Updated on 2024/10/18


Graduate School of Science Department of Biology Associate Professor
School of Science Department of Biology
Associate Professor
Institute of Science


  • Graduate School of Science Department of Biology 

    Associate Professor  2022.04 - Now

  • School of Science Department of Biology 

    Associate Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • 博士(生命科学) ( Tohoku University )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Ecology and environment

Research Interests

  • Plant Physiological Ecology

Professional Memberships





  • International Society of Photosynthesis Research


  • The Japanese Society of Photosynthesis Research




  • Tohoku Botanical Society

    2013 - 2020

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Committee Memberships (off-campus)

  • 常任幹事   日本光合成学会  

    2023.06 - Now 

  • 「光合成研究」編集委員   日本光合成学会  

    2023.01 - Now 

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  • Journal of Plant Research Editorial Board Member   The Botanical Society of Japan  

    2020 - Now 

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    JPR Editorial Board Member


  • 16th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research The Walz Award

    2013.09   International Society of Photosynthesis Research  

  • 文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞

    2013.04   文部科学省  

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  • 日本植物学会奨励賞

    2012.09   日本植物学会  

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Job Career (off-campus)

  • The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science

    2020.10 - 2022.03

  • Tohoku University   Graduate School of Life Sciences   Assistant Professor

    2012.10 - 2020.09

  • Tohoku University   Graduate School of Life Sciences   Assistant Professor (CREST)

    2012.02 - 2012.09

  • Australian National University   Research School of Biology   Visiting Fellow

    2010.02 - 2012.02

  • Tohoku University   Graduate School of Life Sciences   Postdoctoral Fellow

    2008.12 - 2010.02

  • University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science   Postdoctoral Fellow

    2006.04 - 2008.11

  • Tohoku University   Graduate School of Life Sciences   Postdoctoral Fellow

    2005.04 - 2006.03

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  • Heterotic growth of hybrids of Arabidopsis thaliana is enhanced by elevated atmospheric CO2

    Masako Mishio, Emi Sudo, Hiroshi Ozaki, Riichi Oguchi, Ryo Fujimoto, Nobuharu Fujii, Kouki Hikosaka

    American Journal of Botany   111 ( 4 )   e16317   2024.04( ISSN:00029122

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16317


  • UAV LiDAR digitization of 11 forest types in the Osaka Metropolitan University Botanical Garden

    Onoda Yusuke, Onishi Masanori, Htoo Kyaw Kyaw, Hogaki Yusuke, Farhaduhar Rahman MD, Takeshige Ryuichi, Oguchi Riichi

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY   74 ( 1 )   25   2024( ISSN:00215007 ( eISSN:2424127X

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  • Cost-benefit analysis of mesophyll conductance: diversities of anatomical, biochemical and environmental determinants Reviewed

    Mizokami Y., Oguchi R., Sugiura D., Yamori W., Noguchi K., Terashima I.

    Annals of botany   130 ( 3 )   265 - 283   2022.09( ISSN:0305-7364

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    International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcac100


  • Mixed population hypothesis of the active and inactive PSII complexes opens a new door for photoinhibition and fluorescence studies: An ecophysiological perspective Reviewed

    Kono M., Miyata K., Matsuzawa S., Noguchi T., Oguchi R., Suzuki Y., Terashima I.

    Functional Plant Biology   49 ( 10 )   917 - 925   2022.07( ISSN:14454408

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    International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1071/FP21355


  • Enhanced growth rate under elevated CO<sub>2</sub> conditions was observed for transgenic lines of genes identified by intraspecific variation analyses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Reviewed

    Oguchi R, Hanada K, Shimizu M, Mishio M, Ozaki H, Hikosaka K

    Plant molecular biology   2022.04( ISSN:0167-4412

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    Authorship:Lead author   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11103-022-01265-w


  • Photoinhibition of PSI and PSII in Nature and in the Laboratory: Ecological Approaches Reviewed

    Masaru Kono, Riichi Oguchi, Ichiro Terashima

    Progress in Botany   2022( ISSN:0340-4773 ( eISSN:2197-8492

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    Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1007/124_2022_67

  • A new method for separate evaluation of PSII with inactive oxygen evolving complex and active D1 by the pulse-amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorometry. Reviewed

    Kono M, Matsuzawa S, Noguchi T, Miyata K, Oguchi R, Terashima I

    Functional plant biology : FPB   2021.09( ISSN:1445-4408

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    International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1071/FP21073


  • Wah Soon Chow, a teacher, a friend and a colleague. International coauthorship

    Zavafer A, Losciale P, Öquist G, He J, Evans JR, Fitzpatrick D, Oguchi R, Fan D, Osmond CB, Zhang M, Huang W, McCaffery S, Szabó M

    149 ( 1-2 )   253 - 258   2021.08( ISSN:0166-8595

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    International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-021-00864-w


  • The effect of different spectral light quality on the photoinhibition of Photosystem I in intact leaves Reviewed International coauthorship

    Riichi Oguchi, Ichiro Terashima, Wah Soon Chow

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   149 ( 1-2 )   83 - 92   2021.01( ISSN:0166-8595 ( eISSN:1573-5079

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Light energy causes damage to Photosystem I (PSI) and Photosystem II (PSII). The majority of the previous photoinhibition studies have been conducted with PSII, which shows much larger photoinhibition than PSI; therefore, relatively little is known about the mechanism of PSI photoinhibition so far. A previous report showed that the photoinhibition action spectrum measured with PSI activity of isolated thylakoid is similar to the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. However, it is known that the extent of PSI photoinhibition is much smaller in vivo compared to in vitro. It is also possible that the different extent of PSII photoinhibition, caused by different spectral light qualities, can affect the photoinhibition of PSI in vivo because PSI receives electrons from PSII. In the present research, to study the effect of light quality and the effect of the extent of PSII photoinhibition on the PSI photoinhibition in vivo, intact leaves were photoinhibited under four different light qualities. The rate coefficient of PSI photoinhibition was significantly higher in blue and red light compared to white light. The rate of PSI photoinhibition at the same photon-exposure was the largest in blue and red light and followed by white and green light. These results support the notion that light absorption by chlorophyll is responsible for the PSI photoinhibition, even in intact leaves. The variation among light colors in the relationships between the extent of photoinhibition of PSII and that of PSI indicate that PSI and PSII are independently photoinhibited with different mechanisms in the early stage of in vivo photoinhibition.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-020-00805-z


  • Testing trait plasticity over the range of spectral composition of sunlight in forb species differing in shade tolerance Reviewed

    Qing-Wei Wang, Thomas Matthew Robson, Marta Pieriste, Michio Oguro, Riichi Oguchi, Yoshinori Murai, Hiroko Kurokawa

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY   108 ( 5 )   1923 - 1940   2020.09( ISSN:0022-0477 ( eISSN:1365-2745

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Although sunlight is essential for plant growth and development, the relative importance of each spectral region in shaping functional traits is poorly understood, particularly in dynamic light environments such as forest ecosystems.We examined responses of 25 functional traits from groups of 11 shade-intolerant and 12 understorey shade-tolerant forb species grown outdoors under five filter treatments differing in spectral transmittance: (a) transmitting c. 95% of solar radiation (280-800 nm); (b) attenuating ultraviolet-B (UV-B); (c) attenuating all UV; (d) attenuating all UV and blue light; (e) attenuating all UV, blue and green light.Our results show that UV-B radiation mainly affected the biochemical traits but blue light mainly affected the physiological traits irrespective of functional strategy, whereas green light affected both sets of traits. This would suggest that differentiation among suites of functional trait responses proceeds according to light quality. Biomass accumulation was significantly increased by UV-A radiation (contrasting treatment [b] vs. [c]) among shade-intolerant but decreased by blue light among shade-tolerant species; green and red light affected whole-plant morphological development differently according to functional groups. Shade-tolerant species were more plastic than shade-intolerant species in response to each spectral region that we examined except for UV-B radiation.Synthesis. Our results show that differences in the spectral composition of sunlight can drive functional trait expression irrespective of total irradiance received. The different responses of functional traits between functional groups imply that shade-tolerant and intolerant species have adapted to utilize spectral cues differently in their respective light environments.

    DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13384

  • Functional shifts in leaves of woody invaders of deciduous forests between their home and away ranges. Reviewed International coauthorship

    Kelsey A Martinez, Jason D Fridley, Riichi Oguchi, Masahiro Aiba, Kouki Hikosaka

    Tree physiology   39 ( 9 )   1551 - 1560   2019.09( ISSN:0829-318X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Temperate forests are widely invaded by shade-tolerant shrubs and trees, including those of Eastern North America (ENA). However, it remains unknown whether these invaders are 'preadapted' for success in their new ranges due to unique aspects of their evolutionary history or whether selection due to enemy release or other postintroduction processes have driven rapid evolution in the invaded range. We sampled leaf traits of populations of woody understory invaders across light gradients in their native range in Japan and in their invaded ENA range to examine potential phenotypic shifts related to carbon gain and nitrogen use between ranges. We also measured leaf traits in three co-occurring ENA native shrub species. In their invaded range, invaders invested significantly less in leaf chlorophyll content (both per unit leaf mass and area) compared with native range populations of the same species, yet maintained similar rates of photosynthesis in low light. In addition, compared with ENA natives, ENA invaders displayed greater trait variation in response to increasing light availability (forest edges, gaps), giving them a potential advantage over ENA natives in a variety of light conditions. We conclude that, for this group of species, newly evolved phenotypes in the invaded range are more important than preadaptation for their success as shade-tolerant forest invaders.

    DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpz065


  • Dependence of functional traits related to growth rates and their CO2 response on multiple habitat climate factors across Arabidopsis thaliana populations Reviewed

    Ozaki Hiroshi, Oguchi Riichi, Hikosaka Kouki

    JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH   131 ( 6 )   987 - 999   2018.11( ISSN:0918-9440

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    The values of many plant traits are often different even within a species as a result of local adaptation. Here, we studied how multiple climate variables influence trait values in Arabidopsis thaliana grown under common conditions. We examined 9 climate variables and 29 traits related to vegetative growth rate in 44 global A. thaliana accessions grown at ambient or elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and applied a multiple regression analysis. We found that genetic variations in the traits related to growth rates were associated with various climate variables. At ambient [CO2], plant size was positively correlated with precipitation in the original habitat. This may be a result of larger biomass investment in roots at the initial stage in plants adapting to a lower precipitation. Stomatal conductance and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency were negatively correlated with vapor pressure deficit, probably as a result of the trade-off between photosynthetic water- and nitrogen-use efficiency. These results suggest that precipitation and air humidity influence belowground and aboveground traits, respectively. Elevated [CO2] altered climate dependences in some of the studied traits. The CO2 response of relative growth rate was negatively correlated with altitude, indicating that plants inhabiting a higher altitude have less plasticity to changing [CO2]. These results are useful not only for understanding evolutionary process but also to predict the plant species that are favored under future global change.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10265-018-1058-1


  • Leaf Anatomy and Function Invited Reviewed International coauthorship

    OGUCHI Riichi, ONODA Yusuke, TERASHIMA Ichiro, THOLEN Danny

    The Leaf: A Platform for Performing Photosynthesis   97 - 139   2018.09

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    Authorship:Lead author  

  • The effect of interspecific variation in photosynthetic plasticity on 4-year growth rate and 8-year survival of understorey tree seedlings in response to gap formations in a cool-temperate deciduous forest Reviewed

    Riichi Oguchi, Tsutom Hiura, Kouki Hikosaka

    TREE PHYSIOLOGY   37 ( 8 )   1113 - 1127   2017.08( ISSN:0829-318X ( eISSN:1758-4469

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Gap formation increases the light intensity in the forest understorey. The growth responses of seedlings to the increase in light availability show interspecific variation, which is considered to promote biodiversity in forests. At the leaf level, some species increase their photosynthetic capacity in response to gap formation, whereas others do not. Here we address the question of whether the interspecific difference in the photosynthetic response results in the interspecific variation in the growth response. If so, the interspecific difference in photosynthetic response would also contribute to species coexistence in forests. We also address the further relevant question of why some species do not increase their photosynthetic capacity. We assumed that some cost of photosynthetic plasticity may constrain acquisition of the plasticity in some species, and hypothesized that species with larger photosynthetic plasticity exhibit better growth after gap formation and lower survivorship in the shade understorey of a cool-temperate deciduous forest. We created gaps by felling canopy trees and studied the relationship between the photosynthetic response and the subsequent growth rate of seedlings. Naturally growing seedlings of six deciduous woody species were used and their mortality was examined for 8 years. The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (P-max) and the relative growth rate (RGR) of the seedlings of all study species increased at gap plots. The extent of these increases varied among the species. The stimulation of RGR over 4 years after gap formation was strongly correlated with change in photosynthetic capacity of newly expanded leaves. The increase in RGR and Pmax correlated with the 8-year mortality at control plots. These results suggest a trade-off between photosynthetic plasticity and the understorey shade tolerance. Gap-demanding species may acquire photosynthetic plasticity, sacrificing shade tolerances, whereas gap-independent species may acquire shade tolerances, sacrificing photosynthetic plasticity. This strategic difference among species would contribute to species coexistence in cool-temperate deciduous forests.

    DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpx042


  • Mutant selection in the self-incompatible plant radish (<i>Raphanus sativus</i> L. <i>var. sativus</i>) using two-step TILLING.

    Kohzuma K, Chiba M, Nagano S, Anai T, Ueda MU, Oguchi R, Shirai K, Hanada K, Hikosaka K, Fujii N

    Breeding science   67 ( 3 )   268 - 276   2017.06( ISSN:1344-7610

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  • Obstacles in the quantification of the cyclic electron flux around Photosystem I in leaves of C3 plants Reviewed International coauthorship

    Da-Yong Fan, Duncan Fitzpatrick, Riichi Oguchi, Weimin Ma, Jiancun Kou, Wah Soon Chow

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   129 ( 3 )   239 - 251   2016.09( ISSN:0166-8595 ( eISSN:1573-5079

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Sixty years ago Arnon and co-workers discovered photophosphorylation driven by a cyclic electron flux (CEF) around Photosystem I. Since then understanding the physiological roles and the regulation of CEF has progressed, mainly via genetic approaches. One basic problem remains, however: quantifying CEF in the absence of a net product. Quantification of CEF under physiological conditions is a crucial prerequisite for investigating the physiological roles of CEF. Here we summarize current progress in methods of CEF quantification in leaves and, in some cases, in isolated thylakoids, of C3 plants. Evidently, all present methods have their own shortcomings. We conclude that to quantify CEF in vivo, the best way currently is to measure the electron flux through PS I (ETR1) and that through PS II and PS I in series (ETR2) for the whole leaf tissue under identical conditions. The difference between ETR1 and ETR2 is an upper estimate of CEF, mainly consisting, in C3 plants, of a major PGR5-PGRL1-dependent CEF component and a minor chloroplast NDH-dependent component, where PGR5 stands for Proton Gradient Regulation 5 protein, PGRL1 for PGR5-like photosynthesis phenotype 1, and NDH for Chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like complex. These two CEF components can be separated by the use of antimycin A to inhibit the former (major) component. Membrane inlet mass spectrometry utilizing stable oxygen isotopes provides a reliable estimation of ETR2, whilst ETR1 can be estimated from a method based on the photochemical yield of PS I, Y(I). However, some issues for the recommended method remain unresolved.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-016-0223-4


