Updated on 2024/09/09


YOSHIDA Takayuki
Graduate School of Urban Management Department of Urban Management Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Institute of Urban Management


  • Graduate School of Urban Management Department of Urban Management 

    Associate Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • Doctor of Arts and Sciences ( Tokyo University of the Arts )

  • Master of Public Policy ( Kyoto University )

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Theory of art practice  / Cultural Policy

Research Interests

  • アートプロジェクト

  • 芸術祭

  • 文化法

  • 文化政策

Research subject summary

  • Cultural Policy, Art Project, especially urban/regional revitalization utilizing cultural resources.

Research Career

  • Study of Urban and Regional Regeneration by Using Cultural Resorces

    the Urban Arts Festival, Art Project, Outcome  Individual


Professional Memberships

  • The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Reserch


  • Japan Association for Cultural Economics


  • Japan Association for Arts Management


  • The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization


  • Synergy of Arts and Science


  • Japan Sports Law Association


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Committee Memberships (off-campus)

  • Director   Japan Association for Cultural Economics  

    2024.07 - 2025.03 

  • Director   Japan Association for Cultural Economics  

    2022.06 - 2024.06 

  • Auditor   The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Reserch  

    2022.04 - 2025.03 

  • Director   Japan Association for Cultural Economics  

    2020.06 - 2022.06 

  • 大阪市地方独立行政法人大阪市博物館機構評価委員会委員   大阪市地方独立行政法人大阪市博物館機構評価委員会  

    2020.04 - 2022.03 

  • Director   The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Reserch  

    2019.04 - 2022.03 

  • 大阪府市文化振興会議専門委員   大阪府市文化振興会議  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 「第45回すみよし区民まつり」事業運営業務委託契約にかかる公募型プロポーザル方式による選定委員   「第45回すみよし区民まつり」事業運営業務委託契約にかかる公募型プロポーザル方式による選定委員会  


  • Director   Japan Association for Cultural Economics  

    2018.07 - 2020.06 

  • 第 43回淀川区民まつりに関わる公募型プロポーザル事業選定委員   第 43回淀川区民まつりに関わる公募型プロポーザル事業選定委員会  


  • 滋賀県文化審議会専門委員   滋賀県文化審議会評価部会  

    2018.04 - 2020.03 

  • 大阪市地方独立行政法人大阪市博物館機構評価委員会委員   大阪市地方独立行政法人大阪市博物館機構評価委員会  

    2018.04 - 2020.03 

  • 大阪府市文化振興会議専門委員   大阪府市文化振興会議  

    2018.04 - 2019.03 

  • auditor   The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Reserch  

    2016.04 - 2019.03 

  • Management Comittee Member   Japan Association for Arts Management  

    2015.11 - 2019.06 

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  • 日本体育・スポーツ政策学会 学会賞


    2018.12   日本体育・スポーツ政策学会   文化条例政策とスポーツ条例政策

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Job Career (off-campus)

  • Aichi Prefecture

    1999.04 - 2015.03


  • Tokyo University of the Arts   Division of Musicology and Music Studies   Doctor's Course   Graduated/Completed

    2010.04 - 2013.03

  • Kyoto University   School of Government     Graduated/Completed

    2008.04 - 2010.03

  • Kyoto University     Graduated/Completed

    1985.04 - 1996.03


  • What kind of cultural policy in Osaka prefecture and City we need: Based on the Trend of Intrenational Art and Contenporary Art Festival during the Pandemic. Invited

    Takayuki Yoshida

    ( 217 )   42 - 52   2022.10( ISSN:02862034

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 《長者町山車プロジェクト》と《STUDIO TUBE》の比較―文化政策的意義と美学への応答 Invited


    ふたつの島 KOSUGE1-16 × Nadegata Instant Partyに関する比較論考   ( 1 )   2021.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • あいちトリエンナーレからの問題提起 Invited

    吉田 隆之,片山泰輔,小林真理,志村聖子,藤野一夫

    アートマネジメント研究   ( 20 )   66 - 74   2020.06( ISBN:9784568202779

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


    1) なぜ「表現の不自由展・その後」の中止が、起きたのか。2) なぜ再開できたのか。3) 税金を使い、政治性・社会性の強い芸術作品の展示が、美術館・芸術祭等で認められるのか、4) 文化庁の不交付決定が認められるのか、の4つの論点に整理した。なかでも、法学的アプローチから4)に比重を置き、3つの事例に分けて分析に論じた。

  • 大阪府市の文化政策―Refreedomを目指して― Invited


    大阪市政調査会   ( 205 )   14 - 23   2019.10( ISSN:02862034

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


  • The Contemporary Art Festival and Social Capital: A Case Study of Echigo-Thumari Art Field Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    23 ( 2 )   215 - 222   2019.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Multifaceted examination of factors contributing to the failure of art festivals in depopulated areas to promote regional development: a case study of the Oku-Noto Triennale Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization   11   41 - 50   2019.09( ISSN:2185-0623

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    This paper considers the Oko-Noto Triennale as a case study of an art festival held in a depopulated area that failed to promote regional development. This research draws upon endogenous development theory in its examination of factors contributing to the failure of art festivals to promote regional development, examining the issue from four perspectives: 1) access to external resources; 2) utilization of local resources: 3) general goals such as protecting the environment, enhancing welfare, preserving local culture, and promoting human rights; and 4) strategies to link with local independent activities. The results of this study suggest that the following factors contributed to the failure of the festival to promote local development: 1) insufficient utilization of community resources (e.g., there was no communication with local residents through site-specific works), 2) lack of independent community involvement in the organization of the festival (e.g., none of the artists participating in the festival collaborated with residents on local initiatives), and 3) insufficient implementation of sustainable strategies (e.g., connecting the art festival with local activities).

  • The influence of art festivals on community building: A case study of Ichihara Art x Mix

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Arts Management Stidies   ( 19 )   7 - 21   2019.03( ISBN:978-4-568-20274-8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

    Art festivals have been gaining in popularity across all regions of Japan. While it has been argued that art festivals influence community building, both quantitative and qualitative analysis of this issue is scarce, making it an important topic for research. This study analyzed an art festival called “Ichihara Art × Mix”, which explicitly adopts a community problem-solving model. The study sought to qualitatively analyze the festival’s impact on community building in Uchida, Tsukizaki, and Yōrōkeikoku. The results of the analysis confirmed that the capacity to generate proposals and act on them was temporarily improved, or that networks temporarily grew. However, in none of these three areas were the effects sufficient for building social capital. Additionally, the three examples were classified as belonging to one of three models: 1) collaboration and development of existing hubs (community planning), 2) continuous artwork exhibition, or 3) new hub creation. In all three cases, there was a willingness in the community for art festivals to take root in the areas, and this type of activity can be expected to continue in the future. Adequate administrative support and the establishment of evaluation methods were identified as important challenges in the continued use of local hubs.

