2024/07/12 更新


イトウ アサヒロ
伊藤 朝広
ITO Asahiro
大学院医学研究科 臨床医科学専攻 講師
医学部 医学科


  • 大学院医学研究科 臨床医科学専攻 

    講師  2022年04月 - 継続中

  • 医学部 医学科 

    講師  2022年04月 - 継続中


  • ライフサイエンス / 循環器内科学


  • 構造的心疾患


  • 日本超音波医学会

  • 日本心エコー図学会

  • 日本循環器学会

  • 日本内科学会

  • 日本内科学会


  • 日本循環器学会


  • 日本超音波医学会


  • 日本心エコー図学会




  • 医学会賞

    伊藤 朝広

    2015年03月   大阪市医学会  

  • AHA Funded Researcher

    伊藤 朝広

    2012年11月   American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012  


  • 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科   循環器内科学

    2020年04月 - 継続中

  • 大阪市立大学大学院   医学研究科 臨床医科学専攻   病院講師

    2017年04月 - 2020年03月


  • 'Conventional' haemodynamics even in the quadricuspid aortic valve: clinical recognition using multimodality imaging. 査読

    Wakasa S, Ito A, Kitada R, Takahashi Y, Fukuda D

    European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging   2023年04月( ISSN:2047-2404


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  

    DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jead081


  • Endoscopic assessment of WATCHMAN 17 months after implantation. 査読

    Yamazaki T, Yoshiyama T, Ito A, Izumiya Y, Fukuda D

    Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics   38 ( 2 )   258 - 259   2023年04月( ISSN:18684300


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12928-022-00902-x


  • Impact of cystatin C-derived glomerular filtration rate in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation. 査読

    Kure Y, Okai T, Izumiya Y, Yoshida H, Mizutani K, Yamaguchi T, Ogawa M, Shibata A, Ito A, Takahashi Y, Shibata T, Fukuda D

    Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine   10   1035736   2023年( ISSN:2297-055X


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  

    DOI: 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1035736


  • 夜間血圧、夜間心拍と心血管疾患患者の予後予測に関する検討 査読

    キム・アンドリュー・ティー, 伊藤 朝広, 伊藤 文花, 小川 真奈, 北田 諒子, 石川 世良, 岩田 真一, 泉家 康宏, 福田 大受

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   70回   O - 4   2022年09月

  • 24時間自由行動下血圧測定での血圧変動性と心房細動カテーテルアブレーション後の再発に関する検討 査読

    伊藤 文花, 伊藤 朝広, キム・アンドリュー・ティー, 小川 真奈, 北田 諒子, 石川 世良, 岩田 真一, 泉家 康宏, 福田 大受

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   70回   O - 2   2022年09月

  • ペーシング誘発性心筋症の危険因子 リードの位置からの洞察(Risk factors of pacing-induced cardiomyopathy-Insights from lead position) 査読

    Yoshiyama Tomotaka, Shimeno Kenji, Hayashi Yusuke, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Abe Yukio, Ehara Shoichi, Naruko Takahiko

    Journal of Arrhythmia   38 ( 3 )   408 - 415   2022年06月( ISSN:1880-4276


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  

    ペーシング誘発性心筋症(PICM)の予測因子を後方視的観察研究で調べた。2008年1月~2018年1月にペースメーカー植込み目的で紹介された連続患者604名のうち、適格とした172名(男性88名、平均76±11歳)を組み入れた。リードの位置は右室心尖部(RVA)または右室中隔中部(mid-RVS)とし、mid-RVSの場合はその設置位置をCTで確認した。PICMの定義は、経過観察時の経胸壁心エコー法による評価で左室駆出率が40%未満とした。PICMを発症していた患者は18名(10.5%)(男性14名、平均76±14歳)存在した。RVA群66名とmid-RVS群106名を比較した場合、ペーシング時のQRS幅はmid-RVS群の方が有意に短かったものの、PICM発症率には有意差は認められなかった。多変量解析の結果、PICMの独立予測因子として、術前の左室収縮末期径(HR 1.12、95%CI 1.03~1.22)とペーシング時のQRS幅(HR 1.03、95%CI 1.004~1.06)が同定された。結論として、RVAかmid-RVSかというリードの設置位置の違いは、PICMの予測因子とはなっていなかった。術前の左室収縮末期径とペーシング時のQRS幅は、PICM予測に有用な指標となる可能性が示された。

  • 経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術を施行する患者の転帰を予測するには基本チェックリストが有用である(Kihon checklist is useful for predicting outcomes in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation) 査読

    Kure Yusuke, Okai Tsukasa, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Shimizu Masashi, Yahiro Ryosuke, Yamaguchi Tomohiro, Ogawa Mana, Kishimoto Noriaki, Shibata Atsushi, Ito Asahiro, Takahashi Yosuke, Ehara Shoichi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Journal of Cardiology   79 ( 1-2 )   299 - 305   2022年02月( ISSN:0914-5087


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  

    大動脈弁狭窄症(AS)に対し経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術(TAVI)を行う患者において、フレイルの存在が3年後の予後に及ぼす影響を評価する前向き観察研究を施行した。当院でTAVIを行う重症ASの患者連続280名(女性率68.9%、年齢中央値84歳)を組み入れた。TAVI手技の前に、患者に基本チェックリスト(KCL)へ回答してもらうことでフレイルの評価を行った。KCLは「はい/いいえ」で回答する簡単な質問文25個で構成され、0~25点の範囲でスコア評価されるものであった。主要評価項目はTAVIから3年後の全死因死亡率とした。KCLの他に3種の尺度も用いてフレイル評価を行ったが、フレイル状態に関する受信者動作特性(ROC)曲線解析において、KCLスコアが示すROC曲線と、他の各尺度によるROC曲線の間には有意な差は認められなかった。KCLスコアで本集団がほぼ3等分になるよう層別化した時の三分位数は、8点と12点であった。多変量Cox回帰分析の結果、3年全死因死亡の有意な独立関連因子として、KCLスコア(ハザード比[HR]1.10、95%CI 1.03~1.18)、糖尿病(HR 2.0)、肝疾患(HR 3.0)、が同定された。TAVIを行う患者でフレイルを評価し3年全死因死亡を予測する上で、KCLは簡便で有用なツールになると結論された。

  • Kihon checklist is useful for predicting outcomes in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation. 査読

    Yusuke Kure, Tsukasa Okai, Yasuhiro Izumiya, Masashi Shimizu, Ryosuke Yahiro, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Mana Ogawa, Noriaki Kishimoto, Atsushi Shibata, Asahiro Ito, Yosuke Takahashi, Shoichi Ehara, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Journal of cardiology   79 ( 2 )   299 - 305   2022年02月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    BACKGROUND: Frailty is a major risk factor for death and disability following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The Kihon checklist (KCL) is a simple self-reporting yes/no survey consisting of 25 questions and is used as a screening tool to identify frailty in the primary care setting. No clinical studies have focused on frailty calculated by the KCL in the TAVI cohort. We investigated the 3-year prognostic impact of frailty evaluated by the KCL in patients who underwent TAVI. METHODS: This single-center prospective observational study included 280 consecutive patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis who underwent TAVI and evaluated pre-procedural physical performance focused on frailty at our institution. We assessed all patients' frailty by the KCL before TAVI, as described previously. We set the primary endpoint as the 3-year all-cause mortality after TAVI. RESULTS: The median patient age was 84 years (interquartile range, 81-87 years), and 31.1% were men. In the receiver operating characteristics curve, there were no significant differences between the KCL and Cardiovascular Health Study frailty index [area under the curve (AUC) 0.625 versus 0.628; p=0.93), KCL and Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale (AUC 0.625 versus 0.542; p=0.15), and KCL and Short Physical Performance Battery (AUC 0.625 versus 0.612; p=0.91). The first and second tertiles of the total KCL score were 8 and 12, respectively. The multivariate Cox regression model indicated that the total KCL score [hazard ratio (HR), 1.104; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.034-1.179; p=0.003], presence of diabetes mellitus (HR, 1.993; CI, 1.055-3.766; p=0.03), and presence of liver disease (HR, 3.007; CI, 1.067-8.477; p=0.04) were independently associated with 3-year all-cause mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The KCL is a simple and useful tool for evaluating frailty status and predicting 3-year all-cause mortality in patients undergoing TAVI.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2021.09.014


  • Difference in risk factors of silent brain infarction between paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation. 査読

    Kim AT, Iwata S, Ishikawa S, Tamura S, Matsuo M, Yoshiyama T, Nonin S, Ito A, Izumiya Y, Yoshiyama M

    International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature   33   100753   2021年04月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2021.100753


  • シスタチンCから算出した腎機能とTAVI後の予後の検討 査読

    岡井 主, 水谷 一輝, 八尋 亮介, 山口 智大, 小川 真奈, 能仁 信一, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 泉家 康宏, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   29回   1057 - 1057   2021年02月

  • Bacteremic cellulitis mimicking erythema nodosum caused by Streptococcus sanguinis endocarditis 査読

    Nishida Marina, Imanishi Hisayoshi, Sowa-Osako Junko, Umeda Sakurako, Ito Asahiro, Yasumizu Daisuke, Yoshiyama Minoru, Tsuruta Daisuke

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY   59 ( 11 )   E425 - E427   2020年11月( ISSN:0011-9059



    DOI: 10.1111/ijd.14973


  • Prevalence and Risk Factors of Silent Brain Infarction in Patients with Aortic Stenosis. 査読

    Ayaka Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Soichiro Tamura, Andrew T Kim, Shinichi Nonin, Sera Ishikawa, Asahiro Ito, Yasuhiro Izumiya, Takato Abe, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Cerebrovascular diseases extra   10 ( 3 )   116 - 123   2020年10月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    INTRODUCTION: Silent brain infarction (SBI) is an independent risk factor for subsequent symptomatic stroke in the general population. Although aortic stenosis (AS) is also known to be associated with an increased risk of future symptomatic stroke, little is known regarding the prevalence and risk factors for SBI in patients with AS. METHODS: The study population comprised 83 patients with severe AS with no history of stroke or transient ischemic attack and paralysis or sensory impairment (mean age 75 ± 7 years). All patients underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging to screen for SBI and multidetector-row computed tomography to quantify the aortic valve calcification (AVC) volume. Comprehensive transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography were performed to evaluate left atrial (LA) abnormalities, such as LA enlargement, spontaneous echo contrast, or abnormal LA appendage emptying velocity (<20 cm/s), and complex plaques in the aortic arch. RESULTS: SBI was detected in 38 patients (46%). Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that CHA2DS2-VASc score and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were independently associated with SBI (p < 0.05), whereas LA abnormalities and AVC volume were not. When patients were divided into 4 groups according to CHA2DS2-VASc score and eGFR, the group with a higher CHA2DS2-VASc score (≥4) and a lower eGFR (<60 mL/min/1.73 m2) had a greater risk of SBI than the other groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that AS is associated with a high prevalence of SBI, and that the CHA2DS2-VASc score and eGFR are useful for risk stratification.

    DOI: 10.1159/000510438


  • Presence of mitral stenosis is a risk factor of new development of acute decompensated heart failure early after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. 査読

    Tsukasa Okai, Kazuki Mizutani, Masahiko Hara, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Mana Ogawa, Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Yasuhiro Izumiya, Yosuke Takahashi, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Open heart   7 ( 2 )   2020年10月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    AIMS: Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) can occur early after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), but the risk factors or mechanisms associated with it have not been fully determined. This hypothesis-generating study aimed to investigate the clinical indices associated with the development of ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI and to improve procedural approaches for TAVI. METHOD AND RESULTS: In this single-centre hypothesis generating prospective observational study, we enrolled 156 consecutive patients with severe aortic stenosis who underwent TAVI between January 2016 and February 2018 at our institution. We set the primary endpoint as the new development of ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI, and clinical indices associated with it were evaluated using a multivariable logistic model. The median age of the patients was 83 (quartile range 80-86) years, 48 (30.8%) were men and the median Society of Thoracic Surgery-Predicted Risk of Mortality was 7.1 (range 5.2-10.4). Mitral stenosis (MS), defined as mean transmitral valve pressure gradient ≥5 mm Hg, was present in 15 (9.6%) patients. After TAVI, the invasive mean transaortic valve pressure gradient (mAVPG) decreased from 48 (36-66) to 7 (5-11) mm Hg, and 12 (7.7%) patients developed ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that MS (adjusted OR, 14.227; 95% CI 2.654 to 86.698; p=0.002) and greater decreases in mAVPG (1.038; 1.003 to 1.080; p=0.044) were associated with ADHF. CONCLUSIONS: MS and drastic improvement of mAVPG were associated with new development of ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI.

    DOI: 10.1136/openhrt-2020-001348


  • Irreversible reversal of aortic valve leaflet during transcatheter aortic valve implantation 査読

    Ogawa Mana, Mizutani Kazuki, Okai Tsukasa, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Yoshiyama Minoru




    DOI: 10.1007/s12928-020-00700-3


  • Irreversible reversal of aortic valve leaflet during transcatheter aortic valve implantation. 査読

    Mana Ogawa, Kazuki Mizutani, Tsukasa Okai, Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics   2020年09月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12928-020-00700-3


  • Bacteremic cellulitis mimicking erythema nodosum caused by Streptococcus sanguinis endocarditis. 査読

    Marina Nishida, Hisayoshi Imanishi, Junko Sowa-Osako, Sakurako Umeda, Asahiro Ito, Daisuke Yasumizu, Minoru Yoshiyama, Daisuke Tsuruta

    International journal of dermatology   59 ( 11 )   e425-e427   2020年06月



    DOI: 10.1111/ijd.14973



    Yamaguchi Tomohiro, Mizutani Kazuki, Yahiro Ryousuke, Ogawa Mana, Okai Tsukasa, Nonin Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Takahashi Yosuke, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY   75 ( 11 )   1243 - 1243   2020年03月( ISSN:0735-1097



  • Predictors of increased d-dimer level at follow-up period after transcatheter aortic valve implantation.Is oral anticoagulation therapy better? 査読

    Okai T., Mizutani K., Yamaguchi T., Ogawa M., Kajio K., Ito A., Iwata S., Takahashi Y., Izumiya Y., Murakami T., Shibata T., Yoshiyama M.

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   41   53 - 53   2020年01月( ISSN:0195-668X



    DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/ehz872.050

  • Presence of mitral stenosis is a risk factor of new development of acute decompensated heart failure early after transcatheter aortic valve implantation 査読

    Okai Tsukasa, Mizutani Kazuki, Hara Masahiko, Yamaguchi Tomohiro, Ogawa Mana, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Takahashi Yosuke, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    OPEN HEART   7 ( 2 )   2020年( ISSN:2053-3624



    AIMS: Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) can occur early after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), but the risk factors or mechanisms associated with it have not been fully determined. This hypothesis-generating study aimed to investigate the clinical indices associated with the development of ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI and to improve procedural approaches for TAVI. METHOD AND RESULTS: In this single-centre hypothesis generating prospective observational study, we enrolled 156 consecutive patients with severe aortic stenosis who underwent TAVI between January 2016 and February 2018 at our institution. We set the primary endpoint as the new development of ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI, and clinical indices associated with it were evaluated using a multivariable logistic model. The median age of the patients was 83 (quartile range 80-86) years, 48 (30.8%) were men and the median Society of Thoracic Surgery-Predicted Risk of Mortality was 7.1 (range 5.2-10.4). Mitral stenosis (MS), defined as mean transmitral valve pressure gradient ≥5 mm Hg, was present in 15 (9.6%) patients. After TAVI, the invasive mean transaortic valve pressure gradient (mAVPG) decreased from 48 (36-66) to 7 (5-11) mm Hg, and 12 (7.7%) patients developed ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that MS (adjusted OR, 14.227; 95% CI 2.654 to 86.698; p=0.002) and greater decreases in mAVPG (1.038; 1.003 to 1.080; p=0.044) were associated with ADHF. CONCLUSIONS: MS and drastic improvement of mAVPG were associated with new development of ADHF within 72 hours after TAVI.

