School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology

Updated on 2024/10/23
Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Professor 2024.04 - Now
Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Associate Professor 2022.04 - 2024.03
School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Professor 2024.04 - Now
School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Associate Professor 2022.04 - 2024.03
Ph.D. ( Kyoto University ) ( Kyoto University )
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Biofunction and bioprocess engineering
Life Science / Applied biochemistry
Life Science / Bioorganic chemistry
Investigation of metabolism in Orobancaceae root parasitic weeds for their control
Parasitic plants, Orobanchaceae, Metabolism, Metabolome, Plant Protection International Joint Research
2005.04 - Now
Bioproduction of useful chemicals using UV-LED
UV response, UV-B, UVR8, Metabolome, LED Joint Research in Japan
2016.04 - Now
The Society for Biotechnology, Japan
1997.06 - Now Domestic
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
1994 - Now Domestic
Pesticide Science Society of Japan
1993 - Now Domestic
Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology
2020.07 - Now Domestic
The Japan Society for Chemical Regulation for Plants
2002.08 - Now Domestic
Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
2007 - 2020.06 Domestic
American Chemical Society
2000 - Now Overseas
The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
The Chemical Society of Japan
代議員(社員) 一般社団法人植物化学調節学会
2024.10 - Now
Editor Pesticide Science Society of Japan
2023.04 - 2025.03
代議員 日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会
2020.07 - Now
専門委員 レーザー学会「スマート農食産業へのレーザー応用」専門委員会
2020.04 - Now
関西支部支部委員 公益社団法人 日本生物工学会
2020.04 - Now
和文誌編集委員 公益社団法人 日本生物工学会
2020.04 - 2025.05
評議員 日本農薬学会
2019.04 - 2025.03
関西支部支部委員 公益社団法人 日本生物工学会
2019.04 - 2020.03
和文誌編集委員 公益社団法人 日本生物工学会
2019.04 - 2020.03
「バイオサイエンスとインダストリー」トピックス委員 一般財団法人バイオインダストリー協会
2014.04 - 2015.03
2010 植物化学調節学会
第 7 回日本農芸化学会農芸化学研究企画賞
2010 日本農芸化学会
Kyoto Prefectural University
2024.09 - 2025.03
Osaka Universitty Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering
2012.04 - 2024.03
Osaka University Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering Assistant Professor
1997 - 2012
The structure–activity relationship of aryloxyacetylthioureas for the inhibition of Orobanche minor radicle elongation Reviewed OA
Atsushi Okazawa, Shizuki Noda, Yusuke Mimura, Kotaro Fujino, Takatoshi Wakabayashi, Daisaku Ohta, Yukihiro Sugimoto, Motohiro Sonoda
Journal of Pesticide Science 48 ( 4 ) 149 - 155 2023.11
Motohiro Sonoda, Yusuke Mimura, Shizuki Noda, Atsushi Okazawa
Tetrahedron 135 133333 2023.02
Transcriptome and metabolome analyses revealed that narrowband 280 and 310 nm UV-B induce distinctive responses in Arabidopsis Reviewed OA
Tomohiro Tsurumoto, Yasuo Fujikawa, Yushi Onoda, Yukari Ochi, Daisaku Ohta, Atsushi Okazawa
Scientific Reports 12 4319 2022.03
Effect of high-dose 290 nm UV-B on resveratrol content in grape skins Reviewed
Tomohiro Tsurumoto, Yasuo Fujikawa, Onoda Yushi, Masahiro Kamimori, Kazuya Hiramatsu, Hideo Tanimoto, Daisaku Ohta, Atsushi Okazawa
Bioscience, Biotechnology & Biochemistry 86 ( 4 ) 502 - 508 2022.01
Exploration and characterization of chemical stimulators to maximize the wax ester production by Euglena gracilis
Takumi Ogawa, Masatoshi Nakamoto, Yuki Tanaka, Kazuhiro Sato, Atsushi Okazawa, Shigehiko Kanaya, Daisaku Ohta
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 雑誌 日本生物工学会 2021.12
Involvement of α-galactosidase OmAGAL2 in planteose hydrolysis during seed germination of Orobanche minor Reviewed
Atsushi Okazawa, Atsuya Baba, Hikaru Okano, Tomoya Tokunaga, Tsubasa Nakaue, Takumi Ogawa, Shuichi Shimma, Yukihiro Sugimoto, Daisaku Ohta
Journal of Experimental Botany Oxford University Press 2021.12
Germination stimulatory activity of bacterial butenolide hormones from Streptomyces albus J1074 on seeds of the root parasitic weed Orobanche minor Reviewed
Atsushi Okazawa, Hiroaki Samejima, Shigeru Kitani, Yukihiro Sugimoto, Daisaku Ohta
Journal of Pesticide Science 雑誌 日本農薬学会 46 ( 2 ) 242 - 247 2021.05
The effect of nojirimycin on the transcriptome of germinating Orobanche minor seeds
Atsushi Okazawa, Takatoshi Wakabayashi, Toshiya Muranaka, Yukihiro Sugimoto, Daisaku Ohta
Journal of Pesticide Science 雑誌 日本農薬学会 45 ( 4 ) 230 - 237 2020.11
Rhizotaxis Modulation in Arabidopsis Is Induced by Diffusible Compounds Produced during the Cocultivation of Arabidopsis and the Endophytic Fungus Serendipita indica Reviewed
Inaji, A., Okazawa, A., Taguchi, T., Nakamoto, M., Katsuyama, N., Yoshikawa, R., Ohnishi, T., Waller, F., Ohta, D.
