Updated on 2024/04/08


Hatanaka Noritoshi
Graduate School of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Science Associate Professor
School of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Science
Associate Professor
Institute of Veterinary Science
Affiliation campus
Rinku Campus


  • Graduate School of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Science 

    Associate Professor  2024.04 - Now

  • Graduate School of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Science 

    Assistant Professor  2022.04 - 2024.03

  • School of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Science 

    Associate Professor  2024.04 - Now

  • School of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Science 

    Assistant Professor  2022.04 - 2024.03


  • 博士(獣医学) ( Osaka Prefecture University )

  • 獣医学学士 ( Azabu University )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Bacteriology

  • Life Science / Veterinary medical science

  • Life Science / Veterinary medical science

  • Life Science / Bacteriology

Research Interests

  • 食中毒

  • 人獣共通感染症

  • Campylobacter

Professional Memberships

  • 日本カンピロバクター研究会

    2017.04 - Now   Domestic

  • 日本細菌学会

    2017.04 - Now

  • 日本食品微生物学会

    2017.04 - Now   Domestic

  • トキシンシンポジウム

    2017.04 - Now   Domestic


  • 第66回トキシンシンポジウム 奨励賞

    2019.09   トキシンシンポジウム  

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Job Career (off-campus)

  • Osaka Metropolitan University   Graduate School of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Science

    2022.04 - Now

  • Osaka Prefecture University

    2021.04 - 2022.03

  • Osaka Prefecture University   Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Division of Veterinary Sciences

    2017.04 - 2021.03


  • Characteristics of epitope dominance pattern and cross-variant neutralisation in 16 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine sera. Reviewed

    Mayo Yasugi, Yu Nakagama, Natsuko Kaku, Yuko Nitahara, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Shinji Yamasaki, Yasutoshi Kido

    Vaccine   41 ( 42 )   6248 - 6254   2023.09( ISSN:0264410X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    SARS-CoV-2 serological studies suggest that individual serum antibody repertoires can affect neutralisation breadth. Herein, we asked whether a BNT162b2 vaccine-induced epitope dominance pattern (i.e., predominant viral structural domain targeted by serum antibodies for virus neutralisation) affects cross-variant neutralisation. When a neutralisation assay against the ancestral strain was carried out using 16 vaccine sera preabsorbed with a recombinant receptor-binding domain (RBD) or an N-terminal domain (NTD) protein, three and 13 sera, respectively, showed lower neutralisation under NTD and RBD protein-preabsorbed conditions than under the other protein-preabsorbed conditions. This suggests that the NTD was responsible for virus neutralisation in three sera, whereas the other 13 sera elicited RBD-dominant neutralisation. The results also suggest the presence of infectivity-enhancing antibodies in four out of the 13 RBD-dominant sera. A neutralisation assay using SARS-CoV-2 variants revealed that NTD-dominant sera showed significantly reduced neutralising activity against the B.1.617.2 variant, whereas RBD-dominant sera retained neutralising activity even in the presence of infectivity-enhancing antibodies. Taken together, these results suggest the followings: (i) epitope dominance patterns are divided into at least two types: NTD-dominant and RBD-dominant; (ii) NTD-dominant sera have less potential to neutralise the B.1.617.2 variant than RBD-dominant sera; and (iii) infectivity-enhancing antibodies play a limited role in cross-variant neutralisation against the five variants tested.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.08.076


  • Coprological Investigation of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Wild Birds Protected in Kochi Prefecture

    INOUE Haruna, MORI Yuga, HATANAKA Noritoshi, SHIBAHARA Tomoyuki, SASAI Kazumi, MATSUBAYASHI Makoto

    Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine   28 ( 2 )   103 - 106   2023.09( ISSN:13426133 ( eISSN:2185744X

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    <p> Total 101 fecal samples were collected from the wild birds which were protected at Kochi Prefecture. These were examined by sugar floatation method. Consequently, 29.7% of feces were parasitologically positive; 20.8% of <i>Eimeria</i> and/or <i>Isospora</i> type oocysts, and 8.9% of Capillarid or Ascarid spp. Transmitted stages of these parasites could survive in the environments for a while after being shedded in feces. These results suggested that in the past, these infected birds directly or indirectly contacted with feces contaminated with the parasites.</p>

    DOI: 10.5686/jjzwm.28.103

  • Cefixime-tellurite-deoxycholate tryptic soy broth (CTD-TSB), a selective enrichment medium, for enhancing isolation of Escherichia albertii from wild raccoon fecal samples. Reviewed

    Bingting Xu, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Keiji Tekehira, Atsushi Hinenoya, Shinji Yamasaki

    Journal of applied microbiology   134 ( 7 )   2023.07( ISSN:1364-5072

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    AIM: The aim of this study was to develop a selective enrichment broth for efficient isolation of Escherichia albertii. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 412 raccoon rectal swabs suspended in PBS (phosphate-buffered saline) were tested by a real-time PCR to quantify the number of E. albertii followed by its isolation. The number of E. albertii in the PBS suspension strongly affected the isolation rate (1.2%-89%), which notably dropped (≤33%) when the number was <4 log10 CFU ml-1. However, enrichment of PBS suspension containing raccoon feces in tryptic soy broth containing cefixime, tellurite, and deoxycholate (CTD-TSB), the selective medium developed in this study, remarkably improved the isolation efficiency (up to 48%) of E. albertii. CONCLUSIONS: CTD-TSB is a useful enrichment culture medium for E. albertii and contributes to increase its isolation rate.