    DOI: 10.1136/openhrt-2020-001348


  • Prevalence and Risk Factors of Silent Brain Infarction in Patients with Aortic Stenosis 査読

    Ito Ayaka, Iwata Shinichi, Tamura Soichiro, Kim Andrew T., Nonin Shinichi, Ishikawa Sera, Ito Asahiro, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Abe Takato, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES EXTRA   10 ( 3 )   116 - 123   2020年( ISSN:1664-5456



    INTRODUCTION: Silent brain infarction (SBI) is an independent risk factor for subsequent symptomatic stroke in the general population. Although aortic stenosis (AS) is also known to be associated with an increased risk of future symptomatic stroke, little is known regarding the prevalence and risk factors for SBI in patients with AS. METHODS: The study population comprised 83 patients with severe AS with no history of stroke or transient ischemic attack and paralysis or sensory impairment (mean age 75 ± 7 years). All patients underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging to screen for SBI and multidetector-row computed tomography to quantify the aortic valve calcification (AVC) volume. Comprehensive transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography were performed to evaluate left atrial (LA) abnormalities, such as LA enlargement, spontaneous echo contrast, or abnormal LA appendage emptying velocity (<20 cm/s), and complex plaques in the aortic arch. RESULTS: SBI was detected in 38 patients (46%). Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that CHA2DS2-VASc score and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were independently associated with SBI (p < 0.05), whereas LA abnormalities and AVC volume were not. When patients were divided into 4 groups according to CHA2DS2-VASc score and eGFR, the group with a higher CHA2DS2-VASc score (≥4) and a lower eGFR (<60 mL/min/1.73 m2) had a greater risk of SBI than the other groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that AS is associated with a high prevalence of SBI, and that the CHA2DS2-VASc score and eGFR are useful for risk stratification.

    DOI: 10.1159/000510438


  • Self-expandable transcatheter aortic valve implantation is associated with frequent periprocedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging-Insight from propensity score match 査読

    Ogawa M., Mizutani K., Okai T., Kajio K., Ito A., Iwata S., Takahashi Y., Murakami T., Shibata T., Yoshiyama M.

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   40   2293 - 2293   2019年10月( ISSN:0195-668X



  • 自己拡張型経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術は、拡散強調MRIにより検出される頻繁な周術期脳卒中と関連する(Self-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement is associated with frequent periprocedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging)

    Kajio Keiko, Mizutani Kazuki, Hara Masahiko, Nakao Mana, Okai Tsukasa, Ito Asahiro, Takahashi Yosuke, Iwata Shinichi, Shimono Taro, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Journal of Cardiology   74 ( 1-2 )   27 - 33   2019年08月( ISSN:0914-5087


    経大腿動脈的経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術(TAVR)を受ける患者113例(男性36.3%、年齢81〜87歳)を対象に、拡散強調MRI(DW-MRI)で検出される術後脳卒中のリスクを評価した。バルーン拡張型弁を第一選択治療として93例に使用し、狭いバルサルバ洞・上行大動脈接合部または弁輪を有する20例に自己拡張型弁を選択した。主要評価項目は、サイズに関係なく、DW-MRIにより検出される高信号域(HIA)の数であった。113例のうち症候性脳卒中は6例(5.3%)、無症候性脳卒中は59例(52.2%)に発生した。症候性脳卒中および総脳卒中の発生率は、自己拡張型TAVRを受けた患者の方がバルーン拡張型TAVRを受けた患者より有意に高かった(それぞれ30.0% vs.0.0%、90.0% vs.50.5%)。多変量線形回帰モデルにより自己拡張型TAVRと主要評価項目に関連が認められ、その他の共変量は主要評価項目と有意な関係がみられなかった。赤池情報基準ベースのステップワイズ統計モデル選択により、弁の種類が最適予測モデルに対する唯一の説明変数であることが示された。

  • 自己拡張型経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術は、拡散強調MRIにより検出される頻繁な周術期脳卒中と関連する(Self-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement is associated with frequent periprocedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging) 査読

    Kajio Keiko, Mizutani Kazuki, Hara Masahiko, Nakao Mana, Okai Tsukasa, Ito Asahiro, Takahashi Yosuke, Iwata Shinichi, Shimono Taro, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 Journal of Cardiology   74 ( 1-2 )   27 - 33   2019年08月( ISSN:0914-5087



    経大腿動脈的経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術(TAVR)を受ける患者113例(男性36.3%、年齢81〜87歳)を対象に、拡散強調MRI(DW-MRI)で検出される術後脳卒中のリスクを評価した。バルーン拡張型弁を第一選択治療として93例に使用し、狭いバルサルバ洞・上行大動脈接合部または弁輪を有する20例に自己拡張型弁を選択した。主要評価項目は、サイズに関係なく、DW-MRIにより検出される高信号域(HIA)の数であった。113例のうち症候性脳卒中は6例(5.3%)、無症候性脳卒中は59例(52.2%)に発生した。症候性脳卒中および総脳卒中の発生率は、自己拡張型TAVRを受けた患者の方がバルーン拡張型TAVRを受けた患者より有意に高かった(それぞれ30.0% vs.0.0%、90.0% vs.50.5%)。多変量線形回帰モデルにより自己拡張型TAVRと主要評価項目に関連が認められ、その他の共変量は主要評価項目と有意な関係がみられなかった。赤池情報基準ベースのステップワイズ統計モデル選択により、弁の種類が最適予測モデルに対する唯一の説明変数であることが示された。

  • Self-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement is associated with frequent periprocedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging 査読

    Kajio Keiko, Mizutani Kazuki, Hara Masahiko, Nakao Mana, Okai Tsukasa, Ito Asahiro, Takahashi Yosuke, Iwata Shinichi, Shimono Taro, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY   74 ( 1 )   27 - 33   2019年07月( ISSN:0914-5087



    BACKGROUND: Little evidence is available regarding the risk of peri-procedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Our purpose was to evaluate stroke risk after TAVR using DW-MRI by enrolling consecutive patients who underwent transfemoral TAVR and post-procedural DW-MRI. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 113 consecutive patients who underwent transfemoral TAVR and post-procedural DW-MRI. We used balloon-expandable valves as first-line therapy and selected self-expandable valves only for patients with narrow sinotubular junctions or annuli. We set the primary endpoint as the number of high intensity areas (HIA) detected by DW-MRI regardless of the size of the area. To evaluate the risks of the primary endpoint, we employed a multivariable linear regression model, setting the primary endpoint as an objective variable and patient and clinical backgrounds as explanatory variables. RESULTS: Median patient age was 84 years, and 36.3% were men. Ninety-three patients underwent balloon-expandable TAVR and 20 underwent self-expandable TAVR. Symptomatic stroke occurred in 6 (5.3%) whereas asymptomatic stroke occurred in 59 (52.2%) patients. The incidence of symptomatic and total stroke was higher in patients who underwent self-expandable TAVR than those who underwent balloon-expandable TAVR (30.0% vs. 0.0%, p<0.001 and 90.0% vs. 50.5%, p=0.001, respectively). A multivariable linear regression model demonstrated an increased primary endpoint when self-expandable TAVR was performed (p<0.001). The other covariates had no significant relationship to the primary endpoint. Akaike information criterion-based stepwise statistical model selection revealed that valve type was the only explanatory variable for the best predictive model. CONCLUSIONS: Self-expandable valves were associated with increased numbers of HIA on DW-MRI after TAVR in patients with severe aortic stenosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2019.01.013


  • Self-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement is associated with frequent periprocedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. 査読

    Keiko Kajio, Kazuki Mizutani, Masahiko Hara, Mana Nakao, Tsukasa Okai, Asahiro Ito, Yosuke Takahashi, Shinichi Iwata, Taro Shimono, Yasuhiro Izumiya, Takashi Murakami, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Journal of cardiology   74 ( 1 )   27 - 33   2019年07月( ISSN:0914-5087


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    BACKGROUND: Little evidence is available regarding the risk of peri-procedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Our purpose was to evaluate stroke risk after TAVR using DW-MRI by enrolling consecutive patients who underwent transfemoral TAVR and post-procedural DW-MRI. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 113 consecutive patients who underwent transfemoral TAVR and post-procedural DW-MRI. We used balloon-expandable valves as first-line therapy and selected self-expandable valves only for patients with narrow sinotubular junctions or annuli. We set the primary endpoint as the number of high intensity areas (HIA) detected by DW-MRI regardless of the size of the area. To evaluate the risks of the primary endpoint, we employed a multivariable linear regression model, setting the primary endpoint as an objective variable and patient and clinical backgrounds as explanatory variables. RESULTS: Median patient age was 84 years, and 36.3% were men. Ninety-three patients underwent balloon-expandable TAVR and 20 underwent self-expandable TAVR. Symptomatic stroke occurred in 6 (5.3%) whereas asymptomatic stroke occurred in 59 (52.2%) patients. The incidence of symptomatic and total stroke was higher in patients who underwent self-expandable TAVR than those who underwent balloon-expandable TAVR (30.0% vs. 0.0%, p<0.001 and 90.0% vs. 50.5%, p=0.001, respectively). A multivariable linear regression model demonstrated an increased primary endpoint when self-expandable TAVR was performed (p<0.001). The other covariates had no significant relationship to the primary endpoint. Akaike information criterion-based stepwise statistical model selection revealed that valve type was the only explanatory variable for the best predictive model. CONCLUSIONS: Self-expandable valves were associated with increased numbers of HIA on DW-MRI after TAVR in patients with severe aortic stenosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2019.01.013


  • Arterial inflow line equipped with a side arm for circulatory support and catheter insertion during transcatheter aortic valve implantation for limited vascular access 査読

    Murakami Takashi, Sada Ryoji, Takahashi Yosuke, Nishimura Shinsuke, Mizutani Kazuki, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Yamada Tokuhiro, Yoshiyama Minoru, Shibata Toshihiko

    GENERAL THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY   67 ( 3 )   328 - 331   2019年03月( ISSN:1863-6705



    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation was performed on a 78-year-old patient. Elective circulatory support with cardiopulmonary bypass was planned because of left ventricular function impairment and hemodynamic instability. Limited vascular access was due to a severe atherosclerotic aorta distal to the origin of the left carotid artery. The right arm was the only safe vascular access site. However, at least 2 vascular access sites for angiographic catheter and inflow of circulatory support were required. An arterial inflow line equipped with a side arm was developed to enable single access to the right axillary artery to be used for the above purposes.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11748-018-0905-2


  • バスキュラーアクセスの造設部位が限られた患者における経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術のための循環サポートとカテーテル挿入用の分岐連結管を装着した動脈ライン(Arterial inflow line equipped with a side arm for circulatory support and catheter insertion during transcatheter aortic valve implantation for limited vascular access) 査読

    Murakami Takashi, Sada Ryoji, Takahashi Yosuke, Nishimura Shinsuke, Mizutani Kazuki, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Yamada Tokuhiro, Yoshiyama Minoru, Shibata Toshihiko

    シュプリンガー・ジャパン(株) General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery   67 ( 3 )   328 - 331   2019年03月( ISSN:1863-6705



    症例は78歳男性で、重度の心不全のため当院へ搬送された。脳卒中とステージ4の慢性腎臓病の既往があり、経皮的冠動脈インターベンションの手術歴があった。心エコー検査で大動脈弁狭窄症を認め、大動脈弁口面積は0.68cm2、左室の拡張末期径は61mm、駆出率は20%であった。中等度の僧帽弁閉鎖不全も認めた。造影CT検査で左総頸動脈の起始部から内臓枝の分岐部にかけて重度のアテローム性動脈硬化を認め、また下行大動脈遠位部にアテローム性動脈硬化と石灰化を認めた。MRI検査で左内頸動脈と左椎骨動脈の閉塞と右総頸動脈の重度狭窄を認めた。開腹手術は困難と判断し、経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術を施行した。大動脈と左総頸動脈は重度のアテローム性動脈硬化のため塞栓リスクが高く、バスキュラーアクセスの作成は右腕に限られていた。全身麻酔下に人工心肺装置を接続し、右腕に右腋窩動脈送血のための動脈ラインを確保し、Y字連結管を使ってカテーテル挿入ポートを分岐連結した。脱血カニューレは右大腿静脈から右房に挿入した。カテーテル挿入ポートからSAPIEN XT生体弁を留置した。手術は成功し、術後16日目に転院となった。

  • Arterial inflow line equipped with a side arm for circulatory support and catheter insertion during transcatheter aortic valve implantation for limited vascular access. 査読

    Takashi Murakami, Ryoji Sada, Yosuke Takahashi, Shinsuke Nishimura, Kazuki Mizutani, Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Tokuhiro Yamada, Minoru Yoshiyama, Toshihiko Shibata

    General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery   67 ( 3 )   328 - 331   2019年03月( ISSN:1863-6705


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation was performed on a 78-year-old patient. Elective circulatory support with cardiopulmonary bypass was planned because of left ventricular function impairment and hemodynamic instability. Limited vascular access was due to a severe atherosclerotic aorta distal to the origin of the left carotid artery. The right arm was the only safe vascular access site. However, at least 2 vascular access sites for angiographic catheter and inflow of circulatory support were required. An arterial inflow line equipped with a side arm was developed to enable single access to the right axillary artery to be used for the above purposes.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11748-018-0905-2


  • バスキュラーアクセスの造設部位が限られた患者における経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術のための循環サポートとカテーテル挿入用の分岐連結管を装着した動脈ライン(Arterial inflow line equipped with a side arm for circulatory support and catheter insertion during transcatheter aortic valve implantation for limited vascular access) 査読

    Murakami Takashi, Sada Ryoji, Takahashi Yosuke, Nishimura Shinsuke, Mizutani Kazuki, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Yamada Tokuhiro, Yoshiyama Minoru, Shibata Toshihiko

    General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery   67 ( 3 )   328 - 331   2019年03月( ISSN:1863-6705


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  

    症例は78歳男性で、重度の心不全のため当院へ搬送された。脳卒中とステージ4の慢性腎臓病の既往があり、経皮的冠動脈インターベンションの手術歴があった。心エコー検査で大動脈弁狭窄症を認め、大動脈弁口面積は0.68cm2、左室の拡張末期径は61mm、駆出率は20%であった。中等度の僧帽弁閉鎖不全も認めた。造影CT検査で左総頸動脈の起始部から内臓枝の分岐部にかけて重度のアテローム性動脈硬化を認め、また下行大動脈遠位部にアテローム性動脈硬化と石灰化を認めた。MRI検査で左内頸動脈と左椎骨動脈の閉塞と右総頸動脈の重度狭窄を認めた。開腹手術は困難と判断し、経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術を施行した。大動脈と左総頸動脈は重度のアテローム性動脈硬化のため塞栓リスクが高く、バスキュラーアクセスの作成は右腕に限られていた。全身麻酔下に人工心肺装置を接続し、右腕に右腋窩動脈送血のための動脈ラインを確保し、Y字連結管を使ってカテーテル挿入ポートを分岐連結した。脱血カニューレは右大腿静脈から右房に挿入した。カテーテル挿入ポートからSAPIEN XT生体弁を留置した。手術は成功し、術後16日目に転院となった。

  • Greater Nocturnal Blood Pressure Is Associated With Natriuretic Peptide Level in Aortic Stenosis With Preserved Ejection Fraction 査読

    Tamura Soichiro, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Ishikawa Sera, Mizutani Kazuki, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Yamada Tokuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    一般社団法人 日本循環器学会 CIRCULATION JOURNAL   83 ( 2 )   447 - 451   2019年02月( ISSN:1346-9843



    <p><b><i>Background: </i></b>Although careful monitoring of asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS) is recommended to prevent missing the optimal timing of surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement, prophylactic treatment that could extend the asymptomatic period remains unknown. In a hypertensive population, high blood pressure (BP) measured at the doctor's office is known to be associated with B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) level, a surrogate marker for symptomatic deterioration in AS. Little is known regarding the association between nocturnal BP variables and BNP in severe AS with preserved ejection fraction (EF). </p><p><b><i>Methods and Results: </i></b>The subjects consisted of 78 severe AS patients (mean age, 79±6 years) with preserved EF. Nocturnal BP was measured hourly using a home BP monitoring device. On multiple regression analysis, nocturnal mean systolic BP (SBP) remained independently associated with BNP after adjustment for age, sex, body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, antihypertensive medication class, early diastolic mitral annular velocity, and left ventricular mass index (P=0.03), whereas diastolic BP (DBP) and variables of BP variability were not. </p><p><b><i>Conclusions: </i></b>Higher nocturnal SBP rather than DBP or indices of BP variability was independently associated with BNP in AS patients with preserved EF. Intervention for nocturnal SBP may therefore extend the asymptomatic period and improve prognosis. </p>

    DOI: 10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0818


    CiNii Article

  • Greater Nocturnal Blood Pressure Is Associated With Natriuretic Peptide Level in Aortic Stenosis With Preserved Ejection Fraction. 査読

    Soichiro Tamura, Shinichi Iwata, Asahiro Ito, Sera Ishikawa, Kazuki Mizutani, Yasuhiro Izumiya, Tokuhiro Yamada, Takashi Murakami, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   83 ( 2 )   447 - 451   2019年01月( ISSN:1346-9843


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    BACKGROUND: Although careful monitoring of asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS) is recommended to prevent missing the optimal timing of surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement, prophylactic treatment that could extend the asymptomatic period remains unknown. In a hypertensive population, high blood pressure (BP) measured at the doctor's office is known to be associated with B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) level, a surrogate marker for symptomatic deterioration in AS. Little is known regarding the association between nocturnal BP variables and BNP in severe AS with preserved ejection fraction (EF). Methods and Results: The subjects consisted of 78 severe AS patients (mean age, 79±6 years) with preserved EF. Nocturnal BP was measured hourly using a home BP monitoring device. On multiple regression analysis, nocturnal mean systolic BP (SBP) remained independently associated with BNP after adjustment for age, sex, body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, antihypertensive medication class, early diastolic mitral annular velocity, and left ventricular mass index (P=0.03), whereas diastolic BP (DBP) and variables of BP variability were not. CONCLUSIONS: Higher nocturnal SBP rather than DBP or indices of BP variability was independently associated with BNP in AS patients with preserved EF. Intervention for nocturnal SBP may therefore extend the asymptomatic period and improve prognosis.

