Updated on 2024/07/12


TAKEDA Shigeaki
Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology Associate Professor
School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology
Associate Professor
Institute of Agriculture
Contact information


  • Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology 

    Associate Professor  2022.04 - Now

  • School of Agriculture Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology 

    Associate Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • 博士(緑地環境科学) ( Others )

Research Areas

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Landscape science

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental agriculture

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Architectural planning and city planning

Research Interests

  • 公共空間

  • Landscape Architecture

  • パークマネジメント

  • パブリックライフ

  • オープンスペース

  • 景観計画

  • 都市デザイン

  • Landscape Planning

Research subject summary

  • 計画的に整備された緑地環境の空間形態とそこでの生活行動との関係性を分析し、保全・継承すべき緑地環境の特質を明らかにするとともに生活者の新しい関わり方によるマネジメント手法について研究を行っています。

Research Career

  • Revitalization of housing complexes through utilization of open spases based on residenr's activities

    open spase, resident's activity  Individual

  • 都市空間の波及効果を捉えるための評価手法の構築

Professional Memberships

  • 日本造園学会




Committee Memberships (off-campus)

  • 生駒山麓公園及び同ふれあいセンター指定管理者候補者に係る生駒市プロポーザル審査委員   生駒市役所  

    2023.11 - 2024.01 

  • 都市再生整備計画(神戸都心・ウォーターフロント地区(第2期)) 事後評価委員会 委員   神戸市  

    2023.10 - 2024.03 

  • 和泉市信太山丘陵里山自然公園の指定管理者選定委員会 委員   和泉市   

    2023.10 - 2023.12 

  • 史跡松山城跡整備検討専門委員   松山市  

    2023.08 - 2025.03 

  • 都市公園制度制定150 周年記念公園施設登録有識者会議の委員   一般社団法人日本公園緑地協会  

    2023.08 - 2024.03 

  • いけだまちなか活性化デザイン会議委員   池田市  

    2023.08 - 2024.07 

  • 国営公園のコンセッション方式導入に向けた検討会委員   国土交通省  

    2023.08 - 2024.03 

  • 富田林市農業振興地域整備促進協議会委員   富田林市  

    2023.07 - 2024.03 

  • 泉佐野丘陵緑地運営審議会委員   大阪府  

    2023.07 - 2025.07 

  • 富田林市金剛駅周辺まちなかウォーカブル推進業務受注候補者選定委員   富田林市  

    2023.07 - 2023.09 

  • 大阪港湾局企業誘致審議会 専門委員   大阪府  

    2023.07 - 2024.03 

  • 長岡京市景観デザイン審査会委員   長岡京市  

    2023.07 - 2025.06 

  • 東横堀川水辺プラットフォーム検討会 委員   一般社団法人 水辺ラボ  

    2023.07 - 2024.03 

  • 水と光を活かした東西軸の魅力創出事業(実証実験事業)公募型プロポーザル方式に係る有識者会議委員   大阪市   

    2023.07 - 2023.10 

  • 阪急池田駅周辺基本計画・駅南広場詳細設計業務委託事業者選定委員会委員   池田市  

    2023.06 - 2023.09 

  • 加古川市かわまちづくり協議会 委員   加古川市  

    2023.04 - 2024.03 

  • 加古川市かわまちづくり賑わい交流拠点整備運営事業者選定委員会 委員   加古川市  

    2023.04 - 2024.03 

  • 高松塚周辺地区再整備方針検討委員会 委員   国土交通省近畿地方整備局国営飛鳥歴史公園事務所  

    2023.03 - 2024.03 

  • 公共空間の景観整備に関する実務者研修 講師   神戸市  


  • 勉強会講師   堺まちづくり株式会社  


  • 第34回まちづくりセミナー講師   豊中市  


  • 講演会 講師   特定非営利活動法人 水環境創造機構  


  • 生駒市景観審議会委員   生駒市  

    2023.01 - 2024.12 

  • 堺市緑の政策審議会 委員   堺市  

    2022.12 - 2024.12 

  • 吹田市P-PFI事業 公園協議会 委員   グリーンホスピタルサプライ株式会社  

    2022.12 - 2025.03 

  • Sustainable Society Studyにおける講演会講師   同志社国際高等学校  


  • まちづくり審議会臨時委員   長岡京市  

    2022.11 - 2024.02 

  • 恵美公園整備運営事業選定委員   大阪市  

    2022.10 - 2023.05 

  • キセラ川西エコまち協議会 委員   川西市  

    2022.09 - 2023.03 

  • いけだ駅前活性化デザイン会議 委員   池田市  

    2022.08 - 2023.07 

  • 門真市庁舎エリア整備審議会委員   門真市  

    2022.08 - 2023.08 

  • 河内長野市UR南花台団地集約跡地活用整備事業推進委員会委員   河内長野市  

    2022.07 - 2024.03 

  • 市民利用空間アドバイザー会議 委員   神戸市  

    2022.07 - 2024.06 

  • 堺市建設局指定管理者候補者選定委員会 委員   堺市  

    2022.06 - 2023.03 

  • 堺市プロポーザル方式による委託業務事業者選定委員   堺市  

    2022.06 - 2022.09 

  • NAKAMOZUイノベーションコア創出コンソーシアムプロポーザル方式による 委託業務事業者選定委員会 委員   NAKAMOZUイノベーショコア 創出コンソーシアム  

