Updated on 2024/08/29


Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology Professor
School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology
Institute of Agriculture
Contact information


  • Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now

  • School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Biology 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • 博士(農学) ( The University of Tokyo )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Plant nutrition and soil science  / Plant Nutrition, Plant Cell Biology

Research Interests

  • Plant Nutrition

  • Plant Physiology

  • Cell Biology

Research subject summary

  • 植物栄養素のセンシングとトランスポーターの細胞内局在の分子メカニズム

  • 作物における植物栄養の利用効率や蓄積の向上を目指した研究

Research Career

  • 細胞内生命金属動態を制御する植物の金属センシング機構

    Joint Research in Japan

    2019.07 - 2024.03 

  • 植物栄養輸送体の細胞膜における偏在の分子基盤

    Joint Research in Japan

    2019.04 - 2023.03 

  • 植物ホウ酸チャネルのER exitを制御するカーゴレセプターの同定


    2016.04 - 2019.03 

  • ホウ酸トランスセプターによるホウ素応答機構


    2014.04 - 2018.03 

Professional Memberships

  • 日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会

    2021.08 - Now

  • 植物生理学会

    2001 - Now   Domestic

  • 日本土壌肥料学会

    1999 - Now   Domestic

Committee Memberships (off-campus)

  • Monitoring Editor of Plant Physiology   American Society of Plant Biologist  

    2023.01 - Now 


  • 北海道大学研究総長賞

    2016   北海道大学  

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  • 北海道大学研究総長賞

    2012   北海道大学  

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  • 文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞

    2009   文部科学大臣  

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  • 日本土壌肥料学会奨励賞

    2006   日本土壌肥料学会  

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  • 財団法人農学会 農学進歩賞

    2006   財団法人農学会  

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  • 東京大学総長賞

    2004   東京大学  

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Job Career (off-campus)

  • Osaka Prefecture University   Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences

    2016.04 - Now

  • The University of Tokyo   Biotechnology Research Center



  • Rapid Vacuolar Sorting of the Borate Transporter BOR1 Requires the Adaptor Protein Complex AP-4 in Arabidopsis

    Akira Yoshinari, Yutaro Shimizu, Takuya Hosokawa, Akihiko Nakano, Tomohiro Uemura, Junpei Takano

    BioRxiv   2023.12

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    Plants maintain nutrient homeostasis by controlling the activities and abundance of nutrient transporters. InArabidopsis thaliana, the borate (B) transporter BOR1 plays a role in the efficient translocation of B under low-B conditions. BOR1 undergoes polyubiquitination in the presence of sufficient B and is then transported to the vacuole via multivesicular bodies (MVBs) to prevent B accumulation in tissues at a toxic level. A previous study indicated that BOR1 physically interacts with μ subunits of adaptor protein complexes AP-3 and AP-4, both involved in vacuolar sorting pathways. In this study, we investigated the roles of AP-3 and AP-4 subunits in BOR1 trafficking in Arabidopsis. The lack of AP-3 subunits did not affect either vacuolar sorting or polar localization of BOR1-GFP, whereas the absence of AP-4 subunits resulted in a delay in high-B-induced vacuolar sorting without affecting polar localization. Super-resolution microscopy revealed a rapid sorting of BOR1-GFP into AP-4-positive spots in thetrans-Golgi network (TGN) upon high-B supply. These results indicate that AP-4 is involved in sequestration of ubiquitinated BOR1 into a TGN-specific subdomain “vacuolar-trafficking zone,” and is required for efficient sorting to MVB and vacuole. Our findings elucidate the rapid vacuolar sorting process facilitated by AP-4 in plant nutrient transporters.

    Subject areas

    (7) Membrane and transport

    DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.06.570355

  • Understanding the regulatory mechanisms of B transport to develop crop plants with B efficiency and excess B tolerance

    Jothi M.

    Plant and Soil   2023( ISSN:0032079X

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  • Boron-sensing mechanisms involved in boron transport regulation in plants

    Takano J.

    Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science   2023( ISSN:14368730

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  • Casparian strips prevent apoplastic diffusion of boric acid into root steles for excess B tolerance

    Muro K.

