テラヘルツ時間領域分光法を用いたナローギャップ半導体におけるコヒーレント縦光学(LO)フォノンおよびプラズモンの生成メカニズムの解明: InSb単結晶系におけるケース・スタディー
Domestic conference
Enhancement Effects of a Neodymium Magnet Mount on Terahertz Electromagnetic Waves from an Ultrafast Photocurrent and Coherent LO Phonons in a GaAs-based epilayer
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Yusuke Sengi, Shungo Matsuoka, and Kai Matsunaga
The 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THZ 2023)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Can coherent LO phonon and LO-phonon-plasmon coupled mode be generated in the absence of the photo-Dember effect in a heavily doped n-type InSb crystal?
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi and Takahiro Sumioka
The 17th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (Phonons 2023)
Free induction decay processes of folded longitudinal acoustic phonons dependent on a constituent layer ratio in one period of GaAs/AlAs superlattices in a finite system: Effects of the phonon dispersion curve
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi
Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials (CMQM 2023)
Institute of Physics (IOP)
半導体エピ層へのフェムト秒パルス光照射によって発生するテラヘルツ電磁波の増強の試み: ネオジウム永久磁石マウントの活用
Domestic conference
Influence of Relatively High Density Background Carriers on Photo-Dember Effects at the Surfaces of n-type and p-type InSb Single Crystals Observed with the Use of Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy: A Study on Ultrafast Photogenerated Carrier Diffusion
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi and Takahiro Sumioka
The AVS Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (PacSurf 2022)
American Vacuum Society (AVS)
Can longitudinal optical phonons obtain longer decay time by introducing defects with the use of surface treatments? A terahertz time-domain spectroscopic study on GaAs epilayers
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Yuto Omuku, Ryota Onoda Toshihiro Nakaoka, Jun Utsumi, Shigeo Kawasaki, and Masatoshi Koyama
The 35th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS2022)
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of GaAs epitaxial layers treated with the use of fast atom bombardment
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Yuto Omuku, Ryota Onoda Toshihiro Nakaoka, Jun Utsumi, Shigeo Kawasaki, and Masatoshi Koyama
The 31st International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS31)
Domestic conference
日本物理学会 第75年次大会(2020年)
Domestic conference
Domestic conference
大椋祐斗,竹内日出雄,中山正昭,小野田稜太,中岡俊裕,内海淳 ,川崎繁男,小山政俊
Terahertz emission from coherent longitudinal optical (LO) phonons and LO-phonon-plasmon coupled modes in a low-temperature-grown GaAs epitaxial layer
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Takuya Nishimura, Masaaki Nakayama, Andra Chen, Richard L. Field, III, and Rachel S. Goldman
The 21st International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures (EDISON21)
Domestic conference
竹内日出雄,西村拓也,中山正昭,A. Chen, R. L. Field, III, R. S. GoldmanB
日本物理学会 第74 回年次大会(2019 年)
Domestic conference
西村拓也, 竹内日出雄, 中山正昭
Domestic conference
日本物理学会 第 73 回年次大会(2018 年)
Domestic conference
日本物理学会第73回年次大会 (2018年)
p-i-n GaAs構造におけるコヒーレント縦光学フォノンからのテラヘルツ電磁波発生のバイアス電圧制御
Domestic conference
Reliability Evaluation of a Passivation Thin Film Deposited on a GaAs Epilayer with Use of Photoreflectance Spectroscopy
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi
29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS 2017), July 31 – Aug.4, 2017, Matsue-Kunibiki messe, Matsue, Japan.
Screening effects of photogenerated carriers on terahertz radiation from coherent GaAs-like longitudinal optical phonons in (11n)-oriented GaAs/In0.1Al0.9As strained multiple quantum we
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Souta Asai, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The 20th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures (EDISON20), Hyatt Regency Hotel, Buffalo, NY USA (July 17-21, 2017).
Appearance of coherent LO phonons during the decay of LO-phonon‒plasmon coupled mode in an undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial structure
International conference
Takahiro Sumioka, Hideo Takeuchi, Masaaki Nakayama.
The 19th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC' 16), July 17-22, 2016, Chimie ParisTech, Paris, France.
Effects of photogenerated carrier scattering on the decay process of coherent longitudinal optical phonons in an undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial structure investigated by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Takahiro Sumioka, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (PacSurf 2016), December 11-15, 2016, The Big Island of Hawaii, USA.