    2022.05 - 2022.07 

  • 2022年度ウィズあかし市民活動ステップアップ助成選定委員会 委員   一般財団法人明石コミュニティ創造協会  


  • 「久御山中央公園再整備基本計画策定業務における提案書を特定するための審査委員会」および「久御山中央公園再整備検討委員会委員   久御山町  

    2022.05 - 2024.03 

  • 神戸市役所本庁舎2号館再整備事業者選定委員会 委員   神戸市  

    2022.05 - 2024.04 

  • 助成事業審査委員会委員   公益財団法人国際花と緑の博覧会記念協会  

    2022.04 - 2025.03 

  • 堺市公共事業評価監視委員会委員   堺市  

    2022.04 - 2024.03 

  • 加古川市かわまちづくり協議会 委員   加古川市  

    2022.04 - 2023.03 

  • 池田市公共事業評価委員会 委員   池田市  

    2022.03 - 2024.02 

  • 史跡松山城跡整備検討専門委員   松山市  

    2022.02 - 2023.03 

  • 神戸市都市景観審議会 臨時委員   神戸市  

    2022.02 - 2024.01 

  • 建設局入札契約に関する学識経験者等の意見を聴取する選定委員会   大阪市  

    2022.01 - 2022.03 

  • 高松塚古墳壁画保存管理公開活用施設(仮称)の設置に向けたワーキンググループ委員   文化庁  

    2022 - 2023.03 

  • 此花西部臨港緑地エリア水辺賑わいづくり協議会審査部会 委員   此花西部臨港緑地エリア水辺賑わいづくり協議会  

    2021.12 - 2023.12 

  • 大阪府都市公園施設設置者選定委員会委員   大阪府  

    2021.11 - 2022.03 

  • 大阪府河川水辺の賑わいづくり審議会委員   大阪府  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 神戸駅前広場・生田川公園再整備デザイン計画検討業務委託事業者選定委員会委員   神戸市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 選定委員会 委員   神戸市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 「京橋駅周辺における公共空間再編の方向性及び利活用方策に関する検討調査業務委託」に係る受託者の選定方法等の検討会議委員   大阪市 都市計画局  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • キセラ川西エコまち協議会 委員   川西市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 堺市農業振興ビジョン検討懇話会構成員   堺市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 新安治川水門アイデアコンペ審査委員会 委員   「新安治川水門アイデアコンペ・絵画コンクール」実行委員会  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 令和3年度 近畿地方都市美協議会都市景観研修会 特別講演 講師   近畿地方都市美協議会  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 大阪府泉佐野丘陵緑地運営審議会委員   大阪府知事   

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 奈良市公園マネジメント基本計画策定懇話会 参加者   奈良市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 枚方市指定管理者選定委員会 委員   枚方市   

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 長岡京市景観デザイン審査会委員   長岡京市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 大阪府景観審議会委員   大阪府  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 選定委員会 委員   尼崎市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 芦屋市景観アドバイザー   芦屋市  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 文部科学省指定WWLプログラム講演講師、アドバイザー   同志社国際高等学校  

    2021.04 - 2022.03 

  • 大阪府河川構造物等審議会 専門委員   大阪府  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 「新大阪駅周辺地域のまちづくり方針の検討調査業務委託」に係る受託者選定のための業者選定委員会委員   大阪市 都市計画局長  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 国営飛鳥歴史公園祝戸地区民間活用検討委員会 委員   国土交通省近畿地方整備局 国営飛鳥歴史公園事務所         

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 船場まちづくり検討会 委員   船場倶楽部  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 神戸市役所本庁舎2号館再整備事業者選定委員会 委員   神戸市  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 堺市公募対象公園施設設置等予定者選定委員   堺市  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • キセラ川西エコまち協議会 委員   川西市  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 神戸駅前再整備検討委員会 委員   神戸市  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 富田林市都市農業振興基本計画策定委員会 委員   富田林市  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 堺市緑の政策審議会 委員   堺市  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 堺市建設局指定管理者候補者選定委員会 委員   堺市長  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 作業部会 委員   環境省自然環境局  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 枚方市教育委員会指定管理者選定委員会 委員   枚方市教育委員会  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 神出山田自転車道「BE KOBE」モニュメント設置業務事業者選定に係る有識者会議 委員   神戸市  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • キセラ川西エコまち協議会 委員   川西市  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 長岡京市景観デザイン審査委員会   長岡京市  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 大津市都市公園等施設整備・運営事業審査委員会 委員   大津市  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 神戸市都市景観審議会臨時委員   神戸市  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 大阪府景観審議会委員   大阪府  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 泉佐野丘陵緑地運営審議会委員   大阪府  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 大阪府河川水辺の賑わいづくり審議会 委員   大阪府  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 大阪府都市公園施設設置者選定委員会 委員   大阪府  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 安満遺跡公園内店舗運営事業者選定委員   高槻市  

    2018.04 - 2019.03 

  • 「堺東フェニックス計画懇話会」委員   堺市  

    2018.04 - 2019.03 

  • キセラ川西エコまち協議会委員   川西市  

    2018.04 - 2019.03 

  • 堺市旧泉北すえむら資料館活用等事業者選定委員会委員   堺市  

    2018.04 - 2019.03 

  • 神戸三宮「さんきたアモーレ広場」デザインコンペ選定委員   神戸市  

    2018.04 - 2019.03 

  • 大津市都市公園等施設整備・運営事業審査委員会委員   大津市  

    2018.04 - 2019.03 

  • 専門委員   姫路市景観・広告物審議会  

    2017.04 - 2018.03 

  • 臨時委員   神戸市都市景観審議会  

    2017.04 - 2018.03 

  • 委員   キセラ川西エコまち協議会  

    2017.04 - 2018.03 

  • 委員   堺市市民交流広場愛称アドバイザー会議  

    2017.04 - 2018.03 

  • 委員   河内長野市営三日市住宅跡地の購入事業者の選考にかかる審議会  

    2017.04 - 2018.03 

  • 委員   高槻市安満遺跡跡公園内飲食店運営事業者選定委員会  

    2017.04 - 2018.03 

  • 委員   大阪府都市公園施設設置者選定委員会  

    2016.04 - 2017.03 

  • 専門委員   路市景観・広告物審議会  

    2016.04 - 2017.03 

  • 委員   三田市景観審議会  

    2016.04 - 2017.03 

  • アドバイザー   豊田市都心環境計画タスクフォース  

    2015.04 - 2016.03 

  • 専門委員   姫路市景観・広告物審議会  

    2015.04 - 2016.03 

  • 座長   堺市市民交流広場の活用と運営に関する懇話会  

    2015.04 - 2016.03 

  • 芦屋市景観アドバイザー   芦屋市景観アドバイザー  

    2015.04 - 2016.03 

  • 委員   豊田市都心再整備に係る有識者会議  

    2015.04 - 2016.03 

  • 委員   兵庫県兵庫のゆたかさ研究会委員  

    2015.04 - 2016.03 

  • アドバイザー   安満遺跡公園市民活動プロジェクト  

    2015.04 - 2016.03 

  • 審査委員   SEAGES社会・環境貢献緑地評価システム審査業務  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • 選定委員   大阪市鶴見区鶴見魅力賑わい向上事業の企画運営業務委託選定委員会  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • 委員   兵庫県兵庫のゆたかさ研究会委員  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • 委員   尼崎市魚釣施設等指定管理者選定委員会委員  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • 委員   豊田市都心再整備に係る有識者会議  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • 委員   姫路市景観・広告物審議会専門委員  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • アドバイザー   安満遺跡公園市民活動プロジェクト  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • アドバイザー   豊田市都心環境計画タスクフォース  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • 委員   豊岡市玄武洞公園整備検討委員会委員  