    DOI: 10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0818


  • Clinical usefulness of dobutamine stress echocardiography for the assessment of double-chambered right ventricle. 査読

    Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Shoichi Ehara, Yasuhiro Izumiya, Minoru Yoshiyama

    European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging   20 ( 1 )   120 - 120   2019年01月( ISSN:2047-2404


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jey158


  • Clinical usefulness of dobutamine stress echocardiography for the assessment of double-chambered right ventricle 査読

    Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Ehara Shoichi, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Yoshiyama Minoru

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING   20 ( 1 )   120 - 120   2019年01月( ISSN:2047-2404



    DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jey158


  • 左室駆出率の保たれている大動脈弁狭窄症において、夜間高血圧はナトリウム利尿ペプチド濃度と関連している(Greater Nocturnal Blood Pressure Is Associated With Natriuretic Peptide Level in Aortic Stenosis With Preserved Ejection Fraction) 査読

    Tamura Soichiro, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Ishikawa Sera, Mizutani Kazuki, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Yamada Tokuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    (一社)日本循環器学会 Circulation Journal   83 ( 2 )   447 - 451   2019年01月( ISSN:1346-9843




  • 左室駆出率の保たれている大動脈弁狭窄症において、夜間高血圧はナトリウム利尿ペプチド濃度と関連している(Greater Nocturnal Blood Pressure Is Associated With Natriuretic Peptide Level in Aortic Stenosis With Preserved Ejection Fraction) 査読

    Tamura Soichiro, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Ishikawa Sera, Mizutani Kazuki, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Yamada Tokuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Circulation Journal   83 ( 2 )   447 - 451   2019年01月( ISSN:1346-9843


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  


  • Right ventricular enlargement predicts responsiveness to tolvaptan in congestive heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction 査読

    Nonin Shinichi, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Tamura Soichiro, Kitada Ryoko, Kawai Yu, Ishikawa Sera, Doi Atsushi, Hanatani Akihisa, Yoshiyama Minoru

    IJC HEART & VASCULATURE   21   69 - 73   2018年12月



    Background: Tolvaptan is a vasopressin type 2 receptor antagonist used in heart failure (HF) with refractory diuretic resistance. However, since tolvaptan is also ineffective in some HF patients with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), the identification of responders is important. Methods: The study population consisted of 51 HFrEF patients who were administered tolvaptan (EF, 28 ± 7%). We defined responders as patients with a ≥50% increase in urine volume during the 24-hours after administration of tolvaptan. All patients underwent comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography before administration of tolvaptan. Patients were followed for 120 days to ascertain secondary events (cardiac death and rehospitalization for HF). Results: Multiple regression analysis indicated that right ventricular (RV) enlargement (defined as basal RV diameter > 41 mm and midlevel RV diameter > 35 mm, according to guidelines) remained a predictor of response after adjustment for age, sex, starting dosage of tolvaptan, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (odds ratio, 4.88; 95%-confidence interval, 1.26-18.9; P < 0.05), whereas left ventricular parameters and RV dysfunction were not. Kaplan-Meier curves indicated responsiveness to tolvaptan was associated with better prognosis among the overall population (P < 0.05); similar trends were observed among patients with RV dilatation (P = 0.056). Conclusions: These findings suggest that RV enlargement, which represents right-sided volume overload, elevated filling pressure, and diastolic dysfunction similar to that seen in constrictive pericarditis, predicts responsiveness to tolvaptan in patients with HFrEF. Moreover, administration of tolvaptan may have the potential to improve the reportedly poor prognosis for HFrEF patients with RV dilatation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2018.09.008


  • Right ventricular enlargement predicts responsiveness to tolvaptan in congestive heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction. 査読

    Shinichi Nonin, Shinichi Iwata, Asahiro Ito, Soichiro Tamura, Ryoko Kitada, Yu Kawai, Sera Ishikawa, Atsushi Doi, Akihisa Hanatani, Minoru Yoshiyama

    International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature   21   69 - 73   2018年12月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Background: Tolvaptan is a vasopressin type 2 receptor antagonist used in heart failure (HF) with refractory diuretic resistance. However, since tolvaptan is also ineffective in some HF patients with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), the identification of responders is important. Methods: The study population consisted of 51 HFrEF patients who were administered tolvaptan (EF, 28 ± 7%). We defined responders as patients with a ≥50% increase in urine volume during the 24-hours after administration of tolvaptan. All patients underwent comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography before administration of tolvaptan. Patients were followed for 120 days to ascertain secondary events (cardiac death and rehospitalization for HF). Results: Multiple regression analysis indicated that right ventricular (RV) enlargement (defined as basal RV diameter > 41 mm and midlevel RV diameter > 35 mm, according to guidelines) remained a predictor of response after adjustment for age, sex, starting dosage of tolvaptan, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (odds ratio, 4.88; 95%-confidence interval, 1.26-18.9; P < 0.05), whereas left ventricular parameters and RV dysfunction were not. Kaplan-Meier curves indicated responsiveness to tolvaptan was associated with better prognosis among the overall population (P < 0.05); similar trends were observed among patients with RV dilatation (P = 0.056). Conclusions: These findings suggest that RV enlargement, which represents right-sided volume overload, elevated filling pressure, and diastolic dysfunction similar to that seen in constrictive pericarditis, predicts responsiveness to tolvaptan in patients with HFrEF. Moreover, administration of tolvaptan may have the potential to improve the reportedly poor prognosis for HFrEF patients with RV dilatation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2018.09.008


  • Differences in Prevalence and Risk Factors of Silent Brain Infarction Between Patients With Paroxysmal and Persistent Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation 査読

    Tamura Soichiro, Iwata Shinichi, Ishikawa Sera, Kitada Ryoda, Kawai Yu, Nonin Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Doi Atsushi, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   138   2018年11月( ISSN:0009-7322



  • Right Ventricular Enlargement Predicts Responsiveness to Tolvaptan in Congestive Heart Failure Patients With Reduced Ejection Fraction 査読

    Nonin Shinichi, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Tamura Soichiro, Kitada Ryoko, Kawai Yu, Ishikawa Sera, Doi Atsushi, Hanatani Akihisa, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   138   2018年11月( ISSN:0009-7322



  • Renal Impairment and CHA2DS2-VASc Score Are Associated With Silent Brain Infarction in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis. 査読

    Tamura Soichiro, Iwata Shinichi, Kawai Yu, Ishikawa Sera, Ito Asahiro, Mizutani Kazuki, Yamada Tokuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   138   2018年11月( ISSN:0009-7322



  • Greater Nocturnal Blood Pressure is Associated With Natriuretic Peptide Level in Aortic Stenosis Patients With Preserved Ejection Fraction. 査読

    Tamura Soichiro, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Ishikawa Sera, Mizutani Kazuki, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Yamada Tokuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   138   2018年11月( ISSN:0009-7322



  • 駆出率を維持する心房細動患者において夜間血圧変動性は左房拡大と関連する(Greater nighttime blood pressure variability is associated with left atrial enlargement in atrial fibrillation patients with preserved ejection fraction) 査読

    Norioka Naoki, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Tamura Soichiro, Kawai Yu, Nonin Shinichi, Ishikawa Sera, Doi Atsushi, Hanatani Akihisa, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Nature Publishing Group Hypertension Research   41 ( 8 )   614 - 621   2018年08月( ISSN:0916-9636



    左室駆出率50%以上の心房細動患者140例を対象に、夜間血圧変動と左房容積の関連について検討した。夜間就寝時1時間ごとの血圧測定値の標準偏差を血圧変動性の指標とした。経胸壁心エコー図からbiplane Simpson変法により左房容積係数(LAVI)を算出した。年齢、性、降圧薬の種類、および左室心筋重量係数で補正した重回帰分析において、平均夜間収縮期/拡張期血圧およびその変動性は、LAVIと有意に関連した(いずれもP<0.01)。夜間血圧高値(≧120/70mmHg)でその変動性が大きい(SD≧12.2/7.9mmHg)患者のLAVIは46.6ml/m2で、夜間血圧とその変動性がともに基準値未満の患者の値(35.0ml/m2)に比べ有意に高かった(P<0.0001)。以上から、平均夜間血圧の上昇、および夜間血圧変動性の増大が左房拡大につながる可能性が示唆された。

  • The impact of MS with annular calcification for worsening heart failure just after TAVR 査読

    Okai T., Mizutani K., Nakao M., Kajio K., Nishimura S., Ito A., Iwata S., Takahashi Y., Murakami T., Shibata T., Yoshiyama M.

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   39   914 - 915   2018年08月( ISSN:0195-668X



  • The impact of MS with annular calcification for worsening heart failure just after TAVR 査読

    Okai T, Mizutani K, Nakao M, Kajio K, Nishimura S, Ito A, Iwata S, Takahashi Y, Murakami T, Shibata T, Yoshiyama M

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   39   914 - 915   2018年08月( ISSN:0195-668X



  • Greater nighttime blood pressure variability is associated with left atrial enlargement in atrial fibrillation patients with preserved ejection fraction 査読

    Norioka Naoki, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Tamura Soichiro, Kawai Yu, Nonin Shinichi, Ishikawa Sera, Doi Atsushi, Hanatani Akihisa, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Nature Publishing Group HYPERTENSION RESEARCH   41 ( 8 )   614 - 621   2018年08月( ISSN:0916-9636



    Left atrial enlargement is an independent risk factor for ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. Little is known regarding the association between nighttime blood pressure variability and left atrial enlargement in patients with atrial fibrillation and preserved ejection fraction. The study population consisted of 140 consecutive patients with atrial fibrillation (mean age 64 ± 10 years) with preserved ejection fraction (≥50%). Nighttime blood pressure was measured at hourly intervals, using a home blood pressure monitoring device. Nighttime blood pressure variability was expressed as the standard deviation of all readings. Left atrial volume index was measured using the modified Simpson's biplane method with transthoracic echocardiography. Multiple regression analysis indicated that nighttime mean systolic/diastolic blood pressure and its variability remained independently associated with left atrial enlargement after adjustment for age, sex, anti-hypertensive medication class, and left ventricular mass index (P < 0.01). When patients were divided into four groups according to nighttime blood pressure and its variability, the group with higher nighttime blood pressure and its variability had significantly larger left atrial volume than the group with lower nighttime blood pressure and its variability (46.6 ml/m2 vs. 35.0 ml/m2, P < 0.0001). Higher nighttime blood pressure and its variability are associated with left atrial enlargement. The combination of nighttime blood pressure and its variability has additional predictive value for left atrial enlargement. Intensive intervention for these high-risk patients may avoid or delay progression of left atrial enlargement and reduce the risk of stroke.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41440-018-0060-2


  • 駆出率を維持する心房細動患者において夜間血圧変動性は左房拡大と関連する(Greater nighttime blood pressure variability is associated with left atrial enlargement in atrial fibrillation patients with preserved ejection fraction)

    Norioka Naoki, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Tamura Soichiro, Kawai Yu, Nonin Shinichi, Ishikawa Sera, Doi Atsushi, Hanatani Akihisa, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Hypertension Research   41 ( 8 )   614 - 621   2018年08月( ISSN:0916-9636


    左室駆出率50%以上の心房細動患者140例を対象に、夜間血圧変動と左房容積の関連について検討した。夜間就寝時1時間ごとの血圧測定値の標準偏差を血圧変動性の指標とした。経胸壁心エコー図からbiplane Simpson変法により左房容積係数(LAVI)を算出した。年齢、性、降圧薬の種類、および左室心筋重量係数で補正した重回帰分析において、平均夜間収縮期/拡張期血圧およびその変動性は、LAVIと有意に関連した(いずれもP<0.01)。夜間血圧高値(≧120/70mmHg)でその変動性が大きい(SD≧12.2/7.9mmHg)患者のLAVIは46.6ml/m2で、夜間血圧とその変動性がともに基準値未満の患者の値(35.0ml/m2)に比べ有意に高かった(P<0.0001)。以上から、平均夜間血圧の上昇、および夜間血圧変動性の増大が左房拡大につながる可能性が示唆された。

  • Greater nighttime blood pressure variability is associated with left atrial enlargement in atrial fibrillation patients with preserved ejection fraction. 査読

    Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Iwata, Asahiro Ito, Soichiro Tamura, Yu Kawai, Shinichi Nonin, Sera Ishikawa, Atsushi Doi, Akihisa Hanatani, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension   41 ( 8 )   614 - 621   2018年08月( ISSN:1348-4214


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Left atrial enlargement is an independent risk factor for ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. Little is known regarding the association between nighttime blood pressure variability and left atrial enlargement in patients with atrial fibrillation and preserved ejection fraction. The study population consisted of 140 consecutive patients with atrial fibrillation (mean age 64 ± 10 years) with preserved ejection fraction (≥50%). Nighttime blood pressure was measured at hourly intervals, using a home blood pressure monitoring device. Nighttime blood pressure variability was expressed as the standard deviation of all readings. Left atrial volume index was measured using the modified Simpson's biplane method with transthoracic echocardiography. Multiple regression analysis indicated that nighttime mean systolic/diastolic blood pressure and its variability remained independently associated with left atrial enlargement after adjustment for age, sex, anti-hypertensive medication class, and left ventricular mass index (P < 0.01). When patients were divided into four groups according to nighttime blood pressure and its variability, the group with higher nighttime blood pressure and its variability had significantly larger left atrial volume than the group with lower nighttime blood pressure and its variability (46.6 ml/m2 vs. 35.0 ml/m2, P < 0.0001). Higher nighttime blood pressure and its variability are associated with left atrial enlargement. The combination of nighttime blood pressure and its variability has additional predictive value for left atrial enlargement. Intensive intervention for these high-risk patients may avoid or delay progression of left atrial enlargement and reduce the risk of stroke.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41440-018-0060-2


  • The impact of MS with annular calcification for worsening heart failure just after TAVR 査読

    Okai T, Mizutani K, Nakao M, Kajio K, Nishimura S, Ito A, Iwata S, Takahashi Y, Murakami T, Shibata T, Yoshiyama M

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   39   914 - 915   2018年08月( ISSN:0195-668X




    Nakao Mana, Mizutani Kazuki, Okai Tsukasa, Yoshida Keiko, Nishimura Shinsuke, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Takahashi Yosuke, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY   71 ( 11 )   1144 - 1144   2018年03月( ISSN:0735-1097



    DOI: 10.1016/S0735-1097(18)31685-1


    Nakao Mana, Mizutani Kazuki, Okai Tsukasa, Yoshida Keiko, Nishimura Shinsuke, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Takahashi Yosuke, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY   71 ( 11 )   1144 - 1144   2018年03月( ISSN:0735-1097



    DOI: 10.1016/S0735-1097(18)31685-1

  • Echocardiographic parameters predicting acute hemodynamically significant mitral regurgitation during transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement 査読

    Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Mizutani Kazuki, Nonin Shinichi, Nishimura Shinsuke, Takahashi Yosuke, Yamada Tokuhiro, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Blackwell Publishing Inc. ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-A JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND AND ALLIED TECHNIQUES   35 ( 3 )   353 - 360   2018年03月( ISSN:0742-2822



    BACKGROUND: Alteration in mitral valve morphology resulting from retrograde stiff wire entanglement sometimes causes hemodynamically significant acute mitral regurgitation (MR) during transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Little is known about the echocardiographic parameters related to hemodynamically significant acute MR. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study population consisted of 64 consecutive patients who underwent transfemoral TAVR. We defined hemodynamically significant acute MR as changes in the severity of MR with persistent hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 80-90 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure 30 mm Hg lower than baseline). Hemodynamically significant acute MR occurred in 5 cases (7.8%). Smaller left ventricular end-systolic diameter (LVDs), larger ratios of the coiled section of stiff wire tip to LVDs (wire-width/LVDs), and higher Wilkins score were significantly associated with hemodynamically significant acute MR (P < .05), whereas the parameters of functional MR (annular area, anterior-posterior diameter, tenting area, and coaptation length) were not. Moreover, when patients were divided into 4 groups according to wire-width/LVDs and Wilkins score, the group with the larger wire-width/LVDs and higher Wilkins score improved prediction rates (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Small left ventricle or wire oversizing and calcific mitral apparatus were predictive of hemodynamically significant acute MR. These findings are important for risk stratification, and careful monitoring using intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography may improve the safety in this population.

