Updated on 2024/07/12


Yokoi Shuji
Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology Professor
School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Institute of Agriculture


  • Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now

  • School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • 博士(農学) ( Tohoku University )

Research Areas

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Science in plant genetics and breeding

Research Interests

  • 開花

  • 雑種胚崩壊

  • 自家不和合性

  • 花成促進因子

  • 複合体

  • 遺伝子

  • 遺伝子発現制御

  • 遺伝子発現解析

  • 遺伝学

  • 胚発生

  • Plant Breeding

  • イネ

  • ゲノム再配列

  • コアコレクション

  • シグナル伝達

  • ストレス

  • 基本栄養生長

  • 小胞子培養

  • 日長感応

  • 植物

  • 植物分子育種

  • 発生・分化

  • 相転移

  • 種間不和合性

  • 育種

  • 育種学

  • Urban Farming(都市農業)

Research subject summary

  • イネ・雑穀の機能性向上

  • 植物の相転移と記憶に関わる因子の解析

Professional Memberships

  • 近畿作物・育種研究会

    2017.12 - Now   Domestic

  • 植物バイオテクノロジー学会

    2014.04 - Now   Domestic

  • Japanese Society of Breeding

    2006.04 - Now   Domestic

  • Japanese Society of Plant Physiology

    2000.04 - Now   Domestic

Committee Memberships (off-campus)

  • 「イノベーション創出強化研究推進事業」評議委員   国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構  

    2020.04 - 2021.03 

  • 選考委員   一般社団法人 ヤンマー資源循環支援機構 助成事業  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 評議委員   農研機構「イノベーション創出強化研究推進事業」終了時評価に係る評議委員  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

  • 評議委員   国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構生物系特定産業技術支援センターイノベーション創出強化研究推進事業  

    2019.04 - 2020.03 

Job Career (off-campus)

  • Osaka Metropolitan University   Education and Research field   Manager

    2022.04 - Now

  • Osaka Metropolitan University   Faculty of Agriculture

    2022.04 - Now

  • Osaka Prefecture University

    2020.04 - 2022.03

  • 生命環境科学域附属教育研究フィールド   フィールド長

    2019.04 - 2022.03

  • Osaka Prefecture University   Education and Research Field   Manager

    2019.04 - 2022.03

  • Osaka Prefecture University

    2015.04 - 2022.01

  • 岩手大学農学部   准教授

    2006.03 - 2015.03

  • 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学バイオサイエンス研究科   助手

    2002.01 - 2006.03

  • パデュー大学   Visiting Scientist

    2000.10 - 2002.01

  • 日本学術振興会   特別研究員(PD)

    1998.04 - 2000.09

  • 日本学術振興会   特別研究員(DC1)

    1995.04 - 1998.03

▼display all


  • Tohoku University   Graduate School, Division of Agriculture   Doctor's Course   Graduated/Completed

    1993.03 - 1998.03

  • Iwate University   Faculty of Agriculture   Bachelor's Course   Graduated/Completed

    1989.04 - 1993.03


  • Abnormalities in juvenile-to-adult transition are associated with hybrid weakness in chili pepper (Capsicum)

    Kumpei Shiragaki, Shuji Yokoi, Takahiro Tezuka

    Plant Breeding   143 ( 3 )   403 - 411   2024.06( ISSN:0179-9541 ( eISSN:1439-0523

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Weakness was observed in the F1 hybrids of crosses between Capsicum annuum × Capsicum chinense or C. annuum × Capsicum frutescens. This phenomenon is morphologically characterized by the cessation of new leaf development approximately 30 days after germination (DAG). We wondered why this phenomenon appeared in the middle of growth and studied the relationship between Capsicum hybrid weakness and the juvenile-to-adult (JA) phase transition. Traits that changed during the early vegetative phase in both parents were the petiole/leaf length ratio, number of leaf lateral veins and stomata, colour of epidermal cells in leaves stained with toluidine blue and expression of miR156 and miR172. Based on the changes observed during the early vegetative phase, C. annuum and C. chinense were transferred to the adult phase 28 DAG. However, the F1 hybrids did not show characteristics of the adult phase at any time point. Furthermore, the phenotypes of hybrid weakness were observed at approximately 35 DAG, when F1 hybrids were presumed to reach the JA transition phase. It has been suggested that the JA transition is involved in Capsicum hybrid weakness.

    DOI: 10.1111/pbr.13174

  • “ITOSAI No. 1”, a new late bolting cultivar of Chinese cabbage (<i>Brassica rapa</i> L.)

    Kitamoto Naoko, Nishikawa Kazuhiro, Toyota Haruki, Takahashi Kiwamu, Tsukazaki Hikaru, Tanimura Yoshinori, Moritama Yosuke, Yokoi Shuji, Honjo Masanori, Takahata Yoshihito, Hatakeyama Katsunori, Oku Satoshi, Urushibara Shoji, Wazaki Toshifumi, Kawato Yoshinori, Kataoka Sono, Matsuura Takuya, Yui Susumu

    Breeding Research   advpub ( 0 )   2023( ISSN:13447629 ( eISSN:13481290

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    <p>‘ITOSAI No. 1’ is a new Chinese cabbage F<sub>1</sub> cultivar that shows extremely late bolting. Late-bolting <i>BrFLC</i> genes derived from ‘Leafy Parental Green No. 2’ were introduced to the parents of the Chinese cabbage F<sub>1</sub> cultivar ‘Tiny-chouchou’ with backcrossing and DNA marker selection. In spring sowing under a low temperature, ‘ITOSAI No. 1’ showed extremely late bolting compared to commercial late-bolting F<sub>1</sub> cultivars. Other characteristics of ‘ITOSAI No. 1’, except the late bolting, are almost the same as ‘Tiny-chouchou’, including no trichomes. It is suitable for use in salads. Whereas the existing commercial F<sub>1</sub> cultivars bolted after 10 to 20 days of chilling treatment, ‘ITOSAI No. 1’ needs more than 40 days to induce bolting. ‘ITOSAI No. 1’ is an epoch-making cultivar which enables us to cultivate Chinese cabbage in spring without heating and covering materials.</p>

    DOI: 10.1270/jsbbr.23j04

  • The role of plant breeding in future urban farming Invited Reviewed

    Yokoi Shuji

    Breeding Research   24 ( 2 )   207 - 210   2022.12( ISSN:13447629 ( eISSN:13481290

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    DOI: 10.1270/jsbbr.24.s01

  • Parental Genome Imbalance Causes Hybrid Seed Lethality as Well as Ovary Abscission in Interspecific and Interploidy Crosses in Nicotiana.

