Updated on 2024/07/12


Miura Daisuke
Graduate School of Science Department of Geosciences Professor
School of Science Department of Geosciences
Institute of Science
Affiliation campus
Nakamozu Campus


  • Graduate School of Science Department of Geosciences 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now

  • School of Science Department of Geosciences 

    Professor  2022.04 - Now


  • Ph. D. ( Hokkaido University ) (   Hokkaido University )

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Solid earth sciences  / Volcano geology

  • Natural Science / Human geosciences  / Natural Disaster Science

  • Natural Science / Solid earth sciences  / Geology

Research Interests

  • Physical volcanology

  • Field Geology

  • caldera

  • Volcano Tectonics

  • Paleoseismology

Research subject summary

  • 活火山の活動履歴

  • カルデラ噴火プロセス

  • 火山噴火のハザード/リスク評価

  • 火山の解剖学

  • 火山—テクトニクス

Research Career

  • Subvolcanic structure of Kumano caldera, southwest Japan

    physical volcanology, caldera, anatomy, subvolcanic structure  Joint Research in Japan

    2017.07 - Now 

  • Ignimbrite-forming eruptions at Kuttara Caldera Complex, Japan

    physical volcanology, caldera, eruption sequence, magma plumbing system  International Joint Research

    2017.04 - Now 

  • Phreatic eruptions at Esan volcano, northern Japan

    physical volcanology, Esan volcanic complex  Joint Research in Japan

    2014.04 - Now 

Professional Memberships

  • JAQR

    2021.08 - Now   Domestic

  • GSA

    2020.12 - Now   Overseas

  • AGU

    2000 - Now   Overseas


    1997 - Now   Overseas

  • Geological Society of Japan (JGS)

    1991 - Now

  • Volcanological Society of Japan (VSJ)

    1991 - Now

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Committee Memberships (off-campus)

  • 火山人材育成プログラムの人材運営委員   火山人材育成コンソーシアム構築事業(代表:東北大学)  

    2022.04 - Now 

  • 「災害の軽減に貢献するための地震火山観測研究計画(第2次)に関する外部評価委員会」委員   文部科学省研究開発局  

    2021 - 2022.07 

  • 南紀熊野ジオパーク推進協議会学術専門委員会 委員   南紀熊野ジオパーク推進協議会  

    2019.04 - Now 

  • 和歌山県立自然博物館協議会委員、および同評価部会委員   和歌山県立自然博物館  

    2018.04 - Now 

  • 理事   日本火山学会  

    2016.07 - 2018.06 

  • 委員   日本火山学会原子力問題対応委員会  

    2014.07 - 2016.06 

  • 火山部会長   日本地質学会  

    2007.10 - 2011 

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Job Career (off-campus)

  • CRIEPI   Visiting Scientist

    2018.04 - 2019.03

  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology   Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology   Visiting Scientist

    2014 - 2021.03

  • 奈良教育大学(併任)   野外実習実施指導講師

    2005.11 - 2012.11

  • 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 活断層センター(併任)   客員研究員

    2005.07 - 2010.03

  • CRIEPI   Research Geologist

    1998.04 - 2018.03

  • Kiso-Jiban Consultants, Co. Ltd.   Environmental Geology

    1993.04 - 1995.03

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  • Creating a digital database of tephra fallout distribution and frequency in Japan Reviewed

    Uesawa S., Toshida, K., Takeuchi, S. and Miura, D.

    Journal of Applied Volcanology   11 ( 1 )   2022.11( eISSN:2191-5040

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    Authorship:Last author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  


    Tephra fallout is a potential hazard to livelihoods, critical infrastructure, and health, even in areas that are far from volcanoes. Therefore, it is important to quantitatively evaluate tephra fall hazards for both residents and infrastructure around hazardous volcanoes. Modern probabilistic volcanic hazard assessments of tephra fallout strongly rely on computer modeling; however, assessments based on isopach maps can also be also helpful in assisting decision-makers. To assess the tephra fall hazards in Japan, we created a digital database “Isopach map-Based Tephra fall Hazard Analysis (IB-THA)” and a tool to draw the cumulative number of tephra fallout events exceeding a specific thickness at a particular location. The database was re-digitized using an existing catalog of 551 tephra fall deposit distribution maps. The re-digitized datasets were utilized here to estimate the cumulative number of tephra fallout events exceeding a specific thickness at 47 prefectural offices for the last 150 kyr. This allowed the characterization of regional tephra fall hazards in Japan for the first time. High cumulative numbers (20) of tephra fall deposits > 0 mm were identified in the NE-E region (e.g., Maebashi), whereas low numbers (2) were recognized in the SW and W regions of Japan (e.g., Naha). The thickest tephra fall deposit (2850 mm) was observed at Kagoshima. We used IB-THA to create a hazard curve for Tokyo. This hazard curve provides the minimum frequency needed to exceed the tephra fall thickness at any location. To refine the digital database presented here, further studies are required to incorporate recent (i.e., 2003 or younger) tephra distributions, review questionable isopach maps, and improve the interpolation method for digitizing tephra fall distributions.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13617-022-00126-x