    DOI: 10.1093/jambio/lxad123


  • Presence of Functionally Active Cytolethal Distending Toxin Genes on a Conjugative Plasmid in a Clinical Isolate of Providencia rustigianii. Reviewed

    Jayedul Hassan, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Phuong Hoai Hoang, Akira Nagita, Atsushi Hinenoya, Shah M Faruque, Shinji Yamasaki

    Infection and immunity   91 ( 6 )   e0012122   2023.06( ISSN:00199567

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Providencia rustigianii is potentially enteropathogenic in humans. Recently, we identified a P. rustigianii strain carrying a part of the cdtB gene homologous to that of Providencia alcalifacines that produces an exotoxin called cytolethal distending toxin (CDT), encoded by three subunit genes (cdtA, cdtB, and cdtC). In this study, we analyzed the P. rustigianii strain for possible presence of the entire cdt gene cluster and its organization, location, and mobility, as well as expression of the toxin as a putative virulence factor of P. rustigianii. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed the presence of the three cdt subunit genes in tandem, and over 94% homology to the corresponding genes carried by P. alcalifaciens both at nucleotide and amino acid sequence levels. The P. rustigianii strain produced biologically active CDT, which caused distension of eukaryotic cell lines with characteristic tropism of CHO and Caco-2 cells but not of Vero cells. S1-nuclease digested pulsed-field gel electrophoresis followed by Southern hybridization analysis demonstrated that the cdt genes in both P. rustigianii and P. alcalifaciens strains are located on large plasmids (140 to 170 kb). Subsequently, conjugation assays using a genetically marked derivative of the P. rustigianii strain showed that the plasmid carrying cdt genes in the P. rustigianii was transferable to cdt gene-negative recipient strains of P. rustigianii, Providencia rettgeri, and Escherichia coli. Our results demonstrated the presence of cdt genes in P. rustigianii for the first time, and further showed that the genes are located on a transferable plasmid, which can potentially spread to other bacterial species.

    DOI: 10.1128/iai.00121-22


  • Endotoxin-Free Stx2B-C-CPE Vaccine and Its Optimized Adjuvant Regimen for Preventing Food Poisoning. Reviewed

    Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Atsushi Hinenoya, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Takafumi Noguchi, Hirotaka Ebina, Yoko Tojima, Mari Furuta, Masuo Kondoh, Hiroshi Kiyono, Shinji Yamasaki, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa

    Frontiers in bioscience (Landmark edition)   28 ( 1 )   15 - 15   2023.01( ISSN:27686701

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    BACKGROUND: Clostridium perfringens and Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are common causes of food poisoning. We previously demonstrated the efficacy of Stx2B-C-CPE, a fusion protein of the C-terminal region of C. perfringens enterotoxin (C-CPE) and Shiga toxin 2 B subunit (Stx2B), as a bivalent vaccine against C. perfringens and STEC infections. METHODS: Here, we applied an E. coli expression system and Triton X-114 phase separation to prepare tag- and endotoxin-free Stx2B-C-CPE for use in vaccine formulations. RESULTS: As we anticipated, endotoxin removal from the purified antigen reduced both Stx2B- and C-CPE-specific IgG antibody responses in subcutaneously immunized mice, suggesting that endotoxin contamination influences the immunological assessment of Stx2B-C-CPE. However, the combined use of aluminum and Alcaligenes lipid A adjuvants improved IgG antibody responses to the injected antigen, thus indicating the suitability of purified Stx2B-C-CPE for vaccine formulation. CONCLUSIONS: Our current findings provide important knowledge regarding the design of an effective commercial Stx2B-C-CPE vaccine.

    DOI: 10.31083/j.fbl2801015


  • Seasonality of detection rate of <i>Escherichia albertii </i>in wild raccoons (<i>Procyon lotor</i>) in Osaka, Japan

    XU Bingting, HATANAKA Noritoshi, AWASTHI Sharda Prasad, HINENOYA Atsushi, YAMASAKI Shinji

    Journal of Veterinary Medical Science   advpub ( 0 )   2023( ISSN:09167250 ( eISSN:13477439

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    <p><i>Escherichia albertii </i>has increasingly been recognized as an important emerging zoonotic enteropathogen. Raccoon is shown to be one of the most vital reservoirs of this pathogen. <i>E. albertii </i>has been detected in 993 (62%) out of 1,606 wild raccoons in Osaka, Japan from 2017 to 2020 by <i>Eacdt</i>-PCR. The detection rate of <i>E. albertii </i>was increased from May to December (winter) and gradually decreased from January to April (spring). Furthermore, we could isolate <i>E. albertii</i> from 30% (196/664) of <i>Eacdt</i>-PCR positive samples and the monthly isolation rate seems to correlate with its detection rate. These data indicate that there is a seasonality regarding the prevalence of <i>E. albertii </i>in wild raccoon being higher in winter and lower in spring. </p>

    DOI: 10.1292/jvms.23-0372


  • Comparative evaluation of chlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite activity against SARS-CoV-2. Reviewed

    Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Bingting Xu, Hisataka Goda, Hiroyuki Kawata, Isanori Horiuchi, Mayo Yasugi, Shinji Yamasaki

    Access microbiology   4 ( 5 )   acmi000354   2022.08

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    A novel coronavirus, named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), suddenly emerged in China in 2019, spread globally and caused the present COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 infection effective measures are essential. Chlorous acid (HClO2) has been shown to be an effective antimicrobial agent. However, at present there is no experimental evidence showing that HClO2 can inactivate SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, in this study, we examined the potential of HClO2 to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in presence or absence of organic matter and the results were compared with that of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), another potent antimicrobial agent. When concentrated SARS-CoV-2 was incubated with 10 ppm HClO2 for 10 s, viral titre was decreased by 5 log of 50% tissue culture infective dose per mL (TCID50 ml-1). However, the same concentration of NaClO could not inactivate SARS-CoV-2 as effectively as HClO2 did even after incubation for 3 min. Furthermore, 10 ppm HClO2 also inactivated more than 4.0 log of TCID50 within 10 s in the presence of 5 % fetal bovine serum used as mixed organic matters. Our results obtained with HClO2 are more effective against SARS-CoV-2 as compared to NaClO that can be used for disinfectant against SARS-CoV-2 .

    DOI: 10.1099/acmi.0.000354


  • Detection, isolation and molecular characterization of Escherichia albertii in wild birds in West Japan. Reviewed

    Hinenoya A, Awasthi SP, Yasuda N, Nagano K, Hassan J, Takehira K, Hatanaka N, Saito S, Watabe T, Yoshizawa M, Inoue H, Yamasaki S*

    Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases   75 ( 2 )   156 - 163   2022.03

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    Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Detection, Isolation, and Molecular Characterization of Escherichia albertii from Wild Birds in West Japan. Reviewed

    Atsushi Hinenoya, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Noritomo Yasuda, Keigo Nagano, Jayedul Hassan, Keiji Takehira, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Shun Saito, Takashi Watabe, Miki Yoshizawa, Haruna Inoue, Shinji Yamasaki

    Japanese journal of infectious diseases   75 ( 2 )   156 - 163   2022.03( ISSN:1884-2836