  • Proactive Development of Social Capital Through Art Festivals: A Comparison of Aichi Triennale 2010 and 2013 with Aichi Triennale 2016

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Cultural Economics   15 ( 1 )   102 - 117   2018.03( ISSN:1344-1442

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    In 2010 and 2013, Choja-machi, one of the communities hosting the Aichi Triennale art festival, experienced proactive development of its social capital. However, the process stagnated in 2015 with some development seen again in 2016. As examples, for externally oriented activities, Choja-machi has continued community development projects in the arts, and for expanding participation, artists’ activities have become firmly established. By focusing on changes among local residents and examining the effects of the art festival objectively, this paper seeks to halt the over-expectation that such festivals will lead to community revitalization and to ascertain the actual direction of these developments.

  • Evaluating Outputs of the Sapporo International Art Festival: A Qualitative Analysis

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Arts Management Studies   ( 17・18 )   104 - 116   2018.03( ISBN:978-4-568-20273-1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

    This paper aims to qualitatively evaluate the outputs of art festivals, and in doing so to indicate the practical significance of these festivals in a way that connects to policy reform. Also, a concrete approach to mid-term evaluation of such festivals is proposed. The Sapporo International Art Festival is used as an example, with particular focus on the Sapporo Shiryokan. Before evaluation, the policy- and decision-making processes were clarified to be the following. 1) The festival began as a private-sector project. 2) Sapporo’s adoption of a Creative City policy was one motive for the festival, but local artists led the conversation. 3) Private-sector efforts were supported by a mayor who was deeply knowledgeable about arts and culture. However, 4) once public bodies began working toward launching the festival, ties with the private sector were strained. The evaluation taking these policy- and decision-making processes into consideration indicated that the creation of Siaf Lab, a permanent hub for festival-related activities, helped increase citizen autonomy and create new industries; however, the city’s overall social capital remains only partially developed. Based on these findings, concrete suggestions for policy improvements are made and it is proposed that the vision plan, which aims to increase citizen autonomy, create media-related industries, and advance contemporary art should be revised.

  • The Contribution to Local Community Formation by Contemporary Art Festivals: A Case of the Water and Land Niigata Art Festival.

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Journal of the Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research   10   100 - 114   2017.05( ISBN:978-4-902078-45-9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

    The purpose of this paper is to do qualitative analysis of the contribution to local community formation by contemporary art festivals in the case study of the Water and Land Niigata Art Festival. The Kosudo ART Project is clearly connected with existing local activities. It temporarily improved their abilities to take action and make suggestions. It also expanded their networks. Social capital has not been formed, but it will be formed in the mall by making a mission clear. By comparison with the previous study of Choja-machi site in the Aichi Triennale, the Kosudo ART Project showed that contemporary art festivals contributed to local community formation with specific conditions,the clear connection with local activities and the support of coordinators. From a local viewpoint these cases showed that contemporary art festivals had become established utilizing local resources. That deserves our attention as social significance of contemporary art festivals. The Kosudo Art Project indicates in particular that a town can continue small art activities as well as contemporary art festivals.

  • Isues of Comtenporary Arts Festivals and Pioneer Characteristics of Sorachi Coalmine Heritage Art Projects Invited

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Local Government Staff Training   49 ( 12 )   15 - 17   2016.12( ISSN:1341-3929

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • Ideal Methods of Enacting Cultural Ordinannces:A Case Study of Kyoto Cultural Ordinance Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    20 ( 2 )   119 - 126   2016.10( ISSN:1346-406X

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 3-Sectors Collaboration by Arts festivals:a Case Study of the Aichi Triennale 2010 Choja-machi Site Invited

    Takayuki Yoshida

    ( 9 )   2 - 6   2016.02

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    Other URL: http://www.gscc-chiiki3s.jp/wn.cgi?1460338634

  • Potential for Participatory Evaluation Intended for Nonprofit Arts Organization Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Synergy of Arts and Sciences   19 ( 1 )   25 - 32   2015.04( ISSN:1346-406X

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Potential for Participatory Evaluation in the Cultural Policies of Local Governments :A Case Study of the Aichi Trienalle

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Cultural Policy Reserch   8   137 - 150   2015.03( ISBN:9784902078381

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    A qualitative analysis of whether and through which specific processes art projects contribute to social capital was conducted through a case study of Azamihira village of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale. Results revealed that social capital (in the narrow sense) was formed in the village as local events were restored under the artists’ leadership. Although this does not constitute “bridging,” as only a small number of interactions occur every year, the project generated social capital that was open to the outside world and went beyond “bonding.” In addition, this case was compared with the Choja-machi site of the Aichi Triennale. Results showed that the art projects inspired spontaneous art activities and contributed to community formation under common conditions, irrespective of the contrasting mountainous and urban locations. Furthermore, Azamihira village had a high degree of autonomy from the art festival and succeeded in creating bases from which young people could interact with the village. On the other hand, although Choja-machi encountered difficulties in achieving independence from the Triennale, the project was closely linked to urban husbandry. Nevertheless, it is necessary to coordinate efforts with community development specialists to utilize these results in addressing challenges, such as increasing resident populations.

  • Ideal Methods of Enacting Cultural Ordinances:A Investigation and Comparison of Enactment Processes and so on Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Cultural Economics   12 ( 1 )   26 - 39   2015.03( ISSN:1344-1442

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    This study investigates and compares enactment processes of cultural ordinances and considers ideal methods after describing meaning of enacting cultural ordinances and their uniqueness. Results show that these methods include the establishment of cultural ordinance exploratory committees. Currently, as the uniqueness of cultural ordinances is not widely known, it is necessary for cultural policy specialists to participate in and cooperate with its committees. The establishment of an executive council would also be desired. In addition, internal execution committees need to meet and participate in workshops, even if such measures do not actually lead to the uniqueness of the ordinances.

  • Comparison of Sports Ordinances: From the Comparative Viewpoint with Cultural Ordinances with Cultural Ordinances Reviewed

    Yoshida Takayuki,Yoshida Masamitsu

    Journal of Japan Sports Law Association   ( 21 )   106 - 127   2014.12( ISSN:1340-8895

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 都市型芸術祭「あいちトリエンナーレ」の発展的継続性―横浜・神戸・新潟・大阪・愛知の比較から

    吉田 隆之

    日本アートマネジメント学会学会誌「日本アートマネジメント」   15   51 - 63   2014.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


  • Potential for Participatory Evaluation in the Cultural Policies of Local Governments:A Case Study of the Aichi Trienalle

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Cultural Economics   11 ( 1 )   39 - 52   2014.03( ISSN:1344-1442

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    This study examines the potential for participatory evaluation in the cultural polices of local governments, with a focus on situations where conventional policy evaluation is not used. Taking the Aichi Trienalle as a case study, this study demonstrates the establishment of citizen-focused evaluation workshops and it shows the necessity of putting stakeholder-based evaluation or utilization-focused evaluation that is the type of participatory evaluation together in conventional policy evaluations and providing empowerment through participatory evaluation such that various diverse organizations share the exchange of ideas. I think that this method would be the evaluation model of the cultural policies of local governments.

  • The Decision-Making Process of the Aichi Triennale 2010 Choja-machi Site :Did it advocate Urban Husbandry?

