School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology

Updated on 2024/06/20
Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology
Lecturer 2022.04 - Now
School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology
Lecturer 2022.04 - Now
博士(農学) ( Others )
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Sound material-cycle social systems
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental materials and recycle technology
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental agriculture
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Landscape science
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental load reduction and remediation
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Agricultural environmental engineering and agricultural information engineering
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Biofunction and bioprocess engineering
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Sound material-cycle social systems
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental materials and recycle technology
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental agriculture
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Agricultural environmental engineering and agricultural information engineering
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental load reduction and remediation
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Landscape science
Anaerobic digestion
Sustainable system
Biological and environmental information
Environmental control in Biology
2015.04 - Now Domestic
2009.04 - Now Domestic
American Chemical Society
2009.04 - Now Overseas
2009.04 - Now Domestic
2009.04 - Now Domestic
2009.04 - Now
2003.04 - Now Domestic
2003.04 - Now
理事 日本生物環境工学会
2022.09 - Now
将来構想担当理事(副委員長) 生態工学会
2021.06 - Now
理事 農業情報学会
2021.05 - Now
連携会員 日本学術会議若手アカデミー 越境する若手科学者分科会
2020.11 - Now
評議員 日本農業気象学会
2019.04 - 2022.06
連携会員 日本学術会議 農学委員会農業生産環境工学分科会
2017.11 - Now
日本学術会議連携会員 日本学術会議
2017.11 - Now
連携会員幹事 日本学術会議若手アカデミー イノベーションに向けた社会連携分科会
2017.11 - Now
連携会員 日本学術会議 農学委員会CIGR分科会
2017.11 - Now
副委員長 男女共同参画学協会連絡会
2011.04 - 2012.03
副委員長 男女共同参画学協会連絡会
2010.04 - 2011.03
評議員 農業情報学会
2009.04 - Now
理事 生態工学会
2007.04 - Now
国際代議員 日本農業工学会
2007.04 - Now
2022.06 生態工学会
2022.05 農業情報学会
2019.06 生態工学会
2017.06 生態工学会
2016.06 生態工学会
2012.06 生態工学会
2002.06 生態工学会
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology
2022.04 - Now
Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology
2022.04 - Now
Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Division of Environmental Sciences and Technology
2017 - Now
2005.04 - 2008.03
2003.04 - 2005.03
The University of Tokyo Doctor's Course Graduated/Completed
2002.04 - 2005.03
The University of Tokyo Master's Course Graduated/Completed
2000.04 - 2002.03
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture Bachelor's Course Graduated/Completed
1996.04 - 2000.03
Investigation of the isothermal curing and glass transition behaviors of epoxy–imidazole systems
Furushima Y.
Polymer 293 2024.02( ISSN:00323861 )
Recovery of Plant Nutrients from Food Residue by Microbial and Thermochemical Treatment
Kakinami Masayoshi, Endo Ryosuke, Shibuya Toshio
Eco-Engineering 36 ( 1 ) 25 - 31 2024.01( ISSN:13470485 ) ( eISSN:18804500 )
Recovery of Plant Nutrients from Food Residue by Microbial and Thermochemical Treatment
Kakinami Masayoshi, Endo Ryosuke, Shibuya Toshio
Eco-Engineering 36 ( 1 ) 25 - 31 2024.01( ISSN:13470485 ) ( eISSN:18804500 )
Shibuya T.
Scientia Horticulturae 324 2024.01( ISSN:03044238 )
Shibuya T.
Scientia Horticulturae 324 2024.01( ISSN:03044238 )
Resource-Circulating Hydroponic Cultivation System
ENDO Ryosuke
Shokubutsu Kankyo Kogaku 36 ( 1 ) 6 - 11 2024( ISSN:18802028 ) ( eISSN:18803563 )
Resource-Circulating Hydroponic Cultivation System
ENDO Ryosuke
Shokubutsu Kankyo Kogaku 36 ( 1 ) 6 - 11 2024( ISSN:18802028 ) ( eISSN:18803563 )
Ueyama M.
