Updated on 2024/07/12


Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Global Education Professor
Graduate School of Engineering Division of Quantum and Radiation Engineering
Institute of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Global Education


  • Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Global Education 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now

  • Graduate School of Engineering Division of Quantum and Radiation Engineering 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • Ph. D ( Others )

Research Areas

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties  / Surface Science

Research subject summary

  • 表面科学

Research Career

  • Surface Science

Professional Memberships

  • American Physical Society

    1990.05 - Now   Overseas

  • The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science

    1989.04 - Now   Domestic

  • Japan Society of Applied Physics

    1986.04 - Now   Domestic


  • Surface atomic structure using low energy atom scattering spectroscopy: BaF2(111) Reviewed

    H. Fukuta, K. Umezawa, M. Yoshimoto

    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B   479   2020.05

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Formation of two-dimensional silicide on Ni(100) surface Reviewed

    T. Fukuda, I. Kishida, K. Umezawa

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.   59 ( 065501 )   2020.04

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Initial surface silicidation on Ni(110) Reviewed

    T. Fukuda, I. Kishida, K. Umezawa

    Surface Science 雑誌 Elsevier   659   2017.06

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 低速イオン、原子散乱分光による表面解析 Reviewed


    表面科学 雑誌 日本表面科学会   38   2017.04

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    Kind of work:Single Work  

Books and Other Publications

  • 物理学実験(第6版)

    大阪府立大学 高等教育推進機構 物理学グループ( Role: Joint author)

    学術図書出版社  2020.04  ( ISBN:978-4-780600308C3042

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    Responsible for pages:1-177  

  • 2020版 薄膜作製応用ハンドブック、形態分析(粒子ビームを用いた分析)

    本多信一、梅澤憲司( Role: Joint author)

    エヌ・ティー・エス  2020.01  ( ISBN:978-4-86043-631-5 C3

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    Responsible for pages:851-857  

  • ASM Handbook Vol. 10: Low-Energy Ion-Scattering Spectroscopy

    K. Umezawa( Role: Sole author)

    ASM international, USA  2019.11 

  • Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis”, chap. 56 “Low energy ion scattering spectroscopy”

    K. Umezawa( Role: Sole author)

    The surface science society of Japan  2018.03  ( ISBN:ISBN-10: 9811061556

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    Responsible for pages:pp. 343-348.  

  • マイクロビームアナリシス・ハンドブック「低速イオン散乱分光法」

    梅澤憲司( Role: Sole author)

    オーム社  2014.06  ( ISBN:978-4-274-50496-9

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    Responsible for pages:pp. 252-255  

  • 表面物性工学ハンドブック(第2版)

    梅澤憲司( Role: Joint author)

    丸善  2007.01 

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    Responsible for pages:138-139,139-142,174-176,176-182,182-184  

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  • Surface strctural analysis of CoO(111) and MgO(111) using low energy atom scattering spectroscopy Domestic conference

    G.Tan, H. Fukuta, A. Matsuda, M. Yoshimoto, K. Umezawa

    22nd Special workshop on surface and interface analysis and surface modification by ion beams  2021.12 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Surface atomic structure of cleaved CaF2(111) analyzed using low energy atom scattering spectroscopy International conference

    H. Fukuta、G. Tan、M. Yoshimoto、K. Umezawa

    第21回「イオンビームによる表面界面の解析と改質」特別研究会  2020.12  応用物理学会

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 低速原子散乱分光法によるBaF2(111)表面第1層分子の緩和観察 Domestic conference


    第81回秋季学術講演会  2020.09  応用物理学会

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 低速原子散乱分光法によるCaF2(111)の表面構造解析 Domestic conference


    第75回年次大会  2020.03  日本物理学会

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Surface atomic structure using low energy atom scattering-spectroscopy: BaF2(111) International conference

    H. Fukuta, K. Umezawa

    23rd International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions  2019.11 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Surface structural analysis of CaF2(111) using low energy atom scattering spectroscopy International conference

    H. Fukuta, K. Umezawa,

    12th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices  2019.10 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

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Outline of collaborative research (seeds)

  • イオンビーム解析

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Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 高度粒子線科学技術特論

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 量子物性科学特論

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 量子放射線系特別研究第1

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 量子放射線系特別演習第1

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 量子放射線系特別演習

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 量子表面科学特別講義

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 基礎物理学実験1B

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 基礎電磁気学C

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • Advanced Science of Quantum Physical Properties


  • General Physics AI


  • General Physics B


  • General Physics Lab

    2021   Practical Training  

  • General Physics Lab

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Selected topics in surface science


  • Advanced Science and Technology by Particle Beam


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