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ホリウチ ワタル
堀内 渉
大学院理学研究科 物理学専攻 准教授
理学部 物理学科


  • 大学院理学研究科 物理学専攻 

    准教授  2022年04月 - 継続中

  • 理学部 物理学科 

    准教授  2022年04月 - 継続中


  • 博士(理学) ( 新潟大学 )


  • 自然科学一般 / 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理に関する理論


  • 高エネルギー原子核反応

  • 量子力学的少数体問題

  • 核物質・中性子星

  • 宇宙核物理

  • 原子核半径

  • 不安定原子核

  • ニュートリノ原子核反応

  • エキゾチック原子・原子核


  • 日本物理学会

    2005年12月 - 継続中


  • 招へい教員   北海道大学  

    2022年04月 - 2025年03月 

  • 研究計画検討専門委員会委員   大阪大学核物理研究センター  

    2022年04月 - 2024年03月 


  • PTEP Editors' Choice for "Electron wave functions in beta-decay formulas revisited (II): Completoin including recoil-order and induced currents [Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2023, 073D02 (2023)"

    2023年08月   Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics誌  

  • 2022年度大阪公立大学若手研究者奨励賞 南部陽一郎記念若手奨励賞

    2022年12月   大阪公立大学   精密量子力学理論による原子核の構造と反応に関する研究

  • PTEP Editors’ Choice for “Electron wave functions in beta-decay formulas revisited (I): Gamow–Teller and spin-dipole contributions to allowed and first-forbidden transitions [Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2021, 103D03 (2021)]”

    2022年02月   Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics誌  

  • 北海道大学研究総長賞 奨励賞

    2015年03月   国立大学法人 北海道大学  

  • 第7回日本物理学会若手奨励賞

    2013年03月   一般社団法人 日本物理学会   第一原理計算による<sup>4</sup>Heの光吸収反応の研究


  • 国立大学法人北海道大学   大学院理学研究院   講師

    2016年04月 - 2022年03月

  • 国立大学法人北海道大学   大学院理学研究院   助教

    2012年04月 - 2016年03月

  • 独立行政法人理化学研究所   仁科加速器研究センター   基礎科学特別研究員

    2011年04月 - 2012年04月

  • ドイツ重イオン科学研究所   理論部   博士研究員

    2010年04月 - 2011年03月


  • Polaronic neutron in dilute α matter: p -wave Bose polaron 査読

    Hiroyuki Tajima, Hajime Moriya, Tomoya Naito, Wataru Horiuchi, Eiji Nakano, Kei Iida

    Physical Review C   111 ( 2 )   2025年02月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Global analysis of the nonuniformity of nucleon density distributions 査読

    Shuichiro Ebata, Wataru Horiuchi

    Physical Review C   111 ( 1 )   2025年01月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Unveiling radii and neutron skins of unstable atomic nuclei via nuclear collisions 招待 査読

    Masaomi Tanaka, Wataru Horiuchi, Mitsunori Fukuda

    Frontiers in Physics   12   2024年12月( eISSN:2296-424X



    Total reaction, interaction, and charge-changing cross sections, which are kinds of cross sections standing for total nuclear collision probability in medium-to high-energy region from a few to several hundred MeV, have been extensively utilized to probe nuclear sizes especially for unstable nuclei. In this mini review, experimental techniques and recent findings from these cross sections are briefly overviewed. Additionally, two new methods to extract neutron skin thickness solely from the above cross sections are explained: One is utilizing the energy and isospin dependence of the total reaction cross sections, and the other is the combination of the total reaction and charge-changing cross section measurements.

    DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1488428

  • The 19N(n,γ)20N capture rate in light of the probable bubble nature of 20N 査読

    V. Choudhary, M. Dan, R. Chatterjee, M. Kimura, W. Horiuchi, Shubhchintak, G. Singh

    The European Physical Journal A   60 ( 9 )   2024年09月( eISSN:1434-601X


  • Investigation of the determination of nuclear deformation using high-energy heavy-ion scattering 査読

    Shin Watanabe, Takenori Furumoto, Wataru Horiuchi, Tadahiro Suhara, Yasutaka Taniguchi

    Physical Review C   110 ( 2 )   2024年08月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Investigation of total reaction cross sections for proton-dripline nuclei 17F and 17Ne on a proton target 査読

    T. Moriguchi, R. Kagesawa, A. Ozawa, W. Horiuchi, Y. Abe, M. Amano, D. Kamioka, A. Kitagawa, M. Mukai, D. Nagae, M. Sakaue, S. Sato, B. H. Sun, S. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, T. Yamaguchi, A. Yano, K. Yokota

    Physical Review C   110 ( 1 )   2024年07月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Prediction of two-neutron halos in the N = 28 isotones 40Mg and 39Na 査読

    Jagjit Singh, J. Casal, W. Horiuchi, N.R. Walet, W. Satuła

    Physics Letters B   853   138694 - 138694   2024年06月( ISSN:0370-2693



    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138694

  • Shell-cluster transition in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mi>Ti</mml:mi><mml:mprescripts/><mml:none/><mml:mn>48</mml:mn></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:math> 査読

    M. Okada, W. Horiuchi, N. Itagaki

    Physical Review C   109 ( 5 )   2024年05月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Isospin-forbidden electric dipole transition of the 9.64 MeV state of 12C 査読

    109 ( 4 )   2024年04月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Polaronic proton and diproton clustering in neutron-rich matter 査読

    Hiroyuki Tajima, Hajime Moriya, Wataru Horiuchi, Eiji Nakano, Kei Iida

    Physics Letters B   851   138567 - 138567   2024年04月( ISSN:0370-2693



    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138567

  • Construction of density-dependent <i>α</i>-nucleon interaction to describe <i>α</i>-nucleus scattering

    Takenori Furumoto, Kohsuke Tsubakihara, Shuichiro Ebata, Wataru Horiuchi

    EPJ Web of Conferences   292   02002 - 02002   2024年03月( eISSN:2100-014X



    We provide a global density-dependent α-nucleon (DD-αN) interaction to construct the α-nucleus optical potential in a wide range of incident energies. The α-nucleus potential based on the folding model with the present DD-αN interaction reproduces the experimental data up to backward angles using the point-nucleon density obtained by the mean-field model. The present DD-αN interaction is based on the phenomenological optical potential to reproduce the p + <sup>4</sup>He elastic scattering at the incident energies at 12.04–1000 MeV. Namely, the α-nucleon system is considered an elementary process. The density dependence (medium effect) of the DD-αN interaction is phenomenologically added to reproduce the α elastic scatterings by the <sup>16</sup>O, <sup>40</sup>Ca, <sup>58</sup>Ni, <sup>90</sup>Zr and <sup>208</sup>Pb targets at E/A = 10–342.5 MeV. The total reaction cross sections are also compared with the experimental data.

    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202429202002

  • Intersections of ultracold atomic polarons and nuclear clusters: how is a chart of nuclides modified in dilute neutron matter? 招待 査読

    Hiroyuki Tajima, Hajime Moriya, Wataru Horiuchi, Eiji Nakano, Kei Iida

    AAPPS Bulletin   34 ( 9 )   1 - 13   2024年02月



    DOI: 10.1007/s43673-024-00117-7

  • Global density-dependent α-nucleon interaction for α-nucleus elastic scattering 査読

    T Furumoto, K Tsubakihara, S Ebata, W Horiuchi

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2023年12月( eISSN:2050-3911




    We provide a global density-dependent 4He-nucleon (DD-αN) interaction to construct the α-nucleus optical model potential (OMP) in a wide range of incident energies. The global parametrization for the DD-αN interaction is obtained based on the proton-4He OMP which reproduces the elastic scattering cross-section data very well in the incident energies of 12.04–500 MeV per nucleon. We derive the α-nucleus potential by a folding procedure with the point-nucleon density obtained by a microscopic mean-field model using the present DD-αN interaction. The density dependence of the DD-αN interaction is fixed phenomenologically to reproduce the α-nucleus elastic scattering cross-section data by the 16O, 40Ca, 58Ni, 90Zr, and 208Pb targets at E/ A = 10–342.5 MeV. We also show the total reaction cross sections, which are helpful in fixing one free parameter, the renormalization factor for the imaginary part of the α-nucleus potential. Lastly, we show some examples, which clearly demonstrate the validity and power of the present DD-αN approach.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptad148

  • Novel approach to the removal of the Pauli-forbidden states in the orthogonality condition model: a case of multi-$$\alpha $$ systems 査読

    H. Moriya, W. Horiuchi, B. Zhou

    The European Physical Journal A   59 ( 9 )   2023年09月( eISSN:1434-601X


  • Matter radius of 78Kr from proton elastic scattering at 153 MeV 査読

    J. T. Zhang, P. Ma, Y. Huang, X. L. Tu, P. Sarriguren, Z. P. Li, Y. Kuang, W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura, L. Xayavong, Y. Sun, K. Kaneko, X. Q. Liu, K. Yue, C. J. Shao, Q. Zeng, B. Mei, P. Egelhof, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wang, Y. H. Zhang, X. H. Zhou, Z. Y. Sun

    Physical Review C   108 ( 1 )   2023年07月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Evidence of bicluster structure in the ground state of 20Ne 査読

    Y. Yamaguchi, W. Horiuchi, N. Itagaki

    Physical Review C   108 ( 1 )   2023年07月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


    担当区分:責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.108.014322

    その他URL: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevC.108.014322/fulltext

  • Dineutron-dineutron correlation in 8He 査読

    Y. Yamaguchi, W. Horiuchi, T. Ichikawa, N. Itagaki

    Physical Review C   108 ( 1 )   2023年07月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


    担当区分:責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.108.l011304

    その他URL: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevC.108.L011304/fulltext

  • Electron wave functions in beta-decay formulas revisited (II): Completion including recoil-order and induced currents 査読

    Wataru Horiuchi, Toru Sato, Yuichi Uesaka, Kenichi Yoshida

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2023 ( 7 )   2023年07月( eISSN:2050-3911




