Updated on 2024/07/12


SAEKI Daisuke
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Department of Human Behavioral Sciences Professor
School of Literature and Human Sciences Department of Human Behavioral Sciences
Institute of Literature and Human Sciences
Affiliation campus
Sugimoto Campus


  • Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Department of Human Behavioral Sciences 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now

  • School of Literature and Human Sciences Department of Human Behavioral Sciences 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • PhD, MA ( Osaka City University )

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Experimental psychology  / behavior analysis, learning

Research Interests

  • choice behavior, operant conditioning

Research subject summary

  • 「今手に入る1万円」は「1カ月後に手に入る1万円」よりも好まれますが、これは、「1カ月」という待ち時間によって報酬の価値が低まったためと考えられます。これを遅延割引といいます。この遅延割引がどのように生じるのか、また、遅延割引はどのような要因によって影響を受けるのかを、学習心理学の観点から、ヒトや動物を対象に研究しています。

Research Career

  • choice behavior

    discounting, delay, probability  Individual


Professional Memberships

  • The Japanese Psychological Aasociation

    1996.04 - Now   Domestic

  • The Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis

    1995.04 - Now   Domestic

  • Tha Japanese Society for Animal Psychology

    1995.04 - Now   Domestic

  • Tha Japanese Psychonomic Society

    1999.04 - Now

  • Association for Behavior Analysis International

    1997.04 - Now   Overseas

  • Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior

    1997.04 - Now   Overseas

  • 行動数理研究会

    1996.04 - Now   Domestic

  • 人間行動分析研究会

    1997.03 - Now   Domestic

  • 日本自然災害学会

    2016.04 - Now   Domestic

  • 地域安全学会

    2017.04 - Now   Domestic

  • 日本小児精神神経学会

    2019.04 - Now   Domestic

  • 日本行動科学学会

    2016.04 - Now   Domestic

  • 関西心理学会

    2013.04 - 2024.03   Domestic

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Committee Memberships (off-campus)

  • 理事   日本行動分析学会  

    2019.06 - 2023.06 

  • 第34回年次大会委員長   日本行動分析学会  


  • 編集委員   日本行動分析学会  

    2009 - Now 


  • 日本基礎心理学会優秀発表賞


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  • 2017年度大阪市立大学教員活動表彰(教育分野)


Job Career (off-campus)

  • 日本学術振興会   特別研究員(DC2)

    2000.04 - 2001.03

  • 日本学術振興会   特別研究員(PD)

    2001.04 - 2003.03


  • Osaka City University   Psychology   Doctor's Course   Accomplished credits for doctoral program

    - 2001

  • Okayama University   Department of Psychology / Social psychology     Graduated/Completed

    - 1995


  • A self‐control choice paradigm including loss of rewards: Effects of amount of experience of larger‐later outcomes and social comparison information Reviewed

    Aya Katayama, Daisuke Saeki

    Japanese Psychological Research   64 ( 3 )   351 - 359   2021.01( ISSN:0021-5368 ( eISSN:1468-5884

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    DOI: 10.1111/jpr.12324

    Other URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/jpr.12324

  • ADHD児とASD児における遅延割引率の測定 Reviewed

    池上 将永, 荒木 章子, 増山 裕太郎, 空間 美智子, 佐伯 大輔, 奥村 香澄, 高橋 雅治

    小児の精神と神経   60 ( 3 )   223 - 231   2020.10( ISSN:0559-9040

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


  • A Self-Control Choice Paradigm Including Loss of Rewards Reviewed

    Aya KATAYAMA, Daisuke SAEKI

    Bulletin of the Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University   71   129 - 142   2020.03

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • Pigeons' choice between shared and unshared feeding sites in game situations. Reviewed

    Shoko Kitano, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Daisuke Saeki, Masato Ito

    Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis   45 ( 2 )   434 - 453   2019.12( ISSN:0185-4534 ( eISSN:2007-0802

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Cooperative behavior in nonhuman animals has been studied within the framework of game theory, typically by using the prisoner’s dilemma game. Previous studies on cooperation by pigeons using this game have revealed that, under these conditions, the animals did not learn the tit-for-tat strategy played by their opponents. In many cases, animals fail to choose cooperation and in so doing do not maximize their gains. The present experiment examined pigeons’ cooperative choices in the prisoner’s dilemma game situation by using a different type of apparatus than that used in previous studies: Subjects moved to choose one of two feeding sites, one of which was shared by another, stooge, pigeon whose choices were controlled by a computer and the other of which was not shared by other pigeons. In this choice situation, the presence of the stooge pigeon increased the subjects’ choices of the shared feeding site significantly. Further, the pigeons learned the other player’s choice strategy (tit-for-tat and random), showing that choice proportions for the shared feeding site were significantly higher in the tit-for-tat condition than in the random condition. These results suggest that the presence of a conspecific at the feeding site is a reinforcer for choosing it and that the choice situation constituted by the apparatus used in the present experiment could promote learning of the opponent’s choice strategy.

