School of Engineering Department of Physics and Electronics

Updated on 2024/06/03
Graduate School of Engineering Division of Physics and Electronics
Associate Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Engineering Department of Physics and Electronics
Associate Professor 2022.04 - Now
Doctor of Engineering ( The University of Tokyo )
Master of Science ( Osaka University )
Nanotechnology/Materials / Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties / Surface Science
Nanotechnology/Materials / Applied condensed matter physics / physics for quantum beam
Nanotechnology/Materials / Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties / Surface Science
Nanotechnology/Materials / Applied condensed matter physics / physics for quantum beam
ion/electron beam source
Quantum Beam Technology
ion/electron beam source
局所障壁高さ 電子トンネリング
Development of nobel quantum beams of atoms and ions, and their applications to surface analysis/fabrication in nano-scale combined with the advanced spectroscopic measurement technique.
Development of Spin-polarized Ion Spectroscopy and Ion-Surface Interaction
Spin-polarized Ion, Auger Neutraization, Surface Spin Density Individual
Study on the local elctron spectroscopy of material surfaces
core level electron emission Individual
関西支部幹事 日本表面科学会
2011.04 - 2014.03
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation Grant
Osaka City University Graduate School of Engineering Physical Electronics and Informatics Course
1996.10 - Now
Technical University of Denmark Microelectronics Research Center, Nanotechnology Division Invited Researcher
1996.06 - 1996.07
Department of Materials Science, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
1994 - 1996
Aono Atomcraft Project, ERATO, JRDC
1990 - 1994
Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Co. Ltd.
1986 - 1988
Osaka University Master's Course Graduated/Completed
- 1986
Osaka University Graduated/Completed
- 1984
Comparative Studies on Local Barrier Field Variations Above Field-Adsorbed Helium and Neon with a Micro-Probe Hole Field Ion Microscope Reviewed
Yasushi Ohta and Ataru Kobayashi
Microscopy and Microanalysis (Cambridge Univ Press) 28 1851 - 1864 2022.11
Ohta Y.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59 ( 1 ) 2020.01( ISSN:00214922 )
Measurement of the spatial variation in local work function of single surface atom site with μPH-FIM Reviewed
aaa aaa, aaa aaa
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 37 ( 0 ) 2017
Oota Yasushi, Kobayashi Ataru
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 36 ( 0 ) 2016
Oota Yasushi, Wakimura Tatsuya, Morioka Ryotaro, Kobayashi Ataru
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 35 ( 0 ) 2015
電界イオン顕微鏡における電界吸着原子上の電場強度の定量的評価II Reviewed
豊泉 周也, 山田 達気, 太田 康, 小林 中
公益社団法人 日本表面科学会 Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 34 ( 0 ) 2014
The Surface Science Society of Japan, J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn. 34 ( 8 ) 409 - 414 2013.08( ISSN:03885321 )
Time-Domain Measurements of Terahertz Waves Generated from Picosecond Optical Parametric Oscillator Reviewed
41 ( 2 ) 125 - 128 2013.02( ISSN:03870200 )
Study on the mechanism of field adsorption of helium and neon above a single tungsten atom with a pulse counting analysis of field ions
A. Kobayashi, K. Tetsumoto, H. Kumagai
Surface Science Society of Japan//Journal of The Surface Science Society of Japan 34 ( 42924 ) 2013
Tunable picosecond THz-wave generation based on trapezoidal MgO:LiNbO3 crystal in novel pentagram-shaped pump-enhancement cavity
Y. Takida, Y. Tadokoro, H. Kumagai, S. Nashima, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 8604 8604:1-10 2013
Time-Domain Measurement of Terahertz Waves Generated from Picosecond Optical Oscillator
Y. Tadokoro, Y. Takita, H. Kumagai, S. Nashima, A. Kobayashi
The Laser Society of Japan//The Review of Laser Engineering 41 ( 2 ) 125 - 128 2013
Study on the mechanism of field adsorption of helium and neon above a single tungsten atom with a pulse counting analysis of field ions Invited Reviewed OA
A. Kobayashi, K. Tetsumoto, H. Kumagai
Surface Science Society of Japan//Journal of The Surface Science Society of Japan 34 ( 42924 ) 2013
Comparative study on THz time-domain spectroscopy using 780-nm 1.3-ps laser pulses with different detections of LT-GaAs photoconductive antenna and ZnTe electro-optic sampling
Y. Tadokoro, Y. Takida, H. Kumagai, S. Nashima, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 8604 8604:1-9 2013
Helium and Neon field ionizations above a single atom site on W(011), (112) and (013) surfaces Reviewed
