowed region of tan beta, The large angle MSW solution is spoiled by quantum corrections in the region of tan beta &gt; ra. The condition of tan beta less than or equal to 10 is needed in order to obtain the suitable mass squared difference of the small angle MSW solution, These strong constraints must be regarded for the model building of the democratic type of mass matrix. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00911-4

  • Stability of the lepton-flavor mixing matrix against quantum corrections 査読

    N Haba, N Okamura

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   14 ( 2 )   347 - 365   2000年05月( ISSN:1434-6044 ( eISSN:1434-6052



    Recent neutrino experiments suggest strong evidence of tiny neutrino masses and the lepton-flavor mixing. Neutrino-oscillation solutions for the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and the solar neutrino deficit can determine the texture of the neutrino mass matrix according to the neutrino mass hierarchies as Type A: m(3) much greater than m(2) similar to m(1), Type B: m(3) much less than m(2) similar to m(1), and Type C: m(3) similar to m(2) similar to m(1), where mi is the i-th generation neutrino mass. In this paper we study the stability of the lepton-flavor mixing matrix against quantum corrections for all three types of mass hierarchy in the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model with an effective dimension-five operator which gives the Majorana masses of neutrinos. The relative sign assignments of neutrino masses in each type play crucial role for the stability against quantum corrections. We find that the lepton-flavor mixing matrix of Type A is stable against quantum corrections, and that of Type B with the same (opposite) signs of mi and ma are unstable (stable). For Type C, the lepton-flavor-mixing matrix approaches the definite unitary matrix according to the relative sign assignments of the neutrino mass eigenvalues as the effects of quantum corrections become large enough to neglect the squared mass differences of neutrinos.

    DOI: 10.1007/s100520000333

  • Boundary dynamics of higher dimensional AdS spacetime 査読

    N. Haba, M. Matsuda, M. Tanimoto

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics   478 ( 1-3 )   327 - 332   2000年04月( ISSN:0370-2693



    We examine the dynamics induced on the four dimensional boundary of a five dimensional anti-deSitter spacetime by the five dimensional Chern-Simons theory with gauge group the direct product of SO(4,2) with U(1). We show that, given boundary conditions compatible with the geometry of 5d AdS spacetime in the asymptotic region, the induced surface theory is the WZW4 model. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00271-9

  • Zee neutrino mass matrix in the gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario 査読

    N Haba, M Matsuda, M Tanimoto

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   478 ( 1-3 )   351 - 357   2000年04月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445



    It is well known that Zee type neutrino mass matrix can provide bi-maximal neutrino mixing for three neutrinos. We study the reconciliation of this model with the gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario, which naturally suppresses the large flavor changing neutral current and CP violation in the supersymmetric standard model. When the messenger fields have suitable B-L charges, the radiative correction naturally induces the Zee neutrino mass matrix, which provides tiny neutrino masses and large lepton flavor mixings. Our numerical results are consistent with the neutrino oscillation experiments in both three and four neutrino models. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Analytic solutions to the RG equations of the neutrino physical parameters 査読

    N Haba, Y Matsui, N Okamura

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   103 ( 4 )   807 - 814   2000年04月( ISSN:0033-068X



    In the case of two-generation neutrinos, the energy-scale dependence of the lepton-flavor mixing matrix with Majorana phase can be governed by only one parameter, r, which is the ratio between the diagonal elements of the neutrino mass matrix. By using this parameter, we derive the analytic solutions to the renormalisation group equations of the physical parameters, which are the mixing angle, the Majorana phase, and the ratio of the mass-squared difference to the mass squared of the heaviest neutrino. The energy-scale dependence of the Majorana phase is clarified by using these analytic solutions. The instability of the Majorana phase arises in the same parameter region in which the mixing angle is unstable with respect to quantum corrections.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.103.807

  • Renormalization group analysis of large lepton flavor mixing and the neutrino mass 査読

    N Haba, N Okamura, M Sugiura

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   103 ( 2 )   367 - 377   2000年02月( ISSN:0033-068X



    The Superkamiokande experiment suggests large flavor mixing between nu(mu) and nu(tau). We show that both the second and third generation neutrino masses are larger than O(0.1 eV) when the mixing angle receives significant corrections from the renormalization group equation (RGE). This implies that this mixing angle must be small at the right-handed neutrinos' decoupling scale when the results of the LSND experiments are correct and when the atmospheric neutrino anomaly is accounted for by nu(mu)-nu(tau) oscillation.

  • The effect of Majorana phase in degenerate neutrinos 査読

    N Haba, Y Matsui, N Okamura, M Sugiura

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   103 ( 1 )   145 - 150   2000年01月( ISSN:0033-068X



    There are physical Majorana phases in the lepton flavor mixing matrix when neutrinos are Majorana fermions. In the case of two degenerate neutrinos, the physical Majorana phase plays a crucial role in the stability of the maximal flavor mixing between the second and the third generations with respect to quantum corrections. The physical Majorana phase of pi guarantees that the maximal mixing is stable with respect to quantum corrections, while the Majorana phase of zero causes the maximal mixing destroyed by quantum corrections when neutrino masses are of O(1 eV). The continuous change of the Majorana phase from pi to 0 makes the maximal mixing destroyed by quantum corrections with O(1 eV) degenerate neutrino masses. On the other hand, when there is a large mass hierarchy among neutrinos, the maximal flavor mixing is not destroyed by quantum corrections independently of the Majorana phase.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.103.145

  • Energy-scale dependence of the lepton flavor-mixing matrix 査読

    N Haba, Y Matsui, N Okamura, M Sugiura

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   10 ( 4 )   677 - 680   1999年10月( ISSN:1434-6044 ( eISSN:1434-6052



    We study an energy-scale dependence of the lepton flavor-mixing matrix in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with the effective dimension-five operators, which give Majorana masses of neutrinos. We analyze the renormalization group equations of the coefficients (K-ij) of these effective operators under an approximation that neglects terms of order K-2. We find that only n(g) - 1 (where n(g) is the generation number) real independent parameters in the lepton flavor-mixing matrix depend on the energy scale. In particular, all the phases in k are scale-independent.

  • Stability of the Lepton-Flavor Mixing Matrix Against Quantum Corrections

    Haba N., 岡村 直利

    素粒子論研究   100 ( 3 )   C60   1999年

  • The Singular Seesaw Mechanism with Hierarchical Dirac Neutrino Mass 査読

    Yuichi Chikira, Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   16 ( 4 )   701 - 705   1998年08月( ISSN:1434-6044 ( eISSN:1434-6052



    The singular seesaw mechanism can naturally explain the atmospheric neutrino
    deficit by the maximal oscillation between $\nu_{\mu_L}$ and $\nu_{\mu_R}$.
    This mechanism can also induce three different scales of neutrino mass squared
    differences, which can explain the neutrino deficits of three independent
    experiments (solar, atmospheric, and LSND) by neutrino oscillations. In this
    paper we show that the realistic mixing angles among neutrinos can be obtained
    by introducing the hierarchy in the Dirac neutrino mass. In the case where
    Majorana neutrino mass matrix has rank 2, the solar neutrino deficit is
    explained by the vacuum oscillation between $\nu_e$ and $\nu_\tau$. We also
    consider the case where Majorana neutrino mass matrix has rank 1. In this case,
    the mater enhanced Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein solar neutrino solution is
    prefered as the solution of the solar neutrino deficit.

    DOI: 10.1007/s100520000397

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9808254v3

  • The Sliding Singlet Mechanism with Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking 査読

    Yuichi Chikira, Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   59 ( 5 )   1998年04月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029



    The sliding singlet mechanism is one of the most interesting solutions of the
    triplet-doublet splitting problem. We analyze this mechanism in the gauge
    mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario. We show that the sliding singlet
    mechanism does not work in the naive gauge mediation scenario because of the
    singlet linear terms derived from the gravity, although $F$ term is much
    smaller than the one in the gravity mediation scenario. We also consider the
    extension in order for the sliding singlet mechanism to work.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.59.055002

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9804279v3




  • Enhanced $Γ(p\to K^0μ^+)/Γ(p\to K^+\barν_μ)$ as a Signature of Minimal Renormalizable SUSY $SO(10)$ GUT

    Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura, Toshifumi Yamada



    The ratio of the partial widths of some dimension-5 proton decay modes can be
    predicted without detailed knowledge of SUSY particle masses, and thus allows
    us to experimentally test various SUSY GUT models without discovering SUSY
    particles. In this paper, we study the ratio of the partial widths of the $p\to
    K^0\mu^+$ and $p\to K^+\bar{\nu}_\mu$ decays in the minimal renormalizable SUSY
    $SO(10)$ GUT, under only a plausible assumption that the 1st and 2nd generation
    left-handed squarks are mass-degenerate. In the model, we expect that the
    Wilson coefficients of dimension-5 operators responsible for these modes are on
    the same order and that the ratio of $p\to K^0\mu^+$ and $p\to
    K^+\bar{\nu}_\mu$ partial widths is $O(0.1)$. Hence, we may be able to detect
    both $p\to K^0\mu^+$ and $p\to K^+\bar{\nu}_\mu$ decays at Hyper-Kamiokande,
    thereby gaining a hint for the minimal renormalizable SUSY $SO(10)$ GUT.
    Moreover, since this partial width ratio is quite suppressed in the minimal
    $SU(5)$ GUT, it allows us to distinguish the minimal renormalizable SUSY
    $SO(10)$ GUT from the minimal $SU(5)$ GUT. In the main body of the paper, we
    perform a fitting of the quark and lepton masses and flavor mixings with the
    Yukawa couplings of the minimal renormalizable $SO(10)$ GUT, and derive a
    concrete prediction for the partial width ratio based on the fitting results.
    We find that the partial width ratio generally varies in the range 0.05-0.6,
    confirming the above expectation.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptaa097

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.11413v3

  • Muon and Electron $g-2$ and the Origin of Fermion Mass Hierarchy

    Naoyuki Haba, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Toshifumi Yamada



    We present a model that gives a natural explanation to the charged lepton
    mass hierarchy and study the contributions to the electron and the muon $g-2$.
    In the model, we introduce lepton-flavor-dependent $U(1)_F$ symmetry and three
    additional Higgs doublets with $U(1)_F$ charges, to realize that each
    generation of charged leptons couples to one of the three additional Higgs
    doublets. The $U(1)_F$ symmetry is softly broken by $+1$ charges, and the
    smallness of the soft breaking naturally gives rise to the hierarchy of the
    Higgs VEVs, which then accounts for the charged lepton mass hierarchy. Since
    electron and muon couple to different scalar particles, each scalar contributes
    to the electron and the muon $g-2$ differently. We survey the space of
    parameters of the Higgs sector and find that there are sets of parameters that
    explain the muon $g-2$ discrepancy. On the other hand, we cannot find the
    parameter sets that can explain $g-2$ discrepancy within 2$\sigma$. Here the
    $U(1)_F$ symmetry suppresses charged lepton flavor violation.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptaa098

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.10230v3

  • Gravitational Waves from Phase Transition in Minimal SUSY $U(1)_{B-L}$ Model

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamada



    Many extensions of the Standard Model include a new $U(1)$ gauge group that
    is broken spontaneously at a scale much above TeV. If a $U(1)$-breaking phase
    transition occurs at nucleation temperature of $O(100)$-$O(1000)$~TeV, it can
    generate stochastic gravitational waves in $O(10)$-$O(100)$ Hz range if
    $\beta_{\rm n}/H_{\rm n}=1000$, which can be detected by ground-based
    detectors. Meanwhile, supersymmetry (SUSY) may play a crucial role in the
    dynamics of such high-scale $U(1)$ gauge symmetry breaking, because SUSY
    breaking scale is expected to be at TeV to solve the hierarchy problem. In this
    paper, we study the phase transition of $U(1)$ gauge symmetry breaking in a
    SUSY model in the SUSY limit. We consider a particular example, the minimal
    SUSY $U(1)_{B-L}$ model. We derive the finite temperature effective potential
    of the model in the SUSY limit, study a $U(1)_{B-L}$-breaking phase transition,
    and estimate gravitational waves generated from it.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.075027

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.01292v5

  • Detectable dimension-6 proton decay in SUSY SO(10) GUT at Hyper-Kamiokande 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura, Toshifumi Yamada



    In the minimal SUSY SU(5) GUT with $O(1)$ TeV SUSY particles and $O(1)$ or
    below self-coupling for the GUT-breaking Higgs field, the width of the
    dimension-6 proton decay is suppressed below the reach of Hyper-Kamiokande. In
    this paper, we point out that a SUSY SO(10) GUT which adopts only ${\bf
    45}_{\rm H}+{\bf 16}_{\rm H}+{\bf \overline{16 } }_{\rm H}$ GUT-breaking Higgs
    fields leads to an enhanced dimension-6 proton decay width detectable at
    Hyper-Kamiokande. The enhancement is because the SU(5)-breaking VEV of ${\bf
    45}_{\rm H}$ arises due to Planck-suppressed terms, $W\propto ({\bf 45}_{\rm
    H}^2)^2/M_*+{\bf 45}_{\rm H}^4/M_*$, and is therefore substantially larger than
    the other VEVs that conserve SU(5). As a result, the $({\bf 3},{\bf 2},1/6)$
    GUT gauge boson mass is about $1/5$ smaller than the $({\bf 3},{\bf 2},-5/6)$
    GUT gauge boson mass and can induce a fast dimension-6 proton decay. Through a
    numerical analysis on threshold corrections of the GUT gauge bosons and the
    physical components of the GUT-breaking Higgs fields, we confirm that the
    dimension-6 proton decay can be within the reach of Hyper-Kamiokande.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2019)155

