2025/02/10 更新


カネコ タケヒト
金子 武人
大学院獣医学研究科 獣医学専攻 教授
獣医学部 獣医学科


  • 大学院獣医学研究科 獣医学専攻 

    教授  2024年04月 - 継続中

  • 獣医学部 獣医学科 

    教授  2024年04月 - 継続中


  • 博士(医学) ( 熊本大学 )


  • 環境・農学 / 生物資源保全学

  • ライフサイエンス / 実験動物学


  • 野生動物保全

  • 配偶子保存

  • 受精技術

  • 動物繁殖


  • 関西実験動物研究会

  • 野生動物保全繁殖研究会

  • 東北動物実験研究会

  • 日本野生動物医学会

  • 日本繁殖生物学会

  • 日本畜産学会

  • 日本実験動物技術者協会

  • 日本実験動物学会

  • 九州実験動物研究会



  • 教育・研修委員会委員   公私立実験動物施設協議会  

    2024年08月 - 継続中 

  • 代議員   公私立実験動物施設協議会  

    2024年08月 - 継続中 

  • 組織・制度検討委員会委員   公私立実験動物施設協議会  

    2024年08月 - 継続中 

  • 評議員   日本実験動物学会  

    2024年06月 - 2026年05月 

  • 評議員   日本実験動物学会  

    2022年06月 - 2024年05月 

  • Editorial board member   Animals (MDPI)  

    2022年 - 継続中 

  • Guest edited collection   Scientific Reports  

    2022年 - 継続中 

  • 幹事   東北動物実験研究会  

    2018年04月 - 継続中 

  • Editorial board member   Scientific Reports  

    2015年 - 継続中 

  • 評議員   日本実験動物学会  

    2014年06月 - 2020年05月 

  • 評議員   関西実験動物研究会  

    2014年04月 - 継続中 

  • 評議員   九州実験動物研究会  

    2006年01月 - 継続中 



  • 令和5年度理工学部授業評価優秀教員

    2023年10月   岩手大学理工学部  

  • 令和4年度理工学部授業評価優秀教員

    2023年03月   岩手大学理工学部  

  • 日本実験動物学会若手優秀賞

    金子武人 他

    2020   日本実験動物学会  

  • 日本繁殖生物学会技術賞

    金子 武人


  • 日本獣医学会獣医繁殖学分科会長賞

    金子 武人


  • 日本繁殖生物学会大会優秀発表賞

    金子 武人


  • 日本実験動物学会奨励賞

    金子 武人


  • 日本実験動物協同組合賞

    金子 武人


  • 平成25年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞

    金子 武人


  • Young Investigator Award

    金子 武人

    2008   Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations  

  • The Best Paper featuring cryopreservation

    金子 武人

    2004   Society for Reproduction & Fertility  



  • 岩手大学   非常勤講師

    2024年04月 - 継続中

  • 東京医科歯科大学   非常勤講師

    2017年04月 - 継続中

  • 国立環境研究所   客員研究員

    2013年10月 - 2021年03月


  • マウス・ラット生殖技術の新時代 ~課題を解決し、職人技から誰でもできる技術へ~(III) 精子フリーズドライ保存法の開発と応用 招待


    LABIO21   94   7 - 9   2025年01月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

  • マウス・ラット生殖技術の新時代 ~課題を解決し、職人技から誰でもできる技術へ~(II) エレクトロポレーション法を用いた遺伝子改変動物作製法(テイク法)の開発と実際 招待


    LABIO21   93   10 - 12   2024年09月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

  • Improvement of survivability and developmental ability in vitrified rat oocytes 査読

    Yuki Nakagawa, Takehito Kaneko

    Cryobiology   115   104882   2024年05月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

  • マウス・ラット生殖技術の新時代 ~課題を解決し、職人技から誰でもできる技術へ~(I) 人工偽妊娠誘起法会開発までの道のり 招待


    LABIO21   92   20 - 25   2024年05月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

  • BINDS研究者の横顔 OA


  • Importance of nuclear localization signal-fused Cas9 in the production of genome-edited mice via embryo electroporation 査読

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications   685   149140   2023年12月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.149140

  • Apolipoprotein E-depletion accelerates arterial fat deposition in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. 査読

    Hiroyuki Matsuo, Kohei Kawakami, Hiroki Ohara, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Takaya Yamada, Toru Nabika

    Experimental animals   72 ( 4 )   439 - 445   2023年11月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Hypertension and atherosclerosis are often found in one patient causing serious cardiovascular events. An animal model simultaneously expressing hypertension and atherosclerosis would be useful to study such a complex risk status. We therefore attempted to introduce a null mutation of the apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene into the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) using CRISPR/Cas9 to establish a genetic model for atherosclerosis with hypertension. We successfully established SHRApoE(-/-) having a 13-bps deletion in the 5'-end of ApoE gene. Deletion of ApoE protein was confirmed by Western blotting. Blood pressure of SHRApoE(-/-) was comparable to that of SHR. Feeding the rats with high fat high cholesterol diet (HFD) caused a significant increase in LDL cholesterol as well as in triglyceride in SHRApoE(-/-). After 8 weeks of HFD loading, superficial fat deposition was observed both in the aorta and the mesenteric arteries of SHRApoE(-/-) instead of mature atheromatous lesions found in humans. In addition, a null mutation of peroxiredoxin 2 (Prdx2) was introduced into SHRApoE(-/-) to examine the effect of increased oxidative stress on the development of atherosclerosis. SHR with the double depletion of ApoE and Prdx2 did not show mature atheroma either. Further, salt loading did not promote development of atheroma although it accelerated the development of fat deposition. These results indicated that when compared with ApoE-knockout mice, SHRApoE(-/-) was more resistant to atherosclerosis even though they have severe hypertension.

    DOI: 10.1538/expanim.23-0012


  • Remnant tissue enhances early postoperative biomechanical strength and infiltration of Scleraxis-positive cells within the grafted tendon in a rat anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction model 査読

    18 ( 11 )   e0293944   2023年11月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293944

  • Potential function of Scx+/Sox9+ cells as progenitor cells in rotator cuff tear repair in rats 査読

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications   676   84 - 90   2023年10月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.07.039

  • Novel dicarbonyl metabolic pathway via mitochondrial ES1 possessing glyoxalase III activity 査読

    3   100092   2023年05月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadva.2023.100092

  • Successful induction of pseudopregnancy using sonic vibration in mice 査読

    Yui Wake, Marina Endo, Shigemi Tsunoda, Hirosuke Tawara, Hisayuki Abe, Yuki Nakagawa, Takehito Kaneko

    Scientific Reports   13 ( 1 )   3604   2023年03月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-30774-x

  • Developmental changes in brain activity of heterozygous Scn1a knockout rats 査読

    Mayu Tahara, Norimichi Higurashi, Junichi Hata, Masako Nishikawa, Ken Ito, Shinichi Hirose, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Hirotaka James Okano

    Frontiers in Neurology   14   1125089   2023年03月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1125089

  • Semaphorin 4D induces articular cartilage destruction and inflammation in joints by transcriptionally reprogramming chondrocytes 査読

    758   eabl5304   2022年11月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.abl5304

  • Brca1L63X /+ rat is a novel model of human BRCA1 deficiency displaying susceptibility to radiation-induced mammary cancer 査読

    Yuzaki Nakamura, Jo Kubota, Yukiko Nishimura, Kento Nagata, Mayumi Nishimura, Kazuhiro Daino, Atsuko Ishikawa, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Toshiaki Kokubo, Masaru Takabatake, Kazumasa Inoue, Masahiro Fukushi, Masami Arai, Mitsue Saito, Yoshiya Shimada, Shizuko Kakinuma, Tatsuhiko Imaoka

    Cancer Science   113 ( 10 )   3362 - 3375   2022年10月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.15485

  • Amount of Cas9 protein introduced into mouse embryos via electroporation affects the genome-editing rate 査読 国際共著

    Yui Wake, Christopher A Vakulskas, Steve E Glenn, Takehito Kaneko

    Journal of Reproduction and Development   68 ( 5 )   307 - 311   2022年10月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2022-067

  • Induced pluripotent stem cells of endangered avian species 査読

    Masafumi Katayama, Tomokazu Fukuda, Takehito Kaneko, Yuki Nakagawa, Atsushi Tajima, Mitsuru Naito, Hitomi Ohmaki, Daiji Endo, Makoto Asano, Takashi Nagamine, Yumiko Nakaya, Keisuke Saito, Yukiko Watanabe, Tetsuya Tani, Miho Inoue-Murayama, Nobuyoshi Nakajima, Manabu Onuma

    Communication Biology   5 ( 1 )   1049   2022年10月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-03964-y

  • The versatile electric condition in mouse embryos for genome editing using a three-step square-wave pulse electroporator 査読

    Experimental Animals   71 ( 2 )   214 - 223   2022年05月


    担当区分:責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1538/expanim.21-0130

  • PHF24 is expressed in the inhibitory interneurons in rats.

    Yuki Numakura, Risa Uemura, Miyuu Tanaka, Takeshi Izawa, Jyoji Yamate, Takashi Kuramoto, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Takashi Yamamoto, Tadao Serikawa, Mitsuru Kuwamura

    Experimental animals   70 ( 1 )   137 - 143   2021年02月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    Noda epileptic rat (NER) is a mutant model for epilepsy that exhibits spontaneous generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Epileptogenesis of NER remains to be elucidated; but it is detected an insertion of an endogenous retrovirus sequence in intron 2 of the PHD finger protein 24 (Phf24) gene, encoding Gαi-interacting protein (GINIP). Phf24 is a strong candidate gene for epileptogenesis in NER. PHF24 modulates GABAB signaling through interacting with Gαi protein. To clarify the epileptogenesis of NER, we investigated a distribution of PHF24-expressing cells in the central nerve system (CNS). While broad expression of PHF24 was observed in the CNS, characteristic expression was noted in the periglomerular layer of the olfactory bulb and the lamina II of the spinal cord in the control rats. These cells showed co-expression with calbindin or calretinin, inhibitory interneuron markers. In the olfactory bulb, 15.6% and 41.2% of PHF24-positive neurons co-expressed calbindin and calretinin, respectively. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that PHF24 was located in the presynaptic terminals, synaptic membranes and cytoplasmic matrix of neuronal soma. Our data suggested PHF24 is expressed in the inhibitory interneurons and may play important roles in modulation of the GABAB signaling.

    DOI: 10.1538/expanim.20-0105


  • Pathophysiological significance of Stim1 mutation in sympathetic response to stress and cardiovascular phenotypes in SHRSP/Izm: In vivo evaluation by creation of a novel gene knock-in rat using CRISPR/Cas9 査読

    Batbayar Odongoo, Hiroki Ohara, Davis Ngarashi, Takehito Kaneko, Yayoi Kunihiro, Tomoji Mashimo, Toru Nabika

    Clinical and Experimental Hypertension   23   1 - 8   2020年07月

  • Improvement of genome editing by electroporation using embryos artificially removed cumulus cells in the oviducts 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Shungo Tanaka

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications   527   1039 - 1042   2020年07月

  • LOX-1 (Lectin-Like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1) Deletion Has Protective Effects on Stroke in the Genetic Background of Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat 査読

    Yi-Qiang Liang, Akemi Kakino, Yasunari Matsuzaka, Tomoji Mashimo, Masato Isono, Tomohisa Akamatsu, Hana Shimizu, Michiko Tajima, Takehito Kaneko, Lei Li, Fumihiko Takeuchi, Tatsuya Sawamura, Norihiro Kato

    Stroke   51 ( 6 )   1835 - 1843   2020年06月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.029421


  • Development of feline embryos produced using freeze-dried sperm 査読

    Yasunori Tsujimoto, Takehito Kaneko, Takumi Yoshida, Kazuto Kimura, Toshio Inaba, Kikuya Sugiura, Shingo Hatoya

    Theriogenology   147   71 - 76   2020年04月( ISSN:0093-691X



    DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.02.021

  • Genome editing of rodents by electroporation of CRISPR/Cas9 into frozen-warmed pronuclear-stage embryos 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Yuki Nakagawa

    Cryobiology   92   231 - 234   2020年02月

  • Pathological characteristics of Ccdc85c knockout rats: a rat model of genetic hydrocephalus 査読

    Shizuka Konishi, Natsuki Tanaka, Tomoji Mashimo, Takashi Yamamoto, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takehito Kaneko, Miyuu Tanaka, Takeshi Izawa, Jyoji Yamate, Mitsuru Kuwamura

    Experimental Animals   69 ( 1 )   26 - 33   2020年01月( ISSN:1341-1357



    DOI: 10.1538/expanim.19-0005


  • Rapid and efficient production of genome-edited animals by electroporation into oocytes injected with frozen or freeze-dried sperm 査読

    Yuki Nakagawa, Takehito Kaneko

    Cryobiology   90   71 - 74   2019年10月

  • Increased seizure sensitivity, emotional defects and cognitive impairment in PHD finger protein 24 (Phf24)-null rats 査読

    Tadao Serikawa, Naofumi Kunisawa, Saki Shimizu, Masaki Kato, Higir Alves Iha, Masato Kinboshi, Hisao Nishikawa, Yu Shirakawa, Birger Voigt, Satoshi Nakanishi, Takashi Kuramoto, Takehito Kaneko, Takashi Yamamoto, Yomoji Mashimo, Masashi Sasa, Yukihiro Ohno

