School of Engineering Department of Physics and Electronics

Updated on 2025/03/06
Graduate School of Engineering Division of Physics and Electronics
Associate Professor 2022.04 - Now
School of Engineering Department of Physics and Electronics
Associate Professor 2022.04 - Now
Doctor (Science) ( Osaka University )
Nanotechnology/Materials / Fundamental physical chemistry
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials
役員 日本表面真空学会関西支部
2023.04 - Now
Incentive Award from Japan Society for Molecular Science
Masahiro Shibuta
2018.09 Japan Society for Molecular Science
Masahiro Shibuta
2021.07 Osaka City University
2022.03 コニカミノルタ科学技術振興財団
Nanospec2024 Outstanding Poster Award
Kazuki Kamada, DaeGwi Kim, Masahiro Shibuta
表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2022 ポスター賞
村瀬菜摘, 野島周人, 林田紘輝, 加藤浩之, 岡田美智雄, 赤井恵, 金大貴, 渋田昌弘, 山田剛司
2022.12 グラファイト表面上の芳香族炭化水素超薄膜のナノスケール構造・電子状態・発光特性
野島周人, 村瀬菜摘, 金大貴, 加藤浩之, 赤井恵, 山田剛司, 渋田昌弘
2022.10 分子科学会 2光子光電子分光によるトリフェニレン分子薄膜の電子励起状態観測
科学技術振興機構 ERATOプロジェクト 博士研究員
2010.04 - 2014.03
慶應義塾大学 理工学研究科 専任講師
2014.04 - 2019.03
慶應義塾大学 理工学部 特任助教
2010.04 - 2014.03
Phillips Universitaet Marburg (Germany) Physics Department 研究員
2019.04 - 2019.12
分子科学研究所 客員准教授
2025.04 - Now
Osaka Metropolitan University
2022.04 - Now
Osaka City University Graduate School of Engineering Physical Electronics and Informatics Course
2021.04 - Now
慶應義塾大学 理工学部化学科 訪問准教授
2020.02 - Now
Osaka City University Graduate School of Engineering Physical Electronics and Informatics Course
2020.01 - 2021.03
慶應義塾大学 理工学部 特任准教授
2019.04 - 2019.12
Philipps University Marburg
2019.04 - 2019.12
Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Chemistry
Keio University Keio Institute of Pure and Apllied Science Assistant Professor
2014.04 - 2019.03
Japan Science and Technology Agency ERATO Nakajima Designer Nanocluster Assembly Project Postdoctoral Researcher
2010.04 - 2014.03
Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology Project Assitant Professor
2010.04 - 2014.03
Osaka University Doctor's Course Graduated/Completed
Imaging of ultrafast photoexcited electron dynamics in pentacene nanocrystals on a graphite substrate Reviewed
Masahiro Shibuta, Atsushi Nakajima
Nanoscale in press 2024.06
Alkaline Earth Metal Superatom of W@Si16: Characterization of Group 6 Metal Encapsulating Si16 Cage on Organic Substrates Reviewed
Kazuya Terasaka, Toshiaki Kamoshida, Takumi Ichikawa, Takaho Yokoyama, Masahiro Shibuta, Miho Hatanaka, Atsushi Nakajima
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024.04
The Journal of American Chemical Society 2024.03
Tuning the Direction of Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Porphyrin-Protected Gold Clusters Reviewed
Yuki Chiga, Wataru Suzuki, Ryo Takahata, Etsuki Kobiyama, Hirokazu Tahara, Yoshihiko Kanemitsu, Masahiro Shibuta, Masanori Sakamoto, Toshiharu Teranishi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 ( 9 ) 3824 - 3831 2024.02( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Probing of Photocarrier Electrons and Excitons at an Organic Monolayer Film Studied by Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy Reviewed
Shuto Nojima, Natsumi Murase, DaeGwi Kim, Hiroyuki S. Kato, Megumi Akai-Kasaya, Takashi Yamada, Masahiro Shibuta
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2024.02
S. Nojima, N. Murase, D. Kim, H. S. Kato, M. Akai-Kasaya, T. Yamada, M. Shibuta
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 2043 - 2051 2024.01
Photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy for Ta@Si16 superatoms and their assembled layers Reviewed
Masahiro Shibuta, Tsutomu Ohta, Toshiaki Kamoshida, Kana Yamagiwa, Hironori Tsunoyama, Tomoya Inoue, Tsugunosuke Masubuchi, Atsushi Nakajima
Nanoscale 2024
Tomoya Inoue, Kaito Mizoguchi, Miwa Tokita, Masahiro Shibuta, Masato Nakaya, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 ( 23 ) 16597 - 16602 2024( ISSN:1463-9076 ) ( eISSN:1463-9084 )
Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy and Microscopy for Electronic and Plasmonic Characterizations of Molecularly Designed Organic Surfaces Invited Reviewed