    Other URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13617-022-00126-x/fulltext.html

  • Proximal deposits of the Kuttara-Hayakita tephra at Kuttara caldera volcano, northern Japan: A record of precursor volcanism Invited Reviewed

    Miura, D, Yoshinaka, K, Takeuchi, S, Uesawa, S

    Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan   67 ( 3 )   273 - 294   2022.09

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.18940/kazan.67.3_273

  • Relationships between magmatic properties and eruption magnitude of explosive eruptions at Japanese arc volcanoes during the last one hundred thousand years Reviewed

    Takeuchi, S, Toshida, K, Miura, D, Ito, H, Uesawa, S

    Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research   419   107345 - 107345   2021.11( ISSN:0377-0273

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107345

  • Considerations for double-dating zircon in secular disequilibrium with protracted crystallisation histories Reviewed

    Ruby C. Marsden, Martin Danišík, Hisatoshi Ito, Christopher L. Kirkland, Noreen J. Evans, Daisuke Miura, Bjarne Friedrichs, Axel K. Schmitt, Shimpei Uesawa, Matthew L. Daggitt

    Chemical Geology   581   120408 - 120408   2021.10( ISSN:0009-2541

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Zircon double-dating utilises (U–Th)/He dating coupled with U–Th disequilibrium or U–Pb dating to determine eruption ages for volcanic rocks between ca. 2 ka to 1 Ma. This approach depends on understanding the crystallisation history of each zircon crystal analysed. For lack of better constraints, zircon crystallisation is generally assumed to be represented by a single crystallisation age, which is routinely determined on the rim of the grain by spot analyses. While zircon crystallisation is often protracted, interrogating the crystallisation history of a zircon crystal usually requires grinding the grain, which can introduce uncertainty to the alpha ejection (Ft) correction, critical for accurate (U–Th)/He ages. Grinding a zircon crystal to exactly 50% of its original width, to a plane of symmetry, leaves the Ft correction factor unchanged relative to that of the whole crystal. This is verified by a new computer program – GriFt, which also allows the calculation of accurate Ft correction factors for a range of different grinding depths, opening the opportunity to measure both the core and rim crystallisation ages and integrate these into a more robust disequilibrium correction of (U–Th)/He data. The feasibility of this approach is tested here in a case study of zircon crystals with protracted crystallisation histories from the Shikotsu-Toya volcanic field in Hokkaido, Japan. A maximum of 15% difference in overall eruption age is calculated between rim- and core-corrected (U–Th)/He ages. Eruption ages were determined for two tephras – Kimobetsu 1 (59–79 ka) and Kimobetsu 2 (96 ± 5 ka, 2σ). The geological implication from these dates is that a regionally important tephra, Toya, may be younger (<96 ± 5 ka) than previously reported (109 ± 3 ka). In addition, the maximum eruption ages determined from crystallisation age distributions calculated for samples from eruptions at Shikotsu and Kuttara (48 ± 17 and 49 ± 21 ka, respectively) are within uncertainty of previous measurements (44–41 ka and >43 ka, respectively).

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120408

  • Stratigraphy and chronology of silicic tephras in the Shikotsu-Toya volcanic field, Japan: Evidence of a Late Pleistocene ignimbrite flare-up in southwestern Hokkaido Reviewed

    Mizuho Amma-Miyasaka, Daisuke Miura, Mitsuhiro Nakagawa, Shimpei Uesawa, Ryuta Furukawa

    Quaternary International   562   58 - 75   2020.10( ISSN:1040-6182

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.11.019

  • Late Pleistocene–Holocene Volcaniclastic Ejecta Along the Southern Apron of the Esan Volcanic Complex, Japan Reviewed

    Miura, D, Furukawa, R, Arai, K

    Journal of Disaster Research   14 ( 5 )   755 - 765   2019.08

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p0755

  • Oki-dozen Dike Swarm: Effect of the regional stress field on volcano-tectonic orientations Reviewed

    Miura, D., Toshida, K., Arai, K., Wachi, T. and Wada, Y.