    Behavioural Brain Research   369   111922   2019年04月

  • Vitrification of canine ovarian tissues with polyvinylpyrrolidone preserves the survival and developmental capacity of primordial follicles 査読

    Mayako Fujihara, Takehito Kaneko, Miho Inoue-Murayama

    Scientific Reports   9 ( 1 )   3970   2019年03月

  • Humanized UGT2 and CYP3A transchromosomic rats for improved prediction of human drug metabolism. 査読

    Yasuhiro Kazuki, Kaoru Kobayashi, Masumi Hirabayashi, Satoshi Abe, Naoyo Kajitani, Kanako Kazuki, Shoko Takehara, Masato Takiguchi, Daisuke Satoh, Jiro Kuze, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Minori Osamura, Mari Hashimoto, Riko Wakatsuki, Rika Hirashima, Ryoichi Fujiwara, Tsuneo Deguchi, Atsushi Kurihara, Yasuko Tsukazaki, Naoto Senda, Takashi Yamamoto, Nico Scheer, Mitsuo Oshimura

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America   116 ( 8 )   3072 - 3081   2019年02月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Although "genomically" humanized animals are invaluable tools for generating human disease models as well as for biomedical research, their development has been mainly restricted to mice via established transgenic-based and embryonic stem cell-based technologies. Since rats are widely used for studying human disease and for drug efficacy and toxicity testing, humanized rat models would be preferred over mice for several applications. However, the development of sophisticated humanized rat models has been hampered by the difficulty of complex genetic manipulations in rats. Additionally, several genes and gene clusters, which are megabase range in size, were difficult to introduce into rats with conventional technologies. As a proof of concept, we herein report the generation of genomically humanized rats expressing key human drug-metabolizing enzymes in the absence of their orthologous rat counterparts via the combination of chromosome transfer using mouse artificial chromosome (MAC) and genome editing technologies. About 1.5 Mb and 700 kb of the entire UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 and cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A genomic regions, respectively, were successfully introduced via the MACs into rats. The transchromosomic rats were combined with rats carrying deletions of the endogenous orthologous genes, achieved by genome editing. In the "transchromosomic humanized" rat strains, the gene expression, pharmacokinetics, and metabolism observed in humans were well reproduced. Thus, the combination of chromosome transfer and genome editing technologies can be used to generate fully humanized rats for improved prediction of the pharmacokinetics and drug-drug interactions in humans, and for basic research, drug discovery, and development.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1808255116


  • Effects of the Prdx2 depletion on blood pressure and life span in spontaneously hypertensive rats. 査読

    Zinat Mahal, Koichi Fujikawa, Hiroyuki Matsuo, Hasan M. Zahid, Masamichi Koike, Masaki Misumi, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Hiroki Ohara, Toru Nabika

    Hypertension Research   2019年01月

  • Tolerance to vitrification of rat embryos at various developmental stages. 査読

    Taketsuru H, Kaneko T

    Cryobiology   84   1 - 3   2018年10月( ISSN:0011-2240

  • Reproductive technologies for the generation and maintenance of valuable animal strains 査読

    Takehito Kaneko

    Journal of Reproduction and Development   64 ( 3 )   209 - 215   2018年( ISSN:1348-4400



    Many types of mutant and genetically engineered strains have been produced in various animal species. Their numbers have dramatically increased in recent years, with new strains being rapidly produced using genome editing techniques. In the rat, it has been difficult to produce knockout and knock-in strains because the establishment of stem cells has been insufficient. However, a large number of knockout and knock-in strains can currently be produced using genome editing techniques, including zinc-finger nuclease (ZFN), transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN), and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) system. Microinjection technique has also contributed widely to the production of various kinds of genome edited animal strains. A novel electroporation method, the “Technique for Animal Knockout system by Electroporation (TAKE)” method, is a simple and highly efficient tool that has accelerated the production of new strains. Gamete preservation is extremely useful for maintaining large numbers of these valuable strains as genetic resources in the long term. These reproductive technologies, including microinjection, TAKE method, and gamete preservation, strongly support biomedical research and the bio-resource banking of animal models. In this review, we introduce the latest reproductive technologies used for the production of genetically engineered animals, especially rats, using genome editing techniques and the efficient maintenance of valuable strains as genetic resources. These technologies can also be applied to other laboratory animals, including mice, and domestic and wild animal species.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2018-035


  • In vitro maturation of immature rat oocytes under simple culture conditions and subsequent developmental ability 査読

    Hiroaki Taketsuru, Takehito Kaneko

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   62 ( 5 )   521 - 526   2016年10月( ISSN:0916-8818



    Rat oocytes can be produced artificially by superovulation. Because some strains show low sensitivity to superovulation treatment, in vitro maturation is an alternative method to produce numerous matured oocytes. Furthermore, establishment of an in vitro maturation system with simple culture conditions is cost effective and leads to easy handling of oocytes. This study examined developmental ability of rat germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes maturing in vitro under simple culture conditions. Significantly different numbers of ovulated oocytes reached the second metaphase of meiosis (MII) among Jcl:Wistar (17.0), F344/Stm (31.0), and BN/SsNS1c (2.2) rats in whom superovulation was induced by pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin. However, similar numbers of GV oocytes were obtained from ovaries of PMSG-injected Wistar (27.7), F344 (34.7), and BN (24.7) rats. These GV oocytes were cultured in vitro in HTF, alpha MEM, and a 1:1 HTF + alpha MEM or TYH + alpha MEM mixture. High proportions of Wistar and F344 oocytes that matured to MII in alpha MEM were parthenogenetically activated by strontium chloride treatment (78% and 74%, respectively). Additionally, 10% of matured oocytes of both strains developed into offspring after intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo transfer to foster mothers. Although BN oocytes cultured in aMEM could be parthenogenetically activated and developed into offspring, the success rate was lower than that for Wistar and F344 oocytes. This study demonstrated that numerous GV oocytes were produced in rat ovaries by PMSG injection. This simple in vitro maturation system of immature oocytes could be further developed to maintain valuable rat strains experiencing reproductive difficulties.

  • In vitro maturation of immature rat oocytes under simple culture conditions and subsequent developmental ability 査読

    Hiroaki Taketsuru, Takehito Kaneko

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   62 ( 5 )   521 - 526   2016年10月( ISSN:0916-8818



    Rat oocytes can be produced artificially by superovulation. Because some strains show low sensitivity to superovulation treatment, in vitro maturation is an alternative method to produce numerous matured oocytes. Furthermore, establishment of an in vitro maturation system with simple culture conditions is cost effective and leads to easy handling of oocytes. This study examined developmental ability of rat germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes maturing in vitro under simple culture conditions. Significantly different numbers of ovulated oocytes reached the second metaphase of meiosis (MII) among Jcl:Wistar (17.0), F344/Stm (31.0), and BN/SsNS1c (2.2) rats in whom superovulation was induced by pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin. However, similar numbers of GV oocytes were obtained from ovaries of PMSG-injected Wistar (27.7), F344 (34.7), and BN (24.7) rats. These GV oocytes were cultured in vitro in HTF, alpha MEM, and a 1:1 HTF + alpha MEM or TYH + alpha MEM mixture. High proportions of Wistar and F344 oocytes that matured to MII in alpha MEM were parthenogenetically activated by strontium chloride treatment (78% and 74%, respectively). Additionally, 10% of matured oocytes of both strains developed into offspring after intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo transfer to foster mothers. Although BN oocytes cultured in aMEM could be parthenogenetically activated and developed into offspring, the success rate was lower than that for Wistar and F344 oocytes. This study demonstrated that numerous GV oocytes were produced in rat ovaries by PMSG injection. This simple in vitro maturation system of immature oocytes could be further developed to maintain valuable rat strains experiencing reproductive difficulties.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2016-057


  • Generation of a New Model Rat: Nrf2 Knockout Rats Are Sensitive to Aflatoxin B-1 Toxicity 査読

    Keiko Taguchi, Misaki Takaku, Patricia A. Egner, Masanobu Morita, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Thomas W. Kensler, Masayuki Yamamoto

    TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES   152 ( 1 )   40 - 52   2016年07月( ISSN:1096-6080 ( eISSN:1096-0929



    The transcription factor Nrf2 (NF-E2-related-factor 2) regulates a battery of antioxidative stress-response genes and detoxication genes, and Nrf2 knockout lines of mice have been contributing critically to the clarification of roles that Nrf2 plays for cell protection. However, there are apparent limitations in use of the mouse models. For instance, rats exhibit more suitable features for toxicological or physiological examinations than mice. In this study, we generated 2 lines of Nrf2 knockout rats by using a genome editing technology; 1 line harbors a 7-bp deletion (Lambda 7) and the other line harbors a 1-bp insertion (+1) in the Nrf2 gene. In the livers of rats homozygously deleting the Nrf2 gene, an activator of Nrf2 signaling, CDDO-Im, could not induce expression of representative Nrf2 target genes. To examine altered toxicological response, we treated the Nrf2 knockout rats with aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)), a carcinogenic mycotoxin that elicits gene mutations through binding of its metabolites to DNA and for which the rat has been proposed as a reasonable surrogate for human toxicity. Indeed, in the Nrf2 knockout rat livers the enzymes of the AFB(1) detoxication pathway were significantly downregulated. Single dose administration of AFB(1) increased hepatotoxicity and binding of AFB(1)-N-7-guanine to hepatic DNA in Nrf2 knockout rats compared with wild-type. Nrf2 knockout rats repeatedly treated with AFB(1) were prone to lethality and CDDO-Im was no longer protective. These results demonstrate that Nrf2 knockout rats are quite sensitive to AFB(1) toxicities and this rat genotype emerges as a new model animal in toxicology.

    DOI: 10.1093/toxsci/kfw065

  • Depdc5 knockout rat: A novel model of mTORopathy 査読

    Elise Marsan, Saeko Ishida, Adrien Schramm, Sarah Weckhuysen, Giuseppe Muraca, Sarah Lecas, Ning Liang, Caroline Treins, Mario Pende, Delphine Roussel, Michel Le Van Quyen, Tomoji Mashimo, Takehito Kaneko, Takashi Yamamoto, Tetsushi Sakuma, Severine Mahon, Richard Miles, Eric Leguern, Stephane Charpier, Stephanie Baulac

    NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE   89   180 - 189   2016年05月( ISSN:0969-9961 ( eISSN:1095-953X



    DEP-domain containing 5 (DEPDC5), encoding a repressor of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling pathway, has recently emerged as a major gene mutated in familial focal epilepsies and focal cortical dysplasia. Here we established a global knockout rat using TALEN technology to investigate in vivo the impact of Depdc5-deficiency. Homozygous Depdc5(-/-) embryos died from embryonic day 14.5 due to a global growth delay. Constitutive mTORC1 hyperactivation was evidenced in the brains and in cultured fibroblasts of Depdc5(-/-) embryos, as reflected by enhanced phosphorylation of its downstream effectors S6K1 and rpS6. Consistently, prenatal treatment with mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin rescued the phenotype of Depdc5(-/-) embryos. Heterozygous Depdc5(+/-) rats developed normally and exhibited no spontaneous electroclinical seizures, but had altered cortical neuron excitability and firing patterns. Depdc5(+/-) rats displayed cortical cytomegalic dysmorphic neurons and balloon-like cells strongly expressing phosphorylated rpS6, indicative of mTORC1 upregulation, and not observed after prenatal rapamycin treatment. These neuropathological abnormalities are reminiscent of the hallmark brain pathology of human focal cortical dysplasia. Altogether, Depdc5 knockout rats exhibit multiple features of rodent models of mTORopathies, and thus, stand as a relevant model to study their underlying pathogenic mechanisms. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2016.02.010

  • ssODN-mediated knock-in with CRISPR-Cas for large genomic regions in zygotes 査読

    Kazuto Yoshimi, Yayoi Kunihiro, Takehito Kaneko, Hitoshi Nagahora, Birger Voigt, Tomoji Mashimo

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   7   10431   2016年01月( ISSN:2041-1723



    The CRISPR-Cas system is a powerful tool for generating genetically modified animals; however, targeted knock-in (KI) via homologous recombination remains difficult in zygotes. Here we show efficient gene KI in rats by combining CRISPR-Cas with single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides (ssODNs). First, a 1-kb ssODN co-injected with guide RNA (gRNA) and Cas9 messenger RNA produce GFP-KI at the rat Thy1 locus. Then, two gRNAs with two 80-bp ssODNs direct efficient integration of a 5.5-kb CAG-GFP vector into the Rosa26 locus via ssODN-mediated end joining. This protocol also achieves KI of a 200-kb BAC containing the human SIRPA locus, concomitantly knocking out the rat Sirpa gene. Finally, three gRNAs and two ssODNs replace 58-kb of the rat Cyp2d cluster with a 6.2-kb human CYP2D6 gene. These ssODN-mediated KI protocols can be applied to any target site with any donor vector without the need to construct homology arms, thus simplifying genome engineering in living organisms.

    DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10431

  • Sperm freeze-drying and micro-insemination for biobanking and maintenance of genetic diversity in mammals 査読

    Takehito Kaneko

    REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT   28 ( 8 )   1079 - 1087   2016年( ISSN:1031-3613 ( eISSN:1448-5990


    Breeding by natural mating is ideal for maintaining animal populations. However, the lack of breeding space resulting from an increased number of strains and the decline in fertility caused by inbreeding inhibits the reproduction of subsequent generations. Reproductive technologies, such as gamete preservation and artificial fertilisation, have been developed to overcome these problems. These approaches efficiently produce offspring of laboratory, domestic and wild animals, and can also be used to treat human infertility. Gamete preservation using sperm contributes to improvements in reproductive systems and enables the use of smaller breeding spaces. Although cryopreservation with liquid nitrogen has been used to preserve spermatozoa, freeze-drying without liquid nitrogen, a novel method, facilitates long-term storage of spermatozoa. This method has recently been applied to maintain animal strains. Micro-insemination techniques, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), are exceptional for improving assisted reproduction. ICSI can be used to fertilise oocytes, even with immotile and immature spermatozoa that are unsuitable for AI and IVF. Reproductive technologies provide a substantial advantage for biobanking and maintaining the genetic diversity of laboratory, domestic and wild animals. This review covers the latest method of sperm freeze-drying and micro-insemination, and future possibilities for maintaining animal strains and populations.

    DOI: 10.1071/RD15386


  • Simple gamete preservation and artificial reproduction of mammals using micro-insemination techniques 査読

    Takehito Kaneko

    Reproductive Medicine and Biology   14 ( 3 )   99 - 105   2015年12月( ISSN:1447-0578



    Assisted reproductive technology (ART) has been applied in various procedures as an effective breeding method in experimental, domestic, and wild animals, and for the treatment of human infertility. Micro-insemination techniques such as intracytoplasmic injection of spermatozoa and spermatids are now routinely used ART tools. With these techniques, even immotile and immature sperm cells can be employed as donors for producing the next generation. Gamete preservation, another ART tool, has contributed to reproductive regulation, worldwide transportation, and disease protection of animal strains, and the preserved gametes have been effectively used for the production of offspring. ART is now an indispensable tool in mammalian reproduction. This review covers the latest ART tools, with a particular emphasis on micro-insemination and gamete preservation, and discusses the future direction of mammalian artificial reproductive technology.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12522-014-0202-4

  • Simple Genome Editing of Rodent Intact Embryos by Electroporation 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo

    PLoS One   10 ( 11 )   e0142755   2015年11月( ISSN:1932-6203



    The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas) system is a powerful tool for genome editing in animals. Recently, new technology has been developed to genetically modify animals without using highly skilled techniques, such as pronuclear microinjection of endonucleases. Technique for animal knockout system by electroporation (TAKE) method is a simple and effective technology that produces knockout rats by introducing endonuclease mRNAs into intact embryos using electroporation. Using TAKE method and CRISPR/Cas system, the present study successfully produced knockout and knock-in mice and rats. The mice and rats derived from embryos electroporated with Cas9 mRNA, gRNA and single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide (ssODN) comprised the edited targeted gene as a knockout (67% of mice and 88% of rats) or knock-in (both 33%). The TAKE method could be widely used as a powerful tool to produce genetically modified animals by genome editing.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142755

  • CHD1 acts via the Hmgpi pathway to regulate mouse early embryogenesis 査読

    Shinnosuke Suzuki, Yusuke Nozawa, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Takehito Kaneko, Ichiro Manabe, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    DEVELOPMENT   142 ( 13 )   2375 - +   2015年07月( ISSN:0950-1991 ( eISSN:1477-9129



    The protein CHD1 is a member of the family of ATPase-dependent chromatin remodeling factors. CHD1, which recognizes trimethylated histone H3 lysine 4, has been implicated in transcriptional activation in organisms ranging from yeast to humans. It is required for pre-mRNA maturation, maintenance of mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency and rapid growth of the mouse epiblast. However, the function(s) of CHD1 in mouse preimplantation embryos has not yet been examined. Here, we show that loss of CHD1 function led to embryonic lethality after implantation. In mouse embryos in which Chd1 was targeted by siRNA microinjection, the expression of the key regulators of cell fate specification Pou5f1 (also known as Oct4), Nanog and Cdx2 was dramatically decreased, starting at mid-preimplantation gene activation (MGA). Moreover, expression of Hmgpi and Klf5, which regulate Pou5f1, Nanog and Cdx2, was also significantly suppressed at zygotic gene activation (ZGA). Suppression of Hmgpi expression in Chd1-knockdown embryos continued until the blastocyst stage, whereas suppression of Klf5 expression was relieved by the morula stage. Next, we rescued HMGPI expression via Hmgpi mRNA microinjection in Chd1-knockdown embryos. Consequently, Pou5f1, Nanog and Cdx2 expression was restored at MGA and live offspring were recovered. These findings indicate that CHD1 plays important roles in mouse early embryogenesis via activation of Hmgpi at ZGA.

    DOI: 10.1242/dev.120493

  • Histone methyltransferase Smyd3 regulates early embryonic lineage commitment in mice 査読

    Shinnosuke Suzuki, Yusuke Nozawa, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Takehito Kaneko, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    REPRODUCTION   150 ( 1 )   21 - 30   2015年07月( ISSN:1470-1626



    SET and MYND domain-containing protein 3 (Smyd3) is a histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) di- and tri-methyltransferase that forms a transcriptional complex with RNA polymerase II and activates the transcription of oncogenes and cell cycle genes in human cancer cells. However, the study of Smyd3 in mammalian early embryonic development has not yet been addressed. In the present study, we investigated the expression pattern of Smyd3 in mouse preimplantation embryos and the effects of RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated Smyd3 repression on the development of mouse embryos. We showed that Smyd3 mRNA levels increased after the two-cell stage, peaked at the four-cell stage, and gradually decreased thereafter. Moreover, in two-cell to eight-cell embryos, SMYD3 staining was more intense in the nuclei than it was in the cytoplasm. In Smyd3-knockdown embryos, the percentage of inner cell mass (ICM)-derived colony formation and trophectoderm (TE)-derived cell attachment were significantly decreased, which resulted in a reduction in the number of viable offspring. Furthermore, the expression of Oct4 and Cdx2 during mid-preimplantation gene activation was significantly decreased in Smyd3-knockdown embryos. In addition, the transcription levels of ICM and epiblast markers, such as Oct4, Nanog, and Sox2, the transcription levels of primitive endoderm markers, such as Gata6, and the transcription levels of TE markers, such as Cdx2 and Eomes, were significantly decreased in Smyd3-knockdown blastocysts. These findings indicate that SMYD3 plays an important role in early embryonic lineage commitment and peri-implantation development through the activation of lineage-specific genes.

    DOI: 10.1530/REP-15-0019

  • A hyperactive piggyBac transposon system is an easy-to-implement method for introducing foreign genes into mouse preimplantation embryos 査読

    Shinnosuke Suzuki, Tomoyuki Tsukiyama, Takehito Kaneko, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   61 ( 3 )   241 - 244   2015年06月( ISSN:0916-8818



    Transgenic mice are important tools for genetic analysis. A current prominent method for producing transgenic mice involves pronuclear microinjection into 1-cell embryos. However, the total transgenic efficiency obtained using this method is less than 10%. Here, we demonstrate that highly efficient transgenesis in mice can be achieved by cytoplasmic microinjection using a hyperactive piggyBac system. In embryos in which hyPBase mRNA and pPB-CAG-TagRFP DNA were co-injected into the cytoplasm, TagRFP fluorescence was observed after the 2-cell stage; when 30 ng/mu l pPB-CAG-TagRFP DNA and 30 ng/mu l hyPBase mRNA were co-injected, 94.4% of blastocysts were TagRFP positive. Furthermore, a high concentration of hyPBase mRNA resulted in creation of mosaic embryos in which the TagRFP signals partially disappeared. However, suitable concentrations of injected DNA and hyPBase mRNA produced embryos in which almost all blastomeres were TagRFP positive. Thus, the hyperactive piggyBac transposon system is an easy-to-implement and highly effective method that can contribute to production of transgenic mice.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2014-157

  • Engineered nucleases lead to genome editing revolution in rats 査読

    Kazuto Yoshimi, Takehito Kaneko, Birger Voigt, Tomoji Mashimo

    Targeted Genome Editing Using Site-Specific Nucleases: ZFNs, TALENs, and the CRISPR/Cas9 System   183 - 195   2015年01月



    Sequence-specific endonucleases, such as zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas), allow simple generation of genetically modified animals. We utilized ZFNs and TALENs to generate several knockout rat models of human diseases. Furthermore, CRISPR/Cas9 used in conjunction with single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides enabled us to generate several types of targeted knockin animal, such as single nucleotide polymorphism substitution, short DNA fragment integration, and large DNA fragment elimination. These powerful technologies have opened new doors for genome manipulation that enable the engineering of animal models of human disease and potential therapeutic applications.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-55227-7_12

  • Creating knockout and knockin rodents using engineered endonucleases via direct embryo injection 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo

    Methods in Molecular Biology   1239   307 - 315   2015年( ISSN:1064-3745



    Genetically engineered rodents have been generated worldwide for biomedical research. Recently, gene targeting techniques have been developed by using engineered endonucleases such as zinc-fi nger nucleases (ZFN), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9. These endonucleases are useful for simple and rapid production of gene knockout/knockin animals without using embryonic stem (ES) cells. This chapter introduces the latest protocols for producing genetically modifi ed rodents using ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas9.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1862-1_18


  • Sperm Preservation by Freeze-Drying for the Conservation of Wild Animals 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Hideyuki Ito, Hidefusa Sakamoto, Manabu Onuma, Miho Inoue-Murayama

    PLOS ONE   9 ( 11 )   e113381   2014年11月( ISSN:1932-6203



    Sperm preservation is a useful technique for the maintenance of biological resources in experimental and domestic animals, and in wild animals. A new preservation method has been developed that enables sperm to be stored for a long time in a refrigerator at 4 degrees C. Sperm are freeze-dried in a solution containing 10 mM Tris and 1 mM EDTA. Using this method, liquid nitrogen is not required for the storage and transportation of sperm. We demonstrate that chimpanzee, giraffe, jaguar, weasel and the long-haired rat sperm remain viable after freeze-drying. In all species, pronuclei were formed after the injection of freeze-dried sperm into the mouse oocytes. Although preliminary, these results may be useful for the future establishment of "freeze-drying zoo'' to conserve wild animals.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113381

  • Simple knockout by electroporation of engineered endonucleases into intact rat embryos 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Tomoji Mashimo

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   4   6382   2014年10月( ISSN:2045-2322



    Engineered endonucleases, such as zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas) system, provide a powerful approach for genome editing in animals. However, the microinjection of endonucleases into embryos requires a high skill level, is time consuming, and may cause damage to embryos. Here, we demonstrate that the electroporation of endonuclease mRNAs into intact embryos can induce editing at targeted loci and efficiently produce knockout rats. It is noteworthy that the electroporation of ZFNs resulted in an embryonic survival rate (91%) and a genome-editing rate (73%) that were more than 2-fold higher than the corresponding rates from conventional microinjection. Electroporation technology provides a simple and effective method to produce knockout animals.

    DOI: 10.1038/srep06382

  • Allele-specific genome editing and correction of disease-associated phenotypes in rats using the CRISPR–Cas platform 査読

    K. Yoshimi, T. Kaneko, B. Voigt, T. Mashimo

    Nature Communications   5   4240   2014年06月( ISSN:2041-1723



    DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5240

  • フリーズドライ精子保存法の希少動物への応用 査読


    獣医畜産新報(JVM)   2014年

  • ラットにおけるゲノム編集技術革命 ノックアウト・ノックインラットが爆発的に増える! 査読

    吉見一人, 金子武人, 真下知士

    実験医学   32 ( 11 )   1715 - 1720   2014年

  • Repeating pattern of non-RVD variations in DNA-binding modules enhances TALEN activity 査読

    Tetsushi Sakuma, Hiroshi Ochiai, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Daisuke Tokumasu, Yuto Sakane, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, Tatsuo Miyamoto, Naoaki Sakamoto, Shinya Matsuura, Takashi Yamamoto

    Scientific Reports   3   2013年11月( ISSN:2045-2322



    Transcription activator-like effector (TALE) nuclease (TALEN) is a site-specific nuclease, which can be freely designed and easily constructed. Numerous methods of constructing TALENs harboring different TALE scaffolds and repeat variants have recently been reported. However, the functionalities of structurally different TALENs have not yet been compared. Here, we report on the functional differences among several types of TALENs targeting the same loci. Using HEK293T cell-based single-strand annealing and Cel-I nuclease assays, we found that TALENs with periodically-patterned repeat variants harboring non-repeat-variable di-residue (non-RVD) variations (Platinum TALENs) showed higher activities than TALENs without non-RVD variations. Furthermore, the efficiencies of gene disruption mediated by Platinum TALENs in frogs and rats were significantly higher than in previous reports. This study therefore demonstrated an efficient system for the construction of these highly active Platinum TALENs (Platinum Gate system), which could establish a new standard in TALEN engineering.