    He H, Sadahisa K, Yokoi S, Tezuka T

    Frontiers in plant science   13   899206   2022

  • Genetic mapping of the HLA1 locus causing hybrid lethality in nicotiana interspecific hybrids Reviewed

    Takahiro Tezuka, Naoto Kitamura, Sae Imagawa, Akira Hasegawa, Kumpei Shiragaki, Hai He, Masanori Yanase, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Toshinobu Morikawa, Shuji Yokoi

    Plants   10 ( 10 )   2021.10( eISSN:2223-7747

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Hybrid lethality, a postzygotic mechanism of reproductive isolation, is a phenomenon that causes the death of F1 hybrid seedlings. Hybrid lethality is generally caused by the epistatic interaction of two or more loci. In the genus Nicotiana, N. debneyi has the dominant allele Hla1-1 at the HLA1 locus that causes hybrid lethality in F1 hybrid seedlings by interaction with N. tabacum allele(s). Here, we mapped the HLA1 locus using the F2 population segregating for the Hla1-1 allele derived from the interspecific cross between N. debneyi and N. fragrans. To map HLA1, several DNA markers including random amplified polymorphic DNA, amplified fragment length polymorphism, and simple sequence repeat markers, were used. Additionally, DNA markers were developed based on disease resistance gene homologs identified from the genome sequence of N. benthamiana. Linkage analysis revealed that HLA1 was located between two cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence markers Nb14-CAPS and NbRGH1-CAPS at a distance of 10.8 and 10.9 cM, respectively. The distance between these markers was equivalent to a 682 kb interval in the genome sequence of N. benthamiana.

    DOI: 10.3390/plants101020


  • Temperature-dependent sugar accumulation in interspecific Capsicum F1 plants showing hybrid weakness. Reviewed

    Shiragaki K, Furukawa H, Yokoi S, Tezuka T

    Journal of Plant Research   134   1199 - 1211   2021.09

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Two Nicotiana occidentalis accessions enable gene identification for Type II hybrid lethality by the cross to N. sylvestris. Reviewed

    Kawaguchi K, Ohya Y, Maekawa M, Iizuka T, Hasegawa A, Shiragaki K, He H, Oda M, Morikawa T, Yokoi S and Tezuka T

    Sceitific Reports   11   2021

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Phylogenetic Analysis and Molecular Diversity of Capsicum Based on rDNA-ITS Region Reviewed

    Kumpei Shiragaki, Shuji Yokoi, Takahiro Tezuka

    Horticulturae   6 ( 4 )   87 - 87   2020.11( eISSN:2311-7524

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    The genus Capsicum is comprised of 5 domesticated and more than 30 wild species. The region of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (rDNA-ITS) has widely been used for species identification, but has rarely been used in Capsicum. In this study, the evaluation of genetic diversity and a phylogenetic analysis were conducted using rDNA-ITS of 28 Capsicum accessions, including five domesticated and two wild species. We surveyed six conventional keys of domesticated species and another five traits in Capsicum accessions. Specific morphological characteristics were found in C. annuum, C. baccatum, and C.pubescens. Three subclones of each accession were sequenced, and rDNA-ITS polymorphisms were detected in all accessions excluding C. annuum, suggesting that incomplete concerted evolution occurred in rDNA-ITS of Capsicum. The genetic diversity was evaluated using nucleotide polymorphism and diversity. C. annuum had the lowest genetic diversity of all species in this study. The phylogenetic tree formed a species-specific clade for C. annuum, C. baccatum, and C. pubescens. The C. chinense clade existed in the C. frutescens clade, implying that it was a cultivated variant of C. frutescens. C. chacoense likely belonged to the C. baccatum complex according to its morphologic and genetic features. This study indicated that the rDNA-ITS region can be used for simple identification of domesticated Capsicum species.

    DOI: 10.3390/horticultura

  • A hypersensitive response-like reaction is involved in hybrid weakness in F<inf>1</inf> plants of the cross capsicum annuum × capsicum Chinense Reviewed

    Shiragaki, K., Yokoi, S., Tezuka, T.

    Breeding Science   70 ( 4 )   430 - 437   2020( ISSN:1344-7610 ( eISSN:1347-3735

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Hybrid weakness in Capsicum is characterized by the termination of leaf differentiation after the development of several leaves. F1 plants in some crosses between Capsicum annuum and Capsicum chinense show weakness; this phenomenon has not been investigated in detail since first reported. In the present study, we characterized morphologically and physiologically hybrid weakness in Capsicum. F1 plants did not show weaker growth than their parents 20 days after germination (DAG), but at 40 DAG, the hybrid weakness phenotype was evidenced by almost complete arrest of new leaf formation, delayed increase in plant height, and reduced upper internode length. The shoot apical meristem (SAM) of F1 plants exhibited delayed development and an abnormal structure characterized by a flat shape and the presence of fuzzy cell layers on the surface. These abnormal SAMs of F1 plants may lead to dwarfism. Dead cells and accumulation of H2O2 were visually detected in leaves of F1 plants, and cell death was considered to be programmed, as it was accompanied by internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA. The expression of immunity marker genes PR1 and PR2 was upregulated in leaves of F1 plants. These results suggest that a hypersensitive response-like reaction is involved in Capsicum hybrid weakness.