Plant & Cell Physiology 雑誌 日本植物生理学会 61 ( 4 ) 2020.04
Identification of novel cytochrome P450 monooxygenases from actinomycetes capable of intermolecular oxidative C–C coupling reactions Reviewed
Okazawa, A., Yamanishi, K., Katsuyama, N., Kitazawa, S., Ogawa, T., Ohta, D.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 雑誌 日本生物工学会 129 ( 1 ) 2020.01
Identification of a binding protein for sesamin and characterization of its roles in plant growth Reviewed
Masayuki Tera, Tomotsugu Koyama, Jun Murata, Ayako Furukawa, Shoko Mori, Toshiaki Azuma, Takehiro Watanabe, Katsuhito Hori, Atsushi Okazawa, Yasuaki Kabe, Makoto Suematsu, Honoo Satake, Eiichiro Ono, Manabu Horikawa
Scientific Reports 雑誌 Nature Reserch 9 2019.06
Enhanced production of nojirimycin via Streptomyces ficellus cultivation using marine broth and inhibitory activity of the culture for seeds of parasitic weeds Reviewed
Harada, K., Kurono, Y., Nagasawa, S., Oda, T., Nasu, Y., Wakabayashi, T., Sugimoto, Y., Matsuura, H., Muranaka, S., Hirata, K., Okazawa, A.
J. Pestic. Sci. 雑誌 日本農薬学会 42 ( 4 ) 2017.11
Seed metabolome analysis of a transgenic rice line expressing cholera toxin B-subunit Reviewed
Ogawa, T., Kashima, K., Yuki, Y., Mejima, M., Kurokawa, S., Kuroda, M., Okazawa, A., Ohta, D.
Sci. Rep. 雑誌 7 2017.07
Omics-based exploration for identification of targets for herbicides selective to root parasitic weeds
Atsushi Okazawa
42 ( 1 ) 2017.02
Light on sesamin, a health-enhancing ingredient in sesame
Atsushi Okazawa
Microoptics News 34 ( 4 ) 2016.12
Utilization of light-emitting diodes and laser for algal cultivation Reviewed
The Review of Laser Engineering 44 ( 11 ) 2016.11
Critical involvement of environmental carbon dioxide fixation to drive wax ester fermentation in Euglena Reviewed
Padermshoke, A., Ogawa, T., Nishio, K., Nakazawa, M., Nakamoto, M., Okazawa, A., Kanaya, S., Arita, M., Ohta, D.
PLoS One 雑誌 11 ( 9 ) 2016.09
Metabolic analysis toward development of a herbicide selective to root parasitic weeds
Atsushi Okazawa
Manufacturing & Technology 68 ( 2 ) 2016.04
Metabolite profiling and proteome analysis of genetically modified lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L.) that produce astaxanthin and its esterified derivatives Reviewed
Ogawa, T., Sasaki, T., Okazawa, A., Teshima, R., Misawa, N., Ohta, D.
日本食品化学学会誌 雑誌 日本食品化学学会 23 ( 1 ) 2016.04
The role of planteose metabolism in germination of root parasitic weeds and its potential as a target for control
Takatoshi Wakabayashi, Atsushi Okazawa
Regulation of Plant Growth & Development 50 ( 2 ) 2015.12
生物工学会誌 雑誌 日本生物工学会 93 ( 6 ) 2015.06
Planteose as a storage carbohydrate required for early stage of germination of Orobanche minor and its metabolism as a possible target for selective control Reviewed
・ Wakabayashi, T., Joseph, B., Yasumoto, S., Akashi, T., Aoki, T., Harada, K., Muranaka, S., Bamba, T., Fukusaki, E., Takeuchi, Y., Yoneyama, K., Muranaka, T., Sugimoto, Y., Okazawa, A.