    DOI: 10.1038/srep03379


  • Efficient collection and cryopreservation of embryos in F344 strain inbred rats 査読

    Hiroaki Taketsuru, Takehito Kaneko

    CRYOBIOLOGY   67 ( 2 )   230 - 234   2013年10月( ISSN:0011-2240



    In rats, it is now possible to produce genetically engineered strains, not only as transgenic animals but also using gene knockout techniques. Reproductive technologies have been used as indispensable tools to produce and maintain these novel valuable strains. Although studies for collecting and cryopreserving embryos have been reported using outbred rats, efficient methods have not been established in inbred strains. The F344 inbred strain is important in rat breeding and has been used for the production of transgenic/knockout strains and for genome sequencing. Here we studied the optimal conditions for oocyte collection by induction of superovulation, and the development of embryos after cryopreservation in F344 rats. The response to pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was examined by injection of 150 IU/kg PMSG + 75 IU/kg hCG or 300 IU/kg PMSG + 300 IU/kg hCG. Superovulation was achieved at high efficiency by an injection of 150 IU/kg PMSG + 75 IU/kg hCG. Furthermore, superovulation in this strain showed similar high response as Wistar rats. Of 2-cell embryos cryopreserved by vitrification in a solution containing 10% propylene glycol, 30% ethylene glycol, 20% Percoll and 0.3 M sucrose, more than 90% survived after warming and 32% developed to offspring. However, the freezability of pronuclear stage embryos was extremely low. This study demonstrated that sufficient unfertilized oocytes and embryos can be collected from F344 rats by the induction of superovulation with 150 IU/kg PMSG + 75 IU/kg hCG. Furthermore, cryopreservation of 2-cell embryos using this vitrification protocol can now be applied to maintaining valuable rat strains derived from the F344 inbred strain as genetic resources. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2013.07.004



  • ING3 Is Essential for Asymmetric Cell Division during Mouse Oocyte Maturation 査読

    Shinnosuke Suzuki, Yusuke Nozawa, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Takehito Kaneko, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    PLOS ONE   8 ( 9 )   2013年09月( ISSN:1932-6203



    ING3 (inhibitor of growth family, member 3) is a subunit of the nucleosome acetyltransferase of histone 4 (NuA4) complex, which activates gene expression. ING3, which contains a plant homeodomain (PHD) motif that can bind to trimethylated lysine 4 on histone H3 (H3K4me3), is ubiquitously expressed in mammalian tissues and governs transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control, and apoptosis via p53-mediated transcription or the Fas/caspase-8 pathway. Thus, ING3 plays a number of important roles in various somatic cells. However, the role(s) of ING3 in germ cells remains unknown. Here, we show that loss of ING3 function led to the failure of asymmetric cell division and cortical reorganization in the mouse oocyte. Immunostaining showed that in fully grown germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes, ING3 localized predominantly in the GV. After germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), ING3 homogeneously localized in the cytoplasm. In oocytes where Ing3 was targeted by siRNA microinjection, we observed symmetric cell division during mouse oocyte maturation. In those oocytes, oocyte polarization was not established due to the failure to form an actin cap or a cortical granule-free domain (CGFD), the lack of which inhibited spindle migration. These features were among the main causes of abnormal symmetric cell division. Interestingly, an analysis of the mRNA expression levels of genes related to asymmetric cell division revealed that only mTOR was downregulated, and, furthermore, that genes downstream of mTOR (e.g., Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA) were also downregulated in siIng3-injected oocytes. Therefore, ING3 may regulate asymmetric cell division through the mTOR pathway during mouse oocyte maturation.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074749


    CiNii Article

  • Efficient gene targeting by TAL effector nucleases coinjected with exonucleases in zygotes 査読

    Tomoji Mashimo, Takehito Kaneko, Tetsushi Sakuma, Junya Kobayashi, Yayoi Kunihiro, Birger Voigt, Takashi Yamamoto, Tadao Serikawa

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   3   2013年02月( ISSN:2045-2322



    TAL Effector Nucleases (TALENs) are versatile tools for targeted gene editing in various species. However, their efficiency is still insufficient, especially in mammalian embryos. Here, we showed that combined expression of Exonuclease 1 (Exo1) with engineered site-specific TALENs provided highly efficient disruption of the endogenous gene in rat fibroblast cells. A similar increased efficiency of up to similar to 30% with Exo1 was also observed in fertilized rat eggs, and in the production of knockout rats for the albino (Tyr) gene. These findings demonstrate TALENs with Exo1 is an easy and efficient method of generating gene knockouts using zygotes, which increases the range of gene targeting technologies available to various species.

    DOI: 10.1038/srep01253


    CiNii Article

  • 哺乳動物における生殖技術の過去・現在・未来-マイクロマニピュレーターの出現による生殖技術の発展- 査読


    実験動物技術   2013年

  • ZFN/TALENを用いた効率的な遺伝子改変ラットの作製法


    LABIO21   2013年

  • ラットにおける遺伝子改変技術の新展開

    真下知士, 金子武人

    細胞工学   2013年

  • Long-term preservation of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Tadao Serikawa

    CRYOBIOLOGY   64 ( 3 )   211 - 214   2012年06月( ISSN:0011-2240



    Many genetically engineered mice strains have been generated worldwide and sperm preservation is a valuable method for storing these strains as genetic resources. Freeze-drying is a useful sperm preservation method because it requires neither liquid nitrogen nor dry ice for preservation and transportation. We report here successful long-term preservation at 4 degrees C of mouse spermatozoa freeze-dried using a simple buffer solution (10 mM Iris, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0). Offspring with fertility were obtained from oocytes fertilized with freeze-dried spermatozoa from C57BL/6 and B6D2F1 mouse strains stored at 4 degrees C for 3 years. This freeze-drying method is a safe and economical tool for the biobanking of valuable mouse strains. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2012.01.010


  • Successful Long-Term Preservation of Rat Sperm by Freeze-Drying 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Tadao Serikawa

    PLOS ONE   7 ( 4 )   2012年04月( ISSN:1932-6203



    Background: Freeze-drying sperm has been developed as a new preservation method where liquid nitrogen is no longer necessary. An advantage of freeze-drying sperm is that it can be stored at 4 degrees C and transported at room temperature. Although the successful freeze-drying of sperm has been reported in a number of animals, the possibility of long-term preservation using this method has not yet been studied.
    Methodology/Principal Findings: Offspring were obtained from oocytes fertilized with rat epididymal sperm freeze-dried using a solution containing 10 mM Tris and 1 mM EDTA adjusted to pH 8.0. Tolerance of testicular sperm to freeze-drying was increased by pre-treatment with diamide. Offspring with normal fertility were obtained from oocytes fertilized with freeze-dried epididymal sperm stored at 4 degrees C for 5 years.
    Conclusions and Significance: Sperm with -SS- cross-linking in the thiol-disulfide of their protamine were highly tolerant to freeze-drying, and the fertility of freeze-dried sperm was maintained for 5 years without deterioration. This is the first report to demonstrate the successful freeze-drying of sperm using a new and simple method for long-term preservation.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035043


  • フリーズドライ精子保存法 査読


    日本実験動物技術者協会九州支部会報   2012年

  • Essential roles of androgen signaling in Wolffian duct stabilization and epididymal cell differentiation 査読

    Murashima Aki, Miyagawa Shinichi, Ogino Yukiko, Nishida-Fukuda Hisayo, Araki Kimi, Matsumoto Takahiro, Kaneko Takehito, Yoshinaga Kazuya, Yamamura Ken-ichi, Kurita Takeshi, Kato Shigeaki, Moon Anne, Yamada Gen

    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY   356 ( 1 )   166   2011年08月( ISSN:0012-1606


  • Essential Roles of Androgen Signaling in Wolffian Duct Stabilization and Epididymal Cell Differentiation 査読

    Aki Murashima, Shinichi Miyagawa, Yukiko Ogino, Hisayo Nishida-Fukuda, Kimi Araki, Takahiro Matsumoto, Takehito Kaneko, Kazuya Yoshinaga, Ken-ichi Yamamura, Takeshi Kurita, Shigeaki Kato, Anne M. Moon, Gen Yamada

    ENDOCRINOLOGY   152 ( 4 )   1640 - 1651   2011年04月( ISSN:0013-7227



    The epididymis is a male accessory organ and functions for sperm maturation and storage under the control of androgen. The development of the epididymis is also androgen dependent. The Wolffian duct (WD), anlagen of the epididymis, is formed in both male and female embryos; however, it is stabilized only in male embryos by testicular androgen. Androgen drives subsequent differentiation of the WD into the epididymis. Although the essential roles of androgen in WD masculinization and epididymal function have been established, little is known about cellular events regulated precisely by androgen signaling during these processes. It is also unclear whether androgen signaling, especially in the epithelia, has further function for epididymal epithelial cell differentiation. In this study we examined the cellular death and proliferation controlled by androgen signaling via the androgen receptor (AR) in WD stabilization. Analyses using AR knockout mice revealed that androgen signaling inhibits epithelial cell death in this process. Analysis of AP2 alpha-Cre;AR(flox/Y) mice, in which AR function is deleted in the WD epithelium, revealed that epithelial AR is not required for the WD stabilization but is required for epithelial cell differentiation in the epididymis. Specifically, loss of epithelial AR significantly reduced expression of p63 that is essential for differentiation of basal cells in the epididymal epithelium. We also interrogated the possibility of regulation of the p63 gene (Trp63) by AR in vitro and found that p63 is a likely direct target of AR regulation. (Endocrinology 152: 1640-1651, 2011)

    DOI: 10.1210/en.2010-1121

    CiNii Article


  • Improvement in the Development of Oocytes from C57BL/6 Mice after Sperm Injection 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Reiichiro Ohno




    The C57BL/6 mouse strain is used widely for producing transgenic and knockout strains. Sperm motility is extremely low after a freeze thaw process. Although intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can be used to produce embryos from sperm with low or even no motility, its success rate is poor in the C57BL/6 strain. In particular, the survival of C57BL/6 oocytes after ICSI is extremely low compared with that of hybrid strains. We found that the survival percentages of C57BL/6J oocytes (63% and 64%) were lower than those of B6D2F1 oocytes (80% and 80%) when B6D2F1 and C57BL/6J sperm were injected, respectively. For C57BL/6J mice, 87%, 72%, 64%, 56%, and 59% of oocytes survived after ICSI in media containing 61.62, 71.62, 81.62, 91.62, and 101.62 mM NaCl, respectively. In addition, 64%, 81%, and 79% of oocytes survived after ICSI in media with 4.83, 14.83, and 24.83 mM KCl, respectively. Our results suggest that the survival of C57BL/6J oocytes after ICSI is improved by using Na(+)-deficient and K(+) -rich media.


  • Short-Term Storage and Transport at Cold Temperatures of 2-Cell Mouse Embryos Produced by Cryopreserved Sperm 査読

    Toru Takeo, Tomoko Kondo, Yukie Haruguchi, Kiyoko Fukumoto, Yoshiko Nakagawa, Yumi Takeshita, Yuko Nakamuta, Shuuji Tsuchiyama, Norihiko Shimizu, Takanori Hasegawa, Motohito Goto, Hitoshi Miyachi, Masayuki Anzai, Rie Fujikawa, Koji Nomaru, Takehito Kaneko, Yoshiaki Itagaki, Naomi Nakagata




    At refrigerated temperatures, mouse embryos can maintain developmental ability for short periods. Previously, we succeeded in transporting vitrified and warmed 2-cell mouse embryos while maintaining developmental ability at refrigerated temperatures for 50 h. Transport of nonfrozen embryos is an easier and more useful means of exchanging genetically engineered mice between laboratories than is transport of cryopreserved embryos. Here we examined the developmental ability of transported 2-cell embryos that were produced through in vitro fertilization using cryopreserved sperm. Results show that 2-cell embryos produced by cryopreserved sperm can develop into blastocysts after cold storage for 24, 48, and 72 h. Transported 2-cell embryos produced by cryopreserved sperm yielded a favorable number of pups in all of the receiving laboratories after transport lasting 48 to 52 h. In summary, cold storage and transport of 2-cell embryos derived from cryopreserved sperm at refrigerated temperatures provides a novel means of transporting genetically engineered mice as an alternative to the transport of cryopreserved embryos and sperm.