    DOI: 10.1270/jsbbs.19137


  • A high maternal genome excess causes severe seed abortion leading to ovary abscission in Nicotiana interploidy-interspecific crosses Reviewed

    He, H., Yokoi, S., Tezuka, T.

    Plant Direct   4 ( 8 )   e00257   2020( ISSN:2475-4455 ( eISSN:2475-4455

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Seed abortion and ovary abscission, two types of postzygotic reproductive barriers, are often observed in interspecific and/or interploidy crosses in plants. However, the mechanisms underlying these reproductive barriers remain unclear. Here, we show that the distinct types of seed developmental abnormalities (type I and type II seed abortion) occur in a phased manner as maternal to paternal genome dosage increases and that type II seed abortion is followed by ovary abscission. We revealed that these two types of seed developmental abnormalities are observed during seed development in the interploidy-interspecific crosses of Nicotiana suaveolens and N. tabacum. Moreover, in the cross showing type II seed abortion, several events, such as changes in abscission-related gene expression and lignin deposition, occurred in the ovary abscission zone, eventually leading to ovary abscission. Notably, successive increases in maternal ploidy using ploidy manipulated lines resulted in successive type I and type II seed abortions, and the latter was accompanied by ovary abscission. Conversely, both types of seed abortion and ovary abscission could be overcome with a ploidy manipulation technique that balances parental ploidy levels. We thus concluded that a high maternal genome excess cross may cause severe seed developmental defects and ovary abscission. Based on our findings, we propose a model explaining the abortion phenomena, where an interaction between the promotive and inhibitive effects of the parental genomes determines the developmental destiny of seeds. Significance statement: We demonstrate that a stepwise increase in maternal ploidy results in a stepwise increase in seed abortion severity, leading to ovary abscission in plants. We propose a model explaining the abortion phenomena, where an interaction between the promotive and inhibitive effects of the parental genomes determines the developmental destiny of seeds.

    DOI: 10.1002/pld3.257


  • Morphological changes during juvenile-to-adult phase transition in sorghum. Reviewed

    Hashimoto S, Tezuka T and Yokoi S

    Planta   2019

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Nicotiana suaveolens accessions with different ploidy levels exhibit different reproductive isolation mechanisms in interspecific crosses with Nicotiana tabacum. Reviewed

    He H, Iizuka T, Maekawa M, Sadahisa K, Morikawa T, Yanase M, Yokoi S, Oda M, Tezuka T

    Journal of Plant Research   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Transgenerational effect of maternal growth environment on flowering date in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Reviewed

    Koumoto T, Aoki N, Shiga S, Yokoi S and Shimono H

    Environmental and Experimental Botany   2018

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • QTL-seq analysis identifies two genomic regions determining the heading date of foxtail millet (Setaria italic (L.) P. Beauv.) Reviewed

    4. Yoshitsu Y, Takakusagi M, Abe A, Takagi H, Uemura A, Yaegashi H, Terauchi R, Takahata Y, Hatakeyama K and Yokoi S

    Breeding Science   2017

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Development of late-bolting F1 hybrids of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) allowing early spring cultivation without heating. Reviewed

    Kitamoto N, Nishikawa K, Tanimura Y, Urushibara S, Matsuura T, Yokoi S, Takahata Y and Yui S

    Euphytica 雑誌   2017

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • The transition time from the juvenile phase to the adult phase differs in soybean cultivars ‘Enrei’ and ‘Peking’. Reviewed

    Ozawa S, Hatakeyama K, Takahata Y and Yokoi S

    Plant Breeding 雑誌   2017

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • A comparative in vitro study of salt tolerance in cultivated tomato and related wild species. Reviewed

    Zaki HEM and Yokoi S

    Plant Biotechnology 雑誌   33   361 - 372   2016.12

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Identification of loci associated with embryo yield in microspore culture of Brassica rapa by segregation distortion analysis. Reviewed

    Kitashiba H, Taguchi K, Kaneko I, Inaba K, Yokoi S, Takahata Y and Nishio T

    Plant Cell Reports 雑誌   2016

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Effects of salt and low light intensity during the vegetative stage on susceptibility of rice to male sterility induced by chilling stress during the reproductive stage. Reviewed

    Koumoto T, Saito N, Aoki N, Iwasaki T, Kawai S, Yokoi S and Shimono H

    Plant Production Science 雑誌   2016

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Combining mapping of physiological quantitative trait loci and transcriptome for cold tolerance for counteracting male sterility induced by low temperatures during reproductive stage in rice. Reviewed

    Shimono H, Abe A, Aoki N, Koumoto T, Sato M, Yokoi S, Kuroda E, Endo T, Saeki K-I and Nagano K

    Physiologia Plantarum 雑誌   2016

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Genetic divergence of turnip (Brassica rapa L. em. Metzg. Subsp. rapa) inferred from simple sequence repeats in chloroplast and nuclear genomes and morphology. Reviewed

    Takahashi Y, Yokoi S and Takahata Y

    Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 雑誌   2016

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • A naturally occurring long insertion in the first intron in the Brassica rapa FLC2 gene causes delayed bolting. Reviewed

    Kitamoto N, Yui S, Nishikawa K, Takahata Y and Yokoi S

    Euphytica 雑誌   196   213 - 223   2014

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Draft Sequences of the Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Genome. Reviewed