Masahiro Shibuta, Atsushi Nakajima
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 3285 - 3295 2023.03
Spectroscopic imaging of photoexcited states at a polycrystalline copper metal surface via two-photon photoelectron emission microscopy Invited Reviewed
Masahiro Shibuta, Atsushi Nakajima
Chemical Physics Letters 804 139909 2022.10
Molecularly Designed Cluster-Surface Interaction for Halogen-like and Alkali-like Metal-Encapsulating Silicon Cage Superatoms on n-and p-Type Organic Substrates Reviewed
Toshiaki Kamoshida, Masahiro Shibuta, Tsutomu Ohta, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2022.06( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Band Engineering-Tuned Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in Diverse-Phased Cu2-xSySe1-y Nanocrystals Reviewed
Han Li, Masahiro Shibuta, Takashi Yamada, Hajime Hojo, Hiroyuki S. Kato, Toshiharu Teranishi, Masanori Sakamoto
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 126 ( 18 ) 8107 - 8112 2022.05( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Size-Dependent Oxidative Stability of Silicon Nanoclusters Mixed with a Tantalum Atom Reviewed
Masahiro Shibuta, Maximilian Huber, Toshiaki Kamoshida, Kazuya Terasaka, Miho Hatanaka, Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, Atsushi Nakajima
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 ( 9 ) 4423 - 4432 2022.03( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Al13− and B@Al12− superatoms on a molecularly decorated substrate Reviewed
Masahiro Shibuta, Tomoya Inoue, Toshiaki Kamoshida, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
Nature Communications 13 ( 1 ) 2022.03( eISSN:2041-1723 )
Takaho Yokoyama, Tatsuya Chiba, Naoyuki Hirata, Masahiro Shibuta, Atsushi Nakajima
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 ( 33 ) 18420 - 18428 2021.08( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Confined Hot Electron Relaxation at the Molecular Heterointerface of the Size-Selected Plasmonic Noble Metal Nanocluster and Layered C-60
Masahiro Shibuta, Kazuo Yamamoto, Tsutomu Ohta, Tomoya Inoue, Kaito Mizoguchi, Masato Nakaya, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
AMER CHEMICAL SOC ACS NANO 15 ( 1 ) 1199 - 1209 2021.01( ISSN:1936-0851 )
Interfacial Oxidation of Ta-Encapsulating Si-16 Cage Superatoms (Ta@Si-16) on Strontium Titanate Substrates
Masahiro Shibuta, Ryota Takano, Atsushi Nakajima
AMER CHEMICAL SOC JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 124 ( 51 ) 28108 - 28115 2020.12( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Temperature effects on the formation and the relaxation dynamics of metal-organic interface states
Klaus Stallberg, Masahiro Shibuta, Ulrich Höfer
Physical Review B 2020.09
Occupied and Unoccupied Levels of Half-Fluorinated and Perfluorinated Rubrene Thin Films Probed by One- and Two-Photon Photoemission
Tomoya Inoue, Masahiro Shibuta, Toshiyasu Suzuki, Atsushi Nakajima
AMER CHEMICAL SOC JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 124 ( 23 ) 12409 - 12416 2020.06( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Yamagiwa, K., Shibuta, M., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC ACS Nano 14 ( 2 ) 2044 - 2052 2020( ISSN:1936-0851 )
Highly Dispersive Nearly Free Electron Bands at a 2D-Assembled C<inf>60</inf> Monolayer
Shibuta, M., Yamamoto, K., Guo, H., Zhao, J., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 ( 1 ) 734 - 741 2019( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Toyoaki Eguchi, Naoyuki Hirata, Masahiro Shibuta, Hironori Tsunoyama, Atsushi Nakajima
American Chemical Society ({ACS}) The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 ( 45 ) 26080 - 26087 2018.11( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Encapsulating Si<inf>16</inf> Cage Superatoms
Tsunoyama, H., Shibuta, M., Nakaya, M., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Accounts of Chemical Research 51 ( 8 ) 1735 - 1745 2018( ISSN:0001-4842 )