  • Light environment within a leaf. II. Progress in the past one-third century Reviewed

    Terashima Ichiro, Ooeda Hiroki, Fujita Takashi, Oguchi Riichi

    JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH   129 ( 3 )   353 - 363   2016.05( ISSN:0918-9440 ( eISSN:1618-0860

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Studies directly related to light environments within a leaf, conduced mainly in the past one-third century, are reviewed. In particular, studies that revealed the profiles of light absorption and photosynthetic capacity are highlighted. Progress in this research field has been accelerated by devising innovative techniques. Roles of the main photosynthetic tissues, the palisade and spongy tissues, as the light guide and diffuser, respectively, are discussed. When the leaf is illuminated with diffuse light, light is absorbed more by the chloroplasts located near the illuminated surface. The meanings of the occupation of the mesophyll surfaces facing the intercellular spaces by chloroplasts and chloroplast movement are also discussed. The discrepancy between the light absorption profile and that of photosynthetic capacity is examined most intensively.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10265-016-0808-1


  • Which plant trait explains the variations in relative growth rate and its response to elevated carbon dioxide concentration among Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes derived from a variety of habitats? Reviewed

    Riichi Oguchi, Hiroshi Ozaki, Kousuke Hanada, Kouki Hikosaka

    OECOLOGIA   180 ( 3 )   865 - 876   2016.03( ISSN:0029-8549 ( eISSN:1432-1939

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration ([CO2]) enhances plant growth, but this enhancement varies considerably. It is still uncertain which plant traits are quantitatively related to the variation in plant growth. To identify the traits responsible, we developed a growth analysis model that included primary parameters associated with morphology, nitrogen (N) use, and leaf and root activities. We analysed the vegetative growth of 44 ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana L. grown at ambient and elevated [CO2] (800 mu mol mol(-1)). The 44 ecotypes were selected such that they were derived from various altitudes and latitudes. Relative growth rate (RGR; growth rate per unit plant mass) and its response to [CO2] varied by 1.5- and 1.7-fold among ecotypes, respectively. The variation in RGR at both [CO2]s was mainly explained by the variation in leaf N productivity (LNP; growth rate per leaf N),which was strongly related to photosynthetic N use efficiency (PNUE). The variation in the response of RGR to [CO2] was also explained by the variation in the response of LNP to [CO2]. Genomic analyses indicated that there was no phylogenetic constraint on inter-ecotype variation in the CO2 response of RGR or LNP. We conclude that the significant variation in plant growth and its response to [CO2] among ecotypes reflects the variation in N use for photosynthesis among ecotypes, and that the response of PNUE to CO2 is an important target for predicting and/or breeding plants that have high growth rates at elevated [CO2].

    DOI: 10.1007/s00442-015-3479-z


  • Ecophysiology of resource allocation and trade-offs in carbon gain under changing environment. Invited Reviewed

    Hikosaka K, Yasumura Y, Muller O, Oguchi R

    Trees in a changing environment, Ecophysiology, adaptation and future survival series, plant ecophysiology volume 9   2014.08

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    Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

  • Estimation of the steady-state cyclic electron flux around PSI in spinach leaf discs in white light, CO<sub>2</sub>-enriched air and other varied conditions. Reviewed International coauthorship

    Kou J, Takahashi S, Oguchi R, Fan DY, Badger MR, Chow WS

    Functional plant biology : FPB   40 ( 10 )   1018 - 1028   2013.10( ISSN:1445-4408

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    International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1071/FP13010


  • 光阻害の原因が複数のメカニズムの同時寄与である可能性 Invited Reviewed


    光合成研究   23 ( 2 )   64 - 70   2013.08

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Cotton bracts are adapted to a microenvironment of concentrated CO2 produced by rapid fruit respiration. Reviewed International coauthorship

    Hu YY, Oguchi R, Yamori W, von Caemmerer S, Chow WS, Zhang WF

    Annals of botany   112 ( 1 )   31 - 40   2013.07( ISSN:0305-7364

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1093/aob/mct091


  • Quantifying and monitoring functional photosystem II and the stoichiometry of the two photosystems in leaf segments: approaches and approximations Reviewed International coauthorship

    Wah Soon Chow, Da-Yong Fan, Riichi Oguchi, Husen Jia, Pasquale Losciale, Youn-Il Park, Jie He, Gunnar Oquist, Yun-Gang Shen, Jan M. Anderson

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   113 ( 1-3 )   63 - 74   2012.09( ISSN:0166-8595 ( eISSN:1573-5079

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Given its unique function in light-induced water oxidation and its susceptibility to photoinactivation during photosynthesis, photosystem II (PS II) is often the focus of studies of photosynthetic structure and function, particularly in environmental stress conditions. Here we review four approaches for quantifying or monitoring PS II functionality or the stoichiometry of the two photosystems in leaf segments, scrutinizing the approximations in each approach. (1) Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters are convenient to derive, but the information-rich signal suffers from the localized nature of its detection in leaf tissue. (2) The gross O-2 yield per single-turnover flash in CO2-enriched air is a more direct measurement of the functional content, assuming that each functional PS II evolves one O-2 molecule after four flashes. However, the gross O-2 yield per single-turnover flash (multiplied by four) could over-estimate the content of functional PS II if mitochondrial respiration is lower in flash illumination than in darkness. (3) The cumulative delivery of electrons from PS II to P700(+) (oxidized primary donor in PS I) after a flash is added to steady background far-red light is a whole-tissue measurement, such that a single linear correlation with functional PS II applies to leaves of all plant species investigated so far. However, the magnitude obtained in a simple analysis (with the signal normalized to the maximum photo-oxidizable P700 signal), which should equal the ratio of PS II to PS I centers, was too small to match the independently-obtained photosystem stoichiometry. Further, an under-estimation of functional PS II content could occur if some electrons were intercepted before reaching PS I. (4) The electrochromic signal from leaf segments appears to reliably quantify the photosystem stoichiometry, either by progressively photoinactivating PS II or suppressing PS I via photo-oxidation of a known fraction of the P700 with steady far-red light. Together, these approaches have the potential for quantitatively probing PS II in vivo in leaf segments, with prospects for application of the latter two approaches in the field.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-012-9740-y


  • The time course of photoinactivation of photosystem II in leaves revisited Reviewed International coauthorship

    Jiancun Kou, Riichi Oguchi, Da-Yong Fan, Wah Soon Chow

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   113 ( 1-3 )   157 - 164   2012.09( ISSN:0166-8595 ( eISSN:1573-5079