  • Genetic Quality Control of the Rat Strains at the National Bio Resource Project – Rat 査読

    T Kuramoto, S Nakanishi, K Yamasaki, K Kumafuji, Y Sakakibara, Y Neoda, A Takizawa, T Kaneko, M Otsuki, R Hashimoto, B Voigt, T Mashimo, T Serikawa

    Interdisciplinary Bio Central   2010年

  • Hedgehog,Wnt,FGFの三大増殖因子の相互作用:器官が伸長する(大きくなる)ために どのようなリレーが必要か

    宮川信一, 原田理代, 原口竜摩, 鈴木堅太郎, 中原千彰, 松丸大輔, 金子武人, 中潟直己, 山田 源

    細胞工学   29 ( 2 )   188 - 189   2010年

  • Dosage-dependent hedgehog signals integrated with Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulate external genitalia formation as an appendicular program 査読

    S. Miyagawa, A. Moon, R. Haraguchi, C. Inoue, M. Harada, C. Nakahara, K. Suzuki, D. Matsumaru, T. Kaneko, I. Matsuo, L. Yang, M.M. Taketo, T. Iguchi, S.M. Evans, G. Yamada

    Development   136 ( 23 )   3969 - 3978   2009年12月( ISSN:0950-1991



    DOI: 10.1242/dev.039438

    CiNii Article


  • Aliskiren Enhances the Protective Effects of Valsartan Against Cardiovascular and Renal Injury in Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase-Deficient Mice 査読

    Eiichiro Yamamoto, Keiichiro Kataoka, Yi-Fei Dong, Taishi Nakamura, Masaya Fukuda, Yoshiko Tokutomi, Shinji Matsuba, Hisato Nako, Naomi Nakagata, Takehito Kaneko, Hisao Ogawa, Shokei Kim-Mitsuyama

    HYPERTENSION   54 ( 3 )   633 - U360   2009年09月( ISSN:0194-911X



    The protective effect of aliskiren, a direct renin inhibitor, against hypertensive cardiovascular and renal injury remains to be defined. This study was undertaken to examine the protective effects of the combination of aliskiren and valsartan, an angiotensin receptor blocker, against cardiovascular and renal injury. Endothelial NO synthase-deficient mice, subjected to cuff injury of femoral artery, were divided into 5 groups and were treated with the following: (1) vehicle; (2) aliskiren (25 mg/kg per day); (3) valsartan (8 mg/kg per day); (4) combined aliskiren (12.5 mg/kg per day) and valsartan (4 mg/kg per day); and (5) hydralazine (10 mg/kg per day) for 4 weeks. Aliskiren and valsartan alone markedly and similarly suppressed cardiac hypertrophy, inflammation and fibrosis, and coronary remodeling; prevented cuff injury-induced arterial intimal thickening; and reduced urinary albumin excretion, glomerular inflammation, and glomerulosclerosis in endothelial NO synthase deficient mice. These beneficial effects of aliskiren and valsartan were associated with the significant attenuation of oxidative stress in these tissues. Hence, aliskiren and valsartan markedly exert the protective effects against cardiovascular and renal injury through the reduction of oxidative stress. Furthermore, compared with monotherapy with aliskiren or valsartan, the combination of a half dose of these drugs more greatly improved the above-mentioned cardiovascular and renal injuries of endothelial NO synthase-deficient mice, which were associated with greater attenuation of tissue oxidative stress by the combination therapy. Thus, the combination of aliskiren and valsartan exerts the synergistic organ-protective effects through synergistic attenuation of oxidative stress. The combination of aliskiren and valsartan seems to be a promising therapeutic strategy for hypertensive organ injury caused by endothelial NO synthase dysfunction. (Hypertension. 2009;54:633-638.)

    DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.109.133884

  • Fertilization of C57BL/6 mouse sperm collected from cauda epididymides after preservation or transportation at 4 °C using laser-microdissected oocytes 査読

    T. Kaneko, K. Fukumoto, Y. Haruguchi, T. Kondo, H. Machida, M. Koga, Y. Nakagawa, S. Tsuchiyama, K. Saiki, S. Noshiba, N. Nakagata

    Cryobiology   59 ( 1 )   59 - 62   2009年08月( ISSN:0011-2240



    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2009.04.006

  • Importance of primary culture conditions for the development of rat ICSI embryos and long-term preservation of freeze-dried sperm 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Shinya Kimura, Naomi Nakagata

    CRYOBIOLOGY   58 ( 3 )   293 - 297   2009年06月( ISSN:0011-2240



    Rat sperm freeze-dried in a solution containing Tris and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (TE buffer) can be preserved at 4 degrees C, and oocytes injected with these sperm developed into offspring though developmental ability was low. We studied the culture conditions to improve the developmental ability of oocytes injected with freeze-dried sperm. After being injected with fresh sperm, the zygotes were cultured in modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate (mKRB), modified rat 1-cell embryo culture medium (mR1ECM)/BSA, and mR1ECM with different osmolality, before being cultured in mR1ECM. High proportion of zygotes cultured in mKRB (270 mOsm) before being cultured in mR1ECM developed into blastocysts compared to zygotes cultured only with mR1ECM (50% vs. 28%, P < 0.05). Culturing in mKRB also led to a high proportion of zygotes developing into blastocysts after the injection of freeze-dried sperm than zygotes cultured only with mR1ECM (32% vs. 15%, P < 0.05). Offspring (16%) were obtained when 19 2-cell embryos derived from oocytes that had been injected with freeze-dried sperm preserved at 4 degrees C for I year were transferred. This study demonstrated that the culture conditions soon after the injection of sperm markedly influenced the subsequent development of embryos. Also, rat sperm after freeze-drying in TE buffer were preserved at 4 degrees C for long term without their deterioration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2009.02.004

  • Birth of mice from vitrified/warmed 2-cell embryos transported at a cold temperature 査読

    Toru Takeo, Takehito Kaneko, Yukie Haruguchi, Kiyoko Fukumoto, Hiromi Machida, Mika Koga, Yoshiko Nakagawa, Yumi Takeshita, Toyokazu Matsuguma, Shuuji Tsuchiyama, Norihiko Shimizu, Takanori Hasegawa, Motohito Goto, Hitoshi Miyachi, Masayuki Anzai, Ena Nakatsukasa, Koji Nomaru, Naomi Nakagata

    CRYOBIOLOGY   58 ( 2 )   196 - 202   2009年04月( ISSN:0011-2240



    Cryopreservation of 2-cell embryos is an effective technology for storage of genetically engineered mouse strains. Transport of genetically engineered mice between laboratories has frequently been performed using such cryopreserved 2-cell embryos. However, the receiving laboratory requires proficient skills and special instruments to obtain live young from cryopreserved and transported embryos. Therefore, in this study, we tried to address the storage and transport of vitrified/warmed 2-cell embryos at a cold temperature. In cold storage experiments, the development rates of 2-cell embryos stored in M2 medium for 24,48 and 72 h into blastocysts were relatively high (83%, 63% and 43%, respectively). Although, 2-cell embryos stored in PB1 and mWM maintained the developmental potency for 24 h, the rates were markedly decreased to low levels after 48 h (PB1: 0%; mWM: 5%). In transport experiments, many pups were obtained from vitrified/warmed 2-cell embryos transported at a cold temperature in all receiving laboratories (incidence of successful development: 49%; 249/511). In summary, short-term storage and transport of vitrified/warmed 2-cell embryos in M2 medium at a cold temperature can maintain their ability to develop into live young. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2008.12.011


  • Kinetics of Blood Glucose in Mice Carrying Hemizygous Pax6 査読

    Yumiko Nitta, Yasufumi Shigeyoshi, Naomi Nakagata, Takehito Kaneko, Kohsaku Nitta, Toshihide Harada, Fumiko Ishizaki, Jana Townsend

    EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS   58 ( 2 )   105 - 112   2009年04月( ISSN:1341-1357



    The genotype-phenotype relationship was examined experimentally for the Pax6(Sey-4H) mutant, which carries deletion of its chromosome 2 middle region hemizygously. The genotyping has indicated that this deleted segment is between 102.6 and 109.2 Mb from the centromere. The glucose-6-phosphatase gene followed by the glucagon and carboxyl ester lipase genes were mapped adjacent to the deleted region. Phenotyping indicates that the Pax6(Sey-4H) mutant is more susceptible to diabetes. The glucose tolerance test showed that the mutants were less capable of reducing their level of blood glucose to the standard level than the normal sibs. The insulin-loading test revealed their inability to elevate their blood glucose levels up to normal levels. The time it took for the onset of diabetes induced by streptozotocin was shorter in the mutants than in normal sibs. Both the haploinsufficiency of the genes in the hemizygous segment of chromosome 2 and the quantitative imbalance of the whole genome could contribute the development of this phenotype in the mutant.

    DOI: 10.1538/expanim.58.105

  • 各種系統由来ガラス化保存透明帯穿孔卵子を用いた体外受精の検討 査読

    宮地 志織, 安齋 政幸, 古田 祐奈, 柳 美穂, 中島 竜之, 川辺 敏晃, 金子 武人, 中潟 直己

    実験動物技術   43 ( 1 )   25 - 29   2008年06月( ISSN:0387-978X


  • Offspring derived from oocytes injected with rat sperm, frozen or freeze-dried without cryoprotection 査読

    T. Kaneko, S. Kimura, N. Nakagata

    THERIOGENOLOGY   68 ( 7 )   1017 - 1021   2007年10月( ISSN:0093-691X



    Sperm preservation is a valuable technique for maintaining genetic resources in biomedical research. In the present study, 10 MM Tris-HCl and 1 mM EDTA (TE buffer; a simple solution without cryoprotection), was used to freeze or freeze-dry rat sperm. The results were compared with rat sperm frozen using a solution containing Equex STM and egg yolk. Sperm from Wistar and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were evaluated by injecting them individually into oocytes derived from the same strain. Of the oocytes that survived after sperm injection, more than 94% were fertilized in all treatments of both strains. In the Wistar rat, 27, 20, 43, and 30% of 2-cell embryos developed to blastocysts, and 35, 9, 11, and 14% of 2-cell embryos developed to offspring from oocytes injected with fresh, frozen (Equex STM/egg yolk), frozen (TE buffer), and freeze-dried sperm, respectively. Using the analagous sources of sperm in the SD rat, 45, 14, 27, and 7 % of 2-cell embryos developed to blastocysts, and 22,0, 14, and 4% of 2-cell embryos developed to offspring. These results demonstrated that rat sperm could be frozen or freeze-dried using TE buffer. We concluded that this simple preservation method, in which cryoprotection was not required, allowed sperm to be preserved efficiently with maintenance of their fertilizing ability. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2007.07.017

  • Application of laser-assisted zona drilling to in vitro fertilization of cryopreserved mouse oocytes with spermatozoa from a subfertile transgenic mouse 査読

    Masayuki Anzai, Megumi Nishiwak, Miho Yanagi, Tatsuyuki Nakashima, Takehito Kaneko, Yoshitomo Taguchi, Mikiko Tokoro, Seung-Wook Shin, Tasuku Mitani, Hiromi Kato, Kazuya Matsumoto, Naomi Nakagata, Akira Iritani

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   52 ( 5 )   601 - 606   2006年10月( ISSN:0916-8818



    Development of assisted reproductive technologies is necessary to obtain fertilized oocytes in a subfertile transgenic mouse strain. Here, we showed the application of laser-assisted drilling of the zona pellucida to in vitro fertilization of cryopreserved mouse oocytes with sperm from subfertile transgenic mice (C57BL/6N-Tg(UCP/FAD2)U8 strain). After cryopreservation by vitrification, the recovery and survival rates of the zona-drilled mouse oocytes were 97% (97/100) and 94% (91/97), respectively. In vitro fertilization of the cryopreserved zona-drilled mouse oocytes with sperm from the subfertile transgenic mice was greatly facilitated (60%, 55/91) compared to that of the cryopreserved zona-intact mouse oocytes (11%, 81/768). In vitro fertilized embryos that developed to the 2-cell stage were again cryopreserved by vitrification, and after warming they were transferred into recipient females. Subsequently, six viable offspring were delivered, and all were confirmed to be transgenic mice. These results indicate that laser-assisted zona drilling of oocytes combined with cryopreservation by vitrification may be a useful approach for large-scale production of in vitro fertilized embryos for managing transgenic mouse strains with reproductive disabilities such as subfertile sperm.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.18040

    CiNii Article

  • Improvement in the long-term stability of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa by adding of a chelating agent 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Naomi Nakagata

    CRYOBIOLOGY   53 ( 2 )   279 - 282   2006年10月( ISSN:0011-2240



    This study demonstrates that a small amount of chelating agent in the freeze-drying solution is necessary to prevent the deterioration of spermatozoa during freeze-drying and subsequent preservation at 4 degrees C. We freeze-dried mouse epididymal spermatozoa in the solutions containing Tris-HCl and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as a chelating agent. Spermatozoa stored for various times up to 1 year at 4 degrees C were injected intracytoplasmically into individual oocytes, and the normality of chromosomes in fertilized oocytes was analyzed. In addition, embryos derived from freeze-dried spermatozoa were transferred into recipients to determine their developmental ability. Chromosomes were maintained well when spermatozoa were freeze-dried in a solution containing 10mM Tris-HCl and 1 mM EDTA (73%), and 57% of embryos developed to term. Of embryos derived from spermatozoa stored for 1 year, 65% developed into live offspring. On the other hand, when spermatozoa were freeze-dried in a solution containing 10 mM Tris-HCl and 0 or 50 mM EDTA, spermatozoa that maintained karyotypically normal chromosomes were 64% or 22%, and only 16% or 3% of embryos were developed to term, respectively. This finding suggested that mouse spermatozoa can be freeze-dried in a simple solution containing the same composition as that used to preserve extracted DNA.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2006.06.004

  • Long-term cryopreservation of mouse sperm 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Ayako Yamamura, Yukie Ide, Mami Ogi, Tomoko Yanagita, Naomi Nakagata