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.11697v1

  • Revisiting Quantum Stabilization of the Radion in Randall-Sundrum Model

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamada



    We study the stabilization of the radion in Randall-Sundrum-1 model by the
    Casimir energy of a bulk gauge field. The Casimir energy is proportional to a
    divergent, infinite summation over the zeros of a Wronskian of Bessel functions
    that implicitly depends on the radion vacuum expectation value, and its
    regularization and renormalization is the central issue. We carry out the
    correct regularization and renormalization by noting that analytic continuation
    must be performed only on functions that are independent of the radion vacuum
    expectation value. Thereby we find that the 1-loop effective potential for the
    radion generated by the Casimir energy can be renormalized with the boundary
    tensions, and we correctly obtain the renormalized effective potential for the
    radion. It is shown that a bulk gauge field satisfying Neumann condition at the
    positive (UV) boundary and Dirichlet condition at the negative (IR) boundary
    gives rise to an appropriate radion potential that stabilizes the radion vacuum
    expectation value in a way that a large hierarchy of the warp factor is
    generated naturally.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.10160v2

  • On $θ_{23}$ Octant Measurement in $3+1$ Neutrino Oscillations in T2HKK

    Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura, Toshifumi Yamada



    It has been pointed out that the mixing of an eV-scale sterile neutrino with
    active flavors can lead to loss of sensitivity to the $\theta_{23}$ octant
    (sign of $\sin^2\theta_{23}-1/2$) in long baseline experiments, because the
    main oscillation probability
    $P_0=4\sin^2\theta_{23}\sin^2\theta_{13}\sin^2\Delta_{31}$ can be degenerate
    with the sum of the interferences with the solar oscillation amplitude and an
    active-sterile oscillation amplitude in both neutrino and antineutrino
    oscillations, depending on CP phases. In this paper, we show that the above
    degeneracy is resolved by measuring the same beam at different baseline
    lengths. We demonstrate that Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande-to-Korea (T2HKK)
    experiment (one 187~kton fiducial volume water Cerenkov detector is placed at
    Kamioka, $L=295$~km, and another detector is put in Korea, $L\sim1000$~km)
    exhibits a better sensitivity to the $\theta_{23}$ octant in those parameter
    regions where the experiment with two detectors at Kamioka is insensitive to
    it. Therefore, if a hint of sterile-active mixings is discovered in short
    baseline experiments, T2HKK is a better option than the plan of placing two
    detectors at Kamioka. We also consider an alternative case where one detector
    is placed at Kamioka and a different detector is at Oki Islands, $L=653$~km,
    and show that this configuration also leads to a better sensitivity to the
    $\theta_{23}$ octant.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.075034

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.10940v2

  • Proton Lifetime Upper Bound in Non-SUSY SU(5) GUT

    Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura, Toshifumi Yamada

    99 ( 075018 )   2018年12月


    In preparation for upcoming nucleon decay searches at Hyper-Kamiokande, it is
    important to derive a theoretical upper bound on the proton lifetime in a
    general class of grand unified theory (GUT) models. In this paper, we make an
    attempt along this direction for non-SUSY SU(5) models, under the mild
    restrictions that only one or two SM-decomposed multiplets are singularly
    light, and that the SU(5) gauge theory is asymptotically free and thus there
    are no too large representations in the model. We derive criteria for
    SM-decomposed multiplets that potentially enhance the proton lifetime when they
    are singularly light. We perform a numerical analysis on the proton lifetime
    and show that some choices of singularly light multiplets can provide a
    testable upper bound on the proton lifetime.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.075018

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.08521v2

  • Proton Lifetime Upper Bound in Non-SUSY SU(5) GUT

    Naoyuki Haba, Yukihiro Mimura, Toshifumi Yamada

    2019   075018   2018年12月


    In preparation for upcoming nucleon decay searches at Hyper-Kamiokande, it is
    important to derive a theoretical upper bound on the proton lifetime in a
    general class of grand unified theory (GUT) models. In this paper, we make an
    attempt along this direction for non-SUSY SU(5) models, under the mild
    restrictions that only one or two SM-decomposed multiplets are singularly
    light, and that the SU(5) gauge theory is asymptotically free and thus there
    are no too large representations in the model. We derive criteria for
    SM-decomposed multiplets that potentially enhance the proton lifetime when they
    are singularly light. We perform a numerical analysis on the proton lifetime
    and show that some choices of singularly light multiplets can provide a
    testable upper bound on the proton lifetime.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.075018

  • Direct CP violation in Cabibbo-favored charmed meson decays and ε′/ε in SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B-L model 査読

    Haba Naoyuki, Umeeda Hiroyuki, Yamada Toshifumi

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2018   052_1-29   2018年06月


  • $ε'/ε$ Anomaly and Neutron EDM in $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L}$ model with Charge Symmetry 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Umeeda, Toshifumi Yamada

    1805   052_1-29   2018年02月


    The Standard Model prediction for $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ based on recent
    lattice QCD results exhibits a tension with the experimental data. We solve
    this tension through $W_R^+$ gauge boson exchange in the $SU(2)_L\times
    SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L}$ model with `charge symmetry', whose theoretical
    motivation is to attribute the chiral structure of the Standard Model to the
    spontaneous breaking of $SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge group and charge
    symmetry. We show that $M_{W_R}<58$ TeV is required to account for the
    $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ anomaly in this model. Next, we make a prediction for the
    neutron EDM in the same model and study a correlation between
    $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ and the neutron EDM. We confirm that the model can solve
    the $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ anomaly without conflicting the current bound on the
    neutron EDM, and further reveal that almost all parameter regions in which the
    $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ anomaly is explained will be covered by future neutron EDM
    searches, which leads us to anticipate the discovery of the neutron EDM.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2018)052

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.09903v3

  • Prediction on Neutrino Dirac and Majorana Phases and Absolute Mass Scale from the CKM Matrix

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamada

    97 ( 5 )   055018   2018年01月


    In Type-I seesaw model, the lepton flavor mixing matrix (PMNS matrix) and the
    quark flavor mixing matrix (CKM matrix) may be connected implicitly through a
    relation between the neutrino Dirac Yukawa coupling $Y_D$ and the quark Yukawa
    couplings. In this paper, we study whether $Y_D$ can satisfy, in the flavor
    basis where the charged lepton Yukawa and right-handed neutrino Majorana mass
    matrices are diagonal, the relation $Y_D \propto {\rm
    diag}(y_d,y_s,y_b)V_{CKM}^T$ or $Y_D \propto {\rm diag}(y_u,y_c,y_t)V_{CKM}^*$
    without contradicting the current experimental data on quarks and neutrino
    oscillations. We search for sets of values of the neutrino Dirac CP phase
    $\delta_{CP}$, Majorana phases $\alpha_2,\alpha_3$, and the lightest active
    neutrino mass that satisfy either of the above relations, with the normal or
    inverted hierarchy of neutrino mass. In performing the search, we consider
    renormalization group evolutions of the quark masses and CKM matrix and the
    propagation of their experimental errors along the evolutions. We find that
    only the former relation $Y_D \propto {\rm diag}(y_d,y_s,y_b)V_{CKM}^T$ with
    the normal neutrino mass hierarchy holds, based on which we make a prediction
    for $\delta_{CP},\,\alpha_2,\,\alpha_3$ and the lightest active neutrino mass.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.055018

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.02904v2

  • Semialigned two Higgs doublet model

    N. Haba, T. Takahashi, T. Yamada

    JCAP   1806 ( 06 )   011   2018年


  • Heavy neutrino mixing in the T2HK, the T2HKK and an extension of the T2HK with a detector at Oki Islands

    Yugo Abe, Yusuke Asano, Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamada

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   77 ( 12 )   851_1-851_23   2017年05月( ISSN:1434-6044 ( eISSN:1434-6052


    We study the discovery potential for the mixing of heavy isospin-singlet
    neutrinos in extensions of the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment: The
    Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK), the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande-to-Korea
    (T2HKK), and a plan of adding a new detector at Oki Islands to the T2HK. We
    parametrize the mixing of heavy neutrinos in terms of a non-unitary mixing
    matrix acting on active flavors. It is shown that in the T2HK and T2HKK, the
    sensitivity to heavy neutrino mixing deteriorates for some values of
    $CP$-violating phases in the standard and the non-unitary mixing matrices, but
    the deterioration is drastically mitigated if a detector at Oki Islands is
    added to the T2HK. We also consider the feasibility of measuring the mass
    hierarchy and the standard $CP$-violating phase $\delta_{CP}$ in the presence
    of heavy neutrino mixing, by fitting experimental data with the standard
    oscillation parameters only, i.e., under the assumption of unitary mixing. It
    is revealed that such measurement can be performed to some accuracy in the
    T2HKK and the extension of the T2HK with a detector at Oki Islands, owing to
    the fact that data with largely varying $L/E$ are collected in these
    experiments, while it cannot be in the T2HK.

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5294-7

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1705.03818v3

  • Multiple-point principle realized with strong dynamics

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamada

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   95 ( 11 )   115015_1-10   2017年03月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    We present a novel extension of the Standard Model which fulfills the
    multiple-point principle without contradicting the Higgs particle mass
    measurement. In the model, the scalar potential has two minima where the scalar
    field has vacuum expectation values of 246 GeV and the Planck mass $\simeq
    2.44\times 10^{18}$ GeV, the latter of which is realized by considering a
    classically scale invariant setup and requiring that the scalar quartic
    coupling and its beta function vanish at the Planck scale. The Standard Model
    Higgs field is a mixture of an elementary scalar and composite scalars in a new
    strongly-coupled gauge theory, and the strong dynamics gives rise to the
    negative mass for the SM Higgs field, and at the same time, causes separation
    of the SM Higgs quartic coupling and the quartic coupling for the elementary
    scalar, which leads to the vanshing of the latter quartic coupling and its beta
    function at the Planck scale. The model predicts new scalar particles with
    about 300 GeV mass possessing electroweak charges and Yukawa-type couplings
    with Standard Model fermions, and a new light gauge boson that couples to
    Standard Model fermions.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.115015

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.04235v2

  • Strong dynamics in a classically scale invariant extension of the Standard Model with flatland

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamada

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   95 ( 11 )   115016_1-22   2017年01月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    We investigate the scenario where the Standard Model is extended with
    classical scale invariance, which is broken by chiral symmetry breaking and
    confinement in a new strongly-coupled gauge theory that resembles QCD. The
    Standard Model Higgs field emerges as a result of the mixing of a scalar meson
    in the new strong dynamics and a massless elementary scalar field. The mass and
    scalar decay constant of that scalar meson, which are generated dynamically in
    the new gauge theory, give rise to the Higgs field mass term, automatically
    possessing the correct negative sign by the bosonic seesaw mechanism. Using
    analogy with QCD, we evaluate the dynamical scale of the new gauge theory and
    further make quantitative predictions for light pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons
    associated with axial symmetry breaking along chiral symmetry breaking in the
    new gauge theory. A prominent consequence of the scenario is that there should
    be a Standard Model gauge singlet pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson with mass below
    220GeV, which couples to two electroweak gauge bosons through the
    Wess-Zumino-Witten term, whose strength is thus determined by the dynamical
    scale of the new gauge theory. Other pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons, charged
    under the electroweak gauge groups, also appear. Concerning the theoretical
    aspects, it is shown that the scalar quartic coupling can vanish at the Planck
    scale with the top quark pole mass as large as 172.5GeV, realizing the flatland
    scenario without being in tension with the current experimental data.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.115016

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.02146v4

  • Proton decay prediction from a gauge-Higgs unification scenario in five dimensions

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuchika Okada, Toshifumi Yamada

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   94 ( 7 )   071701_1-071701_5   2016年10月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    The Higgs boson mass and top quark mass imply that the Higgs quartic coupling vanishes around the scale of 10(9)-10(13) GeV, depending on the precise value of the top quark mass. The vanishing quartic coupling can be naturally addressed if the Higgs field originates from a five-dimensional gauge field and the fifth dimension is compactified at the scale of the vanishing Higgs quartic coupling, which is a scenario based on gauge-Higgs unification. We present a general prediction of the scenario on the proton decay process p -&gt; pi(0)e(+). In many gauge-Higgs unification models, the first-generation fermions are localized towards an orbifold fixed point in order to realize the realistic Yukawa couplings. Hence, four-fermion operators responsible for the proton decay can appear with a suppression of the five-dimensional Planck scale (not the four-dimensional Planck scale). Since the five-dimensional Planck scale is connected to the compactification scale, we have a correlation between the proton partial decay width and the top quark mass. We show that the future Hyper-Kamiokande experiment may discover the proton decay if the top quark pole mass is larger than about 172.5 GeV.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.071701

  • Naturalness and lepton number/flavor violation in inverse seesaw models

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Yuya Yamaguchi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   1611 ( 11 )   003_1-003_19   2016年08月( ISSN:1029-8479


    We introduce three right-handed neutrinos and three sterile neutrinos, and
    consider an inverse seesaw mechanism for neutrino mass generation. From
    naturalness point of view, their Majorana masses should be small, while it
    induces a large neutrino Yukawa coupling. Then, a neutrinoless double beta
    decay rate can be enhanced, and a sizable Higgs mass correction is inevitable.
    We find that the enhancement rate can be more than ten times compared with a
    standard prediction from light neutrino contribution alone, and an analytic
    form of heavy neutrino contributions to the Higgs mass correction. In addition,
    we numerically analyze the model, and find almost all parameter space of the
    model can be complementarily searched by future experiments of neutrinoless
    double beta decay and $\mu \to e$ conversion.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2016)003

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.07447v2

  • Multiple-point principle with a scalar singlet extension of the Standard Model

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Nobuchika Okada, Yuya Yamaguchi

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS   2017 ( 1 )   013B03_1-13   2016年07月( ISSN:2050-3911


    We suggest a scalar singlet extension of the standard model, in which the
    multiple-point principle (MPP) condition of a vanishing Higgs potential at the
    Planck scale is realized. Although there have been lots of attempts to realize
    the MPP at the Planck scale, the realization with keeping naturalness is quite
    difficult. Our model can easily achieve the MPP at the Planck scale without
    large Higgs mass corrections. It is worth noting that the electroweak symmetry
    can be radiatively broken in our model. In the naturalness point of view, the
    singlet scalar mass should be of ${\cal O}(1)\,{\rm TeV}$ or less. We also
    consider right-handed neutrino extension of the model for neutrino mass
    generation. The model does not affect the MPP scenario, and might keep the
    naturalness with the new particle mass scale beyond TeV, thanks to accidental
    cancellation of Higgs mass corrections.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptw186

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.00087v2

  • Vacuum stability and naturalness in type-II seesaw

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Nobuchika Okada, Yuya Yamaguchi

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   76 ( 6 )   333_1-333_10   2016年01月( ISSN:1434-6044 ( eISSN:1434-6052


    We study the vacuum stability and perturbativity conditions in the minimal
    type-II seesaw model. These conditions give characteristic constraints to model
    parameters. In the model, there is a $SU(2)_L$ triplet scalar field, which
    could cause a large Higgs mass correction. From the naturalness point of view,
    heavy Higgs masses should be lower than $350\,{\rm GeV}$, which can be testable
    by the LHC Run-II results. Due to effects of the triplet scalar field,
    branching ratios of the Higgs decay ($h\to \gamma \gamma, Z\gamma$) deviate
    from the standard model, and large parameter region is excluded by the recent
    ATLAS and CMS combined analysis of $h\to \gamma \gamma$. Our result of the
    signal strength for $h\to \gamma \gamma$ is $R_{\gamma \gamma} \lesssim 1.1$,
    but its deviation is too small to observe at the LHC experiment.