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    Escherichia albertii is an emerging zoonotic foodborne pathogen. Several outbreaks of E. albertii have occurred, particularly in Japan. Although birds have been considered as one of the most important reservoirs of this bacterium, information regarding its prevalence in birds is still scarce. We performed a survey of E. albertii in wild birds in Japan and examined the characteristics of these isolates. E. albertii-specific genes were detected in five cloacal swabs from 156 birds by PCR. Four E. albertii strains were isolated from a swallow with two different E. albertii strains and two pigeons in a flock using XRM-MacConkey agar. These isolates were assigned to biogroup 3, showed no resistance to any tested antimicrobials, and were classified into two EAO-genotypes (EAOg2 and EAOg33) and were untypable. Similar to clinical E. albertii strains, these isolates carried virulence genes, including eae (n = 4), paa (n = 4), Eccdt-I (n = 2), and stx2f (n = 1), as well as Eacdt. Furthermore, stx2f genes in a strain were located on an inducible bacteriophage, which can confer the ability to produce Stx2f in E. coli. In conclusion, Japanese wild birds carried E. albertii at levels similar to the reported prevalence in birds. These isolates may have the potential to cause gastroenteritis in humans.

    DOI: 10.7883/yoken.JJID.2021.355


  • 西日本の野鳥からのEscherichia albertiiの検出、分離、分子的特性評価(Detection, Isolation, and Molecular Characterization of Escherichia albertii from Wild Birds in West Japan)

    Hinenoya Atsushi, Awasthi Sharda Prasad, Yasuda Noritomo, Nagano Keigo, Hassan Jayedul, Takehira Keiji, Hatanaka Noritoshi, Saito Shun, Watabe Takashi, Yoshizawa Miki, Inoue Haruna, Yamasaki Shinji

    Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases   75 ( 2 )   156 - 163   2022.03( ISSN:1344-6304

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    大阪市と高知市の野鳥を対象にEscherichia albertii保有状況を調べた。ハトのクロアカスワブ検体129件と13種類の野鳥のクロアカスワブ検体27件を使用した。増菌培養後、Eacdt遺伝子を標的としたPCRでスクリーニングし、陽性検体をXRM-マッコンキー寒天培地またはマッコンキー寒天培地で培養した。その結果、ツバメ2羽(7.4%)、ハト3羽(2.3%)がPCR陽性となり、全体の検出率は3.2%(5/156)であった。培養検査ではツバメ1羽とハト2羽からE.albertiiが分離された。PFGE解析により、ハト由来株は同一クローン株、ツバメ由来株から2つのクローン株が確認された。分離4株は生物グループ3に割り当てられ、供試16種抗菌薬に感受性を示した。O抗原遺伝子型はツバメ由来2株が型別不能とEAOg2、ハト由来2株はEAOg33であった。分離4株はEacdtの他にeaeとpaaを保有していた。さらにツバメ由来1株はstx2f、ハト由来2株はEccdt-I遺伝子を保有していた。4株のインチミンサブタイプは多様であったが、LEE病原性アイランドの統合部位はphe Uのみであった。マイトマイシンC存在下、プラークアッセイによる溶原化ファージ誘発の結果、stx2fは誘発性ファージ上に位置し、ファージはレシピエント大腸菌にStx2f産生能を付与した。ドナー株のベロ毒素力価が増強された。

  • 焼成カルシウム溶液のShellCoatによるSARS-CoV-2の効果的な不活性化(ShellCoat, a Calcinated Calcium Solution, Effectively Inactivates SARS-CoV-2)

    Hatanaka Noritoshi, Xu Bingting, Yamashita Yasuharu, Kawakami Hiroo, Yasugi Mayo, Yamasaki Shinji

    Biocontrol Science   27 ( 1 )   53 - 56   2022.03( ISSN:1342-4815

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  • Piperine, an active ingredient of white pepper, suppresses the growth of multidrug‐resistant toxigenic Vibrio cholerae and other pathogenic bacteria Reviewed

    G.B. Manjunath, S.P. Awasthi, M.S.H. Zahid, N. Hatanaka, A. Hinenoya, E. Iwaoka, S. Aoki, T. Ramamurthy, S. Yamasaki

    Letters in Applied Microbiology   74 ( 4 )   2022.02( ISSN:0266-8254 ( eISSN:1472-765X

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/lam.13646

    Other URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/lam.13646

  • Hypochlorous acid solution is a potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2. Reviewed OA

    Hatanaka N, Yasugi M, Sato T, Mukamoto M, Yamasaki S*

    Journal of Applied Microbiology   132 ( 2 )   1496 - 1502   2022.02

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    Authorship:Lead author   Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Tea crude extracts effectively inactivate severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Reviewed OA

    Ishimoto K#, Hatanaka N#, Otani S#, Maeda S, Xu B, Yasugi M, Moore J, Suzuki M, Nakagawa S, Yamasaki S*. (#equally contributed)

    Lett. Appl.Microbiol. 雑誌   74 ( 1 )   2 - 7   2022.01

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Tea crude extracts effectively inactivate severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 Reviewed

    K. Ishimoto, N. Hatanaka, S. Otani, S. Maeda, B. Xu, M. Yasugi, J.E. Moore, M. Suzuki, S. Nakagawa, S. Yamasaki

    Letters in Applied Microbiology   74 ( 1 )   2 - 7   2022.01( ISSN:0266-8254 ( eISSN:1472-765X

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    It is well known that black and green tea extracts, particularly polyphenols, have antimicrobial activity against various pathogenic microbes including viruses. However, there is limited data on the antiviral activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged rapidly in China in late 2019 and which has been responsible for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic globally. In this study, 20 compounds and three extracts were obtained from black and green tea and found that three tea extracts showed significant antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2, whereby the viral titre decreased about 5 logs TCID50 per ml by 1·375 mg ml−1 black tea extract and two-fold diluted tea bag infusion obtained from black tea when incubated at 25°C for 10 s. However, when concentrations of black and green tea extracts were equally adjusted to 344 µg ml−1, green tea extracts showed more antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2. This simple and highly respected beverage may be a cheap and widely acceptable means to reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral burden in the mouth and upper gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts in developed as well as developing countries.