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Arts Manegement Studies   ( 14 )   51 - 59   2014.01( ISBN:9784568202649

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • A Policy Evaluation of the Aichi Triennare Urban Arts Festivals: Proposal for a simple policy evaluation method through workshop Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    ( 3 )   111 - 125   2013.03( ISSN:2186-3148

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    In a former paper, the author created draft guidelines for the policy evaluation of the Aichi Triennale urban arts festival by referring to the organizer’s three goals for holding the festival. The objectives of this paper are as follows: (1) To use policy evaluation workshops to critically examine this draft and to prepare more concrete and practical draft guidelines. (2) To propose a simple policy evaluation method through using workshops.
    It would have been preferable for Aichi Prefecture to conduct policy evaluation workshops itself, as its policy objectives have not yet been clearly defined; yet, it would not be easy to hold these workshops in Aichi Prefecture, as it is the region where the Machinaka Tenkai community husbandry project is being implemented. Therefore, the author collaborated with the research department headed by Professor Sumiko Kumakura of the Department of Musical Creativity and the Environment, the Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts. In addition, the simulated policy evaluation workshops for the Aichi Triennale urban arts festival were conducted for students.
    Based on the simulated workshops, and in addition to critically examining the previously prepared policy evaluation draft guidelines for the Aichi Triennale Urban Arts Festival, the author created more practical policy evaluation draft guidelines that were centered on concrete targets and feasible developments. Following the workshops, approximately 90% of the concrete targets and feasible developments that had then been left blank, and 50% of the policy objectives and indicators and standards, were revised. In particular, two of Aichi Prefecture’s three goals for holding the festival were revised to correct their lack of clarity, which is an outcome that exceeded expectations.
    In the second objective, which was to propose a simple policy evaluation method using policy evaluation workshops, although these workshops were only simulations that used students, the major revisions to items such as targets and indicators illustrate what can be achieved through workshops of this kind. It is considered likely that the greater the extent to which the workshops’ participants revise the policy objectives, the more these objectives will become the shared property of the participants. Further, parties implementing the policy or related parties may independently participate in policy formation in the future.

  • Adminstration Policy of the Urban Arts Festival:A Case Study of the Aichi Triennnale Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Doctoral Dissertation   2013.03

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Comparison of Local Governments'Cultural Ordinances and a Discussion of Recent Trends with Reference to Creative City Policies Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Cultural Policy Research   ( 6 )   114 - 132   2013.02( ISSN:1883-1168

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    Some previous researches into cultural ordinances were conducted immediately after the enactment, in 2001, of the Basic Act for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts (hereinafter the “Basic Act”). As there is not a detailed research into cultural ordinances after these researches, this paper will consider cultural ordinances as a whole, particularly referencing the most recent trends. In the first half, the author describes how, after the enactment of the Basic Act, some local governments unconsciously reflected the content of this act in their ordinances, and how, since 2005, the majority of local governments created original ordinances, such as definitions and promotion mechanisms. In particular, the participation and collaboration of cultural policy experts in the ordinance-formulation process signals progressiveness. In the second half of the paper, the author focuses on cultural ordinances that incorporate creative city policies, which have grown in number. By categorizing them as creative or city types, the author indicates that there are sometimes discrepancies between cultural ordinances and basic cultural plans and activities. The author further explains that labeling as obligatory those polices that ought to be continued, or stipulating the adoption of creative city policies in these prescriptions and basic principles, means that creative city polices will be continuously reflected in planning and implementation. On the other hand, there is a need to investigate two potential problem areas: first, the danger that there is a lack of procedures for citizen self-governance; and second, that in positively adopting city cultural policies, citizen-centric cultural policies and the protection of citizen's cultural rights are being neglected. Finally, using characteristics that have entered the mainstream since the Basic Act's enactment, the author describes the preferred form of a cultural ordinance framework.

  • Policy Evaluation of the Aichi Triennale Urban Arts Festival: In Light of a Consideration of the Policy Planning and Decision-Making Process Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Japan Association for Cultural Economics   9 ( 2 )   56 - 67   2012.09( ISSN:1344-1442

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    The aim of this paper is to propose draft guidelines for policy evaluation of the Aichi Triennale, and indicate a course for policy continuation. This is because policy evaluation is indispensable for policy continuation. Consideration of the policy planning and decision-making process is also required. Consideration of policy documentation and other resources found that the Advisory Council for the Promotion of Arts and Culture in Aichi held discussions separating industry and culture and following up the prevailing policy ,and that the governor subsequently exercised leadership in policy planning and policy decision-making to hold the festival.

  • Turning Social Capital Proactive through Art Projects: a Case Study of the Aichi Triennale 2010 Choja-machi Site

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Cultural Economics   9 ( 1 )   90 - 100   2012.03( ISBN:1344-1442

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

    Through a case study of the Choja-machi site, this paper argues that the one-time art project successfully turned human cooperation or network proactive,and demonstrates why the transformation that it was not easy to cause by urban husbandry programs alone would have happened. In addition,this paper discusses existing social capital, which had been built through previous urban husbandry programs, proactive.The paper also illustrates, using the concept of “autonomous transformation of social capital,” bottom-up approaches that have emerged in the wake of Aichi Triennale 2010, toward urban husbandry by adopting art policies.

  • 社会的マイノリティへの文化・芸術支援に関する一考察―ブラジル人を始めとしたニューカマーの現状を踏まえて― Reviewed

    -吉田 隆之

    京都大学公共政策大学院リサーチ・ペーパー集   2009年度版   135 - 142   2010.06

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


  • A Study about the Education of Brazilian children

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Reserch for Regional Planning and Development   ( 73 )   18 - 25   2007.06( ISSN:0286-634X

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Does Doshusei System Become the Trump of Decentralization? Invited

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Reserch for Regional Planning and Development   ( 71 )   2 - 10   2006.06( ISSN:0286-634X

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

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Books and Other Publications

  • Report on the public debate based on the research findings on ‘food’ as a creative act in contemporary art.

    Takayuki Yoshida( Role: Contributor)


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    Total pages:82   Responsible for pages:13-22   Book type:Scholarly book

  • Crisis Managemnet of Contemporary Art festivals;Management that Protects Freedom of Expression

    ( Role: Sole author)

    2020.08  ( ISBN:9784880654874

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    Total pages:197   Responsible for pages:1-197   Book type:Scholarly book Participation form:First Author

  • Contemporary Art Festivals and Community Development; From accepting "festivals" to becoming unique resources through voluntary and collaborative activities

    Takayuki Yoshida( Role: Sole author)

    Suiyosha  2019.10  ( ISBN:9784880654720

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    Total pages:312   Book type:Scholarly book Participation form:First Author

  • Cultural Ordinances and Sports Ordinances: From a Viewpoint of Law and Policy

    Takayuki Yoshida,Masamitsu Yoshida( Role: Joint author)

    Seibundoh  2017.04  ( ISBN:978-4-7923-3361-4

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    Total pages:505   Responsible for pages:1-92(第1編)、205-364(第4編)を単著。177-200(第3編)を共著。   Book type:Scholarly book Participation form:Last Author

  • Mission of Triennale:Significance and Prospect of Urban Arts Festivals

    Takayuki Yoshida( Role: Sole author)

    Suiyosha  2015.08  ( ISSN:1920036028009

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    Total pages:263   Responsible for pages:1-263   Book type:Scholarly book Participation form:First Author


  • 小林瑠音『英国のコミュニティ・アートとアーツカウンシル -タンポポとバラの攻防』水曜社, 2023年3月 Invited International journal