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Since photosystem II (PS II) performs the demanding function of water oxidation using light energy, it is susceptible to photoinactivation during photosynthesis. The time course of photoinactivation of PS II yields useful information about the process. Depending on how PS II function is assayed, however, the time course seems to differ. Here, we revisit this problem by using two additional assays: (1) the quantum yield of oxygen evolution in limiting, continuous light and (2) the flash-induced cumulative delivery of PS II electrons to the oxidized primary donor (P700(+)) in PS I measured as a 'P700 kinetics area'. The P700 kinetics area is based on the fact that the two photosystems function in series: when P700 is completely photo-oxidized by a flash added to continuous far-red light, electrons delivered from PS II to PS I by the flash tend to re-reduce P700(+) transiently to an extent depending on the PS II functionality, while the far-red light photo-oxidizes P700 back to the steady-state concentration. The quantum yield of oxygen evolution in limiting, continuous light indeed decreased in a way that deviated from a single-negative exponential. However, measurement of the quantum yield of oxygen in limiting light may be complicated by changes in mitochondrial respiration between darkness and limiting light. Similarly, an assay based on chlorophyll fluorescence may be complicated by the varying depth in leaf tissue from which the signal is detected after progressive photoinactivation of PS II. On the other hand, the P700 kinetics area appears to be a reasonable assay, which is a measure of functional PS II in the whole leaf tissue and independent of changes in mitochondrial respiration. The P700 kinetics area decreased in a single-negative exponential fashion during progressive photoinactivation of PS II in a number of plant species, at least at functional PS II contents a parts per thousand yen6 % of the initial value, in agreement with the conclusion of Sarvikas et al. (Photosynth Res 103:7-17, 2010). That is, the single-negative-exponential time course does not provide evidence for photoprotection of functional PS II complexes by photoinactivated, connected neighbours.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-012-9743-8


  • Important photosynthetic contribution from the non-foliar green organs in cotton at the late growth stage Reviewed International coauthorship

    Yuan-Yuan Hu, Ya-Li Zhang, Hong-Hai Luo, Wei Li, Riichi Oguchi, Da-Yong Fan, Wah Soon Chow, Wang-Feng Zhang

    PLANTA   235 ( 2 )   325 - 336   2012.02( ISSN:0032-0935

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Non-foliar green organs are recognized as important carbon sources after leaves. However, the contribution of each organ to total yield has not been comprehensively studied in relation to the time-course of changes in surface area and photosynthetic activity of different organs at different growth stages. We studied the contribution of leaves, main stem, bracts and capsule wall in cotton by measuring their time-course of surface area development, O-2 evolution capacity and photosynthetic enzyme activity. Because of the early senescence of leaves, non-foliar organs increased their surface area up to 38.2% of total at late growth stage. Bracts and capsule wall showed less ontogenetic decrease in O-2 evolution capacity per area and photosynthetic enzyme activity than leaves at the late growth stage. The total capacity for O-2 evolution of stalks and bolls (bracts plus capsule wall) was 12.7 and 23.7% (total ca. 36.4%), respectively, as estimated by multiplying their surface area by their O-2 evolution capacity per area. We also kept the bolls (from 15 days after anthesis) or main stem (at the early full bolling stage) in darkness for comparison with non-darkened controls. Darkening the bolls and main stem reduced the boll weight by 24.1 and 9%, respectively, and the seed weight by 35.9 and 16.3%, respectively. We conclude that non-foliar organs significantly contribute to the yield at the late growth stage.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00425-011-1511-z


  • Operation of dual mechanisms that both lead to photoinactivation of Photosystem II in leaves by visible light Reviewed International coauthorship

    Riichi Oguchi, Ichiro Terashima, Jiancun Kou, Wah Soon Chow

    PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM   142 ( 1 )   47 - 55   2011.05( ISSN:0031-9317 ( eISSN:1399-3054

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Photosystem II (PS II) is photoinactivated during photosynthesis, requiring repair to maintain full function during the day. What is the mechanism(s) of the initial events that lead to photoinactivation of PS II? Two hypotheses have been put forward. The 'excess-energy hypothesis' states that excess energy absorbed by chlorophyll (Chl), neither utilized in photosynthesis nor dissipated harmlessly in non-photochemical quenching, leads to PS II photoinactivation; the 'Mn hypothesis' (also termed the two-step hypothesis) states that light absorption by the Mn cluster in PS II is the primary effect that leads to dissociation of Mn, followed by damage to the reaction centre by light absorption by Chl. Observations from various studies support one or the other hypothesis, but each hypothesis alone cannot explain all the observations. We propose that both mechanisms operate in the leaf, with the relative contribution from each mechanism depending on growth conditions or plant species. Indeed, in a single system, namely, the interior of a leaf, we could observe one or the other mechanism at work, depending on the location within the tissue. There is no reason to expect the two mechanisms to be mutually exclusive.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2011.01452.x


  • Intra-leaf gradients of photoinhibition induced by different color lights: implications for the dual mechanisms of photoinhibition and for the application of conventional chlorophyll fluorometers Reviewed International coauthorship

    Riichi Oguchi, Peter Douwstra, Takashi Fujita, Wah Soon Chow, Ichiro Terashima

    NEW PHYTOLOGIST   191 ( 1 )   146 - 159   2011( ISSN:0028-646X

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    We studied how different color lights cause gradients of photoinhibition within a leaf, to attempt to resolve the controversy of whether photon absorption by chlorophyll or by manganese (Mn) is the primary cause of photoinhibition, as suggested by the excess-energy hypothesis or the two-step hypothesis, respectively.
    Lincomycin-treated leaf discs were photoinhibited by white, blue, green or red light. Combining a microfiber fluorometer, a fiber-thinning technique and a micromanipulator enabled us to measure the chlorophyll fluorescence signals within a leaf. Photoinhibition gradients were also compared with results from various conventional fluorometers to estimate their depth of signal detection.
    The severity of photoinhibition was in the descending order of blue, red and green light near the adaxial surface, and in the descending order of blue, green and red light in the deeper tissue, which correlated with the chlorophyll and the Mn absorption spectrums, respectively. These results cannot be explained by either hypothesis alone.
    These data strongly suggest that both the excess-energy and the two-step mechanisms occur in photoinhibition, and fluorometers with red or blue measuring light give overestimated or underestimated F(v)/F(m) values of photoinhibited leaves compared with the whole tissue average, respectively; that is, they measured deeper or shallower leaf tissue, respectively.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03669.x


  • The involvement of dual mechanisms of photoinactivation of photosystem II in Capsicum annuum L. Plants. Reviewed International coauthorship

    Oguchi R, Terashima I, Chow WS

    50 ( 10 )   1815 - 25   2009.10( ISSN:0032-0781

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    Authorship:Lead author   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcp123


  • The leaf anatomy of a broad-leaved evergreen allows an increase in leaf nitrogen content in winter Reviewed

    Onno Muller, Riichi Oguchi, Tadaki Hirose, Marinus J. A. Werger, Kouki Hikosaka

    PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM   136 ( 3 )   299 - 309   2009.07( ISSN:0031-9317

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    In temperate regions, evergreen species are exposed to large seasonal changes in air temperature and irradiance. They change photosynthetic characteristics of leaves responding to such environmental changes. Recent studies have suggested that photosynthetic acclimation is strongly constrained by leaf anatomy such as leaf thickness, mesophyll and chloroplast surface facing the intercellular space, and the chloroplast volume. We studied how these parameters of leaf anatomy are related with photosynthetic seasonal acclimation. We evaluated differential effects of winter and summer irradiance on leaf anatomy and photosynthesis. Using a broad-leaved evergreen Aucuba japonica, we performed a transfer experiment in which irradiance regimes were changed at the beginning of autumn and of spring. We found that a vacant space on mesophyll surface in summer enabled chloroplast volume to increase in winter. The leaf nitrogen and Rubisco content were higher in winter than in summer. They were correlated significantly with chloroplast volume and with chloroplast surface area facing the intercellular space. Thus, summer leaves were thicker than needed to accommodate mesophyll surface chloroplasts at this time of year but this allowed for increases in mesophyll surface chloroplasts in the winter. It appears that summer leaf anatomical characteristics help facilitate photosynthetic acclimation to winter conditions. Photosynthetic capacity and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency were lower in winter than in summer but it appears that these reductions were partially compensated by higher Rubisco contents and mesophyll surface chloroplast area in winter foliage.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2009.01224.x