J. Exp. Bot. 66 ( 11 ) 2015.06
Glucosyltransferase activity of Arabidopsis UGT71C1 towards pinoresinol and lariciresinol Reviewed
Okazawa, A., Kusunose, T., Ono, E., Kim, H. J., Satake, H., Shimizu, B. Mizutani, M., Seki, H., Muranaka, T.
Plant Biotechnol. 雑誌 Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology 31 ( 5 ) 2014.12
生物工学会誌 雑誌 日本生物工学会 92 ( 10 ) 2014.10
Successful expression of a novel bacterial gene for pinoresinol reductase and its effect on lignan biosynthesis in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana Reviewed
・ Tamura, M., Tsuji, Y., Kusunose, T., Okazawa, A., Kamimura, N., Mori, T., Nakabayashi, R., Hishiyama, S., Fukuhara, Y., Hara, H., Sato, K., Muranaka, T., Saito, K., Katayama, Y., Fukuda, M., Masai, E. & Kajita, S.
Appl. Micoribiol. Biotechnol. 雑誌 98 2014
Exploration of polar lipid accumulation profiles in Euglena gracilis using LipidBlast, an in silica constructed MS/MS spectral library Reviewed
Ogawa, T., Furuhashi, T., Okazawa, A., Nakai, R., Nakazawa, M., Kind, T., Fiehn, O., Kanaya, S., Arita, M., Ohta, D.
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry Taylor & Francis, Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry 78 14 - 18 2014
植物の潜在特性を調べるための環境制御装置の開発と高圧環境下での植物育成速度の解析 Reviewed
武石裕行,林 潤,岡澤敦司,原田和生,平田收正,木村泰裕,小林昭雄,赤松史光
日本エネルギー学会誌 日本エネルギー学会 92 964 - 969 2013
Effects of elevated pressure on rate of photosynthesis during plant growth Reviewed
Takeishi, H., Hayashi, J., Okazawa, A., Harada, K., Hirata, K., Kobayashi, A., Akamatsu F.
Journal of Biotechnology Elsevier 168 135 - 141 2013
Differences in plant growth and leaf sesamin content of the lignan-rich sesame variety 'Gomazou' under continuous light of different wavelengths Reviewed
Naoki Hata, Yoshinori Hayashi, Eiichiro Ono, Honoo Satake, Akio Kobayashi, Toshiya Muranaka, Atsushi Okazawa
Plant Biotechnology Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology 30 2013
Effect of gallic acid on peptides released by trypsin digestion of bovine α-casein Reviewed
Ping Lai, Atsushi Okazawa, Yoshihiro Izumi, Takeshi Bamba, Eiichiro Fukusaki, Masaaki Yoshikawa, Akio Kobayashi
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Elsevier, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan 115 ( 3 ) 259 - 267
Gallic acid oxidizes Met-residues in peptides released from bovine β-lactoglobulin by in vitro digestion Reviewed
Ping Lai, Atsushi Okazawa, Yoshihiro Izumi, Takeshi Bamba, Eiichiro Fukusaki, Masaaki Yoshikawa, Akio Kobayashi
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Elsevier, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan 114 ( 3 ) 297 - 305
Green leaf volatiles enhances methyl jasmonate response in Arabidopsis Reviewed
Toshihiro Hirao, Atsushi Okazawa, Kazuo Harada, Akio Kobayashi, Toshiya Muranaka, Kazumasa Hirata
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Elsevier, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan 114 ( 5 ) 540 - 545
岡澤 敦司( Role: Contributor , 第6章 バイオプロセスにおける各種クロマトグラフィー技術とその応用 第3節 逆相クロマトグラフィー)
(株)技術情報協会 2022.11 ( ISBN:978-4-86104-904-0 )
水谷 正治,士反 伸和,杉山 暁史,清水 文一,鈴木 史朗,肥塚 崇男,明石 智義,岡田 憲典,高橋 征司,山崎 真巳,岡澤 敦司,吉本 尚子,梅原 三貴久,大西 利幸,榊原 圭子,佐々木 伸大,矢崎 一史,庄司 翼,高梨 功次郎,有村 源一郎,小埜 栄一郎,宮本 皓司,峠 隆之,飯島 陽子,田口 悟朗,鈴木 秀幸,關 光,刑部 祐里子,刑部 敬史,村中 俊哉( Role: Joint author)
羊土社 2019.01 ( ISBN:978-4-7581-2090-6 )
Chemical control of root parasitic weeds
Atsushi Okazawa, Takatoshi Wakabayashi( Role: Joint author)
American Chemical Society 2015.11
オロバンキの発芽における糖質代謝動態の理解と防除への応用 Invited International journal
アグリバイオ 7 ( 11 ) 949 - 954 2023.10
共生菌由来の側根形成を誘導する低分子化合物の探索 Domestic conference
日本農芸化学会2024年度大会 2024.03 日本農芸化学会
寄生雑草ヤセウツボにおける炭素収奪経路の解明 Domestic conference
日本農芸化学会2024年度大会 2024.03 日本農芸化学会