    アートマネジメント研究   ( 24 )   69 - 69   2024.03

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • アートプロジェクトの軌跡を記し、可能性を拓く! 本格的な実践的研究書兼体系書 Invited International journal


    図書新聞   ( 3433 )   3 - 3   2020.02

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


  • Mari Kobayashi ed.,Cultural policy Studies,three volumes,University of Tokyo Press,2018 Invited

    Takayuki Yoshida

    15 ( 2 )   - 63-67   2018.09( ISSN:1344-1442

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • Encounter with the Aichi Triennale Invited International journal

    Takayuki Yoshida

    ( 20160805夕刊 )   11   2016.08

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Keep Brazilian Immigrant Children in Schools Reviewed International journal

    Takayuki Yoshida

    The Asahi Shimbun   15   2007.04

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Merits of Decentralization Must Be Made Clear Reviewed

    Takayuki Yoshida

    The Asahi Shimbun   ( 20051221 )   16   2005.12

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Kind of work:Single Work  

▼display all


  • 基礎講座⑤ 「企画・実施〜地域に根差す新たなアートの胎動〜」 Invited Domestic conference


    大阪公立大学「EJ ART」人材育成プログラム  2024.08  大阪公立大学大学院都市経営研究科

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  



  • 社会人大学院のアートマネジメント教育 -”記憶の地図”を巡るアートプロジェクトを 事例に Domestic conference


    日本アートマネジメント学会第25回全国大会「アートマネジメント教育の過去・現在・未来」  2023.12  日本アートマネジメント学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 芸術祭を契機としてソーシャルキャピタル形成がされるのか-森ラジオ ステーション×森遊会を事例に- Domestic conference


    地域活性学会第15回研究大会(豊岡)  2023.09  地域活性学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    Other Link: https://www.chiiki-kassei.com/img/files/taikai/taikai15/yokousyuu2023.pdf

  • 基礎講座⑦ 「現場における実践 -”記憶の地図”を巡るアートプロジェクト」 Invited Domestic conference


    大阪公立大学「EJ ART」人材育成プログラム  2023.08  大阪公立大学大学院都市経営研究科

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • パンデミック後のビエンナーレ・トリエンナーレの行方ー領域横断的な視点から Invited Domestic conference

    吉田隆之 中村史子 藤原旅人 山本浩貴 

    大阪公立大学大学院都市経営研究科特別シンポジウム  2023.07  大阪公立大学大学院都市経営研究科

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  



  • Challenges for a European-style contemporary arts festival - realising social justice through collective knowledge and restoring public space through the arts. Invited Domestic conference


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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  • How is art helpful in people and community development ? :In the case of Japanese two art projects,《Choja-town Japanese Festival Car Project》and 《Studio TUBE》 Invited International conference

    Takayuki Yoshida

    International lecture   2022.07  The Department of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

    Venue:The University of Oldenburg,Germany  

  • 国際芸術祭「あいち 2022」の地域連携 Invited Domestic conference


    日本アートマネジメント学会中部部会 第 37 回(2021 年度第 2 回)研究会  2022.02 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • 芸術祭と食ー地元食?(&ハイアート的な食) Invited Domestic conference


    現代アートにおける創造的行為としての「食」研究報告 に基づく公開討論会  2021.12  実践女子大学

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Post-Olympics Art Projects: Views from Interactions between Streetwise Opera/ Arts & Homelessness Int and Cocoroom International conference

    Takayuki Yoshida

    International Symposium  2021.12  Graduate School of Urban Management & Global Exchange Office, Osaka City University

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  • 文化芸術活動を支援する組織‐アーツカウンシルについて考える Invited Domestic conference


    第1回文化芸術活動支援のための勉強会  2021.02  名古屋市文化施策推進体制準備委員会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:ナディアパーク内名古屋市デザインセンタービル7階 7thカフェ  


  • どうなる?日本の文化政策―あいちトリエンナーレを契機に Invited Domestic conference


    札幌未来塾2019ACFアートサロンinカナモトホール  2019.11  ACF札幌芸術・文化フォーラム

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  



  • 芸術祭と地域づくり 「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」でなにがおきたのか? Invited Domestic conference


    KUAD SPECIAL LECTURE 2019  2019.11  京都造形芸術大学

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  



  • 大阪アーツカウンシルの現在とこれから Domestic conference


    文化経済学会<日本>関西支部例会  2019.09  文化経済学会<日本>関西支部

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    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  



  • Contemporary Art Festivals in depopulated area and Community Development: A Case Study of the Oku-noto Triennale Domestic conference

    Takayuki Yoshida

    12th the Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research at Kyushu University  2018.11  The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Reserch

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Kyushu Univerisity Ohashi Campus  

    The Oko-Noto Triennale held in Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is taken up as a case study to address questions about whether the festival is a valid form of endogenous development.The research draws upon endogenous development theory to examine the conditions under which art festivals can contribute to regional development: 1) whether primary agency lies with the community, 2) how external resources should be accessed, and 3) how the art festival can be linked to solving problems in the community. Based on this discussion, four conditions for a successful contribution are identified: 1) making use of external professionals’ skills such as coordinators and artists, 2) deliberately placing primary agency with the community, 3) making use of community resources (particularly human resources), and 4) having a sustainability strategy for art festival-related and community activities.

  • 芸術祭の地域づくりへの影響―リボーンアート・フェスティバルを事例に― Domestic conference


    第45回文理シナジー学会秋の発表会  2018.11  文理シナジー学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 過疎地型芸術祭と持続可能な地域づくり-奥能登国際芸術祭を事例に- Domestic conference


    地域活性学会第10回研究大会  2018.09  地域活性学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


     前提として芸術祭開催による地域づくりへの影響を分析する。そのうえで、内発的発展論の理論を援用し、① 地域側の主体性、② いかに外部資源にアクセスしていけばよいのか、③ 地域課題解決にどう結びつけるのか、すなわち、芸術祭開催による地域づくりのための条件を検討することを研究の目的とする。事例は、「内発的発展」型か否かが問われた奥能登国際芸術祭(珠洲市)を取り上げる。考察の結果、上記条件は、① コーディネーター、アーティストなど外部の専門家の力を借りる、② 地域コミュニティの主体性を重視する、③ 地域資源(なかでも人的資源)を活用する、④ 芸術祭に纏わる活動や地域活動が持続可能な戦略を持つこと、であるとした。 

  • Arts Festivals Contribute to Vitalization of Local Communities?:A case study of Ichihara Art x Mix Domestic conference

    Takayuki Yoshida


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • アートプロジェクトの可能性と未来-オリンピック・パラリンピック2020以降を見据えてー Domestic conference


    日本アートマネジメント学会第19回全国大会<奈良>シンポジウム②  2017.11  日本アートマネジメント学会

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    シンポジウムを企画し、最後に登壇し、企画者としてまとめをした。コーディネーターの辻氏(アートディレクター)のもと、まず、田島悠史氏(宝塚大学東京メディア芸術学部講師)が、「みなとメディアミュージアム」(茨城県ひたちなか市)を事例に小規模地域アートイベントの有用性・持続性について発表した。それに対して、中堅どころの飯村有加氏(奈良・町家の芸術祭 HANARART 実行委員会事務局長)、新人の佐伯香菜氏(ギャラリーRYO/「大阪御堂筋アート」事務局)のお二人にコメントしていただき、アートプロジェクトの現場が抱える課題、持続可能性を広く整理した。

  • Do Contemporary Art Festivals Contribute to Formation of Social Capital?: A Case Study of the Aichi Triennale Domestic conference

    Takayuki Yoshida

    The Annual Convention of Japan Association for Cultural Economics 2017 in Oita  2017.07  Japan Asociation for Cultural Economics

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Oita Prefectual College of Arts and Culture  

    In 2010 and 2013, Choja-machi, one of the communities hosting the Aichi Triennale art festival, experienced proactive development of its social capital. However, the process stagnated in 2015 with some development seen again in 2016. As examples, for externally oriented activities, Choja-machi has continued community development projects in the arts, and for expanding participation, artists’ activities have become firmly established.