    DOI: 10.1111/lam.13591

    Other URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/lam.13591

  • ShellCoat, a Calcinated Calcium Solution, Effectively Inactivates SARS-CoV-2 Reviewed


    Biocontrol Science   27 ( 1 )   53 - 56   2022

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    Authorship:Lead author   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • ShellCoat, a Calcinated Calcium Solution, Effectively Inactivates SARS-CoV-2. Reviewed

    Noritoshi Hatanaka, Bingting Xu, Yasuharu Yamashita, Hiroo Kawakami, Mayo Yasugi, Shinji Yamasaki

    Biocontrol science   27 ( 1 )   53 - 56   2022( ISSN:1884-0205

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    SARS-CoV-2, an acute respiratory syndrome-causing virus, suddenly emerged at the end of 2019 in China, and rapidly spread all over the world. In this study, we examined whether a calcinated calcium solution (ShellCoat) , which has been approved as a food additive in Japan can inactivate SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, antiviral activity of ShellCoat against SARS-CoV-2 was also evaluated in the presence of organic matter, namely, fetal bovine serum (FBS) . When concentrated SARS-CoV-2 were treated with ShellCoat for 10 sec in presence or absence of FBS as organic matters, the viral titer was decreased more than 4 logs 50% tissue culture infective dose per mL (TCID50/mL) but use of ShellCoat for 20 sec or more under similar experimental conditions the viral titer was below the detection limit (≦2.1 logs TCID50/mL) . These results clearly indicate that the ShellCoat is a powerful antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 even in the presence of organic matters.

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.27.53


  • Corrigendum to “Prevalence of mobile colistin resistance (mcr) genes in extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolated from retail raw foods in Nha Trang, Vietnam” [Int. J. Food Microbiol. 346 (2021) 109164](S0168160521001239)(10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2021.109164)

    Le, P.Q., Awasthi, S.P., Hatanaka, N., Hinenoya, A., Hassan, J., Ombarak, R.A., Iguchi, A., Tran, N.T.T., Dao, K.V.T., Vien, M.Q., Le, H.X., Do, H.T., Yamamoto, Y., Yamasaki, S.

    International Journal of Food Microbiology   370   2022( ISSN:1879-3460

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2022.109540

  • Chlorine dioxide is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite. Reviewed OA

    Hatanaka N, Xu B, Yasugi M, Morino H, Tagishi H, Miura T, Shibata T, Yamasaki S*

    Journal of Hospital Infection   118   20 - 26   2021.12

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    Kind of work:Joint Work   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

  • Chlorine dioxide is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite. Reviewed

    Noritoshi Hatanaka, Bingting Xu, Mayo Yasugi, Hirofumi Morino, Hideaki Tagishi, Takanori Miura, Takashi Shibata, Shinji Yamasaki

    The Journal of hospital infection   118   20 - 26   2021.09( ISSN:0195-6701

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    A new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) abruptly emerged in Wuhan, China in 2019 and rapidly spread globally to cause the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, we examined the anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity of the potent disinfectant Cleverin, the major disinfecting component of which is chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and the results were compared with that of sodium hypochlorite in the presence or absence of 0.5% or 1.0% fetal bovine serum (FBS). When SARS-CoV-2 viruses were treated with 0.8 ppm ClO2 or sodium hypochlorite, viral titre was decreased only by 1 log TCID50/mL in 3 min. However, the viral titre was decreased by more than 4 logs TCID50/mL when treated with 80 ppm of each chemical for 10 sec regardless of presence or absence of FBS. It should be emphasized that treatment with 24 ppm of ClO2 inactivated more than 99.99% SARS-CoV-2 within 10 sec or 99.99% SARS-CoV-2 in 1 min in the presence of 0.5% or 1.0% FBS, respectively. In contrast, 24 ppm of sodium hypochlorite was able to inactivate only 99% or 90% SARS-CoV-2 in 3 min under similar conditions. Notably, except ClO2 the other components of Cleverin such as sodium chlorite, decaglycerol monolaurate and silicone showed no significant antiviral activity. Altogether, the results strongly suggest that although ClO2 and sodium hypochlorite are strong antiviral agents in absence of organic matters but in presence of organic matters ClO2 is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2021.09.006


  • Hypochlorous acid solution is a potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2. Reviewed

    Noritoshi Hatanaka, Mayo Yasugi, Tomoko Sato, Masafumi Mukamoto, Shinji Yamasaki

    Journal of applied microbiology   132 ( 2 )   2021.09( ISSN:1365-2672

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    AIM: A novel coronavirus, termed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) suddenly appeared in Wuhan, China and has caused pandemic. In this study, we evaluated antiviral activity of purified hypochlorous acid (HClO) solution against coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) responsible for pig diseases. MATERIALS AND RESULTS: In a suspension test, 28.1 ppm HClO solution inactivated SARS-CoV-2 in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) with the reduction of 104 of 50% tissue culture infectious dose/mL (TCID50 /mL) within 10 sec. When its concentration increased to 59.4 ppm, the virus titer decreased to below the detection limit (reduction of 5 logs TCID50 ) within 10 sec even in the presence of 0.1% fetal bovine serum (FBS). In a carrier test, incubation with 125 ppm HClO solution for 10 min or 250 ppm for 5 min inactivated SARS-CoV-2 by more than 4 logs TCID50 /mL or below the detection limit. Since the titer of TGEV was 10 fold higher, TGEV was used for SARS-CoV-2 in a suspension test. As expected, 56.3 ppm HClO solution inactivated TGEV by 6 logs TCID50 within 30 sec. CONCLUSIONS: In a carrier test 125 ppm HClO solution for 10 min incubation is adequate to inactivate 4 logs TCID50 /mL of SARS-CoV-2 or more while in a suspension test 56.3 ppm HClO is adequate to inactivate 5 logs TCID50 /mL of SARS-CoV-2 when incubated for only 10 sec regardless of presence or absence of organic matter. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: Effectiveness of HClO solution against SARS-CoV-2 was demonstrated by both suspension and carrier tests. HClO solution inactivated SARS-CoV-2 by 5 logs TCID50 within 10 sec. HClO solution has several advantages such as none toxicity, none irritation to skin and none flammable. Thus, HClO solution can be used as a disinfectant for SARS-CoV-2.