    2014.04 - 2015.03 

  • 委員   豊岡市玄武洞公園整備検討委員会委員  

    2013.04 - 2014.03 

  • 委員   姫路市景観・広告物審議会専門委員  

    2013.04 - 2014.03 

  • 委員   大阪市北区PPP手法研究会  

    2013.04 - 2014.03 

▼display all


  • 2015年 年間優秀論文賞

    2016.05   日本都市計画学会  

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Job Career (off-campus)

  • 大阪公立大学大学院   農学研究科   准教授

    2022.04 - Now

  • Osaka Prefecture University   Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences

    2013.04 - 2022.03

  • 兵庫県立人と自然の博物館

    2009.04 - 2013.03

  • 独立行政法人都市再生機構

    2004.07 - 2009.03

  • 都市基盤整備公団

    2001.04 - 2004.06


  • Harnessing multiple data sources and emerging technologies for comprehensive urban green space evaluation Reviewed

    Anqi Hu, Nobuyoshi Yabuki, Tomohiro Fukuda, Hiroyuki Kaga, Shigeaki Takeda, Kaoru Matsuo

    Cities   143   2023.12( ISSN:0264-2751

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Urban greening is vital for environmental sustainability and human welfare, but assessing its impact can be challenging due to traditional methodologies' limitations. These methods usually focus on singular metrics, giving a constrained understanding of urban green spaces. This study presents an innovative methodology that overcomes traditional research constraints, providing a comprehensive view of urban green spaces. The approach integrates longitudinal and cross-sectional assessments, remote sensing images, and Google Street View data. It leverages geodata processing and semantic segmentation models for key metrics—green coverage rate and green view index—while classifying various landscape types through an image model. Osaka City has been selected as the study's exemplar to integrate topographic variables and validate this novel methodology. The study results showed that Osaka has conditions such as uneven distribution of green spaces and different quality of green spaces. Targeted suggestions such as focusing on areas with low green visibility and improving the quality of existing green spaces need to be developed accordingly based on the results, paving the way for strengthening the city's urban greening initiatives. Subsequent research must tackle limitations like data quality and model accuracy, spotlighting the crucial role of green spaces in sustainable urban development.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104562

  • Role of parks in residential district by physical activity on suburban residential area Reviewed

    Matsuo Kaoru, Matsumoto Sennosuke, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   58 ( 3 )   812 - 818   2023.10( ISSN:09160647

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    <p>Physical activity in daily life is valuable protection against lifestyle disease. The park is to do physical activity while having fun and safety. This study aims to investigate the role of parks how to contribute people’s health by measuring utilization with the indicator of physical activity in parks in residential district on suburban residential area. As a result, people who use parks with children or friend can do physical activity equivalent to the high intensity of physical activity as soccer or baseball. When physical activity was taken by location, the physical activity in ground zone was almost same with playground but the intensity and time of physical activity was different. People did the high intensity of physical activity at ground zone and the low intensity of physical activity at a long time in playground.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.58.812

  • A Study on the Role of Private Organizations in Community Development Utilizing Public Space

    Funase Yuzuki, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   21 ( 0 )   5 - 8   2023.07( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    A study explored the role of private organizations in community development that utilizes public space by understanding the content and structure of the efforts of four private organizations that are engaged in public-private partnerships. The private organizations are expected to: (1) develop a vision for the area and promote and control the development and utilization of public space through repeated practice; (2) promote the permanent use of public space through social experiments and coordinate the use of the space with the involvement of local businesses; (3) work to deregulate the use of the space while cooperating with neighborhood associations and taking charge of its management; and (4) develop high-quality space and support the entities that use public space and support the development and use of the space.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.21.0_5

  • Analysis of Spatial Properties Inducing the Interaction in Station Squares

    Mizuno Kengo, Kaga Hiroyuki, Takeda Shigeaki, Matsuo Kaoru

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   21 ( 0 )   105 - 108   2023.07( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    In this study, I analyzed the planning and design properties of interaction spaces in station squares located in urban areas from the viewpoint of daily interaction. In terms of planning properties, the interaction space-centered type and the interaction space-connected type were also identified. These two types have interaction space at a high level, ranging from 10% to 40%, and the layouts with high connectivity between the station and the interaction space. In terms of design properties, it can be said that, for the individual comfort, such as drinking and eating, it is effective to install a circular seat with a step, plantings, and lighting in the front, and plantings in the back. For intimate interaction, it is effective to install the seat in a location that is close to a flow line. In addition, for indirect interaction with others, such as watching people, it is effective to install the seat in a space where they can see a busy flow line or a square where people are playing.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.21.0_105

  • The Potential of the Open Spaces at Osaka Business Park as Workplaces from the Perspective of Knowledge Creation

    Sugihara Rulu, Matsuo Kaori, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   21 ( 0 )   17 - 20   2023.07( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of open spaces as workplaces from a knowledge creation perspective at the Osaka Business Park (OBP).
    The study consisted of a field survey of seating space at outdoor configuration in September 2022. In November of the same year, a questionnaire survey was conducted about worker usage. The results showed that OBP has many comfortable seating arrangements and a medium green environment, and that workers place importance on environmental factors such as greenery and landscaping.
    Next, to explore environmental factors that contribute to knowledge creation, an experiment was conducted in the field using a mind map. It was found that a moderate landscape with green visibility of approximately 10-40% was effective for knowledge creation.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.21.0_17

  • Climate analysis of green spaces allocation scenarios corresponding to population decline in Sakai City using WRF Model Reviewed

    NAKAMOTO Sumire, MATSUO Kaoru, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   86 ( 5 )   611 - 616   2023.03( ISSN:13408984

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    <p>This study aimed to understand how different green spaces allocation would moderate higher urban temperatures. Specifically, numerical simulation was performed for understanding air temperature and wind distribution in August 2020, and the Weather Research and Forecasting meso-scale meteorological model was used in Sakai City. Furthermore, we performed climate simulation under three future green spaces allocation scenarios corresponding to population decline. In addition, climate analysis maps were created for each of these scenarios, and a comparison and discussion were conducted on how Sakai City’s green spaces should be arranged to accommodate future population decline. The results showed that conservation of green spaces reduced high temperatures in the city as a whole, but the distribution trends of temperature reduction area differed among the scenarios. These results suggested that while a large area of green spaces was effective in reducing temperatures locally, the green space network can also extend the temperature reduction over a wider area.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.86.611

  • The role and significance of parks during one year after the COVID-19 pandemic in Japanese newspaper articles Reviewed

    MATSUO Kaoru, YAMAMOTO Nanami, SHIMOMUKI Aoi, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Landscape Research Japan Online   15 ( 0 )   39 - 47   2022.09