    DOI: 10.5514/rmac.v45.i2.75576

  • Discounting of shared rewards in pigeons Reviewed

    Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis   45 ( 2 )   454 - 467   2019.12( ISSN:01854534

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.5514/RMAC.V45.I2.75577

  • Effect of Consciousness and Preparedness for Disaster on Decision-Making during Disaster : Survey of Evacuation Behavior in the Case of Typhoon Lan Reviewed

    NINOMIYA Keiichi, IKUTA Eisuke, SAEKI Daisuke

    Journal of Social Safety Science   35 ( 0 )   233 - 242   2019.11( ISSN:13452088 ( eISSN:21879842

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    <p>People can often avoid flood damage in advance by implementation of measures, development of weather forecast and so on. But implementation rate of preparedness for disaster and evacuation is low. In this study, we took Typhoon Lan as a case, conducted a questionnaire survey on residents in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture in order to investigate disaster consciousness and how did they act in the disaster."Based on the obtained data, we analyzed for the purpose of clarifying the factor affecting the behavior in flood disaster. As a result, it turned out that evacuation assumption and disaster consciousness affect decision-making att the time of disaster.</p>

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.35.233

    CiNii Article

  • Social Influence and Rule-Governed Behavior: Effects of the Number of Rule-Givers on Rule Control


    Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis   34 ( 1 )   20 - 33   2019.08( ISSN:09138013 ( eISSN:24242500

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    <p><i>Study objective</i>: The present study investigated effects of the number of rule-givers on rule control. <i>Design</i>: A between-group design with 3 conditions. <i>Setting</i>: Participants were exposed to 2-component multiple schedules individually in an experimental room; they then shared ways to earn points (rules) with other participants as rule-givers (confederates) in an adjacent room. <i>Participants</i>: Undergraduate students (<i>N</i>=66). <i>Independent variables</i>: The number of rule-givers (0, 1, or 2) who provided rules that did not describe appropriate schedule contingencies to the participants and the distribution of points depending on response rates were manipulated as between- and within-participant factors, respectively. <i>Measures</i>: Response rate under 2-component multiple schedules and choice of rule. <i>Results</i>: A trend analysis revealed a significant linear relationship between the number of rule-givers and rule-following responding. The correlation between self-rule and responding for the 2-rule-giver group was not significant. <i>Conclusion</i>: The results were consistent with findings in social psychology that social influence is a function of group size. The results suggest that both internal and external rule control are affected by the number of rule-givers.</p>

    DOI: 10.24456/jjba.34.1_20

    CiNii Article

  • Three roles of other person who affects rule-governed behavior : Instructor, observer, and mediator Reviewed

    NAKAMURA Satoshi, SAEKI Daisuke

    Studies in the humanities : Bulletin of the Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University   70   229 - 244   2019.03

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    Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • The effects of living in urban environments on residents' life satisfaction: Findings from two online surveys using a multifaceted urban living environment scale Reviewed

    MIYAZAKI Genta, SAEKI Daisuke, YADA Naoya, IKEGAMI Tomoko

    The Japanese Journal of Psychology   89 ( 1 )   50 - 60   2018.04

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • 平成30年大阪北部を震源とする地震時の大学生の避難行動分析 Reviewed