  • 文化資源を活用した都市・地域再生:アウトカム・インパクトを検証する Invited Domestic conference

    吉田 隆之,金野 幸雄,吉岡 宏高,太下 義之,野田 邦弘

    文化経済学会<日本>2016研究大会  2016.07  文化経済学会<日本>

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 文化条例の望ましい制定手法―京都文化芸術都市創生条例を事例に― Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    第40回文理シナジー学会平成28年度春の大会  2016.05  文理シナジー学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 大阪とあいちのアートシーンの違い Invited Domestic conference

    吉田 隆之

    日本アートマネジメント学会中部部会第25回(平成27年度第2回)研究会  2016.03  日本アートマネジメント学会中部部会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 水と土の芸術祭(新潟市)の地域づくりへの影響―アートプロジェクト的要素の検証― Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    日本文化政策学会第9回年次研究大会  2016.03  日本文化政策学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 都市型芸術祭の政策立案・決定過程と効果―札幌国際芸術祭とあいちトリエンナーレの比較を通して― Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    日本文化政策学会第8回年次研究大会  2014.12  日本文化政策学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • アートNPOにおける参加型評価の可能性 Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    第37回文理シナジー学会 平成26年度秋の発表会  2014.11  文理シナジー学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    アートNPOの一つである「Arts Audience Tables ロプロプ」を事例として参加型評価の可能性を検討することを本稿の目的とした。参加型評価では、評価活動に評価専門家以外の利害関係者が参加する。評価ワークショップを実施した結果、評価シートの空欄をほぼ埋め、かつ目標、指標・基準等は3割を見直すことになったことから、アートNPOを対象とした評価ワークワークショップが成り立つことを示した。そして、当該評価ワークショップは、評価の利用度合いを高めることを意識した点で参加型評価の4類型のうち実用重視評価にあたることから、アートNPOを対象とした参加型評価の可能性を示した。

  • Presenting a Model of Cultural Ordinances and Verifying Ideal enactment Methods : Through Comparison of Enactment Processes and effects/challenges Domestic conference

    Takayuki Yoshida

    Annual Convention of Japan Association for Cultural Economics 2014  2014.07 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Comparison of sports policy and cultural policy: researching the development of policies by ordinance” Domestic conference

    Takayuki Yoshida,Masamitsu Yoshida


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • アートプロジェクトは地域づくりに影響を与えられるのか―「あいちトリエンナーレ長者町会場」と「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ」の2事例の分析、比較を通して」 Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    日本文化政策学会第7回年次研究大会  2013.12  日本文化政策学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 流行する都市型芸術祭の比較考察―経営政策の視点から― Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    第15回日本アートマネジメント学会全国大会  2013.12  日本アートマネジメント学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • ワークショップによる簡便な政策評価手法の妥当性等の検証―あいちトリエンナーレの政策評価を事例に Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    文化経済学会<日本>年次大会:2013  2013.06  文化経済学会<日本>

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • Local Governments’ Cultural Ordinances and a Discussion of Recent Trends with Reference to Creative City International conference

    Takayuki Yoshida


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • ワークショップによる簡便な政策評価手法の妥当性・有効性の検討-あいちトリエンナーレ2013開催前の長者町地区を事例に-、 Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    日本文化政策学会第6回年次研究大会   2013.03  日本文化政策学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 「長者町で何が起きているのか 長者町で何が起きているのか-ソーシャルキャピタルによる分析と創造都市的政策への展望-」 Invited Domestic conference

    吉田 隆之,熊倉 純子

    アートが”まち”を救う!?―地域の活性と新たなコミュニティづくりのために―   2013.03  名古屋都市センター

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 自治体文化基本条例の比較考察-創造都市政策に言及する最近の動きを踏まえて Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    日本文化政策学会第5回年次研究大会  2011.12  日本文化政策学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 地域型アートプロジェクトによるソーシャルキャピタルの活性化について―あいちトリエンナーレ2010長者町会場における事例分析を通して Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    文化経済学会<日本>年次大会:2011  2011.07  文化経済学会<日本>

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 都市型芸術祭の現状と課題―まちなか展開が地域にもたらした社会的効果・影響を中心に Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    日本文化政策学会第4回年次研究大会  2010.12  日本文化政策学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 社会的マイノリティへの文化・芸術支援に関する一考察 Domestic conference

    -吉田 隆之

    日本文化政策学会第3回年次研究大会  2010.01  日本文化政策学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



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  • 「千里NTのベランダからの風景」ワークショップ・展覧会



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    Work type:Artistic work   Location:千里ニュータウン情報館(情報館前ロビー)  


  • 「記憶の地図」アートプロジェクト



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    Work type:Artistic work   Location:福島区野田の民家(大阪市福島区野田2丁目10-6)  

    都市経営研究科 社会人大学院生主催のアートイベント「記憶の地図」を開催。2023年3月11日(土)12日(日)の2日間、都市経営研究科の大学院生約10名が企画した、「『記憶の地図』アートプロジェクト」を開催した。本イベントは、都市経営研究科の授業「アートプロジェクト論」(担当:吉田)で学んだ「芸術・アートと地域の関わり」を実践するため、福島区野田にある民家の改修現場に野田地域の地図を描き、事前に募集した地域の色々な時代の写真を展示し、目と耳で地域の記憶を体感してもらうことを目的とした。福島区野田界隈は、大阪中央卸売市場に近く、戦前からの長屋や民家が多いエリアだったが、都市に近い利便性もあり近年、再開発によるマンション建設が進み、街の姿や住民が変わっていく途上にある。地元に住む、年配の方々や若い子供連れの家族、また街づくりに興味のある方など、2日間で330名の来場があった。

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • Art Festivals'Outcome and Impact on Regional Development: A Qualitative Study of Medium- to Long-Term Effects, Processes, and Conditions


  • 国際展は地域コミュニティ活性化に寄与するのか:定性的分析からのアプローチ

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  2017.04

Other subsidies, etc.