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4180-z

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.05217v2

  • A new dynamics of electroweak symmetry breaking with classically scale invariance 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Noriaki Kitazawa, Yuya Yamaguchi

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   755   439 - 443   2015年12月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445


    We propose a new dynamics of the electroweak symmetry breaking in a
    classically scale invariant version of the standard model. The scale invariance
    is broken by the condensations of additional fermions under a strong coupling
    dynamics. The electroweak symmetry breaking is triggered by negative mass
    squared of the elementary Higgs doublet, which is dynamically generated through
    the bosonic seesaw mechanism. We introduce a real pseudo-scalar singlet field
    interacting with additional fermions and Higgs doublet in order to avoid
    massless Nambu-Goldstone bosons from the chiral symmetry breaking in a strong
    coupling sector. We investigate the mass spectra and decay rates of these
    pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons, and show they can decay fast enough without
    cosmological problems. We further evaluate the energy dependences of the
    couplings between elementary fields perturbatively, and find that our model is
    the first one which realizes the flatland scenario with the dimensional
    transmutation by the strong coupling dynamics. Similarly to the conventional
    flatland model with Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, the electroweak vacuum in our
    model is meta-stable.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2016.02.052

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.05061v1

  • Gauge coupling unification in a classically scale invariant model

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Ryo Takahashi, Yuya Yamaguchi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   1602 ( 2 )   058   2015年11月( ISSN:1029-8479


    There are a lot of works within a class of classically scale invariant model,
    which is motivated by solving the gauge hierarchy problem. In this context, the
    Higgs mass vanishes at the UV scale due to the classically scale invariance,
    and is generated via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. Since the mass generation
    should occur not so far from the electroweak scale, we extend the standard
    model only around the TeV scale. We construct a model which can achieve the
    gauge coupling unification at the UV scale. In the same way, the model can
    realize the vacuum stability, smallness of active neutrino masses, baryon
    asymmetry of the universe, and dark matter relic abundance. The model predicts
    the existence vector-like fermions charged under $SU(3)_C$ with masses lower
    than $1\,{\rm TeV}$, and the SM singlet Majorana dark matter with mass lower
    than $2.6\,{\rm TeV}$.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2016)058

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.02107v3

  • Bosonic seesaw mechanism in a classically conformal extension of the Standard Model 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Nobuchika Okada, Yuya Yamaguchi

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   754   349 - 352   2015年08月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445


    We suggest the so-called bosonic seesaw mechanism in the context of a
    classically conformal $U(1)_{B-L}$ extension of the Standard Model with two
    Higgs doublet fields. The $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry is radiatively broken via the
    Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, which also generates the mass terms for the two
    Higgs doublets through quartic Higgs couplings. Their masses are all positive
    but, nevertheless, the electroweak symmetry breaking is realized by the bosonic
    seesaw mechanism. Analyzing the renormalization group evolutions for all model
    couplings, we find that a large hierarchy among the quartic Higgs couplings,
    which is crucial for the bosonic seesaw mechanism to work, is dramatically
    reduced toward high energies. Therefore, the bosonic seesaw is naturally
    realized with only a mild hierarchy, if some fundamental theory, which provides
    the origin of the classically conformal invariance, completes our model at some
    high energy, for example, the Planck scale. We identify the regions of model
    parameters which satisfy the perturbativity of the running couplings and the
    electroweak vacuum stability as well as the naturalness of the electroweak

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2016.01.050

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1508.06828v2

  • A model realizing inverse seesaw and resonant leptogenesis 査読

    Mayumi Aoki, Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS   2015 ( 11 )   113B03_1-113B03_8   2015年06月( ISSN:2050-3911


    We construct a model realizing the inverse seesaw mechanism. The model has
    two types of gauge singlet fermions in addition to right-handed neutrinos. A
    required Majorana mass scale (keV scale) for generating the light active
    neutrino mass in the conventional inverse seesaw can be naturally explained by
    a "seesaw" mechanism between the two singlet fermions in our model. We find
    that our model can decrease the magnitude of hierarchy among the mass
    parameters by $\mathcal{O}(10^4)$ from that in the conventional inverse seesaw
    model. We also show that a successful resonant leptogenesis occurs for
    generating the baryon asymmetry of the universe in our model. The desired mass
    degeneracy for the resonant leptogenesis can also be achieved by the "seesaw"
    between the two singlet fermions.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptv149

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.06946v3

  • Vacuum stability in the $U(1)_χ$ extended model with vanishing scalar potential at the Planck scale

    Naoyuki Haba, Yuya Yamaguchi

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS   2015 ( 9 )   093B05_1-093B05_15   2015年04月( ISSN:2050-3911


    We investigate the vacuum stability in a scale invariant local $U(1)_\chi$
    model with vanishing scalar potential at the Planck scale. We find that it is
    impossible to realize the Higgs mass of 125\,GeV while keeping the Higgs
    quartic coupling $\lambda_H$ to be positive in all energy scale, that is the
    same as the standard model. Once one allows $\lambda_H<0$, the lower bounds of
    the $Z'$ boson mass are obtained through the positive definiteness of the
    scalar mass squared eigenvalues, while the bounds are smaller than the LHC
    bounds. On the other hand, the upper bounds strongly depend on the number of
    relevant Majorana Yukawa couplings of the right-handed neutrinos $N_\nu$.
    Considering decoupling effects of the $Z'$ boson and the right-handed
    neutrinos, the condition of the singlet scalar quartic coupling
    $\lambda_\phi>0$ gives the upper bound in $N_\nu=1$ case, while it does not
    constrain $N_\nu=2$ and 3 cases. Especially, we find that $Z'$ boson mass is
    tightly restricted for $N_\nu=1$ case as $M_{Z'} \lesssim 3.7\,{\rm TeV}$.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptv121

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.05669v2

  • Search for new physics via photon polarization of $b \rightarrow s γ$

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Tsuyoshi Nakaya, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Ryo Takahashi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   1503 ( 3 )   160   2015年01月( ISSN:1029-8479


    We suggest a discriminant analysis of new physics beyond the standard model
    through a detection of photon polarization in a radiative B meson decay. This
    analysis is investigated in SUSY SU(5) GUT with right-handed neutrino and
    left-right symmetric models. New physics search via CP asymmetry in the same
    process are also evaluated in each model for comparison. We show that new
    physics can be found via detecting the photon polarization in a parameter space
    of TeV energy scale.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2015)160

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1501.00668v3

  • Origins of Tiny Neutrino Mass & Large Flavor Mixings

    N. Haba

    JPS Conf.Proc.   8   023001_1-023001_8   2015年


  • Hierarchy problem, gauge coupling unification at the Planck scale, and vacuum stability

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Ryo Takahashi, Yuya Yamaguchi

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B   900   244 - 258   2014年12月( ISSN:0550-3213 ( eISSN:1873-1562


    From the point of view of the gauge hierarchy problem, introducing an
    intermediate scale in addition to TeV scale and the Planck scale ($M_{\rm Pl} =
    2.4 \times 10^{18}\,{\rm GeV}$) is unfavorable. In that way, a gauge coupling
    unification (GCU) is expected to be realized at $M_{\rm Pl}$. We explore
    possibilities of GCU at $M_{\rm Pl}$ by adding a few extra particles with TeV
    scale mass into the standard model (SM). When extra particles are fermions and
    scalars (only fermions) with the same mass, the GCU at $M_{\rm Pl}$ can (not)
    be realized. On the other hand, when extra fermions have different masses, the
    GCU can be realized around $\sqrt{8 \pi} M_{\rm Pl}$ without extra scalars.
    This simple SM extension has two advantages that a vacuum becomes stable up to
    $M_{\rm Pl}$ ($\sqrt{8 \pi} M_{\rm Pl}$) and a proton lifetime becomes much
    longer than an experimental bound.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2015.09.004

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.8230v3

  • Gravitational effects on vanishing Higgs potential at the Planck scale

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi, Yuya Yamaguchi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   91 ( 1 )   016004   2014年08月( ISSN:1550-7998 ( eISSN:1550-2368


    We investigate gravitational effects on the so-called multiple point
    criticality principle (MPCP) at the Planck scale. The MPCP requires two
    degenerate vacua, whose necessary conditions are expressed by vanishing Higgs
    quartic coupling $\lambda(M_{\rm Pl})=0$ and vanishing its $\beta$ function
    $\beta_\lambda(M_{\rm Pl})=0$. We discuss a case that a specific form of
    gravitational corrections are assumed to contribute to $\beta$ functions of
    coupling constants although it is accepted that gravitational corrections do
    not alter the running of the standard model (SM) couplings. To satisfy the
    above two boundary conditions at the Planck scale, we find that the top pole
    mass and the Higgs mass should be $170.8\,{\rm GeV} \lesssim M_t\lesssim
    171.7\,{\rm GeV}$ and $M_h=125.7\pm0.4\,{\rm GeV}$, respectively, as well as
    include suitable magnitude of gravitational effects (a coefficient of
    gravitational contribution as $|a_\lambda| > 2$). In this case, however, since
    the Higgs quartic coupling $\lambda$ becomes negative below the Planck scale,
    two vacua are not degenerate. We find that $M_h \gtrsim 131.5\,{\rm GeV}$ with
    $M_t \gtrsim 174\,{\rm GeV}$ is required by the realization of the MPCP.
    Therefore, the MPCP at the Planck scale cannot be realized in the SM and also
    the SM with gravity since $M_h \gtrsim 131.5\,{\rm GeV}$ is experimentally
    ruled out.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.016004

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.5548v2

  • 18aSD-4 Inverse seesaw from seesaw

    青木 真由美, 波場 直之, 高橋 亮

    日本物理学会講演概要集   69 ( 2 )   5 - 5   2014年08月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 21aSD-9 Higgs inflation and Higgs portal dark matter with right-handed neutrinos part I

    波場 直之, 石田 裕之, 高橋 亮

    日本物理学会講演概要集   69 ( 2 )   13 - 13   2014年08月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 21aSD-10 Higgs inflation and Higgs portal dark matter with right-handed neutrinos part II

    石田 裕之, 波場 直之, 高橋 亮

    日本物理学会講演概要集   69 ( 2 )   14 - 14   2014年08月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 18pSD-4 Planck scale boundary conditions in the standard model with singlet scalar dark matter

    波場 直之, 金田 邦雄, 高橋 亮

    日本物理学会講演概要集   69 ( 2 )   6 - 6   2014年08月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Vanishing Higgs potential at the Planck scale in a singlet extension of the standard model

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   90 ( 3 )   036006   2014年08月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    We discuss the realization of a vanishing effective Higgs potential at the Planck scale, which is required by the multiple-point criticality principle (MPCP), in the standard model with singlet scalar dark matter and a right-handed neutrino. We find the scalar dark matter and the right-handed neutrino play crucial roles for realization of the MPCP, where a neutrino Yukawa becomes effective above the Majorana mass of the right-handed neutrino. Once the top mass is fixed, the MPCP at the (reduced) Planck scale and the suitable dark matter relic abundance determine the dark matter mass, m(S), and the Majorana mass of the right-handed neutrino, M-R, as 8.5(8.0) x 10(2) GeV &lt;= m(S) &lt;= 1.4(1.2) x 10(3) GeV and 6.3(5.5) x 10(13) GeV &lt;= M-R &lt;= 1.6(1.2) x 10(14) GeV within current experimental values of the Higgs and top masses. This scenario is consistent with current dark matter direct search experiments and will be checked by future experiments such as LUX with further exposure and/or the XENONIT.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.036006

  • Higgs inflation with singlet scalar dark matter and right-handed neutrino in light of BICEP2 (vol 89, 115009, 2014)

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   90 ( 3 )   2014年08月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


  • νR dark matter-philic Higgs for 3.5 keV X-ray signal

    N. Haba, H. Ishida, T. Takahashi

    Phys. Lett. B   743   35 - 38   2014年07月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445

  • Higgs inflation with singlet scalar dark matter and right-handed neutrino in light of BICEP2

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   89 ( 11 )   115009   2014年06月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    We discuss the Higgs inflation scenario with singlet scalar dark matter and a right-handed neutrino. The singlet scalar and the right-handed neutrino play crucial roles for realizing a suitable plateau of Higgs potential with the center value of the top mass of Tevatron and LHC measurements. This Higgs inflation scenario predicts about a 1 TeV scalar dark matter and an O(10(14)) GeV right-handed neutrino by use of a 125.6 GeV Higgs mass, 173.34 GeV top mass, and a nonminimal gravity coupling xi similar or equal to 10.1. This inflation model is consistent with the recent result of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r = 0.20(-0.05)(+0.07) by the BICEP2 Collaboration.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.115009