    生田 英輔, 三田村 宗樹, 重松 孝昌, 佐伯 大輔

    都市防災研究論文集   5   41 - 44   2018

  • ハトにおける強化前遅延と強化後遅延が選択に及ぼす効果 Reviewed

    畑 佑美, 佐伯 大輔

    日本動物心理学会 動物心理学研究   2018

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    <p>The present study examined effects of pre- and post-reinforcer delays on pigeons' choice using concurrent-chains schedules. Subjects were exposed to concurrent-chains schedules in which a single variable-interval 30-s schedule was arranged for the initial link, followed by different fixed-time schedules for pre- and post-reinforcer delays as the terminal links. The pre- and post-reinforcer delays were fixed at 2 s for one alternative and they were manipulated across conditions (2 s, 8 s, 20 s, or 40 s) for the other alternative. Based on the sensitivities estimated from the overall reinforcement density model, it is suggested that pigeons have higher sensitivity to the pre-reinforcer delay relative to the post-reinforcer delay. These results are consistent with those reported in a previous study using rats. Comparisons of choice proportion data from different post-reinforcer delays reveal that pigeons have sensitivity to post-reinforcer delay, although it is not high.</p>

    DOI: 10.2502/janip.68.1.6

    CiNii Article

  • A Self-Control Choice Paradigm Including Loss of Rewards: Correlation Between Self-Control Choice and Delay Discounting and Effects of Instruction Reviewed


    The Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis, Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis   33 ( 1 )   2 - 11   2018( ISSN:0913-8013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    <p><i>Study objective:</i> The present study proposes a new self-control choice paradigm that includes loss of rewards, which has not been considered in previous studies, and examines the validity of the new paradigm by investigating the relationship between self-control choice and delay discounting. The second objective of this study was to investigate effects of varying amounts of instruction on self-control choice. <i>Design:</i> Between-subjects design. <i>Setting:</i> An experimental room. <i>Participants:</i> University students (<i>N</i>=45). <i>Independent variables:</i> Amount of instruction for measuring self-control choice, and delays in reward and reward amounts for measuring delay discounting. <i>Measure:</i> Choice proportion for the self-control alternative, and area under the curve (AUC) as an index of delay discounting. <i>Results:</i> Choice proportion for the self-control alternative obtained in the rich instruction condition was positively correlated with the area under the curve. Moreover, the self-control choice proportion was higher in the rich instruction condition than in the poor instruction condition. <i>Conclusion:</i> The positive correlation between self-control choice and the area under the curve suggests that the new self-control choice paradigm was able to measure individual differences in self-control when participants understood the rule about contingencies. Furthermore, the observation that the self-control choice proportion in the rich instruction condition was higher than in the poor instruction condition is consistent with the results of a previous study.</p>

    DOI: 10.24456/jjba.33.1_2

    CiNii Article

  • The effects of living in urban environments on residents' life satisfaction: Reviewed

    Miyazaki Genta, Saeki Daisuke, Yada Naoya, Ikegami Tomoko

    The Japanese Psychological Association, The Japanese journal of psychology   89 ( 1 )   50 - 60   2018

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    <p>Previous findings regarding the effects of living in urban environments on residents' subjective well-being have been inconsistent. The present study developed a scale to measure the multifaceted nature of urban living environments and investigated the aspects of urban environments that enhance or reduce residents' life satisfaction. We conducted two online surveys in which adults living in urban or rural areas in Japan (1,000 participants for each survey) completed the Multifaceted Urban Living Environment Scale and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Results indicated that urban living environments are characterized by quality of facilities, life convenience, life unpleasantness, and easy accessibility to public transportation. Of importance, each of these aspects affected residents' life satisfaction differently. Specifically, the quality of facilities was positively associated with life satisfaction, whereas life convenience was negatively associated. However, life unpleasantness and easy accessibility to public transportation had no effect on life satisfaction. These results suggest that it is important to measure the multifaceted nature of urban living environments to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of urbanization on residents' subjective well-being.</p>

    DOI: 10.4992/jjpsy.89.16074

    CiNii Article

  • The determinants of exchange anxiety in close relationships: Upward social comparison and relational mobility Reviewed

    MIYAZAKI Genta, YADA Naoya, IKEGAMI Tomoko, SAEKI Daisuke

    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology   33 ( 2 )   61 - 72   2017.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • 報酬共有場面における他者への信頼―他者の共有選択確率の効果― Reviewed

    片山 綾, 佐伯 大輔

    行動科学   55 ( 2 )   129 - 135   2017.03

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • The determinants of exchange anxiety in close relationships: Upward social comparison and relational mobility Reviewed

    Miyazaki Genta, Yada Naoya, Ikegami Tomoko, Saeki Daisuke

    The Japanese Society of Social Psychology, Japanese Journal of Social Psychology   33 ( 2 )   61 - 72   2017( ISSN:0916-1503