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    <p>COVID-19 has led to demands for a different lifestyle. Parks are required to respond to complex needs, such as promoting their use while preventing infection. This constitutes an opportunity for citizens to rediscover the appeal of the park, which is accessible to everyone. Therefore, this study aims to comprehensively understand the role and significance of urban parks in Japan and apply this understanding to improvement and management based on the changes in usage and user comments for urban parks. Specifically, we investigated both the objective viewpoint, such as the current state and actual usage of urban parks, and the subjective viewpoint, such as the comments and opinions of park users using the text data of newspapers from January 2020 to March 2021. In addition to changes in the number of people infected, the survey found positive feelings about living in a park as people are forced to refrain from living, although negative opinions were found about the park. Accordingly, we can understand the process by which people again realize the need for the urban parks itself.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jilaonline.15.39

  • A research about the utilization and effects of the urban open spaces as a workplace for workers in Osaka city Reviewed

    SUGIHARA Rulu, MATSUO Kaoru, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   85 ( 5 )   601 - 606   2022.03( ISSN:1340-8984

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    In this study, we investigated the actual utilization and the effects of the urban open spaces as a workplace through a web questionnaire survey performed in October 2020 for workers in Osaka city under the situation of the introduction of ABW or the spread of COVID-19. As a result, it is possible to identify many people who work in urban open spaces more than a few times a week, and the frequency is increasing in the spread of COVID-19. In addition, not only sidewalk cafes but also open spaces at public facilities and parks were chosen. It was found that environmental factors such as shade, sunshine, and greenery were emphasized in parks, plaza, and open spaces at private facilities, and that good ideas came to mind in parks, compared to other places.

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.85.601

  • Method of empowerment based on changes in consciousness in park creation and management activities with public participation Reviewed

    journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   85 ( 5 )   457 - 462   2022.03( ISSN:1340-8984

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • The character of Nakanoshima, Osaka, based on water and green landscape

    Inoue Miyu, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   20 ( 0 )   129 - 132   2022( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    The aim of this study was to investigate the character of Nakanoshima through an evaluation of the landscape from the perspective of water and greenery. First, 1,804 photos are taken on October 2021. Next, the photos were classified into the stream axis river-view and the opposite shore river-view, and analyzed them by inside and outside of Nakanoshima. And the composition of the landscape was evaluated by combining the appearance forms of water and green. As a result, it was found that in the stream axis view, in addition to the view with perspective emphasis by water and green on both sides, the floor surface and the banded water surface accentuate the greenery as a background, and in the opposite shore view, the superimposed landscape of water and green and the enclosed landscape where the water surface is emphasized by the green support the character of Nakanoshima.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.20.0_129

  • A study of Chayamachi district’s public spaces on the use by staying people

    Yokomura Masaru, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   20 ( 0 )   133 - 136   2022( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of the use by conducting a survey of Chayamachi district, where there are some public spaces with different characteristics. The actual situation of use was understood by the following method. A route census survey conducted in October 2021 on weekdays and holidays, and we confirmed them by weekday / holiday, time period, and space type. As a result, we found that the public spaces in the Chayamachi district accommodate a variety of user groups, with different trends in use on weekdays and holidays and at different time period. Also, their public spaces are used differently according to the different characteristics of the space, such as spaces that are used for long time and spaces that are used for temporary time. Therefore, the district as a whole accommodate the different purposes of use of the people who spend time in the district.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.20.0_133

  • A study on the using and understanding environment by park users

    Nakamura Mirei, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   20 ( 0 )   17 - 20   2022( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    This study aims to discuss the using and understanding environment by park users based on "active approach" for the environment to bring outdoor equipment and "discernible approach" for the environment to select appropriate locations. A survey of the actual conditions of park users was conducted at eight parks located in the six wards of central Osaka City in September-October 2021 and identified 365 groups. 51 types of "active approach" can be identified among them many users bring rug for casual relaxation. 22 types of "discernible approach" can be identified among them users emphasize the natural surfaces of the canopy, floor and sides. Additionally, 151 groups of the using and understanding environment chose the environment of nature surface of canopy, floor, sides. Among them, 140 groups talk, eat or drink and take a rest. Therefore, we can confirm the using and understanding environment according to each purpose by park users.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.20.0_17

  • A Discussion of Green Environment Based on Climate Analysis Maps with WRF Model in Sakai City

    Nakamoto Sumire, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   20 ( 0 )   81 - 84   2022( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    In this study, to explore the ideal green environment for mitigating high temperatures in Sakai City, we used the meso-scale meteorological model WRF to analyze the current climate in August 2020 and the climate under the scenario of conservation and maintenance of the green environment with reference to the green future vision map of the ""Basic Plans for Greening,"" and created and compared the respective climate analysis maps.The results showed that during the daytime, the effect of the area greening was larger in the inland area, which is less affected by sea winds, and smaller in the coastal area.During the night, the temperature reduction effect of the green maintenance of the axis was clearly observed. In addition, it was suggested that the preservation of the existing hills and conservation and improvement of adjacent farmland will promote the effect of cool air flow and mitigate the high temperatures due to the integrated green environment.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.20.0_81

  • The recognition of Urban Parks during the COVID-19 pandemic using Instagram

    Shimomuki Aoi, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   20 ( 0 )   25 - 28   2022( ISSN:1348592X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    This study aims to discuss the recognition of urban parks during the COVID-19 pandemic using Instagram, in Utsubo Park of Osaka City. We extracted posts using the phrase "#Utsubo Park" in 2019 and 2020 and analyzed the landscape and emotional expressions by posted photos and comments. As a result, in 2020, perspective landscape increased slightly compared to 2019 and people took the rose garden and the row of zelkova trees as perspective green landscape. Emotional expression, “happy” is the most both 2019 and 2020 and the comments regarding rose is mainly. Additionaly, in 2020, people feel “refreshing” for green itself or seeing new green leaves. And in 2020, people feel “healing” for green. Urban parks are expansive nature landscape where people physically feel the shade of trees and wind, bring a sense of refreshment in addition to healing to the people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.20.0_25

  • Study on the contents of reservoir hazard maps improve resident's understanding Reviewed

    KUMAI Yu, Kaoru MATSUO, Shigeaki TAKEDA, Hiroyuki KAGA

    Papers on Environmental Information Science   35   43 - 48   2021.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11492/ceispapers.ceis35.0_43

  • A Study on Walkability grasped from Environment both of "Easy to Walk" and "Encouragement to Walk" that supports Walking: From the Characteristics of Walk Occurrence of 24 Ward in Osaka City and the Characteristics of Selection of Walk Routes in Specific Areas of the city Reviewed