  • Higgs inflation and Higgs portal dark matter with right-handed neutrinos

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Ryo Takahashi

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS   2015 ( 5 )   053B01_1-053B01_10   2014年05月( ISSN:2050-3911


    We investigate the Higgs inflation and the Higgs portal dark matter with the
    right-handed neutrino. The dark matter and the right-handed neutrino in the
    Higgs inflation play important roles in explaining the recent experimental
    results of the Higgs and top masses, and the cosmic microwave background by
    BICEP2 at the same time. This inflation model predicts $805~{\rm GeV} \lesssim
    m_{\rm DM} \lesssim1220~{\rm GeV}$ for the DM mass, $1.05 \times10^{14}~{\rm
    GeV} \lesssim M_R \lesssim 2.04 \times10^{14}~{\rm GeV}$ for the right-handed
    neutrino mass, and $8.42 \lesssim \xi \lesssim 12.4$ for the non-minimal
    coupling within $m_H=125.6 \pm 0.35~{\rm GeV}$ for the Higgs and $M_t=173.34
    \pm 0.76~{\rm GeV}$ for the top masses.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptv053

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.5738v3

  • Accurate renormalization group analyses in neutrino sector 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi, Yuya Yamaguchi

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B   885   180 - 195   2014年02月( ISSN:0550-3213 ( eISSN:1873-1562


    We investigate accurate renormalization group analyses in neutrino sector
    between $\nu$-oscillation and seesaw energy scales. We consider decoupling
    effects of top quark and Higgs boson on the renormalization group equations of
    light neutrino mass matrix. Since the decoupling effects are given in the
    standard model scale and independent of high energy physics, our method can
    basically apply to any models beyond the standard model. We find that the
    decoupling effects of Higgs boson are negligible, while those of top quark are
    not. Particularly, the decoupling effects of top quark affect neutrino mass
    eigenvalues, which are important for analyzing predictions such as mass squared
    differences and neutrinoless double beta decay in an underlying theory existing
    at high energy scale.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.05.022

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.4126v2

  • $μ$ term and supersymmetry breaking from six dimensional theory 査読

    Yuki Adachi, Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamashita

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS   6 ( 6 )   063B05   2014年01月( ISSN:2050-3911


    We propose a new next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) which
    is on a six-dimensional spacetime compactified on a $T^2/Z_3$ orbifold. In this
    model, three gauge singlet fields $N, S_1$ and $S_2$ in addition to the minimal
    supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) fields are introduced. These fields are
    localized at some fixed points except for the singlet $N$ and the gauge fields.
    The $\mu$ parameter is provided from the vacuum expectation value (vev) of $N$.
    The $F$ terms get vevs simultaneously, and the gauginos mediate the
    supersymmetry breaking to the MSSM sector. Both of these parameters are
    strongly suppressed due to the profile of $N$. Thus these parameters induced
    from those of the order of the so-called GUT scale can become close to the
    electroweak scale without unnatural fine tuning.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptu074

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1401.2599v1

  • Higgs pair production at the LHC and ILC from a general potential

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yukihiro Mimura, Tsedenbaljir Enkhbat

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   89 ( 1 )   015018_1-14   2014年01月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    Higgs cubic coupling plays a crucial role in probing an origin of electroweak symmetry breaking. It is expected that the cubic coupling is measured by Higgs pair production at the LHC and ILC, and the deviations from the standard model can be extracted from the Higgs pair production process, and those can give us a hint of new physics beyond the standard model. We consider a general potential that achieves the suitable electroweak symmetry breaking. As one of the interesting models, we suggest a nonperturbative Higgs model in which a runaway type of potential is used. In the model, the cross sections of pair production at the LHC are enlarged compared to the standard model. We also study the Higgs pair production induced by a noncanonical kinetic term of Higgs fields which will be important for searching the pair production at the ILC.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.015018

  • Planck scale boundary conditions in the standard model with singlet scalar dark matter

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   1404 ( 4 )   029   2013年12月( ISSN:1029-8479


    We investigate Planck scale boundary conditions on the Higgs sector of the
    standard model with a gauge singlet scalar dark matter. We will find that
    vanishing self-coupling and Veltman condition at the Planck scale are realized
    with the 126 GeV Higgs mass and top pole mass, 172 GeV $\lesssim M_t\lesssim$
    173.5 GeV, where a correct abundance of scalar dark matter is obtained with
    mass of 300 GeV $\lesssim m_S \lesssim$ 1 TeV. It means that the Higgs
    potential is flat at the Planck scale, and this situation can not be realized
    in the standard model with the top pole mass.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)029

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.2089v2

  • NNMSM Type-II and III

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   74 ( 1 )   2696_1-17   2013年09月( ISSN:1434-6044 ( eISSN:1434-6052


    We suggest two types of extension of the standard model, which are the
    so-called next to new minimal standard model (NNMSM) type-II and -III. They can
    achieve gauge coupling unification as well as suitable dark matter abundance,
    small neutrino masses, baryon asymmetry of the universe, inflation, and dark
    energy. The gauge coupling unification can be realized by introducing extra two
    or three new fields, and could explain the charge quantization. We also show
    that there are regions in which the vacuum stability, coupling perturbativity,
    and correct dark matter abundance can be realized with current experimental
    data at the same time.

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2696-z

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.3254v2

  • Next to new minimal standard model

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   734   220 - 226   2013年09月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445


    We suggest a minimal extension of the standard model, which can explain
    current experimental data of the dark matter, small neutrino masses and baryon
    asymmetry of the universe, inflation, and dark energy, and achieve gauge
    coupling unification. The gauge coupling unification can explain the charge
    quantization, and be realized by introducing six new fields. We investigate the
    vacuum stability, coupling perturbativity, and correct dark matter abundance in
    this model by use of current experimental data.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.05.016

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.1231v3

  • 22aSK-11 Neutrinophilio two Higgs doublet modelにおけるResonant leptogenesis(ニュートリノ,素粒子論領域)

    波場 直之, 瀬戸 治, 山口 雄也

    日本物理学会講演概要集   68 ( 2 )   10 - 10   2013年08月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Renormalization group invariants in neutrino sector

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2013 ( 8 )   123_1-17   2013年06月( ISSN:1126-6708


    We show renormalization group invariants in neutrino sector. These are found
    from a simple analytical discussion of Majorana mass matrix for light
    neutrinos. It is shown that the invariants are obtained by taking ratios among
    elements of the Majorana neutrino mass matrix. The invariance is independent of
    neutrino mass ordering and a parameterization of mixing matrix for the lepton
    sector. Parameters in the runnings under renormalization group equations in the
    neutrino sector are also analyzed.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2013)123

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1306.1375v3

  • Resonant leptogenesis with mild degeneracy

    Naoyuki Haba, Osamu Seto, Yuya Yamaguchi

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   87 ( 12 )   123540_1-7   2013年05月( ISSN:1550-7998


    Under the assumption of hierarchical right-handed neutrino masses, masses of
    right-handed neutrinos must be larger than $10^8$ GeV in the standard thermal
    leptogenesis scenario, while the mass can be reduced to around 5 TeV in a
    neutrinophilic two Higgs doublet model. On the other hand, resonant
    leptogenesis can work with the masses of TeV-scale. However, necessary
    degeneracy between the lightest and the second lightest right-handed neutrino
    masses means unnatural fine-tuning of the order of $10^9$. In this paper, we
    will investigate the resonant leptogenesis scenario in a neutrinophilic two
    Higgs doublet model. We will find the mass can be reduced to 2 TeV and the
    degeneracy becomes much milder as of the order of $10^4$. We will also show
    that degenerate mass spectrum of active neutrinos is disfavored in this setup.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.123540

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1305.2484v2

  • Constraints on neutrino mass ordering and degeneracy from Planck and neutrino-less double beta decay 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B   45 ( 1 )   61 - 69   2013年05月( ISSN:0587-4254 ( eISSN:1509-5770


    We investigate constraints on neutrino mass ordering and degeneracy by
    considering the first cosmological result based on Planck measurements of the
    cosmic microwave background. It is shown that the result at 95% CL rejects a
    neutrino mass degeneracy larger than 85% (82.5%) for the normal (inverted)
    hierarchical case. We can also find some regions where the neutrino mass
    ordering will be able to be distinguished by combining a value of sum of the
    neutrino masses with an effective neutrino mass determined by neutrino-less
    double beta decay experiments.

    DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.45.61

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1305.0147v3

  • QCD parity violation at LHC in warped extra dimension

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Soshi Tsuno

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   87 ( 9 )   095002_1-7   2012年11月( ISSN:1550-7998


    Extra dimension is one of the most attractive candidates beyond the Standard
    Model. In warped extra dimensional space-time, not only gauge hierarchy problem
    but also quark-lepton mass hierarchy can be naturally explained. In this setup,
    a sizable parity violation through Kaluza-Klein gluon exchange appears in QCD
    process such as helicity dependent top pair production. We investigate this QCD
    parity violating process by use of $SO(5) \times U(1)$ gauge-Higgs unification
    model. We evaluate LHC observable quantities, i.e., a charge asymmetry and a
    forward-backward asymmetry of the top pair production, and find that a sizable
    charge asymmetry can be observed with specific model parameters.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.095002

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.5411v2

  • Stability of Leptonic Self-complementarity

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    EPL   101 ( 1 )   11001_1-11001_4   2012年09月( ISSN:0295-5075


    We investigate a stability of leptonic self-complementarity such that sum of
    three mixing angles in lepton sector is 90 degrees. Renormalization group
    equations in a context of minimal supersymmetric standard model for the
    self-complementarity are analyzed. It is seen that one of Majorana phases plays
    an important role for the stability of self-complementarity. We find some
    stable solutions against quantum corrections at a low energy. An effective
    neutrino mass for neutrino-less double beta decay is also evaluated by the use
    of neutrino parameters giving rise to the stable solutions.

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/101/11001

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.1522v3

  • Enhancement of Higgs to diphoton decay width in non-perturbative Higgs model

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yukihiro Mimura, Ryo Takahashi

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics   718 ( 4-5 )   1441 - 1446   2012年07月( ISSN:0370-2693


    We investigate a possibility if a loop diagram via Higgsino can enhance the
    Higgs to diphoton decay width in supersymmetric models with an extension of
    Higgs sector. A model with an additional non-renormalizable term of Higgs
    fields is firstly analyzed where the higher order term can introduce the Higgs
    coupling to Higgsinos as well as charged Higgs bosons. We point out that a
    choice of the Higgs coupling to obtain a significant size of enhancement of
    diphoton decay width reduces the Higgs mass and/or a size of non-renormalizable
    term needs to be large and a cutoff scale is around the weak scale. Another
    model in which the Higgsino mass term is generated by a non-perturbative
    instanton effect via a strong dynamics in a context of SUSY QCD is also
    suggested. It is shown that the sign of the Higgs coupling to fermions is
    opposite from perturbative models due to an operator including bosonic fields
    in the denominator and a constructive contribution to the diphoton decay
    amplitude can be easily obtained in this kind of model.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.12.049

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1207.5102v3

  • Phenomenology of supersymmetry SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs boson

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yasuhiro Shimizu

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   86 ( 1 )   015019   2012年07月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale (m(nu) similar to 0.1 eV), a grand unified theory (GUT) scale (M-GUT similar to 10(16) GeV), and a TeV scale (M-NP similar to 1 TeV), there is the fascinating relation of M-NP similar or equal to root m(nu) . M-GUT The TeV scale, M-NP, is a new physics scale beyond the standard model which is regarded as "supersymmetry" in this article. We investigate the phenomenology of the supersymmetry SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs, where the above relation is realized dynamically when neutrinos are Dirac particles. As a remarkable feature of this model, accurate gauge coupling unification can be achieved in keeping with a proton stability. We also evaluate flavor changing processes in quark/lepton sectors.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.015019

  • Grand Unification of Flavor Mixings

    Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi

    EPL   100 ( 3 )   31001   2012年06月( ISSN:0295-5075


    An origin of flavor mixings in quark and lepton sectors is still a mystery,
    and a structure of the flavor mixings in lepton sector seems completely
    different from that of quark sector. In this letter, we point out that the
    flavor mixing angles in quark and lepton sectors could be unified at a high
    energy scale, when neutrinos are degenerate. It means that a minimal flavor
    violation at a high energy scale can induce a rich variety of flavor mixings in
    quark and lepton sectors at a low energy scale through quantum corrections.

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/100/31001

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.2793v2


    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Shigeki Matsumoto, Takehiro Nabeshima

    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B   43 ( 3 )   405 - 444   2012年03月( ISSN:0587-4254 ( eISSN:1509-5770


    It is important to obtain effective operators by integrating out high energy degrees of freedom in physics. We suggest a general method of calculating accurate irrelevant operators in a scattering process without use of equation of motions. By using this method, for example, we will represent a complete set of dimension six operators in QCD, which are induced from physics beyond the standard model, supersymmetry and universal extra dimension. We will also show an example of effective anomalous 4-Fermi interactions induced from a little Higgs model.

    DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.43.405

  • Parity violation in QCD process

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Shigeki Matsumoto, Takehiro Nabeshima, Soshi Tsuno

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   85 ( 1 )   014007   2012年01月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    Parity violation in the QCD process is studied using helicity-dependent top-quark pair productions at the Large Hadron Collider experiment. Though no violation can be found in the standard model (SM), new physics beyond the SM predicts the violation in general. In order to evaluate the violation, we utilize an effective operator analysis in a case that new particles predicted by the new physics are too heavy to be directly detected. By using this method, we try to discriminate supersymmetric SM from a universal extra-dimension model via an asymmetry measurement of the top-quark pair production. We also discuss the asymmetry from the SM electroweak top pair production process and that from the little Higgs model.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.014007

  • Dark matter and sneutrino inflation

    佐藤 亮介, 波場 直之, 松本 重貴

    素粒子論研究   119 ( 3 )   C13   2011年11月( ISSN:0371-1838

  • QCD Parity violation in a quarkonium via SUSY

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Tetsuya Onogi

    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B   44 ( 4 )   733 - 759   2011年09月( ISSN:0587-4254 ( eISSN:1509-5770


    Supersymmetric standard model has a parity violation in QCD through chiral
    quark-squark-gluino interactions with non-degenerate masses between left-handed
    and right-handed squarks. Since experiments have not show any parity violations
    in QCD yet, a bound for the mass degeneracy between left-handed and
    right-handed squarks should exist. In this paper we try to obtain this bound
    for each squark. At first, we investigate a non-degeneracy bound between
    $m_{\tilde{c}_L}$ and $m_{\tilde{c}_R}$ from experimental data of charmonium
    decay. Next, we estimate the non-degeneracy bounds for $\tilde{u}$ and
    $\tilde{d}$ from nucleon-meson scattering data, and comment on other squarks.

    DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.44.733

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.5442v2

  • Why is TeV-scale a geometric mean of neutrino mass and GUT-scale?

    Naoyuki Haba

    EPL   96 ( 2 )   2011年07月( ISSN:0295-5075


    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale ($m_\nu\sim$ 0.1
    eV), a GUT scale ($M_{GUT}\sim 10^{16}$ GeV), and a TeV-scale ($M_{NP}\sim 1$
    TeV), there is a fascinating relation of $M_{NP}\simeq \sqrt{m_\nu\cdot
    M_{GUT } }$. The TeV-scale, $M_{NP}$, is a new physics scale beyond the standard
    model which is regarded as supersymmetry in this letter. We suggest a simple
    supersymmetric neutrinophilic Higgs doublet model, which realizes the above
    relation dynamically as well as the suitable $m_\nu$ through a tiny vacuum
    expectation value of neutrinophilic Higgs without additional scales other than
    $M_{NP}$ and $M_{GUT}$. A gauge coupling unification, which is an excellent
    feature in the supersymmetric standard model, is preserved automatically in
    this setup.

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/96/21001

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1107.4823v2

  • Baryogenesis from dark sector 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Sigeki Matsumoto

    Progress of Theoretical Physics   125 ( 6 )   1311 - 1316   2011年06月( ISSN:0033-068X


    We propose a novel mechanism to generate a suitable baryon asymmetry from dark (hidden) sector. This is a Baryogenesis through a reverse pathway of the "asymmetric dark matter" scenario. In the mechanism, the asymmetry of dark matter is generated at first, and it is partially transferred into a baryon asymmetry in the standard model sector. This mechanism enables us not only to realize the generation of the baryon asymmetry but also to account for the correct amount of dark matter density in the present universe within a simple framework.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.125.1311

  • Tiny neutrino mass from SUSY and lepton number breaking sector

    Naoyuki Haba, Tetsuo Shindou

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   701 ( 2 )   229 - 233   2011年02月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445


    We suggest new setup where SUSY breaking spurion F-term possesses lepton
    number. This setup not only modifies sparticle mass spectra but also realizes
    several new models, where neutrino mass is naturally induced through radiative
    corrections. We here suggest two new models; the first one is (i):
    pseudo-Dirac/Schizophrenic neutrino model, and the second one is (ii): pure
    Majorana neutrino model. We will also show this setup can naturally apply to
    the supersymmetric Zee-Babu model.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.05.050

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.3472v1

  • Low scale thermal leptogenesis in neutrinophilic Higgs doublet models

    Naoyuki Haba, Osamu Seto

    Progress of Theoretical Physics   125 ( 6 )   1155 - 1169   2011年02月( ISSN:0033-068X


    It is well-known that leptogenesis in low energy scale is difficult in the
    conventional Type-I seesaw mechanism with hierarchical right-handed neutrino
    masses. We show that in a class of two Higgs doublet model, where one Higgs
    doublet generates masses of quarks and charged leptons whereas the other Higgs
    doublet with a tiny vacuum expectation value generates neutrino Dirac masses,
    large Yukawa couplings lead to a large enough CP asymmetry of the right-handed
    neutrino decay. Thermal leptogenesis suitably works at low energy scale as
    keeping no enhancement of lepton number violating wash out effects. We will
    also point out that thermal leptogenesis works well without confronting
    gravitino problem in a supersymmetric neutrinophilic Higgs doublet model with
    gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking. Neutralino dark matter and baryon
    asymmetry generation by thermal leptogenesis are easily compatible in our

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.125.1155

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.2889v1

  • Dirichlet Higgs as radion stabilizer in warped compactification 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 5 )   2011年02月( ISSN:1029-8479


    We study implications of generalized non-zero Dirichlet boundary condition
    along with the ordinary Neumann one on a bulk scalar in the Randall-Sundrum
    warped compactification. First we show profiles of vacuum expectation value of
    the scalar under the general boundary conditions. We also investigate
    Goldberger-Wise mechanism in several setups with the general boundary
    conditions of the bulk scalar field and find that the mechanism can work under
    non-zero Dirichlet boundary conditions with appropriate vacuum expectation
    values. Especially, we show that $SU(2)_R$ triplet Higgs in the bulk left-right
    symmetric model with custodial symmetry can be identified with the
    Goldberger-Wise scalar.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2011)125

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.1970v2

  • Sneutrino Inflation with Asymmetric Dark Matter

    Naoyuki Haba, Shigeki Matsumoto, Ryosuke Sato

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   84 ( 5 )   2011年01月( ISSN:1550-7998


    The asymmetric dark matter scenario is known to give an interesting solution
    for the cosmic coincidence problem between baryon and dark matter densities. In
    the scenario, the dark matter asymmetry, which is translated to the dark matter
    density in the present universe, is transferred from the B-L asymmetry
    generated in the early universe. On the other hand, the generation of the B-L
    asymmetry is simply assumed, though many mechanisms for the generation are
    expected to be consistent with the scenario. We show that the generation of the
    asymmetry in the sneutrino inflation scenario works similarly to the asymmetric
    dark matter scenario, because the non-renormalizable operator which translates
    the B-L asymmetry to the dark matter asymmetry is naturally obtained by
    integrating right-handed neutrinos out. As a result, important issues
    concerning cosmology (inflation, the mass density of dark matter, and the
    baryon asymmetry of the universe) as well as neutrino masses and mixing have a
    unified origin, namely, the right-handed neutrinos.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.055016

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1101.5679v3

  • Why is TeV scale a geometric mean of neutrino mass and GUT scale?

    Naoyuki Haba

    EPL   96 ( 2 )   2011年( ISSN:0295-5075



    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale (m ν∼0.1 eV), a GUT scale (MGUT∼1016 GeV), and a TeV scale (MNP∼1 TeV), there is a fascinating relation, i.e.. The TeV scale, MNP, is a new physics scale beyond the standard model which is regarded as supersymmetry in this letter. We suggest a simple supersymmetric neutrinophilic Higgs doublet model, which realizes the above relation dynamically as well as the suitable mν through a tiny vacuum expectation value of the neutrinophilic Higgs doublet without additional scales other than MNP and MGUT. A gauge coupling unification, which is an excellent feature in the supersymmetric standard model, is preserved automatically in this setup. © Europhysics Letters Association 2011.

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/96/21001

  • Determination SUSY or UED through asymmetry of helicity amplitude


  • New multi-Higgs model and darkgenesis


  • new multi-Higgs model and TeV-scale seesaw


  • Phenomenological aspects of invisibly broad Higgs model from extra-dimension (vol 079, pg 07, 2010)

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 11 )   2010年11月( ISSN:1029-8479


  • TeV-scale seesaw from a multi-Higgs model

    Naoyuki Haba, Masaki Hirotsu

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   69 ( 3-4 )   481 - 492   2010年10月( ISSN:1434-6044


    We suggest new simple model of generating tiny neutrino masses through a TeV-scale seesaw mechanism without requiring tiny Yukawa couplings. This model is a simple extension of the standard model by introducing extra one Higgs singlet, and one Higgs doublet with a tiny vacuum expectation value. Experimental constraints, electroweak precision data and no large flavor changing neutral currents, are satisfied since the extra doublet only has a Yukawa interaction with lepton doublets and right-handed neutrinos, and their masses are heavy of order a TeV-scale. Since active light neutrinos are Majorana particles, this model predicts a neutrinoless double beta decay.

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1414-3

  • Universally Leptophilic Dark Matter From Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetry

    Naoyuki Haba, Yuji Kajiyama, Shigeki Matsumoto, Hiroshi Okada, Koichi Yoshioka

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   695 ( 5 )   476 - 481   2010年08月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445


    The positron anomaly recently reported by the cosmic-ray measurements can be
    explained by the decaying dark matter scenario, where it decays mainly into
    leptons with the lifetime of O(10^26) second. When the dark matter is a
    fermionic particle, the lifetime of this order is known to be obtained by a
    dimension 6 operator suppressed by the unification scale 10^16 GeV, while such
    decay operators do not necessarily involve only leptons. In addition, the
    scenario would be spoiled if there exist lower-dimensional operators inducing
    the dark matter decay. We show in this letter that a single non-Abelian
    discrete symmetry such as A_4 is possible to prohibit all such harmful
    (non-leptonically coupled and lower-dimensional) operators. Moreover, the dark
    matter decays into charged leptons in a flavor-blind fashion due to the
    non-Abelian flavor symmetry, which results in perfect agreements not only with
    the PAMELA data but also with the latest Fermi-LAT data reported very recently.
    We also discuss some relevance between the discrete symmetry and neutrino

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.11.063

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1008.4777v1

  • Extra dimensions and Seesaw Neutrinos at the International Linear Collider

    Tomoyuki Saito, Masaki Asano, Keisuke Fujii, Naoyuki Haba, Shigeki Matsumoto, Takehiro Nabeshima, Yosuke Takubo, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Koichi Yoshioka

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   82 ( 9 )   2010年08月( ISSN:1550-7998


    We study the capability of the international linear collider (ILC) to probe
    extra dimensions via the seesaw mechanism. In the scenario we study, heavy
    Kaluza-Klein neutrinos generate tiny neutrino masses and, at the same time,
    have sizable couplings to the standard-model particles. Consequently, a
    Kaluza-Klein tower of heavy neutrinos (N) can be produced and studied at the
    ILC through the process: e+e- -> vN followed by N -> Wl decay. We show that the
    single lepton plus two-jets final states with large missing energy from this
    signal process will provide a good opportunity to measure the masses and cross
    sections of Kaluza-Klein neutrinos up to the third level. Furthermore, the
    neutrino oscillation parameters can be extracted from the flavor dependence of
    the lowest-mode signals, which give us information about the origin of
    low-energy neutrino masses.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.093004

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1008.2257v2

  • TeV-scale seesaw from a multi-Higgs model

    Naoyuki Haba, Masaki Hirotsu

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   69 ( 3-4 )   481 - 492   2010年05月( ISSN:1434-6044


    We suggest new simple model of generating tiny neutrino masses through a
    TeV-scale seesaw mechanism without requiring tiny Yukawa couplings. This model
    is a simple extension of the standard model by introducing extra one Higgs
    singlet, and one Higgs doublet with a tiny vacuum expectation value.
    Experimental constraints, electroweak precision data and no large flavor
    changing neutral currents, are satisfied since the extra doublet only has a
    Yukawa interaction with lepton doublets and right-handed neutrinos, and their
    masses are heavy of order a TeV-scale. Since active light neutrinos are
    Majorana particles, this model predicts a neutrinoless double beta decay.

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1414-3

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1005.1372v4

  • Top Yukawa deviation in extra dimension (vol 821, pg 74, 2009)

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B   824 ( 1-2 )   331 - 332   2010年01月( ISSN:0550-3213


  • 5D seesaw and its phenomenology


  • Do the PAMELA anomaly and neutrino masses have the same origin?