    We present complete formulas of the allowed and first-forbidden transitions of nuclear beta decay taking into account the recoil-order and induced currents up to the next-to-leading order (NLO). The longitudinal part of the vector current is cleared away by the use of the conservation of the vector current for the multipole operators of the natural-parity transitions, which makes the effect of the meson exchange current for the vector current as small as possible. The formula is transparent enough to be applied to various beta-decay processes. As a numerical demonstration, we apply our formulas to the beta decay of a neutron-rich nucleus 160Sn. We find that the NLO corrections amount to 10–20 percent of the total decay rate, whereas the induced currents alter the rate at most by 5 percent.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptad089

    その他URL: https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article-pdf/2023/7/073D02/50967205/ptad089.pdf

  • Enlarged deformation region in neutron-rich Zr isotopes promoted by the second intruder orbit 査読

    W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura, S. Michimasa, M. Tanaka

    Physical Review C   107 ( 4 )   2023年04月( ISSN:2469-9993



    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.107.L041304

  • Microscopic study of the deformed neutron halo of 31Ne 査読

    R. Takatsu, Y. Suzuki, W. Horiuchi, M. Kimura

    107 ( 2 )   2023年02月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Three-α configurations of the second Jπ = 2+ state in 12C 査読

    H. Moriya, W. Horiuchi, J. Casal, L. Fortunato

    59 ( 2 )   2023年02月( ISSN:1434-6001 ( eISSN:1434-601X


  • Imprints of α clustering in the density profiles of 12C and 16O 査読

    W. Horiuchi, N. Itagaki

    107 ( 2 )   2023年02月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.107.l021304

    その他URL: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevC.107.L021304/fulltext

  • Density profiles near nuclear surface of 44,52Ti: An indication of α clustering 査読

    W. Horiuchi, N. Itagaki

    106 ( 4 )   2022年10月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.106.044330

    その他URL: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevC.106.044330/fulltext

  • Resonance-to-bound transition of 5He in neutron matter and its analogy with heteronuclear Feshback molecule 査読

    Hiroyuki Tajima, Hajime Moriya, Wataru Horiuchi, Kei Iida, Eiji Nakano

    106 ( 4 )   2022年10月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


  • Proton Distribution Radii of O 16-24: Signatures of New Shell Closures and Neutron Skin 査読

    S. Kaur, R. Kanungo, W. Horiuchi, G. Hagen, J. D. Holt, B. S. Hu, T. Miyagi, T. Suzuki, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, S. Bagchi, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Estradé, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, R. Knöbel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. J. Ong, T. Otsuka, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, J. Vargas, H. Weick, J. S. Winfield

    Physical Review Letters   129 ( 14 )   2022年09月( ISSN:0031-9007 ( eISSN:1079-7114



    The root mean square radii of the proton density distribution in O16-24 derived from measurements of charge changing cross sections with a carbon target at ∼900A MeV together with the matter radii portray thick neutron skin for O22-24 despite O22,24 being doubly magic. Imprints of the shell closures at N=14 and 16 are reflected in local minima of their proton radii that provide evidence for the tensor interaction causing them. The radii agree with ab initio calculations employing the chiral NNLOsat interaction, though skin thickness predictions are challenged. Shell model predictions agree well with the data.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.142502


  • Incomplete absorption reactions at high energy 査読

    Katsuhito Makiguchi, Wataru Horiuchi



    担当区分:責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The total reaction cross section of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collision reflects the nuclear density profiles of the colliding nuclei and is a standard tool to investigate the size properties of short-lived unstable nuclei. This relies on the assumption that the nucleus-nucleus collision is strongly absorptive in the sense of an optical model. However, this property does not hold completely, while incomplete absorption occurs when the overlap density of two colliding nuclei is low enough. In this paper, we propose a way to quantify this incompleteness, i.e., the "blackness" of the total reaction cross section. The significance of this quantification is shown by taking an example of the total reaction cross sections of proton-rich C isotopes.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptac089

  • Erosion of N=28 shell closure: Shape coexistence and monopole transition 査読

    Y. Suzuki, W. Horiuchi, M. Kimura




    In neutron-rich nuclei neighboring Si-42, the quenching of the N = 28 shell gap occurs and is expected to induce shape coexistence in their excitation spectra. We have applied the theoretical framework of antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with the Gogny D1S density functional to describe the shape coexistence in the N = 28 isotones Mg-40, Si-42, and S-44. We show that different nuclear shapes coexist in these nuclei: Rigid shapes with different deformations coexist in Mg-40 and Si-42, while S-44 exhibits large-amplitude collective motion and does not have any particular shape. These characteristics are reflected well in the monopole transition strengths that can be utilized as a probe for the shape coexistence.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptac071

  • Pairing core swelling effect in Pb isotopes at N > 126 査読

    W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   105 ( 4 )   2022年04月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    We revisit a sudden increase of the isotope shift of the charge radius of Pb isotopes at N > 126 based on a Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory. New parametrizations of the pairing interaction optimized for four selected Skyrme interactions greatly improve a description of this phenomenon. The density-dependent spinorbit interaction is also investigated and further increases the charge radius. The pairing correlations significantly change the properties of the neutron orbits near the Fermi level and play a vital role in pulling out the well-bound protons in the Pb isotopes at N > 126. Regarding Pb-208 as a "core" nucleus, a novel pairing core swelling effect is proposed: The pairing interaction reduces the radius of "valence" neutron orbits by the shrinkage of the diffused 1g(9/2) orbit and the mixing of the sharp 0i(11/2) orbit. Simultaneously, the core nucleus swells, leading to the sudden enhancement of the charge radius at N > 126. This characteristic behavior appears in the density profile near the nuclear surface and its measurement is highly desirable.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.044303

  • Possible halo structure of Ca-62,Ca-72 by forbidden-state-free locally peaked Gaussians 査読

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki, M. A. Shalchi, Lauro Tomio

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   105 ( 2 )   2022年02月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    In order to efficiently describe nucleon orbits around a heavy core nucleus, we propose locally peaked Gaussians orthogonalized to the occupied bound states in the core. We show the advantage of those functions in both numerical stability and fast convergence by taking examples of touchstone calcium isotopes Ca-62,Ca-72 in Ca-60,Ca-70 +n + n three-body models. Both weakly bound configurations and continuum coupling effect are taken into account. We evaluate the neutron radii and the occupation probabilities of two-neutron configurations not only for the ground state but also for some particle-bound excited states by varying the strength of the core-neutron interaction. The emergence of the halo structure in the ground state depends on the energy difference between 2s(1/)(2 )and 0g(9/2) orbits. Two-neutron [consisting of (s(1/2))(2) configuration] and one-neutron [consisting of (g(9/2)s(1/2)) configuration] halo structures of Ca-62 can coexist in narrow energy spacing provided that both of 2s(1/)(2) and 0g(9/2) orbits are almost degenerate and barely bound. The ground-state structure of Ca-72 is likely to be a two-neutron halo, although its emergence depends on the position of the 2s(1/)(2) level.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.024310

  • Large enhancement of total reaction cross sections at the edge of the island of inversion in Ti, Cr, and Fe isotopes 査読

    W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura, S. Michimasa

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   105 ( 1 )   2022年01月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    A systematic analysis of nuclear deformation is made for neutron-rich Ti, Cr, and Fe isotopes to explore the nuclear structure in the island of inversion near N = 40, where strong nuclear deformation is predicted. The nuclear ground states are obtained by the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method in three-dimensional coordinate space, which properly describes any nuclear shape. Three types of Skyrme interactions are employed to generate various deformed states in its isotopic chain. We find that in the island of inversion the occupation of highly elongated intruder orbits induces not only large quadrupole deformation but also large hexadecapole deformation. This appears as a sizable enhancement of the nuclear matter radius, showing the characteristic shell effect of the density profile near the nuclear surface. We show that the edge of the island of inversion, where the intruder orbit starts being occupied, can be determined by measuring the enhancement of the total reaction cross section at high incident energy. The possibility of constraining the hexadecapole deformation by a measurement of the total reaction cross sections is discussed.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.014316

  • Single-particle decomposition of nuclear surface diffuseness 査読

    Wataru Horiuchi




    Nuclear surface diffuseness reflects spectroscopic information near the Fermi level. I propose a way to decompose the surface diffuseness into single-particle (s.p.) contributions in a quantitative manner. Systematic behavior of the surface diffuseness of neutron-rich even-even O, Ca, Ni, Sn, and Pb isotopes is analyzed with a phenomenological mean-field approach. The role of the s.p. wave functions near the Fermi level is explored: The nodeless s.p. orbits form a sharp nuclear surface, while the nodal s.p. orbits contribute to diffusing the nuclear surface.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptab136

  • Binding two and three alpha particles in cold neutron matter 査読

    H. Moriya, H. Tajima, W. Horiuchi, K. Iida, E. Nakano

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   104 ( 6 )   2021年12月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    We elucidate the fate of two and three neighboring alpha particles in cold neutron matter by focusing on an analogy between such alpha systems and Fermi polarons realized in ultracold atoms. We describe in-medium excitation properties of an alpha particle and neutron-mediated two- and three-alpha interactions using theoretical approaches developed for studies of cold atomic systems. We numerically solve the few-body Schrodinger equation of alpha particles within standard alpha cluster models combined with in-medium properties of alpha particles. We point out that the resultant two-alpha ground state and three-alpha first excited state, which correspond to 8Be and the Hoyle state, respectively, known as main components in the triple-alpha reaction, can become bound states in such a manyneutron background although these states are unstable in vacuum. Our results suggest a significance of these in-medium cluster states not only in astrophysical environments such as core-collapsed supernova explosions and neutron star mergers but also in neutron-rich nuclei.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.065801

  • Enormous nuclear surface diffuseness of Ne and Mg isotopes in the island of inversion 査読