  • Green light drives leaf photosynthesis more efficiently than red light in strong white light: revisiting the enigmatic question of why leaves are green. Reviewed International coauthorship

    Terashima I, Fujita T, Inoue T, Chow WS, Oguchi R

    50 ( 4 )   684 - 97   2009.04( ISSN:0032-0781

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    International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcp034


  • For the comprehension of functional linkage between above- and below-ground parts Invited Reviewed

    Riichi Oguchi, Takuo Hishi, Tomokazu Tani, Takami Saito, Eri Nabeshima

    Japanese Journal of Ecology   ( 59 )   71 - 82   2009

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


    DOI: 10.18960/seitai.59.1_71

  • Recovery of photoinactivated photosystem II in leaves: retardation due to restricted mobility of photosystem II in the thylakoid membrane Reviewed International coauthorship

    Riichi Oguchi, Husen Jia, James Barber, Wah Soon Chow

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   98 ( 1-3 )   621 - 629   2008.10( ISSN:0166-8595

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    The functionality of photosystem II (PS II) following high-light pre-treatment of leaf segments at a chilling temperature was monitored as F(v)/F(m), the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence in the dark-adapted state and a measure of the optimal photochemical efficiency in PS II. Recovery of PS II functionality in low light (LL) and at a favourable temperature was retarded by (1) water stress and (2) growth in LL, in both spinach and Alocasia macrorrhiza L. In spinach leaf segments, water stress per se affected neither F(v)/F(m) nor the ability of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase to be activated by far-red light for ATP synthesis, but it induced chloroplast shrinkage as observed in frozen and fractured samples by scanning electron microscopy. A common feature of water stress and growth of plants in LL is the enhanced anchoring of PS II complexes, either across the shrunken lumen in water-stress conditions or across the partition gap in larger grana due to growth in LL. We suggest that such enhanced anchoring restricts the mobility of PS II complexes in the thylakoid membrane system, and hence hinders the lateral migration of photoinactivated PS II reaction centres to the stroma-located ribosomes for repair.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11120-008-9363-5


  • Differential effects of severe water stress on linear and cyclic electron fluxes through Photosystem I in spinach leaf discs in CO(2)-enriched air Reviewed International coauthorship

    Husen Jia, Riichi Oguchi, Alexander B. Hope, James Barber, Wah Soon Chow

    PLANTA   228 ( 5 )   803 - 812   2008.10( ISSN:0032-0935

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Linear and cyclic electron fluxes through Photosystem I in 1% CO(2) were quantified in spinach leaf tissue under severe water stress. Using actinic light with a peak at 697 nm for preferential light absorption by Photosystem I while also stimulating Photosystem II to improve redox poising, the cyclic electron flux after 60 s of illumination was a substantial proportion (33-44%) of the total electron flux through PSI at irradiances up to similar to 1,070 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). At the maximum irradiance, the cyclic electron flux changed little with the progressive water loss from leaf tissue up to similar to 60%; by contrast, the linear electron flux was approximately halved. A reason for this differential effect of water stress on the capacity for cyclic and linear electron flow could be the increased crowding of soluble proteins in the stroma due to chloroplast shrinkage. Indeed the confinement of soluble proteins to a smaller chloroplast volume was indicated by cryo-scanning electron microscopy. It is known that the diffusion coefficient of large proteins is decreased when the background concentration of small proteins is raised; by contrast, the diffusion coefficient of small proteins is not affected by increasing the concentration of a large protein (Muramatsu and Minton in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85:2984-2988, 1988). Therefore, we suggest that linear electron flow, being coupled to the Calvin-Benson cycle, is limited by the diffusion of large macromolecules, especially the ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase complex. By contrast, cyclic electron flow, involving relatively small macromolecules such as ferredoxin, is less susceptible to inhibition by crowding in the stroma.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00425-008-0783-4


  • Costs and benefits of photosynthetic light acclimation by tree seedlings in response to gap formation Reviewed

    R. Oguchi, K. Hikosaka, T. Hiura, T. Hirose

    OECOLOGIA   155 ( 4 )   665 - 675   2008.04( ISSN:0029-8549

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Some shade leaves increase their photosynthetic capacity (P-max) when exposed to a higher irradiance. The increase in P-max is associated with an increase in chloroplast size or number. To accommodate those chloroplasts, plants need to make thick leaves in advance. We studied the cost and benefit of photosynthetic acclimation in mature leaves of a tree species, Kalopanax pictus Nakai, in a cool-temperate deciduous forest. Costs were evaluated as the additional investment in biomass required to make thick leaves, while the benefit was evaluated as an increase in photosynthetic carbon gain. We created gaps by felling canopy trees and examined the photosynthetic responses of mature leaves of the understorey seedlings. In the shade, leaves of K. pictus had vacant spaces that were not filled by chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells facing the intercellular space. When those leaves were exposed to higher irradiance after gap formation, the area of the mesophyll surface covered by chloroplasts increased by 17% and P-max by 27%. This increase in P-max led to an 11% increase in daily carbon gain, which was greater than the amount of biomass additionally invested to construct thicker leaves. We conclude that the capacity of a plant to acclimate to light (photosynthetic acclimation) would contribute to rapid growth in response to gap formation.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00442-007-0951-4

  • A rapid, whole-tissue determination of the functional fraction of PSII after photoinhibition of leaves based on flash-induced P700 redox kinetics Reviewed International coauthorship

    Pasquale Losciale, Riichi Oguchi, Luke Hendrickson, Alexander B. Hope, Luca Corelli-Grappadelli, Wah Soon Chow

    PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM   132 ( 1 )   23 - 32   2008.01( ISSN:0031-9317

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Assaying the number of functional PSII complexes by the oxygen yield from leaf tissue per saturating, single-turnover flash, assuming that each functional PSII evolves one oxygen molecule after four flashes, is one of the most direct methods but time-consuming. The ratio of variable to maximum Chl fluorescence yield (F-v/F-m) in leaves can be correlated with the oxygen yield per flash during a progressive loss of PSII activity associated with high-light stress and is rapid and non-intrusive, but suffers from being representative of chloroplasts near the measured leaf surface; consequently, the exact correlation depends on the internal leaf structure and on which leaf surface is being measured. Our results show that the average F-v/F-m of the adaxial and abaxial surfaces has a reasonable linear correlation with the oxygen yield per flash after varied extents of photoinactivation of PSII. However, we obtained an even better linear correlation between (1) the integrated, transient electron flow (Sigma) to P700(+), the dimeric Chl cation in PSI, after superimposing a single-turnover flash on steady background far-red light and (2) the relative oxygen yield per flash. Leaves of C3 and C4 plants, woody and herbaceous species, wild-type and a Chl-b-less mutant, and monocot and dicot plants gave a single straight line, which seems to be a universal relation for predicting the relative oxygen yield per flash from Sigma. Measurement of Sigma is non-intrusive, representative of the whole leaf tissue, rapid and applicable to attached leaves; it may even be applicable in the field.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2007.01000.x


  • Leaf anatomy and light acclimation in woody seedlings after gap formation in a cool-temperate deciduous forest Reviewed