    Frontiers in Plant Science   14   988419   2023( ISSN:1664-462X

  • Root response of soybean genotypes to low phosphorus availability from juvenile to adult vegetative stages

    Mai Furuya, Myra Shin, Hiroyuki Masumoto, Shiho Takata, Junpei Takano, Atsushi Matsumura

    Soil Science and Plant Nutrition   68 ( 3 )   361 - 373   2022.05( ISSN:0038-0768

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2021.2022965

  • ホウ素を輸送しつつ感知するトランスセプター Invited Reviewed


    植物の生長調節   56 ( 2 )   117 - 121   2021.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.18978/jscrp.56.2_117

  • GNOM‐dependent endocytosis maintains polar localisation of the borate exporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis Invited Reviewed

    Akira Yoshinari, Yosuke Toda, Junpei Takano

    Biology of the Cell   113 ( 5 )   264 - 269   2021.05( ISSN:0248-4900

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/boc.202000106


    Other URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/boc.202000106

  • 進歩総説:植物のミネラル輸送研究最前線 8. ホウ素の輸送機構 Invited Reviewed


    日本土壌肥料学雑誌   92 ( 2 )   129 - 135   2021.04

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    Other URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/dojo/92/2/92_920209/_article/-char/ja/

    Repository URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10466/00017860

  • Involvement of boron transporter BOR1 in growth under low boron and high nitrate conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana Reviewed

    Qing Wang, Wenna Zhang, Hua Xiao, Naoyuki Sotta, Marcel P. Beier, Junpei Takano, Kyoko Miwa, Lihong Gao, Toru Fujiwara

    Physiologia Plantarum   171 ( 4 )   703 - 713   2021.04( ISSN:0031-9317

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13249


    Other URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/ppl.13249

  • Transport-coupled ubiquitination of the borate transporter BOR1 for its boron-dependent degradation. Reviewed

    Yoshinari A, Hosokawa T, Beier MP, Oshima K, Ogino Y, Hori C, Takasuka TE, Fukao Y, Fujiwara T, Takano J.

    The Plant Cell 雑誌   33 ( 2 )   420 - 438   2021.02

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Analysis of and Intracellular Trafficking of Boric Acid/Borate Transport Proteins in Arabidopsis Invited Reviewed

    Akira Yoshinari, Junpei Takano

    Methods in Molecular Biology   2177   1 - 13   2020( ISSN:1064-3745

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Plants take up inorganic nutrients from the soil by transport proteins located in the plasma membrane of root cells. Boron (B) is an essential element for plant growth; it taken up and translocated by boric acid channels such as NIP5;1 and borate exporters such as BOR1 in Arabidopsis. NIP5;1 and BOR1 are localized to the plasma membrane of various root cells in polar manners toward soil- and stele-side, respectively, for efficient transport of B. In response to elevated B concentration, BOR1 undergoes vacuolar sorting for degradation to avoid accumulation of B to a toxic level in tissues. The polar localization and vacuolar sorting of the transport proteins are regulated through differential mechanisms of endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. In this chapter, we describe methods for quantitative live-cell imaging of GFP-NIP5;1 and BOR1-GFP as markers for the polar and vacuolar trafficking.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0767-1_1


  • Polar Localization of the Borate Exporter BOR1 Requires AP2-Dependent endocytosis. Reviewed

    Akira Yoshinari, Takuya Hosokawa, Taro Amano, Marcel Pascal Beier, Tadashi Kunieda, Tomoo Shimada, Ikuko Hara-Nishimura, Satoshi Naito, Junpei Takano

    Plant Physiology 雑誌   179   1569 - 1580   2019.04

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Nodulin Intrinsic Protein 7;1 is a tapetal boric acid channel involved in pollen cell wall formation.

    Routray P, Li T, Yamasaki A, Yoshinari A, Takano J, Choi WG, Sams CE, and Roberts DM.

    Plant Phyisology 雑誌   178   1269 - 1283   2018.11

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • TOL proteins mediate vacuolar sorting of the borate transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana.

    Akira Yoshinari, Barbara Korbei, Junpei Takano

    Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 雑誌 日本土壌肥料学会   64   598 - 605   2018.08

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Boron-dependent translational suppression of the borate exporter BOR1 contributes to the avoidance of boron toxicity. Reviewed

    Aibara I, Hirai T, Kasai K, Takano J, Onouchi H, Naito S, Fujiwara T, Miwa K

    Plant Physiology 雑誌   177 ( 2 )   759 - 774   2018.06

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Establishment of genetically encoded biosensors for cytosolic boric acid in plant cells Reviewed

    Makiha Fukuda Shinji Wakuta Jio Kamiyo Toru Fujiwara Junpei Takano

    The Plant Journal 雑誌   95 ( 5 )   763 - 774   2018.06

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Boron Uptake Assay in Xenopus laevis Oocytes. Reviewed

    Wang S, Mitani-Ueno N, Takano J

    Bio-protocol 雑誌   8 ( 5 )   2018.05

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Polar localization of the NIP5;1 boric acid channel is maintained by endocytosis and failitates boron transport in Arabidopsis roots. Reviewed