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 31 ( 0 ) 44 - 44 2011
Field ionization of a Helium-Neon mixture above a single atom site on W(112) surface Reviewed
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 31 ( 0 ) 45 - 45 2011
Kobayashi Ataru, Tanino Kohei, Nakamura Yoshinori, Kumagai Hiroshi
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 30 ( 0 ) 303 - 303 2010
Kobayashi Ataru, Nakamura Yoshinori, Tanino Kohei, Kumagai Hiroshi
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 30 ( 0 ) 307 - 307 2010
Effect of imaging gas supply and electric field strength on field ionization rate of Ne at a single atom site of W (011) and (112) planes Reviewed
Kobayashi Ataru, Nakamura Yoshinori, Tanino Kohei, Kumagai Hiroshi
Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 30 ( 0 ) 307 - 307 2010
Measurement of the field ionization rate of helium above a single W atom site with a pulse counting method Reviewed
Kobayashi Ataru, Tanino Kohei, Nakamura Yoshinori, Kumagai Hiroshi
Abstract of annual meeting of the Surface Science of Japan 30 ( 0 ) 303 - 303 2010
Generation of quasi-continuous wave 389-nm choherent light by frequency doubling of a Ti:sapphire laser for nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms
S. Maeda, H. Morioka, T. Ohira, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7582 7582N:1-9 2010
Fabrication of Al2O3/TiO2 multilayer mirrors for "water-window” attosecond pulses
Y. Tanaka, M. Murata, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7586 7586J:1-9 2010
Nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms with a frequency doubled Ti:sapphire laser toward nuclear magnetic resonance of porous media
Y. Tabata, H. Yamada, S. Maeda, H. Morioka, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7586 7586L:1-10 2010
Atomic layer epitaxy of ZnO and TiO2 thin films on c-plane sapphire substrate for novel oxide soft x-ray mirrors
M. Murata, Y. Tanaka, H. Kumagai, T. Shinagawa, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7603 7603R:1-10 2010
Nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms with a frequency doubled Ti:sapphire laser toward nuclear magnetic resonance of porous media
Y. Tabata, H. Yamada, S. Maeda, H. Morioka, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7586 7586L:1-10 2010
Generation of quasi-continuous wave 389-nm choherent light by frequency doubling of a Ti:sapphire laser for nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms
S. Maeda, H. Morioka, T. Ohira, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7582 7582N:1-9 2010
Fabrication of Al2O3/TiO2 multilayer mirrors for "water-window” attosecond pulses
Y. Tanaka, M. Murata, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7586 7586J:1-9 2010
Single-Frequency 389-nm Coherent Light by Efficient Wavelength Conversion for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Porous Materials with Nuclear Spin Polarization of He-3 Atoms Reviewed
Maeda Shingo, Tabata Yutaka, Morioka Hiroshi, Kumagai Hiroshi, Kobayashi Ataru
JOURNAL OF LASER MICRO NANOENGINEERING 4 ( 3 ) 224 - 226 2009.12( ISSN:1880-0688 )
Conversion efficiency of 56% in frequency doubling of single-frequency coherent light from Ti:sapphire laser at 778 nm in high-finesse resonant cavity containing BiBO crystal Reviewed
Maeda Shingo, Morioka Hiroshi, Kumagai Hiroshi, Kobayashi Ataru
Kumagai Hiroshi, Tanaka Yuji, Masuda Yusuke, Shinagawa Tsutomu, Kobayashi Ataru
一般社団法人 日本MRS Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 34 ( 4 ) 605 - 608 2009( ISSN:1382-3469 )
Single-frequency 389-nm coherent light by efficient wavelength conversion for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Porous materials with nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms
S. Maeda, Y. Tabata, H. Morioka, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Journal of Laser Micro/Nano Engineering 4 224 - 226 2009
Nanosecond 389-nm coherent light source with injection-seeding for nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms
Y. Aoki, Y. Shiomi, T. Yamamoto, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7193 71930X:1-9 2009
Development of novel oxide multilayer mirrors at "water-window” wavelengths by atomic layer deposition / atomic layer epitaxy
H. Kumagai, Y. Tanaka, Y. Masuda, T. Shinagawa, A. Kobayashi
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 34 605 - 608 2009
Nanosecond 389-nm coherent light source with injection-seeding for nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms
Y. Aoki, Y. Shiomi, T. Yamamoto, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7193 71930X:1-9 2009