    DOI: 10.1111/jam.15284


  • Detection of plasmid mediated colistin resistance mcr-1 gene in ESBL producing Escherichia coli isolated from raw milk hard cheese in Egypt Reviewed

    Rabee A. Ombarak, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Shinji Yamasaki

    International Dairy Journal   117   2021.06( ISSN:0958-6946

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The mcr-1 gene in 125 ESBL-producing Gram-negative bacteria obtained from animal products was screened and the location and transferability of the mcr-1 gene were examined. The mcr-1 gene was detected by PCR in one Escherichia coli isolate (RC263) obtained from hard cheese made from raw milk. Antimicrobial susceptibility test showed that the strain RC263 was phenotypically multidrug-resistant with colistin and nine other antimicrobials. Further genetic analysis indicated that this isolate also harboured the blaTEM and blaCTX-M-9 genes. S1-PFGE followed by Southern blotting verified that the mcr-1 gene was located on an approximately 153 kb plasmid. The plasmid was transferred to a recipient E. coli strain by conjugation, suggesting that the mcr-1 gene may spread to other Gram-negative bacteria. In conclusion, ESBL-producing E. coli carrying a transferable plasmid with mcr-1 gene was present in hard cheese in Egypt.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.104986

  • Prevalence of mobile colistin resistance (mcr) genes in extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolated from retail raw foods in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Reviewed

    Phong Quoc Le, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Atsushi Hinenoya, Jayedul Hassan, Rabee Alhossiny Ombarak, Atsushi Iguchi, Nga Thuy Thi Tran, Khanh Van Thi Dao, Mai Quang Vien, Huy Xuan Le, Hung Thai Do, Yoshimasa Yamamoto, Shinji Yamasaki

    International journal of food microbiology   346   109164 - 109164   2021.05( ISSN:1879-3460

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    The aim of the study was to assess the presence of genes in ESBL-producing E. coli (ESBL-Ec) isolated from retail raw food in Nha Trang, Vietnam. A total of 452 food samples comprising chicken (n = 116), pork (n = 112), fish (n = 112) and shrimp (n = 112) collected between 2015 and 2017 were examined for the prevalence of ESBL-Ec. ESBL-Ec were detected in 46.0% (208/452) of retail food samples, particularly in 66.4% (77/116), 55.4% (62/112), 42.0% (47/112) 19.6% (22/112) of chicken, pork, fish and shrimp, respectively. Sixty-five out of the 208 (31.3%) ESBL-Ec isolates were positive for mcr genes including mcr-1, mcr-3 and both mcr-1 and mcr-3 genes in 56/208 (26.9%), 1/208 (0.5%) and 8/208 (3.9%) isolates, respectively. Particularly, there was higher prevalence of mcr-1 in ESBL-Ec isolates from chicken (53.2%, 41/77) in comparison to shrimp (22.7%, 5/22), pork (11.3%, 7/62) and fish (6.4%, 3/47). mcr-3 gene was detected in co-existence with mcr-1 in ESBL-Ec isolates from shrimp (9.1%, 2/22), pork (8.1%, 5/62) and fish (2.1%, 1/47) but not chicken. The 65 mcr-positive ESBL-Ec (mcr-ESBL-Ec) were colistin-resistant with the MICs of 4-8 μg/mL. All mcr-3 gene-positive isolates belonged to group A, whereas phylogenetic group distribution of isolates harboring only mcr-1 was B1 (44.6%), A (28.6%) and D (26.8%). PFGE analysis showed diverse genotypes, although some isolates demonstrated nearly clonal relationships. S1-PFGE and Southern hybridization illustrated that the mcr-1 and mcr-3 genes were located either on chromosomes or on plasmids. However, the types of mcr genes were harbored on different plasmids with varied sizes of 30-390 kb. Besides, the ESBL genes of CTX-M-1 or CTX-M-9 were also detected to be located on plasmids. Noteworthy, co-location of CTX-M-1 with mcr-1 or mcr-3 genes on the same plasmid was identified. The conjugation experiment indicated that the mcr-1 or mcr-3 was horizontally transferable. All mcr-ESBL-Ec isolates were multidrug resistance (resistance to ≥3 antimicrobial classes). Moreover, β-Lactamase-encoding genes of the CTX-M-1 (78.5%), CTX-M-9 (21.5%), TEM (61.5%) groups were found in mcr-ESBL-Ec. The astA gene was detected in 27 (41.5%) mcr-ESBL-Ec isolates demonstrating their potential virulence. In conclusion, mcr-1 and mcr-3 genes existed individually or concurrently in ESBL-Ec isolates recovered from retail raw food in Nha Trang city, which might further complicate the antimicrobial-resistant situation in Vietnam, and is a possible health risk for human.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2021.109164


  • Prevalence, Serovar, and Antimicrobial Resistance of Nontyphoidal Salmonella in Vegetable, Fruit, and Water Samples in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Reviewed

    Dao Thi Anh Nguyen, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Phuong Hoai Hoang, Phuc Do Nguyen, Hassan Jayedul, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Atsushi Hinenoya, Chinh Van Dang, Shah M Faruque, Shinji Yamasaki

    Foodborne pathogens and disease   18 ( 5 )   2021.04( ISSN:1556-7125

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    In this study, we investigated the prevalence, serovar distribution, and antimicrobial resistance pattern of Salmonella isolates from vegetable, fruit, and water samples in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Salmonella was detected in 75% (30/40), 57.1% (12/21), 17.5% (28/160), and 2.5% (1/40) of river water, irrigation water, vegetable, and ice water samples, respectively. However, no Salmonella was isolated from 160 fruit and 40 tap water samples examined. A total of 102 isolates obtained from 71 samples belonged to 34 different serovars, of which Salmonella Rissen was the most prevalent, followed by Salmonella London, Salmonella Hvittingfoss, and Salmonella Weltevreden. Certain Salmonella serovars such as Newport, Rissen, and Weltevreden were isolated from both vegetable and water samples. Antimicrobial resistance was most commonly observed against tetracycline (35.3%), followed by chloramphenicol (34.3%), ampicillin (31.4%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (23.5%), and nalidixic acid (10.8%). Of 102 isolates analyzed, 52 (51%) showed resistance to at least 1 antimicrobial class whereas 27 (26.5%) showed multidrug resistant (MDR) phenotype, being resistant to at least three different classes of antimicrobials. Determination of the presence and type of β-lactamase genes showed the cooccurrence of blaTEM-1 and blaCMY-2 in one Salmonella Agona isolate from a river water sample. Taken together, these data indicated that both environmental water and vegetables were contaminated with Salmonella, including MDR strains, and that environmental water used in irrigation might have been the source of Salmonella contamination in the vegetables.