    Jumpei Morioka, Kaoru Matsuo, Hiroyuki Kaga, Shigeaki Takeda

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   56 ( 3 )   477 - 484   2021.10( ISSN:0916-0647

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    In order to clarify the walkability of the urban environment, it is necessary to investigate not only the required behaviors but also voluntary behaviors. The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics that a walkable urban environment in urban areas of Osaka should have from the optional action of walking. First, we grasped the relationship between walks and environmental factors on a regional basis. Next, we grasped what kind of route was taken for what reason. In order to create a walkable urban environment that induces voluntary behavior in residential areas, it became clear that an environment that is “encouragement to walk” is required in addition to an environment that is “easy to walk”. It is important to clarify the issues and potentials of the district, and to consider the environment improvement according to the demand for walks.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.56.477

    CiNii Article

    Other URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/journalcpij/56/3/56_477/_pdf

  • The state of a street tree management plan and a citizen participation system in local Japanese government Reviewed

    KAWAGUCHI Masatake, AKAZAWA Hiroki, TAKEDA Shigeaki, MATSUO Kaoru, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   83 ( 5 )   509 - 514   2020( ISSN:1340-8984

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    <p>In this study, we will understand the actual situation of street trees maintenance management systems in local governments in Japan and the development status of street trees maintenance management plans and management guidelines. Next, this study was to understand the current state of the street trees maintenance management system and its impact, and to investigate the problems of citizen's participation in street trees maintenance management. As a result, street trees maintenance work is mainly done in the civil engineering road sector. In large local governments, staff specializes in landscaping, while in small local governments, it's mainly civil engineering. In addition, most street trees management methods are outsourced by contractors, with less than half direct management by staff. The policy to maintain street trees is positioned in many local government green master plans. Since 2015, local governments have developed conservation plans for street trees and are working on sound conservation. Since the 2000s, local governments have been working on maintenance management systems with the participation of residents. Most of them are road beautification activities based on adaptive systems. In the future, the challenge will be to further expand the system and raise citizen's interest and value perception.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.83.509

    CiNii Article

  • The Psychological Process into Attachment Formation to Residential Area through Neighborhood Parks in the Case of Heijou and Souraku New Town Reviewed

    KUBOTA Haruki, MATSUO Kaoru, KAWAGUCHI Masatake, AKAZAWA Hiroki, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   83 ( 5 )   545 - 550   2020( ISSN:1340-8984

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    <p>This study aims to discuss the psychological process how the evaluation and perception of residential area or neighborhood parks were connected with the formation of attachment to residential area through neighborhood parks. Concretely, the structural equation modeling was conducted based on the results of questionnaire surveys for the residents in new town. In addition, this study targeted two areas with different resident's activities, "Suzaku area" and "Sakyo area" in new town where the site of "Basic Parks for Community Use" is planned because the relationship between "evaluation and perception of residential area or neighborhood parks" and "attachment to residential area" is discussed limited to the park. As a result, the following findings were obtained; 1) in both areas, "attachment to residential area" is influenced "attachment to neighborhood parks." And, the positive "evaluation of neighborhood park environment" and "involvement through participation into neighborhood park activities" encourages "attachment to residential area" through "evaluation of residential environment," "involvement through participation into residential activities" and "attachment to neighborhood parks." 2) The difference is revealed that "attachment to residential area" and "attachment to neighborhood parks" have influence on each other only in "Suzaku area" which residents pursue activities.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.83.545

    CiNii Article

  • Study on Methodology for Scoring Sequential Urban Landscape in Osaka City Viewed from Shipboard Space Reviewed

    SAKAMOTO Mikio, MATSUO Kaoru, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   83 ( 5 )   615 - 620   2020( ISSN:1340-8984

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    <p>This study is the case study which verifies usefulness of the methodology we have developed to score changes in sequential riverscape. We extracted 24 riverbanks worth being part of waterscape viewed from the water surface and riverbank, located in the urban area of Osaka City, created a sequential 2D image of each riverscape, identified important elements of and open spaces, and then scored them in accordance with their features relevant to sequential changes. Through the scoring, the study found that the sequential views from the water surface were categorized into four types, ranging from the richest in scenery variation to the least changeable monotonous type. Furthermore, it discovered that the middle type was divided into two subgroups by the amount of green coverage space in variation, that is, whether it serves as the basis for landscape changes or solely appears as a frequent accent. Our scoring method made it easy to grasp contributors to landscape attractiveness, including a sequence of changes and scenic spot components, as well as human viewing locations along each river. This technique has thus been proved useful in understanding the characteristics of rivers when riverfront improvement is designed and planned.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.83.615

    CiNii Article

  • 沿道住民の街路樹の維持管理への参加意欲に影響する要因の構造 Reviewed

    川口 将武, 赤澤 宏樹, 武田 重昭, 加我 宏之

    環境情報科学論文集 雑誌   32   197 - 202   2018.12

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • シンガポールにおけるパークコネクターのルート整備特性に関する研究 Reviewed

    武田重昭, 蒋雅瓊, 加我宏之, 増田昇

    都市計画論文集 雑誌   53 ( 3 )   503 - 509   2018.10

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 大阪市都心部の河川における親水性の評価とその整備手法の変遷に関する研究 Reviewed

    武田重昭, 坂本幹生, 加我宏之

    ランドスケープ研究 雑誌   80 ( 5 )   663 - 668   2017.03

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Study on Water and Greenery Networks in the "Green Master Plan and Master Plan for Parks and Open Spaces" of Kobe City Reviewed

    Suil Park, Shigeaki Takeda, Hiroyuki Kaga, Noboru Masuda

    Urban and Regional Planning Review 雑誌   3   203 - 221   2016.12

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 場の提供型と交流型間の利用者特性から見たマルシェの社会的意義に関する研究 Reviewed

    豊嶋尚子, 武田重昭, 加我宏之, 増田昇

    環境情報科学学術研究論文集 雑誌   29   207 - 212   2015.11

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 大都市近郊部における企業・学校等の各種団体の農地活用の意向に関する研究 Reviewed

    高橋富美, 松浦由布子, 武田重昭, 加我宏之, 増田昇

    環境情報科学学術研究論文集 雑誌   29   43 - 48   2015.11

  • 都道府県営都市公園の指定管理業務に対する年度評価の評価項目等に関する研究 Reviewed

    竹田和真, 武田重昭, 加我宏之, 増田昇

    都市計画論文集 雑誌   50 ( 3 )   1106 - 1113   2015.10

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • シンガポールにおける"ガーデン・シティ"から"シティ・イン・ア・ガーデン"への展開時の緑地計画の変化 Reviewed