    THERIOGENOLOGY   66 ( 5 )   1098 - 1101   2006年09月( ISSN:0093-691X



    The objective was to determine if mouse sperm can maintain their fertilizing ability after being frozen for > 10 y and whether the offspring derived from these sperm had normal fertilizing ability and phenotype. We cryopreserved sperm from six strains of mice (C57BL/6J, DBA/2N, BALB/cA, C3H/HeJ, B6D2F1 and B6C3F1) in a solution containing 18% (w/v) raffinose and 3% (w/v) skim milk, and preserved them in liquid nitrogen for > 10 y. To assess the normality and fertilizing ability of these sperms, they were thawed and used for in vitro fertilization of oocytes of the same strains. Fertilization rates for C57BL/6J, DBA/2N, BALB/cA, C3H/ HeJ, B6D2F1 and B6C3F1 were 66.4, 92.3, 72.8, 32.9, 60.3 and 53.7%, respectively. Furthermore, 38.3, 15.0, 43.3, 26.1, 38.3 and 16.7% of the embryos transferred to pseudopregnant females developed and produced live offspring that had normal phenotype and fertility. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2006.02.049

  • The improvement in fertilizing ability of cryopreserved mouse spermatozoa using laser-microdissected oocytes 査読

    Takehito Kaneko, Miho Yanagi, Tatsuyuki Nakashima, Naomi Nakagata

    Reproductive Medicine and Biology   5 ( 4 )   249 - 253   2006年( ISSN:1447-0578



    Aim: The C57BL/6 mouse strain is now commonly used for producing transgenic/knockout strains. However, the fertilizing ability of these spermatozoa decreases as a result of cryopreservaion. Although the micromanipulation technique has been established to increase their fertilizing ability, it requires a considerable degree of technical skill. In the present report, we investigate the simple microdissection of zona pellucida by laser to increase the fertilizing ability of cryopreserved spermatozoa. Methods: C57BL/6J spermatozoa were cryopreserved using a solution consisting of 18% raffinose/3% skim milk. Oocytes of the same strain were placed in PB1 medium containing 0, 0.25, 0.50 or 0.75 mol sucrose. The zona pellucida of oocytes was microdissected by laser with different pulse lengths selected from 0.45 to 0.65 ms. Microdissected oocytes were then fertilized with cryopreserved spermatozoa, and the subsequent development of embryos was assessed. Results: When oocytes were microdissected in PB1 medium without sucrose, 81.5% of the oocytes were fertilized. The fertilization rates increased significantly as the pulse length was lengthened when compared with oocytes with intact zona pellucida. Furthermore, normal offspring were obtained in all experiments. Conclusion: The fertilizing ability of cryopreserved spermatozoa is improved when oocytes with their zona pellucida microdissected by laser were used. © 2006 The Authors Journal compilation © 2006 Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1447-0578.2006.00149.x

    CiNii Article

  • Recombinase-mediated mouse transgenesis by intracytoplasmic sperm injection 査読

    T Kaneko, S Moisyadi, R Suganuma, B Hohn, R Yanagimachi, P Pelczar

    THERIOGENOLOGY   64 ( 8 )   1704 - 1715   2005年11月( ISSN:0093-691X



    The low efficiency of current microinjection-based animal transgenesis techniques is largely the result of poor embryo survival. We have developed a new, bacterial recombinase-based transgenesis method. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of single stranded DNA (ssDNA) complexed with E. coli recombinase RecA into mouse metaphaseII (MII) arrested oocytes resulted in RecA-dependent transgenesis. This approach offers significant advantages over pronuclear microinjection and previous ICSI-based transgenesis approaches in terms of improved embryo survival, which translates into greater transgenesis efficiency. It also opens the possibility to attempt experiments, which may affect gene targeting by homologous recombination into DNA of mammalian single celled pre-implantation embryos. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2005.04.003

  • Relation between storage temperature and fertilizing ability of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa 査読

    T Kaneko, N Nakagata

    COMPARATIVE MEDICINE   55 ( 2 )   140 - 144   2005年04月( ISSN:1532-0820



    The advantage of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa is that samples can be stored in the refrigerator (+4 degrees C). Moreover, the storage of freeze-dried spermatozoa at ambient temperature would permit spermatozoa to be shipped easily and at low cost around the world. To examine the influence of the storage temperature on freeze-dried spermatozoa, we assessed the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa stored at different temperatures. Cauda epididymal spermatozoa were freeze-dried in buffer consisting of 50 mM ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, 50 mM NaCl, and 10 mM Tris-HCI (pH 8.0). Samples of freeze-dried spermatozoa were stored at -70,-20,+4, or +24 degrees C for periods of 1 week and 1, 3, and 5 months. Sperm chromosomes were maintained well at -70, -20, and +4 degrees C for 5 months, and oocytes fertilized with these spermatozoa developed to normal offspring. Moreover, the chromosomal integrity of spermatozoa stored at -20 or +4 degrees C did not decrease even after 17 months. In contrast, the chromosomes of spermatozoa stored at +24 degrees C were maintained well for 1 month but became considerably degraded after 3 months. In addition, to investigate the cause of deterioration of sperm chromosomes during storage at +24 degrees C, spermatozoa were freeze-dried in buffer containing DNase I. The chromosomes of spermatozoa freeze-dried with 1 or 0.2 units/ml of DNase I, 100% or 72%, respectively, exhibited chromosomal abnormalities. Our findings suggest that freeze-dried spermatozoa can be stored long-term with stability at +4 degrees C, and the suppression of nucleases present in the buffer or spermatozoa during storage led to the achievement of long-term storage of freeze-dried spermatozoa.

  • Use of frozen-thawed oocytes for efficient production of normal offspring from cryopreserved mouse spermatozoa showing low fertility 査読

    W Sakamoto, T Kaneko, N Nakagata

    COMPARATIVE MEDICINE   55 ( 2 )   136 - 139   2005年04月( ISSN:1532-0820



    Freezing of spermatozoa and unfertilized oocytes is a useful tool for the conservation of mouse genetic resources. However, the proportion of frozen-thawed oocytes fertilized with spermatozoa in vitro is low because spermatozoa, especially those frozen-thawed, can not penetrate into oocytes because of hardening of the zona pellucida following premature release of cortical granules. To produce offspring efficiently from cryopreserved transgenic mouse gametes, we fertilized frozen-thawed gametes by using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and assessed pre- and post-implantation development of embryos. Compared with fresh unfertilized oocytes, frozen-thawed unfertilized oocytes were highly tolerant to damage by injection, as the survival rates after injection of frozen spermatozoa were 51 and 78%, respectively. Frozen-thawed oocytes that survived after sperm injection developed normally to the blastocyst stage and gave rise to offspring. Moreover, offspring with transgenes also were obtained from frozen gametes fertilized by ICSI. These results demonstrate that ICSI is an efficient technique for producing offspring from transgenic spermatozoa showing low fertility and that use of frozen-thawed oocytes leads to conservation of genetic resources because suboptimally preserved gametes are not wasted.

  • Cytoplasmic dysmorphisms in metaphase II chimpanzee oocytes 査読

    K Suzuki, N Yoshimoto, K Shimoda, W Sakamoto, Y Ide, T Kaneko, T Nakashima, Hayasaka, I, N Nakagata

    REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE   9 ( 1 )   54 - 58   2004年07月( ISSN:1472-6483



    Prior to fertilization by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). cytoplasmic organization was evaluated in metaphase II chimpanzee oocytes obtained from stimulated ovaries. The findings demonstrate a high frequency of anomalies that are remarkably similar to the types of cytoplasmic dysmorphisms reported for human oocytes used in IVF. Similar to the human, the occurrence of these anomalies was oocyte- and animal-specific and associated with reduced competence as indicated by embryo development in vitro to the blastocyst stage.

  • Long-term preservation of mouse spermatozoa after freeze-drying and freezing without cryoprotection 査読

    MA Ward, T Kaneko, H Kusakabe, JD Biggers, DG Whittingham, R Yanagimachi

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   69 ( 6 )   2100 - 2108   2003年12月( ISSN:0006-3363



    The widespread production of mice with transgenes, disrupted genes and mutant genes, has strained the resources available for maintaining these mouse lines as live populations, and dependable methods for gamete and embryo preservation in these lines are needed. Here we report the results of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with spermatozoa freeze-dried or frozen without a cryoprotectant after storage for periods up to 1.5 years. Freeze-dried samples were stored at VC. Samples frozen without cryoprotection were maintained at -196degreesC. After storage, spermatozoa were injected into the oocytes by ICSI. Zygotic chromosomes and fetal development at Day 15 of gestation were examined after 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 mo of sperm storage. When fresh spermatozoa were used for ICSI, 96% of resultant zygotes contained normal chromosomes, and 58% of two-cell embryos transferred developed to normal viable fetuses. Similar results were obtained when spermatozoa were frozen without cryoprotection and then used for ICSI (87% and 45%, respectively; P > 0.05) and after 12 mo of sperm storage (mean of six endpoints examined: 87% and 52%, respectively; P > 0.05). Freeze-drying decreased the proportion of zygotes with normal karyoplates (75% vs. 96%; P < 0.001) and the proportion of embryos that developed into fetuses (35% vs. 58%; P < 0.001), but similar to freezing, there was no further deterioration during 12 mo of storage (mean of six endpoints examined: 68% and 34%, respectively; P > 0.05). Live offspring were obtained from both freeze-dried and frozen spermatozoa after storage for 15 yr. The results indicate that 1) the freeze-drying procedure itself causes some abnormalities in spermatozoa but freezing without cryoprotection does not and 2) long-term storage of both frozen and freeze-dried spermatozoa is not deleterious to their genetic integrity. Freezing without cryoprotection is highly successful, simple, and efficient but, like all routine sperm storage methods, requires liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is also required for freeze-drying, but sperm can then he stored at 4degreesC and shipped at ambient temperatures. Both preservation methods are successful, but rapid freezing without cryoprotection is the preferred method for preservation of spermatozoa from mouse strains carrying unique genes and mutations.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.103.020529

  • Tolerance of the mouse sperm nuclei to freeze-drying depends on their disulfide status 査読

    T Kaneko, DG Whittingham, JW Overstreet, R Yanagimachi

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   69 ( 6 )   1859 - 1862   2003年12月( ISSN:0006-3363



    Mouse spermatozoa from the caudae epididymides could be freeze-dried without losing their ability to support normal development. Immature spermatozoa from the testes, in contrast, were damaged by freeze-drying. However, immature spermatozoa became resistant to freeze-drying after their treatment with diamide, which oxidizes free -SH groups. Conversely, epididymal spermatozoa were damaged by freeze-drying if first treated with dithiothreitol (DTT), which reduces -SS- bonds. The potential for freeze-drying damage seems likely to relate to the -SS- status of sperm proteins, in particular its protamines.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.103.019729

  • Effect of pH value of freeze-drying solution on the chromosome integrity and developmental ability of mouse spermatozoa 査読

    T Kaneko, DG Whittingham, R Yanagimachi

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   68 ( 1 )   136 - 139   2003年01月( ISSN:0006-3363



    The nuclei of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa are able to retain their chromosome integrity and developmental potential. To optimize the conditions of freeze-drying, we examined whether pH values of the freeze-drying solution affect the chromosome integrity and developmental potential of sperm nuclei. The sperm freeze-drying solution we used contained a, high concentration (50 mM) of calcium-chelating EGTA. Sperm chromosomes were examined at the metaphase of the first mitosis after injection of freeze-dried spermatozoa into matured oocytes. The developmental potential of sperm nuclei was assessed by examining the development of fetuses in midgestation. The results showed that both sperm chromosomes and sperm developmental potential are maintained better when the freeze-drying solution was slightly alkaline (pH 8.0) rather than near neutral or acidic (pH 7.4-6.0). The data indicated that the chromosome integrity and developmental ability of mouse spermatozoa are affected by the pH value of freeze-drying solution.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.102.008706

  • Experimental evaluation of cross-contamination between cryotubes containing mouse 2-cell embryos and murine pathogens in liquid nitrogen tanks 査読

    S Kyuwa, T Nishikawa, T Kaneko, T Nakashima, K Kawano, N Nakamura, K Noguchi, T Urano, T Itoh, N Nayagata

    EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS   52 ( 1 )   67 - 70   2003年01月( ISSN:1341-1357



    It has been suspected that embryos stored in liquid nitrogen tanks may become contaminated with murine pathogens, if some pathogens had been introduced to the tanks accidentally. To examine this, we stored tubes containing embryos with tubes containing mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) or Pasteurella pneumotropica in liquid nitrogen tanks and examined whether progeny mice derived from the embryos were contaminated with the pathogens or not After storing for 6 months or 1 year the frozen embryos were thawed and implanted into the oviducts of pseudopregnant female mice, and the mice were bred in vinyl isolators. We could not detect serum antibodies to MHV and isolate Pasteurella pneumotropica in the progeny mice, suggesting that cross-contamination between tubes in a liquid nitrogen tank scarcely occurs.

    DOI: 10.1538/expanim.52.67

    CiNii Article

  • Detection of Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Coding for Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Single Bovine Oocytes and Early Embryos.