    Kitashiba H, Li F, Hirakawa H, Kawanabe T, Zou Z, Hasegawa Y, Tonosaki K, Shirasawa S, Fukushima A, Yokoi S, Takahata Y, Kakizaki T, Ishida M, Okamoto S, Sakamoto K, Shirasawa K, Tabata S, and Nishio T

    DNA Research 雑誌   21   481 - 490   2014

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Efficient haploid and doubled haploid production from unfertilized ovule culture of gentians (Gentiana spp.) Reviewed

    Doi H, Hoshi N, Yamada E, Yokoi S, Nishihara M, Hikage T and Takahata Y

    Breeding Science 雑誌   63   400 - 406   2013

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Change of shoot architecture during juvenile-to-adult phase transition in soybean. Reviewed

    Yoshikawa T, Ozawa S, Sentoku N, Itoh J-I, Nagato Y and Yokoi S

    Planta 雑誌   238   229 - 237   2013

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Effects of genotypes and culture conditions on microspore embryogenesis and plant regeneration in several subspecies of Brassica rapa L. Reviewed

    Takahashi Y, Yokoi S and Takahata Y

    Plant Biotechnology Reports 雑誌   6   297 - 304   2012

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Analysis of the morphological and anatomical characteristics of roots in three radish (Raphanus sativus) cultivars that differ in root shape. Reviewed

    Zaki HEM, Takahata Y and Yokoi S

    Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 雑誌   87   172 - 178   2012

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Phytochrome B regulates Heading date 1 (Hd1)-mediated expression of rice florigen Hd3a and critical day length in rice. Reviewed

    Ishikawa R, Aoki M, Kurotani K-I, Yokoi S, Shinomura T, Takano M and Shimamoto K

    Molecular Genetic and Genomics 雑誌   285   461 - 470   2011

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Gynogenesis in gentians (Gentiana triflora, G. scabra). Reviewed

    Doi H, Yokoi S, Hikage T, Nishihara M, Tsutsumi, K and Takahata Y

    Plant Cell Reports 雑誌   30   1099 - 1106   2011

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Improvement of microspore culture method for multiple samples in Brassica. Reviewed

    Takahashi Y, Yokoi S and Takahata Y

    Breeding Science 雑誌   61   96 - 98   2011

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Genetic variation of storage compounds and seed weight in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) germplasm. Reviewed

    Kennedy Y, Yokoi S, Sato T, Daimon H, Nishida I and Takahata Y

    Breeding Science 雑誌   61   311 - 315   2011

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Identification of genes related to root shape in radish (Raphanus stativus) using suppression subtractive hybridization. Reviewed

    Zaki HEM, Yokoi S and Takahata Y

    Breeding Science 雑誌   60   130 - 138   2010

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Genotypic variation of volatile compounds from flowers of gentians. Reviewed

    Lee J, Sugawara E, Yokoi S and Takahata Y

    Breeding Science 雑誌   60   9 - 17   2010

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Arabidopsis EMBRYOMAKER encoding an AP2 domain transcription factor plays a key role in developmental change from vegetative to embryonic phase. Reviewed

    Tsuwamoto R, Yokoi S and Takahata Y

    Plant Molecular Biology 雑誌   73   481 - 492   2010

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Variations in Hd1 proteins, Hd3a promoters, and Ehd1 expression levels contribute to diversity of flowering time in cultivated rice. Reviewed

    Takahashi Y, Terashima KM, Yokoi S, Innan H and Shimamoto K

    Proceeding of National Academic Science USA 雑誌   106   4555 - 4560   2009

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • A gene network for long day flowering activates RFT1 encoding a mobile flowering signal in rice. Reviewed

    Komiya R, Yokoi S and Shimamoto K

    Development 雑誌   136   3443 - 3450   2009

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Hd3a and RFT are essential for flowering in rice. Reviewed

    Komiya R, Ikegami A, Tamaki S, Yokoi S and Shimamoto K

    Development 雑誌   135   767 - 774   2008

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Identification of dynamin as an interactor of rice GIGANTEA by tandem-affinity purification (TAP). Reviewed

    Abe M, Fujiwara M, Kurotani K-I, Yokoi S and Shimamoto K

    Plant Cell Physiology 雑誌   49   420 - 432   2008

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Hd3a protein is a mobile flowering signal in rice. Reviewed

    Tamaki S, Matsuo S, Wong LH, Yokoi S and Shimamoto K

    Science 雑誌   316   1033 - 1036   2007

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 温故知新:光中断実験から光周性による開花の分子機構に迫る

    石川 亮・横井 修司・島本 功

    蛋白質核酸酵素 雑誌   51   933 - 942   2006

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 光周性による開花の制御

    横井 修司・島本 功

    学術月報 雑誌   58   32 - 36   2005

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • The photoperiodic control of flowering in rice, a short-day plant.

    Shimamoto K and Yokoi S

    Light Sensing in Plants 著書   339 - 346   2005

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • The Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 controls phosphate deficiency responses. Reviewed

    Miura K, Rus A, Sharkhuu A, Yokoi S, Karthikeyan SA, Raghothama KG, Baek D, Koo YD, Jin JB, Bressan RA, Yun D-J, and Hasegawa PM

    Proceeding of National Academic Science USA 雑誌   102   7760 - 7765   2005

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Suppression of the floral activator gene Hd3a is the principal cause of the night-break effect in rice. Reviewed

    Ishikawa R, Tamaki S, Yokoi S, Inagaki N, Shinomura T, Takano M, and Shimamoto K

    Plant Cell 雑誌   17   3326 - 3336   2005

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 日長による植物の開花制御

    横井 修司・島本 功

    蛋白質核酸酵素 雑誌   49   28 - 35   2004

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Differential regulation of plasma membrane aquaporin transcripts in Arabidopsis in response to environmental stress: Proposed roles for aquaporins in regulating plant water balance. Reviewed