Polar Science 35 2023.03( ISSN:18739652 )
Shibuya T.
Plant Growth Regulation 102 ( 1 ) 91 - 97 2023( ISSN:01676903 )
Cucumber leaf necrosis caused by radiation with abrupt increase of far-red component
Biologia plantarum 67 28 - 35 2023( ISSN:00063134 ) ( eISSN:1573-8264 )
Acidophilic nitrification of biogas digestates accelerates sustainable hydroponics by enhancing phosphorus dissolution. Reviewed
Sakuma S., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Bioresource Technology Reports 22 2023
Ohyama K.
Waste and Biomass Valorization 2023( ISSN:18772641 )
Kitaya Y.
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 2023
Ohyama K.
Waste and Biomass Valorization 2023( ISSN:18772641 )
Kitaya Y.
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10 2023
Partitioning methane flux by the eddy covariance method in a cool temperate bog based on a Bayesian framework
Masahito UEYAMA, Tomotsugu YAZAKI, Takashi HIRANO, Ryosuke ENDO
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 316 108852 - 108852 2022.04( ISSN:0168-1923 )
Far-red light interacts with wind-induced stress in cucumber seedlings
Toshio Shibuya, Yoshiki Shinto, Ryosuke Endo, Yosiaki Kitaya
SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 295 2022.03( ISSN:0304-4238 ) ( eISSN:1879-1018 )
Far-red light interacts with wind-induced stress in cucumber seedlings Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Shinto, Y., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Scientia Horticulturae 雑誌 2022
Temporal and spatial variations in methane emissions from the littoral zone of a shallow mid-latitude lake with steady methane bubble emission areas Reviewed
Hiroki Iwata, Kotomi Nakazawa, Himeka Sato, Masayuki Itoh, Yuichi Miyabara, Ryuichi Hirata, Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Takeshi Tokida, Ryosuke Endo
Temporal and spatial variations in methane emissions from the littoral zone of a shallow mid-latitude lake with steady methane bubble emission areas
Hiroki Iwata, Kotomi Nakazawa, Himeka Sato, Masayuki Itoh, Yuichi Miyabara, Ryuichi Hirata, Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Takeshi Tokida, Ryosuke Endo
AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 295 2020.12( ISSN:0168-1923 ) ( eISSN:1873-2240 )
Growth and physiological characteristics of wasabi plantlets cultured by photoautotrophic micropropagation at different temperatures
Nhung Ngoc Hoang, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Toshio Shibuya, Ryosuke Endo
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 143 ( 1 ) 87 - 96 2020.10( ISSN:0167-6857 ) ( eISSN:1573-5044 )
Far-red Light Interacts with Plant Density to Change Photosynthate Allocation of Cucumber Seedlings and Their Subsequent Early Growth after Transplanting
Toshio Shibuya, Ryosuke Endo, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Mizuki Tsuchida
HORTSCIENCE 55 ( 9 ) 1433 - 1437 2020.09( ISSN:0018-5345 ) ( eISSN:2327-9834 )
Growth and physiological characteristics of wasabi plantlets cultured by photoautotrophic micropropagation at different temperatures Reviewed
Nhung Ngoc Hoang, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Toshio Shibuya, Ryosuke Endo
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 雑誌 143 ( 1 ) 87 - 96 2020.08
Far-red Light Interacts with Plant Density to Change Photosynthate Allocation of Cucumber Seedlings and Their Subsequent Early Growth after Transplanting Reviewed
Toshio Shibuya, Ryosuke Endo, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Mizuki Tsuchida
HORTSCIENCE 雑誌 55 ( 9 ) 1433 - 1437 2020.07
Toshio Shibuya, Yuta Iwahashi, Takeshi Suzuki, Ryosuke Endo, Norio Hirai
Experimental and Applied Acarology 81 ( 2 ) 163 - 172 2020.06( ISSN:0168-8162 ) ( eISSN:1572-9702 )
Application of Biogas Digestate as a Nutrient Solution for the Hydroponic Culture of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat with Rockwool Substrate