    Kaneko Takehito, Saeki Kazuhiro, Matsumoto Kazuya, Nakagami Kayoko, Hosoi Yoshihiko, Kato Hiromi, Iritani Akira

    Journal of Mammalian Ova Research   16 ( 3 )   118 - 123   1999年( ISSN:1341-7738


    The reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method is widely used for studying mRNA expression in cells and tissues. In this study, we examined whether the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH) gene could be used as an endogenous control for gene expression in single bovine oocytes and early embryos. First, sequencing of partial bovine G3PDH cDNA from ovarian tissue was performed. The sequence analysis of bovine G3PDH cDNA after subcloning indicated a high homology with human, mouse and rat G3PDH cDNA. Next, we examined whether G3PDH could be detected in single bovine oocytes and early embryos by using the RT-PCR method. Signals for G3PDH mRNA were detected in single immature and mature oocytes and single embryos at the one-cell to blastocyst stages. Thus, G3PDH is suitable as an endogenous control for examining mRNA expression even with single bovine oocytes or early embryos by using the RT-PCR method.<br>

    DOI: 10.1274/jmor.16.118

    CiNii Article



  • 希少野生動物の人工繁殖を目的とした精子保存と受精技術

    金子武人( 担当: 共著)

    生物の科学 遺伝  2023年09月 


    担当ページ:5   著書種別:学術書   参加形態:ファーストオーサー

  • 遺伝子改変動物作製における先進技術の開発

    金子武人( 担当: 共著)

    ゲノム編集の最新技術と医薬品・遺伝子治療・農業・水畜産物・有用物質生産への活用  2023年08月 


    担当ページ:6   著書種別:学術書   参加形態:ファーストオーサー

  • Genome Editing of Rat 査読 国際共著

    Takehitio Kaneko( 担当: 単著)

    Methods in Molecular Biology  2023年 


    担当ページ:9   著書種別:学術書   参加形態:ファーストオーサー

  • Genome Editing in Mouse and Rat by Electroporation 査読 国際共著

    Takehitio Kaneko( 担当: 単著)

    Methods in Molecular Biology  2023年 


    担当ページ:10   著書種別:学術書   参加形態:ファーストオーサー

  • Genome Editing in Mouse and Rat by Electroporation.

    シュプリンガー  2017年04月 

  • Genome Editing of Rat

    シュプリンガー  2017年04月 

  • Genome Editing of Rat

    Takehito Kaneko

    Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press  2017年 

  • Genome Editing in Mouse and Rat by Electroporation

    Takehito Kaneko

    Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press  2017年 

  • Simple sperm preservation by freeze-drying for conserving animal strains

    Takehito Kaneko

    Methods in Molecular biology, Humana Press  2015年 

  • Engineered nucleases lead to genome editing evolution in rats

    K. Yoshimi, T. Kaneko, B. Voigt, T. Mashimo

    Targeted Genome Editing Using Site-Specific Nucleases, ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas9 System, Springer  2015年 

  • Creating knockout and knockin rodents using engineered endonucleases via direct embryo injection

    Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo

    Methods in Molecular biology, Humana Press  2015年 

  • ラットにおけるTALENおよびCRISPR/Cas9を用いた遺伝子改変

    金子 武人

    実験医学、羊土社  2014年 

  • The latest improvements in the mouse sperm preservation

    Takehito Kaneko

    Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press  2014年 

  • Biological methods for archiving and maintaining mutant laboratory mice

    MD Fray, PH Glenister, S Rockwood, T Kaneko, N Nakagata

    Genetically Engineered Mice Handbook, Taylor & Francis  2006年 





  • 生殖・発生学研究最前線 招待 国内会議


    第13回学術セミナー  2025年01月 



  • 実験動物学・生殖学研究の感染症研究への国際的貢献 招待 国内会議


    第8回OIRCD勉強会  2025年01月 

  • 生殖・発生学研究と医獣工連携 招待


    第30回医獣工連携Webinar  2024年12月 

  • ヤンバルクイナの人工繁殖への活用を目的とした生殖技術開発 招待 国内会議


    第30回日本野生動物医学会大会  2024年12月 


    会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  

  • ラット卵子の体外成熟における培地組成の影響 国内会議


    第10回実験動物技術研究交流大会  2024年12月 

  • 新しい発想から生まれた生殖技術 招待 国内会議


    第35回東北動物実験研究会  2024年12月 



  • ゲノム、エピゲノム編集疾患モデル動物の作出 招待 国内会議


    第47回日本分子生物学会年会  2024年11月  日本分子生物学会


    会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  

  • ラット遺伝資源活用に向けた生殖技術の開発 招待 国内会議


    Cryopreservation Conference 2024  2024年11月 



  • 希少猛禽類の生殖細胞保存技術の開発と遺伝資源保存 招待


    公開シンポジウム「知りたい!猛禽類保全の最前線 ~釧路のオオワシ、オジロワシの現場から~  2024年10月 


    会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  

  • 偽妊娠マウス・ラット作製器具 EGET(イーゲット) 精管結紮オスを必要としない偽妊娠動物作出法について基礎から解説 招待 国内会議


    第58回日本実験動物技術者協会総会2024北九州  2024年10月 



  • 精管結紮雄を用いない人工偽妊娠誘起法を用いたマウス・ラット産子作出法の開発 国内会議


    第117回日本繁殖生物学会大会  2024年09月 



  • 絶滅危惧鳥類4種のiPS細胞の樹立 国内会議


    第37回日本動物細胞工学会  2024年07月  日本動物細胞工学会



  • マウス・ラットのフリーズドライ精子長期保存法の開発と希少動物保全への応用展開 招待 国内会議


    第69回低温生物工学会大会  2024年06月  低温生物工学会



  • 精管結紮雄を用いないマウス・ラット人工偽妊娠誘起法(EGET)の実用化 国内会議


    第71回日本実験動物学会総会  2024年05月  日本実験動物学会



  • ラット卵子の凍結保存におけるMG132の効果 国内会議


    第71回日本実験動物学会総会  2024年05月  日本実験動物学会



  • パートナー系統に着目した母マウスの攻撃行動の研究 国内会議


    日本農芸化学会2024年度大会  2024年03月 



  • 希少野生動物の人工繁殖に活用する生殖細胞保存技術の開発 招待 国内会議


    公開シンポジウム 野生動物ラボの挑戦 ヤンバルクイナとツシマヤマネコ保全の最前線  2023年12月 




  • ラットバイオリソースに活用できる生殖技術開発 招待 国内会議


    Cryopreservation Conference 2023  2023年11月 



  • ゼロから学ぶ人工偽妊娠誘起法~最先端胚移植技術~ 人工偽妊娠誘起法を用いた胚移植について 招待 国内会議


    第57回日本実験動物技術者協会総会ランチョンセミナー  2023年10月 



  • 精管結紮雄を用いないマウス・ラット人工偽妊娠誘起法の開発 国内会議


    第57回日本実験動物技術者協会総会  2023年10月 



  • エレクロトロポレーション法を用いてマウス胚に導入した核酸の局在とゲノム編集率との関係 国内会議

    新沼さくら、中川優貴、金子 武人

    第116回日本繁殖生物学会大会  2023年09月 



  • 絶滅危惧鳥類4 種からのiPS細胞の樹立 国内会議


    第29回日本野生動物医学会大会  2023年09月 



  • 希少野生動物配偶子バンクの構築と保存配偶子を用いた生殖技術の開発 国内会議


    第6回野生動物保全繁殖研究会大会  2023年08月 



  • 母マウスにおける交尾相手の記憶機構の解明 国内会議


    第46回日本神経科学大会  2023年08月 



  • 核酸の胚内での局在はエレクロトロポレーション法を用いたゲノム編集マウスの作製効率に重要である 国内会議


    日本ゲノム編集学会第8回大会  2023年06月 



  • MG132を用いたラット卵子の自発的活性化抑制が顕微授精後の胚発生に及ぼす影響 国内会議


    第70回日本実験動物学会総会  2023年05月 



  • ラット卵巣内GV期卵の体外成熟および受精後の発生について 国内会議


    第70回日本実験動物学会総会  2023年05月 



  • ヤンバルクイナの精子保存と人工授精への挑戦 招待


    公開シンポジウム 知りたい!ヤンバルクイナ保全の最前線  2022年12月 



  • Developmental Changes in Brain Activity in Scn1a knockout rats: Analysis Using Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging 国際会議

    Mayu Tahara, Norimichi Higurashi, Junichi Hata, Masako Nishikawa, Ken Ito, Shinichi Hirose, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Hirotaka J Okano

    2022 American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting  2022年12月 



  • 生殖技術開発によるラット遺伝資源の活用 招待 国内会議


    Cryopreservation Conference 2022  2022年11月 



  • エレクトロポレーション法によりマウス胚に導入したゲノム編集核酸の局在解析 国内会議


    第115回日本繁殖生物学会大会  2022年09月 



  • アムールヒョウの行動学的保定下用手採精による精液性状の基礎研究 国内会議


    第5回野生動物保全繁殖研究会大会  2022年09月 



  • 動物園水族館繁殖研究アライアンスの紹介と活動報告 国内会議


    第5回野生動物保全繁殖研究会大会  2022年09月 



  • ゲノム、エピゲノム編集による疾患モデル動物の作出支援 国内会議

    堀居拓郎, 金子武人, 小林良祐, 森田純代, 畑田出穂

    日本ゲノム編集学会第7回大会  2022年06月 



  • Analysis of Brain Activity in Rats with Dravet Syndrome Using Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging 国内会議

    Mayu Tahara, Norimichi Higurashi, Junichi Hata, Masako Nishikawa, Ken Ito, Shinichi Hirose, Takehito Kaneko, Tomoji Mashimo, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Hirotaka J Okano




  • ラットにおける人工偽妊娠誘起法の開発 国内会議

    金子 武人、遠藤茉里奈、角田繁巳、俵博祐、中川優貴、安部寿幸、外尾亮治

    第69回日本実験動物学会総会  2022年05月 



  • ラットGV期卵の体外成熟に及ぼす顆粒膜細胞の影響 国内会議


    第69回日本実験動物学会総会  2022年05月 



  • 遺伝子改変動物作製と系統保存の現状

    金子 武人

    岩手医科大学  2018年 

  • NEPA21を用いたエレクトロポレーション法(TAKE法)によるゲノム編集動物作製の現状

    金子 武人

    日本実験動物技術者協会総会  2018年 

  • マウス・ラット生殖技術の開発とゲノム編集、遺伝資源保存への応用

    金子 武人

    基生研セミナー  2018年 

  • 第3期ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「ラット」成果報告

    金子 武人

    第10回ラットリソースリサーチ研究会  2017年 

  • Electroporation increases the efficiency of model creation

    金子 武人

    Fifth meeting of the Transgenic Rat ImmunoPhenomic platform  2017年 

  • スーパーエレクトロポレーターNEPA21を用いたゲノム編集動物の作製

    金子 武人

    日本ゲノム編集学会  2017年 

  • ラットにおける効率的な新規系統作製法の開発に関する研究

    金子 武人

    日本繁殖生物学会技術賞受賞講演  2017年 

  • CANDES Preconference Symposium, Dry-state preservation of mammalian sperm

    Takehito Kaneko

    42nd Annual Conference of the IETS  2016年 



  • Latest reproductive technologies in mammals

    Takehito Kaneko

    From Zygote to Blastocyst: Immunosurgery, Stem Cell Derivation and Transgenics  2016年 



  • Dry-state preservation of mammalian sperm

    Takehito Kaneko

    Cryobiology course: Cryopreservation of gametes, embryos and stem cells  2016年 



  • ゲノム編集技術を用いた遺伝子改変ラット作製の現状について

    金子 武人

    第2回ゲノム編集セミナー  2016年 



  • ラットにおける生殖工学技術

    金子 武人

    千里ライフサイエンス技術講習会  2016年 



  • フリーズドライによる哺乳動物精子長期保存法の開発とその応用

    金子 武人

    Cryopreservation Conference 2016  2016年 

  • ゲノム編集技術を用いた遺伝子改変動物作製の現状について

    金子 武人

    おかやまバイオアクティブ研究会  2016年 

  • 電気穿孔法によるゲノム編集動物の作製

    金子 武人

    第17回REG部会講演会  2015年 



  • ラットにおける生殖技術の開発と応用

    金子 武人

    第62回日本実験動物学会総会  2015年 



  • NEPA21 を用いた遺伝子改変動物作製法‐エレクトロポレーション法による哺乳類受精卵へのZFN、TALEN、CRISPR/Cas9 の導入‐

    金子 武人

    第108回日本繁殖生物学会大会  2015年 



  • ラットにおける生殖工学技術の展開

    金子 武人

    第8回ラットリソースリサーチ研究会  2015年 



  • エレクトロポレーション法による受精卵へのCRISPR/Cas9の導入

    金子 武人

    BMB2015(第38回日本分子生物学会年会、第88回日本生化学会大会 合同大会)  2015年 



  • The rat gamete preservation

    金子 武人

    The Fourth Sino-Japan Short Summer Course  2015年 



  • 哺乳動物の生殖技術開発および研究・臨床・バイオリソース等への応用

    金子 武人

    京都大学技術職員専門研修  2014年 



  • Preservation of mammalian sperm by freeze-drying

    金子 武人

    2014 World Forum on Biology; Joint meeting of the sciety for in vitro biology and the society for cryobiology  2014年 



  • 革新的技術開発によるラットリソースの展開 ~最新ゲノム編集技術によるモデルラットの開発とフリーズドライによる精子長期保存~

    第17回遺伝子実験施設セミナー  2013年  熊本大学遺伝子実験施設



  • 希少動物におけるフリーズドライ法による精子保存法の確立及び配偶子バンクの設立

    第19回日本野生動物医学会大会  2013年  日本野生動物医学会大会



  • 最新ゲノム編集技術を用いた遺伝子改変動物作製法とフリーズドライによる新規精子保存法の開発

    第25回生命工学トレーニングコース  2013年  金沢大学学際科学実験センター・実験動物研究施設



  • National BioResource Project for the Rat in Japan

    The 11th Transgenic Technology Meeting (TT2013)  2013年 



  • フリーズドライ精子長期保存法の開発と応用

    第22回平成不妊研究会  2013年  平成不妊研究会



  • 長期保存が可能なラット精子フリーズドライ法の開発

    第5回ラットリソースリサーチ研究会  2012年 



  • ラットにおける遺伝子改変技術の新展開

    第35回日本分子生物学会年会  2012年  日本分子生物学会年会



  • ラット精子に関する基盤技術の整備 –フリーズドライ精子からラットが誕生-

    第3期NBRP開始記念ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト(NBRP)シンポジウム -第3期の挑戦-  2012年  文部科学省ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト(NBRP)