  • Detection and measurement at ILC about right-handed neutrino in 5D seesaw model


  • Neutrino mass generation and ILC physics in TeV-scale seesaw model


  • Tiny neutrino mass from tiny vev of extra-Higgs


  • Search of new physics at LHC by helicity measurement of top pair production


  • Total-derivative supersymmetry breaking

    Naoyuki Haba, Nobuhiro Uekusa

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   81 ( 10 )   2009年11月( ISSN:1550-7998


    On an interval compactification in supersymmetric theory, boundary conditions
    for bulk fields must be treated carefully. If they are taken arbitrarily
    following the requirement that a theory is supersymmetric, the conditions could
    give redundant constraints on the theory. We construct a supersymmetric action
    integral on an interval by introducing brane interactions with which total
    derivative terms under the supersymmetry transformation become zero due to a
    cancellation. The variational principle leads equations of motion and also
    boundary conditions for bulk fields, which determine boundary values of bulk
    fields. By estimating mass spectrum, {\it spontaneous} supersymmetry breaking
    in this simple setup can be realized in a new framework. This supersymmetry
    breaking does not induce massless R-axion, which is favorable for
    phenomenology. It is worth noting that fermions in hyper-multiplet, gauge
    bosons, and the fifth-dimensional component of gauge bosons can have zero-modes
    (while the other components are all massive as Kaluza-Klein modes), which fits
    the gauge-Higgs unification scenarios.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.81.106005

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0911.2557v3

  • Diagonal Kaluza-Klein expansion under brane localized potential 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B   41 ( 6 )   1291 - 1316   2009年10月( ISSN:0587-4254 ( eISSN:1509-5770


    We clarify and study our previous observation that, under a compactification
    with boundaries or orbifolding, vacuum expectation value of a bulk scalar field
    can have different extra-dimensional wave-function profile from that of the
    lowest Kaluza-Klein mode of its quantum fluctuation, under presence of
    boundary-localized potentials which would be necessarily generated through
    renormalization group running. For concreteness, we analyze the Universal Extra
    Dimension model compactified on orbifold $S^1/Z_2$, with brane-localized Higgs
    potentials at the orbifold fixed points. We compute the Kaluza-Klein expansion
    of the Higgs and gauge bosons in an $R_\xi$-like gauge by treating the
    brane-localized potential as a small perturbation. We also check that the
    $\rho$ parameter is not altered by the brane localized potential.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0910.4528v3

  • Gauge-Higgs Dark Matter

    Naoyuki Haba, Shigeki Matsumoto, Nobuchika Okada, Toshifumi Yamashita

    1003, 064-1 - 064-18   2009年10月


    When the anti-periodic boundary condition is imposed for a bulk field in
    extradimensional theories, independently of the background metric, the lightest
    component in the anti-periodic field becomes stable and hence a good candidate
    for the dark matter in the effective 4D theory due to the remaining accidental
    discrete symmetry. Noting that in the gauge-Higgs unification scenario,
    introduction of anti-periodic fermions is well-motivated by a phenomenological
    reason, we investigate dark matter physics in the scenario. As an example, we
    consider a five-dimensional SO(5)$\timesU(1)_X$ gauge-Higgs unification model
    compactified on the $S^1/Z_2$ with the warped metric. Due to the structure of
    the gauge-Higgs unification, interactions between the dark matter particle and
    the Standard Model particles are largely controlled by the gauge symmetry, and
    hence the model has a strong predictive power for the dark matter physics.
    Evaluating the dark matter relic abundance, we identify a parameter region
    consistent with the current observations. Furthermore, we calculate the elastic
    scattering cross section between the dark matter particle and nucleon and find
    that a part of the parameter region is already excluded by the current
    experimental results for the direct dark matter search and most of the region
    will be explored in future experiments.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2010)064

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0910.3741v1

  • Dirichlet Higgs in extra-dimension, consistent with electroweak data 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kin-ya Oda, Ryo Takahashi

    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B   42 ( 1 )   33 - 44   2009年10月( ISSN:0587-4254 ( eISSN:1509-5770


    We propose a simple five-dimensional extension of the Standard Model (SM)
    without any Higgs potential nor any extra fields. A Higgs doublet lives in the
    bulk of a flat line segment and its boundary condition is Dirichlet at the ends
    of the line, which causes the electroweak symmetry breaking without Higgs
    potential. The vacuum expectation value of the Higgs is induced from the
    Dirichlet boundary condition which is generally allowed in higher dimensional
    theories. The lightest physical Higgs has non-flat profile in the extra
    dimension even though the vacuum expectation value is flat. As a consequence,
    we predict a maximal top Yukawa deviation (no coupling between top and Higgs)
    for the Brane-Localized Fermion and a small deviation, a multiplication of
    2\sqrt{2}/\pi\simeq0.9 to the Yukawa coupling, for the Bulk Fermion. The latter
    is consistent with the electroweak precision data within 90% CL for
    430GeV\lesssim m_{KK}\lesssim 500GeV.

    DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.42.33

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0910.3356v5

  • Weak boson scattering in Gauge-Higgs Unification

    Naoyuki Haba, Yutaka Sakamura, Toshifumi Yamashita

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 7 )   2009年04月( ISSN:1029-8479


    The scattering amplitude for the longitudinal weak bosons is investigated in
    the SU(3) gauge-Higgs unification as a function of the scattering energy, the
    Wilson line phase \theta_H and the warp factor. The \theta_H-dependence of the
    amplitude is quite different in the flat and the warped spacetimes. Generically
    the amplitude is enhanced for \theta_H=O(1) in the warped case while it is
    almost independent of \theta_H in the flat case. This indicates the tree-level
    unitarity is violated in the warped case at a lower scale than that in the flat

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2009/07/020

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0904.3177v2

  • Meta-stable SUSY breaking model in supergravity

    Naoyuki Haba

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2008 ( 3 )   2008年03月( ISSN:1126-6708



    We analyze a supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking model proposed by Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih in a supergravity (SUGRA) framework. This is a simple and natural setup which demands neither extra superpotential interactions nor an additional gauge symmetry. In the SUGRA setup, the U(1)R symmetry is explicitly broken by the constant term in the superpotential, and pseudo-{moduli} field naturally takes non-zero vacuum expectation value through a vanishing cosmological constant condition. Sfermions tend to be heavier than gauginos, and the strong-coupling scale is determined once a ratio of sfermion to gaugino masses is fixed.

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/03/059

  • A simple Model of Direct Gauge Mediation of Metastable SUSY Breaking


    日本物理学会講演概要集   63 ( 1 )   15   2008年02月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Tri/bi-maximal from Cascade Texture


    日本物理学会講演概要集   63 ( 1 )   11   2008年02月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Effective Potential of Higgs Field in Warped Gauge-Higgs Unification 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Shigeki Matsumoto, Nobuchika Okada, Toshifumi Yamashita

    Prog.Theor.Phys.120:77-98,2008   2008年02月


    The gauge-Higgs unification is one of influential scenarios to solve the
    hierarchy problem in the Standard Model. Recently, the scenario on the warped
    background attracts many attentions due to a large possibility to construct a
    realistic model naturally in this framework. It is, however, well known that
    the effective potential for the Higgs field, which is the most important
    prediction of the scenario, is not easy to calculate on the warped background,
    because masses of Kaluza-Klein particles are not obtained analytically. In this
    article, we derive useful formulae for the effective potential. The formulae
    allow us to calculate the Higgs mass easily, thus to construct a realistic
    model in the gauge-Higgs unification scenario on the warped background. Using
    obtained formulae, we calculate contributions from bulk fermions with several
    boundary conditions. We also show bulk fermions, which have boundary conditions
    not allowed in the orbifold picture, do not contribute to the effective

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.120.77

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0802.3431v1

  • Meta-stable SUSY Breaking Model in Supergravity

    Naoyuki Haba

    JHEP0803:059,2008   2008年02月


    We analyze a supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking model proposed by Intriligator,
    Seiberg and Shih in a supergravity (SUGRA) framework. This is a simple and
    natural setup which demands neither extra superpotential interactions nor an
    additional gauge symmetry. In the SUGRA setup, the U(1)R symmetry is explicitly
    broken by the constant term in the superpotential, and pseudo-moduli field
    naturally takes non-zero vacuum expectation value through a vanishing
    cosmological constant condition. Sfermions tend to be heavier than gauginos,
    and the strong-coupling scale is determined once a ratio of sfermion to gaugino
    masses is fixed.

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/03/059

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0802.1758v2

  • 現代物理における超対称性 素粒子論と超対称性


    数理科学   45 ( 3 )   19 - 24   2007年03月( ISSN:0386-2240


  • A universal seesaw mechanism in five dimensions 査読

    Naoyuki Haba

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   74 ( 11 )   2006年08月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    We show the universal seesaw in the extra dimension setup, where three extra
    vector-like fields exist in the 5D bulk with heavy masses. We take the
    framework of the left-right symmetric model. The universal seesaw formula is
    easily obtained as a replacement of the vector-like mass in 4D case M_i to
    2 M_* tan[pi RM_i] (M_*: 5D Planck scale,
    M_i: vector-like bulk mass, and
    R: compactification radius). The smallness of Dirac neutrino mass can be
    naturally explained in the 5D setup. We also show the Majorana neutrino case.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.74.113002

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0608257v1

  • 5D seesaw, flavor structure, and mass textures 査読

    Naoyuki Haba

    JHEP 0605 (2006) 030   2006年03月



    In the 5D theory in which only 3 generation right-handed neutrinos are in the<br />
    bulk, the neutrino flavor mixings and the mass spectrum can be constructed<br />
    through the seesaw mechanism. The 5D seesaw is easily calculated just by a<br />
    replacement of the<br />
    Majorana mass eigenvalues, M_i, by 2 M_*tan(h)[\pi RM_i] (M_*: 5D Planck<br />
    scale,<br />
    R: compactification radius). The 5D features appear when the bulk mass, which<br />
    induces the 4D Majorana mass, is the same as the compactification scale or<br />
    larger than it. Depending on the type of bulk mass, the seesaw scales of the 3<br />
    generations are strongly split (the ...

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2006/05/030

  • 5D seesaw, flavor structure, and mass textures 査読

    Naoyuki Haba

    JHEP 0605 (2006) 030   2006年03月


    In the 5D theory in which only 3 generation right-handed neutrinos are in the
    bulk, the neutrino flavor mixings and the mass spectrum can be constructed
    through the seesaw mechanism. The 5D seesaw is easily calculated just by a
    replacement of the
    Majorana mass eigenvalues, M_i, by 2 M_*tan(h)[\pi RM_i] (M_*: 5D Planck
    R: compactification radius). The 5D features appear when the bulk mass, which
    induces the 4D Majorana mass, is the same as the compactification scale or
    larger than it. Depending on the type of bulk mass, the seesaw scales of the 3
    generations are strongly split (the tan-function case) or degenerate (the
    tanh-function case). In the split case, the seesaw enhancement is naturally
    realized. The single right-handed neutrino dominance works in a simple setup,
    and some specific mass textures, which are just assumptions in the 4D setup,
    can be naturally obtained in
    5 dimensions. The degenerate case is also useful for a suitable neutrino
    flavor structure.

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2006/05/030

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0603119v3

  • A universal seesaw mechanism in five dimensions 査読

    Naoyuki Haba

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   74 ( 11 )   2006年( ISSN:1550-7998



    We show a universal seesaw mechanism in the extra dimension theory. We take a left-right symmetric model in which extra three vectorlike fields exist in the 5D bulk. The universal seesaw formula is easily obtained as a replacement of the vectorlike mass in the 4D case Mi to 2M*tan[πRMi] (M*: 5D Planck scale, Mi: vectorlike bulk mass, and R: compactification radius). The smallness of Dirac neutrino mass can be naturally explained in the 5D setup. We also show the Majorana neutrino case. © 2006 The American Physical Society.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.74.113002

  • Discrete Flavor Symmetry, Dynamical Mass Textures, and Grand Unification 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Koichi Yoshioka

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B   739 ( 1-2 )   254 - 284   2005年11月( ISSN:0550-3213 ( eISSN:1873-1562


    Discrete flavor symmetry is explored for an intrinsic property of mass matrix
    forms of quarks and leptons. In this paper we investigate the S3 permutation
    symmetry and derive the general forms of mass matrices in various types of S3
    theories. We also exhibit particular realizations of previous ansatze of mass
    matrices, which have often been applied in the literature to the standard model
    Yukawa sector. Discrete flavor symmetry is also advantageous for vanishing
    matrix elements being dynamically generated in the vacuum of scalar potential.
    This is due to the fact that group operations are discrete. While zero elements
    themselves do not explain mass hierarchies, we introduce an abelian flavor
    symmetry. A non-trivial issue is whether successful quantum numbers can be
    assigned so that they are compatible with other (non-abelian) flavor
    symmetries. We show typical examples of charge assignments which not only
    produce hierarchical orders of mass eigenvalues but also prohibit
    non-renormalizable operators which disturb the hierarchies in first-order
    estimation. As an explicit application, a flavor model is constructed in grand
    unification scheme with S3 and U(1) (or Z_N) flavor symmetries.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2006.01.027

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0511108v2

  • Effective theoretical approach of Gauge-Higgs unification model and its phenomenological applications 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Shigeki Matsumoto, Nobuchika Okada, Toshifumi Yamashita

    JHEP 0602 (2006) 073   2005年11月


    We derive the low energy effective theory of Gauge-Higgs unification (GHU)
    models in the usual four dimensional framework. We find that the theories are
    described by only the zero-modes with a particular renormalization condition in
    which essential informations about GHU models are included. We call this
    condition ``Gauge-Higgs condition'' in this letter. In other wards, we can
    describe the low energy theory as the SM with this condition if GHU is a model
    as the UV completion of the Standard Model. This approach will be a powerful
    tool to construct realistic models for GHU and to investigate their low energy

    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2006/02/073

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0511046v2

  • 高次元ゲージ理論におけるヒッグス粒子(平成16年度基研研究会報告「場の量子論の基礎的諸問題と応用」,研究会報告)

    竹永 和典

    素粒子論研究   111 ( 3 )   C26   2005年06月( ISSN:0371-1838

  • Higgs mass in the gauge-Higgs unification

    Naoyuki Haba, Kazunori Takenaga, Toshifumi Yamashita

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   615 ( 3-4 )   247 - 256   2004年11月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445


    The gauge-Higgs unification theory identifies the zero mode of the extra
    dimensional component of the gauge field as the usual Higgs doublet. Since this
    degree of freedom is the Wilson line phase, the Higgs does not have the mass
    term nor quartic coupling at the tree level. Through quantum corrections, the
    Higgs can take a vacuum expectation value, and its mass is induced. The
    radiatively induced mass tends to be small, although it can be lifted to
    ${\mathcal O}(100)$ GeV by introducing the ${\mathcal O}(10)$ numbers of bulk
    fields. Perturbation theory becomes unreliable when a large number of bulk
    fields are introduced. We reanalyze the Higgs mass based on useful expansion
    formulae for the effective potential and find that even a small number of bulk
    field can have the suitable heavy Higgs mass. We show that a small (large)
    number of bulk fields are enough (needed) when the SUSY breaking mass is large
    (small). We also study the case of introducing the soft SUSY breaking scalar
    masses in addition to the Scherk-Schwarz SUSY breaking and obtain the heavy
    Higgs mass due to the effect of the scalar mass.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2005.04.027

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0411250v2

  • Partial Gauge Symmetry Breaking via Bare Mass

    Naoyuki Haba, Kazunori Takenaga, Toshifumi Yamashita

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   605 ( 3-4 )   355 - 361   2004年10月( ISSN:0370-2693