    DOI: 10.1089/fpd.2020.2891


  • Prevalence, O-genotype and Shiga toxin (Stx) 2 subtype of Stx-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated from Argentinean beef cattle. Reviewed

    Kentaro Okuno, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Germán A Kopprio, Atsushi Iguchi, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Atsushi Hinenoya, Rubén José Lara, Shinji Yamasaki

    The Journal of veterinary medical science   83 ( 4 )   630 - 636   2021.04( ISSN:1347-7439

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:Domestic journal  

    The aims of this study were to investigate prevalence, O-genotype, and virulence gene profile including Shiga toxin (Stx) 2 gene-subtype of Stx-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in beef cattle from the Bahía Blanca in Argentina. Rectal swabs were collected from 283 beef cattle in 2012. stx genes were detected in 90 (32%) out of the 283 rectal swabs by stx gene-specific PCR assay. The positive cases were 13 with stx1, 58 with stx2, and 19 with both stx1 and stx2. Among 90 stx gene-positive samples, 45 STEC strains were isolated, which included 3 stx1, 34 stx2, and eight stx1 and stx2 genes positive isolates. O-genotyping grouped 45 STEC strains into 19 different O-genotypes such as Og8, Og145, Og171, Og185 (4 from each), Og22, Og153, Og157 (3 from each) and others. Various stx2 gene-subtypes were identified in 42 STEC strains: 13 positive cases for stx2a, 11 for stx2c, 3 for stx2g, 10 for stx2a and stx2d, 4 for stx2a and stx2c, and 1 for stx2b, stx2c and stx2g. efaI gene, generally prevalent in clinical strains, was detected in relatively high in the STEC strains. These data suggest that stx2a and stx2c were distributed not only in O145 and O157 but also in minor O-genotypes of STEC in Argentina.

    DOI: 10.1292/jvms.21-0002


  • Prevalence, serovar and antimicrobial resistance of non-typhoidal Salmonella in vegetable, fruit and water samples in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Reviewed

    Nguyen DTA, Awasthi SP, Hoang PH, Nguyen PD, Hassan J, Hatanaka N, Hinenoya A, Dang CV, Faruque SM, Yamasaki S

    Foodborne. Pathog. Dis. 雑誌   2021.04

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Prevalence, O-genotype and Shiga toxin (Stx) 2 subtype of Stx-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated from Argentinean beef cattle. Reviewed

    Okuno K, Awasthi SP, Kopprio GA, Iguchi A, Hatanaka N, Hinenoya A, Lara RJ, Yamasaki S

    J. Vet. Med. Sci. 雑誌   2021.04

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Quantification of cholix exotoxin, an ADP-ribosylating factor in Vibrio cholerae strains by developed sandwich bead-ELISA. Reviewed

    Awasthi SP, Chowdhury N, Hatanaka N, Hinenoya A, Ramamurthy T, Asakura M, Yamasaki S

    J. Med. Microbiol. 雑誌   2021.04

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • アルゼンチンの肉用牛より単離された志賀毒素(Stx)産生大腸菌株の保菌率、O-遺伝子型及びStx2サブタイプ(Prevalence, O-genotype and Shiga toxin(Stx) 2 subtype of Stx-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated from Argentinean beef cattle)

    Okuno Kentaro, Awasthi Sharda Prasad, Kopprio German A., Iguchi Atsushi, Hatanaka Noritoshi, Hinenoya Atsushi, Lara Ruben Jose, Yamasaki Shinji

    The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science   83 ( 4 )   630 - 636   2021.04( ISSN:0916-7250

  • Quantification of Vibrio cholerae cholix exotoxin by sandwich bead-ELISA. Reviewed

    Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Nityananda Chowdhury, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Atsushi Hinenoya, Thandavarayan Ramamurthy, Masahiro Asakura, Shinji Yamasaki

    Journal of medical microbiology   70 ( 4 )   2021.04

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Introduction. Cholix toxin (ChxA) is an ADP-ribosylating exotoxin produced by Vibrio cholerae. However, to date, there is no quantitative assay available for ChxA, which makes it difficult to detect and estimate the level of ChxA produced by V. cholerae.Hypothesis/Gap Statement. It is important to develop a reliable and specific quantitative assay to measure the production level of ChxA, which will help us to understand the role of ChxA in V. cholerae pathogenesis.Aim. The aim of this study was to develop a bead-based sandwich ELISA (bead-ELISA) for the quantification of ChxA and to evaluate the importance of ChxA in the pathogenesis of V. cholerae infection.Methodology. Anti-rChxA was raised in New Zealand white rabbits, and Fab-horse radish peroxidase conjugate was prepared by the maleimide method to use in the bead-ELISA. This anti-ChxA bead-ELISA was applied to quantify the ChxA produced by various V. cholerae strains. The production of ChxA was examined in different growth media such as alkaline peptone water (APW), Luria-Bertani broth and AKI. Finally, the assay was evaluated using a mouse lethality assay with representative V. cholerae strains categorized as low to high ChxA-producers based on anti-ChxA bead-ELISA.Results. A sensitive bead-ELISA assay, which can quantify from 0.6 to 60 ng ml-1 of ChxA, was developed. ChxA was mostly detected in the extracellular cell-free supernatant and its production level varied from 1.2 ng ml-1 to 1.6 µg ml-1. The highest ChxA production was observed when V. cholerae strains were cultured in LB broth, but not in APW or AKI medium. The ChxA-producer V. cholerae strains showed 20-80 % lethality and only the high ChxA II-producer was statistically more lethal than a non-ChxA-producer, in the mice model assay. ChxA I and II production levels were not well correlated with mice lethality, and this could be due to the heterogeneity of the strains tested.Conclusion. ChxA I to III was produced mostly extracellularly at various levels depending on strains and culture conditions. The bead-ELISA developed in this study is useful for the detection and quantification of ChxA in V. cholerae strains.

    DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.001311


  • Prevalence of mobile colistin resistance (mcr) genes in extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolated from retail raw foods in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Reviewed

    Le PQ, Awasthi SP, Hatanaka N, Hinenoya A, Hassan J, Ombarak RA, Iguchi A, Tran NTT, Dao KVT, Vien MQ, Le HX, Do HT, Yamamoto Y, Yamasaki S

    Int. J. Food. Microbiol. 雑誌   2021.03

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Prevalence of Escherichia albertii in raccoons (Procyon lotor), Japan. Reviewed

    A. Hinenoya, K. Nagano, S.P. Awasthi, N. Hatanaka, S. Yamasaki

    Emerg. Infect. Dis. 雑誌   2020.06

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Accurate identification of Escherichia albertii by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Reviewed

    N. Hatanaka, S.P. Awasthi, A. Hinenoya, O. Ueda, S. Yamasaki.

    J. Microbiol. Methods. 雑誌   2020.06

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Prevalence of Escherichia albertii in Raccoons (Procyon lotor), Japan. Reviewed

    Atsushi Hinenoya, Keigo Nagano, Sharda P Awasthi, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Shinji Yamasaki

    Emerging infectious diseases   26 ( 6 )   1304 - 1307   2020.06( ISSN:1080-6059

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Natural reservoirs of Escherichia albertii remain unclear. In this study, we detected E. albertii by PCR in 248 (57.7%) of 430 raccoons from Osaka, Japan, and isolated 143 E. albertii strains from the 62 PCR-positive samples. These data indicate that raccoons could be a natural reservoir of E. albertii in Japan.