  • マウス・ラット精子の保存・受精技術の開発 -フリーズドライ精子保存法の実用化に向けて-

    第17回日本臨床エンブリオロジスト学会ワークショップ・学術講演会  2012年 



  • 1. Latest gamete preservation of rodents for bio-resource banking

    6th Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology  2011年 



  • ラット精子の保存と受精技術の開発

    第2回ラットリソースリサーチ研究会  2009年 



  • Resource banking and fertilization techniques

    21st Annual Scientific Conference & 4th Laboratory Animal Workshop Philippine Association for Laboratory Animal Science  2009年 



  • 5. Development of new sperm preservation method by freeze-drying in rodents

    The 3rd AFLAS Congress & The 8th CALAS Annual Meeting  2008年 



  • 6. マウス精子の凍結乾燥 -新しいマウス精子保存法としての応用-

    日本実験動物科学・技術 長崎2004  2004年 



  • Freeze-drying of mouse spermatozoa

    Mouse Molecular Genetics Workshop  2002年 



  • The role of SMYD3 in methylation of H3K4 of Hmgpi promoter regions in mouse preimplantation embryos

    Shinnosuke Honda, Shinnosuke Suzuki, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Takehito Kaneko, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    4th World Congress of Reproductive Biology (WCRB 2017) 



  • Phf24遺伝子のラットにおける機能解析

    芹川忠夫, 国澤直史, イーゴル アルベス イハ, 金星匡人, 清水佐紀, 西川久夫, 白川裕, ビルガー フォークト, 中西聡, 庫本高志, 金子武人, 山本卓, 真下知士, 笹征史, 大野行弘




  • Phf24欠損ラットのけいれん発現感受性評価

    加藤将貴, 國澤直史, 清水佐紀, 河北和馬, 川路翔平, 伊波イーゴル, 中西聡, 庫本高志, 金子武人, 山本卓, 真下知士, 芹川忠夫, 大野行弘




  • Phf24-KOラットにおける遺伝子発現プロファイル -Noda Epileptic Ratの原因遺伝子座領域を標的にして-

    芹川忠夫, 國澤直史, Higor Alves Iha, 金星匡, 清水佐紀, 庫本高志, 金子武人, 山本卓, 真下知士, 笹征史, 大野行弘




  • NEPA21を用いたエレクトロポレーション法(TAKE法)によるゲノム編集動物作製の現状





  • NEPA21を用いたエレクトロポレーション法(TAKE法)によるゲノム編集動物作製の現状





  • National bioresource project–rat in Japan

    Takashi Kuramoto, Miyuu Tanaka, Hiroaki Taketsuru, Birger Voigt, Yuki Neoda, Kazumi Hagiwara, Zohg-hu Cui, Yuki Nakagawa, Tomomi Nagao, Satoshi Nakanishi, Ken-ichi Yamasaki, Takehito Kaneko

    7th AFLAS Congress 2016 



  • Methylation of H3K4 of Hmgpi Promoter Region by SMYD3 in Mouse Preimplantation Embryos

    Shinnosuke Honda, Shinnosuke Suzuki, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Takehito Kaneko, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    50th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction 



  • Latest reproductive technologies in mammals


    From Zygote to Blastocyst: Immunosurgery, Stem Cell Derivation and Transgenics 



  • High efficient production of genome editing rats by electroporation

    Takehito Kaneko

    4th World Congress of Reproductive Biology (WCRB 2017) 



  • Ginip遺伝子および転写産物のラット脳における発現解析

    沼倉祐樹, 上村里彩, 田中美有, 井澤武史, 山手丈至, 庫本高志, 金子武人, 真下知士, 山本卓, 芹川忠夫, 桑村充




  • Ginip-KO ラットの情動行動および記憶学習行動試験

    芹川忠夫, 西川久夫, 白川裕, 真下知士, 金子武人, 中西聡, 崔宗虎, 庫本高志, 山本卓, 笹征史, 大野行弘




  • Functional analysis of histone demethylase Kdm5bin mouse preimplantationdevelopment

    Mao Kurasaka, Takehito Kaneko, Shinnosuke Suzuki, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    4th World Congress of Reproductive Biology (WCRB 2017) 



  • Functional analysis of histone demethylase Kdm5b during mouse preimplantation development

    Mao Kurasaka, Takehito Kaneko, Shinnosuke Suzuki, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Hiroshi Imai, Naojiro Minami

    SY-Stem Symposium for the next generation of stem cell researchers 



  • Electroporation increases the efficiency of model creation

    Takehito Kaneko

    Fifth meeting of the Transgenic Rat ImmunoPhenomic platform of Nantes 



  • Dry-state preservation of mammalian sperm


    Cryobiology course: Cryopreservation of gametes, embryos and stem cells 



  • Development of rat vitrified embryos in each developmental stage

    Hiroaki Taketsuru, Takehito Kaneko

    4th World Congress of Reproductive Biology (WCRB 2017) 



  • CRISPR/Cas9と一本鎖オリゴによる受精卵での大きなゲノム領域のノックイン

    国広弥生, 吉見一人, 金子武人, 真下知士




  • Behavioral analysis of PHF24 null rats

    Tadao Serikawa, Naofumi Kunisawa, Higor Alves Iha, Masato Kinboshi, Saki Shimizu, Hisao Nishikawa, Yu Shirakawa, Birger Voigt, Satoshi Nakanishi, Takashi Kuramoto, Takehito Kaneko, Takashi Yamamoto, Tomoji Mashimo, Masashi Sasa, Yukihiro Ohno




  • 第3期ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「ラット」成果報告




    会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  

  • 希少野生動物配偶子バンクの構築と現状について

    金子武人, 大沼学, 村山美穂




  • 希少野生動物の配偶子収集と保存の現状について

    金子武人, 大沼学, 村山美穂




  • 希少野生動物の配偶子バンクの整備に向けて

    金子武人, 大沼学, 村山美穂




  • 世界最高水準のラットリソース拠点:ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「ラット」

    田中美有, 金子武人, Birger Voigt, 根小田祐基, 萩原和美, 崔宗虎, 中川優貴, 長尾朋美, 中西聡, 山崎賢一, 浅野雅秀, 庫本高志




  • 世界最高水準のラットリソース拠点:ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「ラット」

    金子武人, 竹鶴裕亮, ビルガー フォークト, 田中美有, 根小田祐基, 萩原和美, 崔宗虎, 服部晃佑, 山崎真世, 中西聡, 山崎賢一, 庫本高志




  • ラット胚の凍結保存法の開発と応用


    Cryopreservation Conference 2018 



  • ラット胚のステージの違いによる凍結保存後の産仔発生への影響

    竹鶴裕亮, 金子武人

    Cryopreservation Conference 2016 



  • ラット系統別の排卵数と凍結保存後の胚発生

    竹鶴裕亮, 金子武人

    Cryopreservation Conference 2017 



  • ラット前核期胚の発達時期がガラス化保存後の発生に及ぼす影響

    竹鶴裕亮, 金子武人

    Cryopreservation Conference 2018 



  • ラット前核期胚の発達時期がガラス化保存後の発生に及ぼす影響

    竹鶴 裕亮, 金子 武人




  • ラット前核期胚の凍結保存および移植後の産子への発生について

    竹鶴裕亮, 金子武人




  • ラットにおける胚の凍結保存


    Cryopreservation Conference 2017 



  • ラットにおける生殖工学技術





  • ラットにおける効率的な新規系統作製法の開発に関する研究





  • フリーズドライによる哺乳動物精子長期保存法の開発とその応用


    Cryopreservation Conference 2016 


    会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  

  • フリーズドライによる哺乳動物精子長期保存法の開発とその応用


    Cryopreservation Conference 2016 



  • ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「ラット」の魅力

    金子武人, 竹鶴裕亮, Birger Voigt, 田中美有, 根小田祐基, 萩原和美, 崔宗虎, 中川優貴, 長尾朋美, 中西聡, 山崎賢一, 庫本高志


  • スーパーエレクトロポレーターNEPA21を用いたゲノム編集動物の作製





  • ゲノム編集技術を用いた遺伝子改変動物作製の現状について





  • エレクトロポレーション法を用いたゲノム編集動物作製法の開発

    金子武人, 真下知士




  • エレクトロポレーション法を用いたゲノム編集動物作製法の開発





  • エレクトロポレーション法を用いたゲノム編集動物作製法の改良

    金子武人, 中川優貴




  • エレクトロポレーション法を用いたゲノム編集動物作製法の改良







  • 哺乳動物の移植受精卵からの産子作出方法およびこれに用いる偽妊娠誘起具





  • エレクトロポレーションを利用した哺乳類の遺伝子改変方法






  • エレクトロポレーションを用いた新規ゲノム編集魚類作製法、卵子・胚凍結保存法の開発

    挑戦的研究(萌芽)  2026年

  • エレクトロポレーションを用いた新規ゲノム編集魚類作製法、卵子・胚凍結保存法の開発

    挑戦的研究(萌芽)  2025年

  • エレクトロポレーションを用いた新規ゲノム編集魚類作製法、卵子・胚凍結保存法の開発

    挑戦的研究(萌芽)  2024年


  • 2024年度


    「知りたい!猛禽類保全の最前線 ~釧路のオオワシ、オジロワシの現場から~

  • 2024年度


    自由集会 ヤンバルクイナ保全の道のり ~絶滅回避から次世代に繋ぐアクションプラン~
    12月13日(金)~15日(日) 沖縄科学技術大学院大学


  • 獣医学関連法規

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 基礎実験動物学

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 自然科学特論

    2024年度   週間授業   大学院

  • 臨床基礎実習

    2024年度   実習   大学

  • 獣医学関連法規

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 臨床基礎実習

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 基礎実験動物学

    2024年度   集中講義   大学

  • 基礎実験動物学

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 臨床基礎実習

    2024年度   週間授業   大学

  • 疾患モデル動物学

    2024年度   集中講義   大学



  • 医薬科学




  • 医薬科学特論




  • 組織形態学




  • 生物学




社会貢献活動 ⇒ 社会貢献実績一覧へ

  • 公開シンポジウム「知りたい!猛禽類保全の最前線 ~釧路のオオワシ、オジロワシの現場から~

    役割:司会, 講師, 企画, 運営参加・支援

    種別:講演会, セミナー・ワークショップ

    「生殖細胞保存による希少猛禽類の域外保全の推進」公開シンポジウム実行委員会  2024年10月




  • 公私立大学実験動物施設協議会技術研修会

    役割:講師, 企画


    公私立大学実験動物施設協議会  2024年08月




  • 岩手大学・IBBPラット生殖技術講習会2023

    役割:講師, 企画, 実演


    金子武人 成瀬清  2023年12月




  • 公開シンポジウム 野生動物ラボの挑戦 ヤンバルクイナとツシマヤマネコ保全の最前線

    役割:パネリスト, 司会, 企画, 運営参加・支援






  • 公開シンポジウム 知りたい!ヤンバルクイナ保全の最前線

    役割:パネリスト, 司会, 企画, 運営参加・支援





  • 岩手大学・IBBPラット生殖技術講習会2022

    役割:講師, 企画, 運営参加・支援








  • ラットの妊娠環境 人工的に誘起 新聞・雑誌

    科学新聞  2023年11月



  • Successful induction of mouse pseudopregnancy インターネットメディア

    Science Japan by JST  2023年05月



  • 音波振動でマウスの妊娠環境を瞬時に構築 岩手大など技術開発 新聞・雑誌

    科学新聞  2023年03月




  • 公開シンポジウム「知りたい!猛禽類保全の最前線 ~釧路のオオワシ、オジロワシの現場から~


    「生殖細胞保存による希少猛禽類の域外保全の推進」公開シンポジウム実行委員会  ( 釧路湿原野生生物保護センター ) 2024年10月



  • 岩手大学・IBBPラット生殖技術講習会2023


    金子武人 成瀬清  2023年12月

  • 公開シンポジウム 野生動物ラボの挑戦 ヤンバルクイナとツシマヤマネコ保全の最前線

    役割:企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等