    Wang S, Yoshinari A, Shimada T, Hara-Nishimura I, Mitani-Ueno N, Ma JF, Naito S, Takano J

    Plant Cell 雑誌   29 ( 4 )   824 - 842   2017.04

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • DRP1-dependent endocytosis is essential for polar localization and boron-induced degradation of the borate transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Reviewed

    Yoshinari A, Fujimoto M, Ueda T, Inada N, Naito S, Takano J

    Plant Cell Physiology 雑誌   57 ( 9 )   2016.09

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

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Books and Other Publications

  • 植物におけるメタロイド(ホウ素・ケイ素・ヒ素)の輸送機構 生命金属ダイナミクス (書籍)

    室啓太, 高野順平( Role: Joint author)

    NTS  2021.01 

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    Responsible for pages:69-75  

  • Analysis of endocytosisis and intracellular trafficking of boric acid/borate transporters in Arabidopsis. in Plant Endosomes

    吉成晃、高野順平( Role: Joint author)

    Springer  2020 

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    Responsible for pages:1-13 doi/org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0767-1_1  

  • 肥料の夜明け 肥料・ミネラルと人の健康

    渡辺 和彦, 土屋 浩一郎, 田中 卓二、高野 順平, 倉澤 隆平, 馬 建鋒( Role: Joint author)

    化学工業日報社  2018.09  ( ISBN:978-4-87326-703-6

  • Plant Aquaporin Trafficking, in Plant Aquaporins

    Junpei Takano,Akira Yoshinari,and Doan-Trung Luu( Role: Joint author)

    Springer  2017  ( ISBN:978-3-319-49393-0

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    Responsible for pages:47-81  


  • 進歩総説:植物のミネラル輸送研究最前線 8. ホウ素の輸送機構


    日本土壌肥料学会 日本土壌肥料学会雑誌   92 ( 2 )   120 - 135   2021.04

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  • ホウ酸トランスポーターBOR1によるホウ素輸送とセンシング Domestic conference


    日本植物生理学会神戸大会  2024.03  日本植物生理学会

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    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • シロイヌナズナホウ酸トランスポーターBOR1 のリン酸化/脱リン酸化を介した偏在機構の解明 Domestic conference


    第10回 エンドメンブレンミーティング JANPER2023  2023.12 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Polar localization of a borate transporter AtBOR1 is dependent on phosphorylation and dephosphorylation International conference

    Junpei Takano


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • Boron transport and sensing by a borate transceptor in Arabidopsis Invited International conference

    Junpei Takano

    International Conference on 100 Years of Results on Boron Research  2023.09 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  

  • 野生ダイズのリン利用効率の系統間差 Domestic conference

    高野 順平

    日本土壌肥料学会愛媛大会  2023.09  日本土壌肥料学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シロイヌナズナの過剰ホウ素耐性におけるカスパリー線の役割の解析 Domestic conference


    日本土壌肥料学会愛媛大会  2023.09  日本土壌肥料学

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シロイヌナズナの葯におけるホウ酸トランスポーターBOR4の機能解析 Domestic conference


    日本土壌肥料学会愛媛大会  2023.09 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ホウ酸トランスセプターによる植物のホウ素ホメオスタシス Invited Domestic conference

    第23回日本蛋白質科学会年会 WS6 生命現象を司る金属ホメオスタシスの理解  2023.07  日本蛋白質科学会

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    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • Mechanisms controlling polar localization and boron-dependent degradation of boric acid/borate transport proteins Invited International conference


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • シロイヌナズナのホウ酸輸送体の偏在機構の解明


    植物の栄養研究会 第7回研究交流会  2022.12 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:東京大学 弥生講堂  

  • ホウ酸トランスセプターBOR1によるホウ酸感知と自己制御 Domestic conference


    植物の栄養研究会 第7回研究交流会  2022.12 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京大学 弥生講堂  

  • Boron transport and sensing by a borate transceptor in Arabidopsis Invited International conference

    Junpei Takano

    10th Asian Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference  2022.11 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 植物におけるホウ素の利用とホウ酸トランスセプター Invited Domestic conference


    第95回日本生化学会大会  2022.11 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • Switching Localization of an Arsenite Transporter PcACR3;1 using N-terminal Region of a Boric Acid Channel AtNIP5;1 Domestic conference


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • シロイヌナズナホウ酸輸送体の極性制御機構の解析 Domestic conference


    JANPER・細胞骨格研究会  2022.08 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • BOR1 is a borate transceptor controlling degradation of itself Invited International conference