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    <p>This study investigated the determinants of <i>exchange anxiety</i> in close relationships—generalized worries that one's partner will replace him/her with a more suitable person. We hypothesized that exchange anxiety would increase when individuals compare themselves with others who are more competent (experiencing upward social comparisons), especially in environments where they cannot easily find alternative relationships (environments with low relational mobility). By experimentally manipulating the type of social comparison, the results from Study 1 revealed that undergraduates (<i>n</i>=299) living in environments with low relational mobility felt stronger exchange anxiety when they experienced upward social comparison than downward social comparison. In Study 2, an online survey was conducted with a sample of adults living in either urban or rural areas (<i>n</i>=1000). The results showed that the frequency of upward social comparison was positively associated with exchange anxiety and that this tendency was moderated by the combined effect of relational mobility and trait self-esteem. These results suggest that the characteristics of one's interpersonal environments affect the impact of the perceived risk of being replaced on exchange anxiety in one's close relationships.</p>

    DOI: 10.14966/jssp.1621

    CiNii Article

  • 日常生活防災力の育成に向けたコミュニティ防災システムの社会実装に関する研究

    森 一彦, 三田村 宗樹, 重松 孝昌, 渡辺 一志, 佐伯 大輔, 生田 英輔

    都市防災研究論文集 = Annual journal of urban disaster reduction research   3   7 - 12   2016.11( ISSN:2189-0536

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    Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    CiNii Article

  • 成人を対象とした実験におけるオペランダム―タッチパネルとゲームパッドの比較―


    行動分析学研究   31 ( 1 )   72 - 76   2016.08

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • Sensitivity to pre- and post-reinforcer delays in self-control choice Reviewed

    Yamaguchi, T., Saeki, D., and Ito, M.

    Behavioural Processes   121   8 - 12   2015.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • ハトの実験空間―個別実験から集団実験まで―


    行動分析学研究   30 ( 1 )   51 - 55   2015.07

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • 価値割引の観点から見た衝動性と利己性:ゲーム課題を用いた実験的研究 Reviewed


    人文研究   66   87 - 103   2015.03

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    Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • 社会的場面における一般対応法則の適用:他個体と共有する餌場の選択行動の分析 Reviewed


    人文研究   64   115 - 131   2013.03

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    Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Single Work  

  • Sharing, discounting, and selfishness:A Japanese-American comparison

    Masato ITO, Leonard GREEN

    The Psychological Record   60   59 - 76   2011.01

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Humans' temporal and probabilistic discounting derived from choice proportions in a choice situation Reviewed

    Daisuke SAEKI and Masato ITO

    61   62 - 80   2010.03

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • An Examination of Choice Procedures in a Self-Control Training for Autistic Children Reviewed

    Sorama Michiko, Ito Masato, Saeki Daisuke, Shimazaki Mayumi

    Osaka City University, Studies in the humanities   61   162 - 171   2010.03( ISSN:04913329

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    Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    CiNii Article

  • Local and overall reinforcement density as a determiner of self-control in preschool children : A preliminary analysis Reviewed

    伊藤 正人, 佐伯 大輔, 空間 美智子

    大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科・人文研究   60   94 - 109   2009.03( ISSN:04913329

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    Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    CiNii Article

  • Scaling social order in pigeons Reviewed


    The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology, The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology   58 ( 2 )   133 - 138   2008.12( ISSN:09168419

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Article

  • Self-Control and Delay Discounting in Preschool Children Reviewed


    The Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis, Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis   20 ( 2 )   101 - 108   2007.04( ISSN:09138013

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    Study objective: The present study, set in the framework of delay discounting, investigated self-control choice in preschool children. Design : The children chose between a standard alternative (12 reinforcers available after a 10-sec delay) and an adjusting alternative (N reinforcers available after a 1-sec delay). After the delay, cartoon characters (the reinforcers) were presented on a computer display. Reinforcer amount for the adjusting alternative was changed on every trial based on an adjusting-amount procedure. The number of reinforcers in the adjusting alternative after 20 trials was the definition of the indifference point for each participant. Setting : The present study was conducted in a room in a nursery school. Participants : Nine 4-year-old children and ten 6-year-old children. Measure : The indifference points. Results : The indifference points for the 6-year-old children were significantly higher than those for the 4-year-old children. Conclusion : These findings suggest the usefulness of the framework of delay discounting for understanding the development of self-control.