    DOI: 10.1111/echo.13792


  • Echocardiographic parameters predicting acute hemodynamically significant mitral regurgitation during transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement. 査読

    Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Kazuki Mizutani, Shinichi Nonin, Shinsuke Nishimura, Yosuke Takahashi, Tokuhiro Yamada, Takashi Murakami, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.)   35 ( 3 )   353 - 360   2018年03月( ISSN:1540-8175


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    BACKGROUND: Alteration in mitral valve morphology resulting from retrograde stiff wire entanglement sometimes causes hemodynamically significant acute mitral regurgitation (MR) during transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Little is known about the echocardiographic parameters related to hemodynamically significant acute MR. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study population consisted of 64 consecutive patients who underwent transfemoral TAVR. We defined hemodynamically significant acute MR as changes in the severity of MR with persistent hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 80-90 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure 30 mm Hg lower than baseline). Hemodynamically significant acute MR occurred in 5 cases (7.8%). Smaller left ventricular end-systolic diameter (LVDs), larger ratios of the coiled section of stiff wire tip to LVDs (wire-width/LVDs), and higher Wilkins score were significantly associated with hemodynamically significant acute MR (P < .05), whereas the parameters of functional MR (annular area, anterior-posterior diameter, tenting area, and coaptation length) were not. Moreover, when patients were divided into 4 groups according to wire-width/LVDs and Wilkins score, the group with the larger wire-width/LVDs and higher Wilkins score improved prediction rates (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Small left ventricle or wire oversizing and calcific mitral apparatus were predictive of hemodynamically significant acute MR. These findings are important for risk stratification, and careful monitoring using intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography may improve the safety in this population.

    DOI: 10.1111/echo.13792


  • Safety and Feasibility Report of Investigational Therapy With Interleukin-11 Against Acute Myocardial Infarction 査読

    Maeda Makiko, Nakagawa Masaki, Owada Yasuko, Izumi Yasukatsu, Nonin Shinichi, Sugioka Kenichi, Nakatani Daisaku, Iwata Shinichi, Mizutani Kazuki, Nishimura Satoshi, Ito Asahiro, Fujita Suwako, Daimon Takashi, Sawa Yoshiki, Asakura Masanori, Fujio Yasushi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   136   2017年11月( ISSN:0009-7322


  • Relationship between tissue Doppler measurements of left ventricular diastolic function and silent brain infarction in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. 査読

    Sera Ishikawa, Kenichi Sugioka, Shinichi Sakamoto, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Iwata, Masashi Nakagawa, Masahiko Takagi, Yukio Miki, Makiko Ueda, Minoru Yoshiyama

    European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging   18 ( 11 )   1245 - 1252   2017年11月( ISSN:2047-2404


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Aims: Left ventricular (LV) diastolic function assessed by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is reported to be associated with left atrial (LA) blood stasis in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of diastolic TDI parameters with silent brain infarction (SBI) on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and in turn the risks of subsequent stroke or dementia, in non-valvular AF patients. Methods and results: The study population consisted of 171 neurologically asymptomatic patients with non-valvular AF who underwent transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) (128 men; mean age, 63 ± 11 years). We measured diastolic TDI parameters by transthoracic echocardiography, and also screened for SBI employing brain MRI. Early transmitral flow velocity (E) and mitral annular velocity by TDI (e') were measured, and E/e' ratios were calculated. An increased tertile of the E/e' ratio was significantly related to high prevalences of LA abnormalities detected by TOE (32% vs. 12% vs. 9%; P =0.002) and SBI on brain MRI (46% vs. 23% vs. 14%; P < 0.001). In multivariate logistic regression analyses after adjustment for age, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥2, the E/e' ratio ≥12.4 was found to be an independent predictor of the presence of SBI (OR 3.98, 95% CI 1.74-9.07; P = 0.001). Conclusions: Impaired LV diastolic function evaluated by increased E/e' ratio was closely associated with the presence of SBI independent of CHA2DS2-VASc score. TDI measurements are non-invasive and useful for risk stratification of the early stage of cerebral damages in patients with non-valvular AF.

    DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jew220


  • Relationship between tissue Doppler measurements of left ventricular diastolic function and silent brain infarction in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation 査読

    Ishikawa Sera, Sugioka Kenichi, Sakamoto Shinichi, Fujita Suwako, Ito Asahiro, Norioka Naoki, Iwata Shinichi, Nakagawa Masashi, Takagi Masahiko, Miki Yukio, Ueda Makiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    OXFORD UNIV PRESS EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING   18 ( 11 )   1245 - 1252   2017年11月( ISSN:2047-2404



    Aims: Left ventricular (LV) diastolic function assessed by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is reported to be associated with left atrial (LA) blood stasis in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of diastolic TDI parameters with silent brain infarction (SBI) on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and in turn the risks of subsequent stroke or dementia, in non-valvular AF patients. Methods and results: The study population consisted of 171 neurologically asymptomatic patients with non-valvular AF who underwent transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) (128 men; mean age, 63 ± 11 years). We measured diastolic TDI parameters by transthoracic echocardiography, and also screened for SBI employing brain MRI. Early transmitral flow velocity (E) and mitral annular velocity by TDI (e') were measured, and E/e' ratios were calculated. An increased tertile of the E/e' ratio was significantly related to high prevalences of LA abnormalities detected by TOE (32% vs. 12% vs. 9%; P =0.002) and SBI on brain MRI (46% vs. 23% vs. 14%; P < 0.001). In multivariate logistic regression analyses after adjustment for age, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥2, the E/e' ratio ≥12.4 was found to be an independent predictor of the presence of SBI (OR 3.98, 95% CI 1.74-9.07; P = 0.001). Conclusions: Impaired LV diastolic function evaluated by increased E/e' ratio was closely associated with the presence of SBI independent of CHA2DS2-VASc score. TDI measurements are non-invasive and useful for risk stratification of the early stage of cerebral damages in patients with non-valvular AF.

    DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jew220


  • Safety and Efficacy of Simultaneous Biplane Mode of 3-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography-Guided Antegrade Multiple-Inflation Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis 査読

    Mizutani Kazuki, Hara Masahiko, Ishikawa Hirotoshi, Nishimura Shinsuke, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Takahashi Yosuke, Sugioka Kenichi, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    一般社団法人 日本循環器学会 CIRCULATION JOURNAL   81 ( 5 )   748 - 754   2017年05月( ISSN:1346-9843



    <p><b><i>Background:</i></b>Balloon aortic valvuloplasty (BAV) is resurging as a bridge treatment in patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) with a dissemination of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. However, the significantly high periprocedural mortality and complication rates still limit the indications of BAV. Further efforts are needed to improve the safety and efficacy of BAV.</p><p><b><i>Methods and Results:</i></b>We retrospectively investigated the safety and efficacy of simultaneous biplane mode of 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (biplane-TEE) guided antegrade transseptal multiple-inflation BAV, with gradual upsizing of the balloon, by enrolling 20 consecutive AS patients who underwent BAV. The median age was 83 years, and there were 6 male patients (30.0%). The clinical frailty scale was 4, and the Society of Thoracic Surgeon score was 14.5%. The balloon was inflated at a median of 18 times, which improved the mean aortic valve pressure gradient from 43.0 to 15.2 mmHg (P<0.001). We safely performed BAV in all patients, without periprocedural death or symptomatic stroke, although asymptomatic stroke was detected in 8 patients (42.1%) on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Kaplan-Meier estimates showed that the survival rate was 84.0% and cardiovascular death-free survival was 88.9% at 1-year.</p><p><b><i>Conclusions:</i></b>Biplane-TEE guided antegrade multiple-inflation BAV might have the potential to improve periprocedural survival without increasing complications, compared with conventional retrograde BAV in patients with severe AS.</p>

    DOI: 10.1253/circj.CJ-16-0909


    CiNii Article

  • 前回の経中隔僧帽弁手術後の僧帽弁周囲漏出に対する経心尖部からの経カテーテル閉鎖術(Transcatheter closure through transapical access for mitral paravalvular leak after previous trans-septal mitral operation) 査読

    Murakami Takashi, Suehiro Yasuo, Nishimura Shinsuke, Sugioka Kenichi, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Sohgawa Etsuji, Mizutani Kazuki, Yoshiyama Minoru, Shibata Toshihiko

    シュプリンガー・ジャパン(株) General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery   65 ( 5 )   289 - 292   2017年05月( ISSN:1863-6705



    症例は74歳男性で、心不全治療のため当院に転院となった。来院時に安静時呼吸困難が認められ、陽圧換気を行った。8年前に僧帽弁置換術を受けており、2ヵ月前には人工弁心内膜炎のため経心房中隔アプローチによる僧帽弁再置換術を受けていた。経食道心エコー(TEE)で肺高血圧症を伴う重度の弁周囲漏出が認められた。病歴から、心房中隔の穿通は通常の順行性経中隔アプローチでは困難であると考えられたため、左室心尖部を介して経カテーテル弁周囲漏出閉鎖術を行った。術後CTでは、欠損部がAMPLATZER Vascular Plugsで充填されているのが確認された。6ヵ月後のフォローアップ時に心不全の臨床症状や溶血の徴候はみられなかった。

  • Transcatheter closure through transapical access for mitral paravalvular leak after previous trans-septal mitral operation 査読

    Murakami Takashi, Suehiro Yasuo, Nishimura Shinsuke, Sugioka Kenichi, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Sohgawa Etsuji, Mizutani Kazuki, Yoshiyama Minoru, Shibata Toshihiko

    Springer Tokyo GENERAL THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY   65 ( 5 )   289 - 292   2017年05月( ISSN:1863-6705



    Because paravalvular leak after mitral valve replacement in highly morbid patients is a troublesome issue, there has been a growing interest in less invasive procedures. We conducted transcatheter paravalvular leak closure of a mitral valve prosthesis through left ventricular apical access. The patient had undergone redo mitral valve replacement through a transatrial septal approach 2 months prior to the procedure; thus, penetration of the atrial septum was considered to be difficult through the ordinary antegrade trans-septal approach. Transapical access for the mitral paravalvular leak was conducted using two AMPLATZER Vascular Plugs (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN), with a route directed straight to the defect. This approach is an alternative technique for transcatheter paravalvular leak closure. This is the first case report of transapical access for transcatheter paravalvular leak closure in Japan.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11748-016-0644-1


  • Transcatheter closure through transapical access for mitral paravalvular leak after previous trans-septal mitral operation. 査読

    Takashi Murakami, Yasuo Suehiro, Shinsuke Nishimura, Kenichi Sugioka, Shinichi Iwata, Asahiro Ito, Etsuji Sohgawa, Kazuki Mizutani, Minoru Yoshiyama, Toshihiko Shibata

    General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery   65 ( 5 )   289 - 292   2017年05月( ISSN:1863-6713


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    Because paravalvular leak after mitral valve replacement in highly morbid patients is a troublesome issue, there has been a growing interest in less invasive procedures. We conducted transcatheter paravalvular leak closure of a mitral valve prosthesis through left ventricular apical access. The patient had undergone redo mitral valve replacement through a transatrial septal approach 2 months prior to the procedure; thus, penetration of the atrial septum was considered to be difficult through the ordinary antegrade trans-septal approach. Transapical access for the mitral paravalvular leak was conducted using two AMPLATZER Vascular Plugs (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN), with a route directed straight to the defect. This approach is an alternative technique for transcatheter paravalvular leak closure. This is the first case report of transapical access for transcatheter paravalvular leak closure in Japan.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11748-016-0644-1


  • 前回の経中隔僧帽弁手術後の僧帽弁周囲漏出に対する経心尖部からの経カテーテル閉鎖術(Transcatheter closure through transapical access for mitral paravalvular leak after previous trans-septal mitral operation) 査読

    Murakami Takashi, Suehiro Yasuo, Nishimura Shinsuke, Sugioka Kenichi, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Sohgawa Etsuji, Mizutani Kazuki, Yoshiyama Minoru, Shibata Toshihiko

    General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery   65 ( 5 )   289 - 292   2017年05月( ISSN:1863-6705


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  

    症例は74歳男性で、心不全治療のため当院に転院となった。来院時に安静時呼吸困難が認められ、陽圧換気を行った。8年前に僧帽弁置換術を受けており、2ヵ月前には人工弁心内膜炎のため経心房中隔アプローチによる僧帽弁再置換術を受けていた。経食道心エコー(TEE)で肺高血圧症を伴う重度の弁周囲漏出が認められた。病歴から、心房中隔の穿通は通常の順行性経中隔アプローチでは困難であると考えられたため、左室心尖部を介して経カテーテル弁周囲漏出閉鎖術を行った。術後CTでは、欠損部がAMPLATZER Vascular Plugsで充填されているのが確認された。6ヵ月後のフォローアップ時に心不全の臨床症状や溶血の徴候はみられなかった。

  • Safety and Efficacy of Simultaneous Biplane Mode of 3-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography-Guided Antegrade Multiple-Inflation Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis. 査読

    Kazuki Mizutani, Masahiko Hara, Hirotoshi Ishikawa, Shinsuke Nishimura, Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Yosuke Takahashi, Kenichi Sugioka, Takashi Murakami, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   81 ( 5 )   748 - 754   2017年04月( ISSN:1346-9843


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    BACKGROUND: Balloon aortic valvuloplasty (BAV) is resurging as a bridge treatment in patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) with a dissemination of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. However, the significantly high periprocedural mortality and complication rates still limit the indications of BAV. Further efforts are needed to improve the safety and efficacy of BAV.Methods and Results:We retrospectively investigated the safety and efficacy of simultaneous biplane mode of 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (biplane-TEE) guided antegrade transseptal multiple-inflation BAV, with gradual upsizing of the balloon, by enrolling 20 consecutive AS patients who underwent BAV. The median age was 83 years, and there were 6 male patients (30.0%). The clinical frailty scale was 4, and the Society of Thoracic Surgeon score was 14.5%. The balloon was inflated at a median of 18 times, which improved the mean aortic valve pressure gradient from 43.0 to 15.2 mmHg (P<0.001). We safely performed BAV in all patients, without periprocedural death or symptomatic stroke, although asymptomatic stroke was detected in 8 patients (42.1%) on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Kaplan-Meier estimates showed that the survival rate was 84.0% and cardiovascular death-free survival was 88.9% at 1-year. CONCLUSIONS: Biplane-TEE guided antegrade multiple-inflation BAV might have the potential to improve periprocedural survival without increasing complications, compared with conventional retrograde BAV in patients with severe AS.