    Junpei Takano


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:Iguassu, Brazil  

  • AtBOR1 in tapetum cells transports boron to support pollen development International conference

    J. Takano, K. Muro, A. Yoshinari, M. Matsumoto, A. Yamasaki, Y. Tanaka, Y. Ogra

    International Plant Nutrition Colloquium  2022.08 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Iguass, Brazil  

  • KNS3 and its two homologs form a probable cargo-receptor complex, important for ER exit of boric acid channels in Arabidopsis International conference

    ISM-8, The 8th International Symposium on Metallomics  2022.07  International Symposium on Metallomics

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Boron transport and sensing in Arabidopsis Invited International conference

    Junpei Takano

    ISM-8, The 8th International Symposium on Metallomics  2022.07 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • 植物における生命金属の輸送とセンシング機構 Domestic conference


    第一回生命金属科学シンポジウム  2022.05  新領域研究 生命金属科学

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    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • ホウ酸トランスセプターAtBOR1による基質輸送とホウ酸センシングの仕組み Domestic conference


    第一回生命金属科学シンポジウム  2022.05  新学術領域 生命金属科学

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • シロイヌナズナにおけるZIPおよびMTPトランスポーターファミリーの局在解析 Domestic conference


    日本土壌肥料学会 東京大会  2022.05 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • シロイヌナズナの高ホウ素耐性にカスパリー帯が果たす役割の解析 Domestic conference

    室 啓太、神代滋央、高野順平

    日本植物生理学会 大会  2022.03  日本植物生理学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シロイヌナズナホウ酸輸送チャネルの小胞体からの輸送にはカーゴレセプター候補タンパク質 KNS3 とそのホモログが重要である Domestic conference


    日本植物生理学会 大会  2022.03  日本植物生理学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ホウ酸トランスポーター BOR1 のリン酸化/脱リン酸化を介した偏在制御機構の解析 Domestic conference


    日本植物生理学会 仙台大会  2022.03 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  • A borate transceptor that senses the B concentration and promotes its own degradation Invited International conference

    Junpei Takano

    2021.12  Huazhong Agricultural University

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • ホウ酸トランスポーターBOR1はタペート細胞から葯室へホウ素を輸送する Domestic conference


    日本土壌肥料学会 北海道大会  2021.09  日本土壌肥料学会

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • シロイヌナズナの根におけるホウ素輸送制御にカスパリー帯が果たす役割の解析 Domestic conference

    室啓太 神代滋央 高野順平

    日本土壌肥料学会 北海道大会  2021.09  日本土壌肥料学会

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • トライコームと非根毛細胞に特異的に発現するホウ素輸送体の役割 Domestic conference

    反田直之 三輪京子 高野順平 藤原徹

    日本土壌肥料学会 北海道大会  2021.09  日本土壌肥料学会

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • Molecular Mechanisms of Boron Transport in Plants. International conference

    Junpei Takano


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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • 植物のホウ酸トランスセプター Invited Domestic conference


    日本農芸化学会2021年度大会 大会シンポジウム  2021.03  日本農芸化学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • ホウ酸トランスセプターBOR1 Domestic conference


    第62回植物生理学会年会 シンポジウム「生命金属科学の新展開」  2021.03 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • 高親和性K+トランスポーターHAK5のカリウム濃度に応じた分解メカニズムの解明 Domestic conference

    伴野文彦、Marcel Beier, 永田大地、高野順平

    第62回植物生理学会年会  2021.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • ホウ酸トランスポーター BOR1 の偏在制御におけるリン酸化の役割の解析 Domestic conference


    第62回植物生理学会年会  2021.03 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  • 植物におけるホウ酸トランスポーターの偏在・分解と選択的小胞輸送 Invited Domestic conference


    JTRA15  2020.10  トランスポーター研究会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • 細胞質ホウ酸バイオセンサーの開発と利用 Invited Domestic conference


    岡山大学資源植物科学研究所共同研究ワークショップ  2020.10  岡山大学資源植物科学研究所

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  • 生命金属動態の維持〜植物のホウ酸トランスセプター〜 Domestic conference


    第10回CSJ化学フェスタ2020  2020.10  日本化学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • インディアンマスタードの低ホウ素耐性の分子機構と育種への利用