Kenji Takemura, Ryosuke Endo, Toshio Shibuya, Yoshiaki Kitaya
Waste and Biomass Valorization 11 ( 6 ) 2645 - 2650 2020.06( ISSN:1877-2641 ) ( eISSN:1877-265X )
Light intensity influences feeding and fecundity of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) through the responses of host Cucumis sativus leaves Reviewed
Toshio Shibuya, Yuta Iwahashi, Takeshi Suzuki, Ryosuke Endo, Norio Hirai
Experimental and Applied Acarology 雑誌 81 ( 2 ) 163 - 172 2020.05
Possibility of co-culturing Euglena gracilis and Lactuca sativa L. with biogas digestate
Kenji Takemura, Ryosuke Endo, Yoshiaki Kitaya
Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) 41 ( 8 ) 1007 - 1014 2020.04( ISSN:0959-3330 ) ( eISSN:1479-487X )
Effects of supporting materials in in vitro acclimatization stage on ex vitro growth of wasabi plants
Nhung Ngoc Hoang, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Toshio Shibuya, Ryosuke Endo
Scientia Horticulturae 261 2020.02( ISSN:0304-4238 ) ( eISSN:1879-1018 )
Monoglyceride and monoglyceride derivatives from glycerol generated in catfish based biodiesel production process
Bui Thi Buu Hue, Luong Thi Phuong Hong, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuoc, Phan Tien Si, Takeo Matsubara, Yoshiak Kitaya, Ryosuke Endo
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 620 ( 1 ) 2019.11( ISSN:1757-8981 ) ( eISSN:1757-899X )
Effects of supporting materials in in vitro acclimatization stage on ex vitro growth of wasabi plants Reviewed
Nhung Ngoc Hoang, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Toshio Shibuya, Ryosuke Endo
Scientia Horticulturae 雑誌 261 2019.11
Spectroscopic Characteristics of Reflectance and Fluorescence in Anaerobic Digestion Cultured at Different Fe Concentrations Reviewed
Eco-Engineering 31 ( 4 ) 71 - 73 2019.10
Interaction between red to far-red ratio of light and vapor-pressure deficit on extension growth of cucumber seedlings
Toshio Shibuya, Saki Kishigami, Ryosuke Endo, Ryo Matsuda
Scientia Horticulturae 248 98 - 104 2019.04( ISSN:0304-4238 ) ( eISSN:1879-1018 )
Development of an in vitro hydroponic culture system for wasabi nursery plant production—Effects of nutrient concentration and supporting material on plantlet growth
Nhung Ngoc Hoang, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Toshio Shibuya, Ryosuke Endo
Scientia Horticulturae 245 237 - 243 2019.02( ISSN:0304-4238 ) ( eISSN:1879-1018 )
Interaction between red to far-red ratio of light and vapor-pressure deficit on extension growth of cucumber seedlings. Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Kishigami, S., Endo, R., Matsuda, R.
Scientia Horticulturae 雑誌 248 2019
Application of biogas digestate as a nutrient solution for the hydroponic culture of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat with rockwool substrate. Reviewed
Takemura, K., Endo, R. Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Waste and Biomass Valorization, in press 雑誌 2019
Nakaguchi Takahiro, Endo Ryosuke
Eco-Engineering 31 ( 4 ) 71 - 73 2019( ISSN:1347-0485 ) ( eISSN:1880-4500 )
Endo Ryosuke
Eco-Engineering 31 ( 4 ) 75 - 77 2019( ISSN:1347-0485 ) ( eISSN:1880-4500 )
Possibility of co-culturing Euglena gracilis and Lactuca sativa L. with biogas digestate Reviewed
Kenji Takemura, Ryosuke Endo, Yoshiaki Kitaya
Environmental Technology 雑誌 41 1007 - 1014 2018.09
Effects of the interaction between vapor-pressure deficit and salinity on growth and photosynthesis of Cucumis sativus seedlings under different CO2 concentrations. Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Kano, K., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Photosynthetica 雑誌 56 2018
Development of an in vitro hydroponic culture system for wasabi nursery plant production—Effects of nutrient concentration and supporting material on plantlet growth. Reviewed
Hoang, N.N, Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R.