    Evolutionary models of convergent margins: origin of their diversity   177 - 195   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    DOI: 10.5772/67612

  • Eruption history, conduit migration, and steady discharge of magma for the past 50,000 yr at Esan volcanic complex, northern Japan. Reviewed

    Miura, D., Arai, K., Toshida, K., Ochiai, T., Tanaka, M. and Iida, T.

    Geol. Soc. Am. Bull.   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Effects of stress in the evolution of large silicic magmatic systems: an example from the Miocene Felsic Volcanic Field at Kii Peninsula, SW Honshu, Japan. Reviewed

    Miura, D. and Wada, Y.

    J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 雑誌   2007

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Middle Miocence ash-flow calderas at the compressive margin of southewest Japan arc: Review and synthesis Reviewed

    Miura, D. and Wada, Y.

    J. Geol. Soc. Jpn   2007

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Arcuate pyroclastic conduits, ring faults, and coherent floor at Kumano caldera, southwest Honshu, Japan. Reviewed

    Miura, D.

    J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 雑誌   1999

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    Kind of work:Single Work  

  • Intracaldera structure and megabreccias at Dorobu caldera, northeastern Honshu, Japan. Reviewed

    Miura, D. and Tamai, M.

    J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 雑誌   1998

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

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Books and Other Publications

  • Geosciences Laboratory

    ( Role: Contributor)

    Osaka Metropolitan University Press  2023.03 

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    Total pages:168pp.   Responsible for pages:137-140   Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction

  • Geological map of Esan volcano (1:20,000) Reviewed

    Miura, D., Furukawa, R. and Arai, K.( Role: Joint author)

    Geological map of volcanoes, GSJ/AIST  2022.03 

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    Book type:Scholarly book Participation form:First Author

    Other Link: https://www.gsj.jp/Map/JP/volcano.html

  • 糸魚川−静岡構造線活断層系変動地形マップ(松本地域・諏訪−富士見地域・白州−櫛形地域)


    (財)電力中央研究所  2004 

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    Participation form:First Author

  • 有珠火山2000年噴火映像集.

    宝田晋治,風早康平,西村裕一,川邊禎久,星住英夫,宮城磯治,廣瀬 亘,吉本充宏,斎藤英二,三浦大助 他

    地質調査総合センター研究資料集  2003 


  • Epilogue of the Special Issues on “Understanding Volcanoes by Integrating Eruptive History Research and Volcano Observations”

    Okuno Mitsuru, Iguchi Masato, Miyoshi Masaya, Miura Daisuke, Kobayashi Makoto, Hashimoto Takeshi, Ohba Takeshi, Sato Eiichi, Takarada Shinji

    BULLETIN OF THE VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   67 ( 3 )   251 - 254   2022.09

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  • Introduction of the special issues on "Understanding volcanoes by integrating eruptive history research and volcano observations"

    Okuno, M., Iguchi, M., Miyoshi, M., Miura, D., Kobayashi, M., Hashimoto, T., Ohba, T., Sato, E., and Takarada, S.

    Bulletin of volcanological society of Japan   66 ( 2 )   65 - 70   2021

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  • A report of the 7th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, Toba, Indonesia

    Uesawa, S., Goto, Y., Miura, D., Tomijima, C. and Yasuda, Y.


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Outline of collaborative research (seeds)

  • Active volcanism

  • Caldera-forming eruption

  • Volcano-Tectonics

Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 自然災害科学2

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 地球学概論A

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 地球環境学特別演習2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 地球環境学特別演習1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 地球学特別研究2A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 地球学特別研究1A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 地球環境学ゼミナールA

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 地球学特別研究5A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 地球学特別研究4A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 地球学特別研究3A

    2024   Intensive lecture   Graduate school

  • 測量及び地質調査法2実習

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 地質調査法2

    2023   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 地球学概論A

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 自然災害科学1実習

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 自然災害科学1

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 地球物質科学

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 物理科学専門実験

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 地球学実験B

    2023   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 自然災害科学特論A

    2023   Weekly class   Graduate school

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Charge of off-campus class subject