Hironori Tsunoyama, Haruchika Ito, Masafumi Komori, Ryota Kobayashi, Masahiro Shibuta, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC}) Catalysis Science & Technology 8 ( 22 ) 5827 - 5834 2018( ISSN:2044-4753 )
Masahiro Shibuta, Toshiki Niikura, Toshiaki Kamoshida, Hironori Tsunoyama, Atsushi Nakajima
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 20 ( 41 ) 26273 - 26279 2018( ISSN:1463-9076 ) ( eISSN:1463-9084 )
Masahiro Shibuta, Kazuo Yamamoto, Kana Yamagiwa, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
CHEMISTRY LETTERS 46 ( 10 ) 1528 - 1531 2017.10( ISSN:0366-7022 ) ( eISSN:1348-0715 )
Yamagiwa, K., Shibuta, M., Nakajima, A.
ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 ( 21 ) 13455 - 13461 2017( ISSN:1463-9076 )
Shibuta, M., Hirata, N., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC ACS Nano 11 ( 4 ) 4307 - 4314 2017( ISSN:1936-0851 )
Shibuta, M., Yamamoto, K., Yamagiwa, K., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN Chemistry Letters 46 ( 10 ) 1528 - 1531 2017( ISSN:0366-7022 )
Hirata, N., Suga, S., Noguchi, Y., Shibuta, M., Tsunoyama, H., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 ( 12 ) 6736 - 6747 2017( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Shibuta, M., Ogura, M., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 ( 49 ) 27399 - 27405 2017( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Tsunoyama, H., Akatsuka, H., Shibuta, M., Iwasa, T., Mizuhata, Y., Tokitoh, N., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 ( 37 ) 20507 - 20516 2017( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Imaging and spectromicroscopy of photocarrier electron dynamics in C-60 fullerene thin films
Masahiro Shibuta, Kana Yamagiwa, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 109 ( 20 ) 203111 2016.11( ISSN:0003-6951 ) ( eISSN:1077-3118 )
Masahiro Shibuta, Kazuo Yamamoto, Tsutomu Ohta, Masato Nakaya, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 ( 1 ) 2016.10( ISSN:2045-2322 ) ( eISSN:2045-2322 )
Charge Transfer Complexation of Ta-Encapsulating Ta@Si<inf>16</inf> Superatom with C<inf>60</inf>
Ohta, T., Shibuta, M., Tsunoyama, H., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 ( 28 ) 15265 - 15271 2016( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Chemical Characterization of an Alkali-Like Superatom Consisting of a Ta-Encapsulating Si-16 Cage
Masahiro Shibuta, Tsutomu Ohta, Masato Nakaya, Hironori Tsunoyama, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 137 ( 44 ) 14015 - 14018 2015.10( ISSN:0002-7863 ) ( eISSN:1520-5126 )
Shibuta, M., Hirata, N., Matsui, R., Nakaya, M., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 ( 40 ) 22945 - 22953 2015( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Masahiro Shibuta, Naoyuki Hirata, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 136 ( 5 ) 1825 - 1831 2014.01( ISSN:0002-7863 ) ( eISSN:1520-5126 )
Takashi Yamada, Mio Isobe, Masahiro Shibuta, Hiroyuki S. Kato, Toshiaki Munakata
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 118 ( 2 ) 1035 - 1041 2014.01( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Ogura, M., Shibuta, M., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 195 272 - 277 2014( ISSN:0368-2048 )
Shibuta, M., Hirata, N., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 ( 5 ) 1825 - 1831 2014( ISSN:0002-7863 )
Tsutomu Ohta, Masahiro Shibuta, Hironori Tsunoyama, Yuichi Negishi, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 117 ( 7 ) 3674 - 3679 2013.02( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Hirata, N., Shibuta, M., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Chemical Physics Letters 561-562 131 - 136 2013( ISSN:0009-2614 )
Ohta, T., Shibuta, M., Tsunoyama, H., Negishi, Y., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 ( 7 ) 3674 - 3679 2013( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Shibuta, M., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
SPRINGER Plasmonics 8 ( 3 ) 1411 - 1415 2013( ISSN:1557-1955 )
Fluorescence properties and relaxation processes of Tb3+ ions in ZnCl<inf>2</inf>-based glasses
Wada, N., Shibuta, M., Shimazaki, H., Wada, N., Yamamoto, K., Kojima, K.
PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD Materials Research Bulletin 48 ( 11 ) 4947 - 4952 2013( ISSN:0025-5408 )
Masahiro Shibuta, Toyoaki Eguchi, Yoshio Watanabe, Jin-Young Son, Hiroshi Oji, Atsushi Nakajima
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101 ( 22 ) 2012.11( ISSN:0003-6951 ) ( eISSN:1077-3118 )
Masato Nakaya, Masaya Shikishima, Masahiro Shibuta, Naoyuki Hirata, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
ACS NANO 6 ( 10 ) 8728 - 8734 2012.10( ISSN:1936-0851 ) ( eISSN:1936-086X )
Naoyuki Hirata, Masahiro Shibuta, Ryo Matsui, Atsushi Nakajima
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 116 ( 25 ) 13623 - 13628 2012.06( ISSN:1932-7447 )
Charge Separation at the Molecular Monolayer Surface: Observation and Control of the Dynamics Reviewed
Masahiro Shibuta, Naoyuki Hirata, Ryo Matsui, Toyoaki Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 3 ( 8 ) 981 - 985 2012.04( ISSN:1948-7185 )
Nakaya, M., Shikishima, M., Shibuta, M., Hirata, N., Eguchi, T., Nakajima, A.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC ACS Nano 6 ( 10 ) 8728 - 8734 2012( ISSN:1936-0851 )
Shibuta, M., Eguchi, T., Watanabe, Y., Son, J.-Y., Oji, H., Nakajima, A.
AMER INST PHYSICS Applied Physics Letters 101 ( 22 ) 2012( ISSN:0003-6951 )
Momentum-resolved electron dynamics of image-potential states on Cu and Ag surfaces
Schubert, K., Damm, A., Eremeev, S.V., Marks, M., Shibuta, M., Berthold, W., Güdde, J., Borisov, A.G., Tsirkin, S.S., Chulkov, E.V., Höfer, U.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 ( 20 ) 2012
Masahiro Shibuta, Keisuke Miyakubo, Takashi Yamada, Toshiaki Munakata
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 115 ( 39 ) 19269 - 19273 2011.09( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Novel Growth of Naphthalene Overlayer on Cu(111) Studied by STM, LEED, and 2PPE Reviewed
Takashi Yamada, Masahiro Shibuta, Yohei Ami, Yasuhiro Takano, Akihiro Nonaka, Keisuke Miyakubo, Toshiaki Munakata
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 114 ( 31 ) 13334 - 13339 2010.08( ISSN:1932-7447 ) ( eISSN:1932-7455 )
Shibuta, M., Yamamoto, K., Miyakubo, K., Yamada, T., Munakata, T.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 ( 11 ) 2010
Shibuta, M., Yamamoto, K., Miyakubo, K., Yamada, T., Munakata, T.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 ( 11 ) 2009
CdSe ナノ粒子超格子における量子共鳴の観測 International journal
第33回光物性研究会論文 2022.12
高繰返しフェムト秒時間分解分光システムの開発と 光機能性量子ドット秩序集積薄膜の光励起ダイナミクス観測 International journal
第33回光物性研究会論文 2022.12
CdTe 量子ドットクラスターの作製とミニバンド形成過程の観測 International journal
第33回光物性研究会論文 2022.12
Electronically excited states of triphenylene thin film studied by two-photon photoemission spectroscopy Reviewed
野島周人, 村瀬菜摘, KIM DaeGwi, 加藤浩之, 赤井恵, 山田剛司, 渋田昌弘
分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web) 16th 2022