    Quist TM, Yokoi S, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM and Joly RJ

    Recent Res. Devel. Biochem. 雑誌   5   19 - 29   2004

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Adaptation of photoperiodic control pathways produces short-day flowering in rice. Reviewed

    Hayama R, Yokoi S, Tamaki S, Yano M and Shimamoto K

    Nature 雑誌   422   719 - 722   2003

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Assessment of utility of meiosis-associated promoters of lily for induction of germinal Ds transposition in transgenic rice. Reviewed

    Morita R, Hattori Y, Yokoi S, Takase H, Minami M, Hiratsuka K and Toriyama K

    Plant Cell Physiology 雑誌   44   637 - 642   2003

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Salt stress tolerance of plants. Reviewed

    Yokoi S, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM

    JIRCAS Working Report 雑誌   25 - 33   2002

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth, and development. Reviewed

    Koiwa H, Barb AW, Xiong L, Li F, McCully MG, Lee BH, Sokolchik I, Zhu J, Gong Z, Reddy M, Sharkhuu A, Manabe Y, Yokoi S, Zhu JK, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM

    Proceeding National Academic Science USA 雑誌   99   10893 - 10898   2002

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Differential expression and function of Arabidopsis thaliana NHX Na+/H+ antiporters in the salt stress response. Reviewed

    Yokoi S, Quintero FJ, Cubero B, Ruiz T, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM and Pardo JM

    Plant Journal 雑誌   30   529 - 539   2002

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • AtHKT1 is a salt tolerance determinant that controls Na+ entry into plant roots. Reviewed

    Rus A, Yokoi S, Sharkhuu A, Reddy M, Lee B-H, Matsumoto TK, Koiwa H, Zhu J-K, Bressan RA and Hasegawa PM

    Proceeding National Academic Science USA 雑誌   98   14150 - 14155   2001

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Compatibility of glycinebetaine in rice plants: evaluation using transgenic rice plants with a gene for peroxisomal betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase from barley. Reviewed

    Kishitani S, Takanami T, Suzuki M, Oikawa M, Yokoi S, Ishitani M, Alvarez-Nakase AM, Takabe T and Takabe T

    Plant, Cell and Environment 雑誌   23   107 - 114   2000

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.). Reviewed

    Yokoi S and Toriyama K

    Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 著書   46   3 - 13   1999

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • 脂肪酸組成改変による耐冷性イネ作出へのアプローチ ホスファチジルグリセロールの不飽和度の高さが鍵

    横井 修司

    化学と生物 雑誌   37   573 - 575   1999

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    Kind of work:Single Work  

  • 遺伝子工学的手法による作物へのストレス耐性付与の可能性 Reviewed

    岸谷 幸枝・横井 修司

    育種学研究 雑誌   1   83 - 90   1999

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Introduction of the cDNA for Arabidopsis glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) confers unsaturation of fatty acids and chilling tolerance of photosynthesis on rice. Reviewed

    Yokoi S, Higashi S, Kishitani S, Murata N and Toriyama K

    Molecular Breeding 雑誌   4   269 - 275   1998

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Tapetum-specific expression of the Osg6B promoter-ß-glucuronidase gene in transgenic rice. Reviewed

    Yokoi S, Tsuchiya T, Toriyama K and Hinata K

    Plant Cell Reports 雑誌   16   363 - 367   1997

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • アグロバクテリウムのよる方法

    横井 修司・鳥山 欽哉

    モデル植物の実験プロトコール 著書   1996

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Transgenic plant production mediated by Agrobacterium in Indica rice. Reviewed

    Rashid H, Yokoi S, Toriyama K and Hinata K

    Plant Cell Reports 雑誌   15   727 - 730   1996

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • イネにおけるアグロバクテリウムを用いた形質転換植物の作出法 Reviewed

    横井 修司・鳥山 欽哉・日向 康吉

    植物組織培養 雑誌   13   81 - 84   1996

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 植物育種学 第5版

    西尾, 剛, 貴島, 祐治, 安井, 秀, 吉村, 淳, 奥本, 裕, 辻本, 壽, 久保山, 勉, 大澤, 良, 横井, 修司, 北柴, 大泰, 加藤, 鎌司, 畠山, 勝徳, 矢野, 昌裕, 中園, 幹生, 岡崎, 桂一, 穴井, 豊昭( Role: Joint author)

    文永堂出版  2021.09  ( ISBN:9784830041433

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    Total pages:xv, 322p  

    CiNii Books


  • Deletion of the chromosomal region containing the hybrid lethality gene HLA1 in spontaneous viable hybrids from the cross Nicotiana amplexicaulis × N. tabacum

    永井翔大, 松本果歩, 川口謙二, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究   25   2023( ISSN:1344-7629

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  • Search for the origin of the HLA1 gene causing hybrid lethality in interspecific hybrids of tobacco species

    西出七虹, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究   25   2023( ISSN:1344-7629

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  • Genetic analysis of hybrid seed lethality and ovary abscission in interspecific-interploidy crosses in Nicotiana

    木田茉奈美, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究   25   2023( ISSN:1344-7629

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  • Haplotype analysis of the region surrounding HLA1, a gene causing hybrid lethality in interspecific hybrids of Nicotiana

    永井翔大, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究   24   2022( ISSN:1344-7629

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  • 生食にも利用可能な極晩抽性ハクサイ品種「いとさい1号」

    由比進, 由比進, 北本尚子, 西川和裕, 塚崎光, 本城正憲, 奥聡史, 片岡園, 森玉陽介, 谷村佳則, 高畑義人, 横井修司, 畠山勝徳, 和崎俊文, 高橋極, 漆原昌二, 松浦拓也, 川戸善徳

    東北農業研究成果情報(Web)   2021   2021

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  • Genes for bolting and flowering. Reviewed