  • 芸術祭と⺠族差別的表現を巡る問題―「ドクメンタ 15」の新動向を踏まえて

    大阪公立大学  令和5年(2023)年度 戦略的研究推進事業  2024.07

  • ポストオリンピックと アートプロジェクト -ストリートワイズ・オペラ/  アート&ホームレス インターナショナルとココルームの交流からみえることー

    大学  2021.09

Acceptance of Researcher

  • 2024  Number of researchers:1

  • 2023  Number of researchers:1

  • 2022  Number of researchers:1

  • 2022  Number of researchers:1

Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習2

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済ワークショップ1

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営研究指導1

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営特殊講義A(都市政策・地域経済)

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営演習A(都市政策・地域経済)

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導1

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市経営研究指導2

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導3

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 初年次ゼミナール

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市・地域政策

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済ワークショップ2

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習1

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • アートプロジェクト論

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習3

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 文化施設経営論

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市文化政策

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営研究指導1

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習2

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済ワークショップ1

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市文化政策

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営特殊講義A(都市政策・地域経済)

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 初年次ゼミナール

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導3

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導2

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導1

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市経営演習A(都市政策・地域経済)

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営特殊講義A(都市政策・地域経済)

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営研究指導1

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済ワークショップ1

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市文化政策

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 初年次ゼミナール

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市・地域政策

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営研究指導2

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 文化施設経営論

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • アートプロジェクト論

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習3

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習1

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済ワークショップ2

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済ワークショップ2

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習2

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導3

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導2

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市経営博士研究指導1

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市経営演習A(都市政策・地域経済)

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習3

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済課題演習1

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市政策・地域経済ワークショップ2

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 都市文化政策

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 都市・地域政策/杉本[全]S

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • Urban Cultural Policy

    2021     Graduate school

  • Cultural Facility Administration

    2020     Graduate school

  • Art Ptoject

    2020     Graduate school

  • Urban Cultural Policy

    2020     Graduate school

  • Cultural Facility Administration

    2019     Graduate school

  • 都市・地域政策

    2019     Undergraduate

  • Art Ptoject

    2019     Graduate school

  • Urban Cultural Policy

    2019     Graduate school

  • Cultural Facility Administration

    2018     Graduate school

  • Art Ptoject

    2018     Graduate school

  • Urban Cultural Policy

    2018     Graduate school

  • 都市・地域政策

    2017     Undergraduate

  • 創造都市論

    2017     Graduate school

  • 文化資源論

    2017     Graduate school

  • 都市文化政策

    2017     Graduate school

  • 創造都市論


  • 文化資源論


  • 都市文化政策


  • 創造都市論


  • 文化資源論


  • 都市文化政策


▼display all

Number of papers published by graduate students

  • 2024

    Number of graduate students presentations:1

  • 2023

    Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:Number of graduate students presentations:2

  • 2022

    Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:Number of graduate students presentations:3

  • 2020

    Number of graduate students presentations:4

  • 2019

    Number of graduate students presentations:4

Original item・Special report (Education Activity)

  • 2021

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    Original item:2021年10月~2022年3月までイギリスのゴールドスミス・カレッジ大学の客員研究員。フェザーストーン・マイク教授、玉利智子上級講師とともに、共同研究「ポストオリンピックと
    アートプロジェクト-ストリートワイズ・オペラ/アート&ホームレス インターナショナルとココルームの交流からみえること-」を実施した。その一つとして、国際センターの国際共同研究奨励事業の助成をえて、国際シンポジウムをオンラインで開催した。シンポジウムは、社会的意義の高い研究成果を広く情報発信を図るため、同時通訳をつけ、本学学生や一般にも広く公開した。

Social Activities ⇒ Link to the list of Social Activities

  • トークイベント:アートの歴史性と場所性を考える

    Role(s): Guest, Commentator

    Type: Lecture

    monade contemporary|単子現代  村田のぞみ/リー・ハオ 展 風景を越えて | Beyond the Landscape   monade contemporary|単子現代(京都市東山区月見町10-2)  2024.06

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

    Number of participants:30(人)

    大阪公立大学「EJ ART」プログラムで「実践&場づくり」プロジェクトを依頼した作家の村田のぞみさんの展覧会のトークイベントに参加した。アートプロジェクトの美術批評が十分になされていなことを前提に、地域や住民の内発性の惹起だったり、サイトスペシフィック性を美の本質として捉えていくことの意義について、意見交換を行った。

  • Equity(公正)& Justice(正義)を軸としたソーシャルアートコーディネーターの人材育成

    Role(s): Guest, Host, Lecturer, Planner, Logistic support, Report author

    Type: University open house, Cooperation business with The administrative, educational institutions, etc.

    大阪公立大学  大阪公立大学梅田サテライトほか  2024.04 - 2025.03

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchesrs, General public, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency

    Number of participants:1,088(人)

    全国12大学のうちの一つとして文化庁補助金事業「令和6年度大学における文化芸術推進事業」として大阪公立大学が採択され、事業規模2,081万円である。本学では、「EJ ART」人材育成プログラムという事業名で実施し、大阪・関西のソーシャルアートコーディネーター人材を育成する大学の地域貢献事業である。都市経営研究科・文学研究科などにまたがる8名の教員が参画し、代表を務めた。アートプロジェクト運営にかかわる実務者、ソーシャルワーカー、地域コーディネーター、行政担当者(文化・福祉政策)、美術館等の学芸員、研究者(大学院生等)、アーティストなどを対象とする。延べ1088人が参加した。
    また、近時アート業界のハラスメントが顕在化し、社会的課題と認識され始めた。アートNPOの後継者不足の背景にある業界の構造的抑圧や搾取にも目を向け、Equity(正義) & Justice(公平)、抑圧や搾取に目を向けるAOP(Anti-Oppressive Practice 反抑圧的実践)をベースにアプローチしていく。

  • にしよどアート会議

    Role(s): Guest

    Type: TV or radio program

    ニシヨド宴会ラジオ実行委員会  ニシヨド宴会ラジオ  2024.02

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    Number of participants:100(人)


  • 美術館の使命・目標とは?大阪で美術品が駐車場で保管されていた騒動を事例に

    Role(s): Lecturer

    一般社団法人要約筆記者認定協会  全国統一要約筆記者認定試験の問題作成  2024.01

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  • Equity(公正)& Justice(正義)を軸としたソーシャルアートコーディネーターの人材育成

    Role(s): Guest, Host, Lecturer, Planner, Logistic support, Report author

    Type: University open house, Cooperation business with The administrative, educational institutions, etc.

    大阪公立大学  大阪公立大学梅田サテライトほか  2023.05 - 2024.02

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchesrs, General public, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency

    Number of participants:1,088(人)

    全国8大学のうちの一つとして文化庁補助金事業「令和5年度大学における文化芸術推進事業」として大阪公立大学が採択され、事業規模1850万円である。本学では、「EJ ART」人材育成プログラムという事業名で実施し、大阪・関西のソーシャルアートコーディネーター人材を育成する大学の地域貢献事業である。都市経営研究科・文学研究科などにまたがる8名の教員が参画し、代表を務めた。アートプロジェクト運営にかかわる実務者、ソーシャルワーカー、地域コーディネーター、行政担当者(文化・福祉政策)、美術館等の学芸員、研究者(大学院生等)、アーティストなどを対象とする。延べ1088人が参加した。
    また、近時アート業界のハラスメントが顕在化し、社会的課題と認識され始めた。アートNPOの後継者不足の背景にある業界の構造的抑圧や搾取にも目を向け、Equity(正義) & Justice(公平)、抑圧や搾取に目を向けるAOP(Anti-Oppressive Practice 反抑圧的実践)をベースにアプローチしていく。