    DOI: 10.1253/circj.CJ-16-0909


  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症患者における同時2断面表示による3次元経食道心エコーのガイド下に段階的に弁拡張する順行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術の安全性と有効性(Safety and Efficacy of Simultaneous Biplane Mode of 3-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography-Guided Antegrade Multiple-Inflation Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis)

    Mizutani Kazuki, Hara Masahiko, Ishikawa Hirotoshi, Nishimura Shinsuke, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Takahashi Yosuke, Sugioka Kenichi, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Circulation Journal   81 ( 5 )   748 - 754   2017年04月( ISSN:1346-9843



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症患者における同時2断面表示による3次元経食道心エコーのガイド下に段階的に弁拡張する順行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術の安全性と有効性(Safety and Efficacy of Simultaneous Biplane Mode of 3-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography-Guided Antegrade Multiple-Inflation Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis) 査読

    Mizutani Kazuki, Hara Masahiko, Ishikawa Hirotoshi, Nishimura Shinsuke, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Takahashi Yosuke, Sugioka Kenichi, Murakami Takashi, Shibata Toshihiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    (一社)日本循環器学会 Circulation Journal   81 ( 5 )   748 - 754   2017年04月( ISSN:1346-9843




  • Plaque surface irregularity and calcification length within carotid plaque predict secondary events in patients with coronary artery disease 査読

    Nonin Shinichi, Iwata Shinichi, Sugioka Kenichi, Fujita Suwako, Norioka Naoki, Ito Asahiro, Nakagawa Masashi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD ATHEROSCLEROSIS   256   29 - 34   2017年01月( ISSN:0021-9150



    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although comprehensive risk factor modification is recommended, a uniform management strategy does not necessarily prevent secondary events in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, identification of high-risk patients who may benefit from more intensive interventions may improve prognosis. Carotid ultrasound can reliably identify systemic atherosclerosis, and carotid plaque and intima-media thickness (IMT) are known independent risk factors for CAD. However, it is unclear whether findings on carotid ultrasound can improve prediction of secondary CAD events. METHODS: The study population comprised 146 consecutive patients with CAD (mean age, 66 ± 9 years; 126 with angina pectoris, 20 with acute myocardial infarction). IMT, plaque score, plaque area, plaque surface irregularity, and calcification length (calculated by summing the calcified lesions within each plaque accompanied by acoustic shadow) were measured at baseline. Patients were followed for 10 years to ascertain secondary CAD events defined as hard major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; cardiac death and acute myocardial infarction) and as total MACE (hard MACE and angina pectoris with coronary revascularization). RESULTS: Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that calcification length (p < 0.05) and plaque surface irregularity (p < 0.01) remained independently associated with total MACE after adjustment for age, sex, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, smoking, and multivessel CAD. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the combination of calcification length and plaque surface irregularity has additional value beyond traditional risk classification. Intensive intervention for these high-risk patients may avoid or delay progression of atherosclerosis towards secondary CAD events.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2016.11.008


  • Plaque surface irregularity and calcification length within carotid plaque predict secondary events in patients with coronary artery disease. 査読

    Shinichi Nonin, Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Suwako Fujita, Naoki Norioka, Asahiro Ito, Masashi Nakagawa, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Atherosclerosis   256   29 - 34   2017年01月( ISSN:0021-9150


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although comprehensive risk factor modification is recommended, a uniform management strategy does not necessarily prevent secondary events in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, identification of high-risk patients who may benefit from more intensive interventions may improve prognosis. Carotid ultrasound can reliably identify systemic atherosclerosis, and carotid plaque and intima-media thickness (IMT) are known independent risk factors for CAD. However, it is unclear whether findings on carotid ultrasound can improve prediction of secondary CAD events. METHODS: The study population comprised 146 consecutive patients with CAD (mean age, 66 ± 9 years; 126 with angina pectoris, 20 with acute myocardial infarction). IMT, plaque score, plaque area, plaque surface irregularity, and calcification length (calculated by summing the calcified lesions within each plaque accompanied by acoustic shadow) were measured at baseline. Patients were followed for 10 years to ascertain secondary CAD events defined as hard major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; cardiac death and acute myocardial infarction) and as total MACE (hard MACE and angina pectoris with coronary revascularization). RESULTS: Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that calcification length (p < 0.05) and plaque surface irregularity (p < 0.01) remained independently associated with total MACE after adjustment for age, sex, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, smoking, and multivessel CAD. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the combination of calcification length and plaque surface irregularity has additional value beyond traditional risk classification. Intensive intervention for these high-risk patients may avoid or delay progression of atherosclerosis towards secondary CAD events.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2016.11.008


  • 急性心筋梗塞に対してインターロイキン-11による調査的治療を行った4例(Four cases of investigational therapy with interleukin-11 against acute myocardial infarction) 査読

    Nakagawa Masashi, Owada Yasuko, Izumi Yasukatsu, Nonin Shinichi, Sugioka Kenichi, Nakatani Daisaku, Iwata Shinichi, Mizutani Kazuki, Nishimura Satoshi, Ito Asahiro, Fujita Suwako, Daimon Takashi, Sawa Yoshiki, Asakura Masanori, Maeda Makiko, Fujio Yasushi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    シュプリンガー・ジャパン(株) Heart and Vessels   31 ( 9 )   1574 - 1578   2016年09月( ISSN:0910-8327




  • Four cases of investigational therapy with interleukin-11 against acute myocardial infarction 査読

    Nakagawa Masashi, Owada Yasuko, Izumi Yasukatsu, Nonin Shinichi, Sugioka Kenichi, Nakatani Daisaku, Iwata Shinichi, Mizutani Kazuki, Nishimura Satoshi, Ito Asahiro, Fujita Suwako, Daimon Takashi, Sawa Yoshiki, Asakura Masanori, Maeda Makiko, Fujio Yasushi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    HEART AND VESSELS   31 ( 9 )   1574 - 1578   2016年09月( ISSN:0910-8327



    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-015-0788-4

  • Four cases of investigational therapy with interleukin-11 against acute myocardial infarction. 査読

    Masashi Nakagawa, Yasuko Owada, Yasukatsu Izumi, Shinichi Nonin, Kenichi Sugioka, Daisaku Nakatani, Shinichi Iwata, Kazuki Mizutani, Satoshi Nishimura, Asahiro Ito, Suwako Fujita, Takashi Daimon, Yoshiki Sawa, Masanori Asakura, Makiko Maeda, Yasushi Fujio, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Heart and vessels   31 ( 9 )   1574 - 8   2016年09月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国内誌  

    We describe four cases of the patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) that were treated with interleukin-11 (IL-11), a cardioprotective cytokine. Recombinant human IL-11 (rhIL-11), was intravenously administered to two cases at low dose (6 µg/kg) and to two at high dose (25 µg/kg). The cytokine administration started just after the coronary occlusion was confirmed by coronary angiography (CAG), taking 3 h. Following CAG, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was performed as a standard therapy. No serious adverse drug reactions were observed. All the cases left the hospital without the symptom of heart failure. We discuss the possibility of the clinical use of rhIL-11 as an adjunct therapy to PCI for the STEMI patients.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-015-0788-4


  • 急性心筋梗塞に対してインターロイキン-11による調査的治療を行った4例(Four cases of investigational therapy with interleukin-11 against acute myocardial infarction) 査読

    Nakagawa Masashi, Owada Yasuko, Izumi Yasukatsu, Nonin Shinichi, Sugioka Kenichi, Nakatani Daisaku, Iwata Shinichi, Mizutani Kazuki, Nishimura Satoshi, Ito Asahiro, Fujita Suwako, Daimon Takashi, Sawa Yoshiki, Asakura Masanori, Maeda Makiko, Fujio Yasushi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Heart and Vessels   31 ( 9 )   1574 - 1578   2016年09月( ISSN:0910-8327


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者  


  • Remarkably Intense Emission from Ruthenium(II) Complexes with Multiple Borane Centers 査読

    Nakagawa Atsushi, Sakuda Eri, Ito Akitaka, Kitamura Noboru

    INORGANIC CHEMISTRY   54 ( 21 )   10287 - 10295   2015年11月( ISSN:0020-1669



    DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b01626

  • Aortic arch atherosclerosis in patients with severe aortic stenosis can be argued by greater day-by-day blood pressure variability 査読

    Iwata Shinichi, Sugioka Kenichi, Fujita Suwako, Ito Asahiro, Matsumura Yoshiki, Hanatani Akihisa, Takagi Masahiko, Di Tullio Marco R., Homma Shunichi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD ATHEROSCLEROSIS   241 ( 1 )   42 - 47   2015年07月( ISSN:0021-9150



    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although it is well known that the prevalence of aortic arch plaques, one of the risk factors for ischemic stroke, is high in patients with severe aortic stenosis, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Increased day-by-day blood pressure (BP) variability is also known to be associated with stroke; however, little is known on the association between day-by-bay BP variability and aortic arch atherosclerosis in patients with aortic stenosis. Our objective was to clarify the association between day-by-day BP variables (average values and variability) and aortic arch atherosclerosis in patients with severe aortic stenosis. METHODS: The study population consisted of 104 consecutive patients (mean age 75 ± 8 years) with severe aortic stenosis who were scheduled for aortic valve replacement. BP was measured in the morning in at least 4 consecutive days (mean 6.8 days) prior to the day of surgery. Large (≥4 mm), ulcerated, or mobile plaques were defined as complex plaques using transesophageal echocardiography. RESULTS: Cigarette smoking and all systolic BP variables were associated with the presence of complex plaques (p < 0.05), whereas diastolic BP variables were not. Multiple regression analysis indicated that day-by-day mean systolic BP and day-by-day systolic BP variability remained independently associated with the presence of complex plaques (p < 0.05) after adjustment for age, male sex, cigarette smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that higher day-by-day mean systolic BP and day-by-day systolic BP variability are associated with complex plaques in the aortic arch and consequently stroke risk in patients with aortic stenosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2015.04.807


  • Aortic arch atherosclerosis in patients with severe aortic stenosis can be argued by greater day-by-day blood pressure variability. 査読

    Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Yoshiki Matsumura, Akihisa Hanatani, Masahiko Takagi, Marco R Di Tullio, Shunichi Homma, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Atherosclerosis   241 ( 1 )   42 - 7   2015年07月( ISSN:0021-9150


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although it is well known that the prevalence of aortic arch plaques, one of the risk factors for ischemic stroke, is high in patients with severe aortic stenosis, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Increased day-by-day blood pressure (BP) variability is also known to be associated with stroke; however, little is known on the association between day-by-bay BP variability and aortic arch atherosclerosis in patients with aortic stenosis. Our objective was to clarify the association between day-by-day BP variables (average values and variability) and aortic arch atherosclerosis in patients with severe aortic stenosis. METHODS: The study population consisted of 104 consecutive patients (mean age 75 ± 8 years) with severe aortic stenosis who were scheduled for aortic valve replacement. BP was measured in the morning in at least 4 consecutive days (mean 6.8 days) prior to the day of surgery. Large (≥4 mm), ulcerated, or mobile plaques were defined as complex plaques using transesophageal echocardiography. RESULTS: Cigarette smoking and all systolic BP variables were associated with the presence of complex plaques (p < 0.05), whereas diastolic BP variables were not. Multiple regression analysis indicated that day-by-day mean systolic BP and day-by-day systolic BP variability remained independently associated with the presence of complex plaques (p < 0.05) after adjustment for age, male sex, cigarette smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that higher day-by-day mean systolic BP and day-by-day systolic BP variability are associated with complex plaques in the aortic arch and consequently stroke risk in patients with aortic stenosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2015.04.807


  • Predictors of silent brain infarction on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: A transesophageal echocardiographic study 査読

    Sugioka Kenichi, Takagi Masahiko, Sakamoto Shinichi, Fujita Suwako, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Nakagawa Masashi, Doi Atsushi, Miki Yukio, Yoshiyama Minoru, Ueda Makiko

    MOSBY-ELSEVIER AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL   169 ( 6 )   783 - 790   2015年06月( ISSN:0002-8703



    BACKGROUND: Silent brain infarction (SBI) is often found in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and may be related to cognitive decline. We investigated the predictors of SBI on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in patients with nonvalvular AF. METHODS: The study population consisted of 103 neurologically asymptomatic patients with nonvalvular AF who underwent TEE before transcatheter AF ablation (76 men; mean age 63 ± 10 years). Left atrial (LA) abnormalities such as LA thrombus, spontaneous echo contrast, or abnormal LA appendage emptying velocity (<20 cm/s) and complex plaques in the aortic arch defined as large plaques ≥4 mm thickness, ulcerated plaques, or mobile plaques were evaluated by TEE. All patients were screened for SBI by brain MRI. RESULTS: Of 103 patients, 31 (30%) showed SBI on brain MRI. Most lesions were multiple (61%) and small (<15 mm) in diameter (84%). Patients with SBI had a higher prevalence of LA abnormalities (45% vs 14%; P < .001) and complex arch plaques (45% vs 7%; P < .001) compared with those without SBI. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis including age and CHADS2 score ≥2, LA abnormalities (odds ratio 4.13; 95% CI 1.34-12.72; P = .014) and complex arch plaques (odds ratio 4.82; 95% CI 1.23-18.92; P = .024) were independent predictors of SBI. CONCLUSIONS: Left atrial abnormalities and complex arch plaques detected by TEE were closely associated with the presence of SBI on brain MRI, suggesting that microembolization of small thrombi derived from the fibrillating LA or advanced aortic atherosclerotic lesions may be important causes of SBI in patients with nonvalvular AF.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2015.03.016


  • Predictors of silent brain infarction on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: A transesophageal echocardiographic study. 査読

    Kenichi Sugioka, Masahiko Takagi, Shinichi Sakamoto, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Yoshiki Matsumura, Masashi Nakagawa, Atsushi Doi, Yukio Miki, Minoru Yoshiyama, Makiko Ueda

    American heart journal   169 ( 6 )   783 - 90   2015年06月( ISSN:0002-8703


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    BACKGROUND: Silent brain infarction (SBI) is often found in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and may be related to cognitive decline. We investigated the predictors of SBI on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in patients with nonvalvular AF. METHODS: The study population consisted of 103 neurologically asymptomatic patients with nonvalvular AF who underwent TEE before transcatheter AF ablation (76 men; mean age 63 ± 10 years). Left atrial (LA) abnormalities such as LA thrombus, spontaneous echo contrast, or abnormal LA appendage emptying velocity (<20 cm/s) and complex plaques in the aortic arch defined as large plaques ≥4 mm thickness, ulcerated plaques, or mobile plaques were evaluated by TEE. All patients were screened for SBI by brain MRI. RESULTS: Of 103 patients, 31 (30%) showed SBI on brain MRI. Most lesions were multiple (61%) and small (<15 mm) in diameter (84%). Patients with SBI had a higher prevalence of LA abnormalities (45% vs 14%; P < .001) and complex arch plaques (45% vs 7%; P < .001) compared with those without SBI. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis including age and CHADS2 score ≥2, LA abnormalities (odds ratio 4.13; 95% CI 1.34-12.72; P = .014) and complex arch plaques (odds ratio 4.82; 95% CI 1.23-18.92; P = .024) were independent predictors of SBI. CONCLUSIONS: Left atrial abnormalities and complex arch plaques detected by TEE were closely associated with the presence of SBI on brain MRI, suggesting that microembolization of small thrombi derived from the fibrillating LA or advanced aortic atherosclerotic lesions may be important causes of SBI in patients with nonvalvular AF.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2015.03.016


  • Association between chronic kidney disease and thoracic aortic atherosclerosis detected using transesophageal echocardiography 査読

    Matsumura Yoshiki, Sugioka Kenichi, Fujita Suwako, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD ATHEROSCLEROSIS   237 ( 1 )   301 - 306   2014年11月( ISSN:0021-9150



    OBJECTIVE: Accelerated atherosclerosis occurs with a high frequency in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We evaluated the association between CKD and thoracic aortic plaques using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). METHODS: This study population consisted of 297 patients who underwent TEE. Aortic plaques were evaluated in the proximal thoracic aorta (PTA) (from the ascending aorta to the aortic arch) and the distal thoracic aorta (DTA) (the descending aorta) using TEE. Aortic plaques were defined as complex plaques of ≥4 mm thickness and with ulceration or mobile components. CKD was defined as the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m(2). The association between CKD and aortic plaques was evaluated using multivariate analysis after adjusting for traditional atherosclerotic risk factors. RESULTS: Patients with CKD (n = 144) had a higher incidence of any plaques and complex plaques compared with those without CKD (n = 153) (85% vs. 47% and 42% vs. 17%, respectively, both P < 0.001). Univariate analysis indicated that the presence of CKD was significantly associated with complex plaques both in the DTA and the PTA (both, P < 0.001); however, multivariate analysis indicated that the presence of CKD was associated with only complex plaques in the DTA (P < 0.05), but not with those in the PTA. CONCLUSION: The presence of CKD was associated with complex aortic plaques, with this association being stronger for complex plaques in the DTA than those in the PTA.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2014.09.013


  • Association between chronic kidney disease and thoracic aortic atherosclerosis detected using transesophageal echocardiography. 査読

    Yoshiki Matsumura, Kenichi Sugioka, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Atherosclerosis   237 ( 1 )   301 - 6   2014年11月( ISSN:0021-9150