    R. Oguchi, K. Hikosaka, T. Hiura, T. Hirose

    OECOLOGIA   149 ( 4 )   571 - 582   2006.10( ISSN:0029-8549

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    The photosynthetic light acclimation of fully expanded leaves of tree seedlings in response to gap formation was studied with respect to anatomical and photosynthetic characteristics in a natural cool-temperate deciduous forest. Eight woody species of different functional groups were used; two species each from mid-successional canopy species (Kalopanax pictus and Magnolia obovata), from late-successional canopy species (Quercus crispula and Acer mono), from sub-canopy species (Acer japonicum and Fraxinus lanuginosa) and from vine species (Schizophragma hydrangeoides and Hydrangea petiolaris). The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (P-max) increased significantly after gap formation in six species other than vine species. Shade leaves of K. pictus, M. obovata and Q. crispula had vacant spaces along cell walls in mesophyll cells, where chloroplasts were absent. The vacant space was filled after the gap formation by increased chloroplast volume, which in turn increased P-max. In two Acer species, an increase in the area of mesophyll cells facing the intercellular space enabled the leaves to increase P-max after maturation. The two vine species did not significantly change their anatomical traits. Although the response and the mechanism of acclimation to light improvement varied from species to species, the increase in the area of chloroplast surface facing the intercellular space per unit leaf area accounted for most of the increase in P-max, demonstrating the importance of leaf anatomy in increasing P-max.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00442-006-0485-1

  • Leaf anatomy as a constraint for photosynthetic acclimation: differential responses in leaf anatomy to increasing growth irradiance among three deciduous trees Reviewed

    R Oguchi, K Hikosaka, T Hirose

    PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT   28 ( 7 )   916 - 927   2005.07( ISSN:0140-7791

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Interspecific variation in the response to transfer from low to high growth irradiance with respect to anatomical and photosynthetic characteristics was studied in mature leaves of three tree species, Betula ermanii Cham., Acer rufinerve Sieb. et Zucc. and Fagus crenata Blume, which occur in different successional stages in temperate deciduous forests. Transfer from low to high irradiance increased the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area (P-max) significantly in B. ermanii and A. rufinerve, but not in F. crenata. Leaves of B. ermanii grown at low irradiance were relatively thick and had vacant spaces along the mesophyll cell surfaces which was not occupied by chloroplasts or other organelles. After transfer to high irradiance, chloroplasts enlarged to fill the space along with P-max without an increase in leaf thickness. Leaves of A. rufinerve were plastic in mesophyll cell surface area and in leaf thickness, both of which increased after the transfer to high irradiance, along with an increase in the amount of chloroplasts and in P-max. On the other hand, F. crenata had little mesophyll cell surface unoccupied by chloroplasts and leaf anatomy was not changed after the transfer. In all species, P-max was strongly correlated with chloroplast surface area adjacent to the exposed mesophyll surface across different growth irradiances. An increase in P-max was observed only when chloroplast volume also increased. We conclude that light acclimation potential is primarily determined by the availability of unoccupied cell surface into which chloroplasts expand, as well as by the plasticity of the mesophyll that allows an increase in its surface area.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2005.01344.x

  • Does the photosynthetic light-acclimation need change in leaf anatomy? Reviewed

    R Oguchi, K Hikosaka, T Hirose

    PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT   26 ( 4 )   505 - 512   2003.04( ISSN:0140-7791 ( eISSN:1365-3040

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    There is a strong correlation between leaf thickness and the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area (P-max). However, when leaves are exposed to higher light intensities after maturation, P-max often increases without increasing leaf thickness. To elucidate the mechanism with which mature leaves increase P-max, the change in anatomical and physiological characteristics of mature leaves of Chenopodium album, which was transferred from low to high light condition, were examined. When compared with leaves subjected to low light continuously (LL leaves), the leaves transferred from low to high light (LH leaves) significantly increased P-max. The transfer also increased the area of chloroplasts facing the intercellular space (S-c) and maintained a strong correlation between P-max and S-c. The mesophyll cells of LL leaves had open spaces along cell walls where chloroplasts were absent, which enabled the leaves to increase P-max when they were exposed to high light (LH). However, the LH leaves were not thick enough to allow further increase in P-max to the level in HH leaves. Thus leaf thickness determines an upper limit of P-max of leaves subjected to a change from low to high light conditions. Shade leaves would only increase P-max when they have open space to accommodate chloroplasts which elongate after light conditions improve.

    DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3040.2003.00981.x

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Books and Other Publications


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  • Na+が支える藍藻の光合成電子伝達系


    日本農芸化学会2024年度大会  2024.03 

  • 77Kにおける葉片のスピルオーバー測定:栽培光強度,ステート遷移,NPQ,b-less 変異,チラコイド形態の影響


    第65回日本植物生理学会年会  2024.03 

  • 進化の観点における師板の観察


    第65回日本植物生理学会年会  2024.03 

  • 拡大造林 1 世代目のスギ ・ ヒノキ 林土壌の特徴 - 広葉樹林からの転換 -


    第135回日本森林学会大会  2024.03 

  • 光合成ステート遷移の低温応答における種内変異

    小口理一, Chow Wah Soon, Osmond Barry

    日本植物学会第87回大会  2023.09 

  • 77Kの葉におけるPSIIからPSIへのスピルオーバーの見積もり

    寺島一郎, 小口理一, 河野優

    第13回日本光合成学会年会  2023.06 

  • 植物をとりまく光の質と量の勾配の影響 Domestic conference


    第70回日本生態学会大会  2023.03 

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  • 植物をとりまく光の質と量の勾配の影響


    第70回日本生態学会大会  2023.03 

  • 葉緑体内のCO2濃度を決定する葉肉コンダクタンスのコスト-ベネフィット解析 Domestic conference


    第64回日本植物生理学会大会  2023.03 

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  • シアノバクテリアにおけるNa+/H+アンチポーターによる光合成制御機構 Domestic conference


    第64回日本植物生理学会大会  2023.03 

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  • シアノバクテリアにおけるNa+/H+アンチポーターによる光合成制御機構

    辻井雅, 小林歩夢, 狩野文香, 解良康太, 児島征司, 小口理一, 彦坂幸毅, 園池公毅, 石丸泰寛, 魚住信之

    第64回日本植物生理学会大会  2023.03 

  • 葉緑体内のCO2濃度を決定する葉肉コンダクタンスのコスト-ベネフィット解析

    溝上祐介, 小口理一, 杉浦大輔, 矢守航, 野口航, 寺島一郎

    第64回日本植物生理学会大会  2023.03 

  • 液体窒素温度における葉の蛍光誘導:光化学系IIからI への励起状態スピルオーバーの解析 Domestic conference

    寺島一郎, 小口理一, 河野優

    第86回日本植物学会大会  2022.09 

  • 共通圃場での被陰実験による葉の厚さの光応答と種内変異の解析 Domestic conference

    小口理一, 南光一樹, 高橋俊一, 牧野能士, 日浦勉

    第86回日本植物学会大会  2022.09 

  • 液体窒素温度における光化学系II(PSII)からPSIへのスピルオーバーの定量


    第63回日本植物生理学会大会  2022.03 

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  • 液体窒素温度における光化学系II(PSII)からPSIへのスピルオーバーの定量

    寺島一郎, 小口理一, 河野優

    第63回日本植物生理学会大会  2022.03 

  • Intraspecific difference of leaf thickness and its light response in common garden experiments