Scientia Horticulturae 雑誌 245 2018
Photosynthetic properties and response to drought in cucumber seedlings acclimatized to different vapor-pressure-deficit levels. Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Hayashi, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
The Horticulture Journal 雑誌 86(3) 2017
Growth responses of wasabi plantlets under different temperature regimes during photoautotrophic micropropagation. Reviewed
Hoang, N.N., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R.
Eco-Engineering 雑誌 29 2017
Growth performances and changes of macronutrient ion concentrations in the culture medium when Euglena gracilis was cultured with nitrified digestate. Reviewed
Takemura, K., Endo, R., Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Environmental technology 雑誌 18 2273 - 2279 2017
A comparative study on growth and morphology of wasabi plantlets under the influence of the micro-environment in shoot and root zones during photoautotrophic and photomixotrophic micropropagation. Reviewed
Hoang, N.N., Kitaya, Y., Morishita, T., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 雑誌 130 2017
Atmospheric Humidity Influences Oviposition Rate of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) Through Morphological Responses of Host Cucumis sativus Leaves Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Itagaki, K., Ueyama, S., Hirai, N., Endo, R.
Journal of Economic Entomology 雑誌 109 (1) 2016
Light competition within dense plant stands and their subsequent growth under illumination with different red:far-red ratios. Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Kishigami, S., Takahashi, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Scientia Horticulturae 雑誌 213 49 - 54 2016
Modifications of concentrations of plant macronutrient ions in digestate from anaerobic digestion during nitrification processes. Reviewed
Takemura, K., Endo, R., Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Journal of Residuals Science & Technology 雑誌 13 207 - 214 2016
Growth analysis and photosynthesis measurements of cucumber seedlings grown under light with different red to far-red ratios. Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Hayashi, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 雑誌 51(7) 843 - 846 2016
Use of methane fermentation digestate for hydroponic culture: analysis of potential inhibitors in digestate to cucumber seedling. Reviewed
Endo, R., Yamashita, K., Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Eco-engineering 雑誌 28(3) 67 - 72 2016
Early development of powdery mildew on cucumber leaves acclimatized to illumination with different red-to-far-red ratios. Reviewed
Itagaki, K., Shibuya, T., Tojo, M., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 雑誌 51(5) 2016
Development of powdery mildew fungus on cucumber leaves acclimatized to different CO2 concentrations. Reviewed
Itagaki, K., Shibuya, T., Tojo, M., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 雑誌 50 (11) 1662 - 1665 2015
Grafting transiently suppresses development of powdery mildew colonies, probably through a quantitative change in water relations of the host cucumber scions during graft healing. Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Itagaki, K., Wang, Y., Endo, R.
Scientia Hortriculturae 雑誌 192 197 - 199 2015
Ground Based Study on Culturing Garlic as a Source of Vegetable Food and Medicine in Space - Growth and Ajoene Accumulation in Garlic Plants Cultured with Different CO2 Regimes Reviewed
Naznin, M. T., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R., Hirai, H., Lefsrud M. G.
Biological Sciences in Space 雑誌 29 1 - 7 2015
Microalgae culture with digestate from methane fermentation –Effects of digestate concentrations and pH on the growth of Euglena gracilis. Reviewed
Khanh, N., Kitaya, Y., Xiao, L., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.,
Eco-Engineering 雑誌 27 (1) 7 - 11 2015
The photosynthetic parameters of cucumber as affected by irradiances with different red:far-red ratios. Reviewed
Shibuya T., Endo, R., Yuba, T., Kitaya, Y.