Frequency doubling of a single-frequency 778-nm Ti:Sapphire laser for nuclear spin polarization of 3He atoms
S. Maeda, Y. Tabata, H. Morioka, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7197 71970W:1-8 2009
Atomic layer epitaxy of TiO2/ZnO multilayers for water-window attosecond optics
Y. Tanaka, Y. Masuda, H. Kumagai, T. Shinagawa, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 7201 72010Z:1-9 2009
Single-frequency nanosecond-pulsed deep-ultraviolet coherent light source at 252 nm for manipulating silicon atoms resonantly Reviewed
Shiomi Yasutomo, Yamamoto Takeshi, Kumagai Hiroshi, Kobayashi Ataru
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 281 ( 14 ) 3824 - 3826 2008.07( ISSN:0030-4018 )
Optogalvanic spectroscopy using 389 nm coherent light source accurately tuned to resonance frequency of 2(3)S -> 3(3)P of (3)He Reviewed
Maeda Shingo, Kyutoku Kuniaki, Kumagai Hiroshi, Kobayashi Ataru
Single-frequency nanosecond-pulsed deep-ultraviolet coherent light source at 252 nm for manipulating silicon atoms resonantly
Y. Shiomi, T. Yamamoto, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Optics Communications 281 3824 - 3826 2008
Frequency stabilization of nanosecond deep-ultrviolet coherent light source with injection seeding
T. Yamamoto, Y. Shiomi, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6871 68710F:1-7 2008
Single-frequency 389-nm CW coherent light source for optical pumping of metastable 3He atoms
S. Maeda, Y. Tabata, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6875 68751B:1-8 2008
Titanium oxide/nickel oxide multilayer mirror for attosecond soft x-rays
Y. Masuda, T. Fujimoto, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6890 68900T:1-11 2008
Fine spectroscopy of semiconductor atoms for controlling nuclear spins
Y. Shiomi, T. Yamamoto, Y. Aoki, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayahi
Proceedings of SPIE//6905//69050F:p.1〜p.8 6905 69050F:1-8 2008
Single-frequency 389-nm CW coherent light source for optical pumping of metastable 3He atoms
S. Maeda, Y. Tabata, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6875 68751B:1-8 2008
Frequency stabilization of nanosecond deep-ultrviolet coherent light source with injection seeding
T. Yamamoto, Y. Shiomi, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6871 68710F:1-7 2008
Fine spectroscopy of semiconductor atoms for controlling nuclear spins
Y. Shiomi, T. Yamamoto, Y. Aoki, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayahi
Proceedings of SPIE//6905//69050F:p.1〜p.8 6905 69050F:1-8 2008
Single-frequency stabilization of frequency-tripled nanosecond Ti:sapphire laser injection-seeded for silicon atom optics
Y. Shiomi, T. Yamamoto, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6451 64510U:1-10 2007
Atomic layer deposition of atomic mirror for silicon
T. Fujimoto, Y. Shiomi, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6871 68710F:1-7 2007
Frequency doubling of ps Ti:sapphire laser with PPMGLN waveguide for spin polarization of 3He
K. Kyutoku, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings of SPIE 6455 645506:1-7 2007
Development of a single-frequency nanosecond pulsed deep-UV coherent light source for manipulating silicon atoms
Y. Shiomi, T. Yamamoto, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings CLEO/QELS CTuD2 1 - 2 2007
Characterization of frequency-tripled nanosecond pulsed Ti : sapphire laser injection seeded by a frequency-scanning cw Ti : sapphire laser by use of optogalvanic spectroscopy of silicon atoms Reviewed
Shiomi Yasutomo, Kyutoku Kuniaki, Kumagai Hiroshi, Kobayashi Ataru
OPTICS LETTERS 31 ( 20 ) 3037 - 3039 2006.10( ISSN:0146-9592 )
Characterization of frequency-tripled nanosecond pulsed Ti : sapphire laser injection seeded by a frequency-scanning cw Ti : sapphire laser by use of optogalvanic spectroscopy of silicon atoms Reviewed
Yasutomo Shiomi, Kuniaki Kyutoku, Hiroshi Kumagai, Ataru Kobayashi
OPTICS LETTERS 31 ( 20 ) 3037 - 3039 2006.10( ISSN:0146-9592 )
Development of an injection-seeded nanosecond pulsed Deep-UV coherent light source for controlling silicon atomic waves
Y. Shiomi, K. Kyutoku, H. Kumagai, A. Kobayashi
Proceedings CLEO/QELS CFJ2 1 - 2 2006
Dissociative Single and Double Photoionization of CF4 and Ionic Fragmenta-tion of CF4+ and CF42+ from 23 to 120 eV
A. Kobayashi, T. Masuoka
Chemical Physics 298 107 - 117 2004
Single- and double-photoionization cross-sections of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ionic fragmentation of NO2+ and NO22+
T. Masuoka, A. Kobayashi
Chemical Physics 302 31 - 41 2004