    DOI: 10.24456/jjba.20.2_101

    CiNii Article

  • 都市の放置自転車問題に対する心理学的アプローチ Reviewed


    大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科・都市文化研究   ( 4 )   44 - 45   2004.09

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 利己性と社会性から見た都市生活者の行動パターン:大阪と他都市の地域比較 Reviewed


    大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科・都市文化研究   ( 4 )   98 - 105   2004.09

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 放置自転車問題に見る大阪人気質:都市生活者の行動パターンに関する地域比較研究 Reviewed


    大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科・都市文化研究   ( 2 )   101 - 111   2003.09

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • The effect of reward amount on discounting of delayed rewards in rats Reviewed

    Daisuke Saeki, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, & Masato Ito

    21 ( 1 )   39 - 40   2002.09

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 強化量選択の行動経済学的研究:絶対強化量・体重レベル・経済環境の効果 Reviewed


    行動分析学研究   16 ( 2 )   122 - 140   2002.03

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 遅延報酬の価値割引と時間選好 Reviewed


    行動分析学研究   16 ( 2 )   154 - 169   2002.03

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 遅延・確率・共有による報酬の価値割引


    行動科学   40 ( 2 )   29 - 38   2001.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Choice between constant and variable alternatives by rats: Effects of different reinforcer amounts and energy budgets Reviewed

    Masato Ito, Daisuke Saeki, & Sachifu Takatsuru

    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior   73 ( 1 )   79 - 92   2000.01

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • ハトを用いた行動実験のための新しい視覚刺激呈示システム Reviewed


    動物心理学研究   49 ( 2 )   181 - 187   1999.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • ゴールデンハムスターによる確率学習 Reviewed


    動物心理学研究   49 ( 1 )   41 - 47   1999.06

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • Visual BasicとPCカードを用いた行動実験制御システム Reviewed


    行動分析学研究   13 ( 1 )   66 - 72   1999.02

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • 不確実状況における意思決定を巡る「選択行動研究」と「認知的意思決定研究」の融合 Reviewed International coauthorship


    行動分析学研究   11 ( 1-2 )   56 - 70   1997.06

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

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Books and Other Publications

  • ユーモア解体新書 : 笑いをめぐる人間学の試み

    佐金 武, 佐伯 大輔, 高梨 友宏

    清文堂出版  2020  ( ISBN:9784792414788

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  • Experimentation for Behavior Analysis: How to Make Programs for Behavioral Experiments by Visual Basic

    Naoki NAKASHIKA, Masanobu KUWAHARA( Role: Joint author)

    2011.09  ( ISBN:9784779505935

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    Book type:Scholarly book

  • The Psychology of Discounting: From Animal Behavior to Economic Phenomena

    ( Role: Sole author)

    2011.02  ( ISBN:9784812211014

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    Book type:Scholarly book


  • 有斐閣 現代心理学辞典(項目執筆)


    有斐閣   2021.02

  • 行動分析学事典(項目執筆)


    丸善出版   2019.04

  • 価値割引過程からみたセルフ・コントロールと衝動性(「セルフ・コントロールの心理学」第2章)


    北大路書房   23 - 38   2017.05

  • 犯罪とセルフ・コントロール(「セルフ・コントロールの心理学」第14章)


    北大路書房   241 - 255   2017.05

  • コミュニティ支援(「ケースで学ぶ行動分析学による問題解決」第17章)


    金剛出版   166 - 173   2015.09

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    Authorship:Lead author  

  • ムチは効く?(「動物たちは何を考えている?」4-2)


    技術評論社   80 - 84   2015.05

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 誠信 心理学辞典(項目執筆)


    誠信書房   2014.09

  • 行動生物学辞典(項目執筆)


    東京化学同人   2013.11

  • 現代心理学:行動から見る心の探究(第5章, 第6章, 第10章, 13章)


    昭和堂   2013.04

  • 遅延割引の基礎的事実(「意思決定と経済の心理学」第3章第1節)

    井垣竹晴, 伊藤正人, 川越敏司, 坂上貴之, 嶋崎恒雄, 高橋雅治, 恒松伸, 広田すみれ, 増田真也, 森久美子, 山岸侯彦

    朝倉書店   53 - 61   2009.11( ISBN:9784254526813

     More details

    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 都市生活環境尺度による都市度の定量化に関する心理学的研究

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  2013.04

  • The Psychology of Discounting


Other subsidies, etc.