    武田重昭, 朴秀日, 徳野みゆき, 加我宏之, 増田昇

    都市計画論文集 雑誌   50 ( 3 )   1098 - 1105   2015.10

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • コミュニティガーデン活動によるニュータウンのコミュニティ再生や地域管理の可能性 Reviewed


    ランドスケープ研究   78 ( 5 )   749 - 754   2015.03

  • 仮設型直売システム定期開催型『マルシェ』の社会的意義と担い手の役割に関する研究 Reviewed


    ランドスケープ研究   78 ( 5 )   727 - 730   2015.03

  • 都道府県営都市公園の指定管理業務の収入源と収益に関する研究 Reviewed


    ランドスケープ研究   78 ( 5 )   2015.03

  • 京城勝覧から捉えた近世京都における観光特性に関する研究 Reviewed

    武田 重昭,神崎 澪妃,加我 宏之,増田 昇

    環境情報科学学術研究論文集   28   349 - 354   2014.12

  • 市民農園の経験の有無と都市内農地の保全意識との関係性に関する研究 Reviewed

    高橋 富美,武田 重昭,加我 宏之,増田 昇

    環境情報科学学術研究論文集   28   309 - 312   2014.12

  • Study on Revitalization of Housing Complexes in Japan through Utilization of Open Spaces Based on Residents’ Activities

    Shigeaki TAKEDA, Hiroyuki KAGA, Noboru MASUDA

    The 14th Landscape Architectural Symposium of China, Japan and Korea Proceedings   2014.10

  • アクセシビリティから捉えた都市公園の選択性の評価に関する研究-大阪府堺市を事例として- Reviewed

    蔡 鴻昌,武田 重昭,加我 宏之,増田 昇

    都市計画論文集   49 ( 3 )   261 - 266   2014.10

  • 公園緑地系統が高齢者の屋外レクリエーションのための移動に果たす役割に関する研究 Reviewed


    ランドスケープ研究 日本造園学会   77 ( 5 )   449 - 454   2014.03

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 堺市大美野住宅地において継承されてきた景観資源の風景的価値に関する研究 Reviewed


    都市計画論文集 日本都市計画学会   48 ( 3 )   375 - 380   2013.10

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 連続性から捉えた千里ニュータウンにおける団地建替えによる緑地の変化に関する研究 Reviewed


    都市計画論文集 日本都市計画学会   48 ( 3 )   381 - 386   2013.10

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Study on Renovation of a Systematically-Planned Town Areas Based on Current Utilization of Open Spaces, and Residents’ Satisfaction with their Living Environments and Needs for Open Space Activities Reviewed

    Shigeaki Takeda

    Journal of Environmental Information Science Center for Environmental Information Science   41 ( 5 )   73 - 78   2013.03

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    Kind of work:Single Work  

  • 地域間比較によるシビックプライドの醸成に資する学習プログラムの実践 Reviewed


    造園技術報告集   7   64 - 67   2013.02


    Shigeaki Takeda

    2nd International Conference on Archi-Cultural Translations through the Silk Road Proceedings The International Association of Silk Road Universities   192 - 196   2012.07

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    Kind of work:Single Work  

  • 居住者の緑地環境に対するマネジメント意識の視点から捉えたニュータウン再生に関する研究 Reviewed

    武田 重昭 , 西川 文香 , 加我 宏之, 下村 泰彦 , 増田 昇

    環境情報科学学術研究論文集   24   195 - 200   2010.12

  • 利用実態から捉えたニュータウン再生に資する屋外空間の活用に関する研究 Reviewed

    武田 重昭 , 西川 文香 , 加我 宏之, 下村 泰彦 , 増田 昇

    都市計画論文集   45 ( 3 )   787 - 792   2010.10

  • 利用実態から捉えた団地屋外空間の活用による団地再生に関する研究 Reviewed

    武田 重昭, 増田 昇, 永井 心平, 小木曽 裕, 村岡 政子

    ランドスケープ研究   73 ( 5 )   469 - 472   2010.03

  • 集合住宅団地における植物管理のあり方について : UR賃貸住宅における検討結果を事例として Reviewed

    島 一喜 , 澤田 正樹 , 武田 重昭 , 村岡 賢二 , 高橋 敦

    造園技術報告集   5   28 - 31   2009.02

  • 集合住宅における自然との共生の取り組み : グリーンプラザひばりが丘南を事例として Reviewed

    石田 晶 , 佐藤 浩幸 , 武田 重昭 , 中里 巖 , 中村 弘和

    造園技術報告集   2   102 - 105   2003.01

  • 阪神・淡路大震災を契機として変化した風景に対する生活者の嗜好性に関する研究 Reviewed

    武田 重昭 , 加我 宏之 , 下村 泰彦 , 増田 昇

    都市計画論文集   35   745 - 750   2000.10

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Books and Other Publications


    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)


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    Book type:Scholarly book

  • 図説 都市計画

    澤木 昌典, 嘉名 光市, 武田 裕之, 岡井 有佳, 松本 邦彦, 杉崎 和久, 清水 陽子, 加我 宏之, 栗山 尚子, 吉田 長裕, 武田 重昭, 越山 健治, 佐久間 康富, 松中 亮治, 大庭 哲治( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2022.10  ( ISBN:476152832X

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    Total pages:156   Book type:Scholarly book

    CiNii Books


  • コミュニティシップ

    橋本 崇, 向井 隆昭, 近藤 希実, 河上 直美, 吉備 友理恵, 武田 重昭, 三浦 倫平, 吉江 俊, 小田急電鉄株式会社 エリア事業創造部( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2022.04  ( ISBN:476152815X

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    Total pages:224   Book type:Scholarly book

    CiNii Books



    ( Role: Joint author)

    トゥーヴァージンズ  2021.10  ( ISBN:4910352104

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    Total pages:208   Book type:Scholarly book

    CiNii Books


  • 都市計画の構造転換:整・開・保からマネジメントまで

    日本都市計画学会編著( Role: Joint author)

    鹿島出版会  2021.03 

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    Book type:Scholarly book

  • 小さな空間から都市をプランニングする

    日本都市計画学会都市空間のつくり方研究会, 武田 重昭, 佐久間 康富, 阿部 大輔, 杉崎 和久, 松本 邦彦, 高木 尚哉, 有田 義隆, 栗山 尚子, 石原 凌河, 片岡 由香, 白石 将生, 吉田 哲, 山崎 義人, 松宮 未来子, 片桐 新之介, 南 愛, 穂苅 耕介( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2019.05  ( ISBN:9784761526986

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    Book type:Scholarly book

    CiNii Books

  • 実践風景計画学

    日本造園学会・風景計画研究推進委員会監修( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2019.03 

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    Book type:Scholarly book