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    OBJECTIVE: Accelerated atherosclerosis occurs with a high frequency in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We evaluated the association between CKD and thoracic aortic plaques using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). METHODS: This study population consisted of 297 patients who underwent TEE. Aortic plaques were evaluated in the proximal thoracic aorta (PTA) (from the ascending aorta to the aortic arch) and the distal thoracic aorta (DTA) (the descending aorta) using TEE. Aortic plaques were defined as complex plaques of ≥4 mm thickness and with ulceration or mobile components. CKD was defined as the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m(2). The association between CKD and aortic plaques was evaluated using multivariate analysis after adjusting for traditional atherosclerotic risk factors. RESULTS: Patients with CKD (n = 144) had a higher incidence of any plaques and complex plaques compared with those without CKD (n = 153) (85% vs. 47% and 42% vs. 17%, respectively, both P < 0.001). Univariate analysis indicated that the presence of CKD was significantly associated with complex plaques both in the DTA and the PTA (both, P < 0.001); however, multivariate analysis indicated that the presence of CKD was associated with only complex plaques in the DTA (P < 0.05), but not with those in the PTA. CONCLUSION: The presence of CKD was associated with complex aortic plaques, with this association being stronger for complex plaques in the DTA than those in the PTA.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2014.09.013



    Sugioka Kenichi, Fujita Suwako, Iwata Shinichi, Ito Asahiro, Matsumura Yoshiki, Hanatani Akihisa, Doi Atsushi, Takagi Masahiko, Naruko Takahiko, Ueda Makiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY   40 ( 10 )   2358 - 2364   2014年10月( ISSN:0301-5629



    The CHADS2 score is widely used for risk stratification of thromboembolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). Although the correlation of CHADS2 score with left atrial (LA) abnormality as detected by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been reported in previous studies, the relationship between CHADS2 score and complex aortic plaque, which is also a significant risk factor for thromboembolism, has not been fully investigated. We assessed aortic plaques by TEE in 150 patients age ≥ 55 y with NVAF. The prevalence of complex aortic plaques increased along with increases in CHADS2 score (p = 0.001). In a multivariate analysis that included atherosclerotic risk factors and LA abnormality, a CHADS2 score ≥2 was independently associated with the presence of complex aortic plaques (odds ratio [OR] 3.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.29-8.90). A high CHADS2 score is closely associated with the presence of complex aortic plaques, which explains, in part, the increased risk of thromboembolism in NVAF patients with high CHADS2 score.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2014.05.006


  • Relationship between CHADS2 score and complex aortic plaques by transesophageal echocardiography in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. 査読

    Kenichi Sugioka, Suwako Fujita, Shinichi Iwata, Asahiro Ito, Yoshiki Matsumura, Akihisa Hanatani, Atsushi Doi, Masahiko Takagi, Takahiko Naruko, Makiko Ueda, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Ultrasound in medicine & biology   40 ( 10 )   2358 - 64   2014年10月( ISSN:0301-5629


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    The CHADS2 score is widely used for risk stratification of thromboembolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). Although the correlation of CHADS2 score with left atrial (LA) abnormality as detected by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been reported in previous studies, the relationship between CHADS2 score and complex aortic plaque, which is also a significant risk factor for thromboembolism, has not been fully investigated. We assessed aortic plaques by TEE in 150 patients age ≥ 55 y with NVAF. The prevalence of complex aortic plaques increased along with increases in CHADS2 score (p = 0.001). In a multivariate analysis that included atherosclerotic risk factors and LA abnormality, a CHADS2 score ≥2 was independently associated with the presence of complex aortic plaques (odds ratio [OR] 3.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.29-8.90). A high CHADS2 score is closely associated with the presence of complex aortic plaques, which explains, in part, the increased risk of thromboembolism in NVAF patients with high CHADS2 score.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2014.05.006


  • The Importance of Activated Vitamin D for the Mineralization by the Osteocyte in Patients with Renal Hyperparathyroidism. 査読

    Yajima Aiji, Tsuchiya Ken, Nitta Kosaku, Inaba Masaaki, Tominaga Yoshihiro, Amizuka Norio, Ito Akemi, Shindo Hironari

    JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH   29   S173 - S173   2014年02月( ISSN:0884-0431




    Ito Asahiro, Sugioka Kenichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Fujita Suwako, Iwata Shinichi, Hanatani Akihisa, Hozumi Takeshi, Ueda Makiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Elsevier USA ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY   39 ( 8 )   1337 - 1342   2013年08月( ISSN:0301-5629



    Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is widely used for the evaluation of aortic arch atherosclerosis which carries an increased risk of ischemic stroke. We investigated the feasibility of simultaneous multi-plane imaging by real-time 3-D TEE for the assessment of aortic arch plaques. In 152 patients, we assessed aortic arch plaques and measured their maximum thickness by both conventional TEE imaging and multi-plane TEE imaging. There was excellent correlation and good agreement between the two methods in the measurement of the maximum thickness of arch plaques (r = 0.95, mean difference, -0.1 ± 0.5 mm). The mean image acquisition time required for aortic arch assessment by multi-plane imaging was significantly shorter than that required for conventional imaging in all patients (p < 0.001), especially those with complex plaques. These findings suggest that simultaneous multi-plane TEE imaging enables rapid and accurate evaluation of arch plaques and is therefore a useful tool for the assessment of aortic arch plaques in the clinical setting.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2013.03.011


  • Relationship between day-by-day blood pressure variability and aortic arch atherosclerosis 査読

    Iwata S, Sugioka K, Matsumura Y, Fujita S, Ito A, Hozumi T, Hanatani A, Yoshiyama M

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   34   1048 - 1048   2013年08月( ISSN:0195-668X



  • Relationship between day-by-day blood pressure variability and aortic arch atherosclerosis 査読

    Iwata S., Sugioka K., Matsumura Y., Fujita S., Ito A., Hozumi T., Hanatani A., Yoshiyama M.

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   34   1048 - 1048   2013年08月( ISSN:0195-668X



  • Rapid and accurate assessment of aortic arch atherosclerosis using simultaneous multi-plane imaging by transesophageal echocardiography. 査読

    Asahiro Ito, Kenichi Sugioka, Yoshiki Matsumura, Suwako Fujita, Shinichi Iwata, Akihisa Hanatani, Takeshi Hozumi, Makiko Ueda, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Ultrasound in medicine & biology   39 ( 8 )   1337 - 42   2013年08月( ISSN:1879-291X


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is widely used for the evaluation of aortic arch atherosclerosis which carries an increased risk of ischemic stroke. We investigated the feasibility of simultaneous multi-plane imaging by real-time 3-D TEE for the assessment of aortic arch plaques. In 152 patients, we assessed aortic arch plaques and measured their maximum thickness by both conventional TEE imaging and multi-plane TEE imaging. There was excellent correlation and good agreement between the two methods in the measurement of the maximum thickness of arch plaques (r = 0.95, mean difference, -0.1 ± 0.5 mm). The mean image acquisition time required for aortic arch assessment by multi-plane imaging was significantly shorter than that required for conventional imaging in all patients (p < 0.001), especially those with complex plaques. These findings suggest that simultaneous multi-plane TEE imaging enables rapid and accurate evaluation of arch plaques and is therefore a useful tool for the assessment of aortic arch plaques in the clinical setting.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2013.03.011


  • Relationship between day-by-day blood pressure variability and aortic arch atherosclerosis 査読

    Iwata S, Sugioka K, Matsumura Y, Fujita S, Ito A, Hozumi T, Hanatani A, Yoshiyama M

    EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL   34   1048 - 1048   2013年08月( ISSN:0195-668X



  • Impact of Concomitant Coronary Artery Disease on Atherosclerotic Plaques in the Aortic Arch in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis 査読

    Fujita Suwako, Sugioka Kenichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Ito Asahiro, Hozumi Takeshi, Hasegawa Takao, Hanatani Akihisa, Naruko Takahiko, Ueda Makiko, Yoshiyama Minoru

    WILEY-BLACKWELL CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY   36 ( 6 )   352 - 357   2013年06月( ISSN:0160-9289



    BACKGROUND: Coronary artery disease (CAD) often occurs concurrently in patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS). However, the influence of concomitant CAD on the presence of atherosclerotic complex plaques in the aortic arch, which is associated with increased stroke risk, has not been fully assessed in patients with severe AS. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that concomitant CAD would be associated with the presence of complex arch plaques in patients with severe AS. METHODS: The study population consisted of 154 patients with severe AS who had undergone transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and coronary angiography (71 male; mean age, 72 ± 8 years; mean aortic valve area, 0.67 ± 0.15 cm(2) ). Aortic arch plaques were assessed using TEE, and complex arch plaques were defined as large plaques (≥4 mm), ulcerated plaques, or mobile plaques. RESULTS: The prevalence of aortic arch plaques (87% vs 70%; P = 0.03) and complex arch plaques (48% vs 20%; P < 0.001) was significantly greater in AS patients with CAD than in those without CAD. After adjustment for traditional atherosclerotic risk factors, we found that concomitant CAD was independently associated with the presence of complex arch plaques (odds ratio: 2.86, 95% confidence interval: 1.23-6.68, P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with severe AS, concomitant CAD is associated with severe atherosclerotic burden in the aortic arch. This observation suggests that AS patients with concomitant CAD are at a higher risk for stroke, and that careful evaluation of complex arch plaques by TEE is needed for the risk stratification of stroke in these patients.

    DOI: 10.1002/clc.22121


  • Impact of concomitant coronary artery disease on atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic arch in patients with severe aortic stenosis. 査読

    Suwako Fujita, Kenichi Sugioka, Yoshiki Matsumura, Asahiro Ito, Takeshi Hozumi, Takao Hasegawa, Akihisa Hanatani, Takahiko Naruko, Makiko Ueda, Minoru Yoshiyama

    Clinical cardiology   36 ( 6 )   352 - 7   2013年06月( ISSN:0160-9289


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    BACKGROUND: Coronary artery disease (CAD) often occurs concurrently in patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS). However, the influence of concomitant CAD on the presence of atherosclerotic complex plaques in the aortic arch, which is associated with increased stroke risk, has not been fully assessed in patients with severe AS. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that concomitant CAD would be associated with the presence of complex arch plaques in patients with severe AS. METHODS: The study population consisted of 154 patients with severe AS who had undergone transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and coronary angiography (71 male; mean age, 72 ± 8 years; mean aortic valve area, 0.67 ± 0.15 cm(2) ). Aortic arch plaques were assessed using TEE, and complex arch plaques were defined as large plaques (≥4 mm), ulcerated plaques, or mobile plaques. RESULTS: The prevalence of aortic arch plaques (87% vs 70%; P = 0.03) and complex arch plaques (48% vs 20%; P < 0.001) was significantly greater in AS patients with CAD than in those without CAD. After adjustment for traditional atherosclerotic risk factors, we found that concomitant CAD was independently associated with the presence of complex arch plaques (odds ratio: 2.86, 95% confidence interval: 1.23-6.68, P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with severe AS, concomitant CAD is associated with severe atherosclerotic burden in the aortic arch. This observation suggests that AS patients with concomitant CAD are at a higher risk for stroke, and that careful evaluation of complex arch plaques by TEE is needed for the risk stratification of stroke in these patients.

    DOI: 10.1002/clc.22121


  • Rapid and Accurate Assessment of Aortic Arch Atherosclerosis Using Real-time 3 Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography 査読

    Ito Asahiro, Sugioka Kenichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Iwata Shinichi, Fujita Suwako, Hozumi Takeshi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   126 ( 21 )   2012年11月( ISSN:0009-7322



  • Rapid and Accurate Assessment of Aortic Arch Atherosclerosis Using Real-time 3 Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography 査読

    Ito Asahiro, Sugioka Kenichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Iwata Shinichi, Fujita Suwako, Hozumi Takeshi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   126 ( 21 )   2012年11月( ISSN:0009-7322



  • Rapid and Accurate Assessment of Aortic Arch Atherosclerosis Using Real-time 3 Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography 査読

    Ito Asahiro, Sugioka Kenichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Iwata Shinichi, Fujita Suwako, Hozumi Takeshi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    CIRCULATION   126 ( 21 )   2012年11月( ISSN:0009-7322



  • Relation of Aortic Arch Complex Plaques to Risk of Cerebral Infarction in Patients With Aortic Stenosis 査読

    Sugioka Kenichi, Matsumura Yoshiki, Hozumi Takeshi, Fujita Suwako, Ito Asahiro, Kataoka Toru, Takagi Masahiko, Mizutani Kazuki, Naruko Takahiko, Hosono Mitsuharu, Hirai Hidekazu, Sasaki Yasuyuki, Ueda Makiko, Suehiro Shigefumi, Yoshiyama Minoru




    Aortic stenosis (AS) and systemic atherosclerosis have been shown to be closely related. We evaluated the prevalence of aortic arch plaques and their possible association with the risk of cerebral infarction in patients with severe AS. Transesophageal echocardiography was performed in 116 patients with severe AS (55 men, mean age 71 ± 7 years, mean aortic valve area 0.68 ± 0.15 cm(2)) who were scheduled for aortic valve replacement. The presence, thickness, and morphology of the aortic arch plaques were evaluated using transesophageal echocardiography. Cerebral infarcts (chronic cerebral infarction and cerebral infarction after cardiac catheterization and aortic valve replacement) were assessed in all patients. Compared to age- and gender-matched control subjects, the patients with severe AS had a significantly greater prevalence of aortic arch plaques (74% vs 41%; p <0.0001) and complex arch plaques such as large plaques (≥4 mm), ulcerated plaques, or mobile plaques (30% vs 10%; p = 0.004). Multivariate logistic analyses showed that the presence of complex arch plaques was independently associated with cerebral infarction in patients with AS after adjusting for traditional atherosclerotic risk factors and coronary artery disease (odds ratio 8.46, 95% confidence interval 2.38 to 30.12; p = 0.001). In conclusion, the results from the present study showed that there is a greater prevalence of aortic arch plaques in patients with AS and that the presence of complex plaques is independently associated with cerebral infarction in these patients. Therefore, the identification of complex arch plaques using transesophageal echocardiography is important for risk stratification of cerebrovascular events in patients with severe AS.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2011.05.036


  • Relation of aortic arch complex plaques to risk of cerebral infarction in patients with aortic stenosis. 査読

    Kenichi Sugioka, Yoshiki Matsumura, Takeshi Hozumi, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Toru Kataoka, Masahiko Takagi, Kazuki Mizutani, Takahiko Naruko, Mitsuharu Hosono, Hidekazu Hirai, Yasuyuki Sasaki, Makiko Ueda, Shigefumi Suehiro, Minoru Yoshiyama

    The American journal of cardiology   108 ( 7 )   1002 - 7   2011年10月( ISSN:0002-9149


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   国際・国内誌:国際誌  

    Aortic stenosis (AS) and systemic atherosclerosis have been shown to be closely related. We evaluated the prevalence of aortic arch plaques and their possible association with the risk of cerebral infarction in patients with severe AS. Transesophageal echocardiography was performed in 116 patients with severe AS (55 men, mean age 71 ± 7 years, mean aortic valve area 0.68 ± 0.15 cm(2)) who were scheduled for aortic valve replacement. The presence, thickness, and morphology of the aortic arch plaques were evaluated using transesophageal echocardiography. Cerebral infarcts (chronic cerebral infarction and cerebral infarction after cardiac catheterization and aortic valve replacement) were assessed in all patients. Compared to age- and gender-matched control subjects, the patients with severe AS had a significantly greater prevalence of aortic arch plaques (74% vs 41%; p <0.0001) and complex arch plaques such as large plaques (≥4 mm), ulcerated plaques, or mobile plaques (30% vs 10%; p = 0.004). Multivariate logistic analyses showed that the presence of complex arch plaques was independently associated with cerebral infarction in patients with AS after adjusting for traditional atherosclerotic risk factors and coronary artery disease (odds ratio 8.46, 95% confidence interval 2.38 to 30.12; p = 0.001). In conclusion, the results from the present study showed that there is a greater prevalence of aortic arch plaques in patients with AS and that the presence of complex plaques is independently associated with cerebral infarction in these patients. Therefore, the identification of complex arch plaques using transesophageal echocardiography is important for risk stratification of cerebrovascular events in patients with severe AS.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2011.05.036




  • Endoscopic assessment of WATCHMAN 17 months after implantation(タイトル和訳中)

    Yamazaki Takanori, Yoshiyama Tomotaka, Ito Asahiro, Izumiya Yasuhiro, Fukuda Daiju

    Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics   38 ( 2 )   258 - 259   2023年04月( ISSN:1868-4300

  • 経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術中の大動脈弁尖の非可逆性反転(Irreversible reversal of aortic valve leaflet during transcatheter aortic valve implantation)

    Ogawa Mana, Mizutani Kazuki, Okai Tsukasa, Ito Asahiro, Iwata Shinichi, Yoshiyama Minoru

    Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics   36 ( 4 )   553 - 554   2021年10月( ISSN:1868-4300


    Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Kazuki Mizutani, Ryousuke Yahiro, Mana Ogawa, Tsukasa Okai, Shinichi Nonin, Asahiro Ito, Shinichi Iwata, Yasuhiro Izumiya, Yosuke Takahashi, Toshihiko Shibata, Minoru Yoshiyama

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY   75 ( 11 )   1243 - 1243   2020年03月( ISSN:0735-1097 ( eISSN:1558-3597



  • Complication & Bailout of TAVI(Case-Based)1 自己拡張弁導入の際に自己弁尖が左室側に反転し、急性大動脈弁閉鎖不全を来たした1例 どのようにbail-outしますか? 査読

    水谷 一輝, 山口 智大, 小川 真奈, 岡井 主, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 泉家 康宏, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   28回   [S29 - 2]   2019年09月



  • 冠動脈3枝病変、下大静脈欠損を伴うASDを合併したsevere ASに対して、カテーテル治療で完遂し得た1例 査読

    山本 崇之, 岡井 主, 水谷 一輝, 山口 智大, 小川 真奈, 梶尾 啓子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 泉家 康宏, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   28回   [MO120 - 004]   2019年09月



  • TAVI後の凝固線溶系因子の上昇に関する予測因子の検討 抗凝固療法が有効? 査読

    岡井 主, 水谷 一輝, 山口 智大, 小川 真奈, 梶尾 啓子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 泉家 康宏, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   28回   [MO96 - 002]   2019年09月



  • 冠動脈3枝病変、下大静脈欠損を伴うASDを合併したsevere ASに対して、カテーテル治療で完遂し得た1例

    山本 崇之, 岡井 主, 水谷 一輝, 山口 智大, 小川 真奈, 梶尾 啓子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 泉家 康宏, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   28回   [MO120 - 004]   2019年09月

  • TAVI後の凝固線溶系因子の上昇に関する予測因子の検討 抗凝固療法が有効?