    V. Choudhary, W. Horiuchi, M. Kimura, R. Chatterjee

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   104 ( 5 )   2021年11月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    Background: The density profile of exotic nuclei can be a rich source of information on the nuclear surface. In particular, the nuclear surface diffuseness is correlated with the occupation probability of nucleons in distinct nuclear orbits, especially those with low angular momenta. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the nuclear surface diffuseness and spectroscopic information of neutron-rich Ne and Mg isotopes both at the cusp and inside the island of inversion. Method: We use the microscopic antisymmetrized molecular dynamics model to calculate the densities and other spectroscopic information related to Ne and Mg isotopes. A two-parameter Fermi density distribution is then used to define the diffuseness parameter and the matter radius. These quantities are extracted by minimizing the difference between these two densities. To relate them with observables, the two densities are given as inputs to a Glauber model calculation of nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering differential cross section, with the demand that they reproduce the first peak position and its magnitude. Results: A marked increase in the occupation of neutrons in the pf orbit is noted in Ne and Mg isotopes from N = 19 onwards. We observed that the nuclear surface diffuseness is strongly correlated with the nuclear deformation, in the island of inversion, and gradually increases with the occupation of neutrons in the 1p3/2 orbit. This result is also confirmed by a single-particle estimate of the valence neutron density distribution, with 29Ne as a test case. An exception is noted for 35-37Mg, where the filling up of the holes in the sd shell partially compensates the increase in diffuseness due to filling up of the 1p3/2 orbit. Conclusion: Information on nuclear density profile of neutron-rich medium mass nuclei can be reliably extracted by studying the first diffraction peak of the nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering differential cross section. The enormous surface diffuseness of Ne and Mg isotopes, in the island of inversion, could be attributed to the increasing neutron occupation of the 1p3/2 orbit.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.054313

  • Deformation effect on nuclear density profile and radius enhancement in light- and medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei 査読

    Wataru Horiuchi, Tsunenori Inakura

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2021 ( 10 )   2021年07月( ISSN:2050-3911 ( eISSN:2050-3911



    Mass number dependence of the nuclear radii is closely related to the nuclear matter properties. It is known that the most of nuclei exhibit some deformation. We discuss how the nuclear density profile is modified by the nuclear deformation to elucidate the enhancement mechanism of the nuclear radii through a systematic investigation of neutron-rich Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ti, Cr, and Fe isotopes. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculations are performed in a three-dimensional Cartesian grid to describe the nuclear deformation in a non-empirical way. The role of the nuclear deformation on the nuclear density profiles is explored in comparison to calculations with spherical limit. We find correlations between the nuclear deformation and the internal nuclear density. The evolution of the nuclear radii appears to follow the core swelling mechanism recently proposed in spherical nuclei [Phys. Rev. C 101, 061301(R) (2020)], and the radius is further enhanced by the nuclear deformation. This study demands further theoretical and experimental investigations for the internal density.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptab087

  • Separating isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations in Li-6 and He-6 using heavy-ion collisions and nuclear-Coulomb interference effects 査読

    W. Horiuchi, T. Furumoto

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A   1011   2021年07月( ISSN:0375-9474 ( eISSN:1873-1554



    Nuclear dipole excitation has been used as a probe of nuclear structure. To unveil the structure of various excitation modes proposed up to date, a study of isoscalar (IS) and isovector (IV) dipole excitations has been of particular importance. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of separating the dipole excitation cross sections into the IS and IV contributions using heavy-ion collisions at high-incident energies from 100 to 400 MeV/nucleon. We examine the dipole transitions of Li-6 and He-6 on carbon and lead targets and quantify the nuclear, Coulomb, and their interference contributions. We show that the IS and IV separation can be made in a certain degree of accuracy when appropriate target and incident energies are chosen for each case of Li-6 and He-6. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2021.122204

  • Electron wave functions in beta-decay formulas revisited (I): Gamow–Teller and spin-dipole contributions to allowed and first-forbidden transitions 査読

    Wataru Horiuchi, Toru Sato, Yuichi Uesaka, Kenichi Yoshida

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   2021 ( 10 )   2021年06月( ISSN:2050-3911 ( eISSN:2050-3911



    We propose formulas of the nuclear beta-decay rate that are useful in a practical calculation. The decay rate is determined by the product of the lepton and hadron current densities. A widely used formula relies upon the fact that the low-energy lepton wave functions in a nucleus can be well approximated by a constant and linear to the radius for the s-wave and p-wave wave functions, respectively. We find, however, the deviation from such a simple approximation is evident for heavy nuclei with large Z by numerically solving the Dirac equation. In our proposed formulas, the neutrino wave function is treated exactly as a plane wave, while the electron wave function is obtained by iteratively solving the integral equation, thus we can control the uncertainty of the approximate wave function. The leading-order approximation gives a formula equivalent to the conventional one and overestimates the decay rate. We demonstrate that the next-to-leading-order formula reproduces well the exact result for a schematic transition density as well as a microscopic one obtained by a nuclear energy-density functional method.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptab069

  • Electric dipole response of low-lying excitations in the two-neutron halo nucleus F-29 査読

    J. Casal, Jagjit Singh, L. Fortunato, W. Horiuchi, A. Vitturi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   102 ( 6 )   2020年12月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    Background: The neutron-rich F-28,F-29 isotopes have been recently studied via knockout and interaction cross-section measurements. The two-neutron halo in F-29 has been linked to the occupancy of pf intruder configurations.Purpose: We investigate the bound spectrum and continuum states in F-29, focusing on the electric dipole (E1) response of low-lying excitations and the effect of dipole couplings on nuclear reactions.Method: F-29 (F-27 +n + n) wave functions are built within the hyperspherical harmonics expansion formalism, and total reaction cross sections are calculated using the Glauber theory. Continuum states and B(E1) transition probabilities are described in a pseudostate approach using the analytical transformed harmonic oscillator basis. The corresponding structure form factors are used in continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC) calculations to describe low-energy scattering.Results: Parity inversion in F-28 leads to a F-29 ground state characterized by 57.5% of (P-3/2)(2) intruder components, a strong dineutron configuration, and an increase of the matter radius with respect to the core radius of Delta R = 0.20 fm. Glauber-model calculations for a carbon target at 240 MeV/nucleon provide a total reaction cross section of 1370 mb, in agreement with recent data. The model produces also a barely bound excited state corresponding to a quadrupole excitation. B(E1) calculations into the continuum yield a total strength of 1.59 e(2 )fm(2) up to 6 MeV, and the E1 distribution exhibits a resonance at approximate to 0.85 MeV. Results using a standard shell-model order for F-28 lead to a considerable reduction of the B(E1) distribution. The four-body CDCC calculations for F-29 + 120 Sn around the Coulomb barrier are dominated by dipole couplings, which totally cancel the Fresnel peak in the elastic-scattering cross section.Conclusions: Our three-body calculations for F-29, using the most recent experimental information on F-28, are consistent with a two-neutron halo. Our predictions show the low-lying enhancement of the E1 response expected for halo nuclei and the relevance of dipole couplings for low-energy reactions on heavy targets. These findings may guide future experimental campaigns.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.064627

  • Quasiparticle properties of a single alpha particle in cold neutron matter 査読

    Eiji Nakano, Kei Iida, Wataru Horiuchi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   102 ( 5 )   2020年11月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    Light clusters such as alpha particles and deuterons are predicted to occur in hot nuclear matter as encountered in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions and protoneutron stars. To examine the in-medium properties of such light clusters, we consider a much simplified system in which, like an impurity, a single alpha particle is embedded in a zero-temperature, dilute gas of noninteracting neutrons. By adopting a non-self-consistent ladder approximation for the effective interaction between the impurity and the gas, which is often used for analyses of Fermi polarons in a gas of ultracold atoms, we calculate the quasiparticle properties of the impurity, i.e., the energy shift, effective mass, quasiparticle residue, and damping rate.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.055802

  • Total reaction cross section on a deuteron target and the eclipse effect of the constituent neutron and proton 査読

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki, T. Uesaka, M. Miwa

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   102 ( 5 )   2020年11月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    Background: Eclipse effect of the neutron and the proton in a deuteron target is essential to correctly describe high-energy deuteron scattering. The nucleus-deuteron scattering needs information on not only the nucleus-proton interaction but also the nucleus-neutron interaction, for which no direct measurement of the nucleus-neutron cross sections is available for unstable nuclei.Purpose: We systematically evaluated the total reaction cross sections on a deuteron target to explore the feasibility of extracting the nucleus-neutron interaction from measurable cross sections.Methods: High-energy nucleus-deuteron collision is described by the Glauber model, in which the proton and neutron configuration of the deuteron is explicitly taken into account.Results: Our calculation reproduces available experimental total reaction cross section data on the nucleus-deuteron scattering. The possibility of extracting the nucleus-neutron total reaction cross section from nucleus-deuteron and nucleus-proton total reaction cross sections is explored. The total reaction cross sections on proton, neutron, and deuteron targets can be expressed, to good accuracy, in terms of the nuclear matter radius and the neutron skin thickness. Incident-energy dependence of the total reaction cross sections is examined.Conclusions: The total reaction cross section on a deuteron target includes information on both the nucleus-neutron and the nucleus-proton profile functions. Measuring the cross sections by deuteron and proton targets is a promising tool to extract the nuclear size properties.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.054601

  • Coulomb screening correction to the Q value of the triple-alpha process in thermal plasmas 査読

    Lai Hnin Phyu, H. Moriya, W. Horiuchi, K. Iida, K. Noda, M. T. Yamashita




    The triple-alpha reaction is key to C production and is expected to occur in weakly coupled thermal plasmas as encountered in normal stars. We investigate how Coulomb screening affects the structure of a system of three alpha particles in such a plasma environment by precise three-body calculations within the Debye-Huckel approximation. A three-alpha model that has the Coulomb interaction modified in the Yukawa form is employed. Precise three-body wave functions are obtained by a superposition of correlated Gaussian basis with the aid of the stochastic variational method. The energy shifts of the Hoyle state due to the Coulomb screening are obtained as a function of the Debye screening length. The results, which automatically incorporate the finite-size effect of the Hoyle state, are consistent with the conventional result based on the Coulomb correction to the chemical potentials of ions that are regarded as point charges in a weakly coupled thermal plasma. We have given a theoretical basis to the conventional point-charge approach to the Coulomb screening problem relevant for nuclear reactions in normal stars by providing the first evaluation of the Coulomb corrections to the value of the triple-alpha process that produces a finite-size Hoyle state.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptaa093

  • Utility of antiproton-nucleus scattering for probing nuclear surface density distributions 査読

    K. Makiguchi, W. Horiuchi, A. Kohama

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   102 ( 3 )   2020年09月( ISSN:0556-2813 ( eISSN:1089-490X