  • ウィズコロナ ポストコロナのアートプロジェクト 2021冬のロンドンからの報告

    Role(s): Guest, Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    緩やかにすわり碧くつながる公式ラジオ 特別編  オンライン  2021.12

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

    Number of participants:15(人)

  • 文化芸術活動とコロナ禍〜わが国の実演芸術と文化政策の課題〜

    Role(s): Guest, Host, Planner

    Type: Lecture

    大阪市立大学大学院都市経営研究科アートとまちづくり研究会  講演会「文化芸術活動とコロナ禍〜わが国の実演芸術と文化政策の課題〜」  オンライン  2021.09

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:6(人)


  • ミュージアムエデュケーションの可能性

    Role(s): Guest, Host, Planner

    Type: Lecture

    大阪市立大学大学院都市経営研究科アートとまちづくり研究会  講演会「ミュージアムエデュケーションの可能性」  オンライン  2021.09

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:30(人)


  • シビックプライドーその歴史的経緯から現在

    Role(s): Guest, Host, Planner

    Type: Lecture

    大阪市立大学大学院都市経営研究科アートとまちづくり研究会  講演会「シビックプライドーその歴史的経緯から現在」  オンライン  2021.02

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:10(人)

  • 現代アート入門ーアート(プロジェクト)に可能性があるのか編

    Role(s): Guest, Panelist, Planner

    Type: Internet

    吉田隆之研究室  吉田隆之研究室 ワークショップ&シンポ  吉田隆之研究室 ワークショップ&シンポ  2021.01

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:50(人)

  • コロナ禍における文化施設経営

    Role(s): Panelist, Host, Planner

    Type: Lecture

    吉田隆之研究室  講演会「コロナ禍における文化施設経営 」  オンライン  2021.01

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:30(人)

  • 芸術祭の危機管理―あいちトリエンナーレでなにが起きたのか&なぜ世論は分断されるのか

    Role(s): Guest, Panelist, Planner

    Type: Internet

    アート系トーク番組 artair  アート系トーク番組 artair  アート系トーク番組 artair  2020.08

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:1,000(人)

    「アート系トーク番組 artair」で、主宰者兼司会の辻大地、杉村順(美術家)と、あいとトリエンナーレ2019にまつわる事態を、キュレーションの適切性、世論の分断がなぜおきたのか、芸術祭の今後のあり方などいくつか論点を絞りながら振り返った。あらためて問題提起があったキュレーション等の適切性については、これまでの美術展を批判的に検証した点に意義を認める見解があることを、吉田からは指摘した。また、芸術祭の方向性について、辻から、地域に紐づけなら経済的な持続可能性を追求していくべきだとの意見があった。吉田からは、そうしたモデルと現実の芸術祭との接続ができればよいとコメントした。

  • あいちトリエンナーレその後 上 「リスク不安」拒まれた上映

    Role(s): Media coverage, Official expert

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    朝日新聞社  朝日新聞  朝刊27面  2020.07

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media


  • じっくり作品鑑賞 やっと 美術館、コロナ機に予約制広がる

    Role(s): Commentator, Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    日本経済新聞社  日本経済新聞  夕刊9面  2020.07

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media


  • トリエンナーレつなぐバトン 津田大介さんが講演

    Role(s): Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    中日新聞社  中日新聞・東京新聞  東京新聞夕刊5面  2020.07

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media


  • 「あいちトリエンナーレ2019から2022へバトンをつなぐ」

    Role(s): Commentator, Host

    Type: Lecture

    大阪市立大学大学院都市経営研究科  都市政策・地域経済ワークショップⅠ  オンライン・ライブ配信  2020.06

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Civic organization, Governmental agency

    Number of participants:250(人)


  • あいちトリエンナーレ巡る関連本続々 展示中止騒動 やまぬ議論

    Role(s): Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    毎日新聞社  毎日新聞  夕刊  2020.03

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 「表現の不自由展・その後」をめぐる騒動から学ぶ

    Role(s): Guest, Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    国際人権NGOヒューマンライツ・ナウ  ワンワールド・フェスティバル  北区民センター2階(会議室5・6)  2020.02

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

    Number of participants:50(人)


  • いまだ残る混乱の余波 トップ対立、補助金不交付/■識者談話■ 表現の不自由展 愛知の検討委報告

    Role(s): Commentator, Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    共同通信社・岩手日報社・新日本海新聞社・新日本海新聞社大阪本社  共同通信・岩手日報・新日本海新聞・大阪日日新聞  2019.12

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 芸術祭と地域づくり―“ 祭り” の受容から自発・協働による固有資源化へ』刊行記念トークイベント in 大阪

    Role(s): Guest, Host, Planner

    Type: Lecture

    大阪市立大学大学院都市経営研究科アートとまちづくり研究会  芸術祭と地域づくり―“ 祭り” の受容から自発・協働による固有資源化へ』刊行記念トークイベント  2019.11

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:10(人)


  • 芸術祭は地域づくりに貢献できるのか&あいちトリエンナーレ2019「表現の不自由展・その後」のその後

    Role(s): Guest, Panelist, Planner

    Type: Internet

    アート系トーク番組 artair  アート系トーク番組 artair  アート系トーク番組 artair  2019.10

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Teachers, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:1,000(人)

    「アート系トーク番組 artair」主宰者兼司会の辻大地氏からは、近刊『芸術祭と地域づくり』について「2010年代は、芸術祭が流行した時代では?そうした時代の集大成として、あいちトリエンナーレ2019を位置付けることもできる。こうした時代の区切りの映し鏡として、本書は読むとができるし、参照されていくだろう」との評を受ける。

  • 芸術祭と地域づくり―“ 祭り” の受容から自発・協働による固有資源化へ』刊行記念トークイベント in 豊田

    Role(s): Panelist, Host, Lecturer, Planner

    Type: Lecture

    大阪市立大学大学院都市経営研究科吉田隆之研究室  HYBRID BUNKASAI Ⅱ  旧豊田東高校(愛知県豊田市小坂本町5-80)  2019.10

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public


  • 芸術祭と地域づくり―“ 祭り” の受容から自発・協働による固有資源化へ』刊行記念トークイベント in 名古屋

    Role(s): Guest, Panelist, Lecturer, Planner

    Type: Lecture

    大阪市立大学大学院都市経営研究科吉田隆之研究室  オーディエンス・ミーティング VOL.2  名古屋市中区錦2丁目11-24 綿覚ビル1F  2019.10

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    Audience: Researchesrs, General public, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

    Number of participants:20(人)

    トークイベントでは、大澤寅雄( )ニッセイ基礎研究所芸術文化プロジェクト室主任研究員)が、自身の滞在体験にもとづき「ベルリンの『表現の自由』の現在」を話し、あいちトリエンナーレにまつわる騒動を、ドイツとの比較で奥行きと深みをもって考えることができた。

  • 「不自由展」問題 突然飛び火神戸市困惑 シンポ「政治的意図なかった」ほか

    Role(s): Commentator, Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    共同通信社・神戸新聞社・京都新聞社・沖縄タイムス社・西日本新聞社・新潟日報ほか  共同通信・神戸新聞・京都新聞・沖縄タイムス・西日本新聞・新潟日報ほか  2019.08