    岡井 主, 水谷 一輝, 山口 智大, 小川 真奈, 梶尾 啓子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 泉家 康宏, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   28回   [MO96 - 002]   2019年09月

  • Complication & Bailout of TAVI(Case-Based)1 自己拡張弁導入の際に自己弁尖が左室側に反転し、急性大動脈弁閉鎖不全を来たした1例 どのようにbail-outしますか?

    水谷 一輝, 山口 智大, 小川 真奈, 岡井 主, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 泉家 康宏, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   28回   [S29 - 2]   2019年09月

  • 発作性と持続性の非弁膜症性心房細動患者における無症候性脳梗塞の有病率およびリスク因子の差(Differences in Prevalence and Risk Factors of Silent Brain Infarction between Patients with Paroxysmal and Persistentnonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation) 査読

    石川 世良, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 田村 聡一郎, 河相 優, 吉山 智貴, 辰巳 裕亮, 土井 淳史, 泉家 康宏, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本循環器学会 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   83回   OJ17 - 6   2019年03月



  • Differences in Prevalence and Risk Factors of Silent Brain Infarction between Patients with Paroxysmal and Persistentnonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation(和訳中) 査読

    石川 世良, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 田村 聡一郎, 河相 優, 吉山 智貴, 辰巳 裕亮, 土井 淳史, 泉家 康宏, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本循環器学会 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   83回   OJ17 - 6   2019年03月



  • 発作性と持続性の非弁膜症性心房細動患者における無症候性脳梗塞の有病率およびリスク因子の差(Differences in Prevalence and Risk Factors of Silent Brain Infarction between Patients with Paroxysmal and Persistentnonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation)

    石川 世良, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 田村 聡一郎, 河相 優, 吉山 智貴, 辰巳 裕亮, 土井 淳史, 泉家 康宏, 葭山 稔

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   83回   OJ17 - 6   2019年03月

  • Differences in Prevalence and Risk Factors of Silent Brain Infarction between Patients with Paroxysmal and Persistentnonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation(和訳中)

    石川 世良, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 田村 聡一郎, 河相 優, 吉山 智貴, 辰巳 裕亮, 土井 淳史, 泉家 康宏, 葭山 稔

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   83回   OJ17 - 6   2019年03月

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動患者における組織ドプラ法による左室拡張能評価と無症候性脳梗塞の関連性 査読

    石川 世良, 杉岡 憲一, 坂本 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 則岡 直樹, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将志, 高木 雅彦, 三木 幸雄, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    大阪市医学会 大阪市医学会雑誌   67   74 - 74   2018年12月( ISSN:0386-4103




  • 非弁膜症性心房細動患者における組織ドプラ法による左室拡張能評価と無症候性脳梗塞の関連性

    石川 世良, 杉岡 憲一, 坂本 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 則岡 直樹, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将志, 高木 雅彦, 三木 幸雄, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    大阪市医学会雑誌   67   74 - 74   2018年12月( ISSN:0386-4103


  • Left Ventricular Outpouchingを有する重症大動脈弁狭窄症に対して経カテーテル的大動脈弁植え込み術を施行し得た2症例 査読

    梶尾 啓子, 水谷 一輝, 中尾 真奈, 岡井 主, 野元 陽太, 伊藤 朝広, 山崎 貴紀, 岩田 真一, 紙森 公雄, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   27回   MO428 - MO428   2018年08月



  • 僧帽弁狭窄症のTAVR直後に生じる心不全増悪への関与 査読

    岡井 主, 水谷 一輝, 中尾 真奈, 梶尾 啓子, 西村 慎亮, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   27回   PP17 - 2   2018年08月



  • Left Ventricular Outpouchingを有する重症大動脈弁狭窄症に対して経カテーテル的大動脈弁植え込み術を施行し得た2症例

    梶尾 啓子, 水谷 一輝, 中尾 真奈, 岡井 主, 野元 陽太, 伊藤 朝広, 山崎 貴紀, 岩田 真一, 紙森 公雄, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   27回   MO428 - MO428   2018年08月

  • 僧帽弁狭窄症のTAVR直後に生じる心不全増悪への関与

    岡井 主, 水谷 一輝, 中尾 真奈, 梶尾 啓子, 西村 慎亮, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   27回   PP17 - 2   2018年08月

  • PFOかASDか診断・治療に苦慮した奇異性塞栓の1例 査読

    水谷一輝, 中尾真奈, 岡井主, 梶尾啓子, 伊藤朝広, 岩田真一, 葭山稔

    日本心血管脳卒中学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   5th   150   2018年06月




  • PFOかASDか診断・治療に苦慮した奇異性塞栓の1例

    水谷一輝, 中尾真奈, 岡井主, 梶尾啓子, 伊藤朝広, 岩田真一, 葭山稔

    日本心血管脳卒中学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   5th   150   2018年06月


  • 重度の大動脈弁狭窄を有する患者において自己拡張型バルブは経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術後にDW-MRIにより検出される高信号のスポットに影響を及ぼす(Self-Expandable Valve Affects High Intensity Spots Detected by DW-MRI after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis) 査読

    吉田 啓子, 水谷 一輝, 原 正彦, 中尾 真奈, 岡井 主, 西村 慎亮, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本循環器学会 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   82回   PJ036 - 7   2018年03月



  • 重度の大動脈弁狭窄を有する患者において自己拡張型バルブは経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術後にDW-MRIにより検出される高信号のスポットに影響を及ぼす(Self-Expandable Valve Affects High Intensity Spots Detected by DW-MRI after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis)

    吉田 啓子, 水谷 一輝, 原 正彦, 中尾 真奈, 岡井 主, 西村 慎亮, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   82回   PJ036 - 7   2018年03月

  • 心室中隔欠損を伴う肺動脈閉鎖症術後遠隔期に生じた人工弁機能不全を三次元心エコーにて観察し得た一例 査読

    山本崇之, 岩田真一, 山口祐美, 田村聡一郎, 石川世良, 伊藤朝広, 水谷一輝, 江原省一, 泉家康宏, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   126th   KINKI126,A13 (WEB ONLY)   2018年




  • 高度三尖大動脈弁狭窄症,冠動脈三枝病変に,高度二尖弁肺動脈弁狭窄症を合併した一例 査読

    伊藤朝広, 岩田真一, 田村聡一郎, 石川世良, 中尾真奈, 江原省一, 泉家康宏, 村上貴志, 柴田利彦, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   126th   KINKI126,C18 (WEB ONLY)   2018年




  • 心エコー図検査を契機に発見された未破裂バルサルバ洞動脈瘤の一例 査読

    中尾真奈, 石川世良, 田村聡一郎, 伊藤朝広, 岩田真一, 泉家康宏, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   125th   KINKI125,C01 (WEB ONLY)   2018年




  • 大動脈二尖弁のSevere ASに対してTAVRが有効であった1例 査読

    岡井主, 水谷一輝, 中尾真奈, 梶尾啓子, 伊藤朝広, 岩田真一, 村上貴志, 柴田利彦, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   125th   KINKI125,D17 (WEB ONLY)   2018年




  • 免疫チェックポイント阻害薬による心毒性が疑われた一例 査読

    伊藤文花, 伊藤文花, 伊藤朝広, 岩田真一, 田村聡一郎, 石川世良, 江原省一, 泉家康宏, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   125th   KINKI125,D06 (WEB ONLY)   2018年




  • 新時代のバルーン大動脈弁形成術 経食道心エコーガイドのポイントと手技のtips&tricks 査読

    水谷 一輝, 原 正彦, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   26回   S10 - 3   2017年07月



  • 新時代のバルーン大動脈弁形成術 経食道心エコーガイドのポイントと手技のtips&tricks

    水谷 一輝, 原 正彦, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   26回   S10 - 3   2017年07月

  • 経カテーテル的大動脈弁置換術中に血行動態破綻を来す急性僧帽弁閉鎖不全症の予測因子 査読

    伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 水谷 一輝, 土井 淳史, 花谷 彰久, 高橋 洋介, 山田 徳洪, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本循環制御医学会 日本循環制御医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   38回   99 - 99   2017年06月



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症患者における3次元経食道心エコーガイド下で施行する順行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術の頻回拡張の安全性と有効性について 査読

    水谷 一輝, 原 正彦, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本循環制御医学会 日本循環制御医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   38回   101 - 101   2017年06月



  • 経カテーテル的大動脈弁置換術中に血行動態破綻を来す急性僧帽弁閉鎖不全症の予測因子

    伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 水谷 一輝, 土井 淳史, 花谷 彰久, 高橋 洋介, 山田 徳洪, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本循環制御医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   38回   99 - 99   2017年06月

  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症患者における3次元経食道心エコーガイド下で施行する順行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術の頻回拡張の安全性と有効性について

    水谷 一輝, 原 正彦, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 村上 貴志, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本循環制御医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   38回   101 - 101   2017年06月

  • より安全な心血管インターベンションを目指して メディカルスタッフに求めたい安全のための技量 査読

    水谷 一輝, 伊藤 朝広, 高尾 由範, 西村 慎亮, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 村上 貴志, 山田 徳洪, 市田 隆雄, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本循環器学会 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   81回   CS4 - 5   2017年03月



  • より安全な心血管インターベンションを目指して メディカルスタッフに求めたい安全のための技量

    水谷 一輝, 伊藤 朝広, 高尾 由範, 西村 慎亮, 岩田 真一, 高橋 洋介, 村上 貴志, 山田 徳洪, 市田 隆雄, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   81回   CS4 - 5   2017年03月

  • PDA先行治療で心不全症状が改善したASの一例 査読

    梶尾啓子, 水谷一輝, 中尾真奈, 岡井主, 野元陽太, 伊藤朝広, 山崎貴紀, 岩田真一, 紙森公雄, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   124th   KINKI124,G01 (WEB ONLY)   2017年




  • 心エコー図検査にて長期的に経過を追えたジストロフィン遺伝子関連拡張型心筋症と考えられた一例 査読

    中尾真奈, 能仁信一, 伊藤朝広, 田村聡一郎, 河相優, 石川世良, 岩田真一, 土井淳史, 花谷彰久, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   124th   KINKI124,G43 (WEB ONLY)   2017年




  • 多孔性心房中隔欠損症に対して経皮的心房中隔欠損閉鎖術を施行した一例 査読

    伊藤文花, 石川世良, 岩田真一, 田村総一郎, 河相優, 能仁信一, 伊藤朝広, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   124th   KINKI124,H53 (WEB ONLY)   2017年




  • Elevated Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling Pressure by Tissue Doppler Imaging and Silent Brain Infarction in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation 査読

    Sera Ishikawa, Kenichi Sugioka, Shinichi Iwata, Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Nonin, Yu Kawai, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama




  • Plaque Surface Irregularity and Calcification Length Within Carotid Plaque Predict Secondary Events in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease 査読

    Shinichi Nonin, Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Yu Kawai, Suwako Fujita, Sera Ishikawa, Naoki Norioka, Asahiro Ito, Masashi Nakagawa, Minoru Yoshiyama




  • Greater Nighttime Blood Pressure Variability is Associated With Left Atrial Enlargement in Atrial Fibrillation Patients With Preserved Ejection Fraction 査読

    Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Yu Kawai, Shinichi Nonin, Suwako Fujita, Sera Ishikawa, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama




  • Greater Nighttime Blood Pressure Variability is Associated With Left Atrial Enlargement in Atrial Fibrillation Patients With Preserved Ejection Fraction 査読

    Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Yu Kawai, Shinichi Nonin, Suwako Fujita, Sera Ishikawa, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama




  • Elevated Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling Pressure by Tissue Doppler Imaging and Silent Brain Infarction in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation 査読

    Sera Ishikawa, Kenichi Sugioka, Shinichi Iwata, Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Nonin, Yu Kawai, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama




  • Elevated Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling Pressure by Tissue Doppler Imaging and Silent Brain Infarction in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation

    Sera Ishikawa, Kenichi Sugioka, Shinichi Iwata, Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Nonin, Yu Kawai, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama

    CIRCULATION   134   2016年11月( ISSN:0009-7322 ( eISSN:1524-4539



  • Plaque Surface Irregularity and Calcification Length Within Carotid Plaque Predict Secondary Events in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease

    Shinichi Nonin, Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Yu Kawai, Suwako Fujita, Sera Ishikawa, Naoki Norioka, Asahiro Ito, Masashi Nakagawa, Minoru Yoshiyama

    CIRCULATION   134   2016年11月( ISSN:0009-7322 ( eISSN:1524-4539



  • Greater Nighttime Blood Pressure Variability is Associated With Left Atrial Enlargement in Atrial Fibrillation Patients With Preserved Ejection Fraction

    Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Yu Kawai, Shinichi Nonin, Suwako Fujita, Sera Ishikawa, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama

    CIRCULATION   134   2016年11月( ISSN:0009-7322 ( eISSN:1524-4539



  • Greater Nighttime Blood Pressure Variability is Associated With Left Atrial Enlargement in Atrial Fibrillation Patients With Preserved Ejection Fraction

    Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Iwata, Kenichi Sugioka, Yu Kawai, Shinichi Nonin, Suwako Fujita, Sera Ishikawa, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama

    CIRCULATION   134   2016年11月( ISSN:0009-7322 ( eISSN:1524-4539



  • Elevated Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling Pressure by Tissue Doppler Imaging and Silent Brain Infarction in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation

    Sera Ishikawa, Kenichi Sugioka, Shinichi Iwata, Naoki Norioka, Shinichi Nonin, Yu Kawai, Suwako Fujita, Asahiro Ito, Masahiko Takagi, Minoru Yoshiyama

    CIRCULATION   134   2016年11月( ISSN:0009-7322 ( eISSN:1524-4539



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における近位胸部大動脈の動脈硬化についての検討 三尖弁と二尖弁大動脈弁狭窄症の比較 査読

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 河相 優, 能仁 信一, 石川 世良, 則岡 直樹, 伊藤 朝広, 仲川 将志, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   P - 557   2016年09月



  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における無症候性脳梗塞と左室充満圧(E/e')との関連 査読

    石川 世良, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 河相 優, 能仁 信一, 藤田 澄吾子, 則岡 直樹, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   O - 079   2016年09月



  • 冠動脈疾患患者において、頸動脈plaque surface irregularityは心血管二次イベントの予測因子である 査読

    能仁 信一, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 河相 優, 藤田 澄吾子, 石川 世良, 則岡 直樹, 伊藤 朝広, 仲川 将志, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   P - 077   2016年09月



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における近位胸部大動脈の動脈硬化についての検討 三尖弁と二尖弁大動脈弁狭窄症の比較

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 河相 優, 能仁 信一, 石川 世良, 則岡 直樹, 伊藤 朝広, 仲川 将志, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   P - 557   2016年09月

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における無症候性脳梗塞と左室充満圧(E/e')との関連

    石川 世良, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 河相 優, 能仁 信一, 藤田 澄吾子, 則岡 直樹, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   O - 079   2016年09月