    Antiproton-nucleon ((p) over barN) total cross sections are typically 3-4 times larger than the NN ones at incident energies from a few hundreds to thousands MeV. We investigate antiproton-nucleus scattering as it could work as a probe of the nuclear structure giving the sensitivity differently from a proton probe. High-energy antiproton-nucleus reactions are reasonably described by the Glauber model with a minimal profile function that reproduces the (p) over barN and (p) over bar-C-12 cross section data. In contrast to the proton-nucleus scattering, we find that the complete absorption occurs even beyond the nuclear radius due to the large (p) over barN elementary cross sections, which shows stronger sensitivity to the nuclear density distribution in the tail region. This sensitivity is quantified in the total reaction cross sections with various density profiles for future measurement including neutron-rich unstable nuclei.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.034614

  • Imprint of a nuclear bubble in nucleon-nucleus diffraction 査読

    Choudhary, V, W. Horiuchi, M. Kimura, R. Chatterjee

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   102 ( 3 )   2020年09月( ISSN:0556-2813 ( eISSN:1089-490X



    Background: The density of most nuclei is constant in the central region and is smoothly decreasing at the surface. A depletion in the central part of the nuclear density can have nuclear structure effects leading to the formation of "bubble" nuclei. However, probing the density profile of the nuclear interior is, in general, very challenging.Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the nuclear bubble structure, with nucleon-nucleus scattering, and quantify the effect that the bubble structure has on the nuclear surface profile.Method: We employed high-energy nucleon-nucleus scattering, using the Glauber model to analyze various reaction observables, which helps in quantifying the nuclear bubble. The effectiveness of this method is tested on Si-2(8) with harmonic-oscillator (HO) densities, before applying it on even-even N = 14 isotones, in the 22 <= A <= 34 mass range, with realistic densities obtained from antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD).Results: Elastic scattering differential cross sections and reaction probability for the proton-Si-28 reaction are calculated using the HO density to design tests for signatures of the nuclear bubble structure. We then quantify the degree of bubble structure for N = 14 isotones with the AMD densities by analyzing their elastic scattering at 325, 550, and 800 MeV incident energies. The present analyses suggest O-2(2) as the most measurable candidate for a bubble nucleus, among even-even N = 14 isotones, in the 22 <= A <= 34 mass range.Conclusion: We have shown that the bubble structure information is imprinted on the nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering differential cross section, especially in the first diffraction peak. Bubble nuclei tend to have a sharper nuclear surface and deformation seems to be a hindrance in their emergence.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.034619

  • The(29)F nucleus as a lighthouse on the coast of the island of inversion 査読

    L. Fortunato, J. Casal, W. Horiuchi, Jagjit Singh, A. Vitturi

    COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS   3 ( 1 )   2020年07月( ISSN:2399-3650



    The exotic, neutron-rich and weakly-bound isotope(29)F stands out as a waymarker on the southern shore of the island of inversion, a portion of the nuclear chart where the effects of nuclear forces lead to a reshuffling of the single particle levels and to a reorganization of the nuclear structure far from stability. This nucleus has become very popular, as new measurements allow to refine theoretical models. We review the latest developments and suggest how to further assess the structure by proposing predictions on electromagnetic transitions that new experiments of Relativistic Coulomb Excitation should soon become able to measure.The neutron-rich, weakly bound fluorine isotope(29)F has been extensively investigated theoretically, but its significance has been revived by recent experiments. The authors present the latest developments and make prediction on the electromagnetic transitions occurring in this isotope that may be observed in the near future.

    DOI: 10.1038/s42005-020-00402-5

  • Two-Neutron Halo is Unveiled in F-29 査読

    S. Bagchi, R. Kanungo, Y. K. Tanaka, H. Geissel, P. Doornenbal, W. Horiuchi, G. Hagen, T. Suzuki, N. Tsunoda, D. S. Ahn, H. Baba, K. Behr, F. Browne, S. Chen, M. L. Cortes, A. Estrade, N. Fukuda, M. Holl, K. Itahashi, N. Iwasa, G. R. Jansen, W. G. Jiang, S. Kaur, A. O. Macchiavelli, S. Y. Matsumoto, S. Momiyama, Murray, I, T. Nakamura, S. J. Novario, H. J. Ong, T. Otsuka, T. Papenbrock, S. Paschalis, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schrock, Y. Shimizu, D. Steppenbeck, H. Sakurai, D. Suzuki, H. Suzuki, M. Takechi, H. Takeda, S. Takeuchi, R. Taniuchi, K. Wimmer, K. Yoshida

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   124 ( 22 )   2020年06月( ISSN:0031-9007 ( eISSN:1079-7114



    We report the measurement of reaction cross sections (sigma(ex)(R)) of F-27,F-29 with a carbon target at RIKEN. The unexpectedly large sigma(ex)(R) and derived matter radius identify F-29 as the heaviest two-neutron Borromean halo to date. The halo is attributed to neutrons occupying the 2p(3/2) orbital, thereby vanishing the shell closure associated with the neutron number N = 20. The results are explained by state-of-the-art shell model calculations. Coupled-cluster computations based on effective field theories of the strong nuclear force describe the matter radius of F-27 but are challenged for F-29.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.222504

  • Core swelling in spherical nuclei: An indication of the saturation of nuclear density 査読

    W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   101 ( 6 )   2020年06月( ISSN:0556-2813 ( eISSN:1089-490X



    Background: Nuclear radius is one of the most important and basic properties of atomic nuclei and its evolution is closely related to the saturation of the nuclear density in the internal region but the systematics of the nuclear radii for the neutron-rich unstable nuclei is not well known.Purpose: Motivated by the recent interaction cross section measurement which indicates the Ca-48 core swelling in the neutron-rich Ca isotopes, we explore the mechanism of the enhancement of the neutron and proton radii for spherical nuclei.Methods: Microscopic Hartree-Fock calculations with three sets of Skyrme-type effective interactions are performed for the neutron-rich Ca, Ni, and Sn isotopes. The total reaction cross sections for the Ca isotopes are evaluated with the Glauber model to compare them with the recent cross section data.Results: We obtain good agreement with the measured cross sections and charge radii. The neutron and proton radii of the various "core" configurations are extracted from the full Hartree-Fock calculation and discuss the core swelling mechanism.Conclusions: The core swelling phenomena occur depending on the properties of the occupying valence single-neutron states to minimize the energy loss that comes from the saturation of the densities in the internal region, which appears to be prominent in light nuclei such as Ca isotopes.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.101.061301

  • Two-neutron halo structure of F-31 and a novel pairing antihalo effect 査読

    H. Masui, W. Horiuchi, M. Kimura

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   101 ( 4 )   2020年04月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    Background: A newly identified drip-line nucleus F-31 offers a unique opportunity to study the two-neutron (2n) correlation at the east shore of the island of inversion where the N = 28 shell closure is lost. Purpose: We aim to present the first three-body theoretical results for the radius and total reaction cross sections of F-31. This will further help to investigate how the pairing and the breakdown of the N = 28 shell closure influence the formation of the 2n-halo structure and the antihalo effect in this mass region.Methods: A F-29+n + n three-body system is described by the cluster orbital shell model, and its total reaction cross section is calculated by the Glauber theory.Results: Our three-body calculations predict 3.48-3.70 fm for the root-mean-square radius of F-31, which corresponds to the total reaction cross section of 1530 (1410) to 1640 (1500) mb for a carbon target at 240 (900) MeV/nucleon. The binding mechanism and halo formation in F-31 are discussed.Conclusions: The present study suggests a novel antihalo effect in this mass region: When the pairing overcomes the energy gap between the p(3/2) and f(7/2) orbits, the inversion of the occupation number of these orbits takes place, and it diminishes the 2n-halo structure.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.101.041303

  • Swelling of Doubly Magic Ca-48 Core in Ca Isotopes beyond N=28 査読

    M. Tanaka, M. Takechi, M. Homma, M. Fukuda, D. Nishimura, T. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka, T. Moriguchi, D. S. Ahn, A. Aimaganbetov, M. Amano, H. Arakawa, S. Bagchi, K-H Behr, N. Burtebayev, K. Chikaato, H. Du, S. Ebata, T. Fujii, N. Fukuda, H. Geissel, T. Hori, W. Horiuchi, S. Hoshino, R. Igosawa, A. Ikeda, N. Inabe, K. Inomata, K. Itahashi, T. Izumikawa, D. Kamioka, N. Kanda, Kato, I, Kenzhina, I, Z. Korkulu, Y. Kuk, K. Kusaka, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, E. Miyata, D. Nagae, S. Nakamura, M. Nassurlla, K. Nishimuro, K. Nishizuka, K. Ohnishi, M. Ohtake, T. Ohtsubo, S. Omika, H. J. Ong, A. Ozawa, A. Prochazka, H. Sakurai, C. Scheidenberger, Y. Shimizu, T. Sugihara, T. Sumikama, H. Suzuki, S. Suzuki, H. Takeda, Y. K. Tanaka, Tanihata, I, T. Wada, K. Wakayama, S. Yagi, T. Yamaguchi, R. Yanagihara, Y. Yanagisawa, K. Yoshida, T. K. Zholdybayev

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   124 ( 10 )   2020年03月( ISSN:0031-9007 ( eISSN:1079-7114



    Interaction cross sections for Ca42-51 on a carbon target at 280 MeV/nucleon have been measured for the first time. The neutron number dependence of derived root-mean-square matter radii shows a significant increase beyond the neutron magic number N = 28. Furthermore, this enhancement of matter radii is much larger than that of the previously measured charge radii, indicating a novel growth in neutron skin thickness. A simple examination based on the Fermi-type distribution, and mean field calculations point out that this anomalous enhancement of the nuclear size beyond N = 28 results from an enlargement of the core by a sudden increase in the surface diffuseness of the neutron density distribution, which implies the swelling of the bare Ca-48 core in Ca isotopes beyond N = 28.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.102501

  • Exploring two-neutron halo formation in the ground state of F-29 within a three-body model 査読

    Jagjit Singh, J. Casal, W. Horiuchi, L. Fortunato, A. Vitturi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   101 ( 2 )   2020年02月( ISSN:2469-9985 ( eISSN:2469-9993