  • 生育光環境がステート遷移およびスピルオーバーに及ぼす影響

    寺島一郎, 小口理一, 河野優

    第85回日本植物学会大会  2021.09 

  • 野外の植物の光化学系 II 光損傷機構の実態と修復過程の精査

    野口崇哉, 寺島一郎, 小口理一, 河野優

    第85回日本植物学会大会  2021.09 

  • CO2依存的な葉緑体定位運動

    杉山太一, 河野優, 小口理一, 寺島一郎

    第85回日本植物学会大会  2021.09 

  • 低温応答における光合成エネルギー分配調整のシロイヌナズナエコタイプ間変異

    小口理一, Wah Soon Chow, Barry Osmond, Sharon Robinson

    第85回日本植物学会大会  2021.09 

  • 光化学系Ⅱの光損傷および修復速度に対する光防御機構の貢献

    横田鈴香, 李芷瑜, 上妻馨梨, 小口理一, 彦坂幸毅

    第85回日本植物学会大会  2021.09 

  • 藍藻の新規強光応答機構を担う Na+/H+ アンチポーターの同定と機能解析

    小林歩夢, 辻井雅, 狩野文香, 解良康太, 児島征司, 小口理一, 彦坂幸毅, 園池公毅, 魚住信之

    日本農芸化学会2021年度大会  2021.03 

  • 植物の低温応答における光合成エネルギー分配調整の種内変異

    小口理一, Wah Soon Chow

    第68回日本生態学会大会  2021.03 

  • 光阻害の防御に対する光防御系の貢献


    第84回日本植物学会大会  2020.09 

  • ⽣葉の光化学系I光阻害に対する光質の影響

    小口理一, 寺島一郎, Wah Soon Chow

    第84回日本植物学会大会  2020.09 

  • 光合成の低温応答におけるエネルギー分配の種内変異

    小口理一, Wah Soon Chow

    第67回日本生態学会大会  2020.03 

  • ハクサンハタザオの標高適応解析-機能遺伝子の観点から

    吉田直史, 若宮健, 鳥居怜平, 小口理一, 石井悠, 久保田渉誠, 森長真一, 花田耕介, 彦坂幸毅

    第67回日本生態学会大会  2020.03 

  • 標高間変異は中間標高において中間的であるか否か: ハクサンハタザオの全ゲノム解析から

    吉田直史, 若宮健, 鳥居怜平, 小口理一, 石井悠, 久保田渉誠, 森長真一, 花田耕介, 彦坂幸毅

    第9回東北植物学会大会  2019.12 

  • 光化学系Iの光阻害における異なる光質の影響について

    小口理一, 寺島一郎, Wah Soon Chow

    第9回東北植物学会大会  2019.12 

  • 光防御に対する熱放散機構の貢献

    横田鈴香, 小口理一, 上妻馨梨, 彦坂幸毅

    第9回東北植物学会大会  2019.12 

  • 種内変異を利用した高CO2下成長促進遺伝子の探索 Domestic conference

    小口理一, 花田耕介, 彦坂幸毅

    第66回日本生態学会大会  2019.03 

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  • 標高間変異における選択と遺伝子流動の影響力 の評価:ハクサンハタザオの全ゲノムから Domestic conference

    吉田直史, 若宮健, 鳥居怜平, 小口理一, 石井悠, 藤井伸治, 久保田渉誠, 森長真一, 花田耕介, 河田雅圭, 彦坂幸毅

    第66回日本生態学会大会  2019.03 

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  • 栽培ダイコンと野生ダイコンの成長の高温ストレス応答 Domestic conference

    中村由紀子, Wang Qing-Wei, 小口理一, 森長真一, 彦坂幸毅

    第60回日本植物生理学会年会  2019.03 

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  • ハツカダイコン、ハマダイコンとそれらの交雑種F2における胚軸成長の高温ストレス応答 Domestic conference

    中村由紀子, 小口理一, 森長真一, 彦坂幸毅

    第8回東北植物学会大会  2018.12 

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  • 標高間変異における自然選択と遺伝子流動の影響力の評価:ハクサンハタザオの全ゲノム解析から Domestic conference

    吉田直史, 若宮健, 鳥居怜平, 小口理一, 石井悠, 藤井伸治, 久保田渉誠, 森長真一, 花田耕介, 河田雅圭, 彦坂幸毅

    第8回東北植物学会大会  2018.12 

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  • 侵入種ミチタネツケバナと在来種タネツケバナの葉の機能形質の種内変異とその生息地環境依存性 Domestic conference

    代抒凝, 小口理一, 森長真一, 彦坂幸毅

    第8回東北植物学会大会  2018.12 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 群落内での光環境変化に対する植物の多様な応答戦略の維持機構


    早稲田大学生物学教室セミナー  2018.06 

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  • シアノバクテリアSynechocystis sp. PCC6803 におけるイオン輸送体の局在解析とその生理学的役割の解明 Domestic conference

    辻井雅, 狩野文香, 坂下寛明, 宮原雅和, 解良康太, 児島征二, 上妻馨梨, 小口理一, 彦坂幸毅, 園池公毅, 池内昌彦, 魚住信之

    第9回日本光合成学会年会  2018.05 

     More details

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 光合成光阻害回避能力における緯度間・標高間種内変異 Domestic conference

    小口 理一, Bender, Lukas

    第65回日本生態学会大会  2018.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • ハクサンハタザオの局所適応解析:機能遺伝子の観点から Domestic conference

    吉田直史, 鳥居怜平, 小口理一, 藤井伸治, 久保田渉誠, 森長真一, 花田耕介, 彦坂幸毅

    第7回東北植物学会大会  2017.12 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 光環境変化に対する落葉樹実生の光合成・成長可塑性と林床生存率とのトレードオフ Domestic conference

    小口理一, 日浦勉, 彦坂幸毅

    第7回東北植物学会大会  2017.12 

     More details

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • ハツカダイコンとハマダイコンの高温ストレス耐性 Domestic conference

    中村由紀子, Qing-Wei Wang, 小口理一, 森長真一, 彦坂幸毅

    第7回東北植物学会大会  2017.12 

     More details

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 2step-TILLINGを用いた自家不和合植物ハツカダイコンの突然変異体選抜法 Domestic conference

    上妻馨梨, 千葉元子, 穴井豊昭, 白井一正, 上田実希, 小口理一, 花田耕助, 彦坂幸毅, 藤井伸治

    第131回日本育種学会講演会  2017.03 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Mutant selections of self-incompatibility plant, Radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus), by two step TILLINGs Domestic conference

    上妻馨梨, 千葉元子, 穴井豊昭, 上田実希, 小口理一, 花田耕助, 彦坂幸毅, 藤井伸治

    第58回日本植物生理学会年会  2017.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • A variation of elevated CO2 response among Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes derived from a variety of habitats Domestic conference

    小口理一, 尾崎洋史, 花田耕介, 彦坂幸毅

    第64回日本生態学会大会  2017.03 

     More details

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 極細光ファイバーを用いた葉内光合成活性の勾配の測定 Domestic conference

    第6回東北植物学会大会  2016.12 

     More details

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 落葉広葉樹林でのギャップ更新における、実生の光合成・成長可塑性と林床生存率とのトレードオフ Domestic conference

    小口理一, 日浦勉, 彦坂幸毅

    第61回日本生態学会東北地区会  2016.10 

     More details

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 一塩基多型情報を用いた侵入種の緯度に沿った遺伝的背景の解析 Domestic conference

    尾崎洋史, 小口理一, 上林真実, 森長真一, 彦坂幸毅

    第80回日本植物学会大会  2016.09 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 冷温帯落葉広葉樹林でのギャップ更新における、木本実生の光合成可塑性と林床生存率とのトレードオフ Domestic conference

    小口理一, 日浦勉, 彦坂幸毅

    第80回日本植物学会大会  2016.09 

     More details

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • A precaution in using chlorophyll fluorescence techniques and a variation of elevated CO2 response among Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes International conference

    Forschungszentrum Jülich Plant Science Seminar  2016.08 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Causes of errors in the estimation of photosynthetic activity of higher plant leaves using conventional chlorophyll fluorometers International conference