Nanoscale structures and electronic properties of aromatic hydrocarbons ultrathin films on graphite surfaces Reviewed
村瀬菜摘, 野島周人, 林田紘輝, 加藤浩之, 岡田美智雄, 赤井恵, KIM DaeGwi, 渋田昌弘, 山田剛司
分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web) 16th 2022
Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Naked Superatom Assembled Films based on High Intensity Nanocluster Source and Soft Landing Reviewed
横山高穂, 千葉竜弥, 平田直之, 渋田昌弘, 中嶋敦
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(Web) 101st 2021
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances of Size-Selected Silver Nanoclusters Soft-Landed on an Organic Substrate Reviewed
溝口凱斗, 井上朋也, 渋田昌弘, 中嶋敦
分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web) 15th 2021
Reactivity Control of Aluminum Nanoclusters Supported on Surfaces by Organic Substrates and Sizes Reviewed
井上朋也, 渋田昌弘, 中嶋敦
分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web) 15th 2021
2光子光電子分光による機能性有機半導体薄膜の光励起ダイナミクス観測 Reviewed
Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (Web) 32 ( 3 ) 2021( ISSN:2423-8805 )
Chemical Characterization of Group 6 Metals Encapsulating Si<sub>16</sub> Cage Superatoms on Organic Surfaces Reviewed
寺坂一也, 鴨志田寿明, 新倉寿希, 渋田昌弘, 渋田昌弘, 渋田昌弘, 角山寛規, 中嶋敦, 中嶋敦
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 100th 2020
Fabrication of transition-metal encapsulating Si<sub>16</sub> cage nanocluster thin films and their electrical conduction mechanisms Reviewed
千葉竜弥, 横山高穂, 平田直之, 渋田昌弘, 渋田昌弘, 角山寛規, 中嶋敦
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 100th 2020
Electrical Conductivity of Metal-Encapsulating Si<sub>16</sub> Cage Nanocluster Thin Films Reviewed
横山高穂, 千葉竜弥, 平田直之, 角山寛規, 渋田昌弘, 渋田昌弘, 中嶋敦
応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 67th 2020
Electronic properties of size-selected silver nanoclusters (Ag<sub>n</sub>) soft-landed on an organic substrate Reviewed
溝口凱斗, 井上朋也, 渋田昌弘, 渋田昌弘, 中嶋敦
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 100th 2020
Study on Electron Dynamics at Nanoscale Functional Films Reviewed
Shibuta Masahiro
Japan Society for Molecular Science, Molecular Science 13 ( 1 ) A0105 2019
Study on Electron Dynamics at Nanoscale Functional Films
Shibuta Masahiro
Molecular Science 13th ( 1 ) A0105 2019
2光子光電子分光による自己組織化単分子膜上に光励起された電子のダイナミクス計測 Reviewed
渋田昌弘, 平田直之, 平田直之, 中谷真人, 中谷真人, 江口豊明, 江口豊明, 中嶋敦, 中嶋敦, 中嶋敦
ナノ学会会報 14 ( 2 ) 49‐55 2016.03( ISSN:1347-8028 )
Electronic States and Excited Electron Dynamics for Alkanethiolate SAM Reviewed
EGUCHI Toyoaki, NAKAYA Masato, SHIBUTA Masahiro, HIRATA Naoyuki, NAKAJIMA Atsushi
The Surface Science Society of Japan, Hyomen Kagaku 35 ( 8 ) 432 - 437 2014( ISSN:0388-5321 )
24aCK-3 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiol Molecules Reviewed
Nakaya M., Shikishima M., Shibuta M., Hirata N., Eguchi T., Nakajima A.