    Background: The F-29 system is located at the lower-N boundary of the "island of inversion" and is an exotic, weakly bound system. Little is known about this system beyond its two-neutron separation energy (S-2n) with large uncertainties. A similar situation is found for the low-lying spectrum of its unbound binary subsystem F-28.Purpose: We investigate the configuration mixing, matter radius, and neutron-neutron correlations in the ground-state of F-29 within a three-body model, exploring the possibility of F-29 to be a two-neutron halo nucleus.Method: The F-29 ground-state wave function is built within the hyperspherical formalism by using an analytical transformed harmonic oscillator basis. The Gogny-Pires-Tourreil (GPT) nn interaction with central, spin-orbit, and tensor terms is employed in the present calculations, together with different core + n potentials constrained by the available experimental information on F-28.Results: The F-29 ground-state configuration mixing and its matter radius are computed for different choices of the F-28 structure and S-2n value. The admixture of d waves with pf components is found to play an important role, favoring the dominance of dineutron configurations in the wave function. Our computed radii show a mild sensitivity to the F-27+n potential and S-2n values. The relative increase of the matter radius with respect to the F-27 core lies in the range 0.1-0.4 fm depending upon these choices.Conclusions: Our three-body results for F-29 indicate the presence of a moderate halo structure in its ground state, which is enhanced by larger intruder components. This finding calls for an experimental confirmation.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.101.024310

  • Energy dependence of total reaction cross sections for Ne-17 on a proton target 査読

    T. Moriguchi, M. Amano, A. Ozawa, W. Horiuchi, Y. Abe, T. Fujii, R. Kagesawa, D. Kamioka, A. Kitagawa, M. Mukai, D. Nagae, M. Sakaue, S. Sato, S. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yokota

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A   994   2020年02月( ISSN:0375-9474 ( eISSN:1873-1554



    We measured the energy dependence of the total reaction cross sections (sigma(R)) for the proton drip-line nucleus of neon isotopes, Ne-17, with a solid hydrogen target. The sigma(R) on a proton target in the low- and intermediate-energy regions were provided, where only a few values are available for unstable nuclei. The new data were compared with theoretical calculations using the Glauber model. In the low-energy region (similar to 100A MeV), the theoretical cross sections overestimate the experimental ones, whereas the theoretical ones significantly underestimate the experimental data in the intermediate energy region (similar to 300-500A MeV). We discuss several possibilities for solving this discrepancy. This work suggests the necessity of more careful investigations of the energy dependence of sigma(R) for various nuclei on a proton target to determine the nuclear size properties precisely. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2019.121663

  • Two-Neutron Correlations in a Borromean <mml:msup>20</mml:msup>C+n+n System: Sensitivity of Unbound Subsystems 査読

    Singh Jagjit, Horiuchi W, Fortunato L, Vitturi A

    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   60 ( 3 )   2019年09月( ISSN:0177-7963


  • Emergence of nuclear clustering in electric-dipole excitations of Li-6 査読

    Satsuka S, Horiuchi W

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   100 ( 2 )   2019年08月( ISSN:2469-9985


  • Complete Glauber calculations for proton-nucleus inelastic cross sections 査読

    Hatakeyama S, Horiuchi W

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A   985   20 - 37   2019年05月( ISSN:0375-9474


  • Neutron skin and signature of the N=14 shell gap found from measured proton radii of N17-22 査読

    Bagchi S, Kanungo R, Horiuchi W, Hagen G, Morris T. D, Stroberg S. R, Suzuki T, Ameil F, Atkinson J, Ayyad Y, Cortina-Gil D, Dillmann I, Estrade A, Evdokimov A, Farinon F, Geissel H, Guastalla G, Janik R, Kaur S, Knoebel R, Kurcewicz J, Litvinov Yu A, Marta M, Mostazo M, Mukha I, Nociforo C, Ong H. J, Pietri S, Prochazka A, Scheidenberger C, Sitar B, Strmen P, Takechi M, Tanaka J, Tanaka Y, Tanihata I, Terashima S, Vargas J, Weick H, Winfield J. S

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   790   251 - 256   2019年03月( ISSN:0370-2693



    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.01.024

  • Microscopic global optical potential for nucleon-nucleus systems in the energy range 50-400 MeV 査読

    Furumoto T, Tsubakihara K, Ebata S, Horiuchi W

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   99 ( 3 )   2019年03月( ISSN:2469-9985




  • Measurement of charge-changing cross section of neutron-rich nitrogen isotopes for determining their proton radii 招待 査読

    A. Roy, R. Kanungo, D. Prajapati, Y.K. Tanaka, S. Bagchi, H. Geissel, P. Doornenbal, W. Horiuchi, D.S. Ahn, H. Baba, K. Behr, F. Browne, S. Chen, M.L. Cortés, A. Estradé, N. Fukuda, M. Holl, K. Itahashi, N. Iwasa, W.G. Jiang, S. Kaur, S.Y. Matsumoto, S. Momiyama, I. Murray, T. Nakamura, S.J. Novario, H.J. Ong, S. Paschalis, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schrock, Y. Shimizu, D. Steppenbeck, H. Sakurai, D. Suzuki, H. Suzuki, M. Takechi, H. Takeda, S. Takeuchi, R. Taniuchi, K. Wimmer, K. Yoshida

    Nuclear Physics A   1054   122983 - 122983   2025年02月( ISSN:0375-9474


  • Investigation of the proton radius of the Borromean halo nucleus 19B 査読

    D. Prajapati, R. Kanungo, Y.K. Tanaka, S. Bagchi, H. Geissel, P. Doornenbal, W. Horiuchi, D.S. Ahn, H. Baba, K. Behr, F. Browne, S. Chen, M.L. Cortés, A. Estradé, N. Fukuda, M. Holl, K. Itahashi, N. Iwasa, W.G. Jiang, S. Kaur, S.Y. Matsumoto, S. Momiyama, I. Murray, T. Nakamura, S.J. Novario, H.J. Ong, S. Paschalis, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schrock, Y. Shimizu, D. Steppenbeck, H. Sakurai, D. Suzuki, H. Suzuki, M. Takechi, H. Takeda, S. Takeuchi, R. Taniuchi, K. Wimmer, K. Yoshida

    Nuclear Physics A   1053   122977 - 122977   2025年01月( ISSN:0375-9474


  • 8Heにおける新奇な4中性子相関 招待 査読

    堀内渉, 板垣直之

    Isotope News 6 月号(No.793)   24 - 27   2024年06月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  

  • Construction of density-dependent <i>α</i>-nucleon interaction to describe <i>α</i>-nucleus scattering 査読

    Takenori Furumoto, Kohsuke Tsubakihara, Shuichiro Ebata, Wataru Horiuchi

    EPJ Web of Conferences   292   02002 - 02002   2024年03月( eISSN:2100-014X


    We provide a global density-dependent α-nucleon (DD-αN) interaction to construct the α-nucleus optical potential in a wide range of incident energies. The α-nucleus potential based on the folding model with the present DD-αN interaction reproduces the experimental data up to backward angles using the point-nucleon density obtained by the mean-field model. The present DD-αN interaction is based on the phenomenological optical potential to reproduce the p + <sup>4</sup>He elastic scattering at the incident energies at 12.04–1000 MeV. Namely, the α-nucleon system is considered an elementary process. The density dependence (medium effect) of the DD-αN interaction is phenomenologically added to reproduce the α elastic scatterings by the <sup>16</sup>O, <sup>40</sup>Ca, <sup>58</sup>Ni, <sup>90</sup>Zr and <sup>208</sup>Pb targets at E/A = 10–342.5 MeV. The total reaction cross sections are also compared with the experimental data.

    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202429202002

  • α弾性散乱の大域的記述

    古本猛憲, 椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)   79 ( 1 )   2024年( ISSN:2189-079X


  • 軽イオン弾性散乱の大域的記述

    古本猛憲, 椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉, 堀内渉, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)   79 ( 2 )   2024年( ISSN:2189-079X


  • 微視的チャネル結合法に基づくα非弾性散乱による原子核四重極変形の研究

    椿原康介, 古本猛憲, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉, 堀内渉, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)   79 ( 2 )   2024年( ISSN:2189-079X


  • 原子核密度の不均一性の系統的研究

    江幡修一郎, 堀内渉, 堀内渉, 堀内渉, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)   79 ( 2 )   2024年( ISSN:2189-079X


  • Advances on clusters and correlations in nuclear structure and reactions 査読

    L. Fortunato, J. Casal, W. Horiuchi, E.G. Lanza, G. Singh, Jagjit Singh, A. Vitturi

    2586 ( 1 )   012030 - 012030   2023年09月( ISSN:1742-6588 ( eISSN:1742-6596

  • Two-Neutron Halo Structure and Anti-halo Effect in F-31 査読

    Hiroshi Masui, Wataru Horiuchi, Masaaki Kimura

    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   63 ( 1 )   2022年03月( ISSN:0177-7963 ( eISSN:1432-5411


    We perform a detailed analysis for the structure of F-31, which is a candidate of the halo nucleus. We calculate the radius and total reaction cross section using a three-body wave function of F-29+n+n and discuss how the competition between the neutron-pairing and the single-particle energy induces structural changes of F-31. The present analysis further clarifies a new aspect of the anti-halo effect that suppresses the halo structure in the ground state.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00601-021-01715-z

  • Structure of two-and three-alpha systems in cold neutron matter 査読

    Hajime Moriya, Hiroyuki Tajima, Wataru Horiuchi, Kei Iida, Eiji Nakano

    EPJ Web of Conferences   260   11045 - 11045   2022年( eISSN:2100-014X



    We present stability and structure of two-and three-alpha systems embedded in dilute cold neutron matter. By solving a few-alpha Schrödinger equation with quasiparticle properties, i.e.,effective mass and induced two-and three-alpha interactions, which are evaluated in terms of Fermi polarons,itis shown that <sup>8</sup>Be and the Hoyle state become bound at densities of about10<sup>−4</sup> and 10<sup>−3</sup> of the saturation density, respectively. It is also seen that, under cold neutron matter environment, both systems become smaller than the corresponding systems in vacuum. Our results would affect astrophysical models for stellar collapse and neutron star mergers, as well as relevant reaction rates for nucleosynthesis.