Molecular and Dissociative Photoioni-zation of CS2 from 20 to 120 eV
T. Masuoka, A. Okaji, A. Kobayashi
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 226 317 - 327 2003
Ionisation Cross Sections of Rare-Gas Atoms (Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe) by Electron Impact from Threshold to 1 keV
A. Kobayashi, G. Fujiki, A. Okaji, T. Masuoka
Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 2087 - 2103 2002
Fragmentation of CF42+ dication from Threshold to 120 eV
T. Masuoka, A. Kobayashi
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 218 11 - 18 2002
Dissociative Photoionization of CF4 from 23 to 120eV
A. Kobayashi, T. Masuoka
The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 1559 - 1565 2000
Angular Distribution of Ionic Fragments in the Dissociation of SO22+
A. Kobayashi, T. Masuoka
The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 6634 - 6639 2000
Time-Resolved Atomic-Scale Modification of a Silicon with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
F. Grey, D. H. Huang, A. Kobayashi, E. J. Snyder, H. Uchida, M. Aono
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B12 1901 - 1905 1994
Spatially Anisotropic Atom Extraction around Defects on Si(001) using a STM
A. Kobayashi, F. Grey, E. Snyder, M. Aono
Physical Review B 49 8067 - 8070 1994
Field Ion Evaporation from Tip and Sample in the STM for Atomic-Scale Surface Modification
A. Kobayashi, F. Grey, H. Uchida, D. H. Huang, M. Aono
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Work-shop on Atomic and Nanometer-Scale Modification of Materials: Foundamentals and Applications Series E・239 37 - 47 1993
Tip-Sample Interaction in the Scanning Tunneling Microscope for Atomic-Scale Structure Fabrication
M. Aono, A. Kobayashi, F. Grey, H. Uchida, D. H. Huang
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1・32B 1470 - 1477 1993
Formation of Nanometer-Scale Grooves in Silicon with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
A. Kobayashi, F. Grey, R. S. Williams M. Aono
Science 259 1724 - 1726 1993
Detection of Single Atom Extraction and Deposition Events during Nanolithographic Processing of Silicon with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
F. Grey, D. H. Huang, A. Kobayashi, E. J. Snyder, H. Uchida, M. Aono
Proceedings of Japan Academy Series B・69 101 - 106 1993
Probing Local Binding Energy Differences on the Si(001)2×1 Surface by Field-Induced Atom Extraction with the STM
A. Kobayashi, F. Grey, E. Snyder, M. Aono
Surface Science 291 L739-L744 1993
Field-Induced Modification of Si(001) surface with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
A. Kobayashi, F. Gray, M. Aono
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Design and Synthesis of Electronic Material Systems IDSEM '92 175 - 176 1992
Laser-Induced Chemical Vapor Deposition of GaN
A. Kobayashi, T. Asai, S. Kawai, P. J. Chong
Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings 158 91 - 95 1990
Nuclear Magnetic and Quadrupole Resonance Studies of Phase Transitions in Crystalline (NH4)2SbF5 and (ND4)2SbF5
A. Kobayashi, Y. Yoshioka, N. Nakamura, H. Chihara
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 43a 233 - 238 1988
Nanolithography and Atomic Modification on Silicon Surfaces by STM
F. Grey, A. Kobayashi, H. Uchida, D. H. Huang, M. Aono( Role: Joint author)
SPIE Optical Engineering Press//Technology of Proximal Probe Lithography 1993
Production of spin-polarized helium ions
A. Kobayashi
Central Workshop of Osaka City Univ.//Fabrica 17 19 - 30 2005
Atomic-level material processing and its mechanism
M. Aono, H. Uchida, D. H. Huang, A. Kobayashi, F. Gray
The Japan Society of Precision Engineering//Journal of Precision Engineering 59 ( 1 ) 25 - 29 1993
Tip-sample interactions in the scanning tunneling microscope and their application to atom manipuration
M. Aono, A. Kobayashi, G. Francois, H. Uchida, D. H. Huang, J. Yoshinobu
The Japan Society of Applied Physics//OYOBUTURI 61 ( 12 ) 1264 - 1268 1992
Field evaporation from the tip and the sample in scanning tunneling microscope
A. Kobayashi, G. Francois, M. Aono
Kagaku Kogyosha, Inc.//Chemical Industry 42 ( 12 ) 944 - 951 1991
Atom Craft
M. Aono, A. Kobayashi, H. Uchida, H. Nejo, E. Nomura
The Crystallographic Society of Japan//Journal of the Crystallographic Society of Japan 33 ( 3 ) 158 - 168 1991
(学部) 応用物理学基礎、応用物理学実験、統計力学1演習、卒業研究
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
1900 Undergraduate
1900 Undergraduate
1900 Undergraduate
1900 Undergraduate
Job Career
Job Career
1996 - 2001
Osaka City University, Department of Engineering