Biologia Plantarum 雑誌 59 (1) 113 - 121 2015
Atmospheric moisture influences on conidia development in Podosphaera xanthii through host-plant morphological responses
Itagaki, K., Shibuya, T., Tojo, M., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.,
Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 138 (1) 113 - 121 2014
Effects of soil water content on the growth of sweet potato grown in sandy soil. Reviewed
Siqinbatu, Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Eco-Engineering 雑誌 26 (3) 75 - 80 2014
Height-convergence pattern in dense plant stands is affected by red-to-far-red ratio of background illumination Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Takahashi, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Scientia Horticulturae 雑誌 160 65 - 69 2013.08
Effects of water contents and CO2 concentrations in soil on growth of sweet potato
Siqinbatu, Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Endo, R., Shibuya, T,
Field Crop Res. 152 36 - 43 2013
Selection of microalgae suitable for culturing with digestate from methane fermentation
Khanh, N., Kitaya, Y., Xiao, L., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Environ. Technol. 24 2039 - 2045 2013
High-light-like photosynthetic responses of Cucumis sativus leaves acclimated to fluorescent illumination with a high red:far-red ratio: interaction between light quality and quantity Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Endo, R., Hayashi, N., Kitaya
Photosynthetica 雑誌 50 623 - 629 2012.12
Effects of warming basal ends of Carolina poplar (Populus × canadensis Moench.) softwood cuttings at controlled low-air-temperature on their root growth and leaf damage after planting Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Tsukuda S., Tokuda A., Shiozaki, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
J. For. Res., 雑誌 18 2012.04
Fluorescent illumination with high red-to-far-red ratio improves resistance of cucumber seedlings to powdery mildew Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Itagaki, K., Tojo, M., Endo, R. and Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 雑誌 46 429 - 431 2011
Preference of sweetpotato whitefly adults to cucumber seedlings grown under two different light sources Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Komuro, J., Hirai, N., Sakamoto, Y., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortTchnology 雑誌 20 ( 5 ) 873 - 876 2010.10
Potential photosynthetic advantages of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings grown under fluorescent lamps with high red:far-red light Reviewed
Shibuya, T., Endo, R., Hayashi, N., Kitamura, Y., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 雑誌 45 ( 4 ) 553 - 558 2010.04
The effect of the agitation in the dry methane fementer on the characteristic of generated biogas.
Endo, R., Takemura K., Uchida H., Noike T.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Material Cycling Engineering 雑誌 5 61 - 62 2010.03
クロロフィル蛍光画像を用いた Amphidinium sp. の藻体濃度および光合成電子伝達収率の評価 Reviewed
小西充洋,大政謙次,林 正雄,遠藤 良輔,増田篤稔,小澤知子,津田正史
Eco-Engineering 雑誌 20 ( 1 ) 27 - 31 2008.04
Fluorescence Characteristics of the Sludge during Wet and Dry Anaerobic Digestion
R. Endo, O. Kitani, T. Noike, M. Tosaka and K. Omasa
Proceedings of 5th International workshop on innovative anaerobic technology 雑誌 86 - 92 2008.04
3-D cell-level chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of ozone-injured sunflower leaves using a new passive light microscope system Reviewed
R. Endo and K. Omasa
Journal of Experimental Botany 雑誌 58 ( 4 ) 765 - 772 2007.04
Imaging of the red and far-red chlorophyll fluorescence of the ozone injured plant leaf Reviewed
A. Konishi, R. Endo, K. Omasa
Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae 雑誌 45 487 - 491 2005.04
Control of water environment of plants using waste biomass Reviewed
O. Kitani, K. Roy, M. Yoshida, R. Endo
Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal 雑誌 7 05 - 007 2005.04
Effect of ozone exposure on the photosyntheticactivity at cellular level. Chlorophyll fluorescence microscopic imaging Reviewed
R. Endo, A. Konishi, K. Omasa
Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae 雑誌 45 493 - 496 2005.04
Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of individual algal cells: Effects of a herbicide on Spirogyra distenta at different growth stage Reviewed
R. Endo, K. Omasa
Environmental Science & Technology 雑誌 38 ( 15 ) 4165 - 4168 2004.04
Analysis of photosynthetic injury caused by ozone exposure with fluorescence microscopic imaging system.