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 1 ) 934 - 934 2012.03( ISSN:1342-8349 )
One- and two-photon photoemission microspectroscopy for organic films Reviewed
T. Munakata, M. Shibuta, M. Mikamori, T. Yamada, K. Miyakubo, T. Sugiyama, Y. Sonoda
SPIE Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials V 6325 63250M-1 - 63250M-9 2006.08
第⼀回 階層性分⼦機能研究会 2025.02
量子ドット増感剤を用いたプラズモン波伝搬の高精度イメージング Domestic conference
大阪公立大学・和歌山大学 第10回工学研究シーズ合同発表会 2024.12
Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy and Microscopy for Electronic and Plasmonic Characterizations of Molecularly Designed Organic Surfaces International conference
M. Shibuta, A. Nakajima
Vibronic and Excitonic Fine Structures in 2PPE Spectra for Polyaromatic Molecular Thin Films
Masahiro Shibuta
Special Seminar SFB1083 2024.06
自己組織化単分子有機薄膜の超高速光励起ダイナミクス Invited Domestic conference
第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2024.03
Ultrafast spatial and temporal evolutions of photoexcited electrons at functional organic surfaces and interfaces Invited International conference
Masahiro Shibuta
The 24th East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics (EAWCD 2024) 2024.03
Ultrafast spatial and temporal evolutions of photoexcited electrons at functional organic surfaces and interfaces Invited International conference
Masahiro Shibuta
NanospecFY2023 2024.03
Visualization and Characterization of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Propagating at a Buried Metal/Dielectric Interface Sensitized by Photofunctional Quantum Dots International conference
Kazuki Kamada, DaeGwi Kim, Masahiro Shibuta
NanospecFY2023 2024.03
Ultrafast spatial and temporal evolutions of photoexcited electrons at functional organic surfaces and interfaces Invited Domestic conference
Masahiro Shibuta
NanospecFY2023 2024.03
時間分解顕微光電子分光で観る機能性有機薄膜の光励起ダイナミクス Invited
日本分光学会関西支部令和5年度第2回講演会 2024.02
大阪公立大学・和歌山大学 第10回工学研究シーズ合同発表会 2023.12
量子ドット薄膜による伝搬型表面プラズモンの光増感イメージングとプラズモニック相互作用の解明 Domestic conference
コニカミノルタ画像科学奨励賞30周年記念発表会 2023.11
Sputter-Grown Size-Selected Nanocluster Synthesis: Deposition and Characterization for Material Science Invited International conference
Masahiro Shibuta
Global Plasma Forum in Aomori 2023.10
Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy and Microscopy for Electronic/Plasmonic Characterizations of Molecularly Designed Surfaces International conference
M. Shibuta, D. Kim
Plasmonic Enhancement of Photoexcited Electrons at Size-Selected Silver Nanoclusters Supported on Organic Substrates Studied by Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy/Microscopy International conference
M. Shibuta, T. Inoue, K. Mizoguchi, K. Yamagiwa, A. Nakajima
The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry 2023.07
Observation of quantum resonance in CdSe quantum dot superlattices
K. Kamada, Z. Yang, M. Shibuta, D. Kim
The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry 2023.07
Quantum resonance in CdTe quantum dot superlattices fabricated by utilizing chemical bonding between ligands
The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry 2023.07
Vibrationally resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on a graphite substrate: the effect of molecular orientation International conference
S. Nojima, N. Murase, D. Kim, H. S. Kato, M. Akai-Kasaya, T. Yamada, M. Shibuta
The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry 2023.07
フェムト秒時間分解光電子分光/顕微鏡による有機半導体表面のキャリアダイナミクス観測 Invited Domestic conference
日本物理学会 2023年春季年会 2023.03
CdSe ナノ粒子超格子における量子共鳴の観測 Domestic conference
第33回光物性研究会 2022.12 光物性研究会
CdTe 量子ドットクラスターの作製とミニバンド形成過程の観測 Domestic conference
第33回光物性研究会 2022.12 光物性研究会
高繰返しフェムト秒時間分解分光システムの開発と 光機能性量子ドット秩序集積薄膜の光励起ダイナミクス観測 Domestic conference
第33回光物性研究会 2022.12 光物性研究会
気相ナノクラスターを用いた機能表面科学の開拓 Domestic conference
中嶋敦, 渋田昌弘, 井上朋也
表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2022 2022.12