  • コミュニティ辞典

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    春風社  2017.06 

  • 千樹萬幹 伝統の継承と創造

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    日本造園組合連合会  2017.05 

  • パブリックライフ学入門

    鈴木俊治,高松誠治,武田重昭,中島直人( Role: Joint author)

    鹿島出版会  2016.07 

  • 都市を変える水辺アクション―実践ガイド

    泉英明・嘉名光市・武田重昭 編著( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2015.10 

  • シビックプライド2【国内編】―都市と市民とのかかわりをデザインする

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    宣伝会議  2015.09 

  • コンパクト建築設計資料集成<都市再生>

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    丸善出版株式会社  2014.03 

  • 地域空間の包容力と社会的持続性

    武田重昭,阿部大輔 他( Role: Joint author)

    日本経済評論社  2013.03 

  • 2012年版関西経済白書 新たな成長パラダイムに進むアジアと関西

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    一般財団法人アジア太平洋研究所  2012.09 

  • ランドスケープ計画・設計論

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    技報堂出版  2012.08 

  • いま、都市をつくる仕事 未来を拓くもう一つの関わり方

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2011.11 

  • テキスト ランドスケープデザインの歴史

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2011.10 

  • アクティビティのかたち 都市をルールからデザインする

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    建築ジャーナル  2011.09 

  • 都市計画の構造転換

    武田重昭ほか( Role: Joint author)

    鹿島出版会  2011.03 

  • デザインのルール/ルールのデザイン

    京都建築スクール( Role: Joint author)

    建築ジャーナル  2010.05 

  • 季刊まちづくり26 新しい都市のパブリックスタイル

    武田重昭( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2010.03 

  • 季刊まちづくり26 都市計画に都市計画教育を位置づける

    山本一馬,山崎義人,武田重昭( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2010.03 

  • ビオシティ no.43 公共空間が育む新しい”パブリックスタイル”

    シビックプライド研究会( Role: Joint author)

    ビオシティ  2009.10 

  • シビックプライド―都市のコミュニケーションをデザインする

    武田重昭,伊藤香織,紫牟田伸子 他( Role: Joint author)

    宣伝会議  2008.11 

  • 実用都市づくり用語辞典

    武田重昭,矢島隆 他( Role: Joint author)

    山海堂  2007.07 

▼display all


  • Landscape management studies in urban nature and life ─From gardening to landscaping─ Invited International journal

    Shigeaki TAKEDA

    Vol.109 ( No.1 )   16 - 17   2024.01( ISSN:0021-468X

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • —Landscape Planning for the Civic City, KOBE : Perspectives for 30 Years After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Invited International journal

    City planning review   71 ( 5 )   34 - 37   2022.09( ISSN:0495-9280

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • A Park that Cultivate Public Life Invited International journal

    15   71 - 85   2022.03

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    Authorship:Lead author   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    Repository URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/00017845

  • —Discussion : Exploring Future of Local Cities : From the Perspectives of Community, Life, Infrastructure, and Urban Functions Invited International journal

    City planning review   71 ( 2 )   76 - 81   2022.03( ISSN:0495-9280

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

  • The meaning of public spaces - Communication, well-being and autonomy Invited International journal

    TAKEDA Shigeaki

    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   85 ( 3 )   234 - 237   2021.10( ISSN:1340-8984 ( eISSN:1348-4559

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.85.234

    CiNii Article

    Other URL: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031824474

  • トクシュウ シンガタ コロナ ガ モタラス 「 ニューノーマル 」 ニ タイオウ シタ マチズクリ

    タケダ シゲアキ

    75 ( 8 )   17 - 21   2021.08( ISSN:0037-3761

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  • 公園から見た水都大阪 (特集 公園から都市をみる)

    武田 重昭

    三田評論   1256 ( 1256 )   38 - 43   2021.06( ISSN:1343-618X

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    identifier:三田評論. 2021, 1256, P.38-43

    CiNii Article

  • A Scheme for Sustainable Cities from Landscape Planning Invited International journal

    49 ( 4 )   36 - 40   2021( ISSN:0389-6633

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    CiNii Article

  • Research on the process of community participation in excellent case of closed school's utilization

    FUNASE Yuzuki, MATSUO Kaoru, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   19   65 - 68   2021( ISSN:1348-592X ( eISSN:2189-8081

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    With the declining birthrate, schools are being consolidated nationwide. It is required to make effective use of closed school facilities based on the actual conditions and needs of the community, and it is important to participate in the community in the process of discussion of the usage and operation. In this study, the characteristics of community participation in the utilization of closed schools were first grasped from 76 excellent cases nationwide, and then the detailed process from consideration to management of the utilization of closed schools was clarified from four excellent cases in Hyogo prefecture. We explored the main points of community participation in the utilization of closed schools in. There is community participation in half of the excellent cases nationwide. In the discussion process, It is effective for the local community to form an organization and collaborate with the local government, to use methods such as workshops and social experiments based on consensus building at meetings, and to consider flexible ideas with the participation of experts and young people.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.19.0_65

    CiNii Article

  • A study on the use of space by staying people in a large urban park in Osaka

    ASHIDA Ryo, MATSUO Kaoru, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   19   93 - 96   2021( ISSN:1348-592X

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of the use of different spaces for different purposes by conducting a survey of the actual conditions of stay in the East Park of Utsubo Park. The tendency of visitors to stay in the park was examined by time of day, weekday, and holiday, and then by space (parkway type and area type) and by the presence or absence of elements that support actions and behaviors. As a result, it was confirmed that people used the parkway and area spaces differently according to their purposes, and especially in the lawn and forest areas, there was an active approach to the space, as seen in the creation of a place to live. In the future, it will be necessary to plan comfortable spaces based on the human behavior of use.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.19.0_93

    CiNii Article

  • Elucidation of the attraction effect by symbolizing the sequence landscape on the historical ancient road "Narihira-michi" International journal

    OGIHARA Mika, MATSUO Kaoru, TAKEDA Shigeaki, KAGA Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   19   33 - 36   2021( ISSN:1348-592X ( eISSN:2189-8081

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    Kodo is a valuable historical resource that has supported exchanges between regions as a place for people and goods to move. On the other hand, in modern times, traveling by car has become the mainstream, and the attractiveness of the landscape that can be felt by walking has been lost. The historical ancient road "Ariwara no Narihira" is said to have been passed by Ariwara no Narihira, a poet of the Heian period, to Princess Kawachi. It is located in Yao City from the current Tenri City, and is popular as a walking route. There is. In this study, the attractive effect was clarified by symbolizing the spatial structure of the sequence landscape of the business flat road. Regarding symbolization, we applied Lynch's method of symbolizing sequence landscapes on highways to pedestrian spaces, and applied "sense of space and movement" and "position of gaze objects" consisting of nodes, landmarks, districts, and edges. We identified and analyzed the "look" and searched for the attraction effect.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.19.0_33