  • 都市生活者の心理学的特性に関する実証的研究―都市生活環境尺度の開発―

    未設定  2012.04

Acceptance of Researcher

  • 2022  Number of researchers:3

Outline of education staff

  • 行動分析学の立場から、実験心理学や関連する領域について、講義・演習を担当している。

Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 心理学研究演習1

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習2(心理学実験)

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習1(心理学実験)

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学研究指導1

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 心理学総合研究演習1

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究A

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊研究A

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • コミュニティ防災

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学論文指導

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 卒業論文演習Ⅰ

    2024   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 心理学研究指導1

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 心理学総合研究演習1

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究A

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学実験演習2(心理学実験)

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習1(心理学実験)

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 初年次ゼミナール

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • コミュニティ防災

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学入門

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊研究A

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学論文指導

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 卒業論文演習Ⅰ

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 卒業論文

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 心理学研究指導2

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 心理学総合研究演習2

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習A

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 発達心理学特論

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 学習・言語心理学特論

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学概論A

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法2a

    2023   Weekly class  

  • 心理学研究演習Ⅰ

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 博士論文

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 心理学論文指導

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 心理学研究演習Ⅱ

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 卒業論文演習Ⅱ

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊研究B

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • コミュニティ防災

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学入門

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学総合研究演習1

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究A

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学総合研究演習2

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習A

    2022   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 人間行動学概論A

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学研究演習Ⅰ

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅱ(心理学実験)

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅰ(心理学実験)

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 卒業論文演習Ⅰ(心理学)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 卒業論文(心理学)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 心理学論文指導(長期履修生)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 卒業論文演習Ⅱ(心理学)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学研究演習Ⅱ

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 学習・言語心理学特論

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 発達心理学特論

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 心理学論文指導

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 博士論文(心理学)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 修士論文(心理学)

    2022   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2017     Graduate school

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2017     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2017     Undergraduate

  • 学習心理学特論

    2017     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2017     Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2016     Graduate school

  • 発達心理学特論

    2016     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学概論Ⅰ

    2016     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2016     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2016     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2016     Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2015     Graduate school

  • 文学部基礎演習

    2015     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2015     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2015     Undergraduate

  • 学習心理学特論

    2015     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2015     Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2014     Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2014     Graduate school

  • 文学部基礎演習

    2014     Undergraduate

  • 動物心理学特論

    2014     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2014     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2014     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2013     Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2013     Graduate school

  • 認知心理学特論

    2013     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学概論Ⅰ

    2013     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2013     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2013     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2012     Graduate school

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2012     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2012     Undergraduate

  • 学習心理学特論

    2012     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2011     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2011     Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅲ

    2011     Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅳ

    2011     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2011     Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2011     Graduate school

  • 心理学専門演習Ⅰ

    2011     Undergraduate

  • 人文学概論Ⅱ

    2011     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2010     Graduate school

  • 認知の仕組み

    2010     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2010     Undergraduate

  • 動物心理学特論

    2010     Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅲ

    2010     Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅳ

    2010     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2010     Graduate school

  • 人間行動学データ解析法Ⅱa

    2009     Undergraduate

  • 心理学への招待

    2009     Undergraduate

  • 人間行動学概論Ⅰ

    2009     Undergraduate

  • 認知心理学特論

    2009     Undergraduate

  • 心理学専門演習Ⅰ

    2009     Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅲ

    2009     Undergraduate

  • 心理学実験演習Ⅳ

    2009     Undergraduate

  • 心理学特殊問題研究Ⅱ

    2009     Graduate school

  • 心理学特殊問題研究演習2

    2009     Graduate school

▼display all

Charge of off-campus class subject

  • 心理学特殊講義Ⅰ

    Institution:Osaka Kyoiku University

     More details

    Level:Undergraduate (specialized)  Country:Japan

Number of instructed thesis, researches

  • 2023

    Number of instructed the graduation thesis:Number of graduation thesis reviews:12

    [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1

    [Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0

    [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):1

  • 2022

    Number of instructed the graduation thesis:Number of graduation thesis reviews:10

    [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):3

    [Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):3

    [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):1

Social Activities ⇒ Link to the list of Social Activities

  • 令和6年度市民協働型自転車利用適正化等業務(新大阪・西中島南方駅)

    大阪市淀川区  2023.11 - 2024.03

  • 高校生による研究室訪問

    Role(s): Lecturer, Official expert

    Type: Visiting lecture


  • 高校生による研究室訪問

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Visiting lecture



  • Job Career

    2003.04 - 2007.03