二光子光電子顕微分光による電子励起状態の局所観測 Domestic conference
渋田昌弘, 中嶋敦
表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2022 2022.12
芳香族炭化水素超薄膜の2光子光電子分光に現れる振動微細構造と分子配向との関係 Domestic conference
野島周人, 村瀬菜摘, 金大貴, 加藤浩之, 赤井恵, 山田剛司, 渋田昌弘
表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2022 2022.12
グラファイト表面上の芳香族炭化水素超薄膜のナノスケール構造・電子状態・発光特性 Domestic conference
村瀬菜摘, 野島周人, 林田紘輝, 加藤浩之, 岡田美智雄, 赤井恵, 金大貴, 渋田昌弘, 山田剛司
表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2022 2022.12
Characterization and optimization of cluster-surface interaction: metal-encapsulating Si16 nanocluster superatoms on organic substrates Invited International conference
Masahiro Shibuta
Trends in Nanotechnology 2022 2022.10
水熱合成法によるCdSeおよびCuドープCdSeナノ粒子の作製と光学特性 Domestic conference
岡本潤哉, 渋田昌弘, 金大貴
2022年光化学討論会 2022.09 光化学討論会
有機基板上にソフトランディングさせた単一サイズ銀ナノクラスターの局在表面プラズモン共鳴 Domestic conference
溝口凱斗, 井上朋也, 渋田昌弘, 中嶋敦
第13回分子科学討論会 2022.09 分子科学会
2光子光電子分光によるトリフェニレン分子薄膜の電子励起状態観測 Domestic conference
野島周人, 村瀬菜摘, 金大貴, 加藤浩之, 赤井恵, 山田剛司, 渋田昌弘
第13回分子科学討論会 2022.09 分子科学会
トリフェニレン分子薄膜の成長過程と電子状態観測 Domestic conference
村瀬菜摘, 野島周人, 金大貴, 加藤浩之, 赤井恵, 渋田昌弘, 山田剛司
第13回分子科学討論会 2022.09 分子科学会
渋田昌弘、金大貴、 鎌田一輝
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2027
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2026
Observation of hole-dynamics in p-type organic semiconductor films by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2026
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research / Fostering Joint International Research (A) 2025.04
Observation of hole-dynamics in p-type organic semiconductor films by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2025
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2025
Observation of hole-dynamics in p-type organic semiconductor films by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2024
挑戦的研究(開拓) 2024
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2024
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2023.03
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)/(Exploratory) 2022
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2020.04
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2018
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B) 2013
公益財団法人村田学術振興・教育財団 2024
公益財団法人 三菱財団 2022
公益財団法人 旭硝子財団 2022
2021年度若手研究者奨励賞南部陽一郎記念若手奨励賞 2021
コニカミノルタ科学技術振興財団 令和3年度コニカミノルタ画像科学奨励賞 2021
公益財団法人カシオ科学振興財団 研究助成 2021
大阪公立大 グローカル人材育成事業(研究支援) 若手研究 2021
日本学術振興会 卓越研究員事業 2020.01
大阪公立大 若手研究 2020
公益財団法人 村田学術振興財団 研究助成 2020
慶應義塾大学 学事振興資金 個人研究 2014
2021 Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Graduate school
2022 Weekly class Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2022 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2022 Weekly class Undergraduate
2021 Undergraduate
2021 Graduate school
2021 Undergraduate
Number of graduate students presentations:1
Number of undergraduate student / college student presentations:0 Number of graduate students presentations:1
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:3
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):5
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):2
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:3 Number of graduation thesis reviews:3
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):3 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):0
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):1 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):4
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Role(s): Logistic support
Type: University open house, Cooperation business with The administrative, educational institutions, etc.
2024.11 - 2025.02
日本表面真空学会 関西支部役員
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
日本表面真空学会 関西支部 2023.04 - 2024.03
分子科学討論会2023 実行委員
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
分子科学会 2022.01 - 2023.09