    Kitashiba H and Yokoi S

    The Radish Genome   2017

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▼display all


  • Genetic analysis of hybrid seed lethality and ovary abscission in interspecific-interploidy crosses in Nicotiana

    木田茉奈美, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2023 

  • Deletion of the chromosomal region containing the hybrid lethality gene HLA1 in spontaneous viable hybrids from the cross Nicotiana amplexicaulis × N. tabacum

    永井翔大, 松本果歩, 川口謙二, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2023 

  • Search for the origin of the HLA1 gene causing hybrid lethality in interspecific hybrids of tobacco species

    西出七虹, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2023 

  • Haplotype analysis of the region surrounding HLA1, a gene causing hybrid lethality in interspecific hybrids of Nicotiana

    永井翔大, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2022 

  • トウガラシ属種間交雑で生じる雑種弱勢の温度感受性および糖蓄積

    白柿 薫平・横井 修司・手塚 孝弘

    第138回日本育種学会  2020.10 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • トウガラシ雑種弱勢における系統地理学的解析 Domestic conference

    白柿 薫平・横井 修司・手塚 孝弘

    第22回日本進化学会  2020.09 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • トウガラシ属種間交雑で生じる雑種弱勢の表現型解析 Domestic conference

    白柿 薫平・横井 修司・手塚 孝弘

    第137回日本育種学会  2020.09 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • トウガラシ栽培種におけるSSRマーカーを用いた系統解析および雑種弱勢原因遺伝子の分布の調査 Domestic conference

    立田 智輝・横井 修司・手塚 孝弘

    第137回日本育種学会  2020.03  日本育種学会

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • トウガラシ属種間交雑で生じる雑種弱勢の表現型解析 Domestic conference

    白柿 薫平・横井 修司・手塚 孝弘

    第137回日本育種学会  2020.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Phylogenetic analysis of eight accessions of Nicotiana suaveolens using chloroplast DNA

    定久公美, HE H., 横井修二, 横井修二, 横井修二, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2020 

  • Phylogeographic analysis of hybrid weakness in Capsicum

    白柿薫平, 横井修司, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    日本進化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集(Web)  2020 

  • Analysis of juvenile-to-adult phase transition factors using rice core collection

    山本真璃, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘, 横井修司, 横井修司, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2020 

  • Exploration of candidate factors that regulate γ-oryzanol content in rice seeds

    船越孝之, 桧原健一郎, 小川拓水, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘, 太田大策, 太田大策, 横井修司, 横井修司, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2020 

  • Temperature sensitivity and sugar accumulation in hybrid weakness in the cross between Capsicum annuum and C. chinense

    白柿薫平, 古川一, 古川一, 横井修司, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2020 

  • Phenotypic analysis of hybrid weakness in the cross between Capsicum annuum and C. chinense

    白柿薫平, 横井修司, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2020 

  • Phylogenetic analysis using SSR markers and investigation of the distribution of hybrid weakness genes in cultivated pepper species

    立田智輝, 横井修司, 横井修司, 横井修司, 手塚孝弘, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2020 

  • ソルガムにおけるjuvenile‐to‐adult相転換について

    橋本舜平, 手塚孝弘, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2019.03 

  • イネコアコレクションを用いた種子中のγ‐オリザノール含量を規定する因子の探索

    船越孝之, 小川拓水, 手塚孝弘, 太田大策, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2019.03 

  • タバコ種間交雑における子房落下現象には母親の過剰な高次倍数性および種子発育不全が関与する

    HE H., 横井修司, 手塚孝弘

    育種学研究  2019 

  • イネコアコレクションを用いたγ-オリザノール含量に相関のある因子の形態学的・分子遺伝学的解析

    船越孝之, 小川拓水, 手塚孝弘, 太田大策, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2019 

  • イネコアコレクションを用いた種子中のγ-オリザノール含量を規定する因子の探索

    船越孝之, 小川拓水, 手塚孝弘, 太田大策, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2019 

  • ソルガムにおけるjuvenile-to-adult相転換について

    橋本舜平, 手塚孝弘, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2019 

  • イネ花成の短日反応-気温・水温制御実験から分かる気温の作用-

    岡田益己, 吉津祐貴, 武氣壮平, 横井修司

    日本農業気象学会全国大会講演要旨/Proceedings of International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology  2017 

  • Genes for bolting and flowering Invited

    Hiroyasu Kitashiba, Shuji Yokoi

    The Radish Genome  2017 

  • イネ極晩生変異体t-65lateの原因遺伝子の探索と分子学的解析

    吉津祐貴, 一谷勝之, 畠山勝徳, 高畑義人, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2017 

  • ダイズのJuvenile-Adult相転換は日長感応性によって制御されている

    小澤傑, 高畑義人, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2016 

  • ダイズにおけるJuvenile-Adult相転換期の多様性

    小澤傑, 高畑義人, 横井修司

    育種学研究  2015 

  • ダイズのJuvenile-Adult相転換を制御する因子の解析

    小澤傑, 高畑義人, 横井修司

    日本植物細胞分子生物学会大会・シンポジウム講演要旨集  2014 

  • Cuphea leptopodaのacyl-ACP thioesterase(Cle-FatB)遺伝子導入によるナタネ(Brassica napus)の脂肪酸組成の改変

    西田真人, 柿崎裕子, 土井寿子, 秋山仁美, 横井修司, 高畑義人

    育種学研究  2014 

  • Role of phytochrome on the photoperiodic control of flowering in rice

    Ryo Ishikawa, Mayumi Aoki, Ken-ichi Kurotani, Hisayo Shimizu, Shuji Yokoi, Noritoshi Inagaki, Tomoko Shinomura, Makoto Takano, Ko Shimamoto


  • Characterization of Hd3a in rice

    Shojiro Tamaki, Shoichi Matuo, Hann Ling Wong, Shuji Yokoi, Ko Shimamoto


  • Analysis of the molecular mechanism generating diversity in flowering time in rice

    Yasuyuki Takahashi, Shuji Yokoi, Ko Shimamoto


  • ~温故知新~ 光中断の実験から植物の光周性による開花の分子機構に迫る Invited

    ISHIKAWA RYO, 横井 修司, 島本 功

    蛋白質 核酸 酵素  2006 

  • Natural variation in expression of flowering time genes in rice

    Y Takahashi, R Ishikawa, S Yokoi, K Shimamoto


  • Expression analysis of Hd3a-like gene family in flower induction of rice.