  • 冠動脈疾患患者において、頸動脈plaque surface irregularityは心血管二次イベントの予測因子である

    能仁 信一, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 河相 優, 藤田 澄吾子, 石川 世良, 則岡 直樹, 伊藤 朝広, 仲川 将志, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   P - 077   2016年09月

  • 経食道心エコー図ガイド下による順行性大動脈弁バルーン拡張術の有効性と安全性について 査読

    水谷 一輝, 松岡 雄治郎, 阪本 勇也, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将志, 白井 伸幸, 杉岡 憲一, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   25回   MO169 - MO169   2016年07月



  • 経食道心エコーガイド下で弁輪破裂を回避し得たantegrade BAVの一例 査読

    松岡 雄治郎, 水谷 一輝, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将志, 杉岡 憲一, 村上 貴志, 細野 光治, 高木 雅彦, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   25回   MP235 - MP235   2016年07月



  • 経食道心エコーガイド下で弁輪破裂を回避し得たantegrade BAVの一例

    松岡 雄治郎, 水谷 一輝, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将志, 杉岡 憲一, 村上 貴志, 細野 光治, 高木 雅彦, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   25回   MP235 - MP235   2016年07月

  • 経食道心エコー図ガイド下による順行性大動脈弁バルーン拡張術の有効性と安全性について

    水谷 一輝, 松岡 雄治郎, 阪本 勇也, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将志, 白井 伸幸, 杉岡 憲一, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   25回   MO169 - MO169   2016年07月

  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における近位胸部大動脈の動脈硬化についての検討 査読

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 河相 優, 能仁 信一, 石川 世良, 則岡 直樹, 伊藤 朝広, 仲川 将志, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本動脈硬化学会 日本動脈硬化学会総会プログラム・抄録集   48回   204 - 204   2016年06月( ISSN:1347-7099



  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における近位胸部大動脈の動脈硬化についての検討

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 河相 優, 能仁 信一, 石川 世良, 則岡 直樹, 伊藤 朝広, 仲川 将志, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本動脈硬化学会総会プログラム・抄録集   48回   204 - 204   2016年06月( ISSN:1347-7099

  • 結節性紅斑との鑑別を要した感染性心内膜炎による敗血疹の1例 査読

    真鍋 麻里奈, 今西 久幹, 大迫 順子, 梅田 桜子, 伊藤 朝広, 安水 大介, 葭山 稔, 鶴田 大輔

    (公社)日本皮膚科学会 日本皮膚科学会雑誌   126 ( 5 )   955 - 955   2016年05月( ISSN:0021-499X



  • 結節性紅斑との鑑別を要した感染性心内膜炎による敗血疹の1例

    真鍋 麻里奈, 今西 久幹, 大迫 順子, 梅田 桜子, 伊藤 朝広, 安水 大介, 葭山 稔, 鶴田 大輔

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   126 ( 5 )   955 - 955   2016年05月( ISSN:0021-499X ( eISSN:1346-8146

  • 大動脈弓部動脈硬化性穿通性潰瘍と非連続性に限局性解離を合併した一例 査読

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 則岡 直樹, 石川 世良, 安保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   43 ( Suppl. )   S793 - S793   2016年04月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • 左室駆出率が保持された心房細動患者において、夜間血圧変動性が左房拡大に与える影響 査読

    則岡 直樹, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   43 ( Suppl. )   S564 - S564   2016年04月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • 大動脈弓部動脈硬化性穿通性潰瘍と非連続性に限局性解離を合併した一例

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 則岡 直樹, 石川 世良, 安保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   43 ( Suppl. )   S793 - S793   2016年04月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 左室駆出率が保持された心房細動患者において、夜間血圧変動性が左房拡大に与える影響

    則岡 直樹, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   43 ( Suppl. )   S564 - S564   2016年04月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 心不全発症を契機にミトコンドリア心筋症の診断に至った左室肥大の一例 査読

    市川 佳誉, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 安保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   356 - 357   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • カテーテルアブレーション施行8ヵ月後検出された右房内血栓の一例 査読

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 則岡 直樹, 阿保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 桑江 優子, 大澤 政彦, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   354 - 354   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • 心エコーにて限局性の心筋炎が疑われた持続性心室頻拍の一例 査読

    寺下 和範, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 河相 優, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 安保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   356 - 356   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • 完全房室ブロックをきたした心臓原発悪性リンパ腫の一例 査読

    武坂 絢, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 藤田 澄吾子, 阿保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   354 - 354   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • カテーテルアブレーション施行8ヵ月後検出された右房内血栓の一例

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 則岡 直樹, 阿保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 桑江 優子, 大澤 政彦, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   354 - 354   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 完全房室ブロックをきたした心臓原発悪性リンパ腫の一例

    武坂 絢, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 藤田 澄吾子, 阿保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   354 - 354   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 心不全発症を契機にミトコンドリア心筋症の診断に至った左室肥大の一例

    市川 佳誉, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 安保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   356 - 357   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 心エコーにて限局性の心筋炎が疑われた持続性心室頻拍の一例

    寺下 和範, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 河相 優, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 安保 浩二, 藤岡 一也, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   43 ( 2 )   356 - 356   2016年03月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症患者における大動脈弓部の動脈硬化は日間血圧変動の増加により論ずることができるか? 査読

    岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, Di Tullio MR, 本間 俊一, 葭山 稔

    大阪市医学会 大阪市医学会雑誌   64   41 - 41   2015年12月( ISSN:0386-4103



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症患者における大動脈弓部の動脈硬化は日間血圧変動の増加により論ずることができるか?

    岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, Di Tullio MR, 本間 俊一, 葭山 稔

    大阪市医学会雑誌   64   41 - 41   2015年12月( ISSN:0386-4103

  • 緊急非心臓手術術前に発覚した高度大動脈弁狭窄症に対して順行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術を施行した一例 査読

    寺下 和範, 水谷 一輝, 松岡 雄治郎, 仲川 将志, 藤田 澄吾子, 坂本 祥吾, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 高木 雅彦, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   908 - 908   2015年09月



  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における無症候性脳梗塞発症のメカニズム 経食道心エコーによる検討 査読

    杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   1244 - 1244   2015年09月



  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における無症候性脳梗塞のCHADS2スコアに与える影響 査読

    河相 優, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   1359 - 1359   2015年09月



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における僧帽弁輪石灰化の臨床的意義についての検討 査読

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   477 - 477   2015年09月



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症において、日間血圧変動の増大は大動脈弓部complexプラークの独立した関連因子である 査読

    則岡 直樹, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   1171 - 1171   2015年09月



  • 連合弁膜症例に対して、経食道心エコーガイド下で大動脈弁バルーン形成術および僧帽弁交連切開術を同時施行した一例 査読

    松岡 雄治郎, 水谷 一輝, 仲川 将志, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 坂本 祥吾, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   344 - 344   2015年09月



  • 透析困難症および重症心不全を伴う大動脈弁狭窄症に対して血行動態改善目的に逆行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術を施行した1例 査読

    市川 佳誉, 水谷 一輝, 松岡 雄治郎, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将司, 杉岡 憲一, 江原 省一, 高木 雅彦, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   79 - 79   2015年09月



  • 緊急非心臓手術術前に発覚した高度大動脈弁狭窄症に対して順行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術を施行した一例

    寺下 和範, 水谷 一輝, 松岡 雄治郎, 仲川 将志, 藤田 澄吾子, 坂本 祥吾, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 高木 雅彦, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   908 - 908   2015年09月

  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における僧帽弁輪石灰化の臨床的意義についての検討

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   477 - 477   2015年09月

  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症において、日間血圧変動の増大は大動脈弓部complexプラークの独立した関連因子である

    則岡 直樹, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 花谷 彰久, 高木 雅彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   1171 - 1171   2015年09月

  • 連合弁膜症例に対して、経食道心エコーガイド下で大動脈弁バルーン形成術および僧帽弁交連切開術を同時施行した一例

    松岡 雄治郎, 水谷 一輝, 仲川 将志, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 坂本 祥吾, 岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   344 - 344   2015年09月

  • 透析困難症および重症心不全を伴う大動脈弁狭窄症に対して血行動態改善目的に逆行性大動脈弁バルーン形成術を施行した1例

    市川 佳誉, 水谷 一輝, 松岡 雄治郎, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 仲川 将司, 杉岡 憲一, 江原 省一, 高木 雅彦, 柴田 利彦, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   79 - 79   2015年09月

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における無症候性脳梗塞のCHADS2スコアに与える影響

    河相 優, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   1359 - 1359   2015年09月

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における無症候性脳梗塞発症のメカニズム 経食道心エコーによる検討

    杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   1244 - 1244   2015年09月

  • ムコ多糖症に合併した大動脈弁・僧帽弁狭窄の心エコー図によるフォロー 査読

    穂積 健之, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 杉岡 憲一, 田中 あけみ, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   42 ( Suppl. )   S526 - S526   2015年04月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • 大動脈弁狭窄症患者における僧帽弁輪石灰化とエコーによる指標との関連 査読

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   42 ( Suppl. )   S513 - S513   2015年04月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • 大動脈弁狭窄症患者における僧帽弁輪石灰化とエコーによる指標との関連

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   42 ( Suppl. )   S513 - S513   2015年04月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • ムコ多糖症に合併した大動脈弁・僧帽弁狭窄の心エコー図によるフォロー

    穂積 健之, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 杉岡 憲一, 田中 あけみ, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   42 ( Suppl. )   S526 - S526   2015年04月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における大動脈プラークと心不全との関連 経食道心エコー図による検討 査読

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 土井 淳史, 高木 雅彦, 花谷 彰久, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   62回   P - 492   2014年09月



  • 非弁膜症性心房細動例におけるCHADS2スコアと大動脈complexプラークとの関連 査読

    杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 花谷 彰久, 仲川 将志, 高木 雅彦, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   62回   P - 488   2014年09月



  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における大動脈プラークと心不全との関連 経食道心エコー図による検討

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 土井 淳史, 高木 雅彦, 花谷 彰久, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   62回   P - 492   2014年09月

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動例におけるCHADS2スコアと大動脈complexプラークとの関連

    杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 花谷 彰久, 仲川 将志, 高木 雅彦, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   62回   P - 488   2014年09月

  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における日間血圧変動と大動脈弓部プラークとの関連 査読

    岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 穂積 健之, 北田 諒子, 花谷 彰久, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   328 - 328   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における経食道心エコーによる大動脈プラーク検索の意義 CHA2DS2-VAScスコアへの影響 査読

    山下 智子, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 土井 淳史, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   509 - 509   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 非弁膜症性心房細動例における大動脈プラークの頻度と関連因子について 経食道心エコーによる検討 査読

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 花谷 彰久, 土井 淳史, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   509 - 509   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 頸動脈エコーにより大動脈プラークは予測可能か? 頸動脈エコーと経食道心エコーとの比較検討 査読

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 花谷 彰久, 穂積 健之, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   509 - 509   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における日間血圧変動と大動脈弓部プラークとの関連

    岩田 真一, 杉岡 憲一, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 穂積 健之, 北田 諒子, 花谷 彰久, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   328 - 328   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動例における大動脈プラークの頻度と関連因子について 経食道心エコーによる検討

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 花谷 彰久, 土井 淳史, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   509 - 509   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 非弁膜症性心房細動における経食道心エコーによる大動脈プラーク検索の意義 CHA2DS2-VAScスコアへの影響

    山下 智子, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 土井 淳史, 高木 雅彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   509 - 509   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 頸動脈エコーにより大動脈プラークは予測可能か? 頸動脈エコーと経食道心エコーとの比較検討

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 花谷 彰久, 穂積 健之, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   8 ( Suppl.I )   509 - 509   2013年09月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 慢性腎臓病と大動脈プラークとの関連 近位胸部大動脈と遠位胸部大動脈との比較検討 査読

    松村 嘉起, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 穂積 健之, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   7 ( Suppl.I )   277 - 277   2012年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における冠動脈疾患合併と大動脈弓部プラークとの関連 経食道心エコー図による検討 査読

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   7 ( Suppl.I )   277 - 277   2012年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における近位胸部大動脈の形態的変化についての検討 三尖弁と二尖弁大動脈弁狭窄症の比較 査読

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   7 ( Suppl.I )   277 - 277   2012年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における近位胸部大動脈の形態的変化についての検討 三尖弁と二尖弁大動脈弁狭窄症の比較

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   7 ( Suppl.I )   277 - 277   2012年08月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における冠動脈疾患合併と大動脈弓部プラークとの関連 経食道心エコー図による検討

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 岩田 真一, 松村 嘉起, 穂積 健之, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   7 ( Suppl.I )   277 - 277   2012年08月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 慢性腎臓病と大動脈プラークとの関連 近位胸部大動脈と遠位胸部大動脈との比較検討

    松村 嘉起, 杉岡 憲一, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 岩田 真一, 穂積 健之, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   7 ( Suppl.I )   277 - 277   2012年08月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 弁膜症の診断と治療 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における経食道心エコーによる大動脈弓部プラークの評価について 査読

    杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 松村 嘉起, 伊藤 朝広, 葭山 稔

    (公社)日本超音波医学会 超音波医学   39 ( Suppl. )   S189 - S189   2012年04月( ISSN:1346-1176



  • 弁膜症の診断と治療 重症大動脈弁狭窄症における経食道心エコーによる大動脈弓部プラークの評価について

    杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 松村 嘉起, 伊藤 朝広, 葭山 稔

    超音波医学   39 ( Suppl. )   S189 - S189   2012年04月( ISSN:1346-1176 ( eISSN:1881-9311

  • 左房に限局するガリウムの異常集積と,全周性左房内膜肥厚を認めた発作性心房細動の一例

    柴田敦, 山崎貴紀, 伊藤朝広, 岩田真一, 松村嘉起, 江原省一, 花谷彰久, 島田健永, 葭山稔

    日本循環器学会近畿地方会(Web)   114th   2012年


  • 慢性腎臓病は大動脈弓プラークの関連因子である 経食道心エコー図を用いた検討 査読

    松村 嘉起, 杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 高木 雅彦, 水谷 一輝, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   398 - 398   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 組織ドップラー法と二次元スペックルトラッキング法による左室壁運動評価の比較 査読

    森下 陽子, 大倉 宏之, 坂口 海雲, 伊藤 朝広, 片岡 亨, 松下 未来, 田村 小枝, 山辺 梓, 中村 恵, 高田 裕子, 清水 啓子

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   382 - 382   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • リアルタイム3次元経食道心エコー図による大動脈弓プラークの評価についての検討 査読

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 高木 雅彦, 穂積 健之, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   311 - 311   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 組織ドップラー法と二次元スペックルトラッキング法による左室壁運動評価の比較

    森下 陽子, 大倉 宏之, 坂口 海雲, 伊藤 朝広, 片岡 亨, 松下 未来, 田村 小枝, 山辺 梓, 中村 恵, 高田 裕子, 清水 啓子

    日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   382 - 382   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における大動脈弓complexプラークと脳梗塞発症との関連 経食道心エコー図による検討 査読

    吉山 智貴, 杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 水谷 一輝, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   348 - 348   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • 大動脈弁狭窄と大動脈弓プラークとの関連 経食道心エコー図による検討 査読

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 河瀬 吉雄, 西本 正紀, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    (一社)日本心臓病学会 日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   272 - 272   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501



  • リアルタイム3次元経食道心エコー図による大動脈弓プラークの評価についての検討

    伊藤 朝広, 杉岡 憲一, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 高木 雅彦, 穂積 健之, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   311 - 311   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 大動脈弁狭窄症における大動脈弓complexプラークと脳梗塞発症との関連 経食道心エコー図による検討

    吉山 智貴, 杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 松村 嘉起, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 水谷 一輝, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   348 - 348   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 大動脈弁狭窄と大動脈弓プラークとの関連 経食道心エコー図による検討

    藤田 澄吾子, 杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 伊藤 朝広, 松村 嘉起, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 河瀬 吉雄, 西本 正紀, 末廣 茂文, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   272 - 272   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501

  • 慢性腎臓病は大動脈弓プラークの関連因子である 経食道心エコー図を用いた検討

    松村 嘉起, 杉岡 憲一, 穂積 健之, 藤田 澄吾子, 伊藤 朝広, 高木 雅彦, 水谷 一輝, 成子 隆彦, 上田 真喜子, 葭山 稔

    日本心臓病学会誌   6 ( Suppl.I )   398 - 398   2011年08月( ISSN:1882-4501





  • 循環器内科学演習(心エコー)

    2024年度     大学院