    CiNii Article

  • 「離散」と「紐帯」がつくる都市と人生の相互関係 : 不連続で弱いつながりが生み出す価値—新高密都市

    武田 重昭

    Mezzanine   5   98 - 101   2021

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  • Public Space History : The Transforming Public : Space, Process and Value Invited International journal

    84 ( 2 )   92 - 95   2020.07( ISSN:1340-8984

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    CiNii Article

  • 都市に対する信頼 (特集 パンデミックと新たな社会) Invited International journal

    武田 重昭

    21世紀ひょうご : 公益財団法人ひょうご震災記念21世紀研究機構研究情報誌   ( 29 )   53 - 65   2020( ISSN:1345-9368

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    CiNii Article

  • Effects of installing street furniture on the interaction of the people in public space:In case of a social experiment in Amagasaki Central Park

    Hattori Miki, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   18 ( 0 )   5 - 8   2020( ISSN:1348-592X ( eISSN:2189-8081

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    A place where people are interacting each other is said to be the good place in public space. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of installing street furniture in public space on the interaction of the people. We conducted a social experiment by installing some sets of table and chair in the fountain square in Amagasaki Central Park and observed behaviors of people in there. The sets of table and chair were set in two ways, one is along the fountain, the other is in one place. This experiment was found that people sitting on the installed chairs have a higher ratio of "eating/drinking", "talking with their family or friends" and "seeing strangers" than people sitting on the fountain. In addition, behaviors of people talking with strangers are observed when the sets were set in one place. Therefore, the installation of street furniture in public space may stimulate the interaction of the people.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.18.0_5

    CiNii Article

  • A study of Midosuji's space maintenace from changes in staying behavior between 2 periods of time:By analyzing comparatively of investigation in 2009 and 2019

    Muto Ayaka, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   18 ( 0 )   65 - 68   2020( ISSN:1348-592X

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    Midosuji is working on space redesign to transform the street for pedestrians from for cars. In recent years, number of population and tourists in surrounding areas are increasing and the people's needs to midosuji has changed greatly. This study looks for the changes in staying behavior between 10years by analyzing comparatively on results of investigation about midosuji's pedestrians' staying behavior from Yodoyabashi to Namba in 2009 to the same investigation done in 2019. by examining the changes in physical characteristics of sidewalk as well as roadside private site and staying behavior characteristics the ways for forward space maintenances were searched. The characteristics of staying behavior are largely different in each area, and space maintenance are required depending on those situations for each area, such as to ensure walkable space by widening the sidewalk or introduction of sidewalk café.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.18.0_65

    CiNii Article

  • The role and potential of edible landscape in regional revitalization

    Fujiwara Yumiko, Matsuo Kaoru, Takeda Shigeaki, Kaga Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan, Kansai Branch   18 ( 0 )   9 - 12   2020( ISSN:1348-592X

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    In this research, we grasped the role of edible landscape in regional revitalization from its history in the world and its activities in Japan, and explored the potential. In the surveys, we conducted bibliographic surveys and interviews on the case of edible landscape in Japan managed by local residents. As a result, edible landscape has not only food security but also a role of comprehensive regional revitalization including educational meaning, economic effect, and community revitalization. Also, in each process from planting to eating of edible plants, in addition to the collaboration with neighborhood associations, the theme of edible may induce the collaboration with public organizations and various stakeholders such as companies and community organizations.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpijkansai.18.0_9

    CiNii Article

  • 大阪から考える都市再生の現在 水都大阪のクライマクス―公民連携の到達点とその先へ向けて International journal


    建築雑誌   134 ( 1729 )   014‐015   2019.10( ISSN:0003-8555

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Single Work   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  


  • 水都大阪のクライマクス : 公民連携の到達点とその先へ向けて—Climax of Aqua Metropolis Osaka : Achievement of the Public-Private Partnership and Beyond

    武田, 重昭

    建築雑誌   134 ( 1729 )   14 - 15   2019.10( ISSN:0003-8555

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    identifier:建築雑誌. 2019, 134 (1729), P.14-15

    CiNii Article

    Other URL: https://www.aij.or.jp/paper/detail.html?productId=643125

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 公園緑地におけるインクリメンタル・プランニング手法の構築


Charge of on-campus class subject

  • ランドスケープデザイン

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 緑地環境科学実習演習応用A

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 測量学実習

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 緑地環境科学実習演習入門A

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 緑地環境科学特別講義B

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • ランドスケープデザイン

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 都市環境デザイン

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 緑地と社会

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • Advanced Presentation in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Topics in Landscape Planning and Design


  • Practical Experiences II A in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Urban Environmental Planning and Design


  • Practical Experiences I in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Practice in Geographical Surveying and Information System

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Landscape Design


  • Advanced Seminar in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Advanced Research Project in Environmental Sciences and Technology

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Advanced Research Project in Environmental Sciences and Technology

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Advanced Seminar in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Advanced Seminar in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Advanced Presentation in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Advanced Presentation in Environmental Sciences and Technology


  • Applied Project in Environmental Sciences and Technology

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Research Project in Environmental Sciences and Technology D

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Research Project in Environmental Sciences and Technology B

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Seminar in Environmental Sciences and Technology D


  • Seminar in Environmental Sciences and Technology B


  • Cultural Lndscape and Community


  • Advanced Research Project in Environmental Sciences and Technology

    2021   Practical Training  

▼display all

Social Activities

  • 武庫川女子大学建築学部非常勤講師

    Role(s): Lecturer

    2022.04 - Now

  • 出前講義 ランドスケープデザインの基礎について

    2021.04 - 2022.03

  • 摂南大学理工学部

    2018.04 - 2023.03

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  • 大阪産業大学デザイン工学部特別講義 シビックプライドと都市のサスティナビリティ

    2015.04 - 2016.03

  • 大阪産業大学デザイン工学部特別講義 シビックプライドと都市のサスティナビリティ

    2014.04 - 2015.03

  • 大阪市立大学都市計画研究会 「いま、都市をつくる仕事」で伝えたかったことと現在の取り組み

    2013.04 - 2014.03

  • 兵庫県立大学大学院緑環境景観マネジメント研究科非常勤講師

    Role(s): Lecturer

    2011.04 - Now

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  • 登録ランドスケープアーキテクト

    2015.01 - Now

  • 技術士 建設部門(都市及び地方計画)

    2008.04 - Now