    R Komiya, A Ikegami, S Yokoi, K Shimamoto


  • The Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 controls phosphate deficiency responses (vol 102, pg 7760, 2005)

    K Miura, A Rus, A Sharkhuu, S Yokoi, AS Karthikeyan, KG Raghothama, D Back, YD Koo, JB Jin, RA Bressan, DJ Yun, PM Hasegawa


  • 分子遺伝学的な方法論での探索-短日植物イネでの研究例

    島本功, 玉置祥二郎, 小宮怜奈, 松尾祥一, 石川亮, 池田美香, 阿部誠, 黒谷賢一, 横井修司

    日本植物生理学会年会要旨集  2005 

  • Expression and functional analysis of Hd3a-like gene family in flower induction

    R Komiya, A Ikegami, S Yokoi, K Shimamoto


  • Expression pattern and function of Hd3a in rice

    S Tamaki, S Matsuo, M Abe, S Yokoi, M Yano, K Shimamoto


  • Molecular genetic approach for the search of florigen; Rice as an example

    K Shimamoto, S Tamaki, R Komiya, S Matsuo, R Ishikawa, M Ikeda, M Abe, K Kurotani, S Yokoi


  • Role of phytochrome on rice night break

    R Ishikawa, Y Takahashi, T Ishizuka, S Yokoi, N Inagaki, T Shinomura, M Takano, K Shimamoto


  • Role of OsMADS50/OsSOC1 in the photoperiodic regulation of flowering in rice

    S Yokoi, S Lee, G An, K Shimamoto


  • Molecular effects of night break in the photoperiodic control of flowering in rice

    R Ishikawa, S Yokoi, K Shimamoto


  • Regulation of Hd3a (rice FT homolog) expression during the photoperiodic regulation of rice

    S Tamaki, M Abe, S Yokoi, M Yano, K Shimamoto


▼display all

Industrial Property Rights

  • いとさい1号(ハクサイ)

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    Application no:特願第35753号 

  • いとさい1号

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    Application no:第35753号 

Collaborative research (seeds) keywords

  • イネの形質転換

  • 品種の同定

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 植物の開花・ストレス応答経路のクロストークの解明と育種への応用


Incentive donations / subsidies

  • 高機能性とエネルギー資源性を持つ植物を用いたSDGs駆動型都市農業の提案

    大阪府信用農業協同組合連合会  令和4年度産学連携研究支援事業  2022.04

Outline of education staff

  • 植物育種学という作物の新しい品種を作るための学問を教育します。新しい作物を作るための基盤となる技術や方法を理解し,将来の世の中の求めるものを予想して作物を作ることを考えられるような学生を輩出します。

Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 農学概論

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 植物育種学

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • バイオエコノミー論

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 応用生物科学概論

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • フィールド実習A

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 遺伝学

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 植物生理学

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 応用生物科学特論

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学研究実験2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学研究実験1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学ゼミナール2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学ゼミナール1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学特別研究実験3A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学特別研究実験2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学特別研究実験1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 植物系統分類学

    2024   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • Plant Breeding

    2022   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • Invitation to Plant Biosciences


  • Exercise in International Food Circulation

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Research program in Plant Bioscience


  • Special Practice in Plant Bioscience

    2021   Weekly class  

  • Plant Systematics and Evolution

    2021   Weekly class  

  • First Year Seminar

    2021   Weekly class  

  • Topics in Plant Breeding and Propagation

    2021   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • Laboratory : Basic Plant Breeding and Pathology

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Introduction to Life, Environment, and Advanced Sciences

    2021     Undergraduate

  • Field Exercise for Plant Bioscience Research A

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Field Exercise for Plant Bioscience Research B

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Plant Breeding

    2021   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • Reviews for Applied Life Sciences

    2021   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • First Year Seminar

    2021   Weekly class  

▼display all

Charge of off-campus class subject

  • 農学概論


  • Plant Physiology

    Institution:Osaka Metropolitan University

  • 植物系統分類学


  • Plant Breeding

    Institution:Osaka Metropolitan University

Faculty development activities

  • 2021

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    植物育種学 第5版 西尾 剛 / 貴島祐治 / 安井 秀 / 吉村 淳 /奥本 裕 / 辻本 壽 / 久保山勉 / 大澤 良 /横井修司 / 北柴大泰 / 加藤鎌司 / 畠山勝徳 /矢野昌裕 / 中園幹生 / 岡崎桂一 / 穴井豊昭 文永堂

Number of instructed thesis, researches

  • 2022

    Number of instructed the graduation thesis:Number of graduation thesis reviews:2

    [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1

    [Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):5

    [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):1

Social Activities ⇒ Link to the list of Social Activities

  • Regenerative Urban Farming インプットトーク

    Role(s): Panelist, Lecturer, Logistic support

    Type: Seminar, workshop

    大阪公立大学,都市活力研究所,SANDRED  リジェネラティブアーバンファーミングワークショップ Vol.2  2023.07

  • SDGs駆動型の都市農業

    Role(s): Panelist, Lecturer, Logistic support

    Type: Seminar, workshop

    大阪公立大学,都市活力研究所,SANDRED  リジェネラティブアーバンファーミングワークショップ Vol.1  2023.03

  • 大阪公立大学が挑戦する都市農業

    Role(s): Commentator, Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    大阪公立大学・KSII  大阪公立大学・KSII共同主催セミナー「農学×情報学」  2023.01