    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202226011045

  • Three-alpha Configurations in the 0(+) States of C-12 査読

    H. Moriya, W. Horiuchi, J. Casal, L. Fortunato

    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   62 ( 3 )   2021年09月( ISSN:0177-7963 ( eISSN:1432-5411


    Geometric configurations of three alpha particles in the ground- and first-excited J(pi) = 0(+) states of C-12 are discussed within two types of alpha-cluster models which treat the Pauli principle differently. Though there are some quantitative differences especially in the internal region of the wave functions, equilateral triangle configurations are dominant in the ground state, while in the first excited 0(+) state isosceles triangle configurations dominate, originating from Be-8 + alpha configurations.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00601-021-01631-2

  • Coulomb Screening Effect on the Hoyle State Energy in Thermal Plasmas 査読

    Lai Hnin Phyu, H. Moriya, W. Horiuchi, K. Iida, K. Noda, M. T. Yamashita

    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   62 ( 3 )   2021年09月( ISSN:0177-7963 ( eISSN:1432-5411


    The first excited J(pi) = 0(+) state of C-12, the so-called Hoyle state, plays an essential role in a triple-alpha (He-4) reaction, which is a main contributor to the synthesis of C-12 in a burning star. We investigate the Coulomb screening effects on the energy shift of the Hoyle state in a thermal plasma environment using precise three-alpha model calculations. The Coulomb screening effect between alpha clusters is taken into account within the Debye-Huckel approximation. To generalize our study, we utilize two standard alpha-cluster models, which treat the Pauli principle between the alpha particles differently. We find that the energy shift does not depend on these models and follows a simple estimation in the zero-size limit of the Hoyle state when the Coulomb screening length is as large as a value typical of such a plasma consisting of electrons and alpha particles.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00601-021-01633-0

  • Measurements of total reaction cross sections for 17Ne using a solid hydrogen target 査読

    T. Moriguchi, M. Amano, A. Ozawa, W. Horiuchi, Y. Abe, T. Fujii, R. Kagesawa, D. Kamioka, A. Kitagawa, M. Mukai, D. Nagae, M. Sakaue, S. Sato, S. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yokota

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series   1643   012099 - 012099   2020年12月( ISSN:1742-6588 ( eISSN:1742-6596

  • Sensitivity of core+n potential on configuration mixing in ground state of neutron-rich exotic nuclei 査読

    Jagjit Singh, W. Horiuchi

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series   1643   012158 - 012158   2020年12月( ISSN:1742-6588 ( eISSN:1742-6596

  • Nuclear “diffuseness” probed by proton-nucleus diffraction 査読

    W. Horiuchi, S. Hatakeyama, A. Kohama

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series   1643   012089 - 012089   2020年12月( ISSN:1742-6588 ( eISSN:1742-6596

  • Three-body Description of 2n-Halo and Unbound 2n-Systems: 22C and 26O 査読

    Jagjit Singh, W. Horiuchi, L. Fortunato, A. Vitturi

    Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions   2020年07月


  • Three-body correlations in mesonic-atom-like systems 査読

    Hajime Moriya, Wataru Horiuchi, Jean-Marc Richard

    SciPost Physics Proceedings   ( 3 )   2020年02月( eISSN:2666-4003


    Three-body correlations in three-body exotic atoms are studied with
    simple models that consist of three bosons interacting through a
    superposition of long- and short-range potentials. We discuss the
    correlations among particles by comparing the energy shifts given by
    precise three-body calculations and by the Deser-Trueman formula, in
    which the long- and short-range contributions are factorized. By varying
    the coupling of the short-range potential, we evaluate the ranges of the
    strength where the two-body correlations dominate and where the
    three-body correlations cannot be neglected.

    DOI: 10.21468/scipostphysproc.3.051

  • Electric-dipole transitions in 6Li with a fully microscopic six-body calculation 査読

    Wataru Horiuchi, Shuji Satsuka

    SciPost Physics Proceedings   ( 3 )   2020年02月( eISSN:2666-4003


    Exploring new excitation modes and the role of the nuclear clustering
    has been of great interest. An interesting speculation was made in the
    recent photoabsorption measurement of <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>^6</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>6</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li
    that implied the importance of the nuclear clustering. To understand the
    excitation mechanism of <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>^6</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>6</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li,
    we perform a fully microscopic six-body calculation on the
    electric-dipole (<inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>E1</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>E</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>)
    transitions and discuss how <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>^6</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>6</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li
    is excited by the <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>E1</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>E</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>
    field as a function of the excitation energy. We show the various
    cluster components in the six-body wave functions and discuss the role
    of the nuclear clustering in the <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>E1</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>E</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>
    excitations of <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>^6</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>6</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li.

    DOI: 10.21468/scipostphysproc.3.022

  • Impact of uncertainties of unbound 10Li on the ground state of two-neutron halo 11Li 査読

    Jagit Singh, Wataru Horiuchi

    SciPost Physics Proceedings   ( 3 )   2020年02月( eISSN:2666-4003


    Recently, the energy spectrum of <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{^{10 } }</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>10</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li
    was measured upto <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{4.6}</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:mn>4.6</mml:mn></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula> MeV,
    via one-neutron transfer reaction <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{d(^{9}\textrm{Li},~p)^{10}\textrm{Li } }</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:mi>𝐝</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="prefix">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>9</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">Li</mml:mtext><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mspace width="0.222em" /><mml:mi>𝐩</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="postfix">)</mml:mo><mml:mn>10</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">Li</mml:mtext></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>.
    Considering the ambiguities on the <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{^{10 } }</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>10</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li
    continuum spectrum with reference to new data, we report the
    configuration mixing in the ground state of the two-neutron halo nucleus
    <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{^{11 } }</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>11</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li
    for two different choices of the <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{^{9}{\textrm{Li } }+n}</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>9</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">Li</mml:mtext><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>𝐧</mml:mi></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>
    potential. For the present study, we employ a three-body
    (<inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{\textrm{core}+n+n}</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">core</mml:mtext><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>𝐧</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>𝐧</mml:mi></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>)
    structure model developed for describing the two-neutron halo system by
    explicit coupling of unbound continuum states of the subsystem
    (<inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{\textrm{core}+n}</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">core</mml:mtext><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>𝐧</mml:mi></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>),
    and discuss the two-neutron correlations in the ground state of
    <inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math>\boldsymbol{^{11 } }</tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="bold"><mml:msup><mml:mi /><mml:mn>11</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mstyle></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>Li.

    DOI: 10.21468/scipostphysproc.3.007

  • Glauber Model Analysis for the C- 22 Nuclear Radius 査読

    T. Nagahisa, W. Horiuchi

    RECENT PROGRESS IN FEW-BODY PHYSICS   238   209 - 213   2020年( ISSN:0930-8989 ( eISSN:1867-4941


    In this contribution, we report our recent analysis of the nuclear radius of C-22 with total reaction cross sections on C-12 and H-1 targets. The total reaction cross sections are calculated consistently for both the targets within a reliable microscopic framework, the Glauber theory. The multiple-scattering processes within the Glauber theory is fully taken into account using a Monte Carlo technique. We show that the simultaneous reproduction of the two recent cross section data are not feasible within the error bar and unlikely to obtain the huge matter radius similar to 5 fm.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32357-8_36

  • グラウバー理論による反陽子-原子核散乱の記述

    槇口雄仁, 堀内渉

    原子核研究   64 ( Supplement 1 )   2020年( ISSN:0367-4169


  • Two-Neutron Correlations in He-6 Studied with Spin-Flip Charge-Exchange Transitions 査読

    N. Kawamura, W. Horiuchi

    RECENT PROGRESS IN FEW-BODY PHYSICS   238   219 - 222   2020年( ISSN:0930-8989 ( eISSN:1867-4941


    We investigate the spin-flip charge-exchange type nuclear excitations, that are, Gamow-Teller (GT) and isovector-spin-monopole (IVSM) transitions, to explore a possible probe to study the two-neutron correlations in the halo nuclei. A typical light halo nucleus, He-6, is studied with He-4 (alpha) + two-nucleon (N) three-body model. We show that the IVSM transitions are superior to the GT ones to obtain the information on the structure of He-6: The strong IVSM strengths, which are sensitive to the binding energy of He-6, are found in the low-lying region below the alpha+deuteron (d) threshold, whereas the GT strengths have almost no peak due to small overlap between the wave functions of the ground state of He-6 and the alpha + d continuum of Li-6.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32357-8_38

  • Properties of Supersymmetric Transformed Alpha-Nucleus Potentials Studied with Electric-Multipole Transitions 査読

    T. Arai, W. Horiuchi, D. Baye

    RECENT PROGRESS IN FEW-BODY PHYSICS   238   215 - 218   2020年( ISSN:0930-8989 ( eISSN:1867-4941


    Towards applications to multi-cluster systems involving heavy clusters, we study properties of a shallow-singular potential generated by supersymmetric transformations from an original deep potential. Changes of the relative wave functions by the transformations are quantified with electric-multipole transitions which give a different radial sensitivity to the wave function depending on their multipolarity. Despite the fact that the original and transformed potentials give exactly the same phase shift, some observables are unfavorably modified. We propose another possible way to obtain a desired supersymmetric potential.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32357-8_37

  • エキゾチック原子様三体系における三体相関

    森谷元, 堀内渉

    原子核研究   63 ( Supplement 1 )   2019年( ISSN:0367-4169


  • Measurement of proton-distribution radii of neutron-rich nitrogen isotopes 査読

    Soumya Bagchi, Rituparna Kanungol, Wataru Horiuchi, Gaute Hagen, Titus D. Morris, Steven Ragnar Stroberg, Toshio Suzuki, Frederic Amei, Joel Atkinson, Yassid Ayyad, Dolores Cortina-Gil, Iris Dillmann, Alfredo Estrade, Alexey Evdokimov, Fabio Farinon, Hans Geissel, Giulia Guastalla, Rudolf Janik, Satbir Kaur, Ronja Knoebel, Jan Kurcewicz, Yury Litvinov, Michele Marta, Magdalena Mostazo, Ivan Mukha, Chiara Nociforo, Hooi Jin Ong, Stephane Pietri, Andrej Prochazka, Christoph Scheidenberger', Branislav Sitar, Peter Strmen, Maya Takechi, Junki Tanaka, Yoshiki Tanaka-, Isao Tanihata-, Satoru Terashima, Jossitt Vargas, Helmut Weick, John Stuart Winfield



    Measurement of root-mean-square radii of proton distributions of N17-22 from charge-changing cross section shows the emergence of thick neutron skin towards the neutron-drip line. Signature of N = 14 shell gap has been found in nitrogen isotopes along with the emergence of neutron halo in N-22. The measured radii are in good agreement with the shell model calculations.