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 芸術祭 各地で盛んに 訪日客誘致への政府推進

    Role(s): Commentator, Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    読売新聞社  読売新聞  2019.05

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 文化活動萎縮に懸念

    Role(s): Commentator, Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    共同通信社  共同通信  2019.03

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 大阪市で来春、初の地方独法化 博物館の運営最適解を探る 人材の長期的育成へ

    Role(s): Commentator, Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    日本経済新聞社  日本経済新聞  文化・40  2018.11

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 「実務者・学生のための模擬発表会(ゼミナール)-全国大会に向けてー」

    Role(s): Consultant

    Type: Research consultation

    日本アートマネジメント学会関西部会  「実務者・学生のための模擬発表会(ゼミナール)-全国大会に向けてー」  大阪市立大学梅田サテライト  2018.08

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:10(人)


  • 2020年 さいたまトリエンナーレ後継の芸術祭始動 持続性・評価方法に課題

    Role(s): Commentator, Media coverage

    Type: Newspaper, magazine

    朝日新聞社  朝日新聞  さいたま版  2018.01

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 小須戸ARTプロジェクト2017オープニングトーク

    Role(s): Guest, Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    小須戸コミュニティ協議会  小須戸ARTプロジェクト2017オープニングトーク  町屋ギャラリー薩摩屋  2017.09

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    Audience: General public

    Number of participants:30(人)


  • シンポジウム「芸術会議2016オープニング会議」

    Role(s): Commentator

    Type: Lecture

    シンポジウム「芸術会議2016オープニング会議」  里山ホテルときわ路(茨城県常陸太田市)  2016.09

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    Audience: General public

    Number of participants:30(人)

    シンポジウム「芸術会議2016オープニング会議」にゲストとして出演 [アーティスト] 岸井大輔/北澤潤 /佐藤悠/津田翔平/深澤孝史[日時] 2016年9月15日 [場所] 里山ホテルときわ路(茨城県常陸太田市)

  • シンポジウム「日常の芸術 祭りの芸術ートリエンナーレとココルーム」

    Role(s): Panelist

    Type: Lecture


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    Audience: Graduate students, General public

    Number of participants:30(人)

    シンポジウム「日常の芸術 祭りの芸術ートリエンナーレとココルーム」にパネリストとして講演 [モデレーター] 岸井大輔(劇作家) [パネリスト] 上田假奈代 (詩人)×吉田隆之(大阪市立大学准教授)[日時] 2016年8月5日 [場所] ゲストハウスとカフェと庭 ココルーム(大阪市西成区)

  • シンポジウム「芸術祭に求められる様々な何か」

    Role(s): Guest, Panelist, Planner

    Type: Lecture


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    Audience: Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:30(人)


  • 日本アートマネジメント学会中部部会第25回(平成27年度第2回)研究会講演「大阪と愛知のアートシーンの違い」

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    日本アートマネジメント学会中部部会  第25回(平成27年度第2回)研究会  名古屋音楽学校ホール(名古屋市中区)  2016.03

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    Audience: Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization

    Number of participants:20(人)

    日本アートマネジメント学会中部部会第25回(平成27年度 第2回)研究会で講演 [タイトル]大阪と愛知のアートシーンの違い [日時] 2016年3月19日 [場所] 名古屋音楽学校ホール(名古屋市中区)

  • アート・イヴェントはなにをめざすのか―まち/市民と行政の協働

    Role(s): Guest, Panelist, Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    Hospitale Project  はじめてのアートプロジェクトシリーズ2018  旧横田医院(鳥取市)  2016.03

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    Audience: University students, Graduate students, Researchesrs, General public

    Number of participants:20(人)


  • NHK名古屋放送局ラジオ第一「ゴジラジ」

    Role(s): Guest

    Type: TV or radio program

    NHK  NHK名古屋放送局ラジオ第一「ゴジラジ」  NHK名古屋放送局  2016.02

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    Audience: General public, Governmental agency

    石垣真帆 飯田利九夫

  • トークイベント「トリエンナーレはなにをめざすのか」

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    トークイベント「トリエンナーレはなにをめざすのか」  MARUZEN名古屋本店  2015.08

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    Audience: General public

    トークイベント「トリエンナーレはなにをめざすのか」でパネリストとして講演 [司会] 石垣真帆(NHK名古屋放送局キャスター)[パネリスト]吉田隆之(愛知県職員)×服部浩之(あいちトリエンナーレ2016キュレーター) [日時] 2015年8月29日 [場所]MARUZEN名古屋本店

  • トークイベント「長者町大縁会はなにをめざすのか」

    Role(s): Panelist, Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    長者町大縁会実行委員会  吉田商事株式会社(名古屋市中区錦)  2015.08

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    Audience: General public


  • トークイベント「アートがまちに影響を与えることなんてあるのか」

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    「アートがまちに影響を与えることなんてあるのか」  オールタナティブスペース・スノドカフェ(静岡県静岡市)  2015.07

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    Audience: General public

    Number of participants:20(人)

    トークイベント「アートがまちに影響を与えることなんてあるのか」で講師として講演 [司会]岸井大輔[講師]吉田隆之(愛知県職員) [日時] 2015年7月22日 [場所]オールタナティブスペース・スノドカフェ(静岡県静岡市)

  • トークイベント「吉田隆之が斬る!いまどんな感じ長者町」

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    2015.04 - 2016.03

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    Audience: General public

    トークイベント「吉田隆之が斬る!いまどんな感じ長者町」で講師として講演[講師]吉田隆之[モデレーター]岸井大輔(劇作家)[日時]2015年5月24日[場所]PLACE LA BON(名古屋市中区丸の内)

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Media Coverage

  • Poet & NPO Founder-Ueda Kanayo TV or radio program

    NHK WORLD-JAPAN  フロントランナーズ  2024.03

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    文化庁助成事業「Equity(公正)& Justice(正義)を軸としたソーシャルアートコーディネーターの人材育成」事業の『実践・場づくり「貧困と孤独と表現〜釜ヶ崎における協働の自立支援・就労準備支援表現プログラム〜」が、NHKワールド(BS1)「フロントランナーズ」で3月24日(日)放送で取り上げられた。

  • アートプロジェクト「記憶の地図」 Newspaper, magazine

    読売新聞社  読売新聞  2023.03

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  • 芸術祭へ行こう! Newspaper, magazine

    生活の友社  美術の窓  166‐170ページ  2021.11

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International exchange activities

  • ドイツのオルデンブルク大学Institut für Kunst und visuelle Kulturで客員研究員として在外研究

    2022.03 - 2022.09

  • 2021年10月~2022年3月までイギリスのゴールドスミス・カレッジ大学の客員研究員。フェザーストーン・マイク教授、玉利智子上級講師とともに、共同研究「ポストオリンピックとアートプロジェクト-ストリートワイズ・オペラ/アート&ホームレス インターナショナルとココルームの交流からみえること-」を実施した。

    Field category :Research

    Country name :united kingdom   2021.10 - 2022.03


  • Job Career

    2022.04 - Now

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    Osaka City University

  • Job Career

    2018.04 - 2022.03

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    Osaka City University

  • Job Career

    2015.10 - 2018.03

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    Osaka City University