ショウブにおける芳香族香気成分シス型フェニルプロペンの生成機構に関する研究 International coauthorship Domestic conference
肥塚崇男,青野巧暉,鈴木史朗,渡辺文太,Ulziibat Bolortuya,岡澤敦司
第65回日本植物生理学会年会 2024.03 日本植物生理学会
エンドファイトSerendipita indicaが分泌する植物根系発達促進因子の探索 Domestic conference
日本農薬学会第49回大会 2024.03 日本農薬学会
Dirigent domain 含有タンパク質による orobanchol の立体選択的生合成機構 Domestic conference
植物化学調節学会第58会大会 2023.11 植物化学調節学会
芳香族チオウレアのカルス誘導活性 Domestic conference
植物化学調節学会第58回大会 2023.11 植物化学調節学会
新規カルス誘導化合物の活性評価 Domestic conference
第40回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会 2023.09 日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会
側根形成を誘導する植物共生菌由来の低分子エフェクターの探索 Domestic conference
第75回日本生物工学会大会 2023.09 日本生物工学会
Isolation of lateral root-inducing compounds by the endophytic fungus International conference
Hirotaka Matsuura, Takumi Ogawa, Atsushi Okazawa, Daisaku Ohta
The 15th International Association for Plant Biotechnology Congress (IAPB 2023) 2023.08 International Association for Plant Biotechnology
The activity of novel callus-inducing compounds International conference
Kotaro Fujino, Takumi Ogawa, Motohiro Sonoda, Daisaku Ohta
The 15th International Association for Plant Biotechnology Congress (IAPB 2023) 2023.08 International Association for Plant Biotechnology
第64回日本植物生理学会年会 2023.03 日本植物生理学会
Effect of aromatic carbonyl thioureas on radicle elongation of a root parasitic plant Orobanche minor International conference
Atsushi Okazawa, Shizuki Noda, Yusuke Mimura, Kotaro Fujino, Takatoshi Wakabayashi, Daisaku Ohta, Yukihiro Sugimoto, Motohiro Sonoda
15th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry (ICCPC 2023) 2023.03
ヤセウツボ幼根伸長を阻害する芳香族チオウレアの構造活性相関 Domestic conference
日本農薬学会第48回大会 2023.03 日本農薬学会
根寄生雑草の幼根伸長阻害活性が期待される芳香族チオウレアの合成 Domestic conference
日本農薬学会第48回大会 2023.03 日本農薬学会
ユーグレナのワックスエステル蓄積増強活性を持つ化合物の作用点の解明 Domestic conference
日本農薬学会第48回大会 2023.03 日本農薬学会
トマトにおいて18-oxo-CLAを基質とするorobanchol合成酵素の同定 Domestic conference
植物化学調節学会第57回大会 2022.11 植物化学調節学会
ヤセウツボ幼根伸長阻害効果を示す芳香族カルボニルチオウレアの構造活性相関 Domestic conference
植物化学調節学会第57回大会 2022.11 植物化学調節学会
ヤセウツボのα-ガラクトシダーゼに対する阻害剤のスクリーニングと発芽への影響解析 Domestic conference
植物化学調節学会第57回大会 2022.11
UV-B response in plants induced by narrow-band UV-LED Domestic conference
Tomohiro Tsurumoto, Yasuo Fujikawa,Yushi Onoda, Masahiro Kamimori, Kazuya Hiramatsu, Hideo Tanimoto, Daisaku Ohta, Atsushi Okazawa
The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology 2022.09 Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology
Elucidation of the point of action of chemical stimulators with wax ester accumulation enhancing activity in Euglena gracilis Domestic conference
Kazhihiro Sato, Takumi Ogawa, Atsushi Okazawa, Daisaku Ohta
The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology 2022.09 The Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology
Structure-activity relationship of armatic carbonyl thioureas for inhibition of Orobanche minor radicle elongation International conference
A. Okazawa, S. Noda, D. Ohta, Y. Sugimoto, and M. Sonoda
16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants 2022.07 International Parasitic Plant Society
Actinomycete metabolites for control of Orobanchaceae root parasitic weeds International conference
Atsushi Okazawa, Takatoshi Wakabayashi, Hiroaki Samejima, Kazuo Harada, Shigeru Kitani, Yukihiro Sugimoto, Daisaku Ohta
Pacifichem2021 2021.12
Localization of planteose metabolism in germinating seeds of Orobanche minor Domestic conference
根寄生雑草防除による食料安全保障を目指した代謝研究 Invited Domestic conference
岡澤 敦司
日本農芸化学会中四国支部第 31 回若手研究者シンポジウム 2021.05 日本農芸化学会中四国支部
Site of planteose metabolism in germinating seeds of a root parasitic weed Orobanche minor Domestic conference