    The 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis  2016.08 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • シロイヌナズナにおいて異なるエコタイプ間の相対成長速度やそのCO2応答のばらつきをもたらす生化学的要因 Domestic conference

    上妻馨梨, 尾崎洋史, 小口理一, 澤田有司, 平井優美, 藤井伸治, 彦坂幸毅

    第7回日本光合成学会年会  2016.05 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • A trade-off between photosynthetic plasticity and survivorship in shaded understory in gap-dynamics of a cool-temperate deciduous forest International conference

    Japanese-German Workshop on Plant Traits in Dresden  2016.05 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  



  • Measurement of a gradient of photosynthetic activity inside a leaf Domestic conference

    第63回日本生態学会大会  2016.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • A trade-off between photosynthetic plasticity in response to gap formations and survivorship in shade understory in a cool-temperate deciduous forest International conference

    Understanding, prediction and improvement of plant productivity and ecosystem functions  2015.11 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • 極細光ファイバーを用いた葉内クロロフィル蛍光の測定 Domestic conference

    第79回日本植物学会大会  2015.09 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Response of photosynthesis and growth in understory tree seedlings after gap formation in a cool-temperate deciduous forest. Domestic conference

    Riichi Oguchi, Tsutom Hiura, Kouki HIkosaka

    第62回日本生態学会大会  2015.03 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 近縁な在来種と侵入種における低温耐性の集団間分化 Domestic conference

    上林真美, 小口理一, 尾崎洋史, 森長真一, 彦坂幸毅

    第62回日本生態学会大会  2015.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • ワタの蒴果の高い呼吸速度によって生じる高CO2環境に対する包葉の適応 Domestic conference

    Yuanyuan Hu, 小口理一, 矢守航, Susanne von Caemmerer, Wah Soon Chow, Wang-Feng Zhang

    第77回日本植物学会大会  2013.09 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Adaptation of cotton bracts to a micro-environment of concentrated CO2 produced by rapid fruit respiration International conference

    Yuan-Yuan Hu, ○Riichi Oguchi, Wataru Yamori, Susanne von Caemmerer, Wah Soon Chow, Wang-Feng Zhang

    The 16th International Congress on Photosynthesis  2013.08 

     More details

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:St Louis  

  • 高等植物におけるクロロフィル蛍光による光合成活性測定の誤差 Domestic conference

    小口理一, Wah Soon Cho, 寺島一郎

    第60回日本生態学会大会  2013.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Possibility of the involvement of multi-mechanisms in photoinhibition International conference

    New paradigm in photoinhibition research  2013.03 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • 光・CO2環境の変化に対する葉の光合成順化のメカニズム Domestic conference

    第32回北海道若手生態学研究会  2013.02 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • シロイヌナズナ44ジェノタイプ間における高CO2応答の比較:高CO2環境での成長速度を高める形質とは? Domestic conference

    小口理一, 尾崎洋史, 彦坂幸毅

    新学術領域(植物高CO2応答)2012年度若手ワークショップ  2012.10 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

▼display all

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 野生植物の巨大クローンの存続における表現型可塑性とエピジェネティック変異の役割

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2027

  • Functional biogeography in Japanese cedar

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2026

  • 野生植物の巨大クローンの存続における表現型可塑性とエピジェネティック変異の役割

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2026

  • Phloem transport and the evolution of woody plants

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2025

  • Functional biogeography in Japanese cedar

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2025

  • 野生植物の巨大クローンの存続における表現型可塑性とエピジェネティック変異の役割

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2025

  • Phloem transport and the evolution of woody plants

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2024

  • Functional biogeography in Japanese cedar

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2024

  • 野生植物の巨大クローンの存続における表現型可塑性とエピジェネティック変異の役割

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2024

  • 光合成光阻害回避機構の緯度間・標高間種内変異の生理生態学的メカニズム

    Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research / Fostering Joint International Research (A)  2022

  • 葉形質の種内変異は環境順化能力にどのように影響するか?

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  2022

▼display all

Joint research

  • 樹木進化と師部輸送(代表:檀浦正子)

    日本学術振興会  基盤研究(B)  2023.04

Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 生物体系学2

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 植物進化適応学Ⅱ

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 専門生物学実験A

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 生物学実験A

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 植物園で学ぶ植物の多様性

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 植物と人間

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 博物館実習II

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 専門生物学実験1

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 生物体系学5

    2024   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 生物体系学2

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 生物学の潮流

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 生物学特別研究2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学特論H

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 植物園で学ぶ植物の多様性

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究5A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究4A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究3A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学実験A

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 後期特別研究

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学実験S

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 後期特別研究

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学前期特別研究Ⅱ

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学の潮流

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 自然誌機能生物学特論H

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習1A

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習2A

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 海外特別研究1

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 海外特別研究2

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究1A

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究2A

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学ゼミナール

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学特別演習

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 海外特別研究3

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 海外特別研究4

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究3A

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究4A

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 専門生物学演習

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 特別研究

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 生物学実験S

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 海外特別研究

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 自然誌機能生物学ゼミナール

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期特別研究

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期特別研究

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期海外特別研究2

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学前期特別研究Ⅱ

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 前期海外特別研究1

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究4B

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学特論I

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習1B

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習2B

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究1B

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究2B

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究3B

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期特別研究

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学実験A

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 生物学特別研究3A

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究1A

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習1A

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 海外特別研究1 (杉本)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習1B (杉本)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学特論I

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 生物学特別研究1B (杉本)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学の潮流

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 生物学特別研究3B (杉本)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 海外特別研究3 (杉本)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学特別演習 (杉本)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学ゼミナール (杉本)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学前期特別研究(10月入学M2)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生物学前期特別研究(M2)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 前期海外特別研究2(10月入学生物学分野)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 前期海外特別研究2(生物学分野)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習(10月入学M2)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 自然誌機能生物学演習(M2)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 前期特別研究(M2生物学分野)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期海外特別研究1(生物学分野)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期特別研究(D3生物学分野)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期特別研究(10月入学D2生物学分野)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 後期特別研究(D2生物学分野)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 海外特別研究(生物)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 特別研究(生物)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 専門生物学演習

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 植物進化適応学Ⅰ

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 植物進化適応学Ⅱ

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 博物館実習II

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 植物と人間

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 植物園で学ぶ植物の多様性

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 生物学実験A

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 専門生物学実験A

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 植物進化適応学Ⅱ

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 植物進化適応学Ⅰ

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 博物館実習II

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 植物と人間

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 植物園で学ぶ植物の多様性

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 生物学実験A

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 専門生物学実験A

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

▼display all

Charge of off-campus class subject

  • Study of Ecosphere and Culture in Botanical Gardens


Social Activities ⇒ Link to the list of Social Activities

  • 交野市小中学校初任者研修

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: University open house, Cooperation business with The administrative, educational institutions, etc.

    交野市教育委員会  2023.08

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    Number of participants:11(人)

  • レクチャー 理学編(生物学)

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Visiting lecture

    大阪府立東高校  2023.07

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    Number of participants:80(人)

  • 環境に応じた植物の戦略

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    Klub Zukunft  Klub Zukunft 第196回月例会  2022.12

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    Number of participants:18(人)

  • 樹林型観察会

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    大阪公立大学附属植物園  大阪公立大学附属植物園観察会  2022.09

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    Number of participants:18(人)

  • 樹木の多様な戦略について

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: University open house, Cooperation business with The administrative, educational institutions, etc.

    交野市教育委員会  交野市小中学校初任者研修  2022.08

     More details


    Number of participants:14(人)

International exchange activities

  • 科研費(国際共同研究強化)課題の国際共同研究

    Country name :オーストラリア   2022.12 - 2023.02