  • 火山環境学

    Institution:Ibaraki University

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  • 産学連携セミナー

    Institution:Tohoku University

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  • 地球科学特別講義Ⅰ(現場のフロンティアサイエンス)

    Institution:Tohoku University

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    現場のフロンティアサイエンス(非常勤講師:東北大学大学院理学研究科 地球科学特別講義Ⅰ)

  • 地質調査

    Institution:Nara University of Education

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    Level:Undergraduate (specialized) 


Social Activities ⇒ Link to the list of Social Activities

  • 地球の火山活動

    Role(s): Lecturer

    関西宇宙イニシアティブ (KaSpI)  第74回KaSpI宇宙セミナー  i-site なんば  2022.11

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    Audience: Researchesrs, General public, Scientific organization

    Number of participants:30(人)

  • その他公開講座 結晶への探検-A Journey into Crystals-(展示、体験学習、講演会)

    Type: Lecture


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  • 南紀熊野ジオパーク東エリア勉強会 南紀熊野ジオパークの巨大カルデラ噴火

    2018.04 - 2019.03

  • 堺高校サマーサイエンスセミナー 火山噴火と災害

    2018.04 - 2019.03

  • 事象分岐・確率に関する勉強会 降灰対策のための火山噴火の確率的評価

    2017.04 - 2018.03

  • 南紀熊野ジオパークスキルアップ講座 マグマの性質と熊野カルデラ噴火の痕跡

    2017.04 - 2018.03

  • 北海道火山勉強会一般講演会「活火山としての恵山~その歴史と今を知る~」 恵山火山の噴火と災害

    2016.04 - 2017.03

  • 第17回地震火山こどもサマースクール(南紀熊野) 南紀熊野の海と山のひみつ

    2016.04 - 2017.03

  • (一財)電力中央研究所赤城地区研究所公開 講演 火山を知ろうー赤城山は活火山ー

    2015.04 - 2016.03

  • 我孫子市市民防災研修会 火山の噴火と災害

    2015.04 - 2016.03

  • NUMO技術開発報告会 Risk assessment of volcanic hazards: A perspective (火山災害のリスク評価とその展望)

    2014.04 - 2015.03

  • 茨城大学岩石鉱物学・火山学研究室セミナー 恵山火山の噴火史と長期予測モデル

    2014.04 - 2015.03

  • 産総研火山談話会 恵山火山の噴火史

    2014.04 - 2015.03

  • 神戸大学理学部マグマ学セミナー 巨大カルデラ火山の解剖学

    2014.04 - 2015.03

  • (一財)電力中央研究所 我孫子地区研究所公開一般講演 富士山のなりたちを知る

    2013.04 - 2014.03

  • International Seminar on the Effects of Earthquake and Tsunami to NPP Hazard and risk of volcanic eruption

    2012.04 - 2013.03

  • 日本鉱物科学会 圧縮テクトニクスと巨大カルデラ火山の形成

    2008.04 - 2009.03

  • 地学団体研究会大阪総会シンポジウム 西南日本弧前縁の圧縮テクトニクスと中期中新世カルデラ火山

    2007.04 - 2008.03

  • 北海道大学岩石学火山学セミナー 火山-テクトニクスの研究-陥没カルデラとテクトニクス

    2007.04 - 2008.03

  • 産総研大陸地殻セミナー 前弧域の巨大カルデラ火山とマグマ溜り―中期中新世熊野カルデラの事例―

    2007.04 - 2008.03

  • Volcano-Tectonics, AOGS Fault-growth and shallow intrusion in cryptodome formation: an example from the 2000 eruption of Usu volcano, Japan

    2004.04 - 2005.03

  • 第2回活断層研究センター研究発表会 糸魚川−静岡構造線活断層系の調査事例−古地震学的に見た断層不連続部の役割

    2003.04 - 2004.03

  • (財)電力中央研究所 狛江地区研究所公開一般講演 火山のなりたちを知るー箱根はむかし富士山だった?

    2003.04 - 2004.03

  • (財)電力中央研究所 我孫子研究所公開一般講演 火山噴火と災害

    2000.04 - 2001.03

  • 地学団体研究会長野総会シンポジウム 陥没カルデラ構造とマグマ溜り・テクトニクス

    1999.04 - 2000.03

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Visiting Lectures ⇒ Link to the list of Visiting Lectures

  • 火山噴火と災害

    Category:Science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, biochemistry)

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    Audience:Junior high school students, High school students, College students, Teachers, Researchers, General, Civic organization