R. Endo, A. Konishi and K. Omasa
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Closed Habitation Experiments and Material Circulation Technology 雑誌 310 - 313 2004.04
Red and far-red chlorophyll fluorescence imaging for detection of photosynthetic damage by ozone
A. Konishi, R. Endo and K. Omasa
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Closed Habitation Experiments and Material Circulation Technology 雑誌 306 - 309 2004.04
微小藻類のin situクロロフィル蛍光顕微画像計測 Reviewed
遠藤 良輔, 大政 謙次, 近藤 次郎
Eco-Engineering 雑誌 14 ( 1 ) 17 - 22 2002.04
Gas diffusion model analysis of foliar absorption of organic and inorganic air pollutants Reviewed
K. Omasa, R. Endo and K. Tobe
Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae 雑誌 42 ( 3 ) 135 - 148 2002.04
キュウリ葉における水ストレスの非破壊計測に関する研究―分光反射率, 気孔コンダクタンス, PSII Yieldおよび形状の変化の比較 Reviewed
藤野 素子, 遠藤 良輔, 大政 謙次
農業情報研究 雑誌 11 ( 2 ) 161 - 170 2002.04
Microscopic image instrumentation for chlorophyll a fluorescence from in situ Closterium navicula
R. Endo and K. Omasa
雑誌 2001.04
「新エネルギー等の導入促進のための広報等事業委託費における 再エネ導入 ・ 運転人材育成支援事業」メタン発酵バイオガス発電における人材育成テキスト
芋生憲司、石井一英、遠藤良輔等( Role: Joint author)
経済産業省資源エネルギー庁 2022.02
大政謙次, 木部勢至朗, 北宅善昭, 船田良( Role: Joint author)
アドスリー 2015.11
北隆館 アグリバイオ 5 ( 10 ) 2021.09
月面農場実現のための物質循環システムの提案:-月面農場ワーキンググループ検討報告書より- Reviewed
Eco-Engineering 31 ( 4 ) 75 - 77 2019.10
Plant Production System Aiming for Material Recycle and Effective Use of Energy
北宅 善昭, 遠藤 良輔, 大山 克己
エネルギー・資源 = Energy and resources 40 ( 2 ) 134 - 138 2019.03( ISSN:0285-0494 )
Organic resources recycling with methane fermentation technology Reviewed
Ryosuke Endo
59 73 - 77 2014.05
変動する風速下におけるキュウリ実生の成長特性 Domestic conference
日本農業気象学会2023年全国大会 2023.03 日本農業気象学会
照射光に含まれる遠赤色光の割合の増加がキュウリ実生の胚軸伸長に及ぼす影響 Domestic conference
日本農業気象学会2023年全国大会 2023.03 日本農業気象学会
Development of technologies for resource regeneration enabling circular food production in space and on the ground International conference
Ryosuke ENDO
The XX CIGR World Congress 2022 2022.12 International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
物質循環型食料生産システムでの有機性廃棄物処理における課題 Domestic conference
第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2022.12 宇宙科学連合
地域で発生する有機性廃棄物の施設栽培に向けた資源化 Domestic conference
公開シンポジウム「施設園芸のグリーン化に向けた課題と展望」 2022.11 日本学術会議
宇宙ならびに地上での究極の資源再生に向けたバイオマス転換技術 Invited Domestic conference
第119回バイオマス利用研究会 2022.10 バイオマス利用研究会
宇宙および地上における循環的食料生産の基盤技術としての嫌気性処理 Invited Domestic conference
第 25 回日本水環境学会シンポジウム 2022.09 日本水環境学会
微生物処理または熱化学処理による食品廃棄物からの植物栄養塩の回収 Domestic conference
生態工学会2022年次大会 2022.06 生態工学会
Microbial functions required for resource regeneration in space agriculture Invited International conference
Ryosuke ENDO
Eco-Engineering International ONLINE-symposium 2021 2022.06 生態工学会