    We study gauge symmetry breaking patterns in supersymmetric gauge models
    defined on $M^4\times S^1$. Instead of utilizing the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism,
    supersymmetry is broken by bare mass terms for gaugino and squarks. Though the
    matter content is the same, depending on the magnitude of the bare mass, the
    gauge symmetry breaking patterns are different. We present two examples, in one
    of which the partial gauge symmetry breaking $SU(3)\to SU(2)\times U(1)$ is

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2004.11.039

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0410244v2

  • 27pXE-4 Decoupling Supersymmetry/Higgs without fine-tuning 査読

    波場 直之, 岡田 宣親

    日本物理学会講演概要集   60 ( 1 )   17 - 17   2004年09月( ISSN:1342-8349

  • 29pSC-14 Dynamical symmetry breaking in gauge-Higgs unification on orbifold

    波場 直之, 細谷 裕, 川村 嘉春, 山下 敏史

    日本物理学会講演概要集   59 ( 2 )   6 - 6   2004年08月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Vacuum structure in 5D SO(10) GUT on $S^1/Z_2$

    Naoyuki Haba, Toshifumi Yamashita

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   597 ( 2 )   166 - 172   2004年03月( ISSN:0370-2693 ( eISSN:1873-2445


    We study the vacuum structure in 5D SO(10) grand unified theory (GUT)
    compactified on $S^1/Z_2$ orbifold, where SO(10) is broken into $SU(3)\times
    SU(2)\times U(1)^2$ through the boundary conditions. Although a lot of people
    extended to 6D to avoid massless colored particle, we can show they obtain
    finite masses by the radiative corrections. In a supersymmetric case, the
    fermionic partner of the zero-mode can also acquire non-vanishing mass through
    the SUSY breaking effects, and the gauge coupling unification can be recovered
    by use of brane localized kinetic terms.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2004.07.015

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0403264v1

  • Gauge-Higgs-boson unification in the 5 dimensional E-6, E-7, and E-8 GUTs on the orbifold (vol D 67, art no 095001, 2003)

    N Haba, Y Shimizu

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   69 ( 5 )   2004年03月( ISSN:0556-2821


  • Dynamical symmetry breaking in Gauge-Higgs unification on orbifold 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Yutaka Hosotani, Yoshiharu Kawamura, Toshifumi Yamashita

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   70 ( 1 )   2004年01月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    We study the dynamical symmetry breaking in the gauge-Higgs unification of
    the 5D theory compactified on an orbifold, $S^1/Z_2$. This theory identifies
    Wilson line degrees of freedoms as ``Higgs doublets''. We consider $SU(3)_c
    \times SU(3)_W$ and SU(6) models with the compactification scale of order a few
    TeV. The gauge symmetries are reduced to $SU(3)_c \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$
    and $SU(3)_c \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y \times U(1)$, respectively, through
    the orbifolding boundary conditions. We estimate the one loop effective
    potential of ``Higgs doublets'', and find that the electro-weak breaking is
    realized through the radiative corrections when there are suitable numbers of
    bulk fields possessing the suitable representations. The masses of ``Higgs
    doublets'' are ${\mathcal O}(100)$ GeV in this scenario.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.70.015010

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0401183v2

  • neutrinoから統一理論へ(実験観測に基づく統一描像の構築,研究報告会)

    波場 直之

    素粒子論研究   107 ( 3 )   C93-C96 - C96   2003年06月( ISSN:0371-1838



    DOI: 10.24532/soken.107.3_C93

    CiNii Article


  • 29pSF-1 5 次元オービフォールド模型におけるユニタリ性限界

    阿閉 義一, 波場 直之, 東出 吉弘, 小林 健三, 松永 守

    日本物理学会講演概要集   58 ( 1 )   7 - 7   2003年03月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 15aRD-2 (S)Fermiun Masses in Fa+ Brane Scenario

    波場 直之, 丸 信人

    日本物理学会講演概要集   57 ( 2 )   9 - 9   2002年08月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Zeeモデルにおける宇宙論的制限(原標題は英語)

    鈴木智晴, 波場直之, 浜口幸一

    素粒子論研究   104 ( 4 )   D46-D47   2002年01月( ISSN:0371-1838


  • Cosmological Constraint on the Zee Model

    Soryushiron Kenkyu   104 ( 1 )   2001年10月( ISSN:0371-1838


  • Grand Unified Models on $S_1/(Z_2 \times Z_2')$ Orbifold

    Naoyuki Haba




    We suggest two grand unified models where the fifth dimensional coordinate is<br />
    compactified on an $S_1/(Z_2 \times Z_2&#039;)$ orbifold.

  • Grand Unified Models on $S_1/(Z_2 \times Z_2')$ Orbifold

    Naoyuki Haba



    We suggest two grand unified models where the fifth dimensional coordinate is
    compactified on an $S_1/(Z_2 \times Z_2')$ orbifold.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0110164v1

  • The quantum effects on neutrino mass and lepton flavor mixing (MNS) matrices

    Haba Naoyuki

    Soryushiron Kenkyu   102 ( 6 )   F142 - F144   2001年03月( ISSN:0371-1838


    The quantum effects of lepton flavor mixing angles can be easily estimated by using the technique in Ref.[1]. The cases of hierarchical or the opposite signs between the generations guarantee stable mixing angles against quantum corrections. We also show that physical Majorana phases connect the &quot;stable&quot; region with the &quot;unstable&quot; region.

    DOI: 10.24532/soken.102.6_F142

    CiNii Article

  • Are lepton flavor mixings in the democratic mass matrix stable against quantum corrections?

    Soryushiron Kenkyu   102 ( 4 )   D80 - D81   2001年01月( ISSN:0371-1838


  • The quantum effects on neutrino mass and lepton flavor mixing (MNS) matrices

    Naoyuki Haba



    My talk is concentrating on the quantum effects on neutrino mass and lepton
    flavor mixing matrices in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard
    model with the effective dimension-five operator which gives the Majorana
    masses of neutrinos.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0010179v1

  • The quantum effects on neutrino mass and lepton flavor mixing (MNS) matrices

    Naoyuki Haba




    My talk is concentrating on the quantum effects on neutrino mass and lepton<br />
    flavor mixing matrices in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard<br />
    model with the effective dimension-five operator which gives the Majorana<br />
    masses of neutrinos.

    DOI: 10.24532/soken.102.6_F142

  • 25aYM-4 The Effects of Majorana Phases in Three-Generation Neutrinos

    波場 直之, 松井 吉光, 岡村 直利

    日本物理学会講演概要集   55 ( 2 )   7 - 7   2000年09月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 30pSD-7 Large lepton flavor mixing and gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario

    波場 直之, 松田 正久, 谷本 盛光

    日本物理学会講演概要集   55 ( 1 )   2 - 2   2000年03月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Large neutrino flavor mixings and gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario.

    N. Haba, M. Matsuda, M. Tanimoto

    Phys.Lett.   478 ( 1/3 )   351 - 357   2000年( ISSN:0370-2693

  • 24aSF-5 Stability of the Lepton-Flavor-Mixing matrix against quantum corrections

    岡村 直利, 波場 直之

    日本物理学会講演概要集   54 ( 2 )   3 - 3   1999年09月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 量子補正に対するレプトンフレーバ混合行列の安定性(原標題は英語)

    岡村直利, 波場直之

    日本物理学会講演概要集   54 ( 2 )   3   1999年09月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Composite Model with Neutrino Large Mixing (基研研究会「ニュートリノ混合と統一模型の検討」報告) 査読

    波場 直之

    素粒子論研究   98 ( 5 )   E129 - E135   1999年02月( ISSN:0371-1838

  • Composite model with large mixing of neutrinos 査読

    N Haba

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   59 ( 3 )   035011   1999年02月( ISSN:2470-0010 ( eISSN:2470-0029


    We suggest a simple composite model that induces the large flavor mixing of a neutrino in the supersymmetric theory. This model has only one hyper-color in addition to the standard gauge group, which makes composite states of preens. In this model, the 10 and 1 representations in SU(5) grand unified theory are composite states and produce the mass hierarchy. This explains why large mixing is realized in the lepton sector, while small mixing is realized in the quark sector. This model can naturally solve the atmospheric neutrino problem. We can also serve the solar neutrino problem by improving the model. [S0556-2821(99)07401-9].

  • Composite model with large mixing of neutrinos 査読

    Naoyuki Haba

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   59 ( 3 )   1999年( ISSN:1550-2368



    We suggest a simple composite model that induces the large flavor mixing of a neutrino in the supersymmetric theory. This model has only one hyper-color in addition to the standard gauge group, which makes composite states of preons. In this model, the 10 and 1 representations in SU(5) grand unified theory are composite states and produce the mass hierarchy. This explains why large mixing is realized in the lepton sector, while small mixing is realized in the quark sector. This model can naturally solve the atmospheric neutrino problem. We can also solve the solar neutrino problem by improving the model. © 1999 The American Physical Society.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.59.035011

  • singular seesaw mechanismによるニュートリノmass hierarchyとmixing angleの実現

    千喜良祐一, 波場直之, 御村幸宏

    日本物理学会講演概要集   53 ( 2 )   5   1998年09月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 4a-K-4 singular seesaw mechanismによるニュートリノmass hierarchyとmixing angleの実現

    千喜良 祐一, 波場 直之, 御村 幸宏

    日本物理学会講演概要集   53 ( 2 )   5 - 5   1998年09月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Composite model with neutrino large mixing 査読

    Naoyuki Haba

    Phys.Rev.D59:035011,1999   1998年07月


    We suggest a simple composite model that induces the large flavor mixing of
    neutrino in the supersymmetric theory. This model has only one hyper-color in
    addition to the standard gauge group, which makes composite states of preons.
    In this model, {\bf 10} and {\bf 1} representations in SU(5) grand unified
    theory are composite states and produce the mass hierarchy. This explains why
    the large mixing is realized in the lepton sector, while the small mixing is
    realized in the quark sector. This model can naturally solve the atmospheric
    neutrino problem. We can also solve the solar neutrino problem by improving the

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.59.035011

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9807552v1

  • The phenomenology of SUSY breaking

    Soryushiron Kenkyu   97 ( 4 )   D12 - D22   1998年07月( ISSN:0371-1838

  • The phenomenology of SUSY breaking.


    素粒子論研究   97 ( 4 )   D12-D22   1998年07月( ISSN:0371-1838


  • Large lepton flavor mixing and E-6-type unification models

    N Haba, T Matsuoka

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   99 ( 5 )   831 - 842   1998年05月( ISSN:0033-068X


    There are experimental indications of large flavor mixing between nu(mu) and nu(tau). In the unification models, in which the massless sector includes extra particles beyond the standard model, there possibly appear mixings between quarks (leptons) and extra particles. When large mixings occur, lepton flavor mixings can be quite different from quark flavor mixings. By studying the string inspired SU(6) x SU(2)(R) model with global flavor symmetries, we obtain the neutrino flavor mixing sin theta(23) similar or equal to lambda = sin theta(C) up to renormalization effects. It can be expected that due to large Yukawa couplings of the third generation, the renormalization effect increases sin2 theta(23) naturally up to similar to 1 at the electroweak scale. The fermion mass spectra and the CKM matrix of quarks obtained in this paper are also phenomenologically viable.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.99.831

    CiNii Article

  • 2a-C-4 Gauge mediating模型におけるスライディングシングレット機構

    千喜良 祐一, 波場 直之, 御村 幸宏

    日本物理学会講演概要集   53 ( 1 )   10 - 10   1998年03月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • Yukawa interaction from a supersymmetric composite model

    N Haba, N Okamura

    MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A   13 ( 10 )   759 - 767   1998年03月( ISSN:0217-7323 ( eISSN:1793-6632


    We present a composite model that is based on nonperturbative effects of N = 1 supersymmetric SU(N-C) gauge theory with N-f = N-C + 1 flavors. In this letter, we consider N-C = 7, where all fields of one generation (quarks, leptons and Higgs) are bound states of preens and anti-preens. When SU(7)(H) coupling becomes strong, Yukawa couplings of quarks and leptons are generated dynamically. We show the one-generation model first and then we try to extend it to the three-generation model.

    DOI: 10.1142/S0217732398000826

  • Examination of T/CP invariance in the e(+)e(-)-&gt;tau(+)tau(-) reaction

    T Ohshima, S Suitoh, A Sugiyama, S Suzuki, N Haba

    PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS   99 ( 3 )   413 - 421   1998年03月( ISSN:0033-068X


    We propose a method to examine the T/CP invariance of the heaviest lepton, tau, by means of a triple-momentum correlation for the reaction e(+)e(-) --&gt; tau(+)tau(-), tau --&gt; e/&lt;mu nu(nu)over bar&gt; during the course of the B-Factory experimental program. An unprecedented high sensitivity could be obtained without requiring a high integrated luminosity.

    DOI: 10.1143/PTP.99.413

    CiNii Article

  • Model building in SUSY QCD

    Naoyuki Haba



    In N=1 Supersymmetric gauge theories, we can calculate non-perturbative
    effects in the superpotential. It is interesting to apply this effect to the
    phenomenology. We show two models here. One is the low energy supersymmetry
    (SUSY) breaking scenario without messenger sector, and the second is the
    composite model generating Yukawa interaction dynamically.

    その他URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9712403v1

  • Model building in SUSY QCD

    Naoyuki Haba




    In N=1 Supersymmetric gauge theories, we can calculate non-perturbative<br />
    effects in the superpotential. It is interesting to apply this effect to the<br />
    phenomenology. We show two models here. One is the low energy supersymmetry<br />
    (SUSY) breaking scenario without messenger sector, and the second is the<br />
    composite model generating Yukawa interaction dynamically.