Dynamical properties of terahertz radiation from coherent longitudinal optical phonon-plasmon coupled modes in an undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial structure
International conference
Takahiro Sumioka, Hideo Takeuchi, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz) 2015, August 23-28, 2015, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Raman scattering and terahertz spectroscopic characteristics of longitudinal optical phonons in i-GaAs/n-GaAs epitaxial structures
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Souta Asai, Shuichi Tsuruta, Takahiro Sumioka, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz) 2015, August 23-28, 2015, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Intermediate range order in Ge-(Sb)-Te amorphous films prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation and electrochemical metallization memory prepared by RF magnetron sputtering
International conference
Toshihiro Nakaoka, Hiroki Satoh, Yukiomi Nishiyama, Shimon Kida, and Yusuke Imanishi, Saori Honjo, and Hideo Takeuchi.
The 27th Symposium on Phase Change Oriented Science (PCOS 2015), November 26-27, Atami New Fujiya Hotel, Atami, Japan.
Transport mechanism of photogenerated carriers in undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial structures
Domestic conference
Raman scattering spectroscopy and terahertz-electromagnetic-wave generation of longitudinal optical phonons in undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial structures
Domestic conference
Domestic conference
Comparison of Detection Ability for Residual Strains in a (110)-oriented ZeTe Single Crystal between Photoluminescence Spectroscopy and Polariscopic Analysis: Explore of Strain-Sensitive Optical Characterizations
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi
The International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter 2014, July 13-18, 2014, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland.
Evaluation of passivation film characteristics grown on GaAs epilayers with use of photoreflectance spectroscopy
Domestic conference
24th Symposium of Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics
Built-in electric field effects on terahertz ratiation from coherent LO phonons in i-GaAs/n-GaAs epitaxial structures
Domestic conference
24th Symposium of Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics
Ultrafast optical response originating from carrier-transport processes in undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial structures II
Domestic conference
2013 Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan
Comparison in Internal Strain Sensitivity between Polariscopy and Raman Scattering Spectroscopy in a ZnTe Single Crystal
International conference
The International Conference on II-VI Compounds and Related Materials
Damage Characteristics of SiC Surface by He plasma
Domestic conference
Optical spectroscopic sensitivity for internal strains in a ZnTe single crystal
Domestic conference
2013 Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan,
Enhancement mechanism of terahertz radiation from coherent LO phonons in i-GaAs/n-GaAs epitaxial structures
Domestic conference
2013 Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan
Photgenerated carrier effects on terahertz electromagnetic waves from coherent GaAs-like longitudinal optical phonons in (11n) oriented GaAs/In0.1Al0.9As strained multiple quantum wells
International conference
The International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials
Comparison in Internal Strain Sensitivity between Polariscopy and Raman Scattering Spectroscopy in a ZnTe Single Crystal
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi
The International Conference on II-VI Compounds and Related Materials, September 9-13, 2013, Nagahama Royal Hotel, Nagahama, Japan.
Photgenerated carrier effects on terahertz electromagnetic waves from coherent GaAs-like longitudinal optical phonons in (11n) oriented GaAs/In0.1Al0.9As strained multiple quantum wells
International conference
H. Takeuchi, Souta Asai, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials, July 14-19, 2013, Gdansk, Poland.
Characteristics of TiO2 Surfaces Etched by Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency N2 and He Plasmas
International conference
Retsuo Kawakami, Masahito Niibe, Yoshitaka Nakano, Masashi Konishi, Yuta Mori, Hideo Takeuchi, Tatsuo Shirahama, Tetsuya Yamada, and Kikuo Tominaga.
11th APCPST (Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology) and 25th SPSM (Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials), October 2-5 Kyoto University ROHM Plaza, Kyoto Japan.
Photogenerated-carrier-induced band bending effects on generation of a coherent longitudinal optical phonon in a GaAs buffer layer optically masked by a GaSb top epitaxial layer
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Syuichi Tsuruta, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The 5th International Conference on Optical, Optelectronic, and Photonic Materials and Application (ICOOPMA) June 3-7, 2012, Nara Prefectural New Public Hall, Nara, Japan.
Good stoichiometry achieved by simple vacuum-thermal deposition of GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films
International conference
Hiroki Satoh, Toshihiro Nakaoka, and Hideo Takeuchi.
The 5th International Conference on Optical, Optelectronic, and Photonic Materials and Application (ICOOPMA) June 3-7, 2012, Nara Prefectural New Public Hall, Nara, Japan.