Atsushi Okazawa, Hikaru Okano, Shuichi Shimma, Takumi Ogawa, Yukihiro Sugimoto, Daisaku Ohta
ヤセウツボ種子内においてプランテオースを加水分解する α-ガラクトシダーゼの局在の解明 Domestic conference
岡野ひかる,小川拓水,杉本幸裕, 太田大策,岡澤敦司
日本農芸化学会 2021 年度大会 2021.03 日本農芸化学会
LED による機能性成分生合成の増進 Invited Domestic conference
レーザー学会「スマート農食産業へのレーザー応用」20 年度第 4 回専門委員会 2021.03 レーザー学会「スマート農食産業へのレーザー応用」専門委員会
植物バイオのイロハ Invited Domestic conference
植物バイオのイロハ 2020.12 アグリバイオフォトニクス産業化研究会
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2026
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2025
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 2024
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research / Fostering Joint International Research (B) 2023
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2024 Weekly class Undergraduate
2024 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Weekly class Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Undergraduate
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
2023 Intensive lecture Graduate school
Invitation to Plant Biosciences
Research program in Plant Bioscience
Special Practice in Plant Bioscience
Introduction to Plant Biotechnology
Laboratory : Basic Plant Physiological Ecology
2021 Practical Training
Laboratory : Basic Plant Science
2021 Practical Training
Topics in Functional Genomics
Laboratory : Basic Biochemistry
2021 Practical Training
Laboratory : Basic Plant Biotechnology
2021 Practical Training
Laboratory : Basic Analytical Chemistry
2021 Practical Training
Plant Physiology
Principles of Organic Chemistry B
Level:Undergraduate (liberal arts) Country:Japan
セミナー参加 2023
Number of graduate students presentations:1
Number of graduate students presentations:2
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:1 Number of graduation thesis reviews:1
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):5 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):2
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):4
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:2 Number of graduation thesis reviews:2
[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):4 [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):2
[Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):1 [Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):3
[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):0 [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):1
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:2
Number of instructed the graduation thesis:3
「生きた農薬」地球にやさしく Newspaper, magazine
読売新聞社 読売新聞 2023.09
J. Biosci. Bioeng.
Role(s): Peer review
2024.01 - 2024.03
Role(s): Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.
大阪公立大学農学部応用生物科学科 2023.12
Plant Biotechnol.
Role(s): Peer review
2023.12 - 2024.03
Plant Cell Physiol.
Role(s): Peer review
2023.10 - 2024.03
Pest Manag. Sci.
Role(s): Peer review
2023.09 - 2024.03
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Role(s): Peer review
2023.08 - 2024.03
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - Now
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - Now
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - Now
Ind. Crop. Prod.
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - Now
Front. Plant Sci.
Role(s): Planning, management, etc., Peer review
2022.04 - Now
Front. Microbiol.
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - 2023.03
Plant Physiol. Biochem.
Role(s): Peer review
2022.04 - 2023.03
Role(s): Planning, management, etc.
小泉 望 2022.04 - 2022.09
J. Pestic. Sci.
Role(s): Peer review
2021.04 - Now
Sci. Rep.
Role(s): Peer review
2021.04 - Now
International Students :1
Field category :Education
Country name :モンゴル 2022.08 - 2022.09