    DOI: 10.3201/eid2606.191436


  • Chlorous acid is a more potent antibacterial agent than sodium hypochlorite against Campylobacter. Reviewed

    N. Hatanaka, S.P. Awasthi, H. Goda, H. Kawata, Y. Uchino, T. Kubo, S. Aoki, A. Hinenoya, S. Yamasaki.

    Food Control 雑誌   2020.05

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Development of XRM-MacConkey agar selective medium for the isolation of Escherichia albertii. Reviewed

    A. Hinenoya, K. Nagano, K. Okuno, A. Nagita, N. Hatanaka, S.P. Awasthi, S. Yamasaki

    Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 雑誌   2020.05

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Development of XRM-MacConkey agar selective medium for the isolation of Escherichia albertii. Reviewed

    Atsushi Hinenoya, Keigo Nagano, Kentaro Okuno, Akira Nagita, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Shinji Yamasaki

    Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease   97 ( 1 )   115006 - 115006   2020.05( ISSN:1879-0070

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Escherichia albertii has increasingly been recognized as an emerging pathogen. However, lack of selective medium for E. albertii is the bottleneck for clinical and epidemiological investigations. In this study, a selective medium for E. albertii named XRM-MacConkey agar, which is modified MacConkey agar supplemented with xylose (X), rhamnose (R), and melibiose (M) instead of lactose, was developed and evaluated. All 49 E. albertii and 6 different species out of 23 grew as colorless colonies, whereas 17 remaining species grew as red colonies. Detection limit of E. albertii by this medium was 105 CFU/g stool when examined with spiked healthy human stool. Furthermore, colorless colonies on XRM-MacConkey agar obtained from 7 E. albertii-positive diarrheal stools were consistently E. albertii. In contrast, 57%, 18%, and 36% colorless colonies on MacConkey, DHL, and mEA agars, respectively, were non-E. albertii. We concluded that XRM-MacConkey agar could specifically be used for isolation of E. albertii.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2020.115006


  • Chlorous acid is a more potent antibacterial agent than sodium hypochlorite against Campylobacter Reviewed

    Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Hisataka Goda, Hiroyuki Kawata, Yuzuru Uchino, Takahiro Kubo, Shigeru Aoki, Atsushi Hinenoya, Shinji Yamasaki

    Food Control   111   2020.05( ISSN:0956-7135

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Foodborne disease caused by campylobacters is one of the major global problems for food safety. Infection source of Campylobacter to human is mainly through contaminated meat particularly chicken. Contamination of meat with Campylobacter usually occurs during processing at slaughterhouse and to prevent such contaminations, sodium hypochlorite is commonly used. However, it is well known that bactericidal activity of sodium hypochlorite becomes weak under organic matter rich conditions. In this study, we compared the strength of bactericidal activity of chlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite against Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains under organic matter rich conditions. Bactericidal activity against 5 representative C. jejuni and C. coli strains in chicken juice (an organic matter rich condition) showed that minimum concentration of chlorous acid required for complete killing of C. jejuni and C. coli cells is 200–400 ppm while that of sodium hypochlorite is 2,000 to 4,000 ppm. Similar results were obtained by using Bolton broth. Furthermore, it was observed that 400 ppm of chlorous acid but not 400 ppm of sodium hypochlorite is highly effective in killing of 25 different Campylobacter strains (12 C. jejuni and 13 C. coli strains) under the same conditions. To determine whether 400 ppm of chlorous acid treatment had killed bacterial cells or induced them into viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state, live and dead cell assay using DAPI and propidium iodide fluorescent dyes was done. Such assay clearly indicated that Campylobacter cells were indeed killed and not induced to VBNC state. Moreover, SDS-PAGE analysis of whole-cell lysates of campylobacters indicated distinct effects in protein profiles of chlorous acid but not sodium hypochlorite treated cells. The results strongly suggest that chlorous acid could efficiently kill C. jejuni and C. coli cells with much lower concentration than sodium hypochlorite and the bactericidal mechanisms of chlorous acid may be due to damages of bacterial proteins. Thus, chlorous acid could be a better disinfectant in chicken slaughtering and processing to kill campylobacters and prevent contamination.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.107046

  • Accurate identification of Escherichia albertii by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Reviewed

    Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Atsushi Hinenoya, Osamu Ueda, Shinji Yamasaki

    Journal of microbiological methods   173   105916 - 105916   2020.04( ISSN:1872-8359

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    A specific identification protocol for Escherichia albertii by using a MALDI-TOF/MS method was developed. For this purpose, a novel database was established which can differentiate E. albertii from E. coli by combining the mass spectra obtained from 58 E. albertii and 36 E. coli strains.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2020.105916


  • Development of a specific cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) gene (Eacdt)-based PCR assay for the detection of Escherichia albertii. Reviewed

    A. Hinenoya,H. Ichimura, N. Yasuda, S. Harada, K. Yamada. M. Suzuki, Y. Iijima, A. Nagita, M.J. Albert, N. Hatanaka, S.P. Awasthi, S. Yamasaki.

    Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 雑誌   2019.10

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Development of a specific cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) gene (Eacdt)-based PCR assay for the detection of Escherichia albertii. Reviewed

    Atsushi Hinenoya, Hidetoshi Ichimura, Noritomo Yasuda, Seiya Harada, Kazuhiro Yamada, Masahiro Suzuki, Yoshio Iijima, Akira Nagita, M John Albert, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Shinji Yamasaki

    Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease   95 ( 2 )   119 - 124   2019.10( ISSN:0732-8893

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    International / domestic magazine:International journal  

    Many Escherichia albertii isolates, an emerging pathogen of human and birds, might have been misidentified due to the difficulty of differentiating this bacterium from Escherichia coli and Shigella spp. by routine biochemical tests, resulting in underestimation of E. albertii infections. We have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that targets E. albertii cytolethal distending toxin (Eacdt) genes, which include the genes previously identified as Escherichia coli cdt-II. This assay could generate a single 449-bp PCR product in each of 67 confirmed E. albertii strains but failed to produce PCR product from any of the tested non-E. albertii enteric strains belonging to 37 different species, indicating 100% sensitivity and specificity of the PCR assay. The detection limit was 10 CFU per PCR tube and could detect 105 CFU E. albertii per gram of spiked healthy human stool. The Eacdt gene-based PCR could be useful for simple, rapid, and accurate detection and identification of E. albertii.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2019.04.018


  • Development of a multiplex PCR assay for the detection of major virulence genes in Vibrio cholerae including non-O1 and non-O139 serogroups. Reviewed

    S.P.Awasthi, N.Chowdhury, S.B. Neogi, A.Hinenoya, N. Hatanaka, G. Chowdhury, T. Ramamurthy, S. Yamasaki

    J. Microbiol. Methods. 雑誌   2019.02

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Development of a multiplex PCR assay for the detection of major virulence genes in Vibrio cholerae including non-O1 and non-O139 serogroups Reviewed

    Awasthi, S.P., Chowdhury, N., Neogi, S.B., Hinenoya, A., Hatanaka, N., Chowdhury, G., Ramamurthy, T., Yamasaki, S.

    Journal of Microbiological Methods   157   54 - 58   2019( ISSN:1872-8359

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2018.12.012


  • Development of a multiplex PCR for targeting eae, stx and cdt genes in genus Escherichia and detection of a novel cdtB gene in Providencia rustigianii. Reviewed

    J. Hassan, S.P. Awasthi, N. Hatanaka, K. Okuno, P.H. Hoang, A. Nagita, A. Hinenoya, S. Yamasaki

    Pathog. Dis. 雑誌   2018.12

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Prevalence and characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in domestic and imported chicken meats in Japan. Reviewed

    Nahar A., Awasthi S.P., Hatanaka N., Okuno K., Hoang P.H., Hassan J., Hinenoya A., Yamasaki S.

    J. Vet. Med. Sci. 雑誌   2018.03

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • High prevalence of Campylobacter ureolyticus in stool specimens of children with diarrhea in Japan. Reviewed

    N. Hatanaka*,A. Shimizu*, S. Somroop, Y. Li, M. Asakura,. A. Nagita, S.P. Awasthi, A. Hinenoya, S. Yamasaki . (*equally contributed)

    Jpn. J. Infect. Dis. 雑誌   2017.07

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Campylobacter upsaliensis isolated from dog produces high titer of cytolethal distending toxin. Reviewed

    S. Somroop, N. Hatanaka, S.P. Awasthi, K. Okuno, M. Asakura, A. Hinenoya, S. Yamasaki.

    J. Vet. Med. Sci. 雑誌   2017.05

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • A PCR-RFLP assay to detect and type cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) genes in Campylobacter hyointestinalis. Reviewed

    N. Hatanaka, K. Kamei, S. Somroop, S.P. Awasthi, M. Asakura, N. Misawa, A. Hinenoya, S. Yamasaki.

    J. Vet. Med. Sci. 雑誌   2017.02

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • A new variant of cytolethal distending toxin in a clinical isolate of Campylobacter hyointestinalis. Reviewed

    W.Samosornsuk*, K. Kamei*, N. Hatanaka, T. Taguchi, M. Asakura, S. Somroop, N. Sugimoto, W. Chaicumpa, S. Yamasaki.(*equally contributed)

    J. Med. Microbiol. 雑誌   2015.10

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Campylobacter hyointestinalis isolated from pigs produces multiple variants of biologically active cytolethal distending toxin. Reviewed

    K. Kamei*,N. Hatanaka*,M. Asakura, S. Somroop, W. Samosornsuk, A. Hinenoya, N. Misawa, S. Nakagawa, S. Yamasaki. (*equally contributed)

    Infect. Immun. 雑誌   2015.09

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • A PCR-RFLP assay for the detection and differentiation of Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli, C. fetus, C. hyointestinalis, C. lari, C. helveticus and C. upsaliensis. Reviewed

    K. Kamei, M. Asakura, S. Somroop, N. Hatanaka, A. Hinenoya, A. Nagita, N. Misawa, M. Matsuda, S. Nakagawa, S. Yamasaki.

    J. Med. Microbiol. 雑誌   2014.05

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

  • Herd prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae producing CTX-M-type and CMY-2 β-lactamases among Japanese dairy farms. Reviewed

    M. Ohnishi, A.T. Okatani, H. Esaki, K. Harada. T. Sawada, M. Murakami, K.Marumo, Y. Kato, R. Sato, K. Shimura, N. Hatanaka, T. Takahashi

    J. Appl. Microbiol. 雑誌   2013.07

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    Kind of work:Joint Work  

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 生菌のCampylobacterはCDTをどのように菌体外へと分泌し作用させているのか?

    Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists  2026

  • 生菌のCampylobacterはCDTをどのように菌体外へと分泌し作用させているのか?

    Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists  2025

  • 生菌のCampylobacterはCDTをどのように菌体外へと分泌し作用させているのか?

    Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists  2024

Charge of on-campus class subject

  • 食品衛生検査学実習

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 小動物基礎臨床実習

    2024   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 食品循環科学

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  • 獣医感染制御学

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  • 獣医科学英語演習

    2024   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 獣医微生物・免疫学実習

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  • 臨床基礎実習

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  • 獣医微生物・免疫学実習

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  • 獣医体験演習

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  • 臨床基礎実習

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • 獣医感染制御学実習

    2024   Intensive lecture   Undergraduate

  • 食品衛生検査学実習

    2024   Weekly class   Undergraduate

  • Practice in Veterinary Infectious Disease Control

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Practice in Analysis on Food Sanitation and Hygiene

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Introduction to Life, Environment, and Advanced Sciences


  • Practice in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology

    2021   Practical Training  

  • Basic clinical practices

    2021   Practical Training  

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Academic Activities

  • 愛玩動物(イヌ・ネコ)におけるカンピロバクター属菌の分布

    Role(s): Panel moderator, session chair, etc.


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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 


  • 研究職歴

    2017.04 - 2021.03

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    大阪府立大学大学院 生命環境科学研究科 特認助教