Effects of crystal-plane distortion on enhancement of excitonic photoluminescence intensity in a ZnO wafer
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi
The 10th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Nanostructured and Molecular Materials, July 1-6 2012, De Oosterpoort, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Dynamical characteristics of a coherent longitudinal optical phonon in a GaAs buffer layer optically covered with a GaSb top epitaxial layer investigated with use of terahertz spectroscopy
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Syuichi Tsuruta, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The 14th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (PHONONS2012), July 8-12, 2012, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Circular polariscopic measurement of a semi-insulating SiC wafer for evaluating strains and its relation with Raman spectra: Superiority to x-ray topography
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi
The 38th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, May 22-26, 2011, Maritim proArte Hotel, Berlin, Germany
"Detection of a coherent longitudinal optical phonon in a GaAs buffer layer optically covered with a GaSb top epitaxial layer using terahertz electromagnetic wave spectroscopy
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Syuichi Tsuruta, and Masaaki Nakayama.
15th International Conference on Narrow Gap Systems (NGS15) August 1-5, 2011, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Universiherety, Virginia, USA.
Time evolution of terahertz electromagnetic waves from undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial layer structures clarified with use of a time-partitioning Fourier transform method
International conference
H. Takeuchi, S. Tsuruta, H. Yamada, M. Hata, and M. Nakayama.
The International Conference on Luminescence & Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter 2011, June 26-July 1 2011, Central Campus of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Terahertz radiation from the coherent longitudinal optical phonon-plasmon coupled mode in an i-GaAs/n-GaAs epitaxial structure
International conference
Shuichi Tsuruta, Hideo Takeuchi, and Masaaki Nakayama.
15th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF-15), November 8-11, 2011, Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan.
Intense emission of terahertz electromagnetic wave originating from a surface surge current in an undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial layer structure
International conference
Takayuki Hasegawa, Hideo Takeuchi, and Masaaki Nakayama.
20th Anniversary Joint-Symposium of School of Science, University of Hyogo, International Symposium on Bioimaging and Surface Science, February 26-27, 2011, University of Hyogo, Hyogo, Japan
Circular polariscopic analysis of a ZnO wafer for highly sensitive and speedy evaluation of residual strains: Its relation with x-ray diffraction pattern and topography
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi
15th International Conference on II-VI Compounds (II-VI 2011), August 21-26 2011, Ocean Coral & Turquesa, Riviera Maya, Mexico.
Frequency-tunable terahertz electromagnetic wave emitters based on undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial layer structures utilizing sub-picosecond-range carrier-transport processes
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, J. Yanagisawa, S. Tsuruta, H. Yamada, M. Hata, and M. Nakayama.
The 17th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC'10), June 20-25, 2010, APS Conference Center, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA
Simple strategy for enhancing terahertz emission from coherent longitudinal optical phonons using undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial layer structures
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi , J. Yanagisawa, S. Tsuruta, H. Yamada, M. Hata, and M. Nakayama.
The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ICSC2010) May 31-June 4, 2010, Takamatsu Symbol Tower, Kagawa, Japan.
Direction reversal of the surface band bending in GaAs-based dilute nitride epitaxial layers investigated by polarity of terahertz electromagnetic waves
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Junichi Yanagisawa, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The 14th International Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Systems (NGSS-14) July 13-17, 2009, Sendai, Japan.
Observation and quantification of the direction reversal of the surface band herebending in GaAs1-xNx using terahertz electromagnetic wave and photoreflectance measurements
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Junichi Yanagisawa, Jun Hashimoto, and Masaaki Nakayama.
The 8th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-8) Oct. 18-23, 2009, Jeju-island, Korea.
Intense emission of THz electromagnetic wave from an undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial layer structure
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, J. Yanagisawa, T. Hasegawa, and M. Nakayama.
The 35th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ICSC2008) September 21-24, 2008, Europa-Park, Rust, Germany.
Photoluminescence-excitation spectroscopy for probing effects of plasma-induced surface damage on carrier transports in AlxGa1-xGaN heterostructures
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Kamo, T. Kunii, T. Oku, T. Shirahama, H. Tanaka and M. Nakayama.
The 7th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, September 16-21, 2007, MGM Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Determination of subband energy levels of double quantum well AlGaAs lasers by photoreflectance and self-excited electron Raman scattering
International conference
W. Susaki, S. Ukawa, S. Yokota, N. Ohno, H. Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, R. Hattori, A. Shima, and Y. Mihashi.
The 11th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS11), July 14 - 18, 2003, Nara New Public Hall, Nara, Japan.
Line-shape analysis of Franz-Keldysh oscillations from a base-emitter junction in an InGaP/GaAs hetero- junction bipolar transistor structure
International conference
Hideo Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, R. Hattori, T. Ishikawa, and M. Nakayama.
The 11th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS11), July 14 - 18, 2003, Nara New Public Hall, Nara, Japan.