    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201922301003

  • Kaonic deuterium from realistic antikaon-nucleon interaction 査読

    Horiuchi Wataru, Hyodo Tetsuo, Weise Wolfram



  • <sup>6</sup>Liの電気双極子励起におけるαクラスターの役割

    佐塚修司, 堀内渉

    原子核研究   63 ( Supplement 1 )   2019年( ISSN:0367-4169




  • 高エネルギー重イオン散乱を用いた核変形の決定法に関する研究

    渡邊慎, 古本猛憲, 堀内渉, 須原唯広, 谷口億宇

    日本物理学会第2025年春季大会  2025年03月 



  • アルファ凝縮体中の核子のP波ボースポーラロン描像

    田島裕之, 森谷元, 内藤智也, 堀内渉, 仲野英司, 飯田圭

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2025年03月 



  • Complete Glauber model analysis for total reaction and elastic scattering cross sections 招待

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki, R.B. Wiringa

    International Symposium: TRIP Usecase: Nuclear Transmutation 2025  2025年03月 



  • Possible halo structure in neutron-rich Ca isotopes

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki, M.A. Shalchi, L. Tomio

    The 3rd OMU workshop "Probes of exotic nuclear structure"  2025年02月 



  • 軽い原子核の電弱応答とニュートリノー原子核反応の記述に向けて 招待


    2024年度北海道大学情報基盤センター萌芽型共同研究 研究会  2025年02月 



  • Complete Glauber-model analysis of medium- and high-energy nuclear reactions on a carbon target

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki, R.B. Wiringa

    Workshop on Tomoe project  2025年01月 



  • 陽子ドリップライン17F,17Neの固体水素標的を用いた反応断面積測定

    森口哲朗, 景澤怜央, 小沢顕, 堀内渉, 阿部康志, 天野将道, 上岡大起, 北川敦志, 向井もも, 長江大輔, 坂上護, 佐藤慎二, B.H. Sun, 鈴木伸司, 鈴木健, 山口貴之, 矢野朝陽, 横田健次郎

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • 軽イオン弾性散乱の大域的記述

    古本猛憲, 椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • 軽い原子核の電弱応答とニュートリノ反応 招待


    核反応の時間発展ダイナミクスの解明に向けて  2024年09月 



  • 精密炭素12波動関数を用いた高エネルギー原子核散乱断面積の評価

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, R.B. Wringa

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • 微視的チャネル結合法に基づくα非弾性散乱による原子核四重極変形の研究

    椿原 康介, 古本 猛憲, 江幡 修一郎, 堀内 渉

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • 原子核密度の不均一性の系統的研究

    江幡修一郎, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • 中高エネルギー原子核衝突における蝕効果の研究

    槇口雄仁, 森谷元, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • Highly-deformed ground states involving the second intruder orbit

    稲倉恒法, 堀内渉, 道正新一郎, 田中聖臣

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • 28Si基底状態におけるクラスター構造

    山口雄紀, 堀内渉, 板垣直之

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • 17Cにおける変形構造とハロー構造の共存

    須原唯広, 谷口億宇, 堀内渉, 古本猛憲, 渡邊慎

    日本物理学会第79回年次大会  2024年09月 



  • Exploring exotic nuclear structure by medium- and high-energy nuclear collisions 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    14th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collision (NN2024)  2024年08月 



  • Probes for exploring nuclear cluster structure

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Okada, N. Itagaki

    The 2nd OMU workshop "Recent advances in nuclear cluster physics"  2024年08月 

  • ヘリウム8における4中性子相関

    山口雄紀, 堀内渉, 市川隆敏, 板垣直之

    日本物理学会2024年春季大会  2024年03月 



  • α弾性散乱の大域的記述

    古本猛憲, 椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会2024年春季大会  2024年03月 



  • <sup>48</sup>Tiにおけるシェル-クラスター間の構造転移

    岡田磨弦, 堀内渉, 板垣直之

    日本物理学会2024年春季大会  2024年03月 



  • Nuclear cluster structure studied with proton scattering

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Okada, N. Itagaki

    Reimei Workshop "Intersection of Nuclear Structure and Direct Reaction"  2024年02月 



  • Visualizing nuclear structure with proton scattering 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    Advancing physics at next RIBF (ADRIB24)  2024年01月 



  • Probing alpha-cluster structure by proton-nucleus scattering 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    Workshop on Nuclear Cluster Physics (WNCP2023)  2023年11月 



  • Nuclear structure study using proton-nucleus scattering 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    The 5th International Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive-Ion Beams: QFS-RB2023  2023年10月 



  • 原子核密度分布による核構造研究 招待


    九州大学理論核物理研究会「現代核物理の拡がりと展望」  2023年07月 



  • Nuclear structure revealed in density profiles near nuclear surface 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    The International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions (COMEX7)  2023年06月 



  • 陽子弾性散乱で見る原子核のアルファクラスター構造の痕跡 招待


    関西核多体セミナー  2023年05月 



  • Probing nuclear structure with proton-nucleus elastic scattering 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    The international Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei 2023 (ISPUN23)  2023年05月 



  • 全反応、弾性散乱断面積の系統解析の意義 招待


    TRIP-RIBF実験キックオフミーティング  2023年04月 



  • 陽子弾性散乱でみる原子核のクラスター構造 国内会議

    堀内渉, 板垣直之

    日本物理学会2023年春季大会  2023年03月 



  • 少数体手法による原子核構造・反応の研究 招待 国際共著 国内会議


    第2回研究用原子炉を用いた原子核素粒子物理学(FPUR-II)  2023年03月 



  • What can we learn from nuclear density profiles? 招待 国際共著 国際会議

    W. Horiuchi

    The 311th RIKEN RIBF nuclear physics seminar  2022年11月 



  • 原子核密度分布にみるα クラスター状態 国内会議

    堀内渉, 板垣直之

    大阪公立大研究会「原子核におけるクラスター物理の新展開」  2022年10月 



  • カルシウム62, 72 のエキゾチックハロー構造発現の可能性について 国際共著 国内会議

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, Mahdi Shalchi, Lauro Tomio

    日本物理学会2022 年秋季大会  2022年09月 



  • 中性子過剰鉛同位体における芯核増大現象 国内会議

    堀内渉, 稲倉恒法

    日本物理学会2022 年秋季大会  2022年09月 



  • Describing localized nucleons near nuclear surface 招待 国際共著 国際会議

    W. Horiuchi

    YIPQS long-term workshop, Mean-field and Cluster Dynamics in Nulcear Systems 2022 (MCD2022)  2022年05月 



  • Halo structure of 62,72Ca within a core plus two-neutron model 国際共著 国際会議

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki, M. A. Shalchi, Lauro Tomio

    Developments of Physics of Unstable Nuclei (YKIS2022b)  2022年05月 



  • Nuclear density profiles and structure of exotic nuclei 招待 国際共著 国際会議

    W. Horiuchi

    Physics of RI: Recent progress and future perspectives  2022年05月 



  • Nuclear shapes and density profiles of exotic nuclei 招待 国際共著 国際会議

    W. Horiuchi

    Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory (SSNET’22 Conference)  2022年05月 



  • パウリ原理を考慮した新しい多クラスター系の基底関数

    森谷元, 堀内渉, ZHOU B., ZHOU B.

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2021年 

  • 冷たい中性子物質におけるアルファ粒子の準粒子描像

    仲野英司, 飯田圭, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2021年 

  • 原子核ベータ崩壊の再定式化:High-Z核に対する有効な手法

    堀内渉, 佐藤透, 上坂優一, 吉田賢市

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2021年 

  • 魔法数28の破れとモノポール遷移強度の相関

    鈴木祥輝, 木村真明, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2021年 

  • 原子核半径決定における重陽子標的の有用性

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之, 上坂友洋, 上坂友洋, 三輪海彩, 三輪海彩

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2021年 

  • α-原子核グローバル光学ポテンシャルの系統性の分析

    椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉, 古本猛憲

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • α-N有効相互作用を用いた弾性散乱の記述

    椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉, 古本猛憲

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • <sup>31</sup>Fでの新しいAnti-Halo形成

    升井洋志, 堀内渉, 木村真明

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • 原子核密度分布に対する反陽子-原子核散乱の有用性

    槇口雄仁, 堀内渉, 小濱洋央

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • 直交条件模型による炭素12におけるアルファ粒子の幾何学的配位

    森谷元, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • 球形原子核の芯核半径増大現象について

    堀内渉, 稲倉恒法

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • 熱プラズマ中の3アルファ系におけるクーロン遮蔽効果

    PHYU Lai Hnin, 森谷元, 堀内渉, 飯田圭, 野田佳那, YAMASHITA Marcelo Takeshi

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • 反陽子-原子核散乱による希薄核密度領域の探索

    槇口雄仁, 堀内渉, 小濱洋央

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2020年 

  • Many-body correlations in nuclear systems studied with few-body models 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    Mini-workshop on “Clustering physics and few-body approaches for tensor correlations”  2019年11月 



  • 31FにおけるHalo/Anti-Halo形成

    升井洋志, 堀内渉, 木村真明

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2019年 

  • α-原子核グローバル光学ポテンシャルの構築に向けて

    椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉, 古本猛憲

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2019年 

  • 6体計算による<sup>6</sup>Liの電気双極子励起機構の研究 II

    佐塚修司, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2019年 

  • Ca同位体の中性子スキン厚

    田中聖臣, 武智麻耶, 本間彰, 鈴木健, 田中悠太郎, 福田光順, 西村太樹, 森口哲朗, AHN D.S., AIMAGANBETOV A.S., AIMAGANBETOV A.S., 天野将道, 荒川裕樹, BAGCHI S., BEHR K.-H., BURTEBAYEV N., 親跡和弥, DU H., 江幡修一郎, 藤井朋也, 福田直樹, GEISSEL H., 堀太地, 堀内渉, 星野寿春, 伊五澤涼, 池田彩夏, 稲辺尚人, 猪股玖美, 板橋健太, 泉川卓司, 上岡大起, 神田直人, 加藤郁磨, KENZHINA I., KORKULU Z., KUK Ye., KUK Ye., 日下健祐, 松多健策, 三原基嗣, 宮田恵理, 長江大輔, 中村翔健, NASSURLLA M., 西室国光, 西塚賢治, 大甕舜一朗, 大西康介, 大竹政雄, 大坪隆, ONG H.J., 小沢顕, PROCHAZKA A., 櫻井博儀, SCHEIDENBERGER C., 清水陽平, 杉原貴信, 炭竃聡之, 鈴木伸司, 鈴木宏, 竹田浩之, 田中良樹, 和田太郎, 若山清志, 八木翔一, 山口貴之, 柳原陸斗, 柳澤善行, 吉田光一, ZHOLDYBAYEV T.K.