  • トランスポーターの液相面発現を制御する水センシングメカニズム


  • 細胞内生命金属動態を制御する植物の金属センシング機構


  • 細胞内生命金属動態を制御する植物の金属センシング機構


  • 植物の栄養感知機構の解明と栄養応答統御


  • 「生命金属科学」分野の創成による生体内金属動態の統合的研究


  • 植物栄養輸送体の細胞膜における偏在の分子基盤


  • インディアンマスタードの低ホウ素耐性の分子機構と育種への利用


  • 植物の栄養感知機構の解明と栄養応答統御


  • 「生命金属科学」分野の創成による生体内金属動態の統合的研究


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Contract research

  • サイバーフィジカルシステムを利用した作物強靭化による食料リスクゼロの実現

    国立大学法人東京大学(作物サイバー強靭化コンソーシアム)  ムーンショット型農林水産研究開発事業  2023

  • 植物性タンパク質(大豆)の育種基盤構築と栽培技術確立

    国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構(食用大豆純国産化コンソーシアムコンソ)  豊かな食が提供される持続可能なフードチェーンの構築  2023

  • (コンソ)東京大学 サイバーフィジカルシステムを利用した作物強靭化による食料リスクゼロの実現

    国立大学法人東京大学(コンソ)  ムーンショット型農林水産研究開発事業  2022

  • (コンソ)筑波大学 サイバーフィジカルシステムを利用した作物強靭化による食料リスクゼロの実現

    国立大学法人 筑波大学  2021

  • サイバーフィジカルシステムを利用した作物強靭化による食料リスクゼロの実現

    国立大学法人 筑波大学  2020

  • ムーンショット型研究開発制度 サイバーフィジカルシステムを利用した作物強靭化による食料リスクゼロの実現

    内閣府   2020

▼display all

Acceptance of Researcher

  • 2023  Number of researchers:5

  • 2022  Number of researchers:4

Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 農学概論

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 土壌・植物栄養学

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • バイオエコノミー論

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 応用生物科学基礎実験C

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 応用生物科学概論

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 植物生理学

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 応用生物科学特論

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学研究実験2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学研究実験1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学ゼミナール2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学ゼミナール1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 初年次ゼミナール

    2024   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学特別研究実験3A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学特別研究実験2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学特別研究実験1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 生化学基礎実験

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 農学概論

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • バイオエコノミー論

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 植物生理学

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 応用生物科学特論

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学研究実験1A

    2023   Practical Training   Graduate school

  • 植物バイオサイエンス卒業研究

    2023   Practical Training   Undergraduate

  • 土壌・植物栄養学

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 生化学基礎実験

    2023   Practical Training   Undergraduate

  • 植物科学英語

    2023   Practical Training   Undergraduate

  • 植物栄養学特論

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学研究プレゼンテーション

    2023   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 植物バイオサイエンス演習

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 応用生物科学研究実験1B

    2023   Practical Training   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学ゼミナール1A

    2023   Practical Training   Graduate school

  • 応用生物科学ゼミナール1B

    2023   Practical Training   Graduate school

  • Topics in Plant Bioscience


  • Research program in Plant Bioscience


  • Special Practice in Plant Bioscience


  • Invitation to Plant Biosciences


  • Topics in Crop Ecophysiology


  • Industrial Crop Science


  • Introduction to Life, Environment, and Advanced Sciences


  • Soil Science and Plant Nutrition


  • Laboratory : Basic Biochemistry

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Reviews for Applied Life Sciences


▼display all

Charge of off-campus class subject

  • Plant Nutrition and Physiology


     More details


  • Plant Nutrition and Physiology


     More details

    Level:Postgraduate  Country:Japan

Number of papers published by graduate students

  • 2023

    Number of graduate students presentations:1

  • 2022

    Number of graduate students presentations:1

Number of instructed thesis, researches

  • 2023

    Number of instructed the graduation thesis:

    [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1

    [Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0

    [Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of doctoral thesis reviews] (vice-chief):0

  • 2022

    Number of instructed the graduation thesis:

    [Number of instructed the Master's Program] (previous term):[Number of instructed the Master's Program] (letter term):1

    [Number of master's thesis reviews] (chief):[Number of master's thesis reviews] (vice-chief):4

Social Activities

  • 淡路三原高校 模擬授業 植物のミネラル栄養獲得メカニズム

    2019.04 - 2020.03

Foreigner acceptance

  • 2023

    foreigners accepted :3

    International Students :1

  • 2022

    foreigners accepted :3

    International Students :1

International exchange activities

  • 南京農業大学、CAS南京、中国農業大学、華中農業大学におけるセミナーと研究交流

    Field category :Research

    Country name :中国   2023.10

  • ボン大学訪問とセミナー実施

    Field category :Research

    Country name :ドイツ   2023.09

  • ゲント大学にてセミナー実施

    Field category :Research

    Country name :ベルギー   2023.09