Analysis of a phase factor of Franz-Keldysh oscillations in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
International conference
H. Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, R. Hattori, T. Ishikawa, and M. Nakayama.
The 5th Topical Workshop of Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM 2003), January 21-24, 2003, Nago, Okinawa, Japan.
SiC surface damage originating from synergy effect of Ar plasma ion and plasma-induced ultraviolet light irradiations
International conference
R. Kawakami , M. Niibe, H. Takeuchi, M. Konishi, Y. Mori, T. Shirahama, T. Yamada, and K. Tominaga.
25th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, October 21-25, 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
Coherent phonon-plasmon coupled modes in (InAs)1/(GaAs)m strained-layer superlattices
International conference
H. Takeuchi, K. Mizoguchi, and M. Nakayama.
The 10th International Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Related Small Energy Phenomena, Physics and Applications , May 27-31, 2001, Ishikawa, Japan.
The 10th International Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Related Small Energy Phenomena, Physics and Applications , May 27-31, 2001, Ishikawa, Japan.
International conference
H. Takeuchi, K. Mizoguchi, T. Hino, and M. Nakayama
The 10th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (Phonon 2001), August 12-17, 2001, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Mid-infrared electroluminescence from the G2-G1 intersubband transition using G-X electron injection in a GaAs/AlAs double-quantum-well superlattice
International conference
C. Domoto, T. Nishimura, N. Ohtani, K. Kuroyanagi, P.O. Vaccaro, H. Takeuchi, and M. Nakayama.
The 10th International. Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Related Small Energy Phenomena, Ishikawa, Japan, 2001.
Effects of a miniband structure on coherent LO phonon-plasmon coupled modes in an (InAs)1/(GaAs)30 strained-layer superlattice
International conference
H. Takeuchi, K. Mizoguchi, T. Aida, and M. Nakayama.
The 12th International Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors (HCIS 12), August 27-31, Sante Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Dynamical properties of coherent plasmon coupled with LO phonon in InAs/GaAs strained superlattices
International conference
K. Mizoguchi, H. Takeuchi, and M. Nakayama.
International Conference on Photoinduced Phase Transitions, their Dynamics and Precursor, November 14-16, 2001, Tsukuba, Ibaragi, Japan.
Coherent longitudinal optical phonons in GaSb/AlSb superlattices
International conference
H. Takeuchi, K. Mizoguchi, M. Nakayama, H. Nishimura, K. Kuroyanagi, and T. Aida.
The Third SANKEN International Symposium, "Advanced Nanoelectronics: Devices, Materials, and Computing", March 15, 2000, SANKEN, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Intersubband electroluminescence using X-G carrier injection in a GaAs/AlAs double-quantum-well superlattice
International conference
C. Domoto, N. Ohtani, K. Kuroyanagi, P. O. Vaccaro, T. Nishimura, H. Takeuchi, and M. Nakayama.
The 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Osaka, Japan, 2000.
Initial phase difference between coherent GaSb-like and AlSb-like LO phonons in GaSb/AlSb superlattices
International conference
H. Takeuchi, K. Mizoguchi, M. Nakayama, K. Kuroyanagi, and T. Aida.
The 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, September 18, 2000, Osaka International Convention Center, Osaka, Japan
Light-hole Stark-ladder photoluminescence induced by heavy-hole-light-hole resonance in a GaAs/InAlAs superlattice
International conference
K. Kuroyanagi, N. Ohtani, N. Egami, K. Tomonaga, M. Hosoda, H. Takeuchi, and M. Nakayama.
The 11th Int. Conf. on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Kyoto, Japan, 1999.
Photoluminescence and carrier transport properties via the intersubband scattering in a GaAs/AlAs superlattice under applied electric field
International conference
M. Ando, M. Nakayama, H. Takeuchi, H. Nishimura, N. Ohtani, N. Egami, M. Hosoda, and H. Mimura.
The 1999 Int. Conf. on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Osaka, Japan, 1999.
Light-hole Stark-ladder photoluminescence induced by hole injection from a remote heavy-hole state in a GaAs/InAlAs superlattice
International conference
K. Kuroyanagi, N. Ohtani, N. Egami, K. Tomonaga, M. Hosoda, H. Takeuchi, and M. Nakayama.
The 26th Int. Symp. on Compound Semiconductors, Berlin, Germany, 1999.
Structural changes during photo-induced and thermal crystallization processes in evaporated amorphous GeSe2 films by Raman scattering
International conference
Osamu Matsuda, Hideo Takeuchi, Yong Wang, Kohici Inoue, and KazuoF Murase.
The 7th Int. Conf. on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, Chia Laguna, Sardenga, Italy,1997.