葉面構造からキュウリ実生の塩分ストレス状態を推定する深層学習モデルに必要な画像解像度の検討 Domestic conference
中川 陽,遠藤良輔,渋谷俊夫
日本農業情報学会2022年全国大会 2022.05 日本農業情報学会
有機性廃棄物からの再生資源を用いたスピルリナ培養 Domestic conference
里井誉, 遠藤良輔, 渋谷俊夫
2021生物環境工学会オンライン研究発表会 2021.11 日本生物環境工学会
宇宙居住での物質循環において求められる微生物機能 Domestic conference
第65回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2021.11 宇宙科学連合
宇宙農場における資源循環の重要性と課題について Invited Domestic conference
遠藤良輔, 布施哲人, 堀井慎平
日本マイクログラビティ応用学会 第33回学術講演会 2021.10 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会
Circular Halophytes Mixed Farming (CHMF) to Improve Food Security in Salt-Affected Irrigated Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems International conference
Kristina Toderich, Hidenari Yasui, Nataliya Akinshina, Matsuo Naoko, Ryosuke Endo, Timur Khujanazarov, Ana Shkineva, Zulfiya Sultanova, Alisher Qurbanov, Norikazu Yamanaka and Elena Shuyskaya
DTXIV International Conference of Arid Land Studies 2021.09 日本沙漠学会
Environment Conservation and Waste-to-Resources Technology for Sustainable Development International conference
Ryosuke ENDO
Eco-Engineering International ONLINE-symposium 2021 2021.06 生態工学会
Development of circular bio-based hydroponics for space and urban agriculture Invited International conference
Ryosuke ENDO
Eco-Engineering International ONLINE-symposium 2021 2021.06 生態工学会
レタス水耕栽培とドジョウ養殖を組み合わせたアクアポニックスにおける 生物生産に及ぼす養殖密度の影響 Domestic conference
生態工学会2021年次大会 2021.06 生態工学会
遠赤色光と相対湿度がペチュニアの花成と伸長成長に及ぼす複合影響 Domestic conference
渋谷俊夫・泉 美佑・遠藤良輔・北宅善昭
日本農業気象学会2021年全国大会 2021.03 日本農業気象学会
照射光中に含まれる遠赤色光の割合の変化に対するキュウリ実生の形態的可塑性 Domestic conference
日本農業気象学会2021年全国大会 2021.03 日本農業気象学会
励起蛍光マトリクスを用いた微細藻類のストレス診断手法の検討 Domestic conference
遠藤 良輔・清水 啓太・渋谷 俊夫・北宅 善昭
日本農業気象学会2021年全国大会 2021.03 日本農業気象学会
宇宙での植物工場研究のこれまでとこれから Invited Domestic conference
パネルディスカッション「宇宙での植物工場研究のこれまでとこれから」 2021.01 SPACE FOODSPHERE
植物個葉画像から水分環境履歴を推定する深層学習 ―微細な形態的特徴の可視化 ― Domestic conference
日本生物環境工学会2020オンライン合同支部大会 2020.12 日本生物環境工学会
宇宙農場における資源循環や効率的なエネルギー利用 Invited Domestic conference
PFCセミナーⅢ 「宇宙農場研究の現状と展望」 2020.11 大阪府立大学植物工場研究センター
閉鎖システムでの資源循環型食料生産を制限する要因についての考察 Domestic conference
第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020.10 宇宙科学連合
都市農業における資源循環や効率的なエネルギー利用 Invited Domestic conference
公開シンポジウム「都市農業における資源循環や効率的なエネルギー利用の可能性」 2020.10 日本学術会議農業生産環境工学分科会
生物酸化処理したメタン発酵消化液を用いたスピルリナ培養 ー炭素供給方法の検討ー Domestic conference
生態工学会2020年次大会 2020.06 生態工学会
キュウリ個葉画像から生育環境を推定する深層学習モデルにおける注目領域の可視化 Domestic conference
農業情報学会2020年大会 2020.05 農業情報学会
遠赤色光の割合が異なる光源下におけるキュウリ実生の塩分ストレス応答 Domestic conference
日本農業気象学会2019年全国大会 2020.03 日本農業気象学会
強い気流に対する植物応答は遠赤色光の有無によって異なる Domestic conference
渋谷俊夫,神藤慶紀, 遠藤良輔,北宅善昭
日本農業気象学会2020年全国大会 2020.03 日本農業気象学会
水分ストレスが植物葉の形態に及ぼす影響の深層学習ならびに重要特徴量の可視化 Domestic conference
日本農業気象学会2020年全国大会 2020.03 日本農業気象学会