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2018年 

  • <sup>22</sup>Cの全反応断面積とその核半径

    長久拓, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2018年 

  • 6体計算による<sup>6</sup>Liの電気双極子励起機構の研究

    佐塚修司, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2018年 

  • 相関ガウス関数によるあらわに角運動量射影を行わない応答関数の記述

    関根里英, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2018年 

  • グラウバー理論における多重散乱効果の入射エネルギー依存性

    長久拓, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 全反応断面積における電気多重極励起の効果と核構造

    堀内渉, 畠山慎也, 江幡修一郎, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 中性子スキン厚による核液滴の表面張力密度依存性の決定

    堀内渉, 江幡修一郎, 飯田圭

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 不安定核領域まで拡張された核子-原子核間グローバル光学ポテンシャルの構築

    古本猛憲, 椿原康介, 江幡修一郎, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 三体模型によるK中間子原子系のレベルシフトの研究

    星野翼, 大西祥太, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 密度行列を用いた重イオン弾性散乱の記述

    古本猛憲, 堀内渉, 山本安夫

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 超対称変換ポテンシャルによる2クラスター系の相対運動波動関数

    荒井俊貴, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 時間依存相関ガウス関数による電気多重極応答の記述

    関根里英, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2017年 

  • 三体計算によるK中間子重水素1sレベルシフトの研究

    星野翼, 大西祥太, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2016年 

  • 原子核の運動量分布と多核子相関

    堀内渉, NEFF Thomas, FELDMEIER Hans

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2016年 

  • 非弾性散乱による原子核回転励起強度の研究

    畠山慎也, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2016年 

  • 荷電交換遷移による<sup>6</sup>Heの2中性子相関の研究

    河村成美, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2016年 

  • 時間依存相関ガウス基底法の開発とその原子核応答への応用 II

    関根里英, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2016年 

  • 時間依存相関ガウス基底法の開発とその原子核応答への応用

    関根里英, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2016年 

  • Glauber理論を用いた変形原子核の陽子弾性散乱の研究

    畠山慎也, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 全反応断面積を用いた重い原子核の中性子スキン厚の導出

    堀内渉, 江幡修一郎, 畠山慎也, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 低エネルギー領域におけるニュートリノ<sup>4</sup>He反応

    村田知也, 堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之, 佐藤透

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 三体模型によるpnK<sup>-</sup>原子状態の研究

    星野翼, 大西祥太, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • ヘリウム同位体の励起と核子相関


    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 原子核強度関数計算における最大エントロピー法の有効性

    村田知也, 堀内渉, 佐藤透, 中村聡

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 精密少数体波動関数における調和振動子励起

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 時間依存の方法による少数核子系の電気双極子応答

    関根里英, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 時間依存の方法による4核子系の電気双極子応答の研究

    関根里英, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM)  2015年 

  • 全反応断面積で探る不安定核のスキン厚

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之, 稲倉恒法

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2014年 

  • 原子核-原子核散乱における多重散乱の効果とその標的核依存性

    畠山慎也, 堀内渉, 江幡修一郎, 木村真明

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2014年 

  • 密度行列を用いた<sup>4</sup>He+<sup>4</sup>He散乱の記述 II

    古本猛憲, 堀内渉, 山本安夫

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2014年 

  • Glauber理論による陽子-原子核散乱の解析

    畠山慎也, 堀内渉, 江幡修一郎, 木村真明

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2013年 

  • ヘリウム4のスピン双極子励起とスペクトル

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2013年 

  • 密度行列を用いた<sup>4</sup>He+<sup>4</sup>He散乱の記述

    古本猛憲, 堀内渉, 山本安夫

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2013年 

  • 第一原子計算による<sup>4</sup>Heの光吸収反応の研究


    日本物理学会講演概要集  2013年 

  • 相関基底を用いた6核子系の電気双極子励起の研究

    三上大地, 堀内渉

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2013年 

  • 全反応断面積の系統解析から見る不安定核の構造変化

    堀内渉, 稲倉恒法, 中務孝, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2012年 

  • 現実的核力を用いたヘリウム4の電弱応答の研究

    堀内渉, 鈴木宣之, 鈴木宣之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2012年 

  • 軽い核におけるテンソル相関の重要性とその効果


    日本物理学会講演概要集  2012年 

  • 不安定核における微視的グローバル光学ポテンシャルの構築

    古本猛憲, 堀内渉, 高階正彰, 櫻木千典, 山本安夫

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2011年 

  • 原子核における短距離相関の普遍性

    堀内渉, FELDMEIER Hans, NEFF Thomas, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2011年 

  • 原子核内における核子間短距離相関の普遍性

    堀内渉, FELDMEIER Hans, NEFF Thomas, 鈴木宜之, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2011年 

  • 2乗可積分基底を用いた三体連続状態の記述とその強度関数への応用

    鈴木宜之, 堀内渉, BAYE Daniel

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2010年 

  • 反応断面積で探る<sup>31</sup>Neの弱束縛中性子軌道

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, CAPEL Pierre, CAPEL Pierre, BAYE Daniel

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2010年 

  • 2乗可積分基底展開による位相差の計算

    鈴木宜之, 堀内渉, 新井好司

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2009年 

  • 現実的核力を用いた殻-クラスター状態の統一的記述(2)

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2009年 

  • 4核子系のスペクトルとテンソル力の効果

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2008年 

  • 現実的核力を用いた殻-クラスター状態の統一的記述(1)

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2008年 

  • 酸素同位体の全反応断面積の系統的計算

    岩崎照平, 堀内渉, 鈴木宜之, 小濱洋央

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2008年 

  • 相関ガウス基底の拡張とその有効性

    鈴木宜之, 堀内渉, ORABI M., ORABI M., 新井好司

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2008年 

  • <sup>6</sup>He,<sup>6</sup>Liにおける価核子間運動量分布とテンソル力

    堀内渉, 鈴木宜之

    日本物理学会講演概要集  2007年 

  • Structure of and E2 transition in C-16 in a C-14+n+n model (vol 73, art no 037304, 2006)

    W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki


  • 包括的ニュートリノ原子核反応の記述に向けて 招待





  • Theoretical description of 12C(α,γ)16O: Difficulties and challenges 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    YITP-OzGrav WS “Nuclear burning in massive stars” -towards formation of black-hole binaries- 



  • Recent developments and applications of the Glauber theory to medium- and high-energy nuclear reactions 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    The 4th International Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive-Ion Beams: QFS-RB19 



  • Modification of spin components in light nuclei induced by the tensor correlations 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    REIMEI workshop at ASRC/JAEA “Universal features of quantum flows with spin, orbital and tensor interactions” 

  • Complete evaluation of the Glauber amplitude for proton-nucleus inelastic scattering

    W. Horiuchi

    The 14th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference (APPC2019) 



  • Clustering in nuclear and kaonic systems with correlated Gaussian method 招待

    W. Horiuchi

    International workshop: “Clusters in quantum systems: from atoms to nuclei and hadrons” 



  • 原子核の内部密度と核構造-その観測可能性について- 招待


    ELPH 研究会C028「電子散乱による原子核研究-原子核の電荷密度・陽子・中性子の分布と半径-」 



  • 第一原理計算によるヘリウム原子核の電弱応答 招待


    宇核連・北大JCPRG 共催「核データと重元素合成を中心とする宇宙核物理研究会」 





  • 分子動力学による多体量子トンネル現象と天体核融合反応への新しいアプローチ

    基盤研究(B)  2025年

  • 分子動力学による多体量子トンネル現象と天体核融合反応への新しいアプローチ

    基盤研究(B)  2024年

  • 分子動力学による多体量子トンネル現象と天体核融合反応への新しいアプローチ

    基盤研究(B)  2023年04月

  • 分子動力学による多体量子トンネル現象と天体核融合反応への新しいアプローチ

    基盤研究(B)  2022年04月

  • 第一原理計算による3核子力効果の解明とその宇宙核反応への影響

    基盤研究(C)  2018年04月


  • 力学1演習

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 原子核物理学1

    2024年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習5A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究5A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究4A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3A

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 量子力学基礎演習

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 現代物理学

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 海外特別研究1

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • サイエンスフロンティアB(物理学)

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • サイエンスフロンティアA(物理学)

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習5B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究5

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究5

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究5B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究4B

    2024年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学講読

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 特別実験・特別理論演習

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 海外特別研究2

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 原子核物理学1

    2023年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 力学1演習

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 海外特別研究4

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究4A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3A

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学前期特別研究Ⅱ

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 後期海外特別研究2

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 後期特別研究

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物性物理学ゼミナール

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 宇宙・高エネルギー物理学ゼミナール

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 基礎物理学ゼミナール

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 物理学講読

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 特別実験・特別理論演習

    2023年度   集中講義   大学

  • 量子力学基礎演習

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 現代物理学

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 計算物理

    2023年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物理学特別研究4B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習4B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究2B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習2B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1B

    2023年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 原子核物理学1

    2022年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1A

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 力学1演習

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 海外特別研究3 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究3B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究5 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究4 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習3B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究2 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究1 (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別研究1B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 物理学特別演習1B (杉本)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学院

  • 海外特別研究(物理)

    2022年度   集中講義   大学

  • 量子力学基礎演習

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 物理学講読

    2022年度   週間授業   大学

  • 特別実験/特別理論演習

    2022年度   集中講義   大学



  • 2024年度

    研究者受入数 :4名