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    Number of participants:150(人)

  • 関西6大学発 農業系研究シーズ/共同研究/ベンチャーの現状と未来 シリーズ2日目「持続可能な生産体制」 都市活力研究所&京大オリジナル企画・主催シンポジウム

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    都市活力研究所&京大オリジナル  関西6大学発 農業系研究シーズ/共同研究/ベンチャーの現状と未来 シリーズ2日目「持続可能な生産体制」 都市活力研究所&京大オリジナル企画・主催シンポジウム  2023.01

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    Number of participants:40(人)

  • SDGs駆動型都市農業への挑戦

    Role(s): Lecturer, Official expert, Logistic support

    Type: Seminar, workshop

    都市活力研究所&京大オリジナル  関西6大学発 農業系研究シーズ/共同研究/ベンチャーの現状と未来 シリーズ2日目「持続可能な生産体制」  2022.12

  • 関西広域連合 令和4年度「政策形成能力研修」

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: University open house, Cooperation business with The administrative, educational institutions, etc.

    関西広域連合  令和4年度「政策形成能力研修」  2022.11 - 2023.01

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    Number of participants:40(人)

  • 大阪公立大学が挑戦するSDGs駆動型都市農業

    Role(s): Lecturer, Official expert

    Type: Seminar, workshop

    関西広域連合  関西広域連合政策形成能力研修  2022.11

  • 遺伝子のヒミツ」〜体験!植物からDNAをとってみよう〜

    Role(s): Lecturer, Official expert, Logistic support, Performer

    Type: Visiting lecture

    堺市教育委員会  堺市南区政策会議連携事業  2022.10

  • SDGs駆動型の都市農業への挑戦 ~農業の技術革新がSDGsに果たす役割~

    Role(s): Lecturer, Official expert

    Type: Lecture

    大阪商工会議所食料部会  大阪商工会議所食料部会勉強会  2022.10

  • 都市農業構想と食品ロス

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: University open house, Cooperation business with The administrative, educational institutions, etc.

    GEF産学共創パートナーシップ  GEF産学共創パートナーシップ2022年度第2回研究会  2022.10

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    Number of participants:40(人)

  • 都市農業構想と食品ロス

    Role(s): Guest

    Type: Seminar, workshop

    京大オリジナル  GEF産学共創パートナーシップ2022年度第2回研究会  2022.10

  • SDGs駆動型の都市農業への挑戦

    Role(s): Guest, Panelist, Planner, Logistic support

    Type: Citizen’s meeting/Assembly

    植物バイオテクノロジー学会  第39回植物バイオテクノロジー学会市民シンポジウム  2022.09

  • 都市農業

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Lecture

    大阪商工会議所×大阪公立大学  大阪商工会議所×大阪公立大学 包括連携協定記念シンポジウム「産学連携で実現する人間中心社会のデザイン」   2022.08

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    Number of participants:100(人)

  • 都市農業

    Role(s): Guest

    大阪商工会議所,大阪公立大学  大阪商工会議所×大阪公立大学 包括連携協定記念シンポジウム  2022.08

  • 大阪公立大学が挑戦するSDGs駆動型都市農業

    Role(s): Panelist, Official expert, Planner, Logistic support

    Type: Citizen’s meeting/Assembly

    大阪公立大学農学研究科  農学のバイオエコノミーへの貢献  2022.03

  • 大阪公立大学が挑戦するSDGs駆動型都市農業

    Role(s): Lecturer, Official expert

    Type: Seminar, workshop

    大阪府立大学  2021年度大阪府立大学公開講座「消費者力育成セミナー」  2021.11

  • 地域連携講座 消費者力育成セミナー

    Role(s): Lecturer

    Type: Seminar, workshop

    2021.04 - 2022.03

  • 第7回近畿サイエンスデイ

    2019.04 - 2020.03

  • 国際植物の日協賛イベント 「植を探る」

    2016.04 - 2017.03

▼display all

Media Coverage

  • 「農を耕す」第5回 スマート農業 Newspaper, magazine

    読売新聞  関西版  2022.11

  • いとさい1号 コメント Newspaper, magazine

    朝日新聞  関西版コメント  2022.06

  • トウモロコシの粒はなぜ偶数? TV or radio program

    関西テレビ  やすとも・友近のきめつけ!  コメント  2022.06

  • 日経SDGs Internet

    日経  2021.12

  • 新設大学・学部紹介 Newspaper, magazine

    読売新聞  関西版  2021.10

Visiting Lectures ⇒ Link to the list of Visiting Lectures

  • 持続可能な都市農業(Regenerative Urban Farming)

    Category:Agricultural science (applied biology, biofunctional chemistry, green space environmental science)

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    Audience:Schoolchildren, Junior high school students, High school students, College students, Graduate students, Teachers, Guardians, Researchers, General, Scientific organization, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency, Media

  • 植物の環境を受容する能力

    Category:Agricultural science (applied biology, biofunctional chemistry, green space environmental science)

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    Audience:Schoolchildren, Junior high school students, High school students, College students, Teachers, Researchers, General, Company, Civic organization

Academic Activities

  • SDGs駆動型の都市農業への挑戦

    Role(s): Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    植物バイオテクノロジー学会  2022.09

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    Type:Academic society, research group, etc. 

  • 「これからの都市農業と育種」

    Role(s): Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    日本育種学会  2021.09

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

Job title

  • Job title within the department

    School of Agriculture 附属教育研究フィールド 

    フィールド長  2022.04