Correlation between stomatal conductance and plant growth rate that does not involve the net assimilation rate under water stress International conference
R. Endo, R. Matsuyama, T. Shibuya, Y. Kitaya
GreenSys2019 - International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Innovative Greenhouses 2019.08 International Society of Horticultural Science
Far-red light interacts with plant density to change photosynthate allocation and early growth of cucumber seedlings International conference
T. Shibuya, M. Tsuchida, R. Endo, Y. Kitaya
GreenSys2019 - International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Innovative Greenhouses 2019.08 International Society of Horticultural Science
異なる鉄濃度で培養したメタン発酵におけるメタゲノミクス・分光特性の統合解析 Domestic conference
生態工学会2019年年次大会 2019.06 生態工学会
機械学習による植物葉画像からの形態的特徴の抽出 Domestic conference
生態工学会2019年年次大会 2019.06 生態工学会
吸光・蛍光センシングによるメタン発酵動態の診断 Domestic conference
農業情報学会2019年大会 2019.05 農業情報学会
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2026
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2025
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2024
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
Primary Practice in Environmental Sciences and Technology
Environment and Ecosystems
Conservation and restoration of natural environment
Practical Experiences II A in Environmental Sciences and Technology
Fundamental Experiments of Biology
2021 Practical Training
Systems Design for Sustainable Society
Environmental Control for Plant
Topics in Environmental Control in Biology
Systems Design for Sustainable Society
Conservation and restoration of natural environment
Practical Experiences II A in Environmental Sciences and Technology
Primary Practice in Environmental Sciences and Technology
Topics in Environmental Control in Biology
Fundamental Experiments of Biology
Environment and Ecosystems
Environmental Control for Plant
オープンキャンパス公開セミナー バイオマスを利用した資源循環型の植物栽培
2014.04 - 2015.03
オープンキャンパス公開セミナー バイオマスを利用した資源循環型の植物栽培
2013.04 - 2014.03
オープンキャンパス公開セミナー バイオマスが創る新しい循環型社会
2012.04 - 2013.03
公開講座フェスタ2010(阪神奈大学・研究機関によるリレー講座) 畑から食料とエネルギーを収穫する ―日本と世界の取り組み―
2010.04 - 2011.03
研究応援(リバネス) Promotional material
研究応援(リバネス) Promotional material
Category:Modern system science (knowledge information system, environmental system, educational welfare, psychology), Commerce (management, public management), Agricultural science (applied biology, biofunctional chemistry, green space environmental science)
Category:Modern system science (knowledge information system, environmental system, educational welfare, psychology), Agricultural science (applied biology, biofunctional chemistry, green space environmental science)
2009.04 - Now
2009.04 - Now