  • Supersymmetry breaking without a messenger gauge group

    N Haba, N Maru, T Matsuoka

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   56 ( 7 )   4207 - 4212   1997年10月( ISSN:0556-2821


    We propose a simple gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking model in which suitable soft breaking masses are dynamically generated without relying on the messenger gauge interaction. This model is constructed as an extention of the 3-2 model and needs no fine-tuning of parameters. The dynamical supersymmetry breaking sector contains nonrenormalizable interactions and vectorlike fields. Nonrenormalizable terms are characterized by the couplings of 0(1) in units of the Planck scale. The hierarchy of various mass scales in the model arises from the nonrenormalizable terms. The vacuum of this model conserves the color and electroweak symmetry. We also discuss a possible solution to the mu problem in this framework.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.56.4207

  • 21p-G-1 SUSY複合模型におけるYukawa相互作用

    岡村 直利, 波場 直之

    日本物理学会講演概要集   52 ( 2 )   7 - 7   1997年09月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 28a-YP-2 Messenger sector as effective theory in Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

    丸 信人, 波場 直之, 松岡 武夫

    日本物理学会講演概要集   52 ( 1 )   1 - 1   1997年03月( ISSN:1342-8349


  • 28a-YP-3 SUSY Breaking without Messenger Sector

    波場 直之, 松岡 武夫

    日本物理学会講演概要集   52 ( 1 )   1 - 1   1997年03月( ISSN:1342-8349




  • udd flat direction がインフラトンである場合のバリオン非対称性について 国内会議

    波場直之, 清水康弘, 田辺義博, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2025年春季大会  2025年03月  日本物理学会

  • Gravitational waves from phase transition in a left-right SUSY model 国内会議

    波場直之, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2025年春季大会  2025年03月  日本物理学会

  • Proton Decay and Gauge Coupling Unification in an Extended SU(5) GUT with 45-Dimensional Higgs 国内会議

    波場直之, 長野佳輔, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2025年春季大会  2025年03月  日本物理学会

  • Fermi-LATを用いた間接検出によるヒッグスポータルの暗黒物質の散乱断面積の制限 国内会議

    波場直之, 池本順平, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2024年秋季大会  2024年09月  日本物理学会

  • 間接検出によるモデルに依らないヒッグス・ポータルのマヨラナフェルミオン暗黒物質の制限 国内会議

    波場直之, 池本順平, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2024年春季大会   2024年03月  日本物理学会

  • Vacuum stability and conditions for Q-ball formation in the Type II Seesaw model 国内会議

    波場直之, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2024年春季大会   2024年03月  日本物理学会

  • udd flat direction がインフラトンである場合のバリオン非対称性について 国内会議

    波場直之, 田辺義博, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2024年春季大会   2024年03月  日本物理学会

  • 2-loopレベルの45表現ヒッグス粒子を含めたSU(5)大統一理論におけるゲージ結合定数の統一と陽子崩壊の解析 国内会議

    波場直之, 長野佳輔, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2024年春季大会   2024年03月  日本物理学会

  • How can we know about GUT? 招待 国内会議

    Naoyuki Haba

    名古屋大学素粒子宇宙起源研究所セミナー  2023年12月  名古屋大学素粒子宇宙起源研究所



  • GUTのことが知りたい! 招待 国内会議

    関西地域セミナー  2023年10月 



  • ヒッグスポータルによるマヨラナフェルミオン暗黒物質のFreeze-in機構 国内会議

    池本順平, 波場直之, 清水康弘, 山田敏文

    日本物理学会2023年春季大会  2023年03月  日本物理学会



  • 45表現ヒッグス粒子を含めたSU(5)大統一理論におけるゲージ結合定数の統一と陽子崩壊の解析 国内会議

    長野佳輔, 波場直之, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2023年春季大会  2023年03月  日本物理学会



  • Conditions for detectable heavy neutrinos 国際共著 国内会議

    山田敏史, 波場直之, 萩原薫, Ya-Juan Zheng

    日本物理学会2021年秋季大会  2021年09月 

  • 超対称SO(10)大統一模型におけるフェルミオン質量階層性 国内会議

    波場直之, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2021年秋季大会  2021年09月 

  • Reconsider fermion mass anarchy in SU(5) GUT 国内会議




  • Reconsider anarchy of O(1) coefficients in Quark/Lepton Mass Matrices 国内会議

    波場直之, 清水康弘, 山田敏史

    日本物理学会2020年秋季大会  2020年09月  日本物理学会



  • Detectable dimension-6 proton decay in SUSY SO(10) GUT at Hyper-Kamiokande 国内会議




  • Gauge coupling unification in classical conformal model

    日本物理学会2015年秋季大会  2015年 

  • Search for new physics via photon polarization of radiative B meson decay

    日本物理学会2015年秋季大会  2015年 

  • 超対称性理論における LHC の QCD 過程でのパリティの破れ

    第 68 回日本物理学会年次大会  2013年 

  • QCD parity violation at LHC in warped extra dimension

    第68 回日本物理学会年次大会  2013年 

  • QCD parity violation at LHC in warped extra dimension

    第68 回日本物理学会年次大会  2013年 

  • GUT with neutrinophillic Higgs

    Flavor Symmetries, FLASY13  2013年 

  • 余剰次元に由来する μ 項と超対称性の破れについて

    第 68 回 日本物理学会年次大会  2013年 

  • Why is TeV-scale a geometric mean of neutrino mass and GUT-scale?

    BENE-2012  2012年 

  • Predictions via large θ13 from cascades

    日本物理学会 2012 年秋季大会  2012年 

  • non-perturbative な Higgsino に対する unitarity から の制限

    日本物理学会 2012 年秋季大会  2012年 

  • Helicity asymmetry in top quark pair production via SUSY

    日本物理学会 2012 年秋季大会  2012年 

  • Can a quantum correction trigger PMNS mixing from CKM mixing?

    日本 物理学会2012年秋季大会  2012年 

  • Vacuum stability in neutrinophilic Higgs doublet model

    第 67 回日本物理学会年次大会  2012年 



  • ニュートリノを手がかりとした標準模型を超える物理の探究

    基盤研究(C)  2027年

  • ニュートリノを手がかりとした標準模型を超える物理の探究

    基盤研究(C)  2026年

  • ニュートリノを手がかりとした標準模型を超える物理の探究

    基盤研究(C)  2025年

  • ニュートリノを手がかりとした標準模型を超える物理の探究

    基盤研究(C)  2024年

  • ニュートリノを手がかりとした標準模型を超える物理の探究

    基盤研究(C)  2023年

  • ニュートリノと陽子崩壊で探る大統一理論と世代構造

    新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)  2022年04月

  • ニュートリノと陽子崩壊で探る大統一理論と世代構造

    新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)  2021年04月

  • ニュートリノで探究する大統一理論の物理

    新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)  2019年04月

  • 相転移が引き起こす重力波から探る新しい物理

    新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)  2018年04月

  • ヒッグス粒子で探る新しい物理

    基盤研究(C)  2017年04月

  • ニュートリノが切り開くプランクスケールに存在する新しい物理

    新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)  2016年04月

  • ニュートリノで探る標準模型を超える新しい物理

    新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)  2015年04月

  • LHCとILCにおける新しい物理の解明

    基盤研究(C)  2012年04月

  • 標準模型を超える物理を探る新しい手法の開発

    特定領域研究  2010年04月

  • 余剰次元理論における新しいモデルの構築とLHC・ILCに向けた解析

    基盤研究(C)  2008年04月

  • 余剰次元理論と超対称性理論におけるクォーク・レプトンの世代構造の研究

    特定領域研究  2008年04月

  • ヒッグス場の起源とクォーク・レプトンの世代構造の研究

    若手研究(B)  2005年04月

  • ヒッグス場の起源が高次元ゲージ場のスカラー成分である可能性についての研究

    特定領域研究  2004年04月

  • 余次元理論と超対称性標準模型におけるレプトンの世代構造の現象論的研究

    若手研究(B)  2002年04月

  • 余次元理論と超対称性標準模型におけるニュートリノの世代構造の解明

    特定領域研究  2002年04月

  • 超対称性理論における物質の世代構造とヒッグス系の3-2表現分離問題の解明

    特定領域研究  2002年04月

  • 超対称性理論におけるニュートリノの世代構造の現象論的研究

    奨励研究  2000年04月

  • 超対称性理論におけるレプトンの世代構造とCPの破れの研究

    特定領域研究  2000年04月

  • 超対称性理論におけるニュートリノの世代構造と超対称性の破れの機構の研究

    奨励研究  1998年04月

  • 超対称性理論におけるニュートリノの世代構造と超対称性の破れの機構の研究

    特定領域研究  1998年04月



  • ヒッグス粒子の理論的解明

    公益財団法人 寿原記念財団  研究助成金  2013年04月


  • 2024年度  研究員数:1名

  • 2023年度  研究員数:1名

  • 2022年度  研究員数:1名

  • 2021年度  研究員数:2名


  • 2024年度





  • 物理数学2:


  • 物理学前期特別研究Ⅱ

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 宇宙・高エネルギー物理学ゼミナール

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物性物理学ゼミナール

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 後期特別研究 (D3物理学分野)

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 後期海外特別研究2 (物理学分野)

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 基礎物理学ゼミナール

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究4

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学特別研究4B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究4A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究2

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 現代物理学への招待

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 特別実験・特別理論演習

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学講読

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 海外特別研究(物理)

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理数学2

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 現代物理学への招待

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 基礎物理学特別講義A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習5A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別講義2D

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究5A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究4A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究1

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 素粒子論

    2024年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習5B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究5

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究5

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究5B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究4B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学講読

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 特別実験・特別理論演習

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 海外特別研究2

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 現代物理学への招待

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 海外特別研究4

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究4A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学前期特別研究Ⅱ

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 後期海外特別研究2

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 後期特別研究

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物性物理学ゼミナール

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 宇宙・高エネルギー物理学ゼミナール

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 基礎物理学ゼミナール

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学講読

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物理数学2

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 特別実験・特別理論演習

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学特別研究4B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 素粒子論

    2023年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 素粒子論

    2023年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理数学2

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 現代物理学への招待

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物理数学2

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 海外特別研究3 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究5 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究4 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究2 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究1 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 素粒子論

    2022年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究(物理)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学講読

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 特別実験/特別理論演習

    2022年度   集中講義   大学


社会貢献活動 ⇒ 社会貢献実績一覧へ

  • Dissipation in the 1/D expansion for planar matrix models

    役割:司会, 企画






  • 素粒子と宇宙(パート1)







  • 素粒子と宇宙(パート2)







  • ブラックホールの量子論

    役割:司会, 企画






  • ボルツマンとボゴリューボフ -宇宙初期の重力的粒子生成をめぐって-

    役割:司会, 企画






  • 機械学習の物理学への応用について

    役割:司会, 企画






  • 宇宙へのぼうけんと小さな世界へのぼうけん



    こども本の森 中之島  2023年10月




  • 物理は面白い!(その2周期表)



    大阪公立大学オープンキャンパス  理学部物理学科模擬授業  2023年08月




  • 物理は面白い!(その1屈折率)



    大阪公立大学オープンキャンパス  理学部物理学科模擬授業  2023年08月




  • 素粒子と宇宙



    大阪市立科学館  全国同時七夕講演会  2023年07月




  • 非可逆的対称性について

    役割:司会, 企画






  • 弦の散乱における過渡的カオス解析

    役割:司会, 企画






  • 量子性とは何だろう

    役割:司会, 企画






  • Noninvertible symmetries in higher-dimensional QFTs

    役割:司会, 企画






  • 暗黒物質の発見に向けて

    役割:司会, 企画



  • Axion Fragmentation

    役割:司会, 企画






  • 物理って面白い?(周期表の話)・周期表を覚えるのは楽しいですか?

    役割:講師, 実演


    大阪教育大学付属高等学校平野校舎  2022年07月




  • 物理って面白い?(屈折率の話)・屈折率の公式を覚えるのは楽しいですか?

    役割:講師, 実演


    大阪教育大学付属高等学校平野校舎  2022年07月






  • 宇宙はどのようにして生まれたのだろうか?

    大阪公立大学2023年メディア懇談会  大阪公立大学ウェブサイト  2023年08月



  • 素粒子ニュートリノの謎にランダム行列理論で迫る! 会誌・広報誌

    大阪公立大学  プレスリリース  大阪公立大学ウェブサイト  2023年03月

出張講義テーマ ⇒ 出張講義一覧へ

  • 素粒子と宇宙(パート2)




  • 素粒子と宇宙(パート1)





  • 宇宙へのぼうけんと小さな世界へのぼうけん




    対象:未就学児, 小学生, 教育関係者, 保護者, 社会人・一般

    こども本の森 中之島、10/18、13:30-15:00

  • 物理は面白い!(その2周期表)




    対象:中学生, 高校生, 保護者, 社会人・一般


  • 物理は面白い!(その1屈折率)




    対象:中学生, 高校生, 保護者, 社会人・一般


  • 素粒子と宇宙




    対象:小学生, 中学生, 高校生, 大学生, 大学院生, 保護者, 社会人・一般, 市民団体, メディア

    【開催日】 2023年7月29日(土)
    【開催場所】 大阪市立科学館 多目的室
     【定員を上回った場合】 抽選 
     【参加費】 無料
     【対象】 内容は中学生以上を対象としていますが、どなたでも参加できます 

  • 物理って面白い?(周期表の話)・周期表を覚えるのは楽しいですか?




    物理は面白いでしょうか?暗記科目だと思っていませんか?苦手意識があるかもしれません。 公式の奥の本質を知るととても面白く美しい世界がひらけてきます。周期表や屈折率について、 その奥にある本質の世界に皆さんを招待します。
    令和4年 7月14日木 11:40-12:30 大阪教育大学付属高等学校平野校舎

  • 物理って面白い?(屈折率の話)・屈折率の公式を覚えるのは楽しいですか?




    物理は面白いでしょうか?暗記科目だと思っていませんか?苦手意識があるかもしれません。 公式の奥の本質を知るととても面白く美しい世界がひらけてきます。周期表や屈折率について、 その奥にある本質の世界に皆さんを招待します。
    令和4年 7月14日木 10:40-11:30 大阪教育大学付属高等学校平野校舎



  • PTEP査読


    2024年09月 - 2024年10月




  • 2